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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude rétrospective des signes précoces des troubles du spectre de l'autisme chez les très jeunes enfants déficients visuels / Retrospective study of early signs of autism spectrum disorder in very young visually impaired children

Still, Laura 04 December 2017 (has links)
Les recherches précédentes et les observations cliniques suggèrent une prévalence élevée des troubles du spectre de l'autisme (TSA) dans la population d'enfants déficients visuels. Un phénomène de régression ou de stagnation développemental dès la deuxième année de vie des bébés déficients visuels semble être un précurseur de troubles autistiques ultérieurs. Relativement peu de recherches ont examiné les manifestations comportementaux des très jeunes enfants déficients visuels avant et autour de l'apparition de cette période de régression. Pour cette étude rétrospective, des films familiaux d'enfants aveugles à l’âge de 12 mois, de 24 mois et entre 3 et 4 ans, sont analysés et les comportements de la communication sociale codifiés, afin de repérer des signes précurseurs des TSA. Des films d'enfants aveugles ayant un diagnostic ultérieur de TSA ont été comparés aux films d'enfants aveugles sans TSA. Les résultats indiquent une fréquence moins élevée chez les enfants ayant un diagnostic de TSA de certains signes de la communication sociale dès l'âge de 12 mois, avec des différences très marquées pour les comportements d'ouvertures sociales. D'importantes différences du langage fonctionnel sont observées à partir de l'âge de 24 mois. Des stéréotypés motrices et langagières sont observées à fréquence égale dans les deux groupes jusqu'à 3 ans mais ensuite diminuent chez les enfants sans troubles associés et augmentent chez les enfants avec TSA. Des différences dans le type d'activité ludique sont aussi observées, les jeux sensoriels étant plus fréquents chez les enfants aveugles avec TSA. Certains comportements de rejet social et de particularités sensorielles sont observés uniquement chez les enfants aveugles avec TSA. Ces résultats pourraient contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des signes autistiques chez les personnes aveugles, l'amélioration du dépistage des TSA chez les très jeunes enfants déficients visuels, et peuvent guider des dispositifs d'intervention précoce. / Previous research ans clinical observations suggest a high incidence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in visually impaired children. A phenomena of developmental regression or stagnation « developmental setback » observed in the second year of life of visually impaired babies appears to predict the later occurrence of ASD. Relatively little research has explored the behavioural manifestations of very young visually impaired children before and around the apparition of developmental setback. For this retrospective study, home movies of blind children at the age of 12 months, 24 months and between 3 and 4 years, are analysed and behaviours of social communication are coded, to detect early signs of ASD. Films of blind children having later recieved a diagnosis of ASD are compared to films of blind children without ASD. The results indicate a lower frequency of certain social communication behaviours in blind children with ASD as early as 12 months old, with particular differences being observed in social engagement behaviours. Differences are also observed in the level of functional language from 24 months. Motor and language stereotyped behaviours are observed equally in the two groups until the age of 3 when these behaviours increase in the blind ASD children and decrease in the blind children without ASD. Divergences in the type of play are identified, sensory play being more frequent in the blind ASD children. Certain social rejection behaviours and sensory sensitivities are only observed in the blind ASD group. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of early ASD signs in the blind, and improvements in the early screening of ASD in very young visually impaired children, as well as guiding early intervention programmes.

Pessoa com transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA), dignidade humana e atendimento socioeducacional: um olhar para as percepções familiares

