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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bow with Flow : Möjligheterna och svårigheterna i stråkspel på kontrabas inom jazz

Grönberg, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Jag har länge tyckt att soundet från en stråke är häftigt. Det finns inspelningar med jazzstråk, men det är inte jättevanligt och jag undrade varför. Är det för att det finns för många svårigheter att hantera med stråken? Eller var det kanske så att det fanns massor med möjligheter som inte många tog vara på? Syftet i mitt arbete har varit att ta reda på vad det finns för möjligheter och svårigheter med att spela stråke på kontrabas i jazzmusik. I arbetsprocessen har jag valt ut låtar och spelat in dessa låtar med ett band bestående av trummor, el-gitarr, tenor saxofon och viola. Sedan har jag skickat låtarna till verksamma stråkbassister så att de kan kommentera och ge tips. Utifrån kommentarerna, tipsen och min egna analys av låtarna har jag gjort övningar som har gjort att jag på bättre sätt har kunnat ta vara på möjligheterna och hantera svårigheterna. De tankar jag hade i början av arbetet angående vad som skulle vara möjligheterna med stråken och vad som skulle vara svårigheterna har visat sig i vissa fall inte stämma alls, i vissa fall stämma delvis och i vissa fall stämde de helt. Ett exempel är att jag tänkte i början av arbetet att få till bra rytmer skulle vara en svårighet, dock visade sig rytmer även vara en möjlighet då man kan ha större rytmisk variation med stråken än med fingrarna eftersom man kan hålla ut en ton längre med stråken. / For a long time I have been thinking that the sound of a bowed tone is cool. There are recordings of music with jazz bowing, but it is not very common and I wondered why. Is it because there are too many difficulties with bowplaying? Or are there a lot of opportunities that only a few bass players take advantage of? The aim of my thesis is to figure out what the difficulties and the opportunities with bow playing on the double bass are in jazz music.  In my research process I have chosen a couple of songs, rehearsed and recorded them with a band including drums, guitar, tenor saxophone and viola. After each recording session, I sended the recordings to a couple of active bow playing bass musicians, which answered with comments and advices.  Based on the advices and my own analysis of the songs, I did exercises that taught me how to handle the difficulties and how to fully use the opportunities with bow playing in jazz music.  In the beginning of the project I had some thoughts about what the opportunities and difficulties would be. Some of the thoughts came out to be, in some cases incorrect, in some cases partly correct and in some cases fully correct.  An example is that, beginning my research I thought that playing rhythms with a bow would be difficult, but as it turned out, playing rhythms could also be an opportunity. I then could use more versatile rhythms than with my finger, since the bow allows me to hold a tone for a longer time.

Med Johan Helmich Roman som lärare : Lärdomar kring instudering och dokumentation av 25 etyder från 1700-talet / Tutored by Johan Helmich Roman : Lessons learned from studying and documenting 25 etudes from the 18th century

Flensner, Bina January 2023 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete är att med ljudinspelning dokumentera de 25 etyderna av J. H. Roman från ca 1730. Dessa etyder är mig veterligen inte tidigare inspelade i sin helhet, och därmed är min förhoppning att kunna bidra till en bredare spridning av dessa för många helt okända etyder av ”Den Svenska Musikens Fader”.  För att nå uppsatsens syfte analyseras processen med instudering, tolkning och dokumentation. Resultatet är att 25 etyder av Roman är inspelade och att de kommer tillgängliggöras på youtube. De 25 etyderna är sinsemellan olika och kräver olika saker av musikern. Etyderna rymmer stor potential för breddat och fördjupat lärande av olika violinspecifika tekniker. Etyderna är också och framför allt musikaliskt tilltalande och vackra. Uppsatsen pekar på att J. H. Roman förtjänar en självklar plats i violinrepertoaren. / The overall aim of this bachelor thesis is to document the 25 etudes by J. H. Roman from around 1730 with audio recording. To my knowledge, these etudes have not previously been recorded in their entirety, and thus my hope is to be able to contribute to a wider acknowledgement of these to many completely unknown etudes by ”The Father of Swedish Music”. In order to achieve the aim of the essay, the process of studying, interpretation and documentation is analyzed. The result is that 25 etudes by Roman are recorded and that they will be made available on YouTube. The 25 etudes differ from each other and require different things from the musician. The etudes hold great potential for broadened and deepened learning of various violin-specific techniques. The etudes are also and above all musically appealing and beautiful. The essay points out that J. H. Roman deserves an obvious place in the violin repertoire. / <p>Innehåller länkar till youtube med inspelningar av Romans 25 etyder.</p>

Sentiment Analysis Of IMDB Movie Reviews : A comparative study of Lexicon based approach and BERT Neural Network model

