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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av skylt samt en parkerings app för Visby innerstad

Ballaei, Sahar January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete, på kandidatnivå med omfattning 15 högskolepoäng har pågått i tio veckor och har varit i samarbete med Region Gotland. Uppdraget har handlat om att ta fram en ny parkerings skylt för Visbys innerstad samt underlätta navigeringen i trafiken genom en parkerings app. Skylten och appen samspelas med varandra och skapar på så vis en helhet över trafikproblemen i Visby innerstad. Problemformuleringen i projektet har varit: ”Hur kan jag skapa ett nytt navigeringssätt för att underlätta trafik flödet i Visby samt utveckla en ny parkeringsskylt som enkelt kan uppfattas och samtidigt smälta in i den historiska miljön med rimlig kostnads insatser för Region Gotland?” Jag har genom studier på färg, form, funktion analyserat och kommit fram till en grafisk symbol, med ett färgval som är igenkännbart till skyltar relaterat till parkerings automater anpassad för Visbys innerstad. Man ska enkelt kunna tolka skyltarna och hitta till parkerings automaterna samtidigt som det ska smälta in i kulturarvs miljö. Man ska även kunna få information om det är full parkerat, få vägbeskrivning till närmaste parkerings plats och så vidare genom parkerings appen. Utvecklingen av parkerings appen uppkom för att fullända och underlätta trafiken och navigeringen i Visby där den ger en mer samlad information. Projektet har varit anpassade till människa utifrån ergonomisk perspektiv och till den historiska omgivningen i Visby med rimliga åtgärder för Region Gotland. / In this examination project, at candidate level with extent of 15 credits has been going on for ten weeks and been in collaboration with the municipality of Gotland, Region Gotland.This assignment has been about developing a new parking sign for Visby’s inner town and to facilitate navigation in traffic through a parking app. The parking sign and the app interact with each other and create a unity over the traffic problems in Visby. The problem formulation of the project has been:“How can I develop a new navigational system to facilitate the traffic flow in Visby and a new parking sign that is easily understood, while blending in with the cultural heritage with reasonable measures for Region Gotland to produce?” I have through studies of color, form, function analyzed and come up with a graphic symbol, in a choice that is recognizable to the signs related to parking machines and payment of them adapted for Visby’s inner town as well as it should blend in with the environment. You should easily be able to interpret the signs and find the parking machines as well as the parking app gives you direction to the nearest parking space and inform you if any parking spaces are available or not, all this give you more comprehensive and facilitate information.The project has been adapted to human from an ergonomic perspective and the cultural heritage of Visby old town, with reasonable measures for the municipality to realize and produce.

Der Katalog in der Tasche

Gaitzsch, Mario 23 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Unterwegs nachsehen, ob das neueste Buch des Lieblingsautors gerade verfügbar ist, oder schnell einmal ins eigene Nutzerkonto einloggen und die Leihfristen verlängern – seit August 2011 ist dies für die Nutzer der Städtischen Bibliotheken Dresden einfacher möglich, denn der Online-Katalog steht jetzt zusätzlich in einer für mobile Endgeräte optimierten Version zur Verfügung.

Enabling telemedicine with smartphones

Gokhale, Vaidehee Padgaonkar 24 February 2012 (has links)
As smartphone technology continues to mature, one of the many areas it can help enhance is telemedicine: the concept of using telecommunications to provide health information from a distance. A new medical condition or disease can require frequent visits to the doctor for simple biometric monitoring. These frequent visits are time-consuming and can be extremely inconvenient for the patient. This report describes how a smartphone can be the optimal platform to communicate critical biometric measurements to one's physician, reduce in-person hospital visits, and still allow for the patient to receive feedback from the doctor. A proof-of-concept infrastructure for enabling telemedicine is demonstrated by interfacing a glucose meter with an Android device that uploads that data to the Cloud to be viewed by the doctor. / text

基於慣性個人日誌之情節記憶典藏暨檢索系統 / Episodic Memory Archiving and Retrieving System Based on Repetitive Personal Journal

