Spelling suggestions: "subject:"adverse events"" "subject:"idverse events""
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Avaliação do processo de identificação do paciente em serviços de saúde / Evaluation of the Patient Identification Process in Healthcare ServicesBrito, Maria de Fatima Paiva 23 September 2015 (has links)
A identificação do paciente tem sido reconhecida como um componente essencial e crucial na segurança do paciente e a ausência de processo padronizado de identificação nos serviços de saúde pode contribuir para a ocorrência de falhas. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar a temática de identificação dos pacientes em serviços de saúde. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, a pesquisa foi conduzida em três fases: a elaboração da revisão integrativa (RI) e a condução de dois estudos descritivos. A busca dos estudos primários para inclusão na RI foi realizada nas bases de dados: PubMed, CINHAL, LILACS, SciELO, Scopus e Embase. A amostra da revisão integrativa foi composta por 17 estudos primários, agrupados em seis categorias temáticas. A estratégia do uso da pulseira de identificação de forma individualizada e que atenda às necessidades tanto das instituições quanto dos pacientes têm sido apontada pelos autores. O estudo descritivo da fase dois foi conduzido em 17 instituições de saúde sendo 12 hospitais e 5 unidades de pronto atendimento selecionados com a participação dos 17 enfermeiros responsáveis técnicos (RT). Para coleta de dados foi elaborado um instrumento submetido à validação aparente e de conteúdo por cinco juízes. Os enfermeiros RT responderam sobre as estratégias utilizadas pelos serviços de saúde para identificação dos pacientes.Todos os hospitais (100%) identificam seus pacientes internados, destacando-se o uso de pulseira e nenhum pronto atendimento independente utiliza essa estratégia. A admissão do paciente representa a etapa do atendimento em que as pulseiras de identificação são colocadas. Em 75% das instituições pesquisadas foi apontado como problema a falta de padronização na utilização das pulseiras, assim como a adoção de modelos não padronizados, destacada a variedade de cores, para identificar determinadas informações sobre o paciente. Em 33,3% dos hospitais mais de uma pulseira é colocada no mesmo paciente. Para a identificação de alergias, 50% dos hospitais usam pulseira vermelha. O nome completo, sobrenome, registro hospitalar e data de nascimento são dados que devem constar na pulseira de identificação do paciente. A pulseira de identificação tem sido reconhecida como a melhor forma de identificação do paciente nas instituições de saúde, mas além do uso desta metodologia é importante que todos, ao prestar um cuidado realizem a checagem da identificação confirmando neste momento os identificadores preconizados. O estudo descritivo da fase três foi conduzido em uma instituição hospitalar selecionada com vistas a analisar a influência da identificação do paciente na ocorrência de eventos adversos (EA) quanto às causas, locais das ocorrências, frequência, se a identificação foi uma barreira, danos causados, consequências, medidas corretivas e preventivas. No período analisado, de agosto de 2012 a agosto de 2014, foi notificado um total de 1673 ocorrências no sistema de notificação, sendo que dessas, 38 estavam relacionadas à identificação do paciente, representando 2,3% do total das ocorrências. A identificação do paciente atuou como barreira para identificar uma falha no processo relacionada ao EA em 45% das notificações. A quebra de protocolo foi responsável por 86% das causas que levou a ocorrência de EA, relacionadas à identificação do paciente. A existência de protocolos e procedimentos escritos por si só não garantem que falhas aconteçam, principalmente em relaçao à identificação do paciente, sendo necessário a implementação de medidas de avaliação do cumprimento dos mesmos. Isso possibilitará o aprimoramento desse processo e, com isso, garantirá qualidade e segurança / Patient identification has been acknowledged as a crucial an essential component in patients\' safety and the absence of a standard identification process in healthcare services can contribute to failures. This study aimed to investigate the theme around patient identification in healthcare services. To reach such objectives, research was conducted in three phases: elaboration of an integrative review and the conduction of two descriptive studies. Search for primary studies to be included in the integrative review was done on the following databases: PubMed, CINHAL, LILACS, SciELO, Scopus and Embase. The integrative review\'s sample concerned of 17 primary studies in six categories: identification in the healthcare teams\' and patients\' (or the patients\' tutors\') perspective (eis); identification in newborn and pediatric patients; identification in administration of chemotherapy and medication; identification in blood transfusion and sample collecting; identification in surgical patients and implementation of patient identification policies. The identification wristband strategy in an individualized manner with regards to both the patients\' and the institutions\' needs has been acclaimed by authors. Phase 2\'s descriptive study was conducted in 17 healthcare institutions, 12 hospitals and 5 emergency