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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'intention d'achat des produits biologiques dans un marché en voie de développement : le cas du Liban. / The intention of purchase of organic products in a developing market : the case of the Lebanon

Wolley, Farah 05 October 2015 (has links)
Notre travail de thèse s'intéresse à la consommation de produits biologiques, et plus particulièrement, à I'identification des variables déterminantes à I'intention d'achat. Si de nombreuses études se sont penchées sur ce sujet, il reste néanmoins des zones d'ombre que I'on se donne comme objectif d'éclaircir. Tout d'abord, il apparait qu'il existe des différences notables en terme de motivation d'achat des produits biologiques selon le degré de maturité du marché. Ensuite, le cadre rationnel de la théorie du comportement planifié, souvent utilisé dans les recherches précédentes, a maintes fois été critiqué. En effet, I'absence de prise en compte des émotions ainsi que du désir réduisent son pouvoir prédictif. Nous choisissons donc comme cadre théorique de notre étude le modèle d'implémentation des buts de Bagozzi et Perugini, que nous étudions dans le cadre de la consommation de produits biologiques au Liban, marché en voie de développement. Les résultats obtenus confirment une distinction de motivations d'achat entre marchés développés et marchés en voie de développement. Par ailleurs, les résultats démontrent le rôle du désir et des émotions dans la consommation de produits biologiques. D'autres variables spécifiques au contexte d'études sont identifiées et leur rôle avéré: le health Locus of Control et I'authenticité perçue des produits. / Our thesis focuses on the consumption of organic products, and more particularly, in the dentification of the variables that influence purchase intention. lf numerous studies dealt with this subject, there are nevertheless shadow zones which we give as objective to clear up. First of all, it seems that there are notable differences in term of motivation of purchase of organic products according to the degree of maturity of the market. Then, the rational frame of the theory of planned behavior, often used in previous researches, was criticized many a time. lndeed, the absence of consideration of variables such as emotions and desire reduces its predictive power. We thus choose as theoretical framework of our study the model of goal directed model (Bagozzi and Perugini, 2001, 2004) to study organic products purchase intention in Lebanon, a developing market. The obtained results confirm a distinction of motivations of purchase between developed and developing markets. Besides, the results prove the role of desire and emotions in the purchase intention of organic products. Other variables specific to our context of studies are identified and their role proven: the health Locus of Control and the perceived authenticity of organic products.

Gis-based Spatial Model For Wildfire Simulation: Marmaris &amp / #65533 / Cetibeli Fire

Tasel, Erdinc 01 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Each year many forest fires have occurred and huge amount of forest areas in each country have been lost. Turkey like many world countries have forest fire problem. 27 % of Turkey&amp / #65533 / s lands are covered by forest and 48 % of these forest areas are productive, however 52 % of them must be protected. There occurred 21000 forest fires due to several reasons between 1993 and 2002. It is estimated that 23477 ha area has been destroyed annually due to wildfires. The fire management strategies can be built on the scenarios derived from the simulation processes. In this study a GIS &amp / #65533 / based fire simulating model is used to simulate a past fire occurred in Marmaris &amp / #65533 / &Ccedil / etibeli, Turkey, in August 2002. This model uses Rothermel&amp / #65533 / s surface fire model, Rothermel&amp / #65533 / s and Van Wagner&amp / #65533 / s crown fire model and Albini&amp / #65533 / s torching tree model. The input variables required by the model can be divided into four groups: fuel type, fuel moisture, topography and wind. The suitable fuel type classification of the vegetation of the study area has been performed according to the Northern Forest Fire Laboratory (NFFL) Fuel Model. The fuel moisture data were obtained from the experts working in the General Directorate of Forestry. The fire spread pattern was derived using two IKONOS images representing the pre- and post-fire situations by visual interpretation. Time of arrival, the rate of spread and the spread direction of the fire were obtained as the output and 70 % of the burned area was estimated correctly from the fire simulating model.


