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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezinárodní právo soukromé ve srovnávacím pohledu (srovnání vybraného úseku v českém právu a právu zvoleného státu) / Private international law from a comparative perspective (comparison of a particular segment in Czech law and the law of a selected country)

Suchá, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
Private international law from a comparative perspective(comparison of a particular segment in Czech law and the law of a selected country) This thesis works with a comparison of conflict rules in the field of international family law in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is focused concretely on questions of marriage, register partnership and adoption, in which is included an international element. The topic has been taken into account in addition to the national rules of international private law also rules at international and European level. Includes is also future progress in this field. Thesis is divided into eight chapters. The introduction is followed by first chapter, which deals with general classification of international family law as a part of international private law and their definition. Following chapter is focused on conflict rules, determingfactores which may be used to determine the applicable law. Included are terms as public policy, remise or transmise. Chapter three is about general definition of court's jurisdiction to hear the dispute with an international element. Fourth chapter is devoted to marriage, included are sources of legal regulation, jurisdiction of courts in matrimonial matters and comparison of conflict rules in the case of...

Les listes d'infractions : étude en droit pénal français italien et international / The listing of crimes : study in french, italian and international criminal law

Rouidi, Hajer 20 June 2014 (has links)
La thèse analyse le recours, en droit pénal, à la technique énumérative, particulièrement aux listes d'infractions. Cette figure légistique, jadis utilisée dans les conventions bilatérales d'extradition, est aujourd'hui fortement répandue pour délimiter le champ d'application de règles exceptionnelles. Le droit pénal international, le droit pénal français et le droit pénal italien sont simultanément interrogés sur leurs recours à la technique énumérative. L'intérêt de ce rapprochement est de fournir un corpus d'étude riche et varié mettant en jeu différents systèmes et ordres juridiques. La liste n'est pas considérée sous le seul aspect légistique ; sa fonction politique est également analysée. Opérant une sélection d'infractions soumises à un régime différencié, elle est au service d'une répression aggravée ou innovante.L'utilisation de cette technique législative est évaluée à l'aune des résultats escomptés d'une part et avérés d'autre part. On découvre que l'extension, qui est naturelle à toute énumération, appelle une appréciation tantôt critique, tantôt positive. On regrette la dénaturation des listes d'infractions par des rédacteurs qui en détournent la vocation première. L'évaluation se fonde sur les grands principes du droit pénal, à savoir les principes de légalité et de proportionnalité, dont le respect effectif constitue in fine le remède proposé à la dénaturation des listes d'infractions. / The thesis analyses the utilization of enumeration through the "listing of crimes" as a legislative technique in criminal law. Such a method of legislative drafting was used historically in bilateral conventions, specifically in the area of extradition, but nowadays it is heavily employed in criminal law to delimit the scope of application of exceptional rules. Aiming at providing a rich and solid base of knowledge in a domain that is rarely studied, this work reviews various systems and legal orders. As such, the resort to "listing of crimes" will be examined in international criminal law as well as in French and Italian criminal law. Being a tool to select a group of crimes in order to treat them differently than the common crimes, the listing technique serves the needs of aggravated or innovative repression. In that regard, the "listing" technique is not only considered as a means of legislative drafting, but its political function is also analyzed. The utilization of this technique is assessed in the light of the expected as well as the verified results. The extension of an existing "list of crimes", a normal consequence of resorting to enumeration, is found to be positive in some cases but more or less criticized in other cases where legislatures deviate from the original reason for which this drafting technique has been elaborated. Examined from the perspective of the fundamental principles of criminal law, namely the principle of legality and the principle of proportionality, the usage of this technique is appraised. The respect of these two primordial principles constitutes the ultimate solution proposed for any deviated resort to "listing of crimes" as a legislative tool.

