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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den genuina dialogen för lärande? : en kvalitativ studie av åtta lärares uppfattningar av dialogens karaktär, roll och betydelse för elevers lärande

Tauson, Elina, Karlsson, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Undersökningen är gjord med syfte att undersöka några lärares uppfattningar av dialogen mellan lärare och elev i lärandesituationer. Vad som framförallt undersöktes var hur lärarna resonerade kring dialogens karaktär samt vilken roll och betydelse för lärande som lärarna tillskrev dialogens art. Bakomliggande forskning rör dialog ur ett relationellt perspektiv. Ytterligare ett perspektiv som var övergripande för bakomliggande forskning var det av sociokulturellt slag. Metoden för undersökningen var semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vad som framkom genom analysen var att karaktären av dialog i klassrummen inte kan ses som enbart fri eller enbart begränsad. En genuin lärandedialog framträdde. Vidare sågs denna genuina lärandedialog bidra till lärande. Lärarnas inställning i dialogen sågs ha betydelse för dialogens karaktär. Vissa faktorer inom utbildningsverksamheten beskrevs undergräva möjligheterna till denna genuina lärandedialog. Utifrån dessa faktorer kunde upprätthållandet av en sådan genuin karaktär av dialogen beskrivas som en utmaning. Avslutningsvis kvarstod frågorna Hur håller man en tydlig riktning som lärare samtidigt som lärandet ska upplevas meningsfullt för eleverna? och Hur kan skolan som verksamhet arbeta för att möjliggöra dialog som bidrar till ett meningsfullt lärande?

Historietänkandets problem : Gunnar Aspelin och historismens kris under det omvälvande 1900-talet

Östh Gustafsson, Hampus January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Distansundervisning på mellanstadiet under coronapandemins första våg : Lärares relationella och didaktiska val vid distansundervisning i ämnesspecifik läsförståelse i naturorienterande ämnen

Haugen, Ulrika, Lidzén, Susanne January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Coronapandemin slog till våren 2020 och skapade oro hos befolkningen och på skolor. På nationell nivå bestämdes att grundskolor skulle hållas öppna och undervisning fortsätta som vanligt och inte ske på distans. Trots detta direktiv agerade lärare olika på lokal nivå utifrån egna eller lokala rektorsbeslut. Syftet med denna studie är att, med utgångspunkt i reflektiv skoldidaktisk teori (Uljens, 2011) och relationell teori (Aspelin, 2018), undersöka och öka kunskapen om hur lärare i naturorienterande ämnen på mellanstadiet beskriver hur de distansundervisade hemmavarande elever i ämnesspecifik läsförståelse, samt hur de upprätthöll relationerna med eleverna under våren 2020. Nio mellanstadielärare intervjuades enskilt utifrån en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjuform. Analysen skedde utifrån realistisk tolkning (Kvale & Brinkmann, 2020) av respondenternas berättelser av ord och begrepp i naturorienterande ämnen och analysen av det empiriska materialet utgick från studiens tre forskningsfrågor, tolkning av nationella direktiv, didaktiska ställningstaganden och upprätthållande av relationer, och i detta arbete uppkom 16 kategorier. Resultatet av studien visade på en stor variation i respondenternas svar gällande alla forskningsfrågor. Studiens huvudsakliga bidrag till tidigare forskning är resultatet som visar att lärare tolkade direktiven från staten på nationell nivå på olika sätt. Studien visar även att det kan finnas en utmaning att variera undervisningen i naturorienterande ämnen och stödja elevers ämnesspecifika läsförståelse vid distansundervisning. Lärarens didaktiska val i undervisningens vad, hur och vem/vilka vid distansundervisning kan härmed vara avgörande. En övervägande del av lärarna i studien uttryckte utmaningar i att upprätthålla relationer och vår studie kom fram till att i de fall där lärare fick till interaktiva möten via digitala videokanaler kunde lärarna skapa en personlig kontakt där de kunde bekräfta eleverna, som därmed kunde se och bli sedda, på ett såväl känslomässigt som ett kunskapsmässigt plan. Då studien har gett sig in på ett outforskat fält på nationell nivå är vidare forskning i de didaktiska och relationella val som lärare gjorde vid coronapandemins första våg våren 2020 av största vikt för att lärare, när Sverige återigen hamnar i en pandemiliknande situation, ska kunna upprätthålla sina relationer med eleverna och samtidigt ge en likvärdig utbildning i ämnesspecifik läsförståelse och ett eventuellt speciallärarstöd, vare sig eleverna är hemma eller i skolan. / Abstract The Covid-19 (Corona) pandemic struck in the spring of 2020, creating concern and anxiety amongst the population at large and in schools especially. The authorities decided at a national level that primary schools should remain open and that education should continue as usual, as opposed to teaching remotely via digital media. Despite this directive, teachers at the local level acted differently, making their own decisions or following those of their local principals. The purpose of this study, which is based on reflective school didactic theory (Uljens, 2011) and relational theory (Aspelin, 2018) is to investigate and broaden our knowledge of how middle school teachers in science subjects described how they taught students who remained at home in subject specific reading comprehension. The study also examines how they maintained their relationship with students at home during the spring of 2020 from a school didactic and relational perspective. Nine middle school science teachers were interviewed individually following a qualitative, semi-structured form of interviews. The analysis reflects a realistic interpretation (Kvale & Brinkmann, 2020) of the teachers’ accounts as to how they had taught remotely, and the analysis of the empiric material was based on the study’s three research questions: interpretation of national directives, didactic choices and maintaining relationships. The results of the study revealed considerable variation in the respondents’ answers to all research questions. The study’s main contribution to previous research illustrates how teachers interpreted directives from the state at the national level in different ways. The study also shows that different ways of teaching science subjects and supporting students’ subject specific reading comprehension can be challenging when teaching remotely. Consequently, the teacher’s didactic choice, the teachings what, how and who/which in remote teaching can be decisive. Most of the teachers interviewed for the study experienced challenges in maintaining relationships. However, the study concluded that in cases where teachers had interactive meetings via digital video channels, they found it was possible to create a personal contact and relate to the students who could see and be seen on an emotional as well as educational level. As the study focused on an unexplored field at the national level, further research into the didactic and relational choices that teachers made during the first wave of the pandemic in the spring of 2020 is of the utmost importance, so that in the event of further waves of the virus, teachers will be able to maintain their relations with students and at the same time provide the same teaching experience for subject-specific reading comprehension and any special needs support whether the students are at home or at school.

