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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’insécurité juridique dans la détermination de la loi applicable aux contrats internationaux par le juge dans les systèmes juridiques français, américain et chinois / Legal uncertainty in the determination by the judge of the law applicable to international contracts in the French, American and Chinese legal systems

Ladouceur, Kevin 09 February 2018 (has links)
L'insécurité juridique se rencontre à plusieurs étapes dans le processus de détermination de la loi applicable aux contrats internationaux par le juge dans les systèmes juridiques français, américain et chinois. En matière de conflit de lois, la sécurité juridique est appréciée principalement en fonction de deux considérations, d'une part, la prévisibilité juridique et, d'autre part, la protection des parties faibles. La prévisibilité juridique vise particulièrement les contrats égalitaires et la protection des parties faibles s'adresse exclusivement aux contrats inégalitaires. En dépit des efforts considérables réalisés par la France, les États-Unis et la Chine, l'insécurité juridique demeure sous trois aspects. D'abord, les règles de conflit sont éparpillées dans plusieurs instruments juridiques en France et en Chine. Aux États-Unis, la matière étant à peine codifiée, chaque juge applique sa propre règle de conflit. Ensuite, le contenu des règles de conflit de ces trois pays est incomplet, désuet et complexe. En effet, les juges américains appliquent les mêmes règles de conflit depuis plus de 50 ans. Ces règles sont, par ailleurs, complexes et ne répondent plus aux besoins du marché international actuel. Nonobstant la nouvelle réforme du droit international privé chinois, la matière contractuelle n'est que brièvement traitée. Seuls quelques articles lui sont consacrés. À l'opposé, le droit international privé français est actuellement un des plus complets et modernes. Même si, certaines règles peuvent être très complexes voire inutiles. Et enfin mais non des moindres, la mise en œuvre de ces règles pose également difficulté. Ainsi, l'application d'une même règle peut désigner des lois différentes. De plus, la liberté laissée à certains juges leur permet soit d'écarter la loi d'autonomie soit de désigner la loi de leur choix en manipulant les règles. Cette insécurité juridique peut être réduite voire résolue par deux moyens. D'une part, en prévoyant une clause d'electio juris et une clause d'electio fori dans le contrat international. Et d'autre part, par l'adoption d'une convention internationale qui non seulement unifierai les règles de conflit de lois de ces trois pays mais éventuellement celles des autres pays. / When determining the law applicable to international contracts in the French, American and Chinese legal systems, legal practitioners undeniably encounter legal uncertainty at several stages. With regards to conflict-of-law rules, the determination of legal certainty is primarily undermined by the considerations of : - legal predictability and - the protection of weaker contracting parties. Legal predictability is particularly considered when dealing with contracts underpinned by relationships of relatively equal bargaining power whereas the protection of weaker contracting parties is considered exclusively when dealing with unfair contracts. Nevertheless, despite considerable efforts made by these three countries, legal uncertainty still persists, especially in three separate areas. First, conflict-of-law rules are scattered across several legal instruments in the French and Chinese jurisdictions. In the United States, the subject matter being largely uncodified judges apply their own rules when deciding on conflict-of-law. Second, the substance of conflict-of-law rules in these three countries is incomplete, obsolete and complex. American judges who have been applying the same conflict rules for over 50 years are now faced with rules which, in addition to their complexity, no longer meet the needs of the current international market. Notwithstanding new reforms in Chinese private international law, attention to the contractual matters is albeit brief, with only a few articles devoted to that particular topic. In contrast, French private international law is currently seen as one of the most complete and modern existing laws on the subject matter. However, some rules are very complex, if not unnecessary. And third, the implementation of these same rules can also result in enigmatic conundrums. The enforcement of a rule can point to different laws. Besides, the discretion conferred to some judges bestows upon the latter a significant degree of freedom. Consequently, these judges have the power to dismiss the law of autonomy in several cases. Furthermore, in the absence of choice, the scope of interpretation is much greater to enable them to designate a law of their choice to reach a judicial decision. This element of legal uncertainty can be removed, if not reduced, in two ways, namely: - by providing for an electio juris clause as well as an electio fori clause in the international contract or - by the adoption of an international convention unifying the conflict-of-laws rules of these three countries, in the hope that the same convention could eventually be extended to all other countries.