蘇瑋誠, Su, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本創作主要為基於習慣、記憶、生命記錄理念而開發的應用程式,希望以眾多的行動應用為基礎,藉由本創作主動提醒的機制,讓使用者更容易回想過去的記憶、再次體驗重遊的經驗和感受,並試圖了解使用者在經由提醒下的影響。 本創作為實作於iPhone上App,使用Objective-C程式語言撰寫,稱之為「iRemind」。實驗結果的三e指標、介面使用經驗皆有達到實驗所設定的目標,結果發現,大多受測者滿意本創作的設計與功能,也滿意本創作提出主動提醒的概念,認為有助於回憶事件,而且覺得是有趣的。但頻繁的提醒記憶會影響使用者在體驗過程的愉悅性,在主動提醒機制上,需要符合使用者需求進行相關設計,因此最後本文有提出幾項建議與設計作為參考。 / This research developed an application based on the concept of people’s habits, memories, and life-logs. We not only hoped that users can recall their memories or re-experience the feeling of their travels easily by the mechanism of active reminder, but also wanted to realize the effect on users. The system was implemented on iPhone, so we used Objective-c as primary language. And we named it “iRemind”. The “3-E indicators” of the experiment results and interface of user experience all achieved the desired goal. Most of users approved iRemind’s design, function and the concept of the active reminder, and they believe it also helps them recall past events. Besides, they think it’s interesting. But when it reminds too frequently, the enjoyment of user experience will be reduced. Therefore, the mechanism of active reminder design should consider users’ needs. In the end, we proposed some suggestions for future improvement.

Visual instructions for toddlers : Designing instructions in a medical iPad app

Hulha, Antonia January 2015 (has links)
Together with a research group from Mälardalen University’s department of Health, Care and Social Welfare, a prototype for an iPad app was created that aims to solves some of the current issues in healthcare for toddlers. The prototype would then be used by the research group to test with toddlers and examine whether the toddlers’ knowledge of basic medical treatments was increased. Due to varying linguistic backgrounds and abilities, the iPad had to be completely free of words, communicating only through sounds, images and animation. In this study, a research question was developed: What design aspects of illustrations and animations make them identifiable and ensure basic usability in an interactive iPad app that does not contain any written or spoken words for children between the ages 3 and 5? In order to find the answers to this question, an expert review was conducted, relevant design principles were studied to learn more about usability guidelines and animation for children, a prototype was created and iterative participatory tests were conducted with children of the same age as the target audience. These methods showed that there is a lack of usability guidelines when it comes to designing usability for a young audience. However, the usage of an expert review method prior to creating an app proved to be an effective way to see different design strategies in action and evaluate them. The participatory tests indicated that the usage of two different gestures is challenging for young children, and that instructions for these two gestures have to be different from one another.

Cykla i stadsmiljö : “Vinsten för individen av att cykla”

