Spelling suggestions: "subject:"adolescent health."" "subject:"dolescent health.""
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Residency Education in Preparing Adolescent and Young Adults for Transition to Adult Care: A Mixed Methods Pilot StudyHess, Janet S. 18 December 2014 (has links)
Background: There is considerable evidence that physicians lack sufficient training in facilitating transition from pediatric to adult care systems for adolescents and young adults (A/YA). While several primary care residency programs have introduced health care transition (HCT) curricula in recent years, there are few studies that assess the effectiveness of HCT teaching models.
Purpose: To assess the impact of a residency education program that uses electronic health records (EHR) and other methods to teach residents how to prepare A/YA for transition to adult care.
Methods: In a mixed methods, quasi-experimental research design, quantitative methods were used to measure change in knowledge, confidence and experience among 67 Pediatrics and Med-Peds residents who participated in the program. All residents and a comparison group were invited to complete a 35-item pre/post-survey; a retrospective chart review provided documentation of age-specific HCT preparation tasks completed by residents during well visits for A/YA aged 12-21. Descriptive and correlational analyses were conducted to compare differences between resident and control test scores for 5 outcome variables, and to measure resident utilization of the HCT tool in the EHR. Using the Reach Effectiveness-Adoption Implementation Maintenance (RE-AIM) evaluation model as a guide, semi-structured interviews were conducted concurrently with residents and faculty to assess program acceptability, feasibility, and other important attributes. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a constant comparative, iterative process.
Results: Survey results showed residents (11 matched pairs) scored significantly higher than controls (13 matched pairs) in 2 of 5 outcomes: exposure to HCT learning activities (p=.0005) and confidence in providing primary care for YSHCN (p=.0377). Overall utilization of the EHR tool among 51 residents was 52.8% (57 of 108 patient visits). In interviews conducted with 16 residents and 6 faculty, both groups said that HCT training is a highly relevant need. Residents said they had little knowledge or experience in HCT prior to the intervention but felt more confident in their abilities afterwards. The HCT tool in the EHR was the only intervention element among multiple modalities that reached all study participants, with more than 80% of residents interviewed reporting they used the HCT tool "usually" or "always." Factors that influenced program adoption included accessibility of educational materials, ease of use, time constraints, patient age and health condition, and attending physicians' enforcement of the protocol.
Conclusion: This study contributes to the body of knowledge concerning HCT by increasing our understanding of ways to effectively educate residents about transition preparation. Results show a positive intervention effect on selected dimensions of resident knowledge, confidence, and practice in HCT, highlighting program strengths and weaknesses. The program is distinctive in educating residents to prepare all A/YA for HCT, as recommended by major medical associations for pediatric and adult care physicians, and in its use of the EHR as a primary teaching tool, a consideration for reducing time-intensive didactic instruction. It provides a model that can be adapted by other residency and provider training programs, and suggests a need to integrate acquisition of health care self-management skills more broadly in child and adolescent health preventive care tools and policies.
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Financing School-Based Health Centers: Sustaining Business Operational ServicesHayes-Burrell, Ingrid Monique 01 January 2015 (has links)
School-based health centers (SBHCs) have faced challenges in securing adequate funding for operations and developing sound business systems for billing and reimbursement. Specifically, administrators often lack strategies to develop and sustain funding levels to support appropriate resources for business operations. The focus of this descriptive study was to explore best practice strategies to develop and sustain funding through the experiences of SBHC administrators. The conceptual framework included Elkington's sustainability theory, which posits that corporate social responsibility, stakeholder involvement, and citizenship improve manager's effect on the business system. Twenty full-time SBHC administrators working in separate locations throughout the state of Maryland participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process was used to cluster descriptive experiences in data analysis that resulted in the development of thematic strategies for implementing best practices relevant to developing and sustaining funding for SBHC business operations. Major themes provided by the participants were interagency communications, creating marketing plans, and disparities in the allocation of funding for programs and professional staff. Findings indicated SBHC administrators continue to face challenges in developing and sustaining adequate funding for operations in the state of Maryland. Suggestions for future research include how administrators can develop marketing plans and explore long-range funding for SBHC services. The findings in this study may contribute to positive social change by demonstrating to officials in the Maryland State Department of Education the significance of SBHCs, and the need to increase mental health services.