Polizzi Filho, Angelo 06 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T21:42:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angelo Polizzi Filho.pdf: 538809 bytes, checksum: 95fba7ee1c5e0549acc004056ca4c69d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-06 / A dinâmica acelerada dos negócios, as mudanças constantes nas políticas de gestão de pessoas aplicadas por organizações e as complexas interações empresariais em rede parecem ter mudado visivelmente as ênfases dadas por pesquisadores às facetas do comportamento de profissionais que atuam em organizações. Desse modo, dentre tantos outros temas, o planejamento que cada profissional faz acerca de sua saída da organização, denominado intenção de rotatividade, tornou-se novamente um fenômeno de interesse no campo do comportamento organizacional. Atualmente, a alternativa mais aplicada aos estudos do comportamento organizacional tem sido a elaboração de modelos para representar o escopo de uma investigação científica. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi testar um modelo teórico para intenção de rotatividade, analisando-se sua relação com três dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho (satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo), moderada por capital psicológico, conceito composto por quatro capacidades psicológicas (eficácia, otimismo, esperança e resiliência). Para análise do modelo foram testadas quatro hipóteses relativas às interações das variáveis nele contidas. Participaram do estudo 85 professores, escolhidos por conveniência, que atuavam em uma universidade na Região do ABCD Paulista. A idade média dos participantes era de 45 anos (DP=11,49), sendo a maioria do sexo masculino, casada, com mestrado concluído e tempo de trabalho variando de 1 a 5 anos. Foi utilizado um questionário de auto preenchimento contendo cinco medidas brasileiras validadas e precisas, as quais aferiram as variáveis do modelo teórico. Os resultados descritivos indicaram que os docentes detêm um quadro de bem-estar no trabalho composto por satisfações maiores com colegas, chefias e tarefas e menores com salários e promoções; desse quadro fazem parte também índices medianos de envolvimento com o trabalho e medianos de compromisso afetivo com a universidade em que atuavam. Entretanto, observou-se que, apesar dos índices medianos das dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho, foi revelada baixa intenção de rotatividade por parte dos docentes. O capital psicológico observado entre os docentes situa-se alto. Análises de correlação pelo r de Pearson informaram índices negativos e significativos entre as três dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho e intenção de rotatividade. Capital psicológico também se mostrou negativa e significativamente correlacionado à intenção de rotatividade. Tais resultados informam que o plano de deixar a universidade onde atuam é inversamente proporcional ao bem-estar vivenciado no trabalho e ao nível de capital psicológico retido pelos docentes. Parece que docentes com elevado capital psicológico e que se sentem bem no trabalho planejam menos deixar a universidade onde atuam, sendo possível interpretar como plausível o inverso. Análises de regressão linear múltipla hierárquica, executadas pelo método enter, informaram que capital psicológico atua como moderador na relação entre bem-estar no trabalho e intenção de rotatividade: foram observadas aumento na predição de intenção de rotatividade quando se adicionou capital psicológico a dois modelos compostos, respectivamente, por satisfação no trabalho e envolvimento com o trabalho. Portanto, o alto nível de capital psicológico poderia potencializar o impacto de satisfação no trabalho e envolvimento com o trabalho sobre a intenção de rotatividade. Por outro lado, no modelo integrado por comprometimento organizacional afetivo o qual revelou maior força de predição sobre intenção de rotatividade, capital psicológico conseguiu reduzir levemente o impacto. Parece que docentes com alto nível de capital psicológico agem sob menos influência do seu compromisso afetivo com a organização quando fazem planos de sair da universidade empregadora. Portanto, os resultados deste trabalho permitem reconhecer que o estado positivo e saudável representado por bem-estar no trabalho poderia ter seu impacto sobre intenção de rotatividade moderado levemente por capital psicológico. Além disso, os resultados descritivos foram discutidos, comparando-os com outros estudos empíricos com professores. Por fim, foi proposta uma pauta para investigações futuras e sugerido criar uma nova linha de pesquisa no Brasil na investigação do papel moderador do conceito integral de capital psicológico nas relações entre constructos do campo do comportamento organizacional, baseada nas lacunas da literatura nacional apontadas nesse estudo.

Persuasive design som medel för miljövänligt agerande : En studie om hur funktioner i miljöfrämjande mobilapplikationer kan motivera användare att agera miljövänligt / Persuasive design as a tool to encourage sustainable behaviour : A study about motivating users to act eco-friendly through persuasive mobile applications