care units, selected with participation of 17 tech-nurses in charge. For data collection, an instrument that underwent apparent and content validation by five judges was created. Nurses answered about strategies used by healthcare services for patient identification. Every hospital reported having identification protocols; and while wristbands usage stands out in hospitals, no independent emergency care unit uses that strategy. Patient admission represents the stage during which wristbands are placed. In 75% of the researched institutions, lack of standardization in wristband use was pointed out as an issue as well as adoption of non-standardized methods; variety in color for the sake of categorization of patients sticks out in this matter. In 33% of the hospitals, more than one wristband is placed on a single patient. For identification of allergies, 50% of the hospitals use red wristbands. A patient wristband must contain a patient\'s full name, hospital record and date of birth. The identification wristband has been acknowledged as the best form of identification for patients in healthcare facilities, but apart from this method, it is important that all who are carrying out patient care check the identification, confirming the preconized identification. Phase 3\'s descriptive study was conducted in a selected hospital facility for this investigation aimed to analyze the influence of patient identification on adverse events (EA) as to causes, locale, frequency, if identification was a barrier, damage caused, consequences, and corrective and preventive measures. In the time period from August 2012 and August 2014, a total of 1673 occurrences in the institution\'s identification system was notified; among those, 38 concerned patient identification, representing 2,3% of the total. Patient identification acted as a barrier to identify a failure in an EA-related process in 45% of institutions. Protocol breach was behind 86% of the cause of EA occurrences that were connected to patient identification. Existence of protocols and procedures written alone does not guarantee failures occur, especially when it comes down to patient identification; which brings out the need for implementation of measures of evaluation that assure that these protocols are being followed by the staff. This will allow the enhancement of this process and with it a betterment in quality and safety in patient care
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Avaliação da segurança de polimixina B em altas doses para o tratamento de infecções causadas por bacilos gram-negativo multirresistentesFrança, Josiane January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica: O surgimento de bactérias multirresistentes levou a uma renovação no interesse de antigos antimicrobianos, como a polimixina B, medicamento que foi descartado no passado devido sua toxicidade. Nas últimas duas décadas, esse antimicrobiano tornou-se um dos mais importantes agentes terapêuticos para o tratamento de infecções causadas por bactérias multirresistentes; porém, ainda faltam estudos clínicos que avaliem a segurança da polimixina B, especialmente em altas doses. Objetivo: Avaliar eventos adversos graves relacionados à infusão e a falência renal nos pacientes que receberam altas doses de polimixina B intravenosa. Métodos: Realizamos um estudo de coorte retrospectivo, multicêntrico. Incluímos pacientes que receberam > 3mg/kg/ dia ou uma dose total ≥250mg/dia de polimixina B, no período de janeiro de 2013 a dezembro de 2015. Para a avaliação dos eventos relacionados a infusão, foram incluídos pacientes que receberam ≥ 1 dose de polimixina B e para avaliação de falência renal incluiu apenas os pacientes que receberam ≥ 48 horas de polimixina B. Os desfechos principais avaliados foram os eventos adversos graves relacionados à infusão de acordo com os Critérios de Terminologia Comuns para Eventos Adversos (CTCAE v4.0) e a falência renal, utilizamos os critérios RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss and End stage), para categorizar os diferentes graus de lesão renal aguda. As variáveis incluídas no estudo foram as variáveis demográficas (idade, sexo), as variáveis individuais (peso, comorbidades, escore de Charlson), os fatores de gravidade (internação em UTI, uso de vasopressor, uso de bloqueador neuromuscular), outras fármacos nefrotóxicas, dose de polimixina utilizada (total, média diária e em mg/kg/dia), associação com outros medicamentos, e características da infecção (sítio, isolamento microbiológico) foram avaliadas em análise bivariada. Variáveis com P≤0.2 foram incluídas uma a uma, em ordem crescente, em modelo de regressão de COX. Variáveis com P< 0.1 permaneceram no modelo final. Resultados: Foram incluídos 222 pacientes para análise de eventos graves relacionados à infusão. A dose média de polimixina B foi de 3.61± 0.97 mg/kg /dia (dose total media = 268 mg/kg). Ocorreram eventos adversos graves relacionados à infusão em dois pacientes, determinando uma incidência bruta de 0.9% (intervalo de confiança de 95%, 0.2-3.2): um 7 evento classificado como um risco ameaçador a vida (efeito adverso classe IV) ocorreu em um paciente, homem, de 40 anos, internado no Centro de Terapia Intensiva, com fibrose cística, que recebeu 3,3 mg / kg / dia de PMB e desenvolveu dor torácica súbita, dispnéia