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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of Key Performance Indicators for Multi-Functional Arenas : A Case Study on Avicii Arena and Annexet

Lai, Kevin January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is a collaboration with Stockholm Globe Arena Fastigher AB (SGAF) and focuses on a case study involving the multi-functional arenas Avicii Arena and Annexet in Stockholm, Sweden. The objective of this study is to investigate Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that can sufficiently measure and evaluate monthly and yearly electricity, heating and cooling consumption while considering events and visitors. Data regarding visitor and event, electricity, heating and cooling were provided by companies in agreement with SGAF, which is handled in a Data Reduction. This study identified four different KPIs to evaluate energy consumption dynamics; KPI 1: Energy consumption per event day, KPI 2: Energy consumption per visitor, KPI 3: Load Factor and KPI 4: Occupancy rate. The results showed that the monthly KPI 1 and 2 values exhibited unpredictable fluctuations hindering its ability to assess energy consumption patterns. In contrast, the annual KPI 1 and 2 were able to effectively evaluate the energy consumption which uncovered that the electricity consumption in the venues is on a downward trend. However, the heating and cooling consumption remained stagnant during the same timeframe. KPI 3 and 4 displayed efficient operation of the energy systems. Moreover, all four KPIs revealed that the energy consumption is influenced by other factor beyond visitors and events. A subsequent Correlation Analysis unveiled two additional factors, outdoor temperature and event types, affects the energy consumption which suggests potential areas for future research. / Detta examensarbete ar ett samarbete med Stockholm Globe Arena Fastigheter AB (SGAF) och fokuserar på en fallstudie som involverar de multi-funktionella arenorna Avicii Arena och Annexet i Stockholm, Sverige. Målet med denna studie är att undersöka Nyckeltal som kan mäta och utvärdera månatlig och årlig elektricitetsförbrukning, värmeförbrukning och kylförbrukning med hänsyn till evenemang och besökare. Data avseende besökare och evenemang, elförbrukning, värmeförbrukning och kylförbrukning tillhandahölls av företag i samförstånd med SGAF som hanterades i en Data Reduktion. Denna studie identifierade fyra olika nyckeltal för utvärdering av energiförbrukningen; Nyckeltal 1: Energiförbrukning per evenemangsdag, Nyckeltal 2: Energiförbrukning per besökare, Nyckeltal 3: Belastningsfaktor och Nyckeltal 4: Beläggningsgrad. Resultaten visar att de månatliga nyckeltalen 1 och 2 uppvisade förutsägbara fluktuationer som hindrade dess förmåga att bedöma energiförbrukningsmönster. Den årliga nyckeltalen 1 och 2 kunde effektivt utvärdera energiförbrukningen vilket avslöjade att elförbrukningen i anläggningarna minskar. Dock, påvisade värmeförbrukningen och kylförbrukningen oförändrade under samma tidsperiod. Nyckeltal 3 och 4 uppvisade att energisystemen i anläggningarna körs på ett effektivt sätt. Vidare, visade samtliga fyra nyckeltal att energiförbrukningen påverkas av andra faktorer utöver besökare och evenemang. En efterföljande korrelationsanalys påvisar att två ytterligare faktorer, utomhus temperatur och evenemangstyper, påverkar energiförbrukningen vilket antyder nya potentiella forskningsområden.

Estudio sobre la correlación de resultados en los ensayos SPT, DPL; DPL y cono de arena en suelos arcillosos aplicado a edificaciones en la urbanización Villa del Norte, Chiclayo, Lambayeque 2021

