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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Begreppen arbetstagare, uppdragstagare samt self-employed och betydelsen för den svenska byggsektorn

Höljer, Henrik January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Diskrimineringsförbud – att befästa eller förebygga skada? : En kritisk analys av diskrimineringsförbud på arbetslivets område och om att använda kritiska teorier inom rättsvetenskapen

Axelsson, Susanne January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Jämställd arbetslöshet : Arbetssökandes plats i arbetsrätten och diskriminering vid tjänstetillsättningar.

Almgren, Maja January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Moderna tider : Arbetstagares integritetsskydd vid elektronisk övervakning enligt personuppgiftslagen och andra regelverk

Högfeldt Eberdal, Catlin January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Tidsbegränsade anställningar : En internt komparativ undersökning av gällande rätt och dess faktiska tillämpning / Temporary employment : An internal comparative study of law and its actual application

Hammarström, Valentina, Marelius, Charlotta January 2009 (has links)
<p>The Employment Protection Act (1982:80; LAS) is one of the cornerstones of the labour law that regulates the relationship between employer and employee. The central rule as stated in 4 § LAS is valid for an indefinite term. LAS is a semi-optional law in accordance with 2 § LAS which facilitates deviation from the central rule.</p><p>Temporary employment is dealt with in 5 and 6 §§ LAS, regulations and collective bargaining agreements. The purpose of the legislative change on July 12007 was to simplify the use of temporary employment and to make the law more predictable and easier to interpret. The previous law was unnecessarily difficult for the employer to know when to put into practice. The government's objective was to limit employer's possibilities of keeping an employee on a temporary contract for a longer period of time. Shortening thetime that an employee can be on a temporary contract from three to two years during a five-year period with the same employer will increase the security and confidence of theemployee. Temporary employment contracts are an important way into the labour market for young people or for people with little work experience. These contracts also contribute to a more flexible and adaptable labour market even though the protection for the individual employee may be reduced.</p><p>The Government's bill suggested that temporary employment contracts should be entered into by either general fixed term employment, temporary substitute employment, seasonal employment or when the employee has attained the age of 67. Fixed term employment can be entered into without the employer giving particular reasons as to why, but the employer does have to show there is a need for contract work as opposed to permanent employees.</p><p>The Labour Court has defined temporary substitute work but it has not been made clear by laws or preparatory work. To employ temporary substitute workers, it is required that one of the permanent workforce is temporarily absent, or it has to be clearly stated in the employment agreement that the position is on a temporary substitute basis. It is also required that the employer state who the position is a substitute for in the permanent workforce as well as for how long the temporary position will be held. Seasonal employment can be entered into for certain periods of time/seasons if the work is dependent on the seasonal variations of the year. The aim for contracts for temporary employment for people over the age of 67 is to make it possible for older people to stay in employment after the retirement age.</p><p>Through the empirical study it was expressed that the interpretation of 5 § LAS is not clearly constructed and that the practitioner must look in preliminary work and other legal practices to establish the meaning of the legislator. For this reason, 5 § LAS is unclear for the individual employer and employee. It should be discussed as to whether the law should be redrafted.</p>

Tidsbegränsade anställningar : En internt komparativ undersökning av gällande rätt och dess faktiska tillämpning / Temporary employment : An internal comparative study of law and its actual application

