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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur man lär sig spanska ur ett elevperspektiv : 18 elevers upplevelse och erfarenhet av inlärning i grundskolan / How one learns Spanish from a student’s perspective. 18 students’ experience on learning in compulsory school

Sánchez Hermansson, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet har en studie om elevers perspektiv på spanskundervisning och övningar för språkinlärning på högstadiet genomförts. Studien inkluderar 18 elevers svar på en enkät följt av fem fördjupande intervjuer. Resultaten indikerar att eleverna utsätts för en hög grad av läsövningar och grammatikövningar medan de identifierar att de lär sig bäst genom glosor och att lyssna. Input av spanska utanför klassrummet är låg och användningen av målspråket som arbetsspråk i klassrummet är inte alltid så hög som den skulle kunna vara. Slutsatsen är att den kontinuerliga användningen av visst material, eller läromedel, kan vara en bidragande del av de internationellt låga resultaten för svenska elever i spanska. Framtida forskning kan vara att fokusera på lärarens perspektiv på övningar och används i klassrummet. / In this study, an investigation about students’ perspective on Spanish teaching and exercises in compulsory school has been carried out. The study includes 18 students’ responses to a survey followed by five in-depth interviews. The results indicate that students are exposed to a high level of reading and grammar practice while they identify that they learn best thorough vocabulary and listening. Input of Spanish outside the classroom is low and the use of the target language as a working language in the classroom is not always as high as it could be. The conclusion is that the continuous use of certain teaching material can be a contributing factor to the internationally low results for Swedish students in Spanish. Future research may be to focus on the teacher´s perspective on exercises and their use in the classroom.

Communication et malentendu dans la didactique du Français Langue Etrangère. / Communication and missunderstood in the teaching of French as a foreign language

Mettetal, Rémy 29 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les questions liées au malentendu et à la communication dans le cadre de la didactique du Français Langue Etrangère. Une double question se pose de prime abord : d’une part, comment la communication est-elle envisagée dans didactique du FLE ? Et d’autre part : que peut-on opposer à cette vision du « tout-communicatif » ? Quelle autre façon d’envisager l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère pourrait-on opposer à cette dogmatique de la communication ?Il apparait qu’il y a dans la didactique actuelle des langues une obsession de la communication et une vision simplifiée des échanges langagiers. N’y a-t-il pas aujourd’hui dans la didactique du Français Langue Etrangère un malentendu à propos de la communication, concernant à la fois la façon dont on l’envisage et la place prépondérante qui lui est faite ?Plutôt que de se polariser comme à l’accoutumée sur la capacité des apprenants à transmettre des informations d’un pôle à un autre, il s’agit dans ce travail de proposer une autre perspective prenant davantage en compte le sujet et son intrication dans les langues. Sans doute serait-il profitable pour le Français Langue Etrangère de considérer davantage la relation entre un sujet et une langue plutôt que la relation de communication émetteur-récepteur ou énoncé-destinataire. Peut-être devrions-nous davantage prendre en compte la relation primordiale qui se construit entre une langue venue d’ailleurs et un sujet incorporant dans son esprit cet idiome étranger. / This thesis focuses on issues related to misunderstanding and communication within the teaching of French as a Foreign Language. From the outset, a double question arises: first, how is communication considered in the teaching of FFL? And secondly: what can we oppose this “all-communicative” view? How else could the teaching of a foreign language be opposed to this dogmatic conception of communication?It appears that there is in the current teaching of languages an obsession with communication and a simplified view of language exchanges. Is there not today in the teaching of French as a Foreign Language a misconception about communication, both about how it is viewed and the prominent place which it is given?Rather than concentrating as usual on the learners’ ability to transmit information from one pole to another, it is the aim of this work to propose another perspective taking greater account of the subject and his entanglement in the languages. Without doubt it would be profitable for French as a Foreign Language to consider further the relationship between a subject and a language rather than the communication relationship transmitter-receiver or statement-recipient. Maybe we should take greater consideration of the crucial relationship that is built between a language from elsewhere and a subject incorporating in his mind that foreign idiom.

Nové přístupy v metodologiivýuky francouzštiny jako cizího jazyka. / New approaches in metodology of French as a foreign language.