e hipoxemia, no quarto dia de tratamento e o outro evento adverso grave (classe III), ocorreu em um paciente, homem, 23 anos, internado na enfermaria, com linfoma, que recebeu 3,6 mg / kg / dia de PMB , que apresentou parestesia perioral, tonturas e dispnéia no primeiro dia de tratamento. A falência renal foi analisada em 115 pacientes que receberam ≥ 48 horas de polimixina B e que não estavam em diálise no início do tratamento com Polimixina B; Falência renal foi encontrada em 25 de 115 (21,7%) pacientes expostos as PMB. Nosso estudo identificou que 54 [47,0%] pacientes desenvolveram algum grau de lesão renal aguda, pelos critérios de RIFLE: risco, 15 (27,8%), injúria, 14 (25,9%) e falência, 25 (46,3%) dentro das categorias do RIFLE. Além disso, droga vasoativa, outros fármacos nefrotóxicos e clearance de creatinina foram fatores de risco independentes para falência renal. Nem a dose diária de polimixina B ajustada para o peso corporal, nem a dose diária total foram associadas a falência renal. A mortalidade intra-hospitalar foi de 60% (134 pacientes): 26% (57 pacientes) morreram durante o tratamento e nenhum óbito foi durante a infusão. Conclusão: Altas doses de polimixina B no tratamento de infecções por bactérias gramnegativo apresentaram incidência baixa de eventos adversos agudos no nosso estudo e incidência de nefrotoxicidade elevadas, mas semelhantes a alguns estudos prévios com doses usuais”. Portanto, doses elevadas podem ser testadas em ensaios clínicos, objetivando melhorar os desfechos dos pacientes gravemente doentes com infecções por bactérias multirresistentes e minimizar o surgimento da resistência a polimixina B. / Background: The emergence of multiresistant bacteria has led to a renewal in the interest of old antimicrobials, such as polymyxin B, a drug that has been discarded in the past due to its toxicity. However, at this time, this antimicrobial has become one of the most important therapeutic agents for the treatment of infections caused by multiresistant bacteria but there is still a lack of clinical studies that evaluate the safety of polymyxin B, especially in relation to the use of high doses. This strategy, high doses, may be necessary in the fight against Gramnegative bacteria with a high minimum inhibitory concentration. Patients and methods: A retrospective, multicenter cohort study; the period evaluated was from January 2013 to December 2015, included patients who received > 3mg/kg/day or a total dose of ≥250mg/day of polymyxin B. The study included the evaluation of infusion-related events, patients who received ≥ 1 dose of polymyxin B and patients who received ≥ 48 hours of PMB were included for evaluation of renal failure. Major outcomes were serious adverse events related to infusion according to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE v4.0) and categorized renal failure by the RIFLE criteria (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, End stage). Factors potentially related to nephrotoxicity or mortality in 30 days were: demographic variables (age, sex), individual variables (weight, comorbidities, Charlson score), severity factors (ICU admission, use of vasopressor, use of Neuromuscular blocker), nephrotoxicity (other nephrotoxic drugs), polymyxin dose (total, daily mean and mg / Kg / day), association of drugs and infection characteristics (site and microbiological isolate) were evaluated in bivariate analysis. Variables with P≤0.2 were included one by one, in ascending order, in a Cox regression model. Variables with P <0.1 remained in the final model. Results: Two of 222 patients presented a severe infusion-related adverse event during PMB infusion, resulting in a crude incidence of 0.9% (95% Confidence Interval [CI], 0.2-3.2); one was classified as life-threatening and one classified as severe (crude incidence of each adverse event, 0.45%; 95% CI, 0.08-2.5). The life-threatening adverse effect occurred in an ICU patient (crude incidence among ICU patients, 0.67%; 95% CI, 0.12-3.7), a 40-years old male with cystic fibrosis who used 3.3 mg/kg/day of PMB and developed sudden thoracic pain, dyspnea and hypoxemia, in the fourth day of treatment. The severe adverse effect occurred in a non-ICU patient (crude incidence among non-ICU patients, 1.3%; 95% CI, 0.2-7.2), a 23- years old male with lymphoma exposed to 3.6 mg/kg/day of PMB, who presented perioral 9 paresthesia, dizziness and dyspnea in the first day of treatment. Renal failure was analysed in 115 patients who received ≥48 hours of PMB and who were not previously in dialysis. A total of 54 [47.0%] patients developed any degree of AKI, categorised as Risk [27.8%]; Injury [25.9%] and Failure [46.3%]) and 25 of 115 (21.7%) patients presented renal failure Vasoactive drug, concomitant nephrotoxic drugs and baseline creatinine clearance were independent risk factors for renal failure. Neither PMB daily dose scaled by body weight nor total daily dose were associated with renal failure. In-hospital mortality was 60% (134 patients): 26% (57 patients) occurred during treatment and none during infusion. Conclusion: Results suggest that high dose regimens have similar safety profile of usual doses and could be further tested in clinical trials assessing strategies to improve patients’ outcomes and minimize the emergence of PMB resistance.