Lärartillvaro och historieundervisning : innebörder av ett nytt uppdrag i de mätbara resultatens tid / History teaching in the age of performativity : Swedish upper primary school teachers’ experiences of a new curriculum

Persson, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Swedish compulsory school has recently been subjected to a number of political reforms. Between 2011 and 2014, for example, earlier grades, more national tests and a new curriculum plan (Lgr 11) were to be implemented. This thesis aims to examine those changes as they were experienced by teachers who teach history in Swedish upper primary schools. The theoretical framework is in-spired by existential philosophy, primarily as formulated in the works of Martin Heidegger and Hanna Arendt. In this way, the study highlights the teachers’ lived experience by making use of the concepts yearning, appearance, acting and mood. The study comprises of 36 interviews with 26 informants. The interviews were carried out and transcribed during 2014. The questions focus on both the existential being of the teachers’ lives as well as the ideological function of the history subject. This highly renders in the issue of how lived experiences of a specific school reform corresponded to the teachers’ own perception of a mean-ingful history education. Both the yearnings that were expressed by the participants and their de-scriptions of what they have experienced, have been related to the overall educational ideological functions stated by Gert Biesta (socialisation, subjectification and qualification) and Jonas Aspelin (existentialisation). Although the teachers’ narratives were greatly varied in some aspects, their interpretations of the new assignment seemed to be quite homogenous. Most of the teachers portrayed a situation characterised by performativity. Measurable knowledge and more frequent documentation seemed to be prioritised. Some of them stressed that they experienced less autonomy. In terms of history, the new curriculum was associated with more content knowledge, cognitive skills and procedural abilities. From the teachers’ perspective, pure qualification, rather than subjectification and social-isation, characterised the new curriculum. Still, the teachers’ feelings towards the curricular changes showed a great deal of divergence. Some of them embraced most of the new aspects. They claimed that clearly formulated require-ments in the history curricula provided them with security. They declared that their history teaching to some extent became more professional. In line with such beliefs, some teachers asserted that the strengthened focus on analytical skills improved their teaching. Particularly those who ex-pressed that they preferred such analytic procedural approaches described their experience in terms of confirmation and approval. Others appeared to struggle with the changes. While a few teachers even tried to resist the curricular changes, some found themselves forced to endure what appeared to be a totally new situation. They expressed disbelief, frustration and pain. Notably it was those most devoted to the existentialisational function of history teaching that usually seemed to express such alienation. As argued, they appeared to long for a lost possibility to engage their pupils, to bring history alive and to make meaning of the past.