Betzeki, Christina, Swedan, Leyla January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur en miljöfrämjande mobilapplikation kan motivera användare till att agera mer miljövänligt genom persuasiva designprinciper. I denna studie föreslås en uppsättning designprinciper att ha i åtanke vid utveckling av övertygande mobilapplikationer som syftar till miljövänliga beteendeförändringar. Det utvärderades tre existerande miljöfrämjande mobilapplikationer med hjälp av PSD-modellens designprinciper, varav en valdes ut för användarundersökningen. Totalt sex personer deltog i studien och fick testa den valda mobilapplikationen under en veckas tid, i syfte att bekanta sig med applikationens funktioner. I samband med detta fick deltagarna besvara en enkät med allmänna frågor kring deras miljövänliga vanor. Den slutliga fasen inkluderade intervjun, som innehöll frågor gällande deltagarnas åsikter om funktioner och motivationsfaktorer för att använda miljöfrämjande applikationer. Resultatet visade att designprinciperna belöning, individualisering, simulering, självkontroll, normativt inflytande, samarbete, social jämförelse, konkurrens och påminnelser hade störst inflytande på användarnas motivation att använda applikationen och agera miljövänligt. De utvalda designprinciperna berodde huvudsakligen på individuella, sociala och praktiska faktorer. / This study aims to investigate how an environmental mobile application can motivate users to act more eco-friendly by using persuasive design principles. In this study, we identify a set of key principles to consider when designing mobile persuasive technology in order to motivate and influence pro-environmental behavior change. We evaluated three existing mobile applications by using PSD design principles. After the evaluation, one mobile application was selected for usertesting, with a total of six participants. The participants received one week to get familiar with the application and its functionalities . Furthermore, the participants received a survey with general questions about their eco-friendly habits. The upcoming phase included the interview we conducted, which contained questions to bring forward the participants opinions about functions and motivation factors that could affect their usage of eco-friendly applications. The result showed that the design principles rewards, personalization, simulation, self-monitoring, normative influence, cooperation, social comparison, competition and reminders had the greatest influence on the users motivation to use the application and act eco-friendly. The reason of importance for the chosen design principles was mainly due to individual, social and practical factors.

Modélisation du comportement cyclique des ouvrages en terre intégrant des techniques de régularisation / Cyclic behaviour modeling of geotechnical structures including regularization methods

Foucault, Alexandre 21 June 2010 (has links)
L'objectif technique majeur de cette thèse se rapporte au développement d'un outilde simulation numérique fiable et robuste adapté à la maîtrise et la connaissance dufonctionnement mécanique des ouvrages géotechniques. Cet outil de simulation doitnotamment permettre une maîtrise des scénarii les plus pénalisants pour leur tenue,notamment sous l'aléa sismique.La qualité des résultats d'un tel outil dans le cadre de la méthode des éléments finisest fonction du modèle de comportement utilisé, de la qualité de l'intégration dumodèle et de sa résolution numérique. Dans le cadre de ce travail, le modèleélastoplastique de comportement cyclique des sols de l'ECP (dit de Hujeux) a étéintroduit dans Code_Aster selon un schéma d'intégration implicite, permettant ainsiune représentation fine et précise des phénomènes mis en jeu durant l'aléasismique. Ce modèle possède également l'avantage d'être adapté au comportementde différents types de sols dans le cadre des milieux poreux sous l'hypothèse despetites déformations. Après validation sur des chemins de chargement variés, lemodèle est à présent utilisé pour la simulation de la construction par couches, de lamise en eau et de la tenue sismique de barrages en terre.Le caractère non standard et adoucissant de ce modèle conduit à mettre en oeuvredes techniques de régularisation pour résoudre le problème de dépendancepathologique des résultats aux maillages lors de l'apparition de modes de ruinelocalisée. Le modèle de second gradient de dilatation est utilisé en complément aumodèle de comportement de Hujeux pour contrôler la largeur des bandes delocalisation apparaissant sur les structures étudiées. La prise en compte d'unecinématique enrichie permet de rendre objectives aux maillages les réponses desstructures durant leur phase d'adoucissement mais n'instaure pas l'unicité dessolutions aux problèmes posés suite aux instabilités. Dans le cadre d'essaisbiaxiaux drainés sur des matériaux dilatants exprimés au sein des milieux dusecond gradient de dilatation, il est apparu une dépendance de la largeur desbandes de cisaillement à l'état de contraintes initial en plus des propriétés desmatériaux.A partir d'un exemple analytique d'une bande de matériau cisaillée, cettedépendance a pu être exprimée, comparée et maîtrisée en fonction des paramètresde régularisation par rapport aux résultats des simulations numériques. L'extensionde cette approche à un cas de stabilité de pente sous chargement d'une fondationsuperficielle a ensuite été entrepris. La dépendance des largeurs de bandes à l'étatde contraintes initial est apparue comme un élément clé de la maîtrise du couplageentre le modèle de second gradient de dilatation et les modèles de type Cam-Clay / The main technical objective of this PhD thesis deals with the development of a soilbehavior numerical tool. It should be robust, efficient and adapted to model themechanical behavior of geotechnical structures (e.g. embankment dam) under theworst loading scenarii such earthquakes.In the finite element method, the quality results is directly linked to the soilconstitutive model, the integration scheme and the numerical resolution. In this PhDThesis, the ECP elastoplastic soil model is introduced in Code_Aster through animplicit scheme. An implicit scheme ensures to respect the theoretical formulation ofthe model. The ECP constitutive model is one of the models available in theliterature to represent the behaviour of different kinds of soils under cyclic loadingsand it is used since the 80's by hydraulic engineers at EDF. It is expressed in termsof effective stresses and infinitesimal strains. The developments are validated forlaboratory tests in a large scale of loading paths. On the other hand, the study of asand embankment was performed and compared to the results obtained with thefinite element software GEFDyn developed at ECP.The ECP model is based on a non-associated flow rule and it is able to reproduce asoftening behavior. When shear bands occur in the structure, these properties leadto a pathological sensitivity of the results depending on the mesh size. Therefore, aregularization technique has to be used to circumvent this problem and to obtainobjective results with respect to the mesh. The second gradient of dilation model isthus chosen to be coupled to the ECP model and in this way, to ensure a spatiotemporalindependence of results. However, this mesh independence still evolves ina potential domain of solutions, when instability occurs. The simulations of drainedbiaxial tests on laboratory samples show a dependence of shear bands thickness inregard to the initial stress state and material properties.An analytical problem of a dilatant shear band is used to extract the key factors.These theoretical solutions are compared and validated to numerical responses,which are in good accordance. A bearing capacity problem was also solved todemonstrate the potential of the method. The conclusion of this work establishes themain role of initial stress state over the shear band thickness in the context of thesecond gradient of dilation model and the models based on Cam-Clay approach.

