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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etudes expérimentales des réactions des radicaux OH et des atomes d’oxygène d’intérêt pour l’atmosphère et la combustion / Experimental studies of the Reactions of OH radicals and Oxygen atoms of interest for the atmosphere and the combustion

Morin, Julien 28 November 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail consiste à étudier, d’une part, les réactions des nitrates d’alkyles avec OH qui ont un intérêt atmosphérique, et d’autre part, les réactions des radicaux OH avec les alcanes et des atomes d’oxygène avec les oléfines qui ont un intérêt pour la combustion. Toutes les réactions ont été étudiées dans des réacteurs à écoulement à basse pression, y compris le réacteur à écoulement à haute température mis en place dans le cadre de la thèse, couplés à un spectromètre de masse quadripolaire à ionisation par impact électronique. Pour les réactions OH + nitrate d’alkyle, la dépendance en température de la constante de vitesse a été mesurée pour dix nitrates d'alkyles, dont pour huit nitrates pour la première fois, sur une large plage de température. Pour six nitrates, les produits de la voie réactionnelle menant au recyclage direct de NO₂, arrachement d’atome H de carbone α, ont été observés et leur rendements mesurés. La grande quantité de données obtenues dans ce travail a été utilisée pour une mise à jour de la relation structure-activité (SAR) pour les réactions d'alkyles nitrates avec OH et a permis d'améliorer les modèles atmosphériques actuels. Les études de réactions de radicaux OH avec les trois alcanes et de l'atome O avec l’éthylène et le propène ont permis de déterminer les constantes de vitesse respectives sur une large gamme de température allant de 220 à 900 K. De plus, la distribution des produits de réactions multivoies O + oléfine en fonction de la température a été déterminée pour la première fois. Ces résultats permettront d’améliorer les modèles de combustion actuellement utilisés. / The objective of this work was to study the reactions of alkyl nitrates with OH radicals relevant to atmosphere and reactions of OH radical with alkanes and oxygen atoms with olefins of interest for combustion chemistry. All reactions were studied in low pressure flow reactors (including high temperature flow reactor developed during the thesis) coupled to a quadrupole mass spectrometer with electron impact ionization. For OH reaction with nitrates, the temperature dependence of the rate constant was measured in an extended temperature range for ten alkyl nitrates, for eight of them for the first time. For six nitrates, the products of reaction pathway leading to direct recycling of NO₂ (H atom abstraction from α carbon) were observed and their yields were measured. The large amount of data obtained in this work has been used for an update of the structure-activity relation (SAR) for the reactions of alkyl nitrates with OH and will improve existing atmospheric models. For the reactions of OH radicals with three alkanes and O atoms with ethene and propene the rate constants were measured over a wide temperature range, 220-900 K. Moreover, the distribution of the products of the multichannel reactions O + olefin was determined as a function of temperature for the first time. These results are expected to improve current combustion models.

Caracterização química e biológica das partículas respiráveis (PM10) do material particulado atmosférico coletado em um sítio urbano da cidade de São Paulo / Chemical and biological characterization of the respirable particles (PM10) of atmospheric particulate matter collected in an urban site of the city of São Paulo

Bruno Spinosa de Martinis 03 November 1997 (has links)
A região metropolitana de São Paulo apresenta um intenso e desordenado processo de urbanização e industrialização. Devido a estes processos, a região sofre grandes problemas de poluição atmosférica, agravados em certos meses devido às dificuldades de dispersão dos poluentes. Estes poluentes causam efeitos indesejáveis ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. A caracterização química e a avaliação da atividade mutagênica desses compostos presentes no material particulado atmosférico (MPA) é um grande desafio analítico e, é de extrema importância para o conhecimento das possíveis correlações entre os poluentes, os efeitos deletérios à saude e as fontes de emissão. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar quimicamente os extratos orgânicos polares e semi-polares do material particulado atmosférico da cidade de São Paulo e avaliar sua atividade mutagênica. O MPA é uma mistura complexa de compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos presentes em diferentes faixas de concentrações. Devido a esta complexidade, o fracionamento químico do extrato orgânico deste material é necessário para isolar classes de compostos ou compostos individuais, permitindo a identificação e quantificação dos mesmos. Os resultados obtidos pelas diversas técnicas analíticas empregadas mostraram que os extratos em diclorometano e acetona contém inúmeros compostos orgânicos pertencentes a diferentes classes, tais como hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos, quinolinas, cetonas, piridinas, furanos, aldeídos, amidas e aminas, sendo que alguns destes compostos são considerados agentes genotóxicos. O extrato em DCM contem a maior massa e sua composição é quase exclusivamente orgânica. Já o extrato em ACE contem além dos orgânicos, espécies inorgânicas. Testes de mutagenicidade indicaram que o MPA coletado na cidade de São Paulo apresenta uma atividade mutagênica relativamente alta quando comparada a outros centros urbanos. / São Paulo metropolitan area presents an intense and chaotic process of urbanization and industrialization. Due to this processes, this region has big atmospheric pollution problem. In certain months of the year, this problem gets worse due to the unfavorable dispersion conditions. The pollutants cause undesirable effects to the environment and to the human health. The chemical characterization and the mutagenic activity evaluation of the compounds present on the atmospheric particulate matter APM) represents an analytical challenge and it is very important for understanding of the correlation among pollutants, health hazards and emission sources. The goal of this work was chemically characterize the polar and moderately polar organic extracts from the APM collected in São Paulo city and to evaluate their mutagenic activity. The APM is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds present in large range of concentration. Due to this complexity, the chemical fractionation of these organic extracts is necessary to isolate classes or individual compounds, to allow their identification and quantification. The results obtained using different analytical techniques demonstrated that the dichlorometane and acetone extracts has several organic compounds belonging to different classes, such as, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, quinolines, ketones, pyridines, furanes, aldehydes, amides and amines. Some of these compoundsa are considered carcinogens and/or mutagens. The dichloromethane extract presented the highest mass yield and its composition is almost exclusively organic. The acetone extract has organic and inorganic species. Mutagenicity tests revealed that the APM from São Paulo city presented a have relatively high mutagenic activity when compared to other urban regions.