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Desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem sobre gerenciamento em eventos adversos nos serviços de enfermagem / Development of a learning virtual environment on management in adverse events in nursing servicesRosicler Xelegati 09 August 2010 (has links)
A busca do conhecimento para melhoria da assistência de enfermagem nos serviços de saúde faz-se rotineiramente e a adoção de novas tecnologias educacionais vem colaborar, de forma relevante, para educação permanente dos profissionais. Inúmeros assuntos pertinentes ao cuidado podem ser aprendidos e discutidos em ambientes virtuais, como, por exemplo, os eventos adversos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) sobre gerenciamento em eventos adversos para educação permanente de enfermeiros, abordando as temáticas: úlcera por pressão, erros de medicação, flebite, queda e perda de sonda nasogastroenteral. O referencial pedagógico foi fundamentado nos estudos de Gagné (1980) que considera que o processo de aprendizagem é baseado na teoria de processamento de informação e constitui-se em oito fases (fase de motivação, de apreensão, de aquisição, de retenção, de rememoração, de generalização, de desempenho e de feedback). A metodologia, uma pesquisa aplicada, utilizou o Modelo de desenvolvimento de programas de Instrução Auxiliada pelo Computador (Computer Assisted Instruction - CAI) proposto por Price (1991), composto de três estágios: 1. planejamento inicial; 2. planejamento e desenvolvimento do conteúdo instrucional; 3. avaliação e revisão. No estágio 1 foi caracterizado o público alvo, escolhido o tema abordado, bem como definidos os objetivos educacionais, os recursos disponíveis, o design instrucional e as técnicas de modelagem. O desenvolvimento do conteúdo (estágio 2) foi realizado em Módulos, estes constituídos das seguintes estruturas: Identificação do Módulo, Objetivos de Aprendizagem, Conteúdos, Exercícios, Referências e Textos de Apoio. A avaliação técnica e revisão do conteúdo inserido no AVA desenvolvido (estágio 3) será realizado por especialistas da área de informática e enfermagem em estudo futuro. O AVA foi desenvolvido na linguagem HTML (Hyper Text Makep Language) utilizando o programa Microsoft Office Word 2003®. Os exercícios de avaliação inseridos em cada módulo foram criados pela autora deste estudo com a utilização do programa Hot Potatoes versão 6.0 para Windows. Conclui-se que a metodologia adotada na construção do AVA foi adequada para o alcance do objetivo proposto. Como metas futuras, a autora desse estudo avaliará o produto desenvolvido e verificará a possibilidade de seu uso nos serviços de enfermagem, contribuindo com a educação permanente dos enfermeiros. O AVA sobre gerenciamento em eventos adversos nos serviços de enfermagem está disponível para acesso no endereço eletrônico: <http://www.eerp.usp.br/nepien/eventosadversos>. / The search for knowledge to improve nursing care in health services occurs on a routinely basis and the adoption of new educational technologies collaborates, in a relevant way, for professionals\' permanent education. Countless subjects pertaining to care can be learned and discussed in virtual environments, such as adverse events. The present study aimed to develop a virtual learning environment (VLE) on management in adverse events for nurses\' permanent education, addressing the themes: pressure ulcer, medication errors, phlebitis, fall and loss of nasogastroenteral feeding. The pedagogical framework was grounded in Gagné\'s (1980) studies, which considers that the learning process is based on the theory of information processing and consists of eight phases (phase of motivation, apprehension, acquisition, retention, remembering, generalization, performance and feedback). This applied research used the Model of development of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) programs proposed by Price (1991), consisting of three stages: 1. initial planning; 2. planning and development of instruction content; 3. assessment and review. At stage 1, target public was characterized, theme approached was chosen, and the educational objects, available resources, instructional design and modeling techniques were defined. The content development (stage 2) was carried out in Modules, comprised of the following structures: Identification of the Module, Learning objectives, Contents, Exercises, References and Support Texts. The technical assessment and review of the content inserted in the developed virtual learning environment (stage 3) will be carried out by informatics and nursing experts in a future study. The VLE was developed in HTML (Hypertext Makeup Language) using the program Microsoft Office Word 2003®. The evaluation exercises inserted in each module were created by the study author using the program Hot Potatoes version 6.0 for Windows. It is concluded that the methodology used in the construction of the VLE was appropriate for achieving the proposed objectives. As future aims, the author will assess the developed product and verify the possibility of using it in nursing services, contributing for nurses\' permanent education. The VLE on management in adverse events in nursing services is available at the URL: <http://www.eerp.usp.br/nepien/eventosadversos>.
