Spelling suggestions: "subject:"antimicrobials"" "subject:"cntimicrobials""
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Étude de l'implication d’une voie MyD88/IL-22 dans le contrôle de la colonisation par la bactérie segmentée filamenteuse / Implication of a MyD88/IL-22 pathway in the control of colonisation by segmented filamentous bacteriaPicard, Marion 25 September 2017 (has links)
L’intestin des mammifères est colonisé par une dense communauté microbienne avec lequel il a établi, au cours d’une longue co-évolution, des relations mutualistes. Ces relations, bien qu’essentiellement basées sur des avantages métaboliques permettent également la maturation complète du système immunitaire, dont le développement est initié in utero par un programme génétique. Chez la souris, seule la SFB a été décrite comme présentant un fort pouvoir immunostimulant permettant la coordination d’un large panel de réponses immunes, notamment IgA et Th17 dont le site d’induction préférentiel serait les plaques de Peyer. La première partie de ma thèse a contribué à la finalisation de travaux consacrés à l’étude des caractéristiques des réponses IgA et Th17 induites par SFB. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence la capacité de la SFB à stimuler la maturation post-natale de follicules lymphoïdes isolés et de tissus lymphoïdes tertiaires qui se substitueraient aux plaques de Peyer en tant que sites inducteurs des réponses IgA et Th17 stimulées par SFB. Cependant, ce microbiote constitue aussi une source antigénique importante pouvant représenter une menace pour l’intégrité de l’hôte. Notamment, la SFB peut provoquer une inflammation chronique délétère en périphérie de l’intestin, chez des souris prédisposées génétiquement. Cela suggère l’existence de mécanismes capables de réguler la colonisation par la SFB, afin d’éviter tout phénomènes compromettant l’intégrité physiologique de l’hôte. À l’aide de souris immunodéficientes axéniques ou seulement colonisées par SFB, nous avons pu mettre en évidence un rôle de la voie de signalisation des TLR dans le contrôle de la colonisation par SFB. Cependant, ni les peptides anti-microbiens, ni les IgA ne semblent impliqué dans le contrôle de la colonisation par SFB. / The mammalian intestine is heavily colonized by a huge microbial community. During a long coevolution process, the host has evolved mutualistic relationships with its microbiota. Thes relationships, mainly based on metabolstic advantages, also allow the full maturation of the host immune system, which development is initiated in utero by a genetic program. In mice, only SFB has been yet described to display strong immunostimulant properties allowing the coordination of a large panel of immune responses, more specifically IgA and Th17 responses, which preferential induction sites might be the Peyer's patches. The first part of my thesis contributed to complete a work dedicated to the characterization of the IgA et Th17 responses induced by SFB. We have underscored SFB capacity to stimulate the post-natal maturation of isolated lymphoid follicles and also tertiary lymphoid tissues that would substitute to Peyer's patches as inductors sites of both IgA and Th17 responses induced by SFB. However, this microbiote also constitutes a potential antigenic threat for the host integrity. Notably, the SFB could provoke chronic deleterious inflammation in peripheric compartment in genetically predisposed individuals. It suggests the establishment of highly regulated mechanisms regulating SFB colonization, to avoid compromising events for the host homeostasis. In a second part of my thesis, with the help of immunodeficient axenic mice, we have shown a role of TLR signaling pathways in the control of SFB colonization. However, antimicrobial peptides, IgA, IL-17 or IL-22 seem to be involved int eh control of SFB colonization.
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Modification chimique, greffage et dispersion d'agents fonctionnels pour des applications antimicrobiennes / Chemical modification, grafting and dispersion of active agents for antimicrobial applicationsPaillot, Pierrick 02 February 2016 (has links)
Le marché de la cosmétique est l’un des marché les plus porteur actuellement dans le monde. La population française utilise énormément ces produits pour son hygiène quotidienne. Ce sont les shampoings ou autre crème de soins. Pour protéger ces produits, depuis maintenant de nombreuses années, les fabricants ajoutent des agents conservateurs pour augmenter la durée de conservation, ou encore éviter certaines contaminations microbiennes après les contacts avec la peau. Ces dernières années ont également vu les mentalités des consommateurs évoluer et actuellement, ces derniers souhaiteraient des produits cosmétiques le plus naturel possible, sans ajouts de conservateurs. Dans ce contexte, il semble intéressant de travailler sur la protection de ces produits par d’autres moyens. En premier lieu, nous vient immédiatement à l’esprit, la protection par l’emballage. L’idée est de modifier les emballages actuels pour leur conférer des activités antimicrobiennes et ainsi les rendre protecteurs. L’étude présentée s’intéresse à certaines possibilités de mises en oeuvre et modifications de polymères pour apporter une activité antimicrobienne. Deux voies de fabrications ont été étudiées dans cette thèse. Une première a consisté en la réalisation de revêtements antimicrobiens et protecteurs à basse température. Cette technique a montré la possibilité de créer des couches antimicrobiennes par photo-polymérisation à partir de monomères méthacrylates renfermant les agents antimicrobiens. C’est cette couche finale qui va venir s’ajouter à certaines zones spécifiques des emballages finaux pour assurer la protection antimicrobienne du contenu.La seconde voie d’action a étudié une fabrication plus industrielle à haute température. Cette technologie a permis de créer par extrusion des granulés antimicrobiens avec des introductions d’actifs de différentes natures. Ceux sont ces granulés qui sont par la suite injectés sous la forme d’emballages. Pour cette voie d’action, l’idée n’est plus de protéger l’emballage via une couche antimicrobienne, mais de substituer certaines pièces de l’emballage constituées