Medidas da emissão de compostos carbonílicos por plantas / Measures of emission of carbonyl compounds by plants

Silvana Odete Pisani 04 July 2003 (has links)
A técnica de confinamento de folhas de plantas em câmara de Teflon rígido (cuvette), com visor em vidro, submetida a um fluxo contínuo de ar foi adotada na avaliação da emissão de compostos carbonílicos voláteis por plantas. Os carbonílicos foram coletados sobre sílica impregnada com o reagente derivatizante 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazina e analisados por cromatografia a líquido de alto desempenho e detecção por ultravioleta. Foram identificados e quantificados aldeídos alifáticos saturados (C1 a C6) e insaturados (acroleína, metacroleína, crotonaldeído), benzaldeído, acetona e 2-butanona. A temperatura ambiente e na superfície das folhas, a umidade relativa do ar, a intensidade da luz solar e os níveis de ozônio e de óxidos de nitrogênio no ar foram monitorados durante as coletas de amostras. Com o objetivo de avaliar os níveis de fundo de carbonílicos no sistema coletor empregado, 29 amostras de ar foram coletadas sem a introdução de folhas de planta no cuvette, em condições ambientais de laboratório e campo. Uma avaliação estatística dos resultados indicou que os níveis de fundo do cuvette vazio foram próximos a zero nas coletas feitas no laboratório e aumentaram de acordo com o aumento da intensidade da luz solar nas coletas em campo. Esses resultados mostraram que a exposição do cuvette à radiação solar conduz à formação de artefato positivo de amostragem. Foram feitas medidas da emissão de carbonílicos pela espécie Ficus benjamina, para a qual foram observadas taxas de emissão de acetaldeído altas em condições de temperatura na superfície das folhas superior a 40°C. Na ausência de luz solar incidente, não foi observada emissão de carbonílicos pelo exemplar avaliado dessa espécie. Foram feitas também medidas da emissão de carbonílicos pelas seguintes espécies de plantas ocorrentes na vegetação nativa da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo: Cecropia pachystachya, Casearia sylvestris, Croton floribundus, Solanum erianthum, Alchornea sidifolia, Syagrus rommanzoffiana e Ficus insipida, para as quais foram observadas taxas de emissão de carbonílicos que variaram entre 1,5 10-2 e 2,3 µgC g-1 h-1. / The leaf enclosure technique in air flow-through rigid Teflon chamber (cuvette) was employed to evaluate volatile carbonyl compound emission from plants. The gaseous carbonyl compounds were collected on silica gel coated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography with ultra-violet detection. The identified and quantified carbonyls were saturated (C1 - C6) and unsaturated (acrolein, methacrolein, crotonaldehyde) aliphatic aldehydes, benzaldehyde, acetone and 2-butanone. Ambient and leaf surface temperatures, relative humidity, light intensity, ozone and nitrogen oxides air levels were monitored during carbonyl emission sampling. With the aim of evaluate the collection system carbonyl background leveIs, 29 air samples were collected from the empty cuvette under laboratory and field conditions. Statistical analysis of the data indicated that the cuvette background leveIs were close to zero under laboratory conditions and increased with the increasing of the sunlight intensity under field conditions. These results showed that the cuvette exposition to the sunlight leaded to positive sampling artifact. Carbonyl compound emission from Ficus benjamina species was measured and high acetaldehyde emission rates were observed under leaf surface temperature higher than 40°C. In the absence of direct sunlight no carbonyl emission was measured from the evaluated individual of Ficus benjamina. Also carbonyI emissions from the following native species in the metropolitan region of São Paulo City were measured: Cecropia pachystachya, Casearia sylvestris, Croton floribundus, Solanum erianthum, Alchornea sidifolia, Syagrus rommanzoffzana e Ficus insípida. The observed rate emissions from these plants ranged between 1,5 10 -2 and 2,3 µgC g-1 h-1.