Perez Alarcon, Gaby Catalina January 2023 (has links)
Este estudio busca establecer dos correlaciones entre ensayos de penetración y el grado de compactación. El objetivo general es realizar el estudio sobre la correlación de los resultados en los ensayos SPT, DPL; DPL y el grado de compactación en suelos arcillosos. Los objetivos específicos son: Identificar la ubicación de los puntos en donde se va a realizar la investigación; clasificar el tipo de suelo en cada punto de sondeo; realizar el ensayo SPT (05 puntos) a una profundidad de 3m; realizar el ensayo DPL (05 puntos) a una profundidad de 3m; realizar el ensayo DPL (10 puntos) a una profundidad de 0.5m y realizar el ensayo Cono de Arena(10 puntos) a una profundidad de 0.2m; determinar los resultados del ensayo SPT; determinar los resultados del ensayo DPL en ambas profundidades; determinar los resultados del ensayo Cono de Arena; hallar la correlación lineal entre los resultados de los ensayos SPT y DPL; hallar la correlación lineal entre los resultados de los ensayos DPL y Cono de Arena. En la metodología, he sondeado 30 puntos de ensayos (5SPT y 5DPL, 10DPL y 10Cono de Arena) teniendo en cuenta la variabilidad del nivel freático y el nivel de relleno en la zona que haya presente. La correlación final para el suelo CL entre el ensayo SPT y DPL es Nspt=0.4403Ndpl+11.995, con un coeficiente de determinación R2=0.8594 y entre los ensayos DPL y Cono De Arena es Ndpl=0.4406(%Comp.) + 83.201, con un coeficiente de determinación R2=0.6907.

An Examination of College and University Athletic Directors’ Perception of Management Models Utilized to Operate Intercollegiate Athletic Arenas

Palmero, Mauro R. 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Estructura y dinámica del zooplancton en la zona de deslizamiento de la playa de Pehuen-Có (pcia. de Buenos Aires) : respuesta al pasaje de sistemas atmosféricos