Ögren, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Gävle kommun har som mål att öka cyklandet i Gävle. År 2025 ska andelen resor kortare än fyra kilometer vara 60%, i senaste undersökningen från år 2012 låg den andelen på 24% (Atterbrand et al, 2012). Enligt samma undersökning konstaterades det att Gävle kommun inte är på väg att uppnå sina mål då andelen kortare resor som genomförs med cykel har stått på samma siffra sedan 2006 (Indebetou et al, 2012). Examensarbetet syftar till att ta fram ett koncept som uppmuntrar fler människor till att välja cykeln framför andra färdmedel. Problemformuleringen handlar om hur intresset för att cykla i stadsmiljö kan ökas. Arbetet har begränsats till att fokusera på en lokal nivå, men tanken är att resultatet ska kunna användas för att skapa liknande produkter till alla stadsmiljöer.Metoder som har använts för att komma fram till slutresultatet är intervjuer med privatpersoner och nyckelpersoner inom Gävle kommun, litteraturstudier, funktionsanalys och marknadsundersökning. Till undersökningen har matrial från Gävle kommun använts, men även vetenskapliga artiklar och intervjuer. Här används fakta för att styrka anledningar till varför personer bör välja att cykla framför andra färdmedel samt vad Gävle har för potential som cykelstad. I genomförandet visas flera skissförslag som tagits fram med inspiration från undersökningen. Här presenteras även olika behov som konstaterats utifrån intervjuer med privatpersoner, som används för att välja ett skissförslag att arbeta vidare med. Därefter följer arbetet utvecklingen till det slutliga resultatet som blev en app till smartphones. Utseende och funktioner för appen som framtagits uppkom efter marknadsundersökningar där två appar till smartphones undersöktes, och även en funktion till cyklister som Gävle kommun erbjuder via deras hemsida för att erbjuda en anpassad vägvisning för just cyklister. De appar som undersöktes är RunKeeper och Google Maps. RunKeeper är en motiverande app för att öka intresset för motion. Google Maps är en app som genom GPS ger vägvisning för bilister, cyklister och gångtrafikanter. Marknadsundersökningen gav underlag för den slutgiltiga appen som döpts till Cyclum. Cyculm ger tips om ställen att cykla till, visar cykelbanor i staden och kan erbjuda cyklisten vägvisning mellan två punkter som användaren själv anger. Genom att använda Cyclum kan cyklisten samla in statistik kring sitt cykelanvändande, ett sätt att motivera till att cykla mer. / Gävle municipality has a goal to increase cycling in Gävle. In the year 2025, the proportion of journeys less than four kilometers should be at 60%, a survey from 2012 showed that the proportion were only 24% (Atterbrand et al, 2012). According to the same survey, it was found that the municipality of Gävle will not achieve their goals about the proportion of short trips undertaken by bicycle since the number has not increased since 2006 (Indebetou et al, 2012). The essay aims to develop a concept that will encourage more people to choose the bicycle over other means of transport. The main goal is to find out how the interest in cycling in urban environments can be increased. The work has been limited to focusing to a local level, but the idea is that the results can be used to create similar products to all urban environments. Methods that have been used to get to the final result are interviews with individuals and with people working for the municipality of Gävle. The work also include a study of different scientific articles, an analysis to decide functions of the resulting concept and market research to determent what would be necessary to the results. For the research, official material from municipality of Gävle is used, as well as scientific articles and interviews. The facts are used to confirm reasons why people should choose to bike over other modes of transport as well as to show that Gävle has potential as a cycling city. The facts that are mentioned in the research are later on used to make different design proposals. Based on the interviews made, three bigger needs are presented as a way to select a design proposal to develop further. The result is presented at the end in the form of an app to smartphones. The appearance and features for the app that has been produced occurred after making a market research where two apps for smartphones were investigated, and also a feature to cyclists who the municipality of Gävle offers via their website to offer a custom wayfinding just for cyclists. The apps that were investigated is called RunKeeper and Google Maps. RunKeeper is a motivational app to increase interest in the exercise. Google Maps is an app that uses GPS to give directions for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. The market investigation provided the basis for the final app dubbed Cyclum. Cyculm give tips on places to bike to show bike lanes in the city and can offer the cyclist wayfinding between two points that the user specifies. By using Cyclum cyclist can collect statistics about their bicycle use, a way to motivate to bike more.

運用kNN文字探勘分析智慧型終端App群集之研究 / The study of analyzing smart handheld device App's clusters by using kNN text mining