Assessment of global atmospheric ammonia using IASI infrared satellite observations

Van Damme, Martin 22 May 2015 (has links)
ENGLISH:<p>The natural nitrogen cycle has been and is significantly perturbed by anthropogenic emissions of reactive nitrogen (Nr) compounds into the atmosphere, resulting from our production of energy and food. In the last century global ammonia (NH3) emissions have doubled and represent nowadays more than half of total the Nr emissions. NH3 is also the principal atmospheric base in the atmosphere and rapidly forms aerosols by reaction with acids. It is therefore a species of high relevance for the Earth's environment, climate and human health (Chapter 1). As a short-lived species, NH3 is highly variable in time and space, and while ground based measurements are possible, they are sparse and their spatial coverage is largely heterogeneous. Consequently, global spatial and temporal patterns of NH3 emissions are poorly understood and account for the largest uncertainties in the nitrogen cycle. The aim of this work is to assess distributions and saptiotemporal variability of NH3 using satellite measurements to improve our understanding of its contribution to the global nitrogen cycle and its related effects.<p><p>Recently, satellite instruments have demonstrated their abilities to measure NH3 and to supplement the sparse surface measuring network by providing global total columns daily. The Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), on board MetOp platforms, is measuring NH3 at a high spatiotemporal resolution. IASI circles the Earth in a polar Sun-synchronous orbit, covering the globe twice a day with a circular pixel size of 12km diameter at nadir and with overpass times at 9:30 and 21:30 (local solar time when crossing the equator). An improved retrieval scheme based on the calculation of Hyperspectral Range Index (HRI) is detailed in Chapter 2 and compared with previous retrieval methods. This approach fully exploits the hyperspectral nature of IASI by using a broader spectral range (800-1200 cm-1) where NH3 is optically active. It allows retrieving total columns from IASI spectra globally and twice a day without large computational resources and with an improved detection limit. More specifically the retrieval procedure involves two steps: the calculation of a dimensionless spectral index (HRI) and the conversion of this index into NH3 total columns using look-up tables (LUTs) built from forward radiative transfer simulations under various atmospheric conditions. The retrieval also includes an error characterization of the retrieved column, which is of utmost importance for further analysis and comparisons. Global distributions using five years of data (1 November 2007 to 31 October 2012) from IASI/MetOp-A are presented and analyzed separately for the morning and evening overpasses. The advantage of the HRI-based retrieval scheme over other methods, in particular to identify smaller emission sources and transport patterns over the oceans is shown. The benefit of the high spatial sampling and resolution of IASI is highlighted with the regional distribution over China and the first four-year time series are briefly discussed.<p><p>We evaluate four years (1 January 2008 to 31 December 2011) of IASI-NH3 columns from the morning observations and of LOTOS-EUROS model simulations over Europe and Western Russia. We describe the methodology applied to account for the variable retrieval sensitivity of IASI measurements in Chapter 3. The four year mean distributions highlight three main agricultural hotspots in Europe: The Po Valley, the continental part of Northwestern Europe, and the Ebro Valley. A general good agreement between IASI and LOTOS-EUROS is shown, not only over source regions but also over remote areas and over seas when transport is observed. The yearly analyses reveal that, on average, the measured NH3 columns are higher than the modeled ones. Large discrepancies are observed over industrial areas in Eastern Europe and Russia pointing to underestimated if not missing emissions in the underlying inventories. For the three hotspots areas, we show that the seasonality between IASI and LOTOS-EUROS matches when the sensitivity of the satellite measurements is taken into account. The best agreement is found in the Netherlands, both in magnitude and timing, most likely as the fixed emission timing pattern was determined from experimental data sets from this country. Moreover, comparisons of the daily time series indicate that although the dynamic of the model is in reasonable agreement with the measurements, the model may suffer from a possible misrepresentation of emission timing and magnitude. Overall, the distinct temporal patterns observed for the three sites underline the need for improved timing of emissions. Finally, the study of the Russian fires event of 2010 shows that NH3 modeled plumes are not enough dispersed, which is confirmed with a comparison using in situ measurements.