Široká, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled Phonetics in the teaching of FLE according to the action- oriented approach deals with the concept of phonetics in teaching French as a foreign language according to the new action-oriented approach. The thesis is focused on the diachronic development of teaching methods in the teaching of French as a foreign language (FLE). Further, the thesis focuses on the theoretical definition of basic phonetic terms, which we work in the practical part of the thesis with. The terms are briefly characterized from the theoretical point of view, from the point of view of the didactic, and subsequently the work defines the contents that should be included in the FLE teaching on level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. There are defined phonetic exercises and recommended practices in the teaching of phonetics of FLE. The following part is devoted to the diachronic development in the field of FLE phonetics evaluation, the definition of criteria for evaluation and the determination of the main types of evaluation. The practical part analyses the concept of phonetics in modern textbooks of FLE, which are conceived according to the action-oriented approach. Based on the theoretical knowledge in the theoretical part of the thesis, the criteria for...

Concevoir un scénario de jeu vidéo sérieux pour l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues ou comment dominer un oxymore / To create a video game scenario for language learning or how to overcome an oxymoron

Schmoll, Laurence 20 June 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche étudie l‘utilisation du jeu vidéo pour l’apprentissage des langues étrangères en classe. L’étude porte sur l’intégration de ce support issu de pratiques informelles au contexte formel de la classe de langue. A la fois ludique et à visée d’apprentissage, le ‘jeu vidéo d’apprentissage’ incarne un oxymore, point de tension entre deux pôles, celui du scolaire et celui du jeu. Ce travail se concentre plus spécifiquement sur la notion de ludique. Comment, par le jeu vidéo d’apprentissage, activer une attitude ludique hypothétiquement porteuse d’une implication accrue de l’apprenant, celle-ci menant possiblement à une augmentation et une complexification des productions / interactions en langue étrangère ? Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet Eveil-3D et elle analyse l’accueil fait par un échantillon d’apprenants à deux jeux vidéo d’apprentissage partageant le même scénario mais conçus selon deux modèles différents. Elle a pour objectif d’aboutir tant à un modèle de conception qu’à un modèle de scénario, pensés spécifiquement pour l’apprentissage des langues médiatisées par le jeu vidéo. / This research examines the use of video games in foreign language classrooms. It investigates the integration of this digital medium, originating as an informal leisure activity, in a formal language learning classroom setting. The ‘learning video game’, which refers to both the act of learning and the act of play, can be seen as an oxymoron encompassing seriousness as well as fun. This work focuses on the fun aspect. This work is motivated by the following research question: how can the use of a learning video game foster a playful attitude, hypothetically conducive to a greater involvement of the learner, while also potentially leading to increaseand complexification in student foreign language production and interaction? As a part of the Eveil 3D-project, this study analyses reception from a sample of learners to two learning games which have the same scenario but were completed according to two different game design models. The findings provide both a game design model and a scenario template in order to support foreign language learning through the use of the video game.

Learning by Communicating: Handlungsorientierung im Chinesischunterricht - eine Schülerperspektive / Learning by Communicating: The Action-Oriented Approach in Chinese Language Learning