de polymères naturellement antimicrobiens. Ces travaux ont permis la réalisation d’une large gamme de matériaux antimicrobiens. Les différentes solutions étudiées ont également permis de réaliser des prototypes d’emballages, ceci en collaboration avec certaines entreprises partenaires du projet. Tous ces prototypes seront prochainement testés en conditions réelles d’utilisations, c’est-à-dire par des essais de mises en contact avec le consommateur d’un système complet, à savoir le produit cosmétique conditionné dans des emballages protecteurs. Ces tests devront permettre de vérifier si les solutions proposées pourraient aboutir à une adaptation sur une chaine industrielle pour une utilisation à grande échelle / Today the cosmetic market is one of the most popular in the world. French people use many these products everyday as for examples, creams or shampoos. In order to protect the cosmetic products, the manufacturers introduced during these last year additives or conservative agents in cosmetic products to increase the shelf life or avoid a microbial contamination after a direct contact with the skin of consumers. However, recent years have also revealed that the consumer mindsets evolve and now, they would like cosmetics more natural, without addition of additives. In this context, it was interesting to work on the cosmetics protection by other ways. Firstly, we think immediately to the protection by use of packaging. The objective is to modify the current packaging to bring an antimicrobial activity and protect the cosmetics. This work presents different technologies of fabrication and modification of polymers to get an antimicrobial activity. For this, two techniques were studied. A first technology has consisted to develop antimicrobial coating at low temperature. This way has demonstrated possibilities of creation by photo-polymerization under UV radiations. Initially, the antimicrobial agents were introduced in liquid monomers before the polymerization and the fabrication of polymer networks. The final coatings were finally destiny to be added on specific areas of packaging, generally in contact with the consumers and prevent all risks of microbial contaminations from the products. The second technology has studied a way of polymer fabrication more industrial at high temperature. The technique has consisted to create antimicrobial pellets by extrusion with introductions of different natures of additives. The obtain pellets were injected at the end to fabricate certain pieces of the final packaging. This work has allowed the realization of a large range of antimicrobial materials. All the studied solutions have been used to fabricate prototype packaging in collaboration with partner companies of the project. All these prototypes will be tested by antimicrobial tests in real conditions of uses. If these tests prove successful, it will be possible to envisage an industrialization step
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Estudio de la capacidad antimicrobiana de sustancias naturales in vivo e in vitroIbáñez Peinado, Diana 18 July 2022 (has links)
[ES] Actualmente, una de las principales preocupaciones de las autoridades sanitarias y de la industria alimentaria sigue siendo garantizar la inocuidad microbiológica en la cadena alimentaria ya que a pesar de los notables esfuerzos realizados, el número de brotes y casos de enfermedades de transmisión alimentaria causadas por microorganismos sigue elevándose. Por otro lado, otro de los problemas que
debe afrontar la industria alimentaria es la implementación de nuevas alternativas de producción más sostenibles, manteniendo altos estándares de seguridad y garantizando la disponibilidad de alimentos.
En este contexto se enmarca la presente tesis doctoral, cuyo principal objetivo es la evaluación in vivo e in vitro de la capacidad antimicrobiana de distintas sustancias naturales procedentes de fuentes alternativas, más sostenibles (extracto de coliflor, espirulina y soluciones de quitosano), frente a microorganismos patógenos de importancia en la industria de alimentos.
Los estudios demuestran la capacidad antimicrobiana in vitro del quitosano de insecto y crustáceo frente a microorganismos patógenos como E. coli, L. monocytogenes y S. Typhimurium siendo dependiente del pH del medio estudiado. Además, cuando el quitosano se combina con un tratamiento suave de altas presiones hidrostáticas, se pone de manifiesto una relación sinérgica entre ambas tecnologías llegando a inactivar completamente la carga microbiana de S. Typhimurium.
Los estudios in vivo llevados a cabo con Caenorhabditis elegans muestran que el nematodo aumenta su supervivencia en presencia de extractos de coliflor y espirulina. En cuanto a la capacidad antimicrobiana, los extractos de espirulina y de coliflor reducen la colonización intestinal por S. Typhimurium en el nema todo mostrando así su capacidad antimicrobiana in vivo.
En la presente tesis doctoral, se hace un recorrido completo sobre la capacidad antimicrobiana de ciertos extractos vegetales o componentes procedentes de animales, fundamentalmente basados en estudios in vivo. Este es un paso importante en la materialización de estos compuestos como alternativas más naturales y sostenibles a otros compuestos sintéticos usados en conservación de alimentos. / [CA] Actualment, una de les principals preocupacions de les autoritats sanitàries i de la indústria alimentària continua sent garantir la innocuïtat microbiològica en la cadena alimentària ja que malgrat els notables esforços realitzats, el nombre de brots i casos de malalties de transmissió alimentària causades per microorganismes continua elevant-se. D'altra banda, un altre dels problemes que ha d'afrontar la indústria alimentària és la implementació de noves alternatives de producció més sostenibles, mantenint alts estàndards de seguretat i garantint la disponibilitat d'aliments. En aquest context s'emmarca la present tesi doctoral, el principal objectiu de la qual és l'avaluació in vivo i in vitro de la capacitat antimicrobiana de diferents substàncies naturals procedents de fonts alternatives, més sostenibles (extracte de coliflor, espirulina i solucions de quitosano), enfront de microorganismes patògens d'importància en la indústria d'aliments.