Gränsöverskridande arvskiften : En analys av domsrätts- och lagvalsfrågan med beaktande av EU:s förordning nr 650/2012 samt dess förhållande till tredjestat

Widforss, Julia, Näs, Erica January 2013 (has links)
In today’s society it is not uncommon for people to move across borders. We are more likely to work and study in other countries, initiate cross-border relationships, acquire property in other states and change our residence. Therefore it is not uncommon for a per-son to leave inheritance in several states. The laws of succession differ between countries which creates an uncertainty among the devisors when planning their successions. This un-certainty, to which court has jurisdiction and to which country’s law is applicable, is con-sidered as incompatible with the free movement of people and capital within the EU. Therefore, the EU regulation No 650/2012 has been introduced to reduce the uncertainty and enable the EU citizens to govern their successions in advance.The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the regulation solves the current problems regarding the court of jurisdiction and applicable law in cross-border situations concerning succession within the EU and how this regulation in these matters relate to third state. To answer the purpose of this paper the applicable law is studied from a problem-based per-spective. The sources of law is systematized, interpreted and defined in the paper with a descriptive method.The regulation states that the principle of domicile is to be used as a harmonizing principle both regarding jurisdiction and applicable law. The regulation however, does not provide a clear definition of the term domicile. The authors of this paper consider this to be a problem in the enforcement of the principle. The regulation has universal application, wherefore the court may have to apply another state’s law when judging the succession. In such situations it may, for several reasons, be difficult to maintain a high level of legal certainty. The regu-lation only binds the Member States but may still be beneficial in successions related to a third State. / I dagens samhälle är det vanligt att människor rör sig över landsgränserna. Gränsöverskri-dandeförhållanden inleds, allt fler personer arbetar och studerar utanför medborgarskaps-landet, de byter hemvist och förvärvar egendom i andra stater, vilket gör att det vid en per-sons bortgång inte är ovanligt att denne efterlämnar kvarlåtenskap i flera stater. Staters arvsrättsliga regler skiljer sig åt vilket skapar en osäkerhet hos arvlåtaren då denne ska pla-nera för sin kvarlåtenskap. Denna oförutsägbarhet, avseende främst vilken domstol som är behörig samt vilken lag som är tillämplig, har ansetts strida mot den fria rörligheten av människor och kapital inom EU. Därför har en EU-förordning, nr 650/2012 av den 4 juli 2012 om behörighet, tillämplig lag, erkännande och verkställighet av domar samt godkän-nande och verkställighet av officiella handlingar i samband med arv och om inrättandet av ett europeiskt arvsintyg, förhandlats fram för att minska osäkerheten och underlätta för EU:s medborgare att utforma sina arvsrättsliga förhållanden i förväg.Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda huruvida förordning nr 650/2012 löser nuvarande problematik avseende domsrätts- och lagvalsfrågorna i gränsöverskridanade arvsituationer inom EU samt hur denna förordning i dessa frågor förhåller sig till tredjestat. För att be-svara syftet utreds gällande rätt ur en problemorienterad synvinkel. Rättskällorna systemati-seras och tolkas för att sedan framställas i uppsatsen med en deskriptiv metod.I förordningen anges hemvistprincipen som harmoniserande anknytningsprincip både av-seende domsrätt och lagval. Det anges dock ingen klar och tydlig definition av hemvistbe-greppet, vilket uppsatsförfattarna anser utgör ett problem vid tillämpningen av principen. Förordningen är universell varför den behöriga domstolen kan tvingas tillämpa en annan stats lag. I sådana situationer kan det av flera anledningar vara svårt att upprätthålla en hög rättsäkerhet. Förordningen binder endast unionens medlemsstater men kan ändå vara till fördel i arvsmål med anknytning till tredjestat.

