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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the design space of e-detailing through Magic Machine workshops to advance technologies for desirable futures

Grasselli, Iza January 2020 (has links)
Pharmaceutical detailing is moving to online environments because they are believed to save money, time, and be more convenient. Recently there has also been an increase in e-detailing due to the circumstances around COVID-19 pandemic. In the available literature, the transition to e-detailing is mostly evaluated through efficiency markers, with less focus on broader social implications and the interactions between people involved. To fill this gap and promote development of human-centred e-detailing technologies, this paper explores detailing interactions and related concerns which can guide the development of relevant detailing technologies. The field research and participatory Magic Machine workshops helped reveal and shape concerns which have implications for the future of e-detailing. High-level recommendations were derived to inspire further research and development of lasting, user-centred solutions. Design fiction artifacts were created to convey the research findings as boundary objects between pharmaceutical industry and academia. / Läkemedelskonsulenter flyttar sin verksamhet alltmer till en digital miljö då det anses spara pengar, tid och ska vara mer bekvämt. Covid-19 pandemin har också bidragit till en ökning av användandet av digitala verktyg för läkemedelskonsulenter. Tillgängliga vetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet som utvärderar digitaliseringen för läkemedelskonsulenter gör det framför allt genom att mäta hur effektivt det är, och inte så mycket på de sociala följderna samt hur det inverkar på interaktionen mellan de inblandade parterna. För att fylla denna kunskapslucka och för att främja en människocentrerad digitalisering för läkemedelskonsulenter utforskar denna masteruppsats interaktionerna och dess relaterade följder, vilket kan användas som vägledning i utveckling av relevanta teknologier för läkemedelskonsulenter. Fältarbete, och en workshop som använde metoden Magic Machine, hjälpte till att ta fram och klargöra de problem som kan ha en viktig inverkan på framtida digitalt läkemedelskonsulterande. Design rekommendationer togs fram för att inspirera kommande forskning och utveckling av hållbara, användarcentrerade lösningar. Den skapade spekulativa designen visar upp forskningsresultat och på ett sätt som kan vara till användning av läkemedelsindustrin och universiteten.

Sakletarhistoriska Riksmuseet / The National Museum of Searching for Stuff : Performing Pippi Longstocking as a living artifact in an immersive museum

Willebrand Vinnberg, Karolina January 2023 (has links)
SAKLETARHISTORISKA RIKSMUSEET / THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SEARCHING FOR STUFF is Karolina Willebrand Vinnberg’s Independent Degree Project within the Master's Programme in Acting at Stockholm University of the Arts 2021-2023, examining and performing the Swedish children's book character Pippi Longstocking as if she were a museum artifact. With tools such as parody, intertextual analysis and immersive performance her hitherto (imagined) unknown inner life is excavated, dissected and exposed. This research also explores what happens in the encounter between actor and audience when performing and co-existing in an immersive museum space. The research process ended with a performative exhibition set in and produced in collaboration with The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts in Stockholm. This exhibition included seven scenographic installations and exhibit objects with associated audio guides, four video works and four immersive performances and an actress being present as the character of Pippi Longstocking throughout the days.

Can market specialization reduce the entry cost of automated largescale 3D-scanning of movable artifacts for culture and heritage preservation?