Locating the Unlocated : An Examination of Choice of Law and Consumer Protection in Cryptocurrency Trading

Fernandez Gomero, Laura January 2023 (has links)
Disputes involving emerging technology, often leave a grey area on applicable law, as it is unlocated in the physical world. The problem with crypto-assets is partly driven by their underlying technology, allowing for the assets to be distributed in an international, digital sphere, and making it hard to pinpoint their territorial location and solve legal issues. This thesis, therefore, aims to clarify the questions of qualification and connecting factors for the choice of law when dealing with disputes concerning crypto-assets under a cross-border contractual agreement. It particularly seeks to examine consumer protection and the predictability of the choice of law in cryptocurrency trading. The thesis concludes that, for some specifically listed contracts, the applicable law is determined through hard and fast rules, but for other more complex contracts, the applicable law is determined by primarily examining the habitual residence of the operator of the characteristic performance, and secondarily, the closest connection. As to consumer contracts, a special rule appoints the law of the country where the consumer has his habitual residence, but only when several requirements are met. The rules pose problems with predictability and finding a territorial connection when the location of the assets or parties cannot be located. It is particularly a problem in decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Regarding the qualification, the thesis concludes that the current rules and statements do not provide a definite answer to the characterization of crypto-assets and require technically complex interpretations. Crypto-assets are mainly categorized based on their purpose, and the parties’ expectations. Therefore, fictional objectification of cryptocurrencies as movable property is possible when accepted as such by the parties. Moreover, cryptocurrency trading does not fall within traditional financial regulations but can be categorized as a service where the coins constitute a means of payment. Although the views are divided, causing uncertainty in the market, the obligations of traders are expected to be clarified through upcoming regulations.

Dispozice s investičním nárokem / Disposal with an Investment Claim

Černý, Filip January 2017 (has links)
Disposal with an Investment Claim JUDr. Filip Černý International investment protection is very special legal discipline which stands at the borderline between public and private, international and national (domestic) law. The intersections between these legal areas produce a vast range of questions on the applicable law and the nature of the legal institutes inherent to investment protection. The legal system of investment protection is founded on a matrix consisting of bilateral and multilateral treaties and simultaneously shares some of the customary origins inherent to diplomatic protection of foreigners. The particularity of the investment protection system is given by the existence of the diagonal relations between the host state and the investor of the other state. The combination of the public international law sources and the diagonal relations developing inside the public international law matrix induce questions on the nature of such rights and obligations arising inside of the investment protection system among its actors. Author analyses these relations with an aim to determine the nature of the investment claim as a prerequisite for a volitional disposal of the investment claim by the investor.

La lex societatis en droit international des affaires / Lex societatis in international business law

Youbo, Lou Bouinan Sonia 17 September 2015 (has links)
La recherche de la loi applicable à la société, lex societatis, est incontournable carc’est de cette loi dont dépendront les règles de constitution, de fonctionnement et dedissolution de la société. Mais la problématique de la détermination de la lex societatis enDroit International des Affaires réside dans l’identification d’un mode adéquat derattachement des sociétés transfrontalières à un territoire national. Le caractère transfrontalierdes sociétés actuelles accentue le conflit entre les différents systèmes de rattachement dessociétés traditionnellement retenus par les législations. La pluralité de système derattachement des sociétés est à l’origine de conflits auxquels l’uniformisation de la règle deconflit de lois en matière de détermination de la lex societatis peut être une solution.Le droit des sociétés doit être un instrument au service des affaires, et non un frein àleur évolution et à leur développement. Ainsi pour répondre aux besoins des affairesinternationales, outre l’élimination des entraves aux échanges il faut envisager une adaptationdu contenu des règles de conflit de lois actuelles qui permettent la détermination de la lexsocietatis ainsi qu’une modification de leur source. / The search of the law applicable to the company, lex societatis is a must because it isthis law which will depend on the rules of formation, operation and dissolution of thecompany. But the problem of determining the lex societatis in International Business Law isthe identification of a suitable method of attachment of cross-border companies on a nationalterritory. The transboundary nature of today’s societies accentuates the conflict between thedifferent companies of connecting systems traditionally retained by the legislation. Theplurality of connecting corporate system is causing conflicts that standardization of the rulesof conflict of laws determining the lex societatis can be a solution.Company law should be a tool for business, not a hindrance to their development andtheir development. So to meet the needs of international business, besides the elimination ofbarriers to trade should be considered an adaptation of the contents of the current conflict oflaws rules that allow the determination of the lex societatis and a change of their source.