Thyeles Moratti Precilio Borcarte Strelhow 12 March 2014 (has links)
O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) compõe um universo amplo e complexo com dificuldades relacionadas às áreas do comportamento, da interação social e da comunicação. A falta de um marcador biológico exige que o diagnóstico aconteça por meio da observação clínica e, na maioria dos casos, se compõe como um desafio aos/às profissionais responsáveis em fazê-lo. As abordagens de atendimento mais comuns são: Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) e Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), baseadas em teorias behavioristas. Estes programas estão relacionados ao desenvolvimento de rotina, de habilidades para uso cotidiano e de estratégias de comunicação. No contexto da família, o transtorno exige uma reorganização e um planejamento baseado em torno do cuidado da pessoa com TEA. Frente a esta realidade a discussão da dignidade humana se compõe como uma reflexão necessária e, principalmente, relacionada aos direitos humanos, que se constitua como concreta. Assim sendo, a constituição da dignidade humana como imago Dei se estabelece na relação do ser humano com o Criador, com o humano e com o todo da criação. Também no âmbito dos direitos humanos, construídos historicamente, é possível discutir a dignidade humana enquanto processo constitutivo do ser humano através da convivência, da alteridade, do reconhecimento e da participação que pretende a visibilidade das pessoas em suas características específicas. Esta forma de entender a dignidade humana procura situá-la para além de um adereço e que de fato contribua para que se avance em práticas de políticas públicas. Desta maneira torna-se possível que os direitos relacionados ao atendimento socioeducacional às pessoas com TEA se transformem em ações reais. Destarte, compreendendo a análise do conteúdo das entrevistas realizadas com os/as familiares de pessoas com TEA, fica evidente que questões como atendimento socioeducacional adequado, profissionais dispostos/as ao cuidado e capacitados/as, e políticas públicas efetivas, se constituem como elementos imprescindíveis apontados pelos/as familiares para o desenvolvimento cotidiano da pessoa com TEA. / Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) makes up a broad and complex universe with difficulties related to the areas of behavior, of social interaction and of communication. The lack of a biological marker demands that the diagnostic take place through clinical observation and, in most cases, it presents a challenge to the professionals responsible for making the diagnosis. The most common treatment approaches are: Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), based on behaviorist theories. These programs are related to the development of routines, of skills for daily use and of communication strategies. In the context of the family, the disorder demands a reorganization and planning around the care of the person with ASD. Confronted with this reality the discussion of human dignity is set as a necessary reflection and mainly related to human rights which are constituted as concrete. Thus, the constitution of human dignity as imago Dei is established in the relation of the human being with the Creator, with the human and with all of creation. In the area of human rights, historically constituted, it is also possible to discuss human dignity as a constitutive process of the human being through communal interaction, through otherness, through recognition and participation which aims at the visibility of the people in their specific characteristics. This form of understanding human dignity seeks to situate it beyond a mere prop and aims at truly contributing to the advancement of practices in public policies. In this way it becomes possible for the rights related to the socio-educational treatment of persons with ASD to be transformed into real actions. Thus, understanding the analysis of the content of the interviews carried out with family members of persons with ASD, it becomes evident that issues such as: adequate socioeducational treatment; capacitated and willing professionals for care; and effective public policies constitute essential elements pointed out by the family members for the daily development of the person with ASD.

O compartilhamento da atenção com crianças com transtorno do espectro autista / The attention-sharing of children with autistic spectrum disorder

Araújo, Wivianne Gabrielle de Oliveira Amorim 29 April 2015 (has links)
Here is presented a study on the shared care of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The focus on the sharing of attention reflected the alignment of this research with assumptions of historical social approach. The motivation for a historical and social approach to attention of children with this diagnosis reflected the predominance of information that have only prioritized neurological aspects of autism spectrum disorders. The main objective of this research was to investigate the share of the attention of two children during activities in occupational therapy sessions. The construction of the data was carried from the videography method. In processing the data were combined quantitative techniques and microgenetic analysis. The results mainly stood out a wide interdependence between attention sharing attention and the production of meaning in the interaction. It also stands out that the production of meaning implied is a responsiveness between the actions that links actions of the past and the future in the immediate present situation. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Apresenta-se aqui um estudo sobre a atenção compartilhada de crianças com o diagnóstico de transtorno do espectro autista. O enfoque no compartilhamento da atenção refletiu o alinhamento desta pesquisa com pressupostos da abordagem sócio histórica. A motivação para uma abordagem sócio histórica da atenção de crianças com esse diagnóstico refletiu a predominância das informações que têm priorizado apenas os aspectos neurológicos dos distúrbios do espectro autista. O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi investigar o compartilhamento da atenção de duas crianças durante atividade em sessões de Terapia Ocupacional. A construção dos dados foi realizada a partir do método da videografia. No tratamento dos dados combinaram-se técnicas quantitativas e análise microgenética. Nos resultados destacaram-se principalmente uma ampla interdependência entre o compartilhamento de atenção e a produção de sentidos na interação. Além disso, destacou-se também que na produção de sentidos implicavam-se uma responsividade entre as ações que vincula ações do passado e do futuro na situação imediata do presente.