La protection du consommateur dans le commerce international passé par Internet: une analyse comparée des systèmes juridiques européen, français, canadien et québécois

Koné, Moriba Alain 08 1900 (has links)
Avec le développement exponentiel de l'Internet et son corollaire l'expansion du commerce en ligne, le sort de la protection du cyberconsommateur devient un sujet préoccupant en ce 21ième siècle. En effet, dans ce monde virtuel où l'on emploie des méthodes et technologies nouvelles et plus encore des clauses abusives dans les contrats unilatéraux, s'installe indubitablement un sentiment de méfiance entre le cyberconsommateur et le cybercommerçant. Pour rétablir cette confiance et favoriser le commerce par Internet, des lois nationales, internationales et des normes communautaires ont été adoptées aux fins de l'encadrement rigoureux du processus contractuel. Toutefois, en raison de la présence fréquente d'éléments d'extranéité dans les contrats de consommation en ligne, la question fondamentale qui vient tout naturellement à l'esprit de tous ceux qui entreprennent des études aujourd'hui, en la matière, est celle de savoir si les règles classiques de droit international privé sont dépassées par le développement trop rapide de ce type de commerce ou si au contraire elles y sont adaptées. On pourrait en outre se demander si l'encadrement juridique offert au cyberconsommateur est à même de lui procurer le même niveau de protection dont il bénéficie dans le commerce traditionnel. La présente étude tente d'apporter certains éléments de réponse en analysant dans un premier temps, le droit substantiel interne de protection du consommateur dans les systèmes juridiques européen, français, canadien et québécois en vu de scruter des zones de conflits susceptibles d'exister dans le cycle de vie de ce contrat. Dans la seconde partie, elle démontre que les méthodes classiques de résolution des conflits de juridiction et des conflits de lois en droit international privé, bien que nécessitant des adaptations, sont effectivement applicables au contexte de l'internet et ce, dans l'objectif privilégié de la protection du cyberconsommateur. Le bilan de l'analyse et de l'appréciation des critères de ces règles de conflits nous conduiront à l'examen des nouvelles mesures qui s'imposent. / With the exponential development of the Internet and the consequent expansion of online commerce, the fate of cyberconsumer protection has become a topic of increasing concern in the 21st century. In fact, in a virtual world where new methods and technologies are used-as are abusive clauses in unilaterally drafted contracts-a feeling of mistrust between cyberconsumer and cybermerchant is certainly setting in. National and international laws and community norms have been adopted in order to rigorously control the contractual process and to thereby re-establish consumer confidence and further Internet commerce. However, due to the frequent presence of foreign elements in on-line commercial contracts, the fundamental question which naturally arises for those who are studying the subject is whether the classic rules of private international law have become outdated by the incredibly rapid development of this type of commerce, or whether such laws are in fact adapted. One can also question whether the legal framework offered to the cyberconsumer is able to procure the same level of protection that a consumer would benefit from in cases of traditional commerce. This study aims to present certain elements of a response, first, by analyzing substantive internal law in the realm of consumer protection in the European, French, Canadian and Quebec legal systems, in order to examine areas of conflict that are likely to exist during the lifespan of this sort of contract. In the second part, this study demonstrates that the classic methods of resolving conflicts of jurisdiction and conflicts of law in private international law, while requiring certain adaptations, can nevertheless be effectively applied to the context of the Internet with the objective of protecting cyberconsumers. The results of this analysis and evaluation of the private international rules of conflict then lead to an assessment of the new measures that are required.

Internetiniai deliktai tarptautinėje privatinėje teisėje / Internet delicts in international private law