Ochrana osobnosti z hlediska právní filozofie a platného práva / Protection of personality in scope of legal philosophy and applicable law

Němec, Ronald January 2013 (has links)
PROTECTION OF PERSONALITY IN SCOPE OF LEGAL PHILOSOPHY AND APPLICABLE LAW 1. Summary We can see law from two main perspectives. Law is either complex of written regulations, which are prepared by human beings based on some interests or it is a complex of rules, which altough are written, but its nature are originating from higher normative system. First is a present perspective. Current law science is prefering valid law as complex of regulations published in statute book. What is not banned by law, is allowed. Though this law philosophy is leading to instability in society. Every year legislator is making hundreds of amendements and create new laws to cover new circumstances which appear in the society. Despite legislator effort is society further unsatisfied with legal state. Society claims that law is enforceable for those who are able to hire big law firms, which can find neccesary grey areas. Immanuel Kant among the first draw a problem between legality and legitimacy. But it is not only matter of legislator whether he acts legitimately or legally, but as well as of receiver of law norm. Is every legal act of the recepient of the legal order of the Czech Republic legal as legitimate? Legal yes, if in conformity with legal order. But is it even legitimate? And is it moral? For juspositivism is...

Le choix de compétences dans le contrat de travail international / The Choice of competences in international contract of employment

Drine, Abdelhakim 10 December 2011 (has links)
Le choix de compétences dans le contrat de travail international, permet une véritable valorisation du rôle de la volonté des parties dans l'insertion des clauses contractuelles désignant la compétence d'une loi ou d'un juge, étatique ou privé. Des conditions de fond et de forme sont exigées pour l'admissibilité de cette dérogation volontaire à la compétence naturelle des règles applicables. Mais, le déséquilibre qui caractérise la relation de travail, exige un encadrement stricte de ce choix par des mécanismes protecteurs de la partie faible. L'intervention des règles impératives du lieu de l'exécution habituelle du travail permet d'atteindre cet objectif par l'application, soit d'un critère de faveur qui consiste à appliquer la loi la plus favorable pour le salarié, soit à mettre en œuvre un critère de proximité qui permet d'appliquer la loi qui entretient les liens les plus étroits avec la situation litigieuse. / In international contracts of employment, the parties’ will is significantly enhanced by the choice of competences through the insertion of clauses referring to the competent law or competent judge (private or public). But the eligibility for this voluntary exemption to applicable natural competences requires formal and substantial conditions. Indeed, the disequilibrium that inherently characterizes the employment relationship calls for a strict scrutiny. Assuring the choice made by the weaker thus necessitates protective mechanisms. The intervention of mandatory rules of the place where the employee habitually carries out his work allows the achievement of the aforementioned objective. This is done so by the application of two alternative criteria, in either the law that is the most favourable law to his interests or the law that is most closely connected to the particular situation.

Droit international privé du sport : études sur une discipline en construction / Direito internacional privado do esporte : estudos sobre uma disciplina em construção / International Private Sport Law : studies on a discipline under construction

Nicolau, Jean 05 April 2017 (has links)
En appréhendant les éléments du droit international privé, en sa notion la plus large, pour les appliquer aux situations associées à l’activité sportive en général et au droit du sport en particulier, cette étude se propose de forger les piliers d’un droit international privé du sport. En effet, seront abordées premièrement des thématiques ayant trait à la nationalité, étatique comme sportive, des athlètes composant le le mouvement sportif. Dans un deuxième temps, ce travail se penchera sur l’identification et la détermination tant des autorités compétentes pour les situations juridico-sportives de dimension internationale, que sur le droit applicable à ces dernières. / Through the examination of the elements of the private international law and their contrast to situations associated with sports practice in general, and to Sports Law in particular, this thesis intends to establish the pillars of the private international law on sport. In this regard, the topics related to the nationality of the athletes, either granted by the State Law or Sports Law, are initially addressed. Subsequently, this thesis aims to identify and to determine the competent authorities and the applicable law to rule over international legal issues related to sport. / A partir do exame dos elementos do direito internacional privado e da contraposição dos mesmos a situações associadas à prática esportiva, de modo geral, e ao direito desportivo, em particular, este estudo pretende erigir os pilares do direito internacional privado do esporte. Com efeito, são abordadas, em um primeiro momento, temáticas relacionadas à nacionalidade, estatal e esportiva, dos atletas que integram o movimento esportivo. Na sequência, o objeto da tese repousa sobre a identificação e a determinação tanto das autoridades competentes para a apreciação das situações jurídico-desportivas de dimensão internacional, quanto do direito aplicável a estas últimas.

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