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Eventos adversos médicos em idosos hospitalizados: frequência e fatores de risco em enfermaria de geriatria / Medical adverse events in hospitalized elderly patients: frequency and risk factors in a geriatric wardCláudia Szlejf 04 November 2010 (has links)
Introdução: idosos hospitalizados apresentam maior risco de sofrer eventos adversos na internação que adultos jovens, com consequências mórbidas significativas. O objetivo deste estudo é estimar prospectivamente a freqüência de eventos adversos médicos, os fatores de risco para sua ocorrência e sua relação com óbito intrahospitalar em idosos admitidos aos leitos destinados a cuidados de descompensações clínicas agudas de uma enfermaria de geriatria. Métodos: estudo de coorte prospectivo incluindo as admissões de pacientes com 60 anos ou mais aos leitos destinados a cuidados de descompensações clínicas agudas da Enfermaria de Geriatria do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, com duração maior de 24 horas, entre abril de 2007 e julho de 2008. Na admissão foram obtidos dados sobre sexo, idade, número de drogas utilizadas, presença de síndromes geriátricas (imobilidade, instabilidade postural, incontinência esfincteriana, demência, depressão e delirium), comorbidades, status funcional (índice de Katz) e gravidade de doença (SAPS II). Durante o período de internação avaliou-se a ocorrência de delirium, infecção, a prescrição de medicamentos inapropriados ao idoso (critérios de Beers) e óbito intrahospitalar. Um observador não envolvido nos cuidados dos pacientes relatou a ocorrência de eventos adversos médicos. Resultados: foram incluídas 171 admissões de pacientes, com idade média de 78,12 anos ± 9,27, sendo 101 do sexo feminino. Ocorreram 187 eventos adversos médicos em 94 admissões (55%), com 2,01 eventos por admissão. Não foi possível identificar fatores preditores da ocorrência de eventos adversos médicos. As admissões com ocorrência de eventos adversos apresentaram maior tempo de internação na enfermaria de geriatria (21,41 dias ± 15,08 X 10,91 dias ± 7,21, p<0,001) e maior mortalidade intra-hospitalar que as admissões onde não houve eventos. Como fatores preditores de mortalidade intra-hospitalar após análise multivariada identificou-se o SAPS II (Razão de chances (OR)=1,13, intervalo de confiança (IC) 95% 1,07-1,20, p<0,001), índice de Katz na admissão (OR=1,47, IC 95% 1,18-1,83, p=0,001) e ocorrência de eventos adverso médico (OR=3,59, IC 95% 1,55-8,30, p=0,003). Conclusões: Eventos adversos médicos devem ser considerados em todo idoso hospitalizado uma vez que são bastante frequentes nessa população. Não há um perfil de risco para indivíduos suscetíveis. Estes eventos apresentam impacto na mortalidade e no tempo de internação. / Introduction: hospitalized seniors are at higher risk of adverse events than young adults and it is a morbid condition. The aim of this study is to prospectively estimate the frequency of medical adverse events in elderly patients admitted to an acute care geriatric ward, the predictive factors to its occurrence, and their implication in death during hospitalization. Methods: prospective cohort study including the admissions of elderly patients that lasted more than 24 hours to the acute care session of the geriatric ward in Hospital das Clínicas of Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, between 2007 and 2008. At admission the variables assessed were age, gender, number of drugs, geriatric syndromes (immobility, postural instability, dementia, depression, delirium and incontinency), comorbidities, functional status (Katz Score), and severity of illness (SAPS II). During hospitalization, the occurrence of delirium, infection, the prescription of potentially inappropriate medications according to Beers criteria and death were assessed. An observer not involved in the patients care reported the medical adverse events. Results: 171 admissions were enrolled in the study, mean age 78.12 ± 9.27 years, 101 females. 187 medical adverse events occurred in 94 admissions (55%), with 2.01 events per admission. Predictors to medical adverse events were not found. Time of hospitalization (21.41 days ± 15.08 X 10.91 days ± 7.21, p<0.001) and mortality (39 (41.5%) X 17 (22.1%), p=0.007) were respectively longer and higher in the admissions with medical adverse events. Death was independently predicted by SAPS II (Odds-ratio (OR)=1.13, Confidence interval (CI) 95% 1.07-1.20, p<0.001), Katz score (OR=1.47, CI 95% 1.18-1.83, p=0.001), and medical adverse events (OR=3.59, CI 95% 1.55-8.30, p=0.003). Conclusion: Medical adverse events shall be sought in every hospitalized older adult since there is not a risk profile of susceptible patients, and its burden is high, leading to death and longer hospital stays.