<p><p>Chapter 4 describes the comparisons of IASI-NH3 measurements with several independent ground-based and airborne data sets. Even though the in situ data are sparse, we show that the yearly distributions are broadly consistent. For the monthly analyzes we use ground-based measurements in Europe, China and Africa. Overall, IASI-derived concentrations are in fair agreement but are also characterized by less variability. Statistically significant correlations are found for several sites, but low slopes and high intercepts are calculated in all cases. At least three reasons can explain this: (1) the lack of representativity of the point surface measurement for the large IASI pixel, (2) the use of a single profile shape in the retrieval scheme over land, which does therefore not account for a varying boundary layer height, (3) the impact of the averaging procedure applied to satellite measurements to obtain a consistent quantity to compare with the in situ monthly data. The use of hourly surface measurements and of airborne data sets allows assessing IASI individual observations. Much higher correlation coefficients are found in particular when comparing IASI-derived volume mixing ratio with vertically resolved measurements performed from the NOAA WP-3D airplane during CalNex campaign in 2010. The results demonstrate the need, for validation of the satellite columns, of measurements performed at various altitudes and covering a large part of the satellite footprint.<p><p>The six-year of IASI observations available at the end of this thesis are used to analyze regional time series for the first time (Chapter 5). More precisely, we use the IASI measurements over that period (1 January 2008 to 31 December 2013) to identify seasonal patterns and inter-annual variability at subcontinental scale. This is achieved by looking at global composite seasonal means and monthly time series over 12 regions around the world (Europe, Eastern Russia and Northern Asia, Australia, Mexico, South America, 2 sub-regions for Northern America and South Asia, 3 sub-regions for Africa), considering separately but simultaneously measurements from IASI morning and evening overpasses. The seasonal cycle is inferred for the majority of these regions. The relations between the NH3 atmospheric abundance and emission processes is emphasized at smaller regional scale by extracting at high spatial resolution the global climatology of the month of maxima columns. In some region, the predominance of a single source appears clearly (e.g. agriculture in Europe and North America, fires in central South Africa and South America), while in others a composite of source processes on small scale is demonstrated (e.g. Northern Central Africa and Southwestern Asia).<p><p>Chapter 6 presents the achievements of this thesis, as well as ongoing activities and future perspectives.<p>FRANCAIS:<p>Le cycle naturel de l'azote est fortement perturbé suite aux émissions atmosphériques de composés azotés réactifs (Nr) résultant de nos besoins accrus en énergie et en nourriture. Les émissions d'ammoniac (NH3) ont doublé au cours du siècle dernier, représentant aujourd'hui plus de la moitié des émissions totales de Nr. De plus, le NH3 étant le principal composé basique de notre atmosphère, il réagit rapidement avec les composés acides pour former des aérosols. C'est dès lors un constituant prépondérant pour l'environnement, le climat et la santé publique. Les problématiques environnementales y étant liées sont décrites au Chapitre 1. En tant que gaz en trace le NH3 se caractérise par une importante variabilité spatiale et temporelle. Bien que des mesures in situ soient possibles, elles sont souvent rares et couvrent le globe de façon hétérogène. Il en résulte un manque de connaissance sur l'évolution temporelle et la variabilité spatiale des émissions, ainsi que de leurs amplitudes, qui représentent les plus grandes incertitudes pour le cycle de l'azote (également décrites au Chapitre 1).<p><p>Récemment, les sondeurs spatiaux opérant dans l'infrarouge ont démontré leurs capacités à mesurer le NH3 et par là à compléter le réseau d'observations de surface. Particulièrement, l'Interféromètre Atmosphérique de Sondage Infrarouge (IASI), à bord de la plateforme MetOp, mesure le NH3 à une relativement haute résolution spatiotemporelle. Il couvre le globe deux fois par jour, grâce à son orbite polaire et son balayage autour du nadir, avec un temps de passage à 9h30 et à 21h30 (temps solaire local quand il croise l'équateur). Une nouvelle méthode de restitution des concentrations basée sur le calcul d'un index hyperspectral sans dimension (HRI) est détaillée et comparée aux méthodes précédentes au Chapitre 2. Cette méthode permet d'exploiter de manière plus approfondie le caractère hyperspectral de IASI en se basant sur une bande spectrale plus étendue (800-1200 cm-1) au sein de laquelle le NH3 est optiquement actif. Nous décrivons comment restituer ces concentrations deux fois par jour sans nécessiter de grandes ressources informatiques et avec un meilleur seuil de détection. Plus spécifiquement, la procédure de restitution des concentrations consiste en deux étapes: le HRI est calculé dans un premier temps pour chaque spectre puis est ensuite converti en une colonne totale de NH3 à l'aide de tables de conversions. Ces tables ont été construites sur base de simulations de transfert radiatif effectuées pour différentes conditions atmosphériques. Le processus de restitution des concentrations comprend également le calcul d'une erreur sur la colonne mesurée. Des distributions globales moyennées sur cinq ans (du 1 novembre 2007 au 31 Octobre 2012) sont présentées et analysées séparément pour le passage diurne et nocturne de IASI. L'avantage de ce nouvel algorithme par rapport aux autres méthodes, permettant l'identification de sources plus faibles de NH3 ainsi que du transport depuis les sources terrestres au-dessus des océans, est démontré. Le bénéfice de la haute couverture spatiale et temporelle de IASI est mis en exergue par une description régionale au-dessus de la Chine ainsi que par l'analyse de premières séries temporelles hémisphériques sur quatre ans.