Leksell, Torbjörn January 2018 (has links)
Automated, large-scale 3D-scanning systems are important tools in culture and heritage preservation that allows museums and art institutes to digitize their collections of movable artifacts for the purpose of preservation, research, and exhibition. Unfortunately, the cost of these systems limits their usage to a handful of wealthy museums and art institutes. This thesis explores if it possible to significantly reduce the cost of such a system by presenting a viable automated, large-scale, 3D-scanning system for movable artifacts tailored to the needs of museums and art institutes. To achieve the thesis goal a market analysis was conducted to identify the need and requirements museums and art institutes have for these kinds of systems. The market analysis also explored available systems on the market and how museums and art institutes use them. The result of the market analysis identified a specific type of automated, large-scale, 3D-scanning system design suitable for market specialization. Based on the market analysis requirements for such a system design were specified and developed into a mechanical design and hardware architecture. These were then used to construct and evaluate a limited prototype as a way of validating the mechanical design and hardware architecture. The remainder of the work consisted of a cost analysis which used the hardware architecture and mechanical designs to estimate the material and component cost to produce a single unit of the developed system. The results of this thesis show that it is probable that market specialization significantly reduces the cost for museums and art institutes to purchase an automated, large-scale, 3D-scanning system compared with available market alternatives. / Automatiserade 3D-scanners som kan 3D-scanna stora volymer av konstprodukter är viktiga verktyg inom kulturhistorisk bevaring då det tillåter museum att digitalisera samlingar i syfte att bevara, forska och ställa ut. Tyvärr så är dessa system dyra och bara ett fåtal museer har resurser nog för att köpa in dem. Denna uppsats utforskar ifall det är möjligt att betydligt reducera kostnaden av ett sådant system genom att presentera en fungerande automatiserad 3D-scanner som är specifikt anpassad för museum. Arbetet började med en marknadsanalys som identifierade kraven som museum ställer på denna typ av system samt en analys av tillgängliga system på marknaden och hur museum använder dessa. Resultatet av detta arbete var att en specifik typ av automatiserad 3D-scannar lämplig för anpassning identifierades. Utifrån kraven som identifierades genom marknadsanalysen så utvecklades sedan en mekanisk och elektrisk design för systemet. Dessa användes sedan för att bygga och utvärdera en begränsad prototyp i syfte att validera den mekaniska och elektriska designen. Resterande arbete bestod av en kostnadsanalys som använde den mekaniska och elektriska designen för att utvärdera material och komponentkostnaden för att bygga en enhet av det utvecklade systemet. Slutsatsen av arbetet i denna uppsats är att det är troligt att det blir billigare för museum att köpa denna typ av system ifall de utvecklas utifrån deras specifika behov jämfört med tillgängliga system på marknaden.

Специфика экспозиций современных исторических музеев : магистерская диссертация / Specificity of the contemporary historical museum expositions

Злобина, А. Н., Zlobina, A. N. January 2017 (has links)
Thesis work «Specificity of the contemporary historical museum expositions» is devoted to the analysis of the actual for the XXI century process of transformation of the modern museum appearance based on a new ideas of the exhibition artists. Greater emphasis is laid on a contemporary museum conceptions that were developed on the West in XX-XXI century. Unfortunately, they are not well-known to native reader, so work was undertaken to translate books in English into Russian. The deepened classification of the historical museum exhibition was created on the base of foreign materials. Application of exhibition techniques described in the dissertation will increase attractiveness of Ekaterinbourgs museums. In instance of depiction and analysis achievements in construction museum exhibition created by foreign artists, thesis presents and investigates museum areas, created by Ekaterinbourgs group of exhibition designers and artists «The white square» and «Museum technologies» and a huge studio of creators from the Urals regional institute of museum design. Comparative study European styles and artists creative scripts of constructing the exhibition with ones, made by Ekaterinbourgs artists, distinguishes global and local problems, which appear during the design, creation and construction of exhibition. The dissertation tries to solve some of the declared problems and to offer ways of development the art of museum exhibition. The practical significance of the thesis is in the fact that it can be used as an instruction to the museum exhibition design and construction. / Магистерская диссертация «Специфика экспозиций современных исторических музеев» посвящена анализу актуального для XXI века процесса смены изменения облика современного музея на основе новых идей художников-экспозиционеров. В исследовании уделяется внимание современным концепциям, которые были разработаны на Западе в конце XX – начале XXI века. К сожалению, они малоизвестны отечественному читателю, поэтому была проведена работа по переводу английских текстов на русский язык. На основании материалов зарубежных авторов создалась более углубленная схема классификации экспозиций исторических музеев. Применение некоторых предложенных техник в наших музеях увеличит их привлекательность для посетителей. На примере описания и анализа достижений в создании экспозиций зарубежными коллегами, в магистерской диссертации представлены и исследованы музейные пространства, созданные екатеринбургскими коллективами экспозиционеров «Белый квадрат» и «Музейные технологии», а также бригадой Уральского регионального института музейных проектов. Сопоставление европейских стилей и школ создания экспозиции с отечественными методами помогло выявить общие и частные проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются художники-экспозиционеры при дизайне экспозиций. В исследовании предпринята попытка к решению поднятых проблем, намечены векторы развития экспозиционного искусства. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в том, что оно может быть использовано в качестве пособия по созданию музейной экспозиции.