Šiupšinskaitė, Urtė 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėti jurisdikcijų kolizijos ir taikytinos teisės tarptautinėje privatinėje teisėje institutai internetinių deliktų apimtyje. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjama deliktų sąvoka, internetinių deliktų išskirtiniai bruožai, šaltiniai bei deliktinės atsakomybės apimtis. Antroji darbo dalis skirta jurisdikcijų kolizijai internetinių deliktų atveju: analizuojamos esamos jurisdikcijų kolizijos taisyklės bei jų pritaikymas internetiniams deliktams, jurisdikcijų kolizijos problemų internetinių deliktų ginčuose sprendimo variantai bei teismų praktika. Trečiojoje dalyje nagrinėtos taikytinos teisės taisyklės, jų problematika internetinių deliktų ginčuose bendrai ir kiekvieno delikto atveju atskirai. / This master's thesis analyses the institutes of collision of jurisdictions and law applicable in private international law in the scope of internet delicts. The first part of this thesis analyses the concept of delicts, distinctive features and sources of internet delicts, as well as the scope of delict liability. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to the collision of jurisdictions in the case of internet delicts: it analyses current rules of jurisdiction collision and their application to internet delicts, versions of solving jurisdiction collision problems in the disputes of internet delicts and case law. The third part analyses applicable law rules, their problems in the disputes of internet delicts in general and in separate cases of each delict.

涉外侵權行為準據法之研究 / Research on the application laws of tort for foreign civil matters

