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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les écuyers tranchants et la découpe des aliments dans les péninsules ibérique et italienne à la fin du Moyen Age et à la Renaissance / The carvers and the task of carving the food in Spain and Italy at the end of the middle ages and at the beginning of the renaissance period

Parizot, Olivia 25 November 2016 (has links)
À la croisée de l’histoire sociale, culturelle et des techniques, ma thèse porte sur la fonction de l’écuyer tranchant, un office majeur de l’hôtel royal à qui incombait la tâche délicate de découper et servir les mets à la table du seigneur. Exercé au départ par les grands du royaume, l’office se professionnalise à la fin du Moyen Âge et au début de la Renaissance, comme l’atteste la multiplication des traités de découpe en Espagne et en Italie durant cette période. Le présent travail permet de mesurer, d'une part, les interférences textuelles entre les traités de découpe ibériques et italiens et de s'interroger, d'autre part, sur la correspondance entre les normes et la pratique. A la fin de comprendre la place occupée par l'écuyer tranchant au sein de l'hötel royal, et le rôle qu'il a pu jouer dans l'entourage du roi, un travail prosopographique a été mené durant les règnes des rois aragonais Ferdinand Ier et Alphonse le Magnanime / My thesis is at the crossroads of social, cultural and technical history. It deals with the duties of the Carver who was entrusted with a major assignment at the Royal Court: he was given the delicate task of carving the food and serving up the dishes for his Lord. This office, first performed by the royal officers, became a profession at the end of the middle ages and at the beginning of the renaissance period, as may be attested by the multiplication of treaties on carving in Spain and Italy issued at that time. The antiquity of the "arte Cisaria" (1423) led me to wonder about its influence on the Catalan and Italian treaties on carving which were the established later on. I also wondered afterwards to what extent these treaties complied with the established norms. Finally, in order to understand the place occupied by the Carver within the Royal Court, I focused my prosopographic research on the reigns of the Aragonese kings Ferdinand I, and his son Alphonse V

Le procès fait à Bernat de Cabrera (1364-1372) / The procedings against Bernat of Cabrera (1364-1372)

Béhrouzi, Mahine 15 February 2014 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail est d’étudier le procès fait à Bernat de Cabrera, conseiller de Pierre III de Catalogne (IV d’Aragon), pour trahison et lèse-majesté en 1364. Ce « procès » est conservé aux Archives de la Couronne d’Aragon mais a été édité en 1867. Des documents de la chancellerie de Pierre IV, quelques uns issus des fonds navarrais et, dans une moindre mesure, des sources narratives permettent des recoupements critiques. La volonté royale de justifier la condamnation à mort d’un privado issu de la haute noblesse par la compilation d’actes d’enquête, comme la réhabilitation de sa mémoire en 1381, interrogent sur la solidité des faits reprochés à Bernat de Cabrera, les méthodes judiciaires suivies, les intérêts en jeu dans le royaume d’Aragon et plus largement en Espagne durant la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle. La procédure comme les faits reprochés à celui qui meurt décapité le 26 juillet 1364 révèlent les enjeux diplomatiques à l’œuvre entre les royaumes d’Espagne durant la guerre castillano-aragonaise mais aussi plus largement en Europe, les nouveaux équilibres de pouvoirs entre noblesse, pouvoir urbain et pouvoir royal ainsi que les mutations d’un pouvoir royal mis en difficulté par des guerres incessantes et à la recherche de nouveaux soutiens. Les dépositions des témoins, bien qu’évidemment biaisées décrivent des comportements, évoquent des valeurs et aussi des attentes. Le travail essaie de cerner la trajectoire du comte d’Osona mais aussi des prisonniers et des intermédiaires dans une péninsule ibérique déchirée. L’étude porte donc aussi sur la confrontation des normes entre pouvoir et société. / The intention of this work is to study the proceedings against Bernat de Cabrera, advisor to Peter III of Catalonia (IV of Aragon) for treason and lese-majesty in 1364. These "proceedings" are kept in the Archives of the Crown of Aragon but were printed in 1867. Some documents from the Chancellery of Peter IV, some from the Navarrese funds and, in fewer numbers, some narrative sources enable critical cross checking. The Royal will to justify the death penalty applied to a privado coming from high nobility through the data collection of investigatory sources, as well as the clearing of his name in 1381 question the solidity of the facts charged against Bernat de Cabrera, the law methods applied, the interests at stake in the realm of Aragon and more widely in Spain during the second half of the XIVth century. The procedure as well as the facts charged against he that died beheaded on July 26th, 1364 show the diplomatic stakes at play between the kingdoms of Spain, during the Castile-Aragon war, but more widely in Europe, the new balances of power between nobility, city power and royal power, but also the mutations of royal power put in a difficult situation by unceasing wars and the search for new supports. The witnesses' testimonies, though of course biased, describe behaviours, evoke values and also expectations. This work tries to figure out Count Osona's itinerary but also that of prisoners and middlemen in torn Iberian Peninsula. The study also bears on the confrontation of norms between power and society.