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A Novel Approach to Guide Health Promotion Planning for Preventive Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Among Adolescent Girls in an Ontario Public Health UnitRambout, Lisa 01 November 2012 (has links)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is widespread in the population and an important concern for public health. HPV-associated benign and cancerous disease is vaccine preventable yet vaccine uptake has been suboptimal. Adolescents are the primary target for vaccination yet their perspective has been inadequately examined. Ontario provides population-based preventive HPV vaccination to adolescent girls yet in the program’s first 2 years only approximately half of eligible girls received it. Effective strategies to improve vaccine uptake are needed. This thesis proposes a theory and ethics-based model to guide health promotion planning for HPV vaccination. Adopting an adolescent perspective, the model is applied and comprises: 1) a systematic review to identify barriers and facilitators to HPV vaccination from the viewpoint of young females; 2) GIS uses for communicating geospatial health information regarding vaccination; and 3) a roadmap for the future including recommendations for guiding principles, research, intervention development, and health policy.
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An Anatomy Based Health Education Curriculum Taught by Medical Students May Improve High School Students Health KnowledgeKnight, Jason Anthony 10 November 2006 (has links)
To date, few high school based interventions have been shown to have lasting effects on adolescents' health behaviors. The need for health interventions targeting adolescents is underscored by data showing that several health behaviors with significant short and long term adverse effects begin in early adolescence and become progressively more prevalent toward late adolescence. This project tested the efficacy of a novel anatomy based health education curriculum at increasing health knowledge. The course was taught by first year Yale medical students. The curriculum placed emphasis on nutrition, physical activity and infectious disease. Forty Juniors from Career High School visited Yale's anatomy lab once every two weeks for ten hour-long sessions. In addition to visits to the anatomy lab, students completed two class projects, one covered nutrition and the other focused on exercise. Four additional sessions at Career High School were dedicated to the class projects. Pre and post test analysis showed an improvement in health knowledge with a thirteen percentage point improvement on a standardized health knowledge survey. The students' performance was compared to a control cohort of thirty-one students who were not exposed to the curriculum. Students exposed to the curriculum had a nineteen percentage point advantage compared to control students who had not been exposed. Curriculum efficacy as demonstrated by this small cohort validate further testing with larger cohorts and more vigorous controls as well as separate testing to measure changes in health behavior attributable to curriculum exposure.
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Financing School-Based Health Centers: Sustaining Business Operational ServicesHayes-Burrell, Ingrid Monique 01 January 2015 (has links)
Walden University
College of Management and Technology
This is to certify that the doctoral study by
Ingrid Hayes-Burrell
has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects,
and that any and all revisions required by
the review committee have been made.
Review Committee
Dr. Ify Diala, Committee Chairperson, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Dr. Anne Davis, Committee Member, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Dr. Yvette Ghormley, University Reviewer, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Chief Academic Officer
Eric Riedel, Ph.D.
Walden University
School-based health centers (SBHCs) have faced challenges in securing adequate funding for operations and developing sound business systems for billing and reimbursement. Specifically, administrators often lack strategies to develop and sustain funding levels to support appropriate resources for business operations. The focus of this descriptive study was to explore best practice strategies to develop and sustain funding through the experiences of SBHC administrators. The conceptual framework included Elkington's sustainability theory, which posits that corporate social responsibility, stakeholder involvement, and citizenship improve manager's effect on the business system. Twenty full-time SBHC administrators working in separate locations throughout the state of Maryland participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process was used to cluster descriptive experiences in data analysis that resulted in the development of thematic strategies for implementing best practices relevant to developing and sustaining funding for SBHC business operations. Major themes provided by the participants were interagency communications, creating marketing plans, and disparities in the allocation of funding for programs and professional staff. Findings indicated SBHC administrators continue to face challenges in developing and sustaining adequate funding for operations in the state of Maryland. Suggestions for future research include how administrators can develop marketing plans and explore long-range funding for SBHC services. The findings in this study may contribute to positive social change by demonstrating to officials in the Maryland State Department of Education the significance of SBHCs, and the need to increase mental health services.