Simulation de la déformation des noyaux de fonderie durant la coulée / Modeling of the deformation of resin bonded foundry sand core during casting

Bargaoui, Hiba 31 January 2019 (has links)
Les cavités intérieures des culasses d'aluminium sont réalisées à l'aide de noyaux de sable, qui sont constitués d'un mélange de silice et d'une résine Polyuréthane. Ils sont placés dans le moule métallique juste avant la coulée. Durant celle-ci, ils subissent la pression métallo-statique et sont soumis à des températures élevées. Sous ces conditions extrêmes, avec l'apparition de parois de plus en plus fines et de formes plus complexes, les noyaux peuvent présenter des déformations qui induisent des défauts dimensionnels sur les pièces finales.Pour contrôler la déformation des noyaux, il faut d'abord disposer d'une caractérisation robuste de leur propriétés thermiques et mécaniques, qui puisse être utilisée dans des calculs de structures simulant le flux de métal liquide, la solidification et les champs thermiques. Cette approche n'est pas encore pratiquée de façon complète dans l'industrie. Une revue de la littérature confirme que cette connaissance n'est que très parcellaire pour le moment.Le travail a donc d'abord été concentré sur la caractérisation expérimentale du comportement thermomécanique et des propriétés thermophysiques des noyaux de fonderie et du liant résine.Ensuite, un modèle de comportement capable de prendre en compte la viscosité du matériau, son endommagement, et surtout son évolution en fonction du temps et de la température en raison de la dégradation thermique du liant résine a été développé.Une éprouvette technologique a finalement été conçue et un protocole expérimental a été mis en place pour mesurer la déformation d'un noyau durant la coulée et de valider numériquement le modèle de comportement sous des chargements thermiques et mécaniques complexes. / The inner cavities of aluminum cylinder heads are made using sand cores, which are made of silica sand and of a polyurethane resin binder. The cores are placed in the metallic mold just before casting. During this stage, the cores are submitted to the metallo-static pressure and high temperatures. Under these extreme loading conditions, with the development of thinner and thinner walls with complex designs, the cores exhibit significant deformation causing dimensional defects in the final cast.To control the deformation of the sand core, it is necessary to possess a robust characterization of their thermal and mechanical properties, that could be introduced in structural computations simulating the flow of the liquid metal, the solidification and the thermal fields. This approach is still not fully in use in the industry. A review of the literature confirms that this knowledge is incomplete for the moment.The work was therefore concentrated on the experimental characterization of the thermomechanical behavior and the thermophysical properties of the foundry cores and Polyurethane resin binder.Then, a behavior model capable of taking into account the viscosity of the material, damage development, and especially its evolution as a function of time and temperature because of the thermal degradation of the binder resin was developed.A technological specimen was finally designed and an experimental protocol has been established to measure the deformation of a core during casting and numerically validate the constitutive equations under complex thermal and mechanical loadings.