Baleani, Carla Alejandra 14 December 2021 (has links)
La zona de deslizamiento es un área en el cual se genera un importante intercambio de nutrientes entre la playa y el mar, funcionando como una zona de transición entre ambos ambientes. Esta característica la transforma en un ambiente con cualidades únicas en la trama trófica de los ecosistemas costeros marinos debido a su alta productividad. La presente tesis se divide en dos secciones. La primera sección consiste en el estudio de la estructura y dinámica del zooplancton en condiciones de buen tiempo y su relación con las variables ambientales (fisicoquímicas y meteorológicas). Luego de identificar la abundancia y características generales del zooplancton en diferentes condiciones de buen tiempo, la segunda sección de la tesis se focaliza en el estudio del efecto de las tormentas y fuertes vientos sobre el zooplancton de la zona de deslizamiento, analizando la variabilidad de la comunidad zooplanctónica luego del pasaje de distintos sistemas atmosféricos. La playa de Pehuen Co se localiza al sudoeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires y se caracteriza por ser una playa intermedia-disipativa- dominada por arena fina y numerosos afloramientos rocosos. Entre diciembre de 2016 y julio de 2019 se realizaron muestreos de zooplancton, mediciones in situ de variables fisicoquímicas (temperatura, salinidad, altura de ola, velocidad de la corriente litoral) y se tomaron muestras de agua para la posterior determinación de la concentración del material particulado en suspensión, materia orgánica y clorofila-a. Todos estos muestreos se realizaron mensualmente y en condiciones de buen tiempo. Además, se obtuvo información de variables meteorológicas (temperatura del aire, precipitación, velocidad y dirección del viento) de una estación localizada en la costa. Con los datos obtenidos se realizó el análisis del clima de la región y se analizó la estructura y dinámica temporal del zooplancton en la zona de deslizamiento de Pehuen Co y su relación con las principales variables ambientales. Del análisis de las variables ambientales (fisicoquímicas y meteorológicas) en condiciones de buen tiempo, se observó un aumento de la temperatura media anual junto con un incremento en las precipitaciones en comparación con estudios anteriores, evidenciando una notable variabilidad climática. El zooplancton de la zona de deslizamiento en condiciones de buen tiempo presentó una fuerte estacionalidad, principalmente explicada por cambios en la temperatura del agua, siendo los copépodos Acartia tosa y Paracalanus parvus los taxa dominantes durante el período de muestreo. Ambos copépodos estuvieron presentes todo el año, sin embargo, A. tonsa estuvo dominó ampliamente en el mes de marzo y P. parvus en julio-agosto. Se registraron también copépodos típicos de aguas de plataforma interior tales como Ctenocalanus vanus, Calanoides carinatus, Labidocera fluviatilis y Euterpina acutifrons especialmente en agosto de 2018. Se registraron también abundancias altas del sergéstido Peisos petrunkevitchi en el mes de septiembre de 2017 y del misidáceo Arthromysis magellanica en agosto y octubre de 2017. Se observó una relación directa entre la abundancia del zooplancton y las características hidrodinámicas de la zona de deslizamiento (velocidad de la corriente litoral y altura de la ola), observándose las abundancias más bajas durante los días de muestreo con mayores velocidades de corriente litoral y mayor altura de ola. Esto sugirió que las características hidrodinámicas del área juegan un rol fundamental que controla los cambios a escala local y a corto plazo de las abundancias de los organismos. Durante el mismo período de estudio (diciembre 2016 - julio 2019) se realizaron muestreos de zooplancton, variables fisicoquímicas y meteorológicas durante el pasaje de 17 sistemas atmosféricos dentro de los cuales se incluyeron eventos de tormenta y fuertes vientos. Los muestreos se realizaron antes y después de los eventos. En trece de estos eventos de tormenta se incluyeron además mediciones en alta frecuencia de altura de ola y nivel de agua suministrados por un sensor EMAC localizado en aguas de la zona de deslizamiento. Debido a que los vientos más fuertes en el área de estudio son los causados por el pasaje de centros ciclónicos con dirección de viento provenientes del sector S, SE, SW y W, particularmente estos episodios fueron los considerados para el estudio. Por lo tanto, se tuvieron en cuenta los eventos de tormentas y fuertes vientos a velocidades del viento superiores a 17 m s-1 provenientes del sector S, SE, SW y W. Los eventos de viento se agruparon en cuatro tipos de acuerdo a su dirección predominante del viento y su duración en horas: eventos de corta duración del SE-SW y W (≤ 6 h) y eventos de larga duración del SE-SW y W (> 6 h). Los resultados más relevantes se observaron sobre la abundancia del zooplancton. Sin embargo, también se evidenciaron cambios en la composición de la comunidad zooplanctónica luego del pasaje de los episodios de viento. Los eventos de corta duración se asociaron con un aumento en la abundancia del zooplancton, siendo A. tonsa y P. parvus las especies dominantes. Dentro de los eventos de corta duración, los de viento predominante del W se asociaron con la presencia de copépodos típicos de la plataforma continental interior (C. vanus, C. carinatus, E. acutifrons y L. fluviatilis), mientras que en los eventos de viento de corta duración del SE-SW se observó un mayor número de taxa pertenecientes al plancton adventicio en comparación con los casos de viento del W. En cuanto a los casos de larga duración, estos se asociaron con una disminución significativa en la abundancia, siendo A. tonsa y P. parvus los copépodos dominantes. Dentro de este grupo, los casos de viento del SE-SW se asociaron con un aumento de taxa correspondientes al plancton adventicio. En conclusión, se evidenció una fuerte la interacción físico-biológica en la zona de deslizamiento de la playa