Hammarström, Valentina, Marelius, Charlotta January 2009 (has links)
The Employment Protection Act (1982:80; LAS) is one of the cornerstones of the labour law that regulates the relationship between employer and employee. The central rule as stated in 4 § LAS is valid for an indefinite term. LAS is a semi-optional law in accordance with 2 § LAS which facilitates deviation from the central rule. Temporary employment is dealt with in 5 and 6 §§ LAS, regulations and collective bargaining agreements. The purpose of the legislative change on July 12007 was to simplify the use of temporary employment and to make the law more predictable and easier to interpret. The previous law was unnecessarily difficult for the employer to know when to put into practice. The government's objective was to limit employer's possibilities of keeping an employee on a temporary contract for a longer period of time. Shortening thetime that an employee can be on a temporary contract from three to two years during a five-year period with the same employer will increase the security and confidence of theemployee. Temporary employment contracts are an important way into the labour market for young people or for people with little work experience. These contracts also contribute to a more flexible and adaptable labour market even though the protection for the individual employee may be reduced. The Government's bill suggested that temporary employment contracts should be entered into by either general fixed term employment, temporary substitute employment, seasonal employment or when the employee has attained the age of 67. Fixed term employment can be entered into without the employer giving particular reasons as to why, but the employer does have to show there is a need for contract work as opposed to permanent employees. The Labour Court has defined temporary substitute work but it has not been made clear by laws or preparatory work. To employ temporary substitute workers, it is required that one of the permanent workforce is temporarily absent, or it has to be clearly stated in the employment agreement that the position is on a temporary substitute basis. It is also required that the employer state who the position is a substitute for in the permanent workforce as well as for how long the temporary position will be held. Seasonal employment can be entered into for certain periods of time/seasons if the work is dependent on the seasonal variations of the year. The aim for contracts for temporary employment for people over the age of 67 is to make it possible for older people to stay in employment after the retirement age. Through the empirical study it was expressed that the interpretation of 5 § LAS is not clearly constructed and that the practitioner must look in preliminary work and other legal practices to establish the meaning of the legislator. For this reason, 5 § LAS is unclear for the individual employer and employee. It should be discussed as to whether the law should be redrafted.

Arbetstagares kritiska yttrande i privata sociala medier - yttrandefrihet eller illojalitet?

Andersson, Hanna January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Intresseavvägning : Integritetsskydd i arbetslivet

Walden, Maria January 2012 (has links)
I dagsläget finns ingen specifik lagstiftning som reglerar vilka kontrollåtgärder en arbetsgivare får vidta i förhållande till sina arbetstagare. Utredningar om lagstiftning kring integritetsskyddet för arbetstagare har gjorts vilket tyder på att lagstiftning bör anses behövlig. Uppsatsen bygger på hypotesen om att lagstiftning på området ska tillkomma. Vid bedömning om en arbetsgivares kontrollåtgärd är tillåten då den inkräktar på en arbetstagares personliga integritet företas en intresseavvägning där arbetsgivarens intresse av åtgärden och arbetstagarens intresse av skydd för sin personliga integritet vägs mot varandra. Denna uppsats syftar till att beskriva och analysera hur denna intresseavvägning ser ut i dagsläget samt att analysera hur intresseavvägningen bör regleras i en hypotetisk lagstiftning på området. En analys av intresseavvägningen i dagsläget leder till att en intresseavvägning i en hypotetisk lagstiftning bör iakttas på så sätt att det är arbetsgivarens syfte med kontrollåtgärden som ställs mot vilken grad kontrollåtgärden inkräkar på arbetstagarens personliga integritet. För att avgöra om en kontrollåtgärd får företas vägs dessa intressen mot varandra med bedömning av omständigheter som påverkar dessa intressen. De omständigheter som bör beaktas och bedömmas i förhållande till syftet med kontrollåtgärden är den valda metoden och eventuella alternativa metoder. Här bör även hänsyn tas till proportionalitetsprincipen. Verksamheten i sig och om arbetsgivaren har misstanke om att missbruk förekommer bör även beaktas. Den bedömningen bör sedan ställas mot vilken grad integritetskränkningen anses ha på arbetstagarens personliga integritet. Den senare bedömningen påverkas av omständigheter som av vem eller vilka som ska genomföra kontrollåtgärden, på vilket sätt utförandet går till och informationen som arbetstagaren bör ha fått om kontrollåtgärden. / There is no specific legislation governing what kind of control measures an employer may take. Preparatory works regarding privacy protection of employees have been made which suggestions that legislation should be seen as necessary. This paper is therefore based on the hypothesis that legislation will be applied. When determining whether an employer’s control measure is allowed when it intrudes a employee’s personal integrity a weighing of interests is made. This paper aims to describe and analyze how this weighing of interests is made in the current situation and how the weighing of interests should be regulated in a hypothetical legislation.