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Tillitsfulle stemmer. : Unges møte med helsestasjonen / Trustful voices. : Youths meeting with health clinics for adolescents.Jentoft, Greta January 2005 (has links)
Helsestasjon for ungdom er et av flere tiltak innenfor det lokale folkehelsearbeidet hvor det gis enmulighet til å styrke unges mestringsevne og helseatferd i ungdomstiden og senere i voksen alder.Ungdom er framtidens brukere av den generelle helsetjenesten. De erfaringer unge gjør i sine første møter med helsepersonell vil ha betydning for deres nåværende og senere bruk av helsetjenesten. Hensikten med denne studien var å få en bedre forståelse og innsikt i hva ungdom opplever i møtet og relasjonen med helsepersonell og helsestasjonen som system. Undersøkelsen gikk ut på å finne ut hvilke forventninger, erfaringer og opplevelser ungdom hadde til helsestasjonen i forhold til sine helsebehov. Datamaterialet er basert på intervju med ni ungdommer av begge kjønn i aldersgruppen 16-20 år rekruttert fra forskjellige helsestasjoner i Nordland og Troms fylke. Intervjuene i studien varsemistrukturerte slik at informantene hadde muligheter til å fortelle beretninger. Metoden Grounded Theory ble brukt som analytisk tilnærming. Resultatet av studien viste at unge opplever en umiddelbar tillit til personell og institusjonen helsestasjon for ungdom. Når så ungdom møtte helsepersonell med gode kommunikasjonsferdighetersom ivaretok deres behov for konfidensialitet og hadde tro på at unge er i stand til å gjøre gode helsevalg for seg selv, ga dette en sirkeleffektmed en fornyet eller bekreftet tillit til personell og institusjon. Tillit ble det sentrale analytiske fokuset i denne studien. Tillit er en forutsetning for å skape gode prosesser, der ungdom ikke bare ender opp med en mer tillitsfull relasjon tilhelsevesenet, men også med en større tillit til egneholdninger og vurderinger. Tillit inngår således som et sentralt element i en empowerment prosess hvor resultatet etter gode møter kunne blimestring og økt selvfølelse og selvtillit. I motsatt fall ble møter disempowering og førte til tillitssvekkelse og redusert bruk av helsetjenesten. Studien peker også på fenomenet tillitssmitte,hvor den enkelte ungdom bringer med seg erfaringer fra helsestasjonen ut i vennekretsen ogungdomsmiljøet. Ungdom overtar den enes erfaring som igjen blir til den andres forventning. Helsepersonell bør tilbysrelevante etterutdanningsprogram for å sikre en kunnskapsbasert praksis hvor noe av innholdet i slike etterutdanningsprogram bør være å øke kompetansen omkommunikasjonens betydning i møtet med ungdom. Det gjelder for fagpersonell å forstå tillitens ”natur”, hvordan den oppstår, vedlikeholdes, og hvor sårbar den kan være. Uten at denne grunnleggende tillit er til stede, vil en vanskelig kunne lykkes i folkehelsearbeidet. / Health clinics for adolescents are one of several services within the local public health. Such clinics may help adolescent to achieve control over the factors which affect their lives and their healthbehavior now and in the future. Adolescents are the next generation users of the general healthservices. The first experiences in their interactions with health professionals are of significanceregarding later use of health services. The purpose of this study was to increase our understanding of the relations between adolescents, health personnel and the health clinic as a system. The study tried to find out adolescentsexpectations, experiences and perception when theyattended the service. Data was collected from youth of both sexes between 16-20 years who called on adolescent health clinics in two counties in northern Norway. The interviews were semi-structured giving the informants the possibility to do narratives. The interviews were analyzed in the tradition of grounded theory. The results of the study showed that adolescents perceived spontaneous trust in the health clinics andhealth professionals. Effective communication skills, assuring confidentiality and confidence in the youth’s ability to make good decisions regarding their own health, generated renewed trust inprofessionals and the institution. Trust became the analytic focus in this study. Trust is a key elementin the empowerment process which may result in adolescents increased control and self-confidence.If not, it may have dis-empowering effects and thus lead to reduced trust and less use of health services. The study also points out the phenomena of trust as “catching”, as one adolescent brings hisand hers experiences to their group of friends. In this way, the perceptions of trust/mistrust fluctuatebetween and among the youth; one persons experience will be another’s expectation. Health professionals should be given access to relevant postgraduate courses in order to secureevidence based practice where the content of education should increase their attention aboutcommunication when they meet with young people in health services. Professionals have to understand the nature of trust, how it is generated, maintained and how easily it can be diminished. Without trust present, the public health work will suffer. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-098-2</p>