Uso do peptídeo liberador de gastrina em crianças com diagnóstico de autismo

Marchezan, Josemar January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Os neuropeptídeos regulam uma variedade de aspectos da função nervosa e neuroendócrina, atuando através da ativação de receptores específicos da membrana celular. No sistemana nervoso central (SNC) os receptores do pepetídeo liberador de gastrina (GRPR) são amplamente expressos, e numerosos efeitos centrais têm sido descritos com a sua ativação, incluindo efeitos sobre a saciedade, regulação do ritmo circadiano, termorregulação, modulação do stress, resposta ao medo, ansiedade e memória. Pesquisas mostram que o bloqueio farmacológico do GRPR em modelos animais leva ao aparecimento de deficits na interação social, padrões restritivos de comportamento e estereotipias motoras, sintomas semelhantes ao comportamento autista em humanos, sugerindo a possibilidade de que o complexo GRP/GRPR possa ter um papel na patogênese do transtorno do espectro autista (TEA). Recentemente, dois estudos não controlados com administração do peptídeo liberador de gastrina (GRP) a 13 crianças com autismo sugeriram que ele é seguro e que possa melhorar alguns sintomas do transtorno, principalmente interação social e sintomas associados à irritabilidade. Objetivos: Comparar a eficácia, segurança, tolerabilidade do GRP em relação ao placebo em sintomas do TEA. Metodologia: Ensaio clínico crossover, randomizado, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo, com uso de GRP 160 picomol/kg por 4 dias consecutivos, em 10 crianças com autismo. Os desfechos foram medidos através da escala Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC). Resultados: Todos os participantes eram do sexo masculino, com idade entre 4 e 9 anos. Houve uma redução nos escores da escala ABC e suas subescalas após o uso de GRP e de placebo. Apesar dessa redução ser mais proeminente com o GRP, principalmente nas subescalas Irritabilidade, Comportamento estereotipado e Hiperatividade, não houve diferença estatística entre os resultados (p 0,334). Após uma semana da infusão, 5 crianças apresentavam melhora maior que 25% no escore total da escala ABC com uso de GRP e 2 com uso de placebo, não apresentando diferença estatística (p 0,375). Não houve efeitos adversos, alterações dos sinais vitais ou variações laboratoriais associados ao uso de GRP em nenhum paciente. Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo, apesar do tamanho reduzido da amostra, reforçam os dados anteriores sobre a segurança do GRP no uso a curto prazo. Apesar de ter ocorrido redução dos escores da escala ABC após uso de GRP, não houve diferença estatística em relação ao placebo. Devido ao desenho crossover e tamanho pequeno da amostra do estudo atual, não foi possível esclarecer a real eficácia do GRP na redução dos sintomas do TEA na infância. Existe a necessidade de novas pesquisas com outros delineamentos e tamanho amostral maior para confirmar a eficácia e segurança do GRP em crianças com autismo. / Introduction: The neuropeptides regulate a variety of aspects of the nervous and neuroendocrine function, acting through activation of specific receptors of the cellular membrane. In system central nervous (CNS) the gastrin-releasing peptide recptors (GRPR) are widely expressed, and numerous central effects have been reported with their activation, including effects on satiety, regulating the circadian rhythm, thermoregulation, stress modulation, response to fear, anxiety and memory. Research has shown that pharmacological blockade of GRPR in animal models leads to the deficits in social interaction, restrictive patterns of behavior and motor stereotypies, autistic symptoms similar to human behavior, suggesting the possibility that the complex GRP/GRPR may have a role in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Recently, two studies are not controlled with the administration of gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) to 13 children with autism suggest that it is safe and can improve some symptoms of the disorder, especially social interaction and symptoms associated with irritability. Objectives: To compare the efficacy, safety, tolerability GRP compared to placebo in ASD symptoms. Methodology: crossover clinical trial, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, using GRP 160 picomol/kg for 4 consecutive days in 10 children with autism. Outcomes were measured by the Aberrant Behavior Checklist scale (ABC). Results: All participants were male, aged between 4 and 9 years. There was a reduction in the scores of the ABC range and its subscales after use GRP and placebo. Despite this reduction be more prominent with the GRP, particularly in subscales Irritability, Stereotypic behavior and Hyperactivity and noncompliance, there was no statistical difference between the results (p 0.334). After a week of infusion, 5 children showed improvement greater than 25% in the total score of the ABC scale in GRP use and 2 with placebo use, however there was no statistical difference (p 0.375). No adverse effects, changes in vital signs or laboratory abnormalities associated with use of GRP in any patient. Conclusions: The results of this study, despite the small sample size, reinforce previous data on the safety of the GRP in the short-term use. Although there was a reduction in ABC scale scores after use of GRP, there was no statistical difference from placebo. Due to the small sample size and design of the current study, it was not possible to clarify the real effectiveness of GRP in reducing the symptoms of ASD in childhood. There is a need for further research with other designs and larger sample size to confirm the efficacy and safety of GRP in children with autism.