Els estudis demostren la capacitat antimicrobiana in vitro del quitosano d'insecte i crustaci enfront de microorganismes patògens com a E. coli, L. monocytogenes i S. Typhimurium sent dependent del pH del mig estudiat. A més, quan el quitosano es combina amb un tractament suau d'altes pressions hidroestàtiques, es posa de manifest una relació sinèrgica entre totes dues tecnologies arribant a inactivar completament la càrrega microbiana de S. Typhimurium.
Els estudis in vivo duts a terme amb Caenorhabditis elegans mostren que el nematode augmenta la seua supervivència en presència d'extractes de coliflor i espirulina. Quant a la capacitat antimicrobiana, els extractes d'espirulina i de coliflor redueixen la colonització intestinal per S. Typhimurium en el nematode mostrant així la seua capacitat antimicrobiana in vivo.
En la present tesi doctoral, es fa un recorregut complet sobre la capacitat antimicrobiana d'uns certs extractes vegetals o components procedents d'animals, fonamentalment basats en estudis in vivo. Aquest és un pas important en la materialització d'aquests compostos com a alternatives més naturals i sostenibles a altres compostos sintètics usats en conservació d'aliments. / [EN] Currently, one of the main concerns of the health authorities and the food industry continues to be ensuring microbiological safety in the food chain, as despite considerable efforts, the number of outbreaks and cases of foodborne diseases caused by microorganisms continues to rise. On the other hand, another chalenge facing the food industry is the implementation of new, more sustainable production alternatives while maintaining high safety standards and ensuring food availability. It is in this context, the main objective of this PhD thesis is the in vivo and in vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial capacity of different natural substances from alternative, more sustainable sources (cauliflower extract, spirulina and chitosan solutions) against pathogenic microorganisms of importance in the food industry.
Studies demonstrate the in vitro antimicrobial capacity of insect and crustacean chitosan against pathogenic microorganisms such as E. coli, L. monocytogenes and S. Typhimurium, being dependent on the pH of the medium studied. Moreover, when chitosan is combined with a mild treatment of high hydrostatic pressures, a synergistic relationship between both technologies is evident, reaching the point of completely inactivating the microbial load of S. Typhimurium.
In vivo studies carried out with Caenorhabditis elegans show that the nematode increases its survival in the presence of cauliflower and spirulina extracts. In terms of antimicrobial capacity, spirulina and cauliflower extracts reduce intestinal colonization by S. Typhimurium in the nematode, thus showing their antimicrobial capacity in vivo.
In this doctoral thesis, a complete overview of the antimicrobial capacity of certain plant extracts or animal-derived compounds is presented, mainly based on in vivo studies. This is an important step in the materialisation of these compounds as more natural and sustainable alternatives to other synthetic compounds used in food preservation. / La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del Programa de Doctorado
Ciencia, Tecnología y Gestión Alimentaria de la Universidad Politécnica de
El trabajo experimental se realizó gracias a fondos del Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación y del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), a
través del proyecto: Validación de nuevas herramientas y procesos para el
análisis y la mejora de la seguridad alimentaria microbiológica: aplicación a
nuevas matrices alimentarias (AGL2017-86840-C2-2-R) del Programa
Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la
Sociedad. / Ibáñez Peinado, D. (2022). Estudio de la capacidad antimicrobiana de sustancias naturales in vivo e in vitro [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/184317
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Evaluation of Peanut Skin Extract, Grape Seed Extract, and Grape Seed Extract Fractions to Reduce Populations of Select Foodborne PathogensLevy, Jason M. 10 June 2014 (has links)
Grape seed extract (GSE) and peanut skin extract (PSE) are waste products in the wine and peanut industries. Both extracts have high concentrations of polyphenols, known to possess antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. A subcategory of polyphenol is procyanidin, which can be divided into two types, type A and type B. Type A (PSE), contains two single bonds connecting the phenolic groups while type B (GSE), contains one single bond connecting the phenolic groups. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the two extracts was evaluated for their antimicrobial effect on Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Salmonella Typhimurium using the pour plate method. GSE was found to have a significantly lower MIC (p ≤ 0.05) than PSE for L. monocytogenes (GSE=60.60ppm, PSE=not found), S. aureus (GSE=38.63ppm, PSE=51.36ppm), and S. Typhimurium (GSE=45.73ppm, PSE=60.60ppm). There was no significant difference in inhibition of E. coli O157:H7 (GSE=47.44ppm, PSE=51.13ppm). Since GSE, contributed to greater pathogen inhibition, its extract was fractionated into monomer and oligomers components. Growth curves of all four pathogens inoculated in the monomer and oligomer fractions were compared using the BioScreen method. Oligomers inhibited growth of L. monocytogenes, S. aureus, and E. coli O157:H7 while monomers inhibited growth of S. Typhimurium. These results indicate that an extract with type B procyanidins that are high in oligomers may be more effective as antimicrobials. Type B procyanidins have also been shown to prevent bacterial adhesion, as is the case with urinary tract infections, and may aid in the prevention of biofilms. / Master of Science in Life Sciences