<p><p>Au Chapitre 3, nous évaluons quatre ans (du 1 janvier 2008 au 31 décembre 2011) de mesures matinales de IASI ainsi que de simulations du modèle LOTOS-EUROS, effectuées au-dessus de l'Europe et de l'ouest de la Russie. Nous décrivons une méthodologie pour prendre en compte, dans la comparaison avec le modèle, la sensibilité variable de l'instrument IASI pour le NH3. Les comparaisons montrent alors une bonne concordance générale entre les mesures et les simulations. Les distributions pointent trois régions sources: la vallée du Pô, le nord-ouest de l'Europe continentale et la vallée de l'Ebre. L'analyse des distributions annuelles montre qu'en moyenne, les colonnes de NH3 mesurées sont plus élevées que celles simulées, à part pour quelques cas spécifiques. Des différences importantes ont été identifiées au-dessus de zones industrielles en Europe de l'est et en Russie, ce qui tend à incriminer une sub-estimation voire une absence de ces sources dans les inventaires d'émissions utilisés en entrée du modèle. Nous avons également montré que la saisonnalité est bien reproduite une fois la sensibilité des mesures satellites prise en compte. La meilleure concordance entre le modèle et IASI est observée pour les Pays-Bas, ce qui est certainement dû au fait que le profil temporel des émissions utilisé pour les simulations LOTOS-EUROS est basé sur des études expérimentales réalisées dans ce pays. L'étude des séries temporelles journalières indique que la dynamique du modèle est raisonnablement en accord avec les mesures mais pointe néanmoins une possible mauvaise représentation du profil temporel ainsi que de l'ampleur des émissions. Finalement, l'étude des importants feux ayant eu cours en Russie à l'été 2010 a montré que les panaches modélisés sont moins étendus que ceux observés, ce qui a été confirmé grâce à une comparaison avec des mesures sols.<p><p>Le chapitre 4 est dédié à la confrontation des mesures IASI avec différents jeux de données indépendants acquis depuis le sol et par avion. Les distributions globales annuelles sont concordantes, bien que la couverture spatiale des mesures sols soit limitée. Des mesures effectuées à la surface en Europe, en Chine et en Afrique sont utilisées pour les comparaisons mensuelles. Ces dernières révèlent une bonne concordance générale, bien que les mesures satellites montrent une plus faible amplitude de variations de concentrations. Des corrélations statistiquement significatives ont été calculées pour de nombreux sites, mais les régressions linéaires sont caractérisées par des pentes faibles et des ordonnées à l'origine élevées dans tous les cas. Au minimum, trois raisons contribuent à expliquer cela: (1) le manque de représentativité des mesures ponctuelles pour l'étendue des pixels IASI, (2) l'utilisation d'une seule forme de profil vertical pour la restitution des concentrations, qui ne prend dès lors pas en compte la hauteur de la couche limite, (3) l'impact de la procédure utilisée pour moyenner les observations satellites afin d'obtenir des quantités comparables aux mesures sols mensuelles. La prise en compte de mesures en surface effectuées à plus haute résolution temporelle ainsi que de mesures faites depuis un avion permet d'évaluer les observations IASI individuelles. Les coefficients de corrélation calculés sont bien plus élevés, en particulier pour la comparaison avec les mesures effectuées depuis l'avion NOAA WP-3D pendant la campagne CalNex en 2010. Ces résultats démontrent la nécessité de ce type d'observations, effectuées à différentes altitudes et couvrant une plus grande surface du pixel, pour valider les colonnes IASI-NH3.<p><p>Les six ans de données IASI disponibles à la fin de cette thèse sont utilisées pour tracer les premières séries temporelles sub-continentales (Chapitre 5). Plus spécifiquement, nous explorons les mesures IASI durant cette période (du 1 janvier 2008 jusqu'au 31 décembre 2013) pour identifier des structures saisonnières ainsi que la variabilité inter-annuelle à l'échelle sous-continentale. Pour arriver à cela, des moyennes saisonnières composites ont été produites ainsi que des séries temporelles mensuelles au-dessus de 12 régions du globe (Europe, est de la Russie et nord de l'Asie, Australie, Mexique, Amérique du Sud, 2 sous-régions en Amérique du nord et en Asie du sud et 3 sous-régions en Afrique), considérant séparément mais simultanément les mesures matinales et nocturnes de IASI. Le cycle saisonnier est raisonnablement bien décrit pour la plupart des régions. La relation entre la quantité de NH3 atmosphérique et ses sources d'émission est mise en exergue à l'échelle plus régionale par l'extraction à haute résolution spatiale d'une climatologie des mois de colonnes maximales. Dans certaines régions, la prédominance d'un processus source apparait clairement (par exemple l'agriculture en Europe et en Amérique du nord, les feux en Afrique du Sud et en Amérique du Sud), alors que, pour d'autres, la diversité des sources d'émissions est démontrée (par exemple pour le nord de l'Afrique centrale et l'Asie du sud-ouest).<p><p>Le Chapitre 6 reprend brièvement les principaux aboutissements de cette thèse et présente les différentes recherches en cours et les perspectives associées.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The collision dynamics of OH(A)+H2