de Pehuen Co. Cambios en las variables atmosféricas producto del pasaje de eventos de tormenta y fuertes vientos provocan alteraciones en la circulación del agua, generando un aumento en las velocidades de las corrientes litorales, mayor atura de ola, influenciando significativamente en la dinámica de la comunidad zooplanctónica generando cambios en la composición y en la abundancia. Esto caracteriza al área de estudio como un ambiente sumamente dinámico e inestable en un corto plazo de tiempo / The surf zone represents a transition area between the beach and the open sea, playing an important role in transporting materials and exchanging nutrients with these adjacent environments. This characterizes it in a unique area in the trophic web of coastal marine ecosystems due to its high productivity. This thesis presents two sections. The first section focuses on the study of the structure and dynamics of a zooplankton community in good weather conditions and its relationship with environmental variables (physicochemical and meteorological) on the zooplankton composition and abundance. After identifying the abundance and general characteristics of zooplankton in different good weather conditions, the second section concentrates on the effect of storm and wind events in the surf zone zooplankton, focusing on the zooplankton variability after a passage of different atmospheric systems. Pehuen Co beach is located on the southwest coast of Buenos Aires Province. It is an intermediate-dissipative sandy beach, dominated by fine sand and the presence of rock outcrops. Monthly sampling was performed between December 2016 and July 2019. Qualitative and quantitative measurements were taken for the surf zone zooplankton, physicochemical variables (water temperature, salinity, wave height, the velocity of the littoral current), and water samples for determination of a suspended particulate matter, particulate organic matter, and Chlorophyll-a. All these samplings were carried out monthly and in good weather conditions. Furthermore, meteorological variables (air temperature, precipitations, wind velocity, and direction) were obtained from the EMAC station located on the coast. In the first place, a climate characterization was carried out for Pehuen Co. Then, the temporal dynamic of the zooplankton community and their environmental regulation was analyzed. Compared to than reported in previous studies, the environmental variables show an increase in annual air temperature as well as an increment in annual precipitation. This evidence an important climatic variability. The surf zone zooplankton showed a strong seasonality, mainly affected by changes in water temperature. Two species were dominant throughout the sampling period: Acartia tonsa and Paracalanus parvus. The copepod A. tonsa was present in all the samples, dominated in March, while P. parvus was observed in almost all the samples, dominated in July-August. Also, copepods of the inner shelf zones such as Ctenocalanus vanus, Calanoides carinatus, Labidocera fluviatilis, and Euterpina acutifrons were recorded in August-2018. Despite the dominance of Copepoda in surf waters, were observed a change in this typical structure from August to October-2017, when Peisos petrunkevitchi and Arthromysis magellanica, respectively, dominated the surf waters. Variation in significant wave height and velocity of littoral current affected zooplankton abundances in surf waters. Low zooplankton abundances were associated with sampling days with high speeds and waves, suggesting that the surf zone hydrodynamics may be a fundamental mechanism that controls the short-term local-scale changes in zooplankton abundances. During the same study period (December 2016 - July 2019) a total of 17 storm and wind events were sampled before and after the events. In all cases, zooplanktonic, physicochemical, and meteorological (high-frequency data of wind velocity and direction) samplings were carried out in the area. For 13 storm events only, high-frequency environmental data (wave height and water level) were obtained at the EMAC surf zone station. Considering that the strongest winds in the study area are those caused by the passage of atmospheric systems with wind direction coming from the S, SE, SW, and W sectors, particularly these episodes were used in the present study. The events were grouped into four types as regards wind direction and duration in hours: SE-SW/W short-duration events (≤ 6 h) and SE-SW/W long-duration events (> 6 h). The most relevant results were observed on the abundance of zooplankton. However, changes in the composition of the zooplankton community were also evidenced after the passage of strong winds episodes. Short-duration events were associated with an increase in zooplankton abundances, being A. tonsa and P. parvus the dominant species. Within short-duration events, W wind-events were associated with the presence of the inner continental shelf copepods (C. vanus, C. carinatus, E. acutifrons y L. fluviatilis), whereas in the samples of winds from the SE-SW sector, a greater number of adventitious taxa in comparison with the W events were recorded. Regarding long duration cases, they were associated with a significant decrease in zooplankton abundances, being A. tonsa and P. parvus the dominant taxa. Within this group, SE-SW wind-events were associated with the presence of adventitious fraction taxa. In conclusion, a strong physical biological interaction was evidenced in the surf zone of Pehuen Co beach. Changes in atmospheric variables as a result of the passage of storm events and strong winds cause alterations in the water circulation, generating an increase in the speed of the littoral current, wave height, influencing the zooplankton composition and abundance. The zooplankton community showed changes in response to physical variations such as wind, waves, currents, and turbulence, evidence that the surf zone is a highly dynamic and unstable environment on a short-term time scale