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Omvårdnadsrelaterade komplikationer hos traumatiskt hjärnskadade patienter med olika behandlingsmetod : En journalgranskningGustavsson, Henrietta January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund Högt intrakraniellt tryck hos traumatiskt hjärnskadade patienter kan behandlas med traditionell basbehandling, tiopentalsedering eller dekompressiv hemikraniektomi. Metoderna medför risk för komplikationer och svårigheter att utföra omvårdnad. Syfte Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad i vändningsfrekvens, tid i ryggläge och förekomst av trycksår och lungkomplikationer mellan patienterna som fått basbehandling, behandlats med tiopental eller genomgått hemikraniektomi. Dessutom studerades förekomst av postoperativa komplikationer hos de patienter som hade genomgått hemikraniektomi. Metod Detta gjordes genom retrospektiv journalgranskning. 36 patienter från åren 2008–2016 inkluderades. Resultat Patienterna som fått basbehandling vändes oftare, 9,5 ggr/dygn, jämfört med patienterna som behandlats med tiopental, eller hemikraniektomi, vilka vändes 7,9 ggr/dygn. Tiden i ryggläge var kortare, 40,1%, jämfört med 52,3%, för de tiopentalbehandlade patienterna, respektive 54,8% för de hemikraniektomerade patienterna. Trycksår återfanns hos patienter behandlade med tiopental, 2(5%), eller hemikraniektomi, 2(5%). 50 % av patienterna som behandlades med tiopental och hemikraniektomi hade förtätningar på lungröntgen jämfört med 2% av patienterna som hade fått basbehandling. Längst ventilatortid hade patienterna som fått tiopental, 16,4 dygn, jämfört med hemikraniektomigruppens 14,1 dygn och de basbehandlade patienternas 13,8 dygn. Av patienterna som genomgick hemikraniektomi uppstod postoperativa komplikationer hos 2(17%) av 12. Slutsats Patienter behandlade med tiopental eller hemikraniektomi verkar vara mer utsatta för komplikationer och vänds i mindre utsträckning och spenderar mer tid i ryggläge är patienter som fått basbehandling. Omvårdnaden av de traumatiskt hjärnskadade patienterna behöver individualiseras, och vaksamhet krävs för att identifiera de mest utsatta patienterna och kunna förebygga riskerna för komplikationer, så att vårdlidandet kan minskas. / Background Intracranial hypertension following traumatic brain injury is treated with either basic medical treatment, barbiturate coma or decompressive craniectomy. The methods are associated with complications and difficulties performing nursing care. Aim To investigate whether there was a difference in frequency of repositioning, time spent in supine position and number of complications between the patient groups, and to out rule the number of postoperative complications following decompressive craniectomy. Method A retrospective medical record review was conducted including 36 patients from the years 2008-2016. Result The basic medical treatment group had a higher frequency of repositioning, 9,5 times a day, compared to 7,9 times a day in the other groups, and a shorter amount of time, 40,1%, in supine position, compared to 52,3% (barbiturate coma), or 54,8% (decompressive craniectomy). Pressure injuries occurred among patients treated with barbiturate coma 2(5%) or decompressive craniectomy, 2(5%). Increased density in chest x-ray was seen in 50% of the patients treated with barbiturate coma and decompressive craniectomy, compared to 2% (basic medical treatment). Barbiturate coma was associated with the longest time of mechanical ventilation, 16,4 days, compared to 14,1 days and 13,8 days for the decompressive craniectomy group and the basic medical treatment group. Postoperative complications occurred in 2(17%) patients. Conclusion Patients treated with barbiturate coma or decompressive craniectomy seem to be of higher risk of complications, as having a lower frequency of repositioning and more time spent in supine position. Nursing care needs to be individually adapted to prevent complications and minimise suffering in patients with traumatic brain injury.