陳詩詩 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統涉外侵權行為準據法之選法,係依侵權行為地、法庭地、侵權行為地及法庭地併用來決定。以侵權行為地來選法,係指以行為事實發生地法來決定該侵權行為之成立及效力。適用行為地法的優點,是其結果對於判決結果可預測其可能性,避免法庭的選擇及法律的適用有一致性;缺點是侵權行為地常與當事人無實質上牽連關係,做為裁判當事人權利義務之準據法,不足以保護當事人權利。把所有侵權行為類型,一律以事實發生地法為準據法恐有不妥。例如製造者責任、名譽或信用的侵害、不正競爭等等侵權類型,應選擇與該類型侵權行為特徵相應的法律為準據法較為妥適。 美國於1960年代以後多已不再採行為地法,取而代之的是最重要牽連關係理論。法院選擇某一法律關係的準據法時,要綜合分析與該法律關係有關的各種因素,從質與量的角度將主客觀連結因素進行權衡,尋找或確定那一國家或法域與案件之事實和當事人有最重要牽連關係。最重要牽連關係理論優點在於選法規則具彈性、法制正規化;而缺點在於最重要關係標準過於抽象,法官在審理案件時,選擇法律若無一定的判斷標準,易流於形式及恣意。 我國涉外民事法律適用法現行條文第九條就因侵權行為而生之債,原則上採侵權行為地法。有關涉外侵權行為之損害賠償,我國法律及侵權行為地法均認為構成侵權行為者,不論行為地或結果發生地其一發生在我國,始得適用我國法律為請求損害賠償。惟採侵權行為地法,有時會發生不合理之結果。因此,涉外民事法律適用法修正草案爰參考奧地利國際私法第四十八條第一項、德國民法施行法第四十一條等立法例之精神,酌採最重要牽連關係理論,於但書規定另有關係最切之法律者,依該法律,以濟其窮。 我國的學者將分別適用法律(dépeçage)譯成「法律適用之分割方法」,美國學者認為就各個議題分別探討的選法分析方式對於解決現代的複雜法律訴訟具有重要性。分別適用法律制度的目的在於法律產生真衝突的情況下,分析出各個不同的特定議題,並適用有真正利益的法域法律。美國聯邦法院未曾使用過分別適用法律,各州的上訴法院及最高法院對於分別適用法律亦僅止於解釋何謂分別適用法律而已。分別適用法律恐會導致不符法律目的,然部分學者仍認為考量相關州的政策、保護正當的期待利益、特定法律領域的基本政策、結果的確定性、可預測性及統一性及適用法律便宜性等,似可採分別適用法律來解決法律之適用。我國最高法院97年度台上字第1838號及96年度台上字第1804號判決,擬嘗試跳脫我國涉外民事法律適用法,參考外國分別適用法律的(dépeçage)的法律制度,以突破傳統的準據法選法理論。 我國的涉外民事法律適用法的修正討論中,並沒有提到分別適用法律的問題。修正草案在有關消滅時效部分的議題,將分別適用法律特別提出討論,嘗試著要獨立規定準據法選擇的方式。涉外民事法律適用法修正條文草案第35條規定,請求權之消滅時效,依該請求權所由發生之法律關係所應適用之法律。其理由在於請求權之消滅時效,因各國關於其法律效果之規定不同,國際私法上有認定其為實體問題者,亦有以之為程序問題者。消滅時效規定於我國實體法,因此認定其為實體問題。由於消滅時效係針對特定之請求權而發生,而請求權又為法律關係效力之一部分,故應依其請求權所由發生之法律關係定其準據法。 立法者若認為消滅時效的問題有獨立認定準據法的必要性,應採用分別適用法律的方法,在各種法律關係中抽離出來,獨立認定其應適用的準據法為宜。在廣泛承認分別適用法律制度之前,我國或許可以考慮對於涉外侵權行為分為責任的成立及損害賠償的部分,分別規定應適用的準據法;前者依照我國原本的準據法選擇方式,後者之損害賠償認定的方式,則依照受害人常居所地或是本國法為標準。 / The law of selecting of the traditional tort applicable law concerning foreign affairs, and use the decision in accordance with spot of tort, spot of court, spot of tort and court. Selected the law by the tort, it is to determine establishment and effect of this tort by behavioral spot law of fact. Person who covered by behavior advantage of law, it is result that can predict possibility of the judgment, avoid the suitable to apply having consistency of choice and law of the court. The shortcoming is that the tort has not often involved the relation with the party in fact, as the applicable laws of party's rights and obligations of the judgment, it is non- enough to protect party's right. All tort types, it is probably improper to regard spot law of the fact as the applicable law without exception. Manufacturer responsibility, reputation or infringement, person who compete for type of infringing of credit, it is comparatively proper for applicable law to choose the law of the tort with corresponding characteristic with this type. It no longer adopted behavior law already after 1960 in U.S, the substitute is most important to involve relation theory. When the court chooses the applicable law of a certain legal relation, various factors of wanting comprehensive analysis to be related to this legal relation, will link the factor to weigh subjectively and objectively in terms of quality and quantity, will look for or confirm there is the most important relation of involving in the facts and parties of that land of country or legal field and case. Involve and concern theory advantage lying in selecting the regulation to be elastic, legal system regularization the most importantly. And the shortcoming lies in the most important relation standard is too abstract, the judge, while hearing a case, if do not have certain judging standard to choose law, it is apt to become a mere formality and wilfulness. The civil law concerning foreign affairs in our country is covered by article 9 of current clause and its debt cause of tort, adopt the law of tort spot in principle. About the compensation for damage of tort concerning foreign affairs, the person who forms tort for our country's law and tort, whether no matter the behavior or consequence one in the spot happens in our country, can begin to be applicable to the law of our country in order to ask for compensation for damage. Only person who adopt the law of tort, the unreasonable result takes place sometimes. So, concerning foreign affairs civil law suitable to apply law revision draft consult private international law of Austrian, 48th item 1, Germany civil law, article 41 legislative spirit of example, and adopt the relation theory, the persons who stipulate the law cut in the proviso most that there are relations besides the most importantly, depend on this law, in order to solve the conflict. Will the scholar of our country the applicable law of the difference (dépeçage) translate into ' the method of cutting apart that the law is applicable to ', what the American scholar is thought each topic to probe into separately selects law to analyze the way has importance in solving the modern complicated lawsuit. Differentiate applicable law of system produce situation that analyze each different particular conflict topics, is applicable to the law with real interests. American federal court has not used the differentiate the applicable law, the appellate court of every state and the Supreme Court also only explaining what it is mean. Differentiating the applicable law will probably result in not according with the legal purpose, but some scholars think that consider the policies of the relevant states, it suit to protect the proper expectation interests, basic policy, determinacy of the result, predictability, unity and applicable law in the particular legal field, can adopt, differentiate applicable law solve to suitable to apply law. The judgment of No. 1804 and No. 1838 of the Supreme Judicial Court of our country, is adjudicated on the platform try to take off our country concerning foreign affairs civil law suitable to apply law, consult foreign country differentiate the applicable law (dépeçage), for being which break through traditional select law theory. The amendments of Law Governing the Application of Laws to Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements of our country has not referred to the question of the applicable law of the difference. The draft is in the topic about the fulfillment of prescription, will differentiate the applicable law and especially propose discussing, the attempt should stipulate the way in which the applicable law choose independently. Concerning the 35th regulation of clause draft of law's revision, ask for the fulfillment of prescription of right, in accordance with asking for the law that right should be applicable to by the legal relation happening. Its reason lies in asking for the fulfillment of prescription of right, because various countries are about stipulating the difference of their legal results, assert it is entity's question. There are persons who regards it as procedure question on the private international law. The fulfillment of prescription and stipulate in the substantive law of our country, so assert it is entity's question. The fulfillment of prescription takes place to particular request, and a part of legal relation, so should be made its applicable law by the legal relation of request. If legislators think the question of eliminating prescription asserts the necessity of the applicable law independently, should adopt the way of differentiating the applicable law, release in various legal relations before coming out, assert the applicable law that it should be applicable independently. Before acknowledging differentiating the system of applicable law extensively, perhaps our country can consider that is divided into the establishment of responsibility and part of compensation for damage the tort concerning foreign affairs, should part regulation applicable law, the former choose the way according to our country's original applicable law, the way asserted in compensation for damage of the latter, often the spot of dwelling or this national law is a standard according to the victim.