Warehouse layout for producing industry with separate production points / Utvärdering av en alternativ lagerlayout för producerande industrier med separerade produktionspunkter. En simuleringsstudie av färdigvarulager på BUBS Godis

Bentevik, Caroline, Karlsson, Cristoffer January 2022 (has links)
Studien genomfördes på BUBS Godis och avser att utvärdera hur en byggnation av en ytterligare djuplagring vid den nya produktionsavdelningen påverkar lagerarbetarnas utnyttjandegrad och tiden som används för att transportera färdigvaror från båda produktionsavdelningarna. För att besvara syftet gjordes en simuleringsmodell i Arena Simulation Software. Den huvudsakliga experimentella faktorn har varit om en ytterligare djuplagring byggs till eller inte. Genom att bygga två modeller, en nulägesmodell och en förbättringsmodell, har en jämförelse mellan alternativen utförts. Resultatet av jämförelsen visar tydligt att tidsbesparingen av en ytterligare djuplagring beror starkt på om djuplagringen sker manuellt eller automatiskt. En ytterligare djuplagring som sker manuellt har en försumbar påverkan av transporttiden medan en automatisk djuplagring har stora möjligheter till att spara in avsevärt mycket tid för transport. Slutsatsen är att vid beslut att bygga en ytterligare djuplagring bör den ha ett automatiskt inlastningssystem, alternativt att produktionspersonalen lastar in pallar i djuplagringen. Utnyttjandegraden av lagerarbetare när en manuell djuplagring används vid ökad produktion visar att de inte klarar av förändringen med den befintliga personalen. Däremot om en automatisk djuplagring används minskar både utnyttjandegrad och använd tid för transport oavsett produktionsvolym och skifttider. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Influencia de la composición química de arenas y cementos peruanos en el desempeño de aditivos plastificantes para concreto

Samaniego Orellana, Luis Jesús Mijaíl 05 October 2018 (has links)
Los aditivos, presentes hace mucho tiempo en la tecnología de la construcción, pueden transmitir excelentes propiedades físicas y químicas, teniendo la capacidad de poder ser aplicados en muchos campos, para proporcionar nuevas funciones y características. Y esta es la razón por la cual, los últimos desarrollos en el campo de la construcción, están asociados con la evolución de estos aditivos, siendo necesarios para generar mezclas con alta resistencia a los sulfatos, con un contenido de aire óptimo, entre otras propiedades; manteniendo sin embargo hasta la actualidad como principal función, actuar como agente plastificante, dentro de las mezclas de concreto, retardando la pérdida del slump y de la fragua inicial, a través de complejas interacciones químicas. Y es precisamente por este motivo, que cobra importancia esta investigación, titulada "Influencia de la composición química en los cementos y agregados peruanos, en el rendimiento de los aditivos plastificantes"; ya que de esta manera se puede saber, cómo las características de las principales materias primas del concreto, pueden determinar el rendimiento de los aditivos plastificantes, que se utilizan en ellas; ya que se podría pensar, que debido a sus marcadas características químicas, estos aditivos siempre mostrarán el mismo comportamiento, previsto por el fabri- cante; pero esta investigación demostrará, con los resultados de las pruebas realizadas a estas mezclas, que éstas generalmente varían, incluso con mínimos cambios en la composición del cemento y de los agregados (especialmente en las miles de partículas de arena), que lo componen. Respecto a las arenas, notamos claramente la influencia de su módulo de finura, y de su contenido de arcillas (cuantificado por el método del azul de metileno), sobre el poder plastificante de los aditivos, y en la resistencia que obtendrán los morteros diseñados con ellos; ya que a menor M.F. y %Arcillas, el aditivo mostró una mayor intensidad plastificante dentro de los mor- teros, logrando que estos se vuelvan más fluidos por mayor tiempo, y con mejores resistencias. Respecto a los cementos, se pudo observar, que aquellos con menor contenido de Álcalis y de Aluminato Tricálcico, maximizan el efecto de cada aditivo, ya que éstos presentaron una elevada intensidad plastificante en sus respectivos morteros; logrando que estos se vuelvan más fluidos y por mayor tiempo, además de que en ellos se obtuvieron las mayores resistencias; notándose claramente la influencia que presenta el tipo de cemento, en el comportamiento de los aditivos. Y respecto a los aditivos, se pudo demostrar que el aditivo Naftalenosulfonato, es el que tiene mayor poder plastificante inicial, en casi todos los casos, salvo algunas excepciones; y el aditivo Policarboxilato en cambio, es el que mantiene por mayor tiempo su capacidad de mantener el slump, siendo el único que mantuvo la fluidez y trabajabilidad de cada mortero, por más de 120’. Finalmente, luego de un análisis puntual por cada combinación, se hizo un análisis global de todo el Proyecto; obteniendo conclusiones lógicas, que se podrían aplicar a la vida real; verificando especialmente lo voluble y sensible a los cambios que es el concreto, y más aún los aditivos. / The additives, present a long time ago in the construction technology, can transmit physical and chemical properties, having the capacity to be applied in many fields, to offer new functions and characteristics. And this is the reason why, the latest developments in the field of construction, are associated with the evolution of these additives, and are needed to generate, with the resistance to high resistance to sulfates, with an appropriate content, among other properties; maintaining the embargo to date as the main function, act as a plasticizing agent, within concrete mixtures, return to the loss of the settlement and the initial forge, through complex chemical interactions. Precisely for this reason, that this research becomes important, entitled "Influence of chemical com- position in Peruvian cements and aggregates, in the performance of plasticizers addicts"; since in this way it is possible to know, how the characteristics of the main raw materials of the concrete, can determine the performance of the plasticizing additives, which are used in them; It could already be thought that due to its marked chemical characteristics, these additives will always show the same behavior, foreseen by the manufacturer; but this research shows, with the results of the tests carried out on these mixtures, that it traditionally varies, even with changes in the composition of the cement and the aggregates (especially in the miles of sand), which compose it. Regarding the sands, we clearly noticed the influence of its modulus of fineness, and its content of clays, on the plasticizing power of the additives, and on the resistance that the mortars obtained with them; since at a lower M.F. and% Clays, the additive showed a greater plasticizing intensity within the parameters, achieving that these become more fluid for a longer time, and with better resistances. Regarding the cements, it could be observed that those with a lower content of Alkalis and Tricalcium Aluminate, maximize the effect of each additive, since they come with a great plasticizing intensity in their respective mortars; achieve that these become more fluid and longer, in addition to which they obtained the greatest resistance; The influence of the cement type on the behavior of the additives is clearly noted. And with regard to additives, it could be demonstrated that the additive is the one with the greatest initial plasticizing power, almost all cases, with some exceptions; and the additive Polycarboxylate in the change, is the time that maintains to maintain the volume, being the only one that maintains the fluidity and the workability of each mortar, for more than 120’. Finally, after a punctual analysis for each combination, a global analysis was made to do the Project; obtaining logical conclusions, which can be applied to real life; verifying especially the fickle and sensitive to the changes that is the concrete, and even more the additives. / Tesis