Lappen, Andrea 05 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Enseigner/apprendre le français langue étrangère autrement : expérimentation de la pédagogie du projet pour un public saoudien. Étude de cas à l’Université Roi Abdul Aziz à Djeddah (Arabie Saoudite) / Teaching/Learning French as a Foreign Language : Testing of the Project Based Learning on Saudi Learners. A case study to King Abdul Aziz University- Jeddah- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Turkestani, Mervat 19 June 2012 (has links)
Langue optionnelle, intervenant seulement au niveau de l’université, le français n’attire que peu d’étudiants en Arabie Saoudite, et ses modalités d’enseignement transmissives ne suscitent guère la motivation. Cherchant comment améliorer son enseignement, comment enseigner autrement cette langue, comment initier une pratique vivante de la langue et obtenir des apprentissages durables, nous nous sommes orientée vers la pédagogie du projet. Nous avons ainsi, dans la section féminine de français de l’Université Roi Abdul Aziz, pu tester la faisabilité d’une introduction de cette méthodologie, et mettre à l’épreuve son efficacité dans le cadre d’un projet de promotion de la cuisine du Moyen-Orient. Cette expérimentation a eu lieu au cours du deuxième semestre de l’année 2010-2011 avec douze étudiantes de niveau A2. Inscrit dans une perspective actionnelle, ce projet supposait la réalisation d’un certain nombre de tâches, et intégrait les TIC. Il s’agissait en effet de produire un livret électronique de cuisine et de le diffuser sur des sites culinaires francophones. À l’aune des résultats de cette étude de cas, force est de reconnaître que l’introduction de la pédagogie du projet se heurte, dans ce contexte particulier, à certaines limites (des obstacles dus aux représentations, au contexte socioculturel, au fait qu’il s’agisse pour les apprenantes comme pour l’enseignante d’une expérience inédite, et surtout au manque de temps). Mais, il s’avère également que les étudiantes ont su s’approprier cette nouvelle pédagogie, saisir cette occasion de concrétiser leurs apprentissages, de travailler en équipe, d’apprendre en agissant et de réinvestir leurs compétences non langagières. / In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, French is an optional language which is only taught at university. It does not attract a lot of learners specially because its means of teaching does not motivate them. Wishing to promote learning French by teaching it using different methods, in addition to motivate the learners to practice it in a lively and practical way to achieve positive and continuous results, we have chosen the topic of this research and decided to apply our method to the women's section in King Abdul Aziz University to test the possibility and efficacy of utilizing it within the framework of a project to promote the Middle East Cuisine. The practical part of this experiment was implemented in the second term of the academic year 2010/2011 on twelve ‟A2” students. This project aims at accomplishing a number of tasks using Information and Communication Technology. The target is to produce an electronic book for cooking recipes and to publish it at the francophone countries cuisine sites. Analyzing the results of this study, we noticed that implementing this project faced some difficulties regarding the representations of the students, the social and cultural context, the limited time allocated to the experiment and the fact that this experiment is totally novel to both learners and the teacher. Yet, it was perceived that the learners managed to comprehend and fully grasp this new experiment, utilize it and apply the theoretical information that they have attained. They have also learned how to work as a team; they were educated by practice, in addition to using the non-linguistic skills that they have acquired previously.

Diversités franco-allemandes : Pratiques interculturelles et autonomisantes en didactique des langues étrangères / Franco-German diversities : intercultural and independent practices in foreign languages in teaching and learning

Lemoine, Véronique 04 July 2014 (has links)
La perspective actionnelle, institutionnalisée par le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues (CECRL), dite nouvelle méthodologie en enseignement-apprentissage des langues est en vogue, tant dans la sphère des prescriptions officielles que de la recherche. Cette thèse se propose d’interroger la construction de la compréhension de cette méthodologie, à l’épreuve des faits, en France (Académie de Lille) et en Allemagne (Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen), dans les pratiques et les discours d’enseignants du primaire (écoles élémentaires et Grundschule), à travers les concepts d’approche interculturelle et d’autonomie. Ces deux notions, en tant que points d’ancrage théoriques construits par et pour la recherche, sont définies en interrelation et interrogées avec un regard réflexif et critique ; elles sont notamment mises en débat avec l’approche culturaliste réifiante. Ces notions entrent en tensions avec les prescriptions officielles et les convictions des enseignants qui ont collaboré avec moi dans ce travail. La recherche se base sur le croisement de multiples données empiriques : focus groups d’enseignants, observations de classes en langues étrangères, entretiens d’enseignants, en France comme en Allemagne, écrits des prescriptions (programmes de langues) et écrits des recommandations (parcours de formation en ligne des dispositifs Pairform@nce et Intel Lehren Aufbaukurs Online). Les discours, toujours resitués en contextes, sont analysés au regard de théories de l’énonciation et du dialogisme. La thèse propose un point de vue critique des visions comparatistes différentialistes et donne à voir, en revanche, des résultats qui valorisent des diversités franco-allemandes pour construire la compréhension de l’objet de la recherche. / The action-oriented approach which has been institutionalised by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is also called “the new methodology in the teaching and learning of languages”. It is widely used, both for official and for research purposes. This thesis aims to test and question the construction of understanding of this methodology both in France (the Educational Authority of Lille) and in Germany (Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) by looking at the practices and discourses of primary school teachers (écoles élémentaires and Grundschule) through the concepts of both the intercultural and independent approaches. These notions, as well as being cornerstones constructed by and for the research, are defined by interrelation and questioned with a reflexive and critical mind-set. They are especially debated in opposition to the reifying culturalist approach. These notions strain against the official requirements and the beliefs of the teachers with whom I collaborated on this project. The research is based on the intersection of much empirical data from both France as well as Germany, for example: focus groups with teachers, observation of foreign language lessons, interviews with the teachers, literature detailing official requirements (language syllabuses) and literature detailing recommendations (the online training packages of Pairform@nce and Intel Lehren Aufbaukurs Online). The discourses, which have been placed into context, are analysed with regards to the theories of enunciation and dialogism. The thesis offers a critical perspective of comparative differentialist visions, yet allows a visualisation of the results that enhance the Franco-German diversities in order to build an understanding of the research objective.