OLIVIA BALSTER FIORE-CORREIA 09 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] Segundo a abordagem desenvolvimentista, as falhas inatas na capacidade de conexão afetiva das crianças autistas prejudicam o seu engajamento nas interações sociais, ocasionando dificuldades em todo o seu desenvolvimento. Intervenções precoces com base nesta abordagem focalizam as dificuldades iniciais do transtorno autista, de modo a saná-las ou amenizá-las e assim fazer com que as crianças autistas se desenvolvam o mais tipicamente possível. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a construção de um programa de intervenção precoce que favorecesse o desenvolvimento dos comportamentos do desenvolvimento infantil típico em crianças recém-diagnosticadas autistas, através do fomento da conexão afetiva destas crianças nas interações sociais. Os participantes foram cinco crianças recém-diagnosticadas autistas, entre os três e quatro anos de idade no início da intervenção, e os seus respectivos cuidadores. O programa consistiu em desenvolver a conexão afetiva, seis tipos de interações sociais com as suas variações e vinte e cinco comportamentos do desenvolvimento infantil típico nas crianças atendidas. Estas interações e comportamentos basearam-se nos trabalhos de Brazelton e Cramer, 1990; Carpenter, Nagell e Tomasello, 1998; García-Perez, Lee e Hobson, 1997; Klinger e Dawson, 1992; Leslie, 1987; Maestro et al, 2001; Osterling e Dawson, 1994; Tomasello, 2003 e Wainwright e Fein,1996. O programa mostrou-se eficaz por conseguir desenvolver a conexão afetiva, interações sociais e comportamentos em todos os participantes, embora o grau desta conexão, que variou em cada criança atendida, influenciou o modo como estas interações e comportamentos apareceram no desenvolvimento de cada uma delas. / [en] According to the developmental approach a deficit in the capacity of affectively engaging with others is basic to autism and its impairments in social engagement and developmental deficits. Developmental-based early interventions have targeted this innate deficit in order to minimize developmental deficits and to promote typical behaviors in children with autism and related disorders. The aim of this study was to design an intervention program to promote typical behaviors in early diagnosed autistic children through the support of affective engagement during social interaction. Participants were five 3-4-year-old children recently diagnosed autistic and their caregivers. The program targeted the development of affective engagement, six varieties of social interaction situation and twenty-five typical behaviors. Social interaction situations and typical behaviors were based upon previous work by Brazelton and Cramer, 1990; Carpenter, Nagell and Tomasello, 1998; García-Perez, Lee and Hobson, 1997; Klinger and Dawson, 1992; Leslie, 1987; Maestro et al, 2001; Osterling and Dawson, 1994; Tomasello, 2003 and Wainwright and Fein, 1996. Results showed that the program succeeded in developing affective engagement, social interaction and typical behaviors in every children. Nonetheless, social interaction and typical behaviors could differ among children depending on their degree of affective engagement.