A influência da harmonização e da uniformização do direito internacional privado sobre a autonomia da vontade na escolha da lei aplicável aos contratos internacionais

MENEZES, Carla Cristina Costa de 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-15T17:42:30Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE - CCCM.pdf: 883367 bytes, checksum: 980881f53c58bb3c4c15d77603a8e1fc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-15T17:42:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE - CCCM.pdf: 883367 bytes, checksum: 980881f53c58bb3c4c15d77603a8e1fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-12 / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo defender a tese da maior promoção da autonomia da vontade como elemento de conexão no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, no que se refere à regulamentação dos contratos internacionais. Diante desta finalidade, a pesquisa analisa as possibilidades de harmonização e de uniformização do Direito Internacional Privado (DIPr) no século XXI em matéria de comércio internacional, e o posicionamento adotado pelos principais institutos internacionais que promovem as técnicas de harmonização e uniformização de modo a contemplar a autonomia da vontade na escolha da lei aplicável. A partir da abordagem das convenções e tratados internacionais emanados destes institutos, busca-se demonstrar o caminho trilhado em direção ao reconhecimento do princípio da autonomia da vontade como elemento principal na escolha da lei aplicável ao contrato internacional de comércio. Para atingir esse fim, realizou-se um estudo correlacionado da UNCITRAL, da Convenção de Roma de 1980, da Convenção do México de 1994, dos INCOTERMS e do UNIDROIT com o intuito de demonstrar a urgência do reconhecimento da autonomia da vontade das partes na escolha da lei aplicável ao contrato internacional pelo Brasil, propondo ao fim uma redação moderna e atualizada para reformar a LINDB de 2010. / This work aims to defend the thesis of further promotion of the autonomy of will as a connecting element in brazilian law, in relation to the regulation of international contracts. Given this purpose, the search starts from the analysis of the possibilities of harmonization and unification of the norms of Private International Law (PrIL) in the twenty-first century in international trade, and the position adopted by major international institutions that promote technical harmonization and standardization in order to include the autonomy of will to choose the applicable law. From the approach of the international conventions and treaties emanating from these institutes, seeks to demonstrate the path taken towards the recognition of the principle of the autonomy of will as a key element in the choice of the law applicable to international trade. To achieve this, it conducted a study correlated of the UNCITRAL, the Rome Convention of 1980, the Mexico Convention of 1994, the INCOTERMS and the UNIDROIT in order to demonstrate the urgency of the recognition, by the brazilian law, of the parties autonomy of will to choose the applicable law to the international contracts, finally proposing a modern and an updated essay to reform the LINDB 2010.