Lärartillvaro och historieundervisning : innebörder av ett nytt uppdrag i de mätbara resultatens tid / History teaching in the age of performativity : Swedish upper primary school teachers’ experiences of a new curriculum

Persson, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Swedish compulsory school has recently been subjected to a number of political reforms. Between 2011 and 2014, for example, earlier grades, more national tests and a new curriculum plan (Lgr 11) were to be implemented. This thesis aims to examine those changes as they were experienced by teachers who teach history in Swedish upper primary schools. The theoretical framework is in-spired by existential philosophy, primarily as formulated in the works of Martin Heidegger and Hanna Arendt. In this way, the study highlights the teachers’ lived experience by making use of the concepts yearning, appearance, acting and mood. The study comprises of 36 interviews with 26 informants. The interviews were carried out and transcribed during 2014. The questions focus on both the existential being of the teachers’ lives as well as the ideological function of the history subject. This highly renders in the issue of how lived experiences of a specific school reform corresponded to the teachers’ own perception of a mean-ingful history education. Both the yearnings that were expressed by the participants and their de-scriptions of what they have experienced, have been related to the overall educational ideological functions stated by Gert Biesta (socialisation, subjectification and qualification) and Jonas Aspelin (existentialisation). Although the teachers’ narratives were greatly varied in some aspects, their interpretations of the new assignment seemed to be quite homogenous. Most of the teachers portrayed a situation characterised by performativity. Measurable knowledge and more frequent documentation seemed to be prioritised. Some of them stressed that they experienced less autonomy. In terms of history, the new curriculum was associated with more content knowledge, cognitive skills and procedural abilities. From the teachers’ perspective, pure qualification, rather than subjectification and social-isation, characterised the new curriculum. Still, the teachers’ feelings towards the curricular changes showed a great deal of divergence. Some of them embraced most of the new aspects. They claimed that clearly formulated require-ments in the history curricula provided them with security. They declared that their history teaching to some extent became more professional. In line with such beliefs, some teachers asserted that the strengthened focus on analytical skills improved their teaching. Particularly those who ex-pressed that they preferred such analytic procedural approaches described their experience in terms of confirmation and approval. Others appeared to struggle with the changes. While a few teachers even tried to resist the curricular changes, some found themselves forced to endure what appeared to be a totally new situation. They expressed disbelief, frustration and pain. Notably it was those most devoted to the existentialisational function of history teaching that usually seemed to express such alienation. As argued, they appeared to long for a lost possibility to engage their pupils, to bring history alive and to make meaning of the past.

Äpplen, tåg och bröllop : Omprogrammering av en lanthandel på Österlen

Carpelan, Lukas January 2024 (has links)
I mitt examensarbete, utfört på programmet Inredningsarkitektur och möbeldesign/Konst­ fack, vårterminen 2024, utvecklar och formges ett designförslag, en omprogrammering av en lanthandel i Vitaby på Österlen. Det som en gång var en lanthandel föreslås bli en samlingslokal, för främst bröllop, men också för kulturevene­mang, som konserter. I byggnaden, som är byggd år 1902 ska besökaren få en känsla av hög­tidlighet och romantik som ska associera till såväl husets som valda delar av bygdens kultur och naturuttryck. Ambitionen med inredningen är att den åter­ spegla ”bilder” och föreställningar av Öster­len, många tänke nog på Österlen som idyl­ liskt och vackert, med kombinationen av natur och kultur. Vitaby, vars historia kretsar runt äppelproduktion och järnvägen, ska också ingå som komponent i den rumsliga gestaltningen. I projektet utvecklas ett estetiskt uttryck som kopplas till flera av de konstnärer som avbildade Österlen under 1900­talets början. Såväl orsak som motiv till detta förslag kom­ mer ur att bröllop vanligen utgår från konser­vativa traditioner. Eftersom majoriteten av alla lantliga bröllop är antingen bröllop i lant­liga ekonomibyggnader (loge) eller ett stall. Andra bröllop kan arrangeras mer flärdfullt i en herrgård, ytterligare andra kan hållas på Österlens sandstränder. Mitt designförslag väver samman såväl de romantiska och önskade bilderna av Österlens natur och Vitaby Lanthandels byggnadshistoria som uttryck och motiv i flera konstnärskap från 1900­ talets början.

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