Seamons, Scott Andrew January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents a joint experimental and theoretical study of a bimolecular collision between OH(A) and H<sub>2</sub> diatoms. The study focuses on the relationship between the initial, <b><i>j</i></b>, and final rotational angular momentum, <b><i>j'</i></b>. This relationship is explored from both a scalar point of view by measuring rotational energy transfer (RET), and a vectorial viewpoint by considering the collisional depolarisation. The experimental technique used in this investigation, Zeeman quantum beat spectroscopy, is first demonstrated by applying it to the determination of the lab-frame orientation of OH(X) photofragments following the photolysis of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. The H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> is photolysed by circularly-polarised light at 248 nm, and Zeeman quantum beat spectroscopy probes the angular momentum orientation as a function of the photofragment spin-rotation level. The results of this experiment are compared with orientation parameters predicted by a simulation that couples the rotation of the parent molecule to the torsional motion during bond cleavage. The calculations from the model agree qualitatively with those from the experiment. The Zeeman quantum beat spectroscopy technique is then used to monitor the evolution of angular momentum polarisation of OH(A) radicals during collisions with H<sub>2</sub>. The technique allows for the determination of depolarisation cross sections for oriented and aligned distributions, as a result of collisions with H<sub>2</sub>. Alongside this, cross sections for collisional quenching to non-reactive OH(X)+H<sub>2</sub> and reactive H<sub>2</sub>O+H products are determined. By resolving the fuorescence with a monochromator the contributions to depolarisation from elastic collisions (the elastic depolarisation cross sections) are measured alongside cross sections for RET. Cross sections for total depolarisation and rotational energy transfer demonstrate only weak dependence on the rotational quantum number of the OH(A) radical, <i>N</i><sub>OH</sub>. Competing quenching processes that fall with <i>N</i><sub>OH</sub> are likely a considerable cause of this weak dependence. Furthermore, the polarisation of the angular momentum of OH(A) is randomised following RET. The elastic depolarisation cross sections make only a small contribution to the depolarisation and fall with increasing <i>N</i><sub>OH</sub>. Collectively these trends have not been seen previously in similar studies on OH(A) collisions with atomic colliders. For the theoretical calculations, a four-atom quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) method has been developed, utilising Lagrangian multipliers to fix the OH(A) and H<sub>2</sub> bonds. The calculations demonstrate that collisions involving the formation of complexes that survive for several rotational periods are prevalent in this collision system, and that these lead to large amounts of depolarisation. The calculations also demonstrate that RET in the H<sub>2</sub> diatom supports higher levels of RET in OH(A) than seen in previous triatomic systems. Additionally, when one diatom is depolarised the accompanying diatom is typically also depolarised. These trends, at least in part, are owed to the highly attractive and anisotropic potential energy surface (PES) describing the interaction. The QCT calculations overestimate the experimentally-measured cross sections by more than a factor of 2. The calculations are adiabatic and do not account for the non-adiabatic activity associated with this collision system, and this is likely one cause of the discrepancies. In an attempt to further account for this overestimation, alternative angular momentum binning approaches for the QCT calculations are developed, but with limited success. Further exploration of the topology of the PES used in the calculations suggests that inadequacies in this surface are a major contributor to the discrepancies.