Ett gränssnitt för en lättare användning : En kvalitativ studie om en mobilspårningsapplikations gränssnitt och vilka element som behöver utvecklas / An interface for easier use : A qualitative study of a mobile tracking application's interface and the elements that need to be developed

Olin, Joakim, Wahlgren, Bryan January 2022 (has links)
I takt med att ägandet av smartphones ökat samt att tekniken utvecklats så har det blivit allt mer förekommande med spårning av GPS-enheter. Användningen innefattar flera områden som exempelvis berör spårning av djur, fordon och människor. Tidigare forskning har främst fokuserat på de tekniska aspekterna med GPS och i flera av dessa källor nämns kortfattat att de mobila gränssnitten har fått kritik från studiernas deltagare och ansetts vara svåra att använda. Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen för hur spårningsapplikationers gränssnitt kan utformas för att bli mer användarvänliga. Att genom ett användarcentrerat arbete kartlägga vilka element i nuvarande gränssnitt som kan förbättras för att underlätta användares kognitiva belastning vid användning. Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och data samlades in genom intervjuer med erfarna användare av spårningsapplikationen Go. Det var Go-applikationens gränssnitt som undersöktes i studien. För att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan användes Foggs beteendemodell, UX och informationsarkitektur för att skapa intervjufrågor samt för att analysera och diskutera resultaten. Studiens resultat är inte generaliserbart eftersom urvalet var för litet och ej slumpmässigt framtaget. Därmed gav studiens resultat endast en första inblick av vilka element i gränssnittet som var i behov av att utvecklas för att förbättra spårningsapplikationens gränssnitt. Studien visade att informanterna var tillräckligt motiverade och att det framför allt var förmågan som behövde ökas och att det i vissa fall behövdes triggers. De element i gränssnittet som behövde utvecklas var historiken, larm, platsmarkörer, inställningar, informationssidan och livespårning. Tillvägagångssätten för att utveckla dessa element berör oftast ett grafiskt tydliggörande eller förklarande. / As the usage of smartphones has increased and the technology also has developed, it has become increasingly common with tracking of GPS devices. The usage includes multiple areas such as tracking of animals, vehicles, and people. Early research has mainly focused on the technical aspects with GPS and in a few of these sources it is briefly mentioned that mobile interfaces have been criticized by the study participants and are considered difficult to use. The purpose of this research was to increase the understanding on how tracking applications interface can be designed to be more user friendly. Through a User-Centered work to map how elements and functions in a current interface can improve to ease the users cognitive load during usage. The research had a qualitative approach and the data that was collected through interviews with experienced users of the tracking application Go. It was the interface of Go that was being studied during the research. To answer our research question, Fogg's behavior model was used together with UX and information architecture to create questions for the interviews and to analyze the results. Results of this research are not generalizable since the sample was small and not randomly selected. Hence, the results of the research provided a first insight of which elements in the interface that need development to improve the interface of tracking applications. The research showed that the informants are motivated enough and that it was primarily their ability that needed to be increased and, in some cases, triggers were needed. The elements on the interface that needed to be developed were, the history, the alarm, placemarks, settings, information page and live tracking. The approach to develop the elements often touches on a graphical clarity or explanatory note.

Övertygande design på Instagram : En studie om hur övertygande design används på Instagram samt hur användarna upplever det. / Persuasive design on Instagram : A study of how persuasive design is used on Instagram and how users experience it.