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Association Between Physician Characteristics and Surgical Errors in U.S. HospitalsAmadi, Obumneke A. 01 January 2017 (has links)
The high incidence of medical and surgical errors in U.S. hospitals and clinics affects patients' safety. Not enough is known about the relationship between physician characteristics and medical error rates. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the relationship between selected physician characteristics and surgical errors in U.S. hospitals. The ecological model was used to understand personal and systemic factors that might be related to the incidence of surgical errors. Archived data from the National Practitioner Data Bank database of physician surgical errors were analyzed using bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Independent variables included physicians' home state, state of license, field of license, age group, and graduation year group. The dependent variable was surgical medical errors. Physicians' field of license and state of license were significantly associated with surgical error. Findings contribute to the knowledge base regarding the relationship between physician characteristics and surgical medical errors, and findings may be used to improve patient safety and medical care.
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Use of Simulation for Tracheostomy Care, a Low Volume, High Risk Nursing ProcedureRamakrishnan, Vijaya 01 January 2018 (has links)
Often, education regarding low volume and high-risk procedures, like tracheostomy, are ignored. Lack of experience, skills, and human resources can lead to decreases in confidence levels, diminished quality of care, and potentially an adverse event. The purpose of this DNP project was to prepare simulation-based education on the tracheostomy procedure and provide hands-on education to bedside nurses. The project answered the question: To what extent will a simulation-based teaching method adequately prepare staff nurses in a post-acute surgical unit to perform this high risk low volume procedure? The Johns Hopkins evidence-based model method was used to assist in translation of the practice change process. The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning standards were used to design simulation scenarios. Surgical acute care nurses (n = 35) including day and night shift nurses, new graduates, and experienced nurses participated. Groups of five to eight nurses participated in a two-hour simulation session at hospital simulation center. Pre- and post-surveys on confidence level data, and National League of Nursing evaluation tool data on educational practices and simulation designs were collected from all participants. Paired t-test statistics showed a significant increase in confidence level from pre to post education (p < .001). Because of the significant impact on patient care due to preventing complications and by improving nursing staff's level of confidence, the project may contribute to positive social change.