Medidas da emissão de compostos carbonílicos por plantas / Measures of emission of carbonyl compounds by plants

Pisani, Silvana Odete 04 July 2003 (has links)
A técnica de confinamento de folhas de plantas em câmara de Teflon rígido (cuvette), com visor em vidro, submetida a um fluxo contínuo de ar foi adotada na avaliação da emissão de compostos carbonílicos voláteis por plantas. Os carbonílicos foram coletados sobre sílica impregnada com o reagente derivatizante 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazina e analisados por cromatografia a líquido de alto desempenho e detecção por ultravioleta. Foram identificados e quantificados aldeídos alifáticos saturados (C1 a C6) e insaturados (acroleína, metacroleína, crotonaldeído), benzaldeído, acetona e 2-butanona. A temperatura ambiente e na superfície das folhas, a umidade relativa do ar, a intensidade da luz solar e os níveis de ozônio e de óxidos de nitrogênio no ar foram monitorados durante as coletas de amostras. Com o objetivo de avaliar os níveis de fundo de carbonílicos no sistema coletor empregado, 29 amostras de ar foram coletadas sem a introdução de folhas de planta no cuvette, em condições ambientais de laboratório e campo. Uma avaliação estatística dos resultados indicou que os níveis de fundo do cuvette vazio foram próximos a zero nas coletas feitas no laboratório e aumentaram de acordo com o aumento da intensidade da luz solar nas coletas em campo. Esses resultados mostraram que a exposição do cuvette à radiação solar conduz à formação de artefato positivo de amostragem. Foram feitas medidas da emissão de carbonílicos pela espécie Ficus benjamina, para a qual foram observadas taxas de emissão de acetaldeído altas em condições de temperatura na superfície das folhas superior a 40°C. Na ausência de luz solar incidente, não foi observada emissão de carbonílicos pelo exemplar avaliado dessa espécie. Foram feitas também medidas da emissão de carbonílicos pelas seguintes espécies de plantas ocorrentes na vegetação nativa da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo: Cecropia pachystachya, Casearia sylvestris, Croton floribundus, Solanum erianthum, Alchornea sidifolia, Syagrus rommanzoffiana e Ficus insipida, para as quais foram observadas taxas de emissão de carbonílicos que variaram entre 1,5 10-2 e 2,3 &#181;gC g-1 h-1. / The leaf enclosure technique in air flow-through rigid Teflon chamber (cuvette) was employed to evaluate volatile carbonyl compound emission from plants. The gaseous carbonyl compounds were collected on silica gel coated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography with ultra-violet detection. The identified and quantified carbonyls were saturated (C1 - C6) and unsaturated (acrolein, methacrolein, crotonaldehyde) aliphatic aldehydes, benzaldehyde, acetone and 2-butanone. Ambient and leaf surface temperatures, relative humidity, light intensity, ozone and nitrogen oxides air levels were monitored during carbonyl emission sampling. With the aim of evaluate the collection system carbonyl background leveIs, 29 air samples were collected from the empty cuvette under laboratory and field conditions. Statistical analysis of the data indicated that the cuvette background leveIs were close to zero under laboratory conditions and increased with the increasing of the sunlight intensity under field conditions. These results showed that the cuvette exposition to the sunlight leaded to positive sampling artifact. Carbonyl compound emission from Ficus benjamina species was measured and high acetaldehyde emission rates were observed under leaf surface temperature higher than 40°C. In the absence of direct sunlight no carbonyl emission was measured from the evaluated individual of Ficus benjamina. Also carbonyI emissions from the following native species in the metropolitan region of São Paulo City were measured: Cecropia pachystachya, Casearia sylvestris, Croton floribundus, Solanum erianthum, Alchornea sidifolia, Syagrus rommanzoffzana e Ficus insípida. The observed rate emissions from these plants ranged between 1,5 10 -2 and 2,3 &#181;gC g-1 h-1.

Structure, Adsorption Mechanisms, and Vibrational Exciton Formation at Proxy Marine Interfaces

Carter-Fenk, Kimberly Anne 01 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Kinetik der Reaktionen des Hydroxylradikals mit ungesättigten Kohlenwasserstoffen in einer Lavaldüsenexpansion / Kinetics of the hydroxyl radical reactions with unsaturated hydrocarbons in a Laval nozzle expansion

Spangenberg, Tim 05 November 2003 (has links)
Die Untersuchung der Reaktionen des Hydroxylradikals mit ungesättigten Kohlenwasserstoffen (Ethin, Ethen, Propen und Isopren) bei tiefen Temperaturen spielt für das Verständnis der Chemie der Troposphäre eine bedeutende Rolle. Aus der Temperaturabhängigkeit der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten können zunächst Informationen über die mechanistischen Details der Reaktionen abgeleitet werden. Dabei sind bimolekulare Geschwindigkeitskonstanten empfindlich auf Details der Potentialfläche in chemisch relevanten Energiebereichen.In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden experimentelle Untersuchungen der Reaktionen des Hydroxylradikals (OH) mit verschiedenen ungesättigten Kohlenwasserstoffen bei tiefen Temperaturen präsentiert. Die Abkühlung der Reaktanden auf bis zu 58K erfolgte durch die Expansion in einer Lavaldüse. Die Lavaldüse erzeugt einen in Temperatur, Dichte und Machzahl konstanten Strahl aus einem Trägergas (Stickstoff). OH- Radikale werden durch Laserphotolyse von Wasserstoffperoxid bei 193 nm und 248 nm erzeugt. Die zeitliche Entwicklung der Hydroxylradikalkonzentration in einem Überschuss des Reaktionspartners wurde mit Hilfe der laserinduzierten Fluoreszenz (LIF) gemessen.Begleitend zu den experimentellen Studien wird eine Abschätzung der bestimmten Geschwindigkeitskonstanten nach dem Modell der statistischen adiabatischen Reaktionskanäle (SACM) durchgeführt. Die Eigenschaften der Edukte und Produkte wurden mit Hilfe von DFT-Methoden berechnet. Die bestimmten Geschwindigkeitskonstanten zwischen 60 und 300K erstrecken sich über zwei Größenordnungen zwischen 10-12 und 10-10 cm3s-1. Dabei ist eine systematische Zunahme der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten von Ethin nach Ethen, Propen und Isopren zu erkennen. Weiterhin wird für alle OH-Alken-Reaktionen (zumindest bis 100K) eine negative Temperaturabhängigkeit der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten beobachtet. Diese Tatsachen können durch die Annahme von langreichweitigen Multipol-Wechselwirkungen und den damit verbundenen weit außen liegenden Übergangszuständen der Reaktionen erklärt werden.Für die Reaktionen des OH-Radikals mit Ethin und Ethen wurden Hochdruckgrenzwerte der Reaktionen über die Schwingungsrelaxation des Hydroxylradikals ermittelt. Für die OH-Rekombinationsreaktion des Propens und besonders für Isopren wurde ein Absinken der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten bei Temperaturen unterhalb von 100K gefunden. Ein Effekt, der möglicherweise mit dem Vorhandensein von intermediären Isomeren erklärt werden kann. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Reaktion OH + Ethin eine deutliche Barriere besitzt, die die geringe Temperaturabhängigkeit im Bereich zwischen 300 und 60K dominiert. Die Reaktion von OH und Ethen zeigt über den gesamten gemessenen Temperaturbereich eine negative Temperaturabhängigkeit.