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Children living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) require health-monitoring demands beyond the usual, due to the specifics of their HIV status. Among the demands, there is the ongoing control of health and dependence on drug technology. However, the fragility to access services of Primary Health Care (PHC) results in an engagement with specialized services. It is recommended that specialized services benefit themselves from the APS services, towards the quality of health care, preferably coordinated by APS. In this sense is that the realization of a Network Health Care (NHC) want integration between services, consistent with the public policy of national health. Thus, it is necessary to structure the municipal policy to implement a transfer system, defining the responsibility activities of each service and continuing education of professionals who need to know the children and adolescents living with HIV in their area, and develop actions of commitment and strengthen bonds. In this sense, this research has the aim of discussing with the professionals the NHC of children and adolescents living with HIV, perspectives care line and flow in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methodology: qualitative approach conducted through the technique of focus groups with 23 health professionals, PHC and specialized service, totaling four sessions. The study setting was the PHC services of Santa Maria, the University Hospital of Santa Maria and Casa Treze de Maio. Content Analysis and respected the ethical aspects of research involving human beings, according to the Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council were developed. Results: The health care of children and adolescents living with HIV in Santa Maria is performed in specialized services . This is due to conceptual, structural and social aspects. To this end, in an attempt to decentralize this health care model in specialties, it was discussed and rearranged this attention to health through the construction of a line of care for this population. The conceptions of each point of attention have been defined, the articulations and the necessary operationalizations for better integration between the health care points. It is noteworthy that this dissertation was a product: the flow of health care for children and adolescents living with HIV in Santa Maria. Final thoughts: the discussions provided the reorganization of a care model that was fragmented, focusing on the clinical management of the disease to a model of attention to health shared between points based on the principles of RAS. / As crianças vivendo com o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) ou com a Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (aids) exigem demandas de acompanhamento em saúde além do habitual devido às especificidades de sua condição sorológica. Dentre as demandas, destacam-se o acompanhamento permanente de saúde e a dependência de tecnologia medicamentosa. No entanto, a deficiência de acesso aos serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) resulta na afiliação aos serviços especializados. Recomenda-se que esses serviços especializados contem com os serviços de APS, visando a qualidade da atenção à saúde, preferencialmente sob coordenação da APS. Neste sentido, a efetivação de uma Rede de Atenção à Saúde (RAS) pretende a integração entre os serviços coerente com a política pública de saúde nacional. Para tanto, faz-se necessária à estruturação da política municipal para implementação de um sistema de transferência, definição das atividades de responsabilidade de cada serviço e da educação permanente dos profissionais. Estes precisam conhecer as crianças e os adolescentes vivendo com HIV na sua área de abrangência e desenvolver ações de acolhimento e fortalecimento de vínculos. Assim tem-se como objetivo discutir com profisisonais da Rede de Atenção à Saúde de crianças e adolescentes vivendo com HIV, perspctivas de linha de cuidado e fluxo de atenção no município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Metodologia: Abordagem qualitativa realizada por meio da técnica de grupo focal com 23 profissionais de saúde da APS e do serviço especializado, totalizando quatro sessões. O cenário de estudo foi composto pelos serviços de APS de Santa Maria, o Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria e a Casa Treze de Maio. Foi desenvolvida a Análise de Conteúdo e respeitados os aspectos éticos das pesquisas com seres humanos, seguindo a Resolução 466/12 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Resultados: A atenção à saúde das crianças e adolescentes vivendo com HIV em Santa Maria é realizada nos serviços especializados. Isso é decorrente de aspectos conceituais, estruturais e sociais. Para tanto, na tentativa de descentralizar esse modelo de atenção à saúde em especialidades, foi discutida e reorganizada essa atenção à saúde por meio da construção de uma linha de cuidado para essa população. Foram definidas as concepções de cada ponto, as articulações e as operacionalizações necessárias para uma melhor integração entre os pontos de atenção à saúde. Destaca-se que o presente estudo teve um produto: o fluxo de atenção à saúde das crianças e adolescentes vivendo com HIV em Santa Maria. Considerações finais: As discussões proporcionaram a reorganização de um modelo de atenção que era fragmentado, com foco no controle clínico da doença para um modelo de atenção à saúde compartilhado entre os pontos, utilizando como base os princípios da RAS.