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On Renal Artery StenosisEklöf, Hampus January 2005 (has links)
<p>Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is a potentially curable cause of hypertension and azotemia. Besides intra-arterial renal angiography there are several non-invasive techniques utilized to diagnose patients with suspicion of renal artery stenosis. Removing the stenosis by revascularization to restore unobstructed blood flow to the kidney is known to improve and even cure hypertension/azotemia, but is associated with a significant complication rate. </p><p>To visualize renal arteries with x-ray techniques a contrast medium must be used. In a randomized, prospective study the complications of two types of contrast media (CO<sub>2</sub> and ioxaglate) were compared. CO<sub>2</sub> was not associated with acute nephropathy, but induced nausea and had lower attenuation differences compared to Ioxaglate. Acute nephropathy was related to the ioxaglate dose and the risk was evident even at very low doses if the patients were azotemic with creatinine clearance <40 ml/min. </p><p>Evaluating patients for clinically relevant renal artery stenosis can be done utilizing several non-invasive techniques. MRA was retrospectively evaluated and shown to be accurate in detecting hemodynamically significant RAS. In a prospective study of 58 patients, evaluated with four methods for renal artery stenosis, it was shown that MRA and CTA were significantly better than ultrasonography and captopril renography in detecting hemodynamically significant RAS. The standard of reference was trans-stenotic pressure gradient measurement, defining a stenosis as significant at a gradient of ≥15 mmHg. The discrepancies were mainly found in the presence of borderline stenosis.</p><p>The outcome of percutaneous revascularization procedures showed a technical success rate of 95%, clinical benefit in 63% of treated patients, 30-day mortality 1.5% and major complication rate of 13%. The major complication rate for patients with baseline serum creatinine >300µmol/l was 32%. Our results compare favorably with published studies and guidelines.</p>
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Traditional Chinese medicine: evidence and challenges in fatigue clinical researchAdams, Denise 06 1900 (has links)
The increasing popularity of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapies as health care options warrants thorough examination of the efficacy and safety evidence around these therapies. This thesis explores the intersection of TCM and fatigue using two rigorous methodologies: systematic reviews (SRs) and a randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT). In order to inform the development of an RCT of acupuncture for infectious mononucleosis (mono), a common condition with no known cure, characterized by profound fatigue, we examined the literature on TCM treatment of mono as well as another fatigue condition, idiopathic chronic fatigue (ICF). Additionally, we investigated the literature on the safety of pediatric acupuncture.
SRs of TCM efficacy in mono and ICF determined that although clinical trials exist, methodological flaws compromised their validity. In particular, studies published as RCTs were found to lack proper randomization. Inclusion of these studies in the SRs would have been inappropriate and demonstrates the importance of verifying RCT methods.
We also present the results of the first known SR of pediatric acupuncture safety. This review was comprehensive, including a large number of databases and publications in any language. Synthesis of the results from those studies that included a denominator produced mild adverse event estimates of 16.3/100 (95% CI 11.221.5) per patient, for RCTs, and 6.3/100 (95% CI 4.97.7) per patient, for cohort studies, with a combined estimate of 7.8/100 (95% CI 6.49.2) per patient.
We developed and conducted an RCT of acupuncture for mono, although limitations to recruitment resulted in the enrolment of only three participants. The primary result of the small sample size was to restrict the determination of treatment effect, however, successful implementation of other elements is informative to further research in this area. In addition, we determined the local 5-year Monospot positive incidence rate to be 1.11/1000 (95% CI 0.953.2) for all ages and 5.46/1000 (95% CI 0.8910.0) for the 15-25 year old group.
This dissertation examined the evidence around TCM and fatigue and provides recommendations that are aimed at increasing the value of research and the safety and efficacy of practice in this area.
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An Algorithm for Mining Adverse-Event Datasets for Detection of Post Safety Concern of a DrugBiswas, Debashis 01 January 2010 (has links)
Signal detection from Adverse Event Reports (AERs) is important for identifying and analysing drug safety concern after a drug has been released into the market. A safety signal is defined as a possible causal relation between an adverse event and a drug. There are a number of safety signal detection algorithms available for detecting drug safety concern. They compare the ratio of observed count to expected count to find instances of disproportionate reportings of an event for a drug or combination of events for a drug. In this thesis, we present an algorithm to mine the AERs to identify drugs which show sudden and large changes in patterns of reporting of adverse events. Unlike other algorithms, the proposed algorithm creates time series for each drug and use it to identify start of a potential safety problem. A novel vectorized timeseries utilizing multiple attributes has been proposed here. First a time series with a small time period was created; then to remove local variations of the number of reports in a time period, a time-window based averaging was done. This method helped to keep a relatively long time-series, but eliminated local variations. The steps in the algorithm include partitioning the counts on attribute values, creating a vector out of the partitioned counts for each time period, use of a sliding time window, normalizing the vectors and computing vector differences to find the changes in reporting over time. Weights have been assigned to attributes to highlight changes in the more significant attributes. The algorithm was tested with Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) datasets from Food and Drug Administation (FDA). From AERS datasets the proposed algorithm identified five drugs that may have safety concern. After searching literature and the Internet it was found that the five drugs the algorithm identified, two were recalled, one was suspended, one had to undergo label change and the other one has a lawsuit pending against it.
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