Atmospheric chemical processes : reaction of ozone with 2- and 3-carene, evolution of internal mixed combustion particles / Processus chimiques atmosphériques : réaction de l’ozone avec 2- et 3- carène, réaction de surface et hydratation de particules issues de la combustion

Chen, Hui 09 December 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons des travaux complémentaires conduits à ICARE-CNRS (Orléans), partie A et à l’Université de Fudan (Shanghai), partie B. Partie A : les 2-et 3-carène sont deux composés organiques volatils biogéniques importants présents dans l’atmosphère dont les voies de dégradation sont encore mal connues. Afin de déterminer les constantes de vitesse des réactions de ces espèces avec l’ozone, nous avons utilisé trois systèmes expérimentaux complémentaires : des chambres de simulation d’ICARE de 7300L et 80000L (HELIOS) et un réacteur à flux laminaire. Les rendements de certains produits de réactions, le radical hydroxyle (OH), le formaldéhyde (HCHO) et le monoxyde de carbone (CO) ont aussi été déterminés. D’autre part, pour avoir une meilleure compréhension d’intermédiaires de réaction formés lors de l’ozonolyse, appelés intermédiaires de Criegee, un réacteur à flux laminaire à deux étages a été mis en place pour mesurer leurs constantes de vitesse de réaction avec SO2, NO2 et O3. Partie B : les impacts du “black carbon (BC)” et du “brown carbon (BrC)” constituent une incertitude majeure dans les modèles climatiques actuels. Des rapports récents indiquent que la morphologie et l’évolution des BC et BrC dans l’atmosphère jouent un rôle important sur la capacité d’absorption de ces particules. Afin d’étudier leurs comportements, des mélanges de particules (BC-BrC) ont été exposés en chambre de simulation atmosphérique à l'acide sulfurique, au mélange ammoniac / triéthylamine, et à la vapeur d'eau de manière séquentielle. / In this thesis, we present a complementary work conducted at ICARE-CNRS (Orléans), Part A and at Fudan University (Shanghai), Part B. Part A: 2-and 3-carene are two important biogenic volatile organic compounds present in the atmosphere. The knowledge on their degradation pathways and the corresponding products are still poor. Using complementary reaction systems-ICARE 7300 L and HELIOS 80000 L simulation chambers, vertical laminar flow reactor, their kinetic rate constants for reaction with ozone were determined. Additionally, important product formation yields, hydroxyl radical (OH), formaldehyde (HCHO) and carbon monoxide (CO) have been determined with indication to their corresponding formation routes from the ozonolysis of carene. To have a better understanding on reactions of Criegee intermediates (CIs) generated through ozonolysis in the atmosphere, a horizontal 2-stage laminar flow reactor was set up to measure the rate constants of CIs with SO2, NO2 and O3. Part B: Radiative forcing of black carbon (BC) in the atmosphere, as well as that of brown carbon (BrC), remains to be a major uncertainty in current climate models. Recent reports indicate that the absorption enhancement of BC and BrC particles is determined by evolution of morphology and mixing state during the atmospheric processing. Laboratory-generated BC-BrC mixture particles (BC-BrC) were exposed to sulfuric acid, ammonia/triethylamine, and water vapor sequentially to investigate the alternation in light absorption, morphology and mixing state during simulated atmospheric processing.

Trends Analysis and a Yearly Comparison of Point Sources of Atmospheric Mercury Using HYSPLIT Back Trajectories Focused in Athens, Ohio

Thomason, Krista A. 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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