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Estudo da relação estrutural e atividade antimicrobiana da Leucocina C-TA33a de Leuconostoc mesenteroides TA33a /Santos, Leonardo Alves dos January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Saulo Santesso Garrido / Resumo: Os peptídeos antimicrobianos (PAMs) são uma alternativa interessante como bioconservantes de alimentos devido a sua eficiência e, principalmente, à baixa toxicidade quando comparados aos conservantes químicos tradicionais. As bacteriocinas, uma classe de PAMs, têm atividade antimicrobiana em espécies responsáveis pela degradação de alimentos e, portanto, atualmente são exploradas como bioconservadores. A Leucocina C-TA33a (LeuC), um tipo de bacteriocina produzida pela cepa bacteriana Leuconostoc mesenteroides TA33a, é conhecida por ter um amplo espectro antimicrobiano. Estudos de alinhamento da estrutura primária de diferentes bacteriocinas revelaram que LeuC conserva em sua estrutura regiões homólogas também compartilhadas por outras bacteriocinas, como Sacacina P, Bavaricina A e Enterocina A, possivelmente revelando uma importante relação entre essas sequências de aminoácidos e suas atividades antimicrobianas. Este estudo tem como objetivo sintetizar diferentes peptídeos baseados na estrutura primária da Leucocina CTA33a, a fim de identificar as principais regiões responsáveis pela atividade antimicrobiana. Os peptídeos LeuC-Nt, LeuC-0Cys, LeuC-Ala9, LeuC-Ala14 e LeuC-Cys9,14 foram sintetizados por metodologia de fase sólida, purificados e analisados por HPLC e caracterizados por ESI-MS. Ensaios em meio líquido foram realizados para a determinação do percentual de inibição de crescimento microbianos dos peptídeos sobre espécies patogênicas. Os micro-organismos testados fora... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Antimicrobial peptides (PAMs) are an interesting alternative, because biopreservatives present high efficiency and low toxicity when compared to classic preservatives. Bacteriocins, a class of PAMs, have antimicrobial activity in species responsible for food degradation and are currently being exploited as biopreservatives. The Leucocin C-TA33a (LeuC), a type of bacteriocin, is produced by the Leuconostoc mesenteroides TA33a strain and is known for a broad antimicrobial spectrum. Studies of alignment of the primary structure of different bacteriocins revealed that LeuC retains in its structure homologous regions also shared by other bacteriocins, such as Sacacin P, Bavaricin A and Enterocin A, possibly revealing an important relationship between these amino acid sequences and their antimicrobial activities. This study aims to synthesize different peptides based on the primary structure of Leucocin C-TA33a, with the objective of identifying the main regions responsible for antimicrobial activity. The peptides LeuC-Nt, LeuC-0Cys, LeuC-Ala9, LeuC-Ala14 and LeuC-Cys9,14 were synthesized by solid phase methodology, purified by HPLC and characterized by ESI-MS. Liquid assays were performed to determine the percentage of inhibition of microorganisms of the peptides on pathogenic species. The microorganisms tested were Salmonella serotype Typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes. Studies were also conducted through circular dichroism, molecular ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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A influência da antibioticoterapia na microbiota fecal de crianças em idade escolar. / The influence of antibiotic theray in fecal microbiota of schoolchildren.Fernandes, Miriam Rodriguez 12 May 2015 (has links)
De todas as influências exógenas que possam alterar a microbiota intestinal, os antimicrobianos são capazes de causar as mais rápidas e drásticas mudanças. O impacto da exposição aos antimicrobianos na microbiota intestinal causa diminuição no número de microrganismos ou mesmo supressão, dependendo do antimicrobiano utilizado, da dose e do tempo de exposição. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar de forma comparativa alguns microrganismos que compõem a microbiota fecal de crianças com e sem antibioticoterapia em idade escolar; bem como avaliar a susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos e os genes de resistência envolvidos. Foram coletadas amostras fecais não diarreicas de 30 crianças sem antibiótico (controle) e 31 de crianças com antibioticoterapia. Na análise quantitativa foi observada redução no número de cópias por g/fezes de: Bifidobacterium spp., B. fragilis, C. perfringens, E. coli, M. smithii e do filo Firmicutes nas amostras das crianças com antibióticos em relação ao grupo controle, exceto para Lactobacillus spp. e P. distasonis que apresentaram quantificação maior no grupo antibióticos quando comparados com o controle. E. coli foi isolada em 26 (86,7%) crianças controles e em 23 (74,2%) tratadas com antibióticos. A resistência foi verificada para diversas drogas no grupo controle exceto para ciprofloxacina, meropenem e tigeciclina; entretanto o grupo com antibioticoterapia apresentou elevada resistência para todas as drogas avaliadas, caracterizando os isolados desse estudo como MDR. Todos os