Rezaei, Adrian, Farspour, Melanie January 2022 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur övertygande design används på sociala medietjänsten Instagram samt hur användarna upplever det. En kartläggning av beståndsdelar har genomförts för att identifiera appliceringen av övertygande designtekniker som ämnar till attityd- eller beteendeförändringar. Sociala medier har idag fått en betydande del i människors vardagliga liv och påverkar människan på en mängd olika sätt, det är få saker som tyder på att användandet kommer att minska framöver då det ständigt utvecklas nya plattformar. En heuristisk utvärdering med PSD-modellen som grund genomfördes för att identifiera användandet av övertygande design inom Instagrams gränssnitt. För att undersöka användarnas upplevelser genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att övertygande design gick att finna i tjänstens gränssnitt genom bland annat notifikationer samt anpassat hemflöde. Studien visar även att användarnas upplevelse av övertygande design på Instagram varierar och att det till största del inte var någonting som de själva noterade i användandet. Resultatet visar att det till övervägande del var negativa upplevelser även fast vissa positiva aspekter presenterades. Framför allt upplevde användarna att de tappade kontroll över användandet av tjänsten där de upplevde att det var onödig spenderad tid som kunde utnyttjas bättre på andra vis. Vidare upplevdes notifikationer som särskilt störande där det hade en negativ påverkan på upplevelsen. En framhävande positiv upplevelse var det skräddarsydda innehållet som anpassade sig efter användarens intressen och behov vilket bidrog till relevant presenterad information. Studiens frågeställning är besvarad då resultatet tydligt visar hur övertygande designtekniker används på Instagram samt ger insikt i användarnas upplevelser av övertygande design på Instagram. / This study examines how persuasive design is used within the social media service Instagram and how the users experience this. Instagrams interface and components have been mapped out, in order to identify the use of persuasive design techniques with the intent to change the behavior or attitude of the users. Today, social media has an impact on people's everyday lives and affects us in a variety of ways. There are few indications pointing towards a decrease in the use of social media in the future, as it is constantly evolving as new platforms are created. A heuristic evaluation has been performed, with the PSD model as the set of guidelines. This was done in order to identify persuasive design techniques within the interface of Instagram. To investigate the experiences of the users, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results showed that persuasive design could be found throughout the platform, for example through the use of notifications and the adaptive home feed. Results also showed that the users' experiences varied and for the most part it was not something that they themselves noted during their use. The results show that it was predominantly negative experiences even though some positive aspects were presented. The users felt a loss of control over their use of the platform as they felt that unnecessary time was spent on the application that could be better utilized elsewhere. Furthermore, notifications were perceived as a disturbance and therefore had a negative impact on their experience. A particularly positive experience was the tailored content that adapted to the user's interests and needs, which contributed to the presented information being relevant. The problem statement is answered as the results clearly show how persuasive design is used on Instagram and provide insight into the users experiences of it.

Spelifiering av kulturarv : En kvalitativ studie om att skapa engagemang kring Sveriges kulturarv / Gamifying Cultural Heritage : A qualitative study about creating engagement towards Sweden's cultural heritage