Connecting in Crisis: Exploring Online Informal Communications in Florida’s Unemployment Struggle

Eskamani, Anna V 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The COVID-19 pandemic led to widespread unemployment, significantly impacting Floridians who faced delays and systemic issues with the state's unemployment system. This study examines crisis communication within a Reddit community, focusing on how individuals used informal communications to navigate the unemployment benefits crisis. Guided by Rhetorical Arena Theory (RAT) and Uses and Gratification Theory (U&G), the research addresses: (1) How did individuals in the active audience discuss challenges faced when trying to access Florida’s unemployment system? (2) What lessons can be drawn from the analysis of informal communications on social media for improving crisis communication strategies during future crises? A qualitative content analysis of 215 posts from a subreddit created by Floridians seeking unemployment compensation, dated April 30, 2020, to December 31, 2020, was conducted using NVivo. Key themes identified included payment delays, systemic failures, financial and emotional distress, community support, and mistrust of government actions. The findings revealed that the subreddit was proactively used for information sharing and social cohesion. Despite frustration and anxiety from payment delays and administrative inefficiencies, users actively engaged in problem-solving and advocacy. The study extends RAT by highlighting the role of informal online networks in crisis communication and supports U&G by showing how individuals seek information and support during crises. This research underscores public administrators' need for robust crisis communication strategies that incorporate digital platforms and community participation. It emphasizes the importance of transparency, consistency, and responsiveness in government communications to maintain public legitimacy and improve unemployment system management during future crises. It also speaks to the importance of capacity building for public organizations and future research with administrative burden.