Integrace osob s poruchami autistického spektra do intaktní skupiny / Integration of persons with disabilities autism spectrum to the intact group

SOSNOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the problems of people with autism spectrum disorders and their individual and group integration. The first part of my paper deals with the general characteristics of the different types of autism spectrum disorders, their problem areas, which is a social behavior, communication and imagination and play. The important part is the chapter on integration, which aims to become familiar with its characteristics, possibilities and related legislation. The empirical part deals with the influence of the triad of behavioral manifestations of a child with high-functioning autistic child and a description of their impact on the area of individual and group integration over four years of experience. In this work is shown and described healthy development of the child, with which it is compared individual and group integration. For better orientation is the development of all three lines of development recorded in the chart.

Etické aspekty vedení osob s poruchami autistického spektra / Ethical aspects of leading persons with autism spectrum disorders

HOŘEJŠOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis addresses ethical aspects of upbringing and educating persons with autism spectrum disorders, focusing particularly on integrating them in a normal school. In the theoretical part the terms related to ASD issues are defined and specific behavior and expressions of children with autism and Asperger?s syndrome are described. This thesis is dedicated particularly to these individuals and to their integration to a normal school. Therefore this part of the thesis deals with the field of education and upbringing of these persons and it describes the educational principles, methods and strategies that are being used in this field. The thesis concentrates on ethical aspects of leading persons with autism spectrum disorder and therefore the theoretical part deals also with ethical aspects of education and upbringing and defines terms related to ethics. There are two case studies in the practical part of the thesis that show the problems and ethical dilemmas related to integrating pupils with ASD into a regular high school from the point of view of a teaching assistant. The thesis emphasizes the need for ethical education and ethical code in the education system that would guarantee that persons with ASD are led not only professionally, but also ethically.

Etické aspekty péče o dítě s poruchou autistického spektra (komunikace s rodiči, prarodiči apod.) / Ethical aspects of care for a child with autism spectrum disorder (communication with parents, grandparents, etc.)

PLOCKOVÁ, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis addresses Ethical aspects of care of children with autism spectrum disorders (communication with parents, grandparents, etc.). The research results revealed that parents usually noticed their children?s handicap during the first three years of the children?s life, when children started to show various problems associated with the autism spectrum disorders. Parents agreed that, at the time, the most difficult thing was to cope with the handicap of their children and the symptoms of such handicap. Most parents also stated that it was very difficult to cope with the information about the diagnosis; this process took them a long time. According to parents, the following would be most helpful: information from specialists, contact with parents of children with similar handicaps, support, help of others in their environment, hope, contact to an organization that could help them/give them practical advice and instructions with regard to communication with children and their development. Parents of children with the handicap find contact with parents of children with similar handicaps very important. The following problems associated with the autism spectrum disorders are viewed as the most significant by parents: problems with communication, inability of socialization, stereotype behavior, hyperactivity, possible self-harm, mood changes, but also impenetrability of the world of children with autism spectrum disorders. According to some parents, the diagnostics of their children was not in order. Their children?s autism was not recognized by physicians and parents had to arrange a specialized diagnostic examination on their own. In case of some children, autism spectrum disorders were recognized by a general practitioner for children and youth, who recommended a visit to a child psychiatrist, where diagnostics took place. In these cases, parents were not given any opportunity to give questions to physicians and, moreover, they did not receive much information about the handicap of their children. Parents had to look for important information on the internet or in specialized literature. Furthermore, autism spectrum disorders were not sufficiently explained by physicians to some parents. Parents received information about the consequences of this type of handicap from a special pedagogue, psychologist, or worker of an organization that provides social services to children with autism spectrum disorders and their parents. Moreover, some parents were not given any contact to organizations providing care or consulting to children with this type of handicap. Most parents view the approach of physicians to their children as negative. Children with autism spectrum disorders most frequently visit a child psychiatrist; some children also see a child neurologist. According to parents, physicians only communicate with them and do not focus on their children at all. However, only one half of parents informed their physicians about the way they can communicate with their children. Parents usually prepare for the doctor?s appointment using photographs and pictures that illustrate the visit or its individual steps. A hospitalization of children with the autism spectrum disorder usually took place with their mothers, who rate it as standard, with no problems to address during such hospitalization. Health professionals mostly communicated with mothers and tried to respect the child?s habits.