Juntar ou separar? Reflexões sobre o contexto multisserial de ensino de francês como língua estrangeira nos centros de estudos de línguas / Together or apart? Reflections on teaching French as a foreign language to multigrade classes in language study centers

Godoy, Lilian Paula Martins 30 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa objetiva promover o reconhecimento do contexto de ensino dos Centros de Estudos de Línguas (CEL), instituições mantidas pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo por meio de um projeto que busca promover o acesso a jovens vinculados à rede estadual de ensino ao estudo de uma língua estrangeira, no contraturno do seu horário de estudo regular. Dessa forma, propomos verificar o percurso do ensino do Francês como Língua Estrangeira (FLE) nessas instituições e refletir sobre a adequação das estratégias de ensino utilizadas pelo professor ao contexto de ensino e de aprendizagem das turmas multisseriadas. Acreditamos que a abordagem acional, privilegiada pelo Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL)1, referencial para o ensino de línguas na Europa, pode contribuir para a harmonização das competências, das habilidades e dos conteúdos desenvolvidos bem como para a aproximação dos alunos que integram tais grupos. A fim de atingir tais objetivos, propomos um estudo teórico dos documentos oficiais referentes à criação e à implementação dos CEL e também daqueles que procuram oferecer diretrizes metodológicas para o ensino de idiomas. Buscamos, ainda, analisar os dados coletados em: entrevistas com os docentes do CEL, observação de aulas de FLE nesses estabelecimentos e relatórios de estágio de graduandos futuros professores de línguas em turmas multisseriadas, estabelecendo uma aproximação entre as estratégias de ensino que realmente são postas em prática pelo professor e averiguando em que medida a abordagem acional pode contribuir para o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras nesse contexto. / This research aims at promoting the understanding of the teaching context in Language Study Centers (CEL), institutions which enable students enrolled in any public school to study a second language after their regular school day. The CEL project is entirely supported by the São Paulo State Government. Therefore, this study aims at assessing the effectiveness of teaching French as a foreign language (FFL) in Language Centers, and reflect upon the adequacy of the teaching strategies adopted by teachers in their multigrade classes. We believe that the action-oriented approach adopted in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which guides language teaching in Europe, may contribute not only to the use of content, abilities, and competencies developed in the classroom, but also to bringing together the students in CEL groups. In order to achieve such goals, this study proposes a theoretical study of the official documents addressing the creation and implementation of Language Centers. We will also analyze the documents that structure the methodological guidelines for language teaching. Finally, we will assess the data gathered from interviews with CEL teachers, classroom observation, and reports written by undergraduate students, who are likely to become French teachers in multigrade classrooms. Our goal is to establish an approximation between teaching strategies that are actually applied during classes and observe to what extent the action-oriented approach can contribute to foreign language teaching and the learning process in the CEL context.