曾國傑, Tseng, Kuo Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著智慧型終端設備日益普及,使用者對App需求逐漸增加,各大企業也因此開創了一種新的互動性行銷方式。同時,App下載所帶來的龐大商機也促使許多開發人員紛紛加入App的開發行列,造成App的數量呈現爆炸性成長,而讓使用者在面對種類繁多的App時,無法做出有效率的選擇。故本研究將透過文字探勘與kNN集群分析技術,分析網友發表的App推薦文並將App進行分群;再藉由參數的調整,期望能透過衡量指標的評估來獲得最佳品質之分群,以便作為使用者選擇App之參考依據。 為了使大量App進行分群以解決使用者「資訊超載」的問題,本研究以App Store之遊戲類App為分析對象,蒐集了439篇App推薦文章,並依App推薦對象之異同,將其合併成357篇App推薦文章;接著,透過文字探勘技術將文章轉換成可相互比較的向量空間模型,再利用kNN群集分析對其進行分群。同時,藉由參數組合中k值與文件相似度門檻值的調整來獲得最佳品質之分群;其分群品質的評估則透過平均群內相似度等指標來進行衡量;而為了提升分群品質,本研究採用「多階段分群」,以分群後各群集內的文章數量來判斷是否進行再分群或群集合併。 本研究結果顯示第一階段分群在k值為10、文件相似度門檻值為0.025時,能獲得最佳之分群品質。而在後續階段的分群過程中,因群集內文章數減少,故將k值降低並逐漸提高文件相似度門檻值以獲得分群效果。第二階段結束後,可針對已達到分群停止條件之群集進行關鍵詞彙萃取,並可歸類出「棒球/射擊」與「投擲飛行」等6種App類型;其後階段依循相同分群規則可獲得「守城塔防」等14種App類型。分群結束後,共可分出36個群集並獲得20種App類型。分群過程中,平均群內相似度逐漸增加;平均群間相似度則逐漸下降;分群品質衡量指標由第一階段分群後的12.65%提升到第五階段結束時的75.81%。 由本研究可知分群之後相似度高的App會逐漸聚集成群,所獲得之各群集命名結果將能作為使用者選擇App之參考依據;App軟體開發人員也能從各群集之關鍵詞彙中了解使用者所注重的遊戲元素,改善App內容以更符合使用者之需求。而以本研究結果為基礎,透過建立專業詞庫改善分群品質、利用文件摘要技術加強使用者對各群集之了解,或建立App推薦系統等皆可做為未來研究之方向。 / With the popularity of Smart Handheld Devices are increasing, the needs of “App” are spreading. Developers whom devote themselves to this opportunity are also rising, making the total number of Apps growing rapidly. Facing these kind of situation, users couldn’t choose the App they need efficiently. This research uses text mining and kNN Clustering technique analyzing the recommendation reviews of App by netizen then clustering the App recommendation articles; Through the adjustments of parameters, we expect to evaluate the measurement indicators to obtain the best quality cluster to use as a basis for users to select Apps. In order to solve the information overload for the user, we analyzed apps of the “Games” category form App store and sorted out to 357 App recommendation articles to use as our analysis target. Then we used text mining technique to process the articles and uses kNN clustering analysis to sort out the articles. Simultaneously, we fine tuning the measurement indicators to find the optimal cluster. This research uses multi-phase clustering technique to assure the quality of each cluster. We discriminate 36 clusters and 20 categories from the clustering results. During the clustering process, the Mean of Intra-cluster Similarity increases gradually; in the contrary, the Mean of Inter-cluster Similarity reduces. The “Cluster Quality” increases from 12.65% significantly to 75.81%. In conclusion, similar Apps will gradually been clustered by its similarities, and can be used to be a reference by its cluster’s name. The App developers can also understands the game elements which the users pay greater attentions and tailored their contents to match the needs of the users according to the key phrases from each cluster. In further discussion, building specialized terms database of App to improve the quality of the clustering, using summarization technique to robust user understanding of each cluster, or to build up App recommendation system is liking to be further studied via using the results by this research.

Cognitive load in smartphone calendar applications / Kognitiv belastning i smartphone kalenderapplikationer

Hellqvist, Adrian, Olsson, Tommy January 2018 (has links)
The use of smartphone applications has increased dramatically in the last decade. With the technology being ubiquitous around us it is important to reduce the required cognitive demand for interacting with the technology. A common use of smartphones is calendar applications. This paper investigates if cognitive load can be lowered by using a calendar application specifically designed with cognitive load in mind compared to the widely used Google Calendar. The hypothesis is that the application will generate a lower cognitive load in comparison. An experiment was conducted where participants were instructed to perform a primary task by following given instructions of what to do in the calendar application while also performing a secondary task. There were no significant differences in performance except for two tasks where the new app performed worse. Participants also reported a higher level of frustration for the new app which could mean that their cognitive load was slightly higher. / Användandet av smartphone applikationer har ökat dramatiskt under det senaste decenniet, eftersom att tekniken hela tiden är närvarande runt om oss så är det viktigt att minska de kognitiva kraven som behövs vid användandet. Ett vanligt användande av smartphones är kalenderapplikationer, den här studien undersöker om den kognitiva belastningen kan minskas vid användandet av en kalender app genom att använda applikation som designats med kognitiv belastning i åtanke för att sen jämföras mot Google Kalender. Hypotesen är att applikationen kommer att generera en lägre kognitiv belastning i jämförelse. Ett experiment utfördes där deltagarna instruerades att utföra en huvuduppgift som innebar att utföra givna instruktioner med uppdrag i kalendarapplikationen, samtidigt som en sekundär uppgift utfördes där deltagarna fick trycka på en knapp när en signal hördes. Det var ingen signifikant skillnad i prestation förutom i två uppgifter där appen presterade sämre, deltagarna rapporterade också en högre nivå av frustration vilket skulle kunna innebära att den kognitiva belastningen var något högre.


