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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En maktrelation ifrågasätta : En kritisk diskursanalys av Sametingets myndighetskommunikation / A power relation is questioned : A critical discourse analysis of communication from Sametinget

Arnoldsson, Joanna, Possner, Katja January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, Sametingets egna myndighetskommunikation bidrar till att konstruera ojämlika maktrelationer mellan samer och den svenska staten. Remissvar och pressmeddelanden med Sametinget som avsändare studeras genom en kritisk diskursanalys med fokus på hur kunskap, handlingsmöjligheter och handlingsbegränsningar framställs för de båda aktörerna. Studien görs med ett teoretiskt ramverk som inbegriper diskursteori, representationsteori och postkolonial teori. Resultatet visar att det i Sametingets diskurs framkommer fyra teman: Distans till en passiv stat och närhet till ett aktivt Sameting; Samer har en särställd kultur och unik kunskap som inte iakttas av staten; Statens handling och makt är inte legitim och Rovdjurspolitiken är ett problem som behöver åtgärdas. Genom dessa teman framkommer att kunskap som samer besitter inte framställs på samma sätt som kunskap som svenska staten besitter. Samernas unika kunskap framställs som något som borde ligga till grund för politiska beslut och myndighetsutövning medan statens kunskap framställs vara ogrundad och otillräcklig. Detsamma gäller för framställningen av handlingsutrymme, aktörernas handlingsmöjligheter framställs olika. Samernas och Sametingets handlingsmöjligheter framställs ofta som begränsade medan staten framställs ha för stora handlingsmöjligheter särskilt mot bakgrund av att staten varken själva har tillräcklig kunskap eller tar samernas kunskap i beaktande. Slutligen visar studien att Sametinget ifrågasätter den rådande maktrelationen mellan samer och staten och således i stora drag inte bidrar till att bibehålla rådande maktrelation. / This thesis aims to study if communication from Sametinget contribute to the construction of unequal power relations between Sámi people and the Swedish government. In a critical discourse analysis comment letters and press releases from Sametinget where analysed with a focus on how both of the actors’ knowledge and scope of action is depicted. The thesis’ theoretical framework consists of discourse theory, theory of representation and postcolonial theory.  The results show four main themes in Sametinget’s discourse: Distance from a passive government and proximity to the active Sametinget; The Sámi people has a specific culture and unique knowledge that is not sufficiently observed by the government; The government’s actions and power are not legitimate and The current politics of predatory animals is a problem that needs to be solved. Furthermore, the themes show that knowledge of the Sámi people is depicted differently from the government’s knowledge. The Sámi people’s unique knowledge is depicted as something that should, make up the foundation for political decisions and legislation. Meanwhile, the government’s knowledge is depicted to be unfounded and insufficient. The same goes for the depiction of scope of action, where the actors scope of action is depicted differently. The Sámi people’s and Sametinget’s scope of action is often depicted as limited while the government’s scope of action is depicted as being to large. Lastly, the thesis concludes that Sametinget questions the current power relation between the Sámi people and the government and is therefore generally not contributing to the maintaining of current power relations.

L'harmonisation des législations de l'insolvabilité bancaire : utopie ou nécessité ? / The harmonisation of the legislations of the banking insolvency : utopia or necessity ?

Zhou, Yuanzhi 17 March 2016 (has links)
Les risques systémiques des défaillances financières des établissements bancaires bouleversent les limites de compétence des législations nationales. De très grandes disparités entre les systèmes sont de nature à perturber les marchés, nationaux et internationaux, en raison de la spécificité de l’activité bancaire qui est de servir l’intérêt général. Toutefois, les grands systèmes normatifs qu’ils soient chinois, européens ou des Etats-Unis, révèlent des convergences d’ensemble pour prévenir ou résoudre les risques de défaillance des établissements bancaires, au sein d’une « lex argentariae » d’un milieu professionnel homogène. Une analyse comparée de ces législations qui privilégient l’intervention d’autorités administratives montre clairement la prise en considération des nécessités économiques et financières, alors que le juge judiciaire même subsidiairement imposera des solutions ayant autorité erga omnes et conservera ses missions essentielles notamment de protection des droits et des libertés individuels. L’analogie des solutions pose alors une question essentielle, celle de la coordination internationale des interventions administratives et judiciaires, afin de surmonter l’utopie d’une législation mondiale unifiée. Ces réflexions sont confirmées par l'évolution de l'Union bancaire européenne et de l'activité des banques chinoises à l'international. / The systemic risk of the financial failure of the banking institutions has overturned profoundly the limits of the competence of the national legislations. Though the banking activities have the characteristics that serve the general interest, the great disparity between those jurisdictions creates the instability of the national and international markets. However, the major jurisdictions whichever the Europe, the UnitedStates or the China, have revealed overall convergence in preventing or resolving the risk of the bank failure, in a “lex argentariae” of a group of professionals that are homogeneous. The comparative analysis of those legislations that prevails the intervention of the administrative authority has clearly indicated the economic and financial needs, while the judges on bench, though of being subsidiary, continue to impose the solutions that has the authority erga omnes, and maintain their core functions, particularly the protection of the individual rights and freedoms. In order to surmount the utopia of a unified international legislation, the analogy of the solution has raised another important question, which is, the global coordination of the administrative and judicial intervention. These thoughts are confirmed by the evolution of the European Banking Union and of the activities of Chinese banks abroad.