Emil, Jadelius, Rasmus, Svensson January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Besöksnäringen är en växande sektor i Sverige, där kulturarv utgör en central del för att förmå skapa attraktiva besöksmål. Trots detta finns det fortfarande många kulturarv som inte synliggörs och därmed förblir outnyttjade resurser för städer och landsbygd. En växande trend inom besöksnäringen är spelifiering, vilket potentiellt bidrar till en rolig och personlig upplevelse och samtidigt ett synliggörande av många besöksmål som kan vara svåra att finna. Det finns dock begränsad forskning för spelifiering inom turism och än mindre om spelifiering av kulturarv. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att kartlägga vilka komponenter inom en spelifiering som initialt kan inneha betydelse för att skapa ett intresse hos användare att utforska kulturarv. Studien utgick ifrån forskningsfrågan: Hur kan spelifieringen för platsbaserade mobila applikationer som uppmärksammar kulturarv utformas för att attrahera nya användare och motivera dessa till användning? Litteraturstudie: Litteraturstudien behandlar spelifiering och Foggs beteendemodell. Spelifiering är användandet av spelelement inom kontexter som traditionellt inte hör samman med spelande och handlar om att motivera individer med målet att göra så många som möjligt till vinnare. Foggs beteendemodell påvisar att mänskligt beteende är ett resultat av tre element: Motivation - Drivkraft till handling; Förmåga - Kapacitet till handling; Trigger - Utlösande faktor till handling. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med utgångspunkt i fältet för användarcentrerad design. Först tillämpades en heuristisk utvärdering ämnad för spelifierade tjänster, som sedan kompletterades med kvalitativa intervjuer där potentiella användare involverades för att uppmärksamma deras behov. Resultat: Resultaten visar att nyfikenhet och viljan att utforska är två drivande motivationsfaktorer. Det påvisas även att den information som presenteras i samband med kulturarv är central för att skapa engagemang kring kulturarv. Utmaningar i form av frågesport är ett uppskattat inslag men det är viktigt att frågor har en koppling till berört kulturarv och att det finns en varierad svårighetsnivå för att tillgodose både novisa och erfarna användare. Det finns ett behov av sociala inslag där det går att interagera med vänner genom gruppaktiviteter eller utmaningar. Sociala inslag bidrar även till att användare triggar varandra till att upptäcka kulturarv. Slutsats: För att lyckas skapa spelifierade lösningar som uppmärksammar kulturarv måste det som presenteras inneha mening för användare. / Introduction: The tourism industry is a growing sector in Sweden, of which cultural heritage is central to create attractive destinations. Despite this, there are still many cultural heritage sites that are not visible and thus remain unutilized resources for cities and the countryside. A growing trend in the tourism industry is gamification, which potentially contributes to a fun personal experience while increasing the visibility of many destinations that can be difficult to find. However, there is limited research on gamification in tourism and even less on gamification applied to cultural heritage. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify which components within a gamification that can initially be important for generating an interest in users to explore cultural heritage. The study intends to answer the following research question: How can the gamification for location-based mobile applications that pay attention to cultural heritage be designed to attract new users and motivate them to use? Literature study: The literature study delves into gamification and Fogg's behavior model. Gamification is the use of game elements in contexts that are not traditionally associated with gaming and is about motivating individuals with the goal of making as many as possible winners. Fogg's behavior model demonstrates that human behavior is the result of three elements: Motivation - Driving force to action; Ability - Capacity for action; Trigger - Triggering factor to action. Method: The study has a qualitative approach based on user-centered design. First, a heuristic evaluation intended for gamified services was applied, which was then supplemented with qualitative interviews where potential users were involved to pay attention to their needs. Results: The results show that curiosity and the willingness to explore are two driving motivational factors. It is also shown that the information presented in connection with cultural heritage is central to creating motivation around cultural heritage. Challenges in the form of quizzes are an appreciated element, but it is important that questions have a connection to the cultural heritage and that there is a varied level of difficulty to satisfy both novice and experienced users. There is a need for social elements where it is possible to interact with friends through group activities or challenges. Social elements also contribute to users triggering each other to discover cultural heritage. Conclusion: To succeed in creating gamified solutions that pay attention to cultural heritage, what is presented within the solution must be meaningful to the user.

Motivation to donation

Steneberg, Nellie, Ibarbachane, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Today, the world contains a large number of important non-profit organizations (NPOs) that seek to maintain the welfare of people and animals and to preserve the natural world. NPOs are extremely dependent on funds from the public which has resulted in severe competition between these organizations. This has also come as a result of the cut down of government support and a shortage of donations. Their lack of financial resources indicates that NPOs around the world face major challenges and are therefore in need of customized tools to increase their revenue and ensure their survival. With the purpose of increasing donations towards NPOs, this study aims to research how a media object can be developed and marketed in Bali to motivate tourists into donating money to the Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA) which is located in Canguu, Bali. By doing this, NPOs can use this research as tool for application within their own organization to increase their revenues.The media object that was chosen for this research was a poster, placed in the streets of Canggu, Bali and was selected because it has been shown that visual communication is a powerful tool for encouraging prosocial human behavior. The aim was to document how the media object affected levels of tourist engagement and ultimately their motivation to donate money to an NPO. A number of theories of motivation and behavior were used to form the foundation for this research. The methodology used included qualitative data collection by way of interviews, observations of local conditions pertinent to tourist interaction with media objects, as well as information gathered through a focus group involving local tourists. Research Through Design (RTD) was the framework that was used to structure the process for the creation and the testing of the prototype (the media object). The RTD included four phases, two of which were not completed due to complications involving the COVID-19 pandemic. The research concluded that the environment, attitudes towards legitimacy and emotional engagement all played a crucial role for the effectiveness and ultimately the success of a media object. Furthermore, it was concluded that there is a need for extended research on tourists’ behavior as well as consumer behavior, in relation to donors, in order to fully understand how a media object should be developed to motivate a tourist to donate money to an NPO.

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