Práticas pedagógicas inclusivas na educação infantil: atividades lúdicas envolvendo crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) / Inclusive pedagogical activities in preschool: ludic activities involving children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Costa, Fernanda Aparecida de Souza Corrêa [UNESP] 14 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by FERNANDA APARECIDA DE SOUZA CORRÊA COSTA null (nanda_life@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-01-22T15:35:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO FERNANDA APARECIDA DE SOUZA CORRÊA COSTA_VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 2079465 bytes, checksum: bf9b52d7bdec2bdaf9ec2c25b34e5508 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-01-25T15:22:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 costa_fasc_me_bauru.pdf: 2079465 bytes, checksum: bf9b52d7bdec2bdaf9ec2c25b34e5508 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-25T15:22:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 costa_fasc_me_bauru.pdf: 2079465 bytes, checksum: bf9b52d7bdec2bdaf9ec2c25b34e5508 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-14 / A inclusão escolar, proposta na qual todos os alunos são aceitos e reconhecidos, independentemente de suas características individuais, coloca às escolas na atualidade, um desafio em desenvolver práticas pedagógicas que favoreçam a aprendizagem de todos. Além desse pressuposto, na educação infantil, o lúdico também deve permear a organização do ensino. Assim, compete ao professor promover atividades lúdicas, intervindo no espaço, nos materiais disponíveis, no tempo do brincar e realizando mediações durante as atividades lúdicas, contemplando o aprendizado de todos. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a prática pedagógica dos professores, conhecendo as possibilidades e os desafios diante da inclusão escolar, bem como destacar recursos e estratégias por meio de atividades lúdicas que favoreçam o processo de inclusão de criança com Transtorno do Espectro Autista no contexto da educação infantil. A pesquisa tem enfoque misto (quanti-qualitativa) constituindo-se em um estudo de caso, sendo sujeitos, oitenta e nove professores da educação infantil da rede municipal de ensino de uma cidade do interior paulista, que revelaram que as brincadeiras que envolvem o faz-de-conta e os jogos de armar, além de atividades que abarcam a área do movimento são as atividades lúdicas mais frequentes na educação infantil. O procedimento de coleta de dados foi um questionário com os professores da rede municipal e a observação participante do cotidiano escolar de uma das turmas. Os resultados apontam que um dos principais desafios na inclusão escolar é a dificuldade dos professores na adequação destas e de outras atividades frente às limitações da criança, necessitando do apoio de outra pessoa para auxiliar o processo, bem como a dificuldade no planejamento de atividades de interesse da criança. Após mapeamento com os professores envolvidos, observou-se, em uma unidade escolar de educação infantil, durante as atividades lúdicas, a prática pedagógica de uma professora da classe comum, uma professora especializada, uma cuidadora e vinte e cinco crianças do jardim I com faixa etária média de quatro anos, dentre os quais, há uma criança com diagnóstico de Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Revela-se que a criança com Transtorno do Espectro Autista participa das atividades lúdicas, porém ainda com dificuldades em relação às adequações curriculares, recursos humanos e materiais, fragilidade no tempo para planejamento da professora da sala comum juntamente com a