Exekuce správních rozhodnutí / Enforcement of administrative decisions

Gebouský, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This Master thesis is about the issue of execution of administrative decision, which are regulated in the Administrative Procedure Code. The thesis deals with the concept of Enforcement order and it defines the key points of enforcement order. This thesis seeks also to put this kind of enforcement in context with administrative proceeding and to describe every step before start of execution and also how to start process of execution. In chapter which contains process of execution itself, thesis examines procedural requirements of Execution's attachment, kinds of execution and order of steps done by an administrative authority. Thesis describes specific points of each kind of making an execution and it seeks to find characteristics of every kinds of administrative execution. Thesis seeks how to make execution without any violation of laws and maxims established by administrative law and without violation of laws and maxims from another branches of law too. Thesis is focused on executions on kind, which contains E.G. Eviction, removing of movable property (including rules about personal searching and flat's searching), enforcement fine etc. Executions in money are introduced only marginally in thesis and it describes issues in locations and competence of administrative authorities. Thesis contains...

Droit au procès équitable et autorité administrative / Right to a fair trial and administrative authorithy

Cornu, Julie 03 December 2014 (has links)
Principe trouvant une expression solennelle à l’article 6 C.E.D.H., le droit au procès équitable irradie aujourd’hui l’ensemble de notre droit interne. Dans un contexte de subjectivisation du droit, le droit administratif n’échappe pas à cette « irrésistible extension du contentieux du procès équitable » (Mme KOERING-JOULIN). Cette assertion trouve une manifestation éclatante quant aux pouvoirs de sanctions et de règlement des différends reconnus aux autorités administratives. La définition européenne du champ d’application du droit au procès équitable, suivie par la Cour de cassation et adaptée par le Conseil d’État, permet, en effet, à l'article 6 précité de faire florès en ce domaine. Ainsi, en l’état actuel de la jurisprudence administrative, le moyen tiré de la violation de cette stipulation peut utilement être invoqué à l’encontre des autorités administratives indépendantes, tant dans le cadre de leur activité répressive que contentieuse. Depuis maintenant huit ans, le respect de cette garantie s’impose à la procédure d’établissement des sanctions fiscales. A suivre cette ligne jurisprudentielle, l’extension du droit au procès équitable à l’ensemble des autorités administratives répressives voire contentieuses pourrait être la voie de l’avenir. Une telle évolution n’est toutefois pas sans soulever certaines questions. La processualisation croissante de la répression administrative, sous l’effet du droit au procès équitable, n’est-elle pas une contradiction en soi ? Ne va-t-elle pas à rebours de l’objectif initialement poursuivi par l’externalisation de la sanction ? Plus fondamentalement, l’assujettissement de l’administration aux garanties spécifiques à la procédure juridictionnelle ne participe-t-il pas au rétablissement d’une certaine confusion entre l’administration et la juridiction ? N'y a-t-il pas là renaissance, sous une forme évidemment nouvelle, de la figure que l'on croyait révolue de l'administrateur-juge ? / The right to a fair trial is enshrined in the article 6§1 of the European Convention on Human Rights and irradiates now all French law. In the context of the subjectivization of the law, administrative law is also subject to this "unstoppable rise of disputes in the name of the right to a fair trial" (Mrs. KOERING-JOULIN). This assertion is particularly true regarding the powers of sanction and the settlement of disputes granted to the administrative authorities. The European definition of the right to a fair trial applied by the Court of Cassation and adapted by the Council of State allows a wide application of this right. So, given the current state of the administrative case law, the right to a fair trial can be usefully claimed against independent administrative authorities as regard either their law enforcement activities or litigation practice. And the tax administration has also been compelled to respect this fundamental right for eight years now. In line with this settled jurisprudence, the extension of the right to a fair trial to all the administrative authorities may be the way of the future. But such an evolution raises a few questions. Isn't the increasing jurisdictionalization of the administration activities as a result of the right to a fair trial an inconsistency in itself? Doesn't it go against the primary goal of the outsourcing of the administrative penalties? More fundamentally, doesn't subjecting the administrative authorities to the specific principles of court procedures participate in reinstating some confusion between administration and jurisdiction? Isn’t it the rebirth, under a new form, of the administrator-judge we thought was long gone?