Enforceability of arbitral awards containing interest : a comparative study between Sharia law and positive laws

Althabity, Mohammad M. January 2016 (has links)
The dynamics of our globalised world open the way for international trade and transactions between different countries; this may lead to conflicts in laws where transactions and trade may be subject to different legal systems. One of the biggest issues in international commercial law is disputes over the charging of interest, for example with regard to late payment, interest-based loans, or compensation for damages. Interest disputes are considered to be a complex area of law and even more complex in the international field. At the international level, interest claims may be connected to many areas of commerce and thus governed by various laws, which are different from one country to another; moreover, each country has its own interest rate and such rates are changeable according to the nature of law and economics under some jurisdictions. Furthermore, the concept of interest itself is affected by influences such as religious beliefs and economic, political and cultural trends. Interest can be treated as a substantive or a procedural matter. The settlement of these disputes therefore faces difficulties. Arbitration, as a method for settlement of disputes, is characterised by special features that assist in resolving these issues; but it faces some obstructions, especially in international commercial arbitration. The practices of arbitral tribunals and national courts in this regard are different. The results of different interpretations, approaches, and theories with regard to arbitration, at the pre-arbitration, during arbitration and post-arbitration stages, may also differ widely due to the diversity of financial and legal systems such as Common Law, Civil Law and the Islamic legal system – Sharia Law – across different countries. Each legal system has a different methodology and theories, even within an individual country under one legal system, and a state within a federal system has its own laws, which may have different interpretations in this respect. The New York Convention of 1958 on enforcing foreign arbitral awards was established in favour of arbitral awards and for the purpose of unifying international rules of arbitration. This Convention provides some procedural and substantive rules for the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, but also provides some grounds for refusal. These rules have been affected by different interpretations under different jurisdictions and legal systems, which lead to different perspectives on the matter of charging interest and settlement by arbitration. The outcome of applying the NYC under these interpretations often has the opposite of its intended effect: the rejection of foreign arbitral awards. Due to such ambiguities, courts occasionally intervene in arbitration in all its stages. The interventions of national courts occur in three stages: enforcement of the arbitration agreement, enforcement of the contract under the applicable law to the agreement, and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award. The confusion between substantive and procedural laws also creates confusion with respect to public policy, non-arbitrability and enforceability. In addition, there may be a lack of clarity on the scope of arbitration with respect to the parties’ agreement, whether or not the parties have agreed to the interest rates and periods and whether or not they have agreed to the authority of the arbitrator. These issues affect the enforceability of an arbitration agreement, the law applicable to the disputed contract, the freedom of parties, the authority of the arbitrators and the enforceability of the awarded interest. The thesis studies how arbitral awards containing interest have been interpreted across the three aforementioned legal systems under the NYC 1958 in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, England, France, and the US and the enforceability of such awards.

La fusion de sociétés en droit interne et international : contribution à la notion de "contrat-organisation" / The merger of companies' in domestic and international law : contribution to the concept of "contrat-organisation"