Campagnolo, Karla 29 November 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Brazilian environmental legislation, in what it refers to natural resource preservation, has its central point in the Forestry Code. This is a set of definitions and rules to be obeyed in both rural and urban environments, in view of the fact that one of its main tools happens by APP s (Permanent Preservation Areas). The new Forest Code (NCF) which repeals Law No. 4,771, Old Forestry Code (ACF), regulates the definition of APP s of waterway marginal ranges, considering that currently their delimitation must be done from the edge of the regular bed rail (LR), differently from the ACF, which indicated the APP range beginning from the larger hydrological river bed (LMH). The objective was to compare the application of the new APP delimitation law in river ciliary range, opposite to the Old Code, as well as the difference between themselves, in a typically rural basin. The Arroio Grande was used as a case study, the extent of the LR was defined, as well as of LMH and its respective APP range, thus, forming the Permanent Protection Range (FPP) for the stretch of defined river. Within each protection strip, it was utilized the land use analysis and also its commonest conflicts that define the boundaries of the APP defining bed. Through the maps which were obtained, the APP of this stretch of the Arroio Grande currently must be 50m from the LR rail, which is bounded through this river, and includes river shores and islands. About the change in the legislation, it is highlighted that the alteration of the beginning of APP range from LMH to LR brought loss of the protected area. The NCF brings as a contribution to permit the owners the adequacy of degraded areas using a minor range of preservation and facilitating the definition of LR by satellite images. According to the NCF, 22.3%of the APP areas of the Arroio Grande are not protected, which compromises the basin balance when we see the importance of these sites for the ecosystem maintenance. Thus, one can compare the laws through the maps and conclude that the NCF has brought some progress such as the ease in the demarcation of APP, but it is milder compared to the size of the protected area. This way one indicates that the Forestry Code is applied to a larger possible number of properties for both proposed purposes in its text: environmental preservation and recovery, with owners awareness about the importance of protecting riparian bands for maintenance of system stability, or its recovery. / A legislação ambiental brasileira, no que se refere à preservação dos recursos naturais, tem seu ponto central no Código Florestal. Trata-se de um conjunto de normas para conservação dos recursos naturais, tanto no ambiente rural como urbano, sendo que uma das suas principais ferramentas se dá por meio das APP s (Áreas de Preservação Permanente). O Novo Código Florestal (NCF), que revoga a Lei n° 4.771, Antigo Código Florestal (ACF), regulamenta a definição de APP s das faixas marginais dos cursos d água, sendo que atualmente sua delimitação deve ser feita a partir da borda da calha do Leito Regular (LR), diferentemente do ACF, que indicava o início da faixa de APP a partir do Leito Maior Hidrológico (LMH) do rio. Objetivou-se comparar a aplicação da nova lei de delimitação de APP s em faixa ciliar de rio frente ao antigo Código, bem como a diferença de área dos mesmos, em uma bacia tipicamente rural. Utilizou-se como estudo de caso o Arroio Grande, definindo-se a extensão do LR, do LMH e respectiva faixa de APP, formando assim, a Faixa de Proteção Permanente (FPP) para o trecho de rio definido. Dentro de cada faixa de proteção, foi realizada a análise do uso do solo e dos conflitos mais comuns encontrados para delimitação do leito definidor da APP. Por meio dos mapas obtidos, atualmente, a APP deste trecho do Arroio Grande deve ser de 50 metros a partir da calha do LR, que se trata da calha delimitada do rio, incluídas as praias fluviais e ilhas fluviais. Sobre a mudança na legislação, destaca-se que a alteração do início da faixa de APP do LMH para o LR trouxe perda de área protegida. O NCF traz como contribuição permitir aos proprietários a adequação das áreas degradadas com uma faixa menor de preservação, e facilitar a definição do LR por meio de imagens de satélite. Segundo o NCF, 22,3% das áreas de APP do Arroio Grande não estão protegidas, o que compromete o equilíbrio da bacia, visto a importância que estes locais possuem para manutenção do ecossistema. Assim, pode-se comparar as legislações através dos mapas e concluir que o NCF trouxe alguns avanços, como a facilidade na demarcação da APP, mas é mais brando em relação ao tamanho de área protegida. Indica-se desta forma que o Código Florestal seja aplicado a um maior número possível de propriedades para ambas as finalidades propostas em seu texto, de preservação e recuperação ambiental, com conscientização dos proprietários da importância da proteção das faixas ripárias para a manutenção da estabilidade do sistema, ou recuperação da mesma.