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The objective was to assess the quality of Primary Health Care (PHC) of municipalities origin of children and adolescents living with HIV linked to a specialized service. It is a cross-sectional survey, developed in the PHC service of 25 children home municipalities and adolescents living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that are continuously monitored in the outpatient pediatric infectious diseases at the University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM). Data collection took place through the application of PCATool-Brazil Professional version instrument, from March to August 2014. The analysis was carried out with SAS software version 9.3. The population totaled in 527 professional doctors, nurses and dentists. In the assessment of the essential attributes of the PHC, the longitudinality, coordination of information systems, integral services and integrity services indicated that the Family Health Strategy (FHS) has a high score for PHC when compared to Basic Health Unit (BHU).The first contact of access resulted in low scores. The FHS and BHU were compared resulting in items treatment on the same day and ease medical consultation marking were statistically associated with high scores. Strategies that qualify the PHC include: investment in the expansion of the FHS service coverage; investment in training of professionals for the care of chronic diseases such as HIV. Besides the need for coordination between the PHC services, specialized services and other health care network services, increasing access of children and adolescents living with HIV, and the ongoing and resolute attention. / Objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) dos municípios de procedência de crianças e adolescentes vivendo com HIV vinculados a um serviço especializado. Trata de uma pesquisa transversal, desenvolvida nos serviços de APS de 25 municípios de origem de crianças e adolescentes vivendo com Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) que fazem acompanhamento permanente no serviço ambulatorial de infectologia pediátrica do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (HUSM). A coleta de dados realizou-se por meio da aplicação do instrumento PCATool-Brasil versão profissionais, entre março a agosto de 2014. Foi realizada a análise com Software SAS versão 9.3. A população totalizou em 527 profissionais médicos, enfermeiros e odontólogos. Na avaliação dos atributos essenciais da APS, a longitudinalidade, coordenação sistemas de informação, integralidade serviços disponíveis e integralidade serviços prestados indicaram que a Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) apresenta alto escore para APS quando comparada a Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS). O acesso de primeiro contato resultou em baixo escore. Quando comparadas ESF e UBS, os itens atendimento no mesmo dia e facilidade de marcação de consulta foram estatisticamente associados ao alto escore. Estratégias que qualificam a APS incluem: investimento na expansão da cobertura do serviço da ESF; investimento na capacitação dos profissionais para o atendimento de doenças crônicas como o HIV. Além da necessidade de articulação entre os serviços da APS, serviços especializados e demais serviços da rede de atenção à saúde, potencializando o acesso das crianças e adolescentes vivendo com HIV, bem como a atenção contínua e resolutiva.