Когнитивная метафора в дипломатическом дискурсе (на примере речи Марии Захаровой) : магистерская диссертация / Cognitive metaphor in diplomatic discourse (on the example of Maria Zakharova's speech)

Киреева, А. А., Kireeva, A. A. January 2020 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена изучению когнитивных метафор в дипломатическом дискурсе. Данный феномен рассматривается на примере речи официального представителя Министерства Иностранных Дел Российской Федерации Марии Захаровой. Теоретическая глава содержит описание дипломатического дискурса как феномена, смежного с другими дискурсами (политическим, масс-медийным, военным, юридическим), а также перечисление лингвистических особенностей дипломатических текстов. Автором также представлены основные положения теории концептуальной метафоры. В практической части исследование проведен лингвокогнитивный анализ метафор в речи российского дипломата Марии Захаровой. Выделены разные типы социоморфных, ориентационных, антропоморфных, артефактных метафор, которые получают когнитивную и лингвоаксиологическую интерпретацию. Выявлены наиболее частотные метафорические модели (метафоры искусства, войны, пути). / The final qualifying work is devoted to the study of cognitive metaphors in diplomatic discourse. This phenomenon is considered on the example of the speech of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova. The theoretical chapter contains a description of diplomatic discourse as a phenomenon related to other discourses (political, mass media, military, legal), as well as a list of linguistic features of diplomatic texts. The author also presents the main provisions of the theory of conceptual metaphor. A linguocognitive analysis of metaphors in the speech of Russian diplomat Maria Zakharova was conducted in the practical part of the study. Different types of sociomorphic, orientational, anthropomorphic, and artifact metaphors are identified. They receive cognitive and linguo-axiological interpretation. The most frequent metaphorical model revealed (metaphors of the art, metaphors of war, metaphors of the way).

Vilka beskrivningar avteknikämnet framkommer hosniondeklassare i grundskolan? / What are the possible technology subjects description that could appear among ninth-graders of the compulsory school?

Ghazi Shabo, Andira, Sarok, Amal Audish Basa January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att förstå hur högstadieelever i årskurs 9 i sex svenska skolor beskriver teknikämnet samt ta reda på vad de uppger att det de har lärt sig respektive vad de saknat kring innehåll i teknikämnet efter 9 år i grundskolan. Studien bygger på en enkätundersökning ifylld med hjälp av papper och penna. Respondenter fick svara på frågorkring vad de anser att teknik är, samt vad de har lärt sig och eventuellt saknat iteknikundervisningen under grundskolans gång. 252 enkäter delades ut och 250 besvarades. DiGirnonimos (2011) ramverk har använts för att kategorisera uttalanden avseende teknikens natur som framkommer i elevernas enkätsvar. I resultatet framkommer att teknik beskrivet som artefakt och teknik som skapandeprocess samt beskrivningar relaterade till teknikens roll i samhället är de mest återkommande dimensionerna i respondenternas svar. Däremot är det inte så många elever som beskriver teknik relaterat till teknikens historia eller teknik som mänsklig verksamhet. Ett annat innehåll som framhålls av eleverna som något de har lärt sig mycket om är programmering. Teman såsom el-teknik, sätt att tänka för att lösa problem etc.(som en ingenjör), tekniska system, miljöfrågor relaterat till teknik framkommer också, dock med avsevärt mindre frekvens. Resultatet visar att eleverna generellt nämner innehållet i teknikundervisning från olika håll, Många elever kan uttrycka flera av DiGironimosdimensioner när de får frågan om vad teknik är. Men eftersom vissa områden, exempelvis denhistoriska dimensionen inte riktigt framkommer krävs fortfarande tydlighet och en mer välplanerad teknikundervisning för att täcka hela innehållet som står i kursplanen för teknikämnet. En relativt stor andel av eleverna visar osäkerhet kring vilket teknikinnehåll som de saknat i sin teknikundervisning. Det kan förstås bero på att de inte vet vad de har att vänta av undervisningen. Det som framkommer i elevernas svar är att de saknar programmering, teknikinnehåll, konstruktion, resurser, praktiskt arbete vilket också sammanfaller med vad de anser att de lärt sig. En tolkning är att dessa områden är elevernas beskrivning av vad teknikämnet omfattar och att det är detta som de också anser sig behöva mer av. / The purpose of this study has been to understand how high school students year 9 in six Swedish schools describe the subject of technology and state what they have learned and what they lacked about content in the subject of technology after 9 years in primary school. The study is based on a questionnaire completed using paper and pen. Respondents had to answer questions about what technology is, and what they have learned and possibly missed in technology teaching during primary school. 252 questionnaires were distributed and 250 were answered. DiGirnonimo's (2011) framework has been used to categorize statements regarding the nature of technology that appear in students' questionnaire responses. The results show that technology described as an artifact and technology as a creative process as well as descriptions related to the role of technology in society are the most recurring  dimensions in the respondents' answers. However, not many students describe technology related to the history of technology or technology as human activity. The results show that students seem to have learned the most about construction technology and drawing technology. Another content that is emphasized by the students as something they have learned a lot about is programming. Themes such as electrical engineering, ways of thinking to solve problems, etc. (as an engineer), technical systems, environmental issues related to technology also emerge, but with less frequency. The results show that students generally mention technology teaching from different angles. Many students can express several of DiGironimo's dimensions when asked what technology is. However, as some areas, such as the historical dimension, do not really emerge, clarity and more well-planned technical teaching are still required to cover the entire content of the syllabus for the technical subject. A relatively large proportion of the students show uncertainty about what technology content they lacked in their technology teaching. This may of course be because they do not know what to expect from the teaching. What emerges in the students' answers is that they lack programming, technical content, construction, resources, practical work, which also coincides with what they think they have learned. One interpretation is that these areas are the students'description of what the subject of technology includes and that this is what they also considerneeding more of.