ADAM10 como biomarcador para a doença de Alzheimer

Manzine, Patricia Regina 24 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:48:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4177.pdf: 5761817 bytes, checksum: cb8d207716a1afe86708253767f3f7ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in people over 65 years. Platelet studies with ADAM10 have shown to decrease its expression in AD patients. The association between cognitive testing and molecular biomarkers such as levels of platelet ADAM10 protein can be important tools for the accurate and early diagnosis of AD. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between the Mini-Mental State Examination - MMSE and the Clinical Dementia Rating - CDR with the ADAM10 expression in two groups of elderly. 30 subjects with AD were compared with 25 matched controls by sex, age and education. All ethical considerations were observed. Individual evaluations were carried out and applied the CDR and MMSE, and then performed the collection of biological material of the elderly. The techniques SDS-PAGE and Western blotting were used to quantify the ADAM10 content in platelets. After collecting the data, they were analyzed using statistical methods of comparison, correlation, association, logistic regression and diagnostic accuracy. The results show that the ratio ADAM10/_-actin was reduced in elderly patients with AD and that this reduction is intensified with the progression of the disease. MMSE and CDR have significant correlations with the values of ratio ADAM10/_-actin, this being the only statistically significant variable (p = 0.01) to increase the probability of occurrence of AD. The cutoff value < 0.4212 in ROC curve captures 70% sensitivity and specificity of 80.77% for the presence of AD according to the ratio ADAM10/_-actin. Therefore, the ratio ADAM10/_-actin seems to be a relevant biomarker for AD. The results bring important contributions to an accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease from the perspective of ADAM10 as a biomarker for this disease. The results are preliminary but encouraging. / A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é a causa mais comum de demência em pessoas com mais de 65 anos de idade. Estudos plaquetários com a ADAM10 têm demonstrado diminuição na sua expressão em pacientes com DA. A associação entre testes de avaliação cognitiva e biomarcadores moleculares, tais como os níveis plaquetários da proteína ADAM10 podem contribuir para o diagnóstico preciso e precoce da DA. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a relação entre o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental MEEM e o Clinical Dementia Rating CDR com a expressão da ADAM10 em dois grupos de idosos. 30 sujeitos com DA foram comparados com 25 controles, pareados segundo sexo, idade e escolaridade. Todos os cuidados éticos foram observados. Foram realizadas avaliações individuais e aplicados o CDR e MEEM e em seguida realizada a coleta do material biológico dos idosos. As técnicas SDSPAGE e Western Blotting foram utilizadas para detecção da ADAM10. Após a coleta dos dados, estes foram analisados por meio de métodos estatísticos de comparação, correlação, associação, regressão logística e acurácia diagnóstica. Os resultados mostram que a razão ADAM10/_-actina apresenta-se diminuída em idosos com DA e que esta redução se intensifica com o avanço da doença. O MEEM e o CDR apresentam correlações significativas com os valores da razão ADAM10/_-actina, sendo esta a única variável estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,01) para o aumento da probabilidade de ocorrência da DA. O ponto de corte < 0,4212 da curva ROC capta sensibilidade de 70% e especificidade de 80,77%, para a presença de DA segundo a razão ADAM10/_-actina. Portanto, a razão ADAM10/_-actina parece ser um relevante biomarcador para DA. Os resultados trazem contribuições importantes para um diagnóstico preciso da doença de Alzheimer na perspectiva da ADAM10 como um biomarcador para esta doença. Os resultados são preliminares, porém animadores.

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