Kalaani, Adrian 26 November 2015 (has links)
La fusion est l’opération par laquelle une ou plusieurs sociétés transfèrent, par la suite de leur dissolution sans liquidation, leur patrimoine à une société préexistante ou nouvellement créée; ce transfert s’opère moyennant la distribution de parts sociales aux associés de la société dissoute. En adoptant cette définition, le législateur européen et son homologue français ont souligné les effets principaux de la fusion en demeurant toutefois silencieux sur sa nature juridique. La doctrine et la jurisprudence se sont relayées afin de lever le doute qui régnait en la matière. Finalement, il semble que la notion originale de contrat-organisation soit la plus apte à saisir convenablement la nature de la fusion. La fusion est un contrat-organisation qui entraîne une mise en commun du patrimoine et des membres de chacune de sociétés fusionnantes au sein d’une seule société préexistante ou nouvelle. L’opération, qui ne saurait être réduite à une simple permutation de biens et valeurs, élabore un jeu de coopération entre les sociétés contractantes qui, désormais regroupées en une seule entité, gagneront et perdront conjointement. Cette qualification retenue en droit international privé conduirait à appliquer à la fusion distributivement la "lex contractus" et la "lex societatis". L’intervention d’une "lex contractus" propre à la fusion permettra, d’une part, de désigner la loi compétente pour régir les questions relevant de la nature contractuelle de l’opération et, d’autre part, de remédier aux insuffisances avérée de la méthode conflictualiste classique qui se contentait de l’articulation des "lex societatis". / The merger is an operation whereby one or several companies transfer all their assets, after their dissolution without going into liquidation, to an existing or new company in exchange for the issue of shares to their shareholders. This definition adopted by European and French legislators brings out the merger’s main effects without revealing its legal nature. Both doctrine and jurisprudence have struggled to clear up the confusion. The concept of “contrat-organisation” seems to be the most suitable in order to seize properly the merger’s legal nature. The merger is a “contrat-organisation” that leads to join the merging companies’ assets and members in an existing or new company. Therefore, the operation cannot be reduced to a simple exchange of assets and values between parties. On the contrary, the gathering of the contracting companies in a single entity will establish a rule of cooperation between them in a way that they will make profits or loose jointly. The transposition of the same legal characterization in the private international law requires a distributive application of the lex contractus and the lex societatis to be able to choose the applicable law to the merger. Applying the merger’s own specific lex contractus will help address the insufficiencies of the classical conflict of laws’ method solely based on the division of laws applicable to the merging companies.

Le droit confronté aux particularités du commerce électronique : approche franco-syrienne

Hazime, Mouhammed Issam 26 September 2011 (has links)
L’activité économique et le nouveau marché électronique sont les notions qui motivent les économistes ainsi que les juristes à réorganiser le nouvel espace du commerce. Un marché électronique donne son caractère électronique à l’activité sur les réseaux, ce qui a motivé les États à adopter certaines règles pour régir ce marché. Cette utilisation de réseau mondial nous encourage à traiter la question de commerce électronique en droit, et plus précisément la question de contrat de vente électronique en droit international privé. La première partie de cette thèse traite d’un côté les questions de la particularité et les problématiques du commerce électronique en droit international privé. Ces problématiques prennent en compte la question du cyberespace en tant que nouveau marché virtuel: la territorialité, l’internationalité, l’immatérialité de cet espace. D’un autre côté, se trouve l’applicabilité des conventions internationales au contrat de vente électronique. La seconde partie de cette thèse analyse la technique et la stratégie d’adaptation des lois nationales afin d’être applicables au contrat électronique. Les deux exemples de cette analyse d’adaptation sont la loi française et la loi syrienne. / Economic activity and the new electronic marketplace are the concepts that motivate economists and lawyers to reorganize the new area of commerce. An electronic market provides its electronic character of the activity on the networks, which motivated the states to adopt certain rules governing this market. This use of global network encourages us to address the issue of electronic commerce law, and specifically the question of contract electronic sales in private international law. The first part of this thesis deals with one side of the particular issues and problems of electronic commerce in international private law. These issues take into account the issue of cyberspace as a new virtual marketplace: territoriality, internationality, the immateriality of this space. On the other hand, is the applicability of international conventions on electronic sales contrac. The second part of this thesis analyzes the technique and strategy of adapting national laws to be applicable to electronic contracts. Two examples of this analysis are adjusting to French law and the Syrian law.

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