professora especializada, evidenciando que a formação inicial e continuada dos professores é primordial e contribui nos processos de inclusão escolar, inferindo-se que a escola para todos ainda está em construção quanto à implantação, organização e execução das práticas pedagógicas inclusivas. Como produto deste estudo, foi produzido um E-book com possibilidades de atividades, recursos e adequações de práticas pedagógicas inclusivas durante as atividades lúdicas na educação infantil, como ponto de partida para a inclusão da criança com TEA. / The schooling inclusion, proposal according to which all students are accepted and recognized, regardless of their individual characteristics, presents modern-day schools a challenge consisting of developing pedagogical practices that favor the learning of all children involved. In addition of this premise, in preschool level, the ludic aspects should also be present in the teaching’s organization. Therefore, it is the teacher’s duty to promote ludic activities, intervening in the space, available materials, playing times and doing mediations during the ludic practices, overseeing the learning of all children involved. In this manner, the present study had the goal of investigating the teachers’ pedagogical practices, acknowledging the possibilities and the challenges of before the schooling inclusion, as well as pointing out resources and strategies by the means of ludic activities that favor the process of inclusion of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the context of preschool. The research has a mixed focus (quantitative-qualitative), consisting itself in a case study, in which the subjects are preschool eighty-nine teachers in a city school located in the São Paulo countryside, who have revealed that the games that involve fantasizing, assembling, as well as activities related to the movement area are the ludic activities more frequently practiced in preschool. The procedure of data collecting was in form of a questionnaire with said teachers and the participating observation of the one of the classes’ daily school activities. The results say that one of the main challenges in schooling inclusion is the difficulties teachers have with adjusting these and other activities according to the children’s’ necessities, requiring the help of someone else to help with the procedure, as well as the difficulties of planning the activities within the children’s interest. After mapping with the involved teachers was done, it was observed that, in one of the preschool units, during the ludic activities, the pedagogical practice of a regular class teacher, a special children’s teacher and caretaker of twenty-five children pertaining to the grade “Jardim 1”, with the average age of four years old, between which there is one child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is revealed that said child partakes in the ludic activities, but still with difficulties in regards to curriculum adaptations, human resources and materials, fragility in what concerns the time needed for planning by the two teachers involved, making it clear that the initial and continued formation of the teachers is primordial and contributes to the processes of schooling inclusion, inferring that the “schooling for everyone” project is still under construction in what concerns the implementation, organization and execution of the inclusive pedagogical practices. As a product of this study, an E-book containing possible activities, resources and adjustments of inclusive pedagogical practices during the ludic activities of preschool was produced, as a starting point for the inclusion of children with ASD.