Italské inspirace středoevropské architektury / Italian inspiration of middle european architecture

Brabcová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
At the end of the 15th century in Bohemia penetrates the Renaissance style, which appeared in 1493 at the Prague Castle in the form of windows of the Vladislav Hall in the Old Royal Palace. Their appearance is historically and stylistically linked to the Buda Castle, where Vladislaus II. Jagiello relocated in 1490. Here he met the prime marble carvings of the court of Matthias Corvinus, for which worked Italian masters. Patterns of fragments of windows founded in Buda can find at the Palazzo Ducale of Federico da Montefeltro in Urbino, because Hungary was due Queen Beatrice of Aragon from Naples in live contact with Italy.

Musulmanes y cristianos en el Mediterráneo. La costa del sureste peninsular durante la Edad Media (ss. VIII-XVI)

Munuera Navarro, David 26 February 2010 (has links)
En 1245, las tropas castellanas conquistaban Cartagena. Tras el intento alfonsí de conseguir una fuerte proyección mediterránea de Castilla, la costa murciana se convierte en un inmenso despoblado. Castilla, especialmente durante el siglo XIV, manifestó un claro desentendimiento de los asuntos mediterráneos. Sólo Cartagena, reducida a su mínima expresión urbana, sobrevive como único núcleo habitado hasta el nacimiento de Mazarrón en la segunda mitad del siglo XV.Los intereses políticos de los Reyes Católicos y la proyección de la Monarquía Hispánica en el Norte de África y el Mediterráneo occidental, recuperarán el importante papel de Cartagena y la costa murciana en el contexto geopolítico de la época. Se convirtió, en el siglo XVI, en la línea de retaguardia del gran frente abierto frente al Islam. Entonces, la costa murciana dejó de tener definitivamente un papel marginal en las maniobras políticas de la corona. / In 1245, the Castilian troops conquered Cartagena. After the attempt to achieve a strong Mediterranean projection of Castile during the reign of Alfonso X "the Wise", the coast of kingdom of Murcia becomes a vast desert. Castile, especially during the fourteenth century, has a clear misunderstanding of Mediterranean affairs. Only Cartagena, reduced to a minimum core urban, survives until the birth of Mazarrón in the second half of the fifteenth century. The political interests of the Catholic Monarchs and the projection of the Hispanic Monarchy in North Africa and the western Mediterranean, recovered the important role of Cartagena and the coast of Murcian district in the geopolitical context of the time. He became, in the sixteenth century, in rear line of the large open front face of Islam. Then, the coast of kingdom of Murcia finally stopped having a marginal role in the political maneuvers of the crown.

The dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII and its effect on the econmoy sic], political landscape, and social instability in Tudor England that led to the creation of the poor laws

Cooper, Casey Jo 01 May 2011 (has links)
Before the reformation and the schism of the Catholic Church, it had always been the duty of the Church and not of the state, to undertake the seven corporal works of mercy; feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the prisoner, and bury the dead.¹ By dissolving these institutions, Henry had unwittingly created what would become a social disaster of biblical proportions. In essence, this act was rendering thousands of the poor and elderly without a home or shelter, it denied the country of much of the medical aid that has been offered by the church, it denied future generations of thousands of volumes of books and scriptures from the monastic libraries, as well as denied many an education who would have otherwise never received one without the help of the Church. The ultimate goal of my thesis is to prove my hypothesis that the dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII was not merely a contributory factor in the need for the creation of poor laws, but the deciding factor (in a myriad of societal issues) for their creation. Footnote 1: Matthew 25 vv. 32-46.

Zrcadlo reality v obrazech snů 19. a 20.století. Tvůrčí individualita versus chaos doby / The Mirror of Reality in the Imagery of Dreams of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Creative Individuality versus the Chaos of the Time

Šmejkalová, Adriana January 2018 (has links)
ANNOTATION: The work The Mirror of Reality in the Imagery of Dreams of the 19th and 20th Centuries - Creative Individuality versus the Chaos of the Time is based on the assumption that dreams are inseparably linked to the concept of existence in human life (Michel Foucault). The study touches on the ways in which dreams are depicted in visual culture that does not coincide with chronologically organized historical events, but is an expression of a free alliance between artists in the European space and centuries of common experience. These works are generally socially critical, exposed to unimaginable pressure from public censorship. The artist must pretend it is only an innocent game, a crazy idea, a whim. At the same time, these paintings are not an expression of boundless imagination, but they are subject to the firm rules of spatial construction of the painting. This is due to the traditional delimitation of dark depths - the underworld of Virgil's Saturn myth of pre-Roman culture, alternating with the vertically felt open heavens as variants of the original Plato's The Myth of Er, which in the 20th century paintings is replaced by the idea of an open landscape with illumination on the low horizon. The work deals with the work of Albrecht Dürer, his copperplate Melancholia I (1514) and his so-called...