isolados do grupo controle e antibióticos albergaram diversos genes de resistência, entretanto o gene blaKPC foi o único não detectado nos isolados do grupo controle. Desta forma, nossos dados demonstram que a antibioticoteria causa alterações qualitativas e quantitativas na microbiota intestinal; além disso, a elevada resistência as diversas classes de antimicrobianos das cepas de E. coli, bem como a presença de diversos genes de resistência ressalta a importância de cepas comensais serem MDR e albergarem esses genes. / Of all the exogenous influences that may alter the intestinal microbiota, antimicrobial agents are able to cause the more rapid and dramatic changes. The impact of exposure to antimicrobial agents on intestinal microbiota causes a decrease in the number of certain genera and species, depending on the antimicrobial agent used, dose and duration of exposure. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze comparatively some microorganisms that composing the fecal microbiota of children with and without antibiotic therapy in school age; and evaluates the antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance genes involved. Stool samples (not diarrhea) were collected of 30 children without antibiotic (control) and 31 children with antibiotic therapy. In quantitative analysis was observed decrease in the number of copies per g/feces: Bifidobacterium spp., B. fragilis, C. perfringens, E. coli, M. smithii and the phylum Firmicutes in samples of children with antibiotic therapy in relation to control group, except Lactobacillus spp. and P. distasonis that showed a higher quantification in the antibiotics group when compared with control group. E. coli was isolated in 26 (86.7 %) children controls and in 23 (74.2 %) children treated with antibiotics. The resistance was verified for several drugs in the control group except for ciprofloxacin, meropenem and tigecycline; however the group with antibiotic therapy showed high resistance to all drugs evaluated, characterizing isolates of this study as MDR. All isolates from control group and antibiotics harbored several resistance genes, however blaKPC gene was the only one not detected in isolates from the control group. Thus, our data demonstrate that the antibiotic therapy cause qualitative or quantitative changes in intestinal microbiota leading to a decrease in the diversity and the elimination of microorganisms; in addition, the high resistance the various classes of antimicrobial of the strains of E. coli, as well as the presence of several genes of resistance highlights the importance of commensal strains are MDR and harboring these genes.
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Sorbitol na alimentação de leitões recém-desmamados / Sorbitol in weanling pig dietsPerina, Danilo do Prado 13 December 2012 (has links)
O uso de aditivos em dietas tem sido recomendado para controlar os problemas relacionados ao desmame precoce e melhorar o desempenho dos leitões. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos da inclusão do sorbitol em dietas complexas de leitões recémdesmamados sobre o desempenho, a frequência de diarreia, a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes, a morfometria dos órgãos e a viabilidade econômica. Foram utilizados 120 leitões recém-desmamados (6,22 ± 0,28 kg) em um experimento em blocos completos casualizados (definidos pelo peso inicial e sexo), com cinco tratamentos, oito repetições (blocos) por tratamento e três animais por unidade experimental (baia). Os tratamentos foram: dieta basal com 120 ppm de clorohidroxiquinolina e dieta basal com 0, 1, 1,5 ou 2% de sorbitol. Para a determinação da digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e da energia, foi utilizado o método da coleta parcial de fezes. Ao final do experimento, foi abatido um animal de cada baia para avaliação da morfometria dos órgãos. De maneira geral, a inclusão de até 2,0% de sorbitol em dietas complexas de leitões recém-desmamados não afeta (P>0,05) o desempenho dos animais, a ocorrência de diarreia, a morfometria dos órgãos, a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e a viabilidade econômica, enquanto que o uso do antimicrobiano clorohidroxiquinolina prejudica o desempenho (P<0,05) e aumenta (P<0,01) o custo de produção dos leitões em fase de creche. / Feed additives have been recommended to overcome early weaning problems and to improve pig performance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate growth performance, frequency of diarrhea, apparent digestibility of nutrients, organs morphometry and economic feasibility of weanling pigs fed complex diets containing sorbitol. One hundred and twenty weanling pigs (6.22 ± 0.28 kg) were used in a randomized complete block design experiment with five treatments, eight replications (blocks) per treatment and three pigs per experimental unit (pen). The treatments were: basal diet with 120 ppm of chlorhydroxyquinoline or basal diet with 0, 1, 1.5 or 2% of sorbitol. The marker method was used in digestibility assay. At the end of experimental period, one animal per experimental unit was slaughtered to evaluate of organs morphometry. Overall, dietary added sorbitol up to 2.0% in weanling pig complex diet does not affect (P>0.05) growth performance, frequency of diarrhea, apparent digestibility of nutrients, organs morphometry and economic feasibility, while the antimicrobial agent chlorhydroxyquinoline depresses (P<0.05) growth performance and increases (P<0.01) the cost per kilogram of weight gain of weanling pig.