Juntar ou separar? Reflexões sobre o contexto multisserial de ensino de francês como língua estrangeira nos centros de estudos de línguas / Together or apart? Reflections on teaching French as a foreign language to multigrade classes in language study centers

Lilian Paula Martins Godoy 30 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa objetiva promover o reconhecimento do contexto de ensino dos Centros de Estudos de Línguas (CEL), instituições mantidas pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo por meio de um projeto que busca promover o acesso a jovens vinculados à rede estadual de ensino ao estudo de uma língua estrangeira, no contraturno do seu horário de estudo regular. Dessa forma, propomos verificar o percurso do ensino do Francês como Língua Estrangeira (FLE) nessas instituições e refletir sobre a adequação das estratégias de ensino utilizadas pelo professor ao contexto de ensino e de aprendizagem das turmas multisseriadas. Acreditamos que a abordagem acional, privilegiada pelo Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL)1, referencial para o ensino de línguas na Europa, pode contribuir para a harmonização das competências, das habilidades e dos conteúdos desenvolvidos bem como para a aproximação dos alunos que integram tais grupos. A fim de atingir tais objetivos, propomos um estudo teórico dos documentos oficiais referentes à criação e à implementação dos CEL e também daqueles que procuram oferecer diretrizes metodológicas para o ensino de idiomas. Buscamos, ainda, analisar os dados coletados em: entrevistas com os docentes do CEL, observação de aulas de FLE nesses estabelecimentos e relatórios de estágio de graduandos futuros professores de línguas em turmas multisseriadas, estabelecendo uma aproximação entre as estratégias de ensino que realmente são postas em prática pelo professor e averiguando em que medida a abordagem acional pode contribuir para o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras nesse contexto. / This research aims at promoting the understanding of the teaching context in Language Study Centers (CEL), institutions which enable students enrolled in any public school to study a second language after their regular school day. The CEL project is entirely supported by the São Paulo State Government. Therefore, this study aims at assessing the effectiveness of teaching French as a foreign language (FFL) in Language Centers, and reflect upon the adequacy of the teaching strategies adopted by teachers in their multigrade classes. We believe that the action-oriented approach adopted in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which guides language teaching in Europe, may contribute not only to the use of content, abilities, and competencies developed in the classroom, but also to bringing together the students in CEL groups. In order to achieve such goals, this study proposes a theoretical study of the official documents addressing the creation and implementation of Language Centers. We will also analyze the documents that structure the methodological guidelines for language teaching. Finally, we will assess the data gathered from interviews with CEL teachers, classroom observation, and reports written by undergraduate students, who are likely to become French teachers in multigrade classrooms. Our goal is to establish an approximation between teaching strategies that are actually applied during classes and observe to what extent the action-oriented approach can contribute to foreign language teaching and the learning process in the CEL context.

Les difficultés des étudiants internationaux dans le système universitaire français : en quoi le Français sur Objectifs Universitaire (FOU) peut-il les aider à réussir leurs études ? / The difficulties of international students in the French university system : how can the French for university purpose help them to succeed in their studies?

Corzo Zavaleta, Janet Ivonne 02 March 2018 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre de la didactique du Français sur Objectifs Universitaire. Il porte sur l’accueil des étudiants de nationalité étrangère en mobilité en France et les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent pour leur intégration dans le système universitaire français. L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser les difficultés ressenties par d'étudiants en mobilité en France dans le cadre de leur parcours universitaire. Ces difficultés peuvent être liées aux dimensions linguistiques, culturelles et à l’organisation du système universitaire. Par ailleurs, ce travail cherche à donner des pistes et des alternatives pour améliorer l’intégration d'étudiants de nationalité étrangère en France ; donc nous avons essayé de proposer les bases pour l'élaboration d’un programme de Français sur Objectifs Universitaires (FOU) visant à préparer d'étudiants à l’acquisition de compétences langagières, disciplinaires et méthodologiques de la vie universitaire à partir de l’analyse de leurs besoins spécifiques. / This work is part of the pedagogy of “French as Foreign Language”, and more specifically French for university purpose. It focuses on the reception of foreign students who moved to France and are having difficulties relating to their integration into the French university system.The objective of this work was to analyze the difficulties felt by international students studying in France as part of their university career. The most difficulties were related to linguistic, cultural and organizational aspects of the university system..This work gives leads and alternatives to improve the integration of foreign students in French universities. There fore we propose basis for the development of a program for French university purpose aimed at preparing students to acquire linguistic, disciplinary and methodological skills for university life due to an analysis of their specific needs.

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