La imagen literaria de París. Desde Mercier, Baudelaire y el surrealismo hasta Rayuela de Julio Cortázar

Hoyos, Camilo 23 March 2010 (has links)
El propósito de nuestra investigación es analizar la imagen del París surrealista para luego ver su posterior recepción y variación por parte de Julio Cortázar en Rayuela. Los criterios analíticos de nuestra investigación constan en la importancia de la promenade y la visión en la construcción de la imagen de la ciudad a manera de espacio interior. Para comprender los orígenes e inserción en la tradición por parte de los surrealistas, fue necesario establecer los orígenes de las poéticas urbanas de la ciudad de París a finales del siglo XVIII, comprender el auge de París como tema literario a mediados del siglo XIX, analizar la importancia de la tradición noctámbula y la incidencia de Baudelaire en el París moderno para situar a los surrealistas en su manera de comprender la ciudad como un espacio psíquico e interior. Por último, comprenderemos los distintos elementos surrealistas de la construcción de París en Rayuela de Cortázar gracias a los textos escritos durante su período de interés surrealista (1947-1949) y su posterior variación en Rayuela. / The purpose of our investigation is to analyze the image of Paris forged in four Surrealist texts published between 1926-1928 in order to understand the Surrealist elements that allowed Julio Cortázar to forge his own image of the city in the novel Rayuela. Our analytical criteria are the importance of the regard and the promenade in the construction of the city as an interior and personal space. To understand the importance of the Surrealist production, it was necessary to visit the origins of Paris as a literary text in the late eitheenth century, the importance of the tradition noctámbule in the XIXth century, the incidences of Baudelaire's work regarding the modern Paris and the change of century that allowed the Surrealist movement to understand the city as an interior and psychic space. Through the establishment of certain criteria and images, we analyzed Paris in Cortázar's novel Rayuela as a Surrealist product, even if Cortázar himself never felt as as a Surrealist writer.

La Reforma eclesiàstica i religiosa de les diòcesis de la Tarraconense al llarg de la Baixa Edat Mitjana (a través dels qüestionaris de visites pastorals)

Monjas Manso, Luis 19 April 2005 (has links)
A través de la transcripción, edición y estudio exhaustivo de los cuestionarios de visita pastoral de Tortosa de 1314, de Gerona de 1329, del sínodo de Tarragona de 1372, de Valencia de 1383-1388, de Tortosa de 1409, de Jaume Marquilles (Barcelona) de 1413-1414, del "llibre de la cadena" (Barcelona) de 1425 y de Zaragoza de 1435, se pone de manifiesto la existencia de unas mismas directrices reformadoras de la iglesia y de la religión católica en todas las diócesis de la provincia eclesiàstica Tarraconense y de los antiguos reinos de la Corona de Aragón desde la celebración del IV Concilio de Letrán (1215) hasta el inicio del Concilio de Trento (1545). La reforma se concreta en los siguientes puntos de forma paralela en todas las diócesis de la Tarraconense, aunque podemos distinguir dos períodos claramente diferenciados: a) Desde el concilio de Lérida de 1229 hasta la vigilia del Cisma de Occidente: el esfuerzo reformador se centró en la moralidad del clero y su misión pastoral, y en la moralidad personal y social de los laicos, las visitas se asemejan a procesos eclesiásticos; b) Desde los inicios del Cisma de Occidente hasta la vigilia del concilio de Trento: el esfuerzo reformador se centró en los aspectos jurídicos y económicos de los beneficios, en la formación teológica sacramental de los curados y, muy especialmente, en la visitatio rerum, con la finalidad de implantar una política de la decoración que dirigía y promovía el incipiente culto eucarístico propio de las devociones populares del momento que, en muchos aspectos, se avanzó a la reforma del Concilio de Trento. No obstante, entre estos dos períodos y el que se inicia con el concilio de Trento, hay más continuidades que rupturas. / Through transcription, edition and exhaustive study of pastoral visits questionnaires of Tortosa in 1314, of Girona in 1329, of the synod of Tarragona in 1372, of Valencia from 1383 until 1388, of Tortosa in 1409, of Jaume Marquilles (Barcelona) from 1413 until 1414, of the "Llibre de la cadena" (Barcelona) in 1425 and of Zaragoza in 1435, the existence of the same church reformation directions and of the Catholic religion in all the diocese of the ecclesiastical province of Tarragona and of the ancient Kingdoms of the Crown of Aragon from the celebration of the Ivth Council of Letran (1215) until the begining of the Council of Trento (1545) is stated. The reformation is produced in a parallel way in all the diocese of Tarragona, although we can single out two clearly distinctive periods: a) From the Lleida Council in 1229 until the vigil of the western schism: the reformation effort was centered in the morality of the clergy and their pastoral mission, and in the social and personal morality of the laymen, the visits are similar to ecclesiastical processes; b) From the initial times of the western schism until the vigil of the Trento Council: the reformation effort was centered in the legal and economic sides of the benefits, in the theological and sacramental education of the priests and especially in the "visitatio rerum" with the intention of stating a decoration policy that was ruling and was promoting the incipient eucharistic cult typical from the popular devotions of the times, and in many ways, it was put forward to the reform of the Trento Council. There is more continuity rather than breaking.

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