A responsabilidade de educar e de cuidar: quando a deficiência segrega mães-cuidadoras de estudantes com TEA

Coutinho, Maria Angélica Gonçalves 12 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Carla Almeida (ana.almeida@ucsal.br) on 2018-04-18T15:20:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESEMARIACOUTINHO.pdf: 1821324 bytes, checksum: 337438233cf6a11f9304978ceb4b6e5a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rosemary Magalhães (rosemary.magalhaes@ucsal.br) on 2018-04-25T14:23:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESEMARIACOUTINHO.pdf: 1821324 bytes, checksum: 337438233cf6a11f9304978ceb4b6e5a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-25T14:23:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESEMARIACOUTINHO.pdf: 1821324 bytes, checksum: 337438233cf6a11f9304978ceb4b6e5a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-12 / Trata-se de uma investigação centrada na dinâmica do cuidado de mães-cuidadoras de estudantes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA). O objetivo do estudo é elucidar como/qual é a dinâmica do cuidado entre mães-cuidadoras, analisando os processos convergentes e divergentes de cuidado, após a Política Nacional de Inclusão da Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva/2007. Investigou-se o seguinte problema da pesquisa: Como a segregação imposta pelo cuidado e deficiência a mães-cuidadoras se relaciona histórica e socialmente com as subjetividades e experiências cotidianas familiares de proteção, educação e cuidado de crianças e jovens com TEA? A hipótese da pesquisa se baseou na ideia de que as mães-cuidadoras de crianças e jovens com TEA sofrem segregação socialmente ao longo do tempo. Há um discurso no Centro de Atendimento Educacional Especializado Pestalozzi da Bahia (CAEEPB) que as responsabilizam pela não inclusão ou maior dificuldade de inclusão educacional de seus filhos/estudantes. Neste intricado complexo de relações multifacetadas, acredita-se na relação de proximidade com o outro, nos vínculos morais, e no reconhecimento da situação de desvantagem (restrição, silêncio, discriminação e confinamento), como condições que reafirmam o entendimento do papel estereotipado da mãe-cuidadora. A opção pela metodologia qualitativa se fez para valorizar as narrativas das famílias e pelo cunho etnográfico de inserção da pesquisadora em campo. Participaram da pesquisa 05 mães-cuidadoras de estudantes com TEA no CAEEPB, cujas famílias são beneficiárias do Programa Benefício de Prestação Continuada - BPC na escola, uma política de transferência direta de renda que visa à promoção da cidadania e à inclusão educacional de seus beneficiários, com idade entre zero e dezoito anos. Foram utilizados na coleta de dados roteiros semiestruturados de entrevistas e diário de campo. Após a leitura e análise dos dados as interpretações levam a crer na sobrecarga física e emocional com a atividade de cuidar como fator de depressão e isolamento social. A escola especial é considerada apoio ao cuidado e à inserção social. A ética de cuidar se vincula à ética de justiça e se efetiva no reconhecimento da diferença e na promoção da igualdade; a transferência de responsabilidade do cuidar para as mães/famílias mantém a condição de principal cuidadora da deficiência; a pobreza da rede de suporte e as demandas de cuidado, provisão, proteção e visibilização, com a Política Inclusiva impõe às mães a profissão do cuidado. / This is an investigation about on the dynamics of the care betwen mothers who care of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The objective of the study is to elucidate how / what is the dynamic of care among mothers, analyzing the convergent and divergent processes of care, after the National Policy of Inclusion of Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education / 2007. Was investigated the problem: how the segregation imposed by care and disability if relate historically and socially with the everyday experiences of mothers who caregives about protection, education and care of children and adolescents with asd? The hypothesis of the research was based on the idea that mothers caregivers of children and adolescents with ASD suffer social segregation over time. There is a speech at the Centro de Atendimento Educacional Especializado Pestalozzi da Bahia (CAEEPB) that are them responsible for not inclusion or greater difficulty in educational inclusion of their children / students. In this intricate complex of multifaceted relationships, I believe in the relation of proximity with the other, in moral ties, and in the recognition of the situation of disadvantage (restriction, silence, discrimination and confinement), as conditions that reaffirm the understanding of the stereotyped role of the mother caregiver. The option for the qualitative methodology was made to value the narratives of the families and the ethnographic aspect of the insertion of the researcher in the field. Were participating in the study 05 mothers caregives of students with ASD at CAEEPB, all the families are beneficiaries of the Benefício de Prestação Continuada - BPC na escola Program a direct income transfer policy that aims to promote citizenship and the educational inclusion of theirs beneficiaries, with zero and eighteen years. Were used semi-structured interview and field diary scripts in data collection. After reading and analyzing the data, the interpretations lead to believe in the physical and emotional overload with the activity of caring as a factor of depression and social isolation. The special school is considered support for care and social insertion. The ethics of care is linked to the ethics of justice and the effective recognition of difference and the promotion of equality; the transfer of responsibility from caring to mothers / families maintains the condition of main caregiver of the disability; the poverty of the support network and the demands for care, provision, protection and visibility, with the inclusive policy impose on mothers the profession of care.

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