Zooësis and Contemporary Art : Animal, Plant, and Machine Ontologies: Art Representations Beyond the Human

Olofsson Hjorth, Anna Pernilla January 2022 (has links)
What does it mean to take Animals, Plants, and Machines seriously when engaging in hybrid natures such as bioart, plant-art, taxidermy art and cyborgs in contemporary art?  Traditionally within art history the focus has been on human culture as the fundamental underpinning for cultural behaviour and productions, consequently rendering animal and plant histories invisible from the analysis of artworks. In this thesis I attend to the bodies of animals, plants, and machines put in the context of the zooësis (places/contact zones) of these bodies as biopolitical aesthetics (aesthetic bodies/objects) in contemporary art. Followingly, also attending to the histories of animals, plants, and machines in human societies and culture.  Situated within the interdisciplinary field of Human-Nonhuman-Animal Studies, or Anthrozoology, the aim in this thesis is to examine the meaning of animals, plants, and machines beyond representation, symbolism and mythology in contemporary art. In other words, this thesis analyses the representations of animal, plant, and cyborg bodies as actant aesthetic (organic and mechanical) objects, in art, literature, and media. Particular focus is payed to the hybrid natures founded in the taxidermy art of Berlinde De Bruyckere; in the bioart and transgenic plant-art of Špela Petrič; in the hybrid hyperrealist sculptures and bioethics of Patricia Piccinini; and in the hybrid artifacts, or “technoanimalism” of Tove Kjellmark.


Yamada, Tetsuya, Ohta, Tomoko, Nakamura, Toshio, 山田, 哲也, 太田, 友子, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)

Stories in Stone: Interpreting history in the context of a museum exhibition

Hamalainen, Bonnie 01 January 2005 (has links)
This project examines opportunities for history exhibition design practices. Research into museum studies and creative work in typography, photography, graphic design and architecture result in curation and design of a prototypical exhibit about the granite quarrying industry of Stonington, Maine.

Méthodes itératives de reconstruction tomographique pour la réduction des artefacts métalliques et de la dose en imagerie dentaire / Iterative reconstruction methods for the reduction of metal artifact and dose in dental CT