Arbetsgivarens principalansvar : - en studie om dess omfattning, syfte och arbetsrättsliga konsekvenser

Malm, Elisa January 2012 (has links)
En grundläggande princip är att arbetsgivaren på ett företag har det yttersta ansvaret för sin verksamhet och sina anställda, även för vad som sker inom verksamheten. Då en arbetstagare vållar skada i tjänsten läggs ansvaret på arbetsgivaren, på grund av det så kallade principalansvaret. Ett principalansvar innebär i princip att man ansvarar för någon annans culpa (vårdslöshet eller oaktsamhet). Rättsutvecklingen till detta gick ut på att man skulle börja betrakta arbetsgivaren och arbetstagarna som en enhet. Detta skiljer sig från svensk skadeståndsrätt i allmänhet då var och en vanligtvis ansvarar för sina egna handlingar. Enligt Skadeståndslagen (1972:207) (SkL) 3:1 innebär principalansvaret att arbetsgivaren skall ersätta person eller sakskada som arbetstagaren vållar genom fel eller försummelse i tjänsten, ren förmögenhetsskada som arbetstagaren i tjänsten vållar genom brott, och skada på grund av att arbetstagaren kränker någon som innefattar ett angrepp mot dennes person, frihet, frid eller ära, genom fel eller försummelse i tjänsten. Vidare i SkL 4:1 står det att arbetstagaren ansvarar för skada som han vållat genom fel eller försummelse i tjänsten, i den mån synnerliga skäl föreligger med hänsyn till handlingens beskaffenhet, arbetstagarens ställning, den skadelidandes intresse och övriga omständigheter. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera hur långt arbetsgivarens principalansvar sträcker sig och syftet med det och även vad det är som krävs för att det skall inträda. Jag har även tittat närmare på vad rekvisiten ”arbetstagare” och ”i tjänsten” i SkL 3:1 och ”synnerliga skäl” i SkL 4:1 och vad de innebär och hur stort omfång de har. Vidare har uppsatsen visat i vilken omfattning arbetsgivarens principalansvar för skador arbetstagaren vållat kan leda till konsekvenser enligt LAS, såsom uppsägning/avsked.

Kvotering i Polishögskolan : En rättslig studie rörande tillåtelse att kvotera vid antagning till högskola och huruvida kvotering förekommer i polisutbildningen

Tengberg, Ellen January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is primarily to investigate the possibility of and the rules concerning using quotas in the field of admission to university. Secondly, an investigation of whether the Swedish Police Academy has been conducting this method during the years of 2009 and 2010 is made. They are currently accused of having discriminated applicants due to their gender and ethnicity. In order to examine the legal arena as far as possible the laws of discrimination, both including the legislations and regulations assumed by the EU as well as the Swedish laws in this field, will be studied. The laws of discrimination will be put in relation to the legal possibilities of making exceptions from the principle of equal treatment. Positive actions in the field of gender equality and ethnicity, e.g. choosing a person of the underrepresented sex over another of the opposite sex with equal qualifications in an employment situation, are examples of these exceptions constituted but the EU. Sweden has implemented some of these rules, both concerning the labour market as well as in the field of university education, of which the majority is positive discrimination. Using quotas in universities is currently forbidden by the EU and therefore also in the Swedish legislation. Along with the legal investigation, a study of the admission process within the Swedish Police Academy is carried out by examining the current rules as well as other relevant material. The method used in this essay is the dogmatic approach. Also, a social science perspective is applied by putting the prevailing rules in a societal context through the empirical study. By interviewing both teachers and students in the Police Academy, values and attitudes towards the idea of using quotas in the admission process are explored. Thus, possible societal advantages and disadvantages are presented even though the use of quotas in the university field is forbidden. Finally, the results from this empirical study is compared with and analyzed in relation to other material presented in this essay.

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