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Perfil das adolescentes privadas de liberdade no interior do Estado de São PauloPenacci, Fernanda Augusta January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Carmen Maria Casquel Monti Juliani / Resumo: Objetivo. Descrever o perfil sociodemográfico da população adolescente feminina privada de liberdade no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Descrever o perfil epidemiológico da população adolescente feminina privada de liberdade no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Descrever o perfil infracional e uso de substâncias psicoativas por adolescentes privadas de liberdade no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Método. Estudo transversal com base de dados secundários desenvolvido no período de janeiro a dezembro do ano de 2015 e janeiro e fevereiro de 2016. Foi realizada uma descrição da população por meio de medidas resumo: mediana, mínimo e máxima e estimativa de percentuais. Para análise estatística foi utilizado o Software SPSS ® versão 21.0. A amostra foi composta por 374 adolescentes em privação de liberdade na faixa etária de 12 a 21 anos incompletos dos Centros de Atendimento Socioeducativos do município de Cerqueira César. Resultados. A média de idade foi de 17anos, com predominância da cor parda. Em relação à escolarização preponderou o ensino fundamental (69,8%) e evidente evasão escolar (92%). Observou-se grande quantidade de adolescentes com atendimento pelo Conselho Tutelar (64,7%) e o maior contingente de procedência das adolescentes pertence à Rede Regional de Atenção à Saúde-RRAS 12. Referente às condições de saúde, as morbidades de maior prevalência foram relacionadas às geniturinárias (27,8%) seguida das morbidades em saúde mental (24,3%). As condições de moradia e famíl... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor
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Impacto de uma estratégia de promoção do aleitamento materno exclusivo e alimentação complementar saudável, direcionada a mães adolescentes e avós maternas, na redução do uso desnecessário de água e/ou chás em crianças amamentadasNunes, Leandro Meirelles January 2010 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia de sessões de aconselhamento em amamentação dirigidas a mães adolescentes e avós maternas sobre o uso desnecessário de água e/ou chás em crianças amamentadas. Métodos: Foi conduzido um ensaio clínico randomizado envolvendo 323 mães adolescentes, seus recém-nascidos e as avós maternas das crianças, alocadas para quatro grupos distintos: mãe e avó não coabitando, sem intervenção e com intervenção direcionada apenas à mãe; e mãe e avó coabitando, sem intervenção e com intervenção direcionada a ambas. A intervenção consistiu de seis sessões de aconselhamento em amamentação, na maternidade e aos sete, 15, 30, 60 e 120 dias. As informações sobre as práticas alimentares das crianças foram coletadas mensalmente nos primeiros 6 meses de idade por telefone. O impacto da intervenção foi medido, comparando-se as medianas e as curvas de sobrevida da introdução desses líquidos e a regressão de Cox estimou a sua magnitude. Resultados: A intervenção teve impacto positivo significativo tanto para o grupo em que apenas as mães adolescentes a receberam (RDI=0,48; IC95%=0,31-0,76) quanto para o grupo em que as avós foram incluídas (RDI=0,53; IC95=0,35-0,80). Ela postergou em 44 dias o uso desses líquidos no primeiro grupo (78 dias versus 122 dias) e em 67 dias no grupo em que as avós foram incluídas na intervenção (63 dias versus 130 dias). Conclusões: Múltiplas sessões de aconselhamento nos primeiros 4 meses dirigidas a mães adolescentes e avós maternas, quando estas coabitavam, mostraram ser uma estratégia eficaz em postergar a introdução desnecessária de água e/ou chás em crianças amamentadas. / Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of counselling sessions on breastfeeding for adolescent mothers and maternal grandmothers on the reduction of unnecessary water and/ or herbal teas intake on breastfed infants. Methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted involving 323 adolescent mothers, their newborn infants and respective maternal grandmothers allocated into four distinct groups: mother and grandmother not cohabitating, without or with intervention directed only towards mother; and mother and grandmother cohabitating without or with intervention directed towards both (mother and grandmother). The intervention consisted of six counselling sessions on breastfeeding, in the maternity ward and on days 7, 15, 30, 60 and 120 after birth. The data about feeding practices were collected monthly until the end of the sixth month of life by telephone. The impact of the intervention was measured by comparing the medians and the survival curves for initiation of water/tea intake in the first six months of life between the groups and Cox regression was used to estimate its magnitude. Results: The intervention had a significant positive impact for both the group in which only adolescent mothers received the intervention (HR=0,48; 95%CI=0,31-0,76) and for the group in which grandmothers were also included (HR=0,53; 95%CI=0,35-0,80). It postponed in 44 days the use of these liquids on first group (78 days versus 122 days) and in 67 days on the group in which the grandmother was also included in the intervention (63 days versus 130 days). Conclusions: Multiple counselling sessions on infant feeding in the first 4 months postpartum for adolescent mothers and maternal grandmothers, when they cohabitate, demonstrated to be an effective strategy to postpone the unnecessary water and/or teas intake on breastfed infants.
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