Chen, Long 05 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est constituée de deux principaux axes de recherche portant sur l'imagerie dentaire par la tomographie à rayons X : le développement de nouvelles méthodes itératives de reconstruction tomographique afin de réduire les artefacts métalliques et la réduction de la dose délivrée au patient. Afin de réduire les artefacts métalliques, nous prendrons en compte le durcissement du spectre des faisceaux de rayons X et le rayonnement diffusé. La réduction de la dose est abordée dans cette thèse en diminuant le nombre des projections traitées. La tomographie par rayons X a pour objectif de reconstruire la cartographie des coefficients d'atténuations d'un objet inconnu de façon non destructive. Les bases mathématiques de la tomographie repose sur la transformée de Radon et son inversion. Néanmoins des artefacts métalliques apparaissent dans les images reconstruites en inversant la transformée de Radon (la méthode de rétro-projection filtrée), un certain nombre d'hypothèse faites dans cette approche ne sont pas vérifiées. En effet, la présence de métaux exacerbe les phénomènes de durcissement de spectre et l'absence de prise en compte du rayonnement diffusé. Nous nous intéressons dans cette thèse aux méthodes itératives issues d'une méthodologie Bayésienne. Afin d'obtenir des résultats de traitement compatible avec une application clinique de nos nouvelles approches, nous avons choisi un modèle direct relativement simple et classique (linéaire) associé à des approches de corrections de données. De plus, nous avons pris en compte l'incertitude liée à la correction des données en utilisant la minimisation d'un critère de moindres carrés pondérés. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle méthode de correction du durcissement du métal sans connaissances du spectre de la source et des coefficients d'atténuation des matériaux. Nous proposons également une nouvelle méthode de correction du diffusé associée sur les mesures sous certaines conditions notamment de faible dose. En imagerie médicale par tomographie à rayons X, la surexposition ou exposition non nécessaire irradiante augmente le risque de cancer radio-induit lors d'un examen du patient. Notre deuxième axe de recherche porte donc sur la réduction de la dose en diminuant le nombre de projections. Nous avons donc introduit un nouveau mode d'acquisition possédant un échantillonnage angulaire adaptatif. On utilise pour définir cette acquisition notre connaissance a priori de l'objet. Ce mode d'acquisition associé à un algorithme de reconstruction dédié, nous permet de réduire le nombre de projections tout en obtenant une qualité de reconstruction comparable au mode d'acquisition classique. Enfin, dans certains modes d’acquisition des scanners dentaires, nous avons un détecteur qui n'arrive pas à couvrir l'ensemble de l'objet. Pour s'affranchir aux problèmes liés à la tomographie locale qui se pose alors, nous utilisons des acquisitions multiples suivant des trajectoires circulaires. Nous avons adaptés les résultats développés par l’approche « super short scan » [Noo et al 2003] à cette trajectoire très particulière et au fait que le détecteur mesure uniquement des projections tronquées. Nous avons évalué nos méthodes de réduction des artefacts métalliques et de réduction de la dose en diminuant le nombre des projections sur les données réelles. Grâce à nos méthodes de réduction des artefacts métalliques, l'amélioration de qualité des images est indéniable et il n'y a pas d'introduction de nouveaux artefacts en comparant avec la méthode de l'état de l'art NMAR [Meyer et al 2010]. Par ailleurs, nous avons réussi à réduire le nombre des projections avec notre nouveau mode d'acquisition basé sur un « super short scan » appliqué à des trajectoires multiples. La qualité obtenue est comparable aux reconstructions obtenues avec les modes d'acquisition classiques ou short-scan mais avec une réduction d’au moins 20% de la dose radioactive. / This thesis contains two main themes: development of new iterative approaches for metal artifact reduction (MAR) and dose reduction in dental CT (Computed Tomography). The metal artifacts are mainly due to the beam-hardening, scatter and photon starvation in case of metal in contrast background like metallic dental implants in teeth. The first issue concerns about data correction on account of these effects. The second one involves the radiation dose reduction delivered to a patient by decreasing the number of projections. At first, the polychromatic spectra of X-ray beam and scatter can be modeled by a non-linear direct modeling in the statistical methods for the purpose of the metal artifacts reduction. However, the reconstruction by statistical methods is too much time consuming. Consequently, we proposed an iterative algorithm with a linear direct modeling based on data correction (beam-hardening and scatter). We introduced a new beam-hardening correction without knowledge of the spectra of X-ray source and the linear attenuation coefficients of the materials and a new scatter estimation method based on the measurements as well. Later, we continued to study the iterative approaches of dose reduction since the over-exposition or unnecessary exposition of irradiation during a CT scan has been increasing the patient's risk of radio-induced cancer. In practice, it may be useful that one can reconstruct an object larger than the field of view of scanner. We proposed an iterative algorithm on super-short-scans on multiple scans in this case, which contain a minimal set of the projections for an optimal dose. Furthermore, we introduced a new scanning mode of variant angular sampling to reduce the number of projections on a single scan. This was adapted to the properties and predefined interesting regions of the scanned object. It needed fewer projections than the standard scanning mode of uniform angular sampling to reconstruct the objet. All of our approaches for MAR and dose reduction have been evaluated on real data. Thanks to our MAR methods, the quality of reconstructed images was improved noticeably. Besides, it did not introduce some new artifacts compared to the MAR method of state of art NMAR [Meyer et al 2010]. We could reduce obviously the number of projections with the proposed new scanning mode and schema of super-short-scans on multiple scans in particular case.

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