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Controle de Listeria monocytogenes em lingüiça frescal refrigerada através do uso de óleo essencial de orégano e nisina / Control of Listeria monocytogenes in fresh pork sausage due to use of oregano essential oil and nisinKruger, Monika Francisca 30 June 2006 (has links)
Listeria monocytogenes é conhecida como um importante patógeno causador de doenças transmitidas por alimentos na última década. Apesar do número de casos por ano ser relativamente baixo, a infecção pode ser grave, com mortalidades acima de 30%. Pesquisas realizadas no Brasil relataram uma incidência de 32% em amostras de produtos cárneos, e o microrganismo foi encontrado em 80% das amostras lingüiças frescal de carne suína. Apesar dos recentes avanços nas tecnologias de controle de patógenos em alimentos, os consumidores têm procurado alimentos \"naturais\", isto é, submetidos a tratamentos menos agressivos e isentos de conservadores químicos. Antimicrobianos naturais são uma opção interessante, mas sua aplicação requer uma melhor compreensão de sua funcionalidade nos alimentos. Os óleos essenciais e seus compostos fenólicos estão se tornando agentes antimicrobianos naturais bastante populares, assim como a nisina, uma bacteriocina produzida por Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida para avaliar o efeito de óleo essencial de orégano (O.E.O.) e de nisina, individualmente ou em combinação, na inibição da multiplicação de Listeria monocytogenes Scott A in vitro (meio de cultura) e in situ -(lingüiça frescal suína). A atividade inibitória foi testada pela metodologia de difusão em poços, e os halos de inibição foram medidos 24 horas após a incubação à 37ºC. Foram testadas as concentrações 0,05%, 0,1%, 0,2%, 0,3%, 0,4% e 0,5% (v/v) de O.E.O. e 0, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 e 2000 ppm de nisina. Quando o óleo essencial foi usado em combinação com a nisina foi observado um efeito sinérgico na inibição de L. monocytogenes. As concentrações que apresentaram o maior efeito contra o patógeno nos testes in vitro, ou seja 0,5% (v/v) O.E.O. com 200 ppm de nisina, foram utilizadas nos experimentos com três formulações diferentes lingüiça frescal, contendo pernil de porco, sal (2%), nitrito (0,015%), condimentos, emulsificantes e antioxidantes, experimentalmente contaminadas com L. monocytogenes Scott A (106 UFC/g). A multiplicação do patógeno foi monitorada no produto refrigerado a 5oC por até 10 dias, através da contagem em placas. Controles sem antimicrobianos também foram estudados. Os resultados indicaram que o O.E.O., usado isoladamente, não conferiu proteção ao alimento. A nisina causou uma redução de 2 log imediatamente após o contato com o microrganismo, mas durante o armazenamento, as células sobreviventes apresentaram a mesma taxa de multiplicação que na lingüiça controle (??0,05), mantendo as contagens 2 log inferiores as do controle por até 9 dias. Quando os dois antimicrobianos foram usados em combinação, a redução imediata após o contato foi de 4 log, e, quando comparado ao controle, a taxa de multiplicação durante o armazenamento a 5oC foi significativamente mais altas que no controle (??0,05). Entretanto, as amostras de lingüiça contendo esses antimicrobianos nas concentrações testadas não foram aprovadas nos testes sensoriais de aceitação (??0,05). Esses resultados indicam que a combinação desses antimicrobianos pode ser utilizada como uma barreira adicional para a multiplicação de L.monocytogenes em lingüiça frescal suína, mas os atributos sensoriais que conferem ao produto podem limitar sua aplicação. / Listeria monocytogenes has been recognized as an important foodborne pathogen for the past decade. Although the number of cases per annum is relatively low, the infections can be acute, with mortality up to 30%. In Brazil, some works reported that 32% of dairy meat products were contaminated with L. monocytogenes, and this organism was found in 80% of fresh pork sausage. In spite of modern improvements in food production techniques, the consumers are seeking for \"natural\" food products, i.e., not submitted to aggressive treatments or added of chemical preservatives. Natural antimicrobials are a promising option, but their application requires a better understanding of their functionality in foods. Naturally occurring antimicrobial agents, such as essential oils and their phenolic components, are becoming increasingly popular as preservation agents. Other compound with increased application in foods is nisin, a bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of oregano essential oil (O.E.O.) and nisin, individually or in combination, on the inhibition of growth of Listeria monocytogenes Scott A in vitro (agar culture medium) and in situ (fresh pork sausage). The inhibitory activity was tested by the well diffusion method, measuring the inhibition halos after 24hours incubation at 37ºC. The concentrations tested were 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5% (v/v) for OEO and 0, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 and 2000 ppm for nisin. When the essential oil was used in combination with nisin, a synergistic effect was observed for L. monocytogenes, i.e., the oil enhanced the activity of the bacteriocin. The combination 0.5% (v/v) O.E.O. with 200 ppm nisin presented the best results and was used to test the functionality in fresh pork sausage prepared with three different formulations, containing deboned minced pork meat, 2% salt and 0.015% nitrite, plus spices, emulsifier and antioxidant, and experimentally contaminated with L. monocytogenes Scott A (106 CFU/g). The growth of the pathogen was monitored in the refrigerated product (5oC) up to 10 days, by means of plate counting. Controls without antimicrobials were included in the experiments. Results indicated that O.E.O., used alone, was not effective. Nisin alone caused a 2-log reduction immediately after contact, but during storage the surviving cells presented the same multiplication rate as in the control (? ? 0.5), keeping the counts 2 log lower up to 9 days. When used in combination, the two antimicrobials caused a 4-log count reduction immediately after addition and, when compared to the control, the multiplication rate of the surviving cells during storage under refrigeration up to 10 days was significantly higher (? ? 0.5). However, samples containing these antimicrobials in the tested concentrations failed the sensorial acceptance tests (? ? 0.5). These results indicate that the combination of these antimicrobials can be an additional hurdle for the control of L. monocytogenes in fresh pork sausages, but the final sensorial attributes of the product may hamper their application.