Hur översätts naturen? : En kritisk diskursanalys av de svenska miljömålen / How is nature translated? : A critical discourse analysis of the Swedish environmental quality goals

Björkman, Elvira January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) has overseen the implementation, evaluation and development of the environmental political decisions in Sweden since 1967. In 1999 one “generation goal” (the general direction of the environmental politics) and fifteen “environmental quality goals” was installed to guide their work, in 2005 a sixteenth goal was instated. These goals (except for one) are supposed to be met in 2020. This is a study from a communication perspective of these goals and The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s role based on the theoretical concepts issue arena, stakeholder thinking, network, translation and mass communication. The method used is critical discourse analysis which focuses on how we understand, relate to and value different aspects of reality. The way political goals about the environment are written has implications on our relationship with nature and how we choose to govern it. The analysis shows, in line with previous studies on environmental policy documents, that the economical and human-centred discourses dominate. Ecological metaphors and expressions are mostly allowed within the discourse ecological modernisation. What differs from previous studies is that the growth discourse and the neo-liberal discourse are somewhat challenged and that the economical and human-centred discourses are questioned in some cases. The main conclusions are that more ecological discourse should be implemented in the translations of the political goals to gradually change the way we value and relate to nature and thereby create solutions that are sustainable long term. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency also should not back away from expressing the ethical responsibilities we have to restore and protect nature.

A criação do Teatro Paulista do Estudante (TPE), sua inserção e fusão com o Grupo Arena da cidade de São Paulo: conflitos e contradições / The foundation of Teatro Paulista do Estudante (TPE), its insertion and fusion with São Paulo's Arena Group: conflicts and contradictions

Murrer, André Dutra [UNESP] 03 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by ANDRÉ DUTRA MURRER null (andremurrer@gmail.com) on 2018-03-28T11:44:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 André Murrer - Dissertação Mestrado - Repositório.pdf: 10760673 bytes, checksum: ee3bf05aefe45588bc2bd606cf760b35 (MD5) / Rejected by Laura Mariane de Andrade null (laura.andrade@ia.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: - o item “folha de aprovação” nos itens pré-textuais é obrigatório segundo as normas da ABNT, portanto deve constar no arquivo anexo. Caso seja necessário, consulte o modelo em: http://www.ia.unesp.br/Home/Biblioteca/orientacoes-para-a-normalizacao-de-trabalhos-academicos_iaunesp_26_03.pdf Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-04-02T19:43:24Z (GMT) / Submitted by ANDRÉ DUTRA MURRER null (andremurrer@gmail.com) on 2018-04-03T15:21:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 André Murrer - Dissertação Mestrado - Repositório x.pdf: 10789954 bytes, checksum: 7fce5906a1abdd98b9f0ff2ced45323f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Laura Mariane de Andrade null (laura.andrade@ia.unesp.br) on 2018-04-03T20:43:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 murrer_ad_me_ia.pdf: 10789954 bytes, checksum: 7fce5906a1abdd98b9f0ff2ced45323f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-03T20:43:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 murrer_ad_me_ia.pdf: 10789954 bytes, checksum: 7fce5906a1abdd98b9f0ff2ced45323f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-03 / O Teatro Paulista do Estudante foi um grupo amador criado em 1955, por jovens militantes do Partido Comunista. Tinham como principal objetivo divulgar o teatro entre os estudantes secundaristas e universitários e atrair novos integrantes para as fileiras do Partido. Entre seus mais representativos fundadores estavam Vera Gertel, Oduvaldo Vianna Filho e Gianfrancesco Guarnieri. O Grupo acreditava que poderia fazer um teatro que se popularizasse e chegasse às massas de trabalhadores e estudantes, articulando o fazer teatral com a função política e social. Em 1956, menos de um ano após sua fundação, o TPE se une ao Grupo Arena da Cidade de São Paulo, e os jovens amadores se tornam profissionais de teatro. Em 1958, o Grupo estreia o espetáculo Eles Não Usam Black-Tie, escrita por Guarnieri. Os remanescentes do TPE, em conjunto com o Teatro de Arena, conseguem, com esta peça, colocar em prática o que almejavam desde o início de suas atividades: incentivar o autor nacional e colocar em cena obras que refletissem sobre a realidade brasileira e colocassem a classe operária como protagonista. A apresentação de Eles Não Usam Black-Tie foi o prenúncio da forma teatral que lhes interessava desenvolver e a motivação que faltava para que o Teatro de Arena estabelecesse um processo de construção de uma nova dramaturgia, a partir de discussões políticas, históricas e estéticas. A este processo se deu o nome de Seminários de Dramaturgia do Arena. / The amateur theatre group Teatro Paulista do Estudante was founded in 1955 by young political activists from the Communist Party. Their main goal was to publicize the theatre among the high school and college students, and to atract new members for the Party. Some of its most representative founders were Vera Gertel, Oduvaldo Vianna Filho and Gianfrancesco Guarnieri. The Group believed they could do a popular theatre, one that could reach the masses of workers and students by joining acting with political and social roles. In 1956, after less than a year of its foundation, the TPE fuses the Grupo Arena da Cidade de São Paulo, and the young amateurs become theatre professionals. In 1958 the Group debuts the theatre play Eles Não Usam Black-Tie, written by Guarnieri. With this play, the remaining members of TPE together with Teatro de Arena, succeed to execute what they longed for since the beggining of their activities: to encourage the national authors and to perform plays that could reflect Brazilian reality, bringing the working class as leading figure. The performance of Eles Não Usam Black-Tie was the harbinger of the theatre form they wished to develop and also the missing motivation for Teatro de Arena to organize a new dramaturgy building process based on political, historical and aesthetic discussions. This process was named Seminários de Dramaturgia do Arena (Dramaturgy Seminars of Arena).