Convergence des technologies de l’information : plaidoyer pour une nouvelle normativité des communications dans l’espace UEMOA

Congo, Ibrahim P. 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Aplikace správního řízení v mateřských a základních školách veřejných a neveřejných zřizovatelů / Application of administrative proceedings in private and public nursery and primary schools

Lukešová, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of administrative law in reflection of the new Education Act and court judgments in recent years, according to which the administrative procedure should apply in all schools and beyond complete list of cases referred to in the Education Act. The topic concerns the implementation of rights of children and students in public and private schools. Diploma thesis brings brief analysis of the development of public administration in education from 1990 to present with a focus on specific role of the school principal in the state administration. The thesis describes problematic areas in headmaster's decision about rights and duties of children and pupils especially in the application of Law no. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil code and the Law no. 258/2000 coll., on protection of public health and amending some related laws as subsequently amended. Diploma thesis provides a summary of the basic principles in the director's decision in state administration and headmaster's insight on the issue of administrative proceedings in nursery and primary schools.

Role správních soudů při sjednocování výkladu norem veřejného práva / The Role of the Courts of Administrative Justice at the Process of the Unification of the Legal Norm Interpretation of Public Law

Venclová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of law Abstract of the dissertation The title of the dissertation: The Role of the Courts of Administrative Justice at the Process of the Unification of the Legal Norm Interpretation of Public Law Supervisor: Doc. JUDr. Vladimír Mikule Author: JUDr. Petra Venclová Prague, March 2012 This dissertation deals with the role of the courts of administrative justice at the process of the unification of the legal norm interpretation in the field of public law. Ambition of this dissertation first lies in the function and meaning of administrative justice in relation of the legal norm interpretation on the level of interpretation practice of administrative body, second in capturing the process of unification of judicial activities of administrative courts in formal position as instrumental presumption for full development of material conception which has axiological content and might offer the answer to the question of legal- philosophical direction of administrative judiciary. This work is divided into three chapters on the basic level. The first chapter explains dualism in law within the meaning of dichotomy between private and public law. The administrative law as a part of public law is defined in the relationship to the private law through the different methods and aims of...

La condition juridique des personnes privées de liberté du fait d'une décision administrative / The legal status of persons deprived of liberty by an administrative decision

Boutouila, Nawal 09 July 2014 (has links)
En empruntant une démarche prospective, l’objectif de cette contribution est de mettre en lumière l’existence d’une évolution de la condition juridique des personnes privées de liberté du fait d’une décision administrative. Si pendant longtemps l’obligation de préserver l’ordre public a été présentée comme conférant de nombreuses prérogatives à l’administration, elle doit désormais être décrite comme une mission de service public devant s’accomplir conformément à un modèle de comportement, sans toutefois que l’on puisse aujourd’hui évoquer l’existence de véritables sujétions à la charge de l’administration. Si cette évolution a été rendue possible, c’est en grande partie grâce à de «nouveaux contre-pouvoirs» qui ont contribué au renforcement de leur protection en participant plus ou moins directement à l’identification des obligations que toute administration qui prend en charge une personne privée de liberté devrait respecter et en concourant à leur défense. / By taking a prospective approach, the main of this work is to highlight the existence of an evolution of the legal status of persons deprived of their liberty for an administrative decision. Though the obligation to preserve public order has long been introduced as granting the administration many prerogatives, it must from now on to be equally described as a public-service mission that should be accomplished in accordance with a particular behavior model, without however, always mentioning the presence of actual constraints at the expense of the administration because of the numerous shortcomings currently affecting the protection system. Presumably, if this improvement has been made possible, it is in mainly due to “this new opposing-force concept” that has contributed to strengthening theirs protection especially by participating in the identification of the obligations that should be respected by all administrations which have to take care of a person deprived of liberty.

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