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Espécies do grupo Bacteroides fragilis em bezerros com e sem diarréia aguda: ocorrência, fatores de virulência e caracterização molecular / Species of the Bacteroides fragilis group in calves with and without diarrhea: occurrence, virulence factors and molecular characterization.Almeida, Fernanda dos Santos 27 June 2007 (has links)
Em nosso estudo foi avaliada a presença das bactérias do grupo Bacteroides fragilis em 108 amostras fecais de bezerros com e sem diarréia, além de fatores de virulência e a similaridade genética entre as cepas de B. fragilis. Hemolisinas foram observadas em 36,3% e em 83,7% dos bezerros com e sem diarréia, respectivamente. Apenas 7,4% dos isolados foram hemaglutinantes. De todos os isolados, grande parte resistiu à ação do soro e 100% foram sensíveis ao imipenem e metronidazol. Houve resistência aos metais pesados utilizados. Plasmídios foram detectados em 7,4% dos isolados. Dentre 58,8% produtores de ß-lactamase, em 19,7% e em 26,0% de bezerros com e sem diarréia, respectivamente detectou-se o gene cepA, que foi observado também em plasmídios de 5,5 kb. O gene cfiA foi observado em 16,5% dos isolados diarréicos e em 12,6% de não diarréicos, mas não em plasmídios. O gene nanH foi detectado em 21,8% dos isolados e o gene bft somente em dois isolados diarréicos. A similaridadade genética entre os B. fragilis mostrou a heterogeneidade das bactérias. / In this study the bacteria of Bacteroides fragilis group was evaluated in 108 fecal samples of calves with and without diarrhea, besides virulence factors and the genetic similarity among the B. fragilis strains. Hemolysin was observed in 36.3% and in 83.7% of calves with and without diarrhea, respectively. Only 7.4% of the isolates showed hemagglutinability. Of all the isolates, the major part resisted to the action of the serum and 100% were sensitive to the imipenem and metronidazole. There was resistance to the used heavy metals. Plasmids were detected in 7.4% isolates. Among 58.8% ß- lactamase producing, 19.7% and 26.0% strains of calves with and without diarrhea, respectively the cepA gene was detected, that was also observed in 5.5 kb plasmids. The cfiA gene was observed in 16.5% of the diarrheic isolates and 12.6% of non-diarrheic, but not in plasmids. The nanH gene was detected in 21.8% of the isolates and the bft gene only in two diarrheic isolates. The genetic similarity among the B. fragilis showed the heterogeneity of the bacteria.
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Análise do potencial patogênico, diversidade genotípica e perfil de resistência de linhagens de Shigella sonnei isoladas de 1983 a 2014 no Estado de São Paulo / Analysis of the potential pathogenic, genotypic diversity and resistance profile of Shigella sonnei strains isolated from 1983 to 2014 in the State of São PauloSeribelli, Amanda Aparecida 19 December 2016 (has links)
Shigella spp. está entre as quatro bactérias mais isoladas de fezes diarreicas no Brasil. No mundo cerca de 164,7 milhões de casos de shigelose ocorrem anualmente, sendo a maioria em países em desenvolvimento. O gênero Shigella spp. possui quatro espécies, sendo Shigella sonnei e Shigella flexneri as espécies mais frequentemente isoladas no Brasil e no mundo. O monitoramento de linhagens resistentes de Shigella spp. é essencial, pois este garante uma terapia eficiente quando necessária. Especificamente, a maioria dos estudos realizados com linhagens de S. sonnei no país verificaram apenas a ocorrência dessa e há poucos estudos que investigaram o potencial patogênico e a diversidade genotípica dessa espécie. Os objetivos desse projeto foram analisar o potencial patogênico, o perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos e a diversidade genotípica de linhagens de S. sonnei isoladas durante três décadas no Estado de São Paulo. No total foram caracterizadas 72 linhagens de S. sonnei isoladas de humanos, entre os anos de 1983 a 2014, quanto à presença de 12 genes de virulência por PCR, perfil de suscetibilidade frente a 16 antimicrobianos por disco difusão e tipagem molecular por Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), Enterobacterial repetitve intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR), Multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) e 20 linhagens tipadas por Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST). Todas as linhagens apresentaram os genes de virulência ipaH, iuc e sigA. O gene ipaBCD foi encontrado em 14 (19%) linhagens, os genes ial e virF em 13 (18%) linhagens e o gene sen em sete (10%) linhagens. Os genes set1A, set1B, pic, sat e sepA não foram detectados. As mais altas taxas de resistência foram frente à sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim encontrada em 42 (58,3%) linhagens e frente à tetraciclina encontrada em 30 (41,6%) linhagens. Onze (15,5%) linhagens foram resistentes à ampicilina e piperacilina. Três (4,2%) linhagens foram resistentes à cefotaxima. Três (4,2%) linhagens foram resistentes ao cloranfenicol. Duas (2,8%) linhagens foram resistentes à ampicilina-sulbactam. Duas (2,8%) linhagens foram resistentes ao ácido nalidíxico. Uma (1,4%) linhagem foi resistente à amoxicilina-ácido clavulânico. Cinco (7%) linhagens foram multidroga resistentes (MDR). O dendrograma gerado pelo PFGE agrupou as 72 linhagens de S. sonnei em dois clusters designados PFGE-A e PFGE-B. O cluster PFGE-A agrupou 39 linhagens isoladas entre 1983-2014 com uma similaridade >=73,6% e mais especificamente 35 dessas linhagens apresentaram uma similaridade >=80,3%. O cluster PFGE-B agrupou 33 linhagens de S. sonnei isoladas entre 1984-2014 com uma similaridade >=74,7% e 27 dessas linhagens exibiram uma similaridade >=83,0%. Similarmente, o dendrograma gerado pelo ERIC-PCR agrupou as 72 linhagens de S. sonnei em dois clusters designados ERIC-A e ERIC-B. O cluster ERIC-A agrupou 37 linhagens isoladas entre 1983-2014 que exibiram uma similaridade >=78,8% e mais especificamente 36 dessas linhagens apresentaram uma similaridade >=82,3%. O cluster ERIC-B agrupou 34 linhagens de S. sonnei isoladas entre 1987-2014 que exibiram uma similaridade >=84,0%. Também por MLVA as linhagens foram agrupadas em dois clusters designados MLVA-A e MLVA-B. O cluster MLVA-A agrupou 31 linhagens isoladas entre 1983-2014 com uma similaridade >=40%. O cluster MLVA-B agrupou 41 linhagens isoladas entre 1983-2014 com uma similaridade >=21,6%. Todas as 20 S. sonnei foram tipadas por MLST como ST152. Conclui-se que o potencial patogênico das linhagens estudadas foi destacado pela presença de importantes genes de virulência. A alta porcentagem de resistência para alguns antimicrobianos testados, tais como, sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim e tetraciclina é preocupante e pode levar à falha terapêutica. Os resultados da tipagem molecular sugerem que existam dois subtipos prevalentes nas linhagens de S. sonnei estudadas que se diferenciaram pouco geneticamente e contaminaram humanos durante 31 anos na região metropolitana de Ribeirão Preto no Estado de São Paulo. O resultado do MLST indica que as linhagens estudadas de Shigella sonnei isoladas no Brasil descendem de um precursor comum / Shigella spp. is among the four most isolated bacteria from diarrheal faeces in Brazil. In the world about 164.7 million cases of shigellosis occur annually, mostly in developing countries. The genus Shigella spp. comprises four species, being Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri the most frequently isolated species in Brazil and worldwide. The monitoring of resistant strains of Shigella spp. is essential and ensures an effective therapy when necessary. Specifically, the majority of the studies with S. sonnei performed in the country verified only the occurrence of this bacterium and there are few studies that investigated the pathogenic potential and genotypic diversity of this species. The aims of this project were to analyze the pathogenic potential, antimicrobial resistance profile and genotypic diversity of S. sonnei strains isolated during three decades in the State of São Paulo. In total, 72 of S. sonnei strains isolated from humans, between the years 1983-2014, were characterized for the presence of 12 virulence genes by PCR, resistance profile against 16 antimicrobials by disk diffusion and molecular typing by Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), Enterobacterial repetitve intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR), Multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) and 20 strains typed by Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST). All the strains contained the ipaH, iuc and sigA genes. The ipaBCD gene was detected in 14 (19%) strains, the ial and virF genes in 13 (18%) strains and the sen gene in seven (10%) strains. The set1A, set1B, pic, sepA and sat genes were not detected. The highest resistance rates were against trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole found in 42 (58.3%) strains and against tetracycline found in 30 (41.6%) strains. Eleven (15.5%) strains were resistant to ampicillin and piperacillin. Three (4.2%) strains were resistant to cefotaxime. Three (4.2%) strains were resistant to chloramphenicol. Two (2.8%) strains were resistant to ampicillin-sulbactam. Two (2.8%) strains were resistant to nalidixic acid. One (1.4%) strain was resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. Five (7%) strains were multidrug resistant (MDR). The dendrogram generated by PFGE grouped the 72 S. sonnei strains into two clusters designated PFGE-A and PFGE-B. The PFGE-A cluster comprised, 39 S. sonnei strains isolated between 1983 and 2014 with a similarity above 73.6% and more specifically 35 of those strains exhibited a similarity >= 80.3%. The PFGE-B cluster grouped, 33 S. sonnei strains isolated between 1984 and 2014 with a similarity above 74.7%, and 27 of those strains exhibited a similarity above 83.0.Similarly, the dendrogram generated by ERIC-PCR grouped the 72 S. sonnei strains into two clusters designated ERIC-A and ERIC-B. The ERIC-A cluster comprised, 37 S. sonnei strains isolated between 1983 and 2014 that exhibited a similarity above 78.8% and specifically 36 strains of those exhibited a similarity >= 82.3%. The ERIC-B cluster grouped, 34 S. sonnei strains isolated between 1987 and 2014 that exhibited a similarity above 84.0%. Also, by MLVA strains were grouped into two clusters designated MLVA-A and MLVA-B. The MLVA-A cluster comprised 31 strains isolated between 1983 and 2014 with a similarity >=40%. The MLVA-B cluster comprised 41 strains isolated between 1983 and 2014 with a similarity >=21.6%. All the 20 S. sonnei were typed by MLST as ST152. In conclusion, the possible pathogenic potential of the strains studied was highlighted by the presence of important virulence genes. The high percentage of resistance to some of the antimicrobials tested such as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline is worrying and may lead to therapeutic failure. Molecular typing results may suggest that there are two prevalent subtypes of S. sonnei strains studied that differed little genetically and have been contaminating humans over 31 years in the metropolitan region of Ribeirão Preto in the São Paulo State in Brazil. The result of MLST indicates that the Shigella sonnei strains studied isolated in Brazil descended from a common precursor
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