A criação do Teatro Paulista do Estudante (TPE), sua inserção e fusão com o Grupo Arena da cidade de São Paulo : conflitos e contradições /

Murrer, André Dutra January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Alexandre Luiz Mate / Resumo: O Teatro Paulista do Estudante foi um grupo amador criado em 1955, por jovens militantes do Partido Comunista. Tinham como principal objetivo divulgar o teatro entre os estudantes secundaristas e universitários e atrair novos integrantes para as fileiras do Partido. Entre seus mais representativos fundadores estavam Vera Gertel, Oduvaldo Vianna Filho e Gianfrancesco Guarnieri. O Grupo acreditava que poderia fazer um teatro que se popularizasse e chegasse às massas de trabalhadores e estudantes, articulando o fazer teatral com a função política e social. Em 1956, menos de um ano após sua fundação, o TPE se une ao Grupo Arena da Cidade de São Paulo, e os jovens amadores se tornam profissionais de teatro. Em 1958, o Grupo estreia o espetáculo Eles Não Usam Black-Tie, escrita por Guarnieri. Os remanescentes do TPE, em conjunto com o Teatro de Arena, conseguem, com esta peça, colocar em prática o que almejavam desde o início de suas atividades: incentivar o autor nacional e colocar em cena obras que refletissem sobre a realidade brasileira e colocassem a classe operária como protagonista. A apresentação de Eles Não Usam Black-Tie foi o prenúncio da forma teatral que lhes interessava desenvolver e a motivação que faltava para que o Teatro de Arena estabelecesse um processo de construção de uma nova dramaturgia, a partir de discussões políticas, históricas e estéticas. A este processo se deu o nome de Seminários de Dramaturgia do Arena. / Abstract: The amateur theatre group Teatro Paulista do Estudante was founded in 1955 by young political activists from the Communist Party. Their main goal was to publicize the theatre among the high school and college students, and to atract new members for the Party. Some of its most representative founders were Vera Gertel, Oduvaldo Vianna Filho and Gianfrancesco Guarnieri. The Group believed they could do a popular theatre, one that could reach the masses of workers and students by joining acting with political and social roles. In 1956, after less than a year of its foundation, the TPE fuses the Grupo Arena da Cidade de São Paulo, and the young amateurs become theatre professionals. In 1958 the Group debuts the theatre play Eles Não Usam Black-Tie, written by Guarnieri. With this play, the remaining members of TPE together with Teatro de Arena, succeed to execute what they longed for since the beggining of their activities: to encourage the national authors and to perform plays that could reflect Brazilian reality, bringing the working class as leading figure. The performance of Eles Não Usam Black-Tie was the harbinger of the theatre form they wished to develop and also the missing motivation for Teatro de Arena to organize a new dramaturgy building process based on political, historical and aesthetic discussions. This process was named Seminários de Dramaturgia do Arena (Dramaturgy Seminars of Arena). / Mestre

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