Domadula, Prashuna Sai Surya Vishwitha, Sayyaparaju, Sai Sumanwita January 2023 (has links)
Background: Movies have become an important marketing and advertising tool that can influence consumer behaviour and trends. Reading film reviews is an im- important part of watching a movie, as it can help viewers gain a general under- standing of the film. And also, provide filmmakers with feedback on how their work is being received. Sentiment analysis is a method of determining whether a review has positive or negative sentiment, and this study investigates a machine learning method for classifying sentiment from film reviews. Objectives: This thesis aims to perform comparative sentiment analysis on textual IMDb movie reviews using lexicon-based and BERT neural network models. Later different performance evaluation metrics are used to identify the most effective learning model. Methods: This thesis employs a quantitative research technique, with data analysed using traditional machine learning. The labelled data set comes from an online website called Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets), which contains movie review information. Algorithms like the lexicon-based approach and the BERT neural networks are trained using the chosen IMDb movie reviews data set. To discover which model performs the best at predicting the sentiment analysis, the constructed models will be assessed on the test set using evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. Results: From the conducted experimentation the BERT neural network model is the most efficient algorithm in classifying the IMDb movie reviews into positive and negative sentiments. This model achieved the highest accuracy score of 90.67% over the trained data set, followed by the BoW model with an accuracy of 79.15%, whereas the TF-IDF model has 78.98% accuracy. BERT model has the better precision and recall with 0.88 and 0.92 respectively, followed by both BoW and TF-IDF models. The BoW model has a precision and recall of 0.79 and the TF-IDF has a precision of 0.79 and a recall of 0.78. And also the BERT model has the highest F1 score of 0.88, followed by the BoW model having a F1 score of 0.79 whereas, TF-IDF has 0.78. Conclusions: Among the two models evaluated, the lexicon-based approach and the BERT transformer neural network, the BERT neural network is the most efficient, having a good performance score based on the measured performance criteria.

Using satellite data to calculate entropy of electrons at collisionless shocks

Berglund, Sofie, Wallner, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The solar wind is a supersonic flow of protons and electrons emitted in all directions from the sun. As the supersonic solar wind encounters Earth’s magnetic field, it creates the Earth’s bow shock, which increases the kinetic entropy of electrons passing through it. In this study, the aim is to analyze shock crossings of Earth’s bow shock in order to draw conclusions of which shock parameters that are important forkinetic entropy generation. Due to knowledge gained from an earlier study by M. Lindberg et al. [1], the shock crossings of interest in this study are quasi-perpendicular shocks with a low electron plasma beta. The data used is measured with the NASA MMS spacecraft and accessed through IRF Uppsala. As a result,a database with 13 shock crossings was created and the entropy change was related to, among other parameters, temperature and density change, shock angle, Alfv´en Mach number, ion ram pressure and upstream magnetic field. We found that a highAlfv´en Mach number related nearly proportionally to a large change in electron entropy for low electron plasma beta quasiperpendicularcollisionless shock crossing. / Solvinden består av protoner och elektroner som emitteras ut från solen i alla riktningar med enorma hastigheter. När dessa partiklar, med en hastighet som överstiger signalhastigheten, träffar Jordens magnetfält uppstår Jordens bågchock. Bågchocken ökar den kinetiska entropin hos elektroner som färdas genom den. För den här studien är målet att analysera chockkorsningar vid Jordens bågchock för att kunna dra slutsatser om vilka chockparametrar som är viktiga för generering av kinetisk entropi. Till följd av en tidigare studie av M. Lindberg et al. [1] är det endast kvasi-vinkelräta chockkorsningar med ett lågt plasma beta som denna studie avser. Den uppmätta datan erhålls från NASAs MMS satelliter och kan nås genom IRF Uppsala. Resultatet blev en databas med 13 chocker där entropiförändringen plottades mot bl. a. temperaturoch densitetsändring, chockvinkel, Alfve´n Machtal, jontrycket och magnetfältet uppströms. Det upptäcktes då att ett högt Alfve´n Mach-tal indikerade på en stor entropiökning hos kollisionslösa, kvasi-vinkelräta chockkorsningar med låga elektronplasmabeta. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

An Analysis and Interpretation of Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies of the Butte District, Montana

Ahrens, Gary Louis January 1976 (has links)
An interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies of the Butte district, Montana, is based on the analysis of five gravity profiles constructed from Bouguer gravity data of the Butte district observed during the summer of 1974 and give concurrent magnetic profiles constructed from U.S. Geological Survey high-level aeromagnetic data of the district. Of primary concern in this analysis is the interpretation of the Bouguer gravity high and aeromagnetic low associated with the Butte orebody. Results of this interpretation yield a configuration for the Butte orebody characterized by vertical contacts extending from the surface or directly beneath Cenozoic basin fill to 4,500 feet below sea level, with a central core, elongate in the north -south direction, surrounded by a variable outer zone, which is more pronounced in the southern and western portions of the district. The central core is interpreted as a region of zero magnetic susceptibility with three density distributions, all of which are of higher densities than the surrounding host rock and are related to the varying degrees of mineralization and alteration present in this region. The laterally variable outer zone is interpreted as a zone of low magnetic susceptibility with a density equal to that of the host rock. This zone is related to the peripheral mineralization and alteration of the Butte orebody.

從賓禮到禮賓—外使覲見與晚清涉外體制的變化 / From binLi to protocol: the courtesy ritual of enovys and the change of foreign-related system in the late qing dynasty

尤淑君, Yu, Shu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為結合政治史、外交史及禮儀史的著作。以學界對晚清外交的研究為基礎,聚焦於「外國公使覲見禮」的制訂,並利用晚近整理出版的多國檔案、日記、回憶錄,及藏於中央研究院近代史研究所的總理各國事務衙門檔案、外務部檔案等資料,重新討論清代賓禮體制的原型、變體及其過渡到西式外交禮儀的過程,分析中、西禮制的衝突根源,進而探討「天下秩序」與中國近代政治文化的關聯。經本論文的考察,研究成果有四。 本論文先概論清代「賓禮體制」的運作過程,並說明康熙、雍正年間的「賓禮體制」具有相當大的彈性空間,其制禮原則不只是「朝貢禮」,還有用於不稱臣納貢者的「客禮」,作為「朝貢禮」的補充。 其次,說明咸豐君臣在《天津條約》的約束下,不得不允許公使駐京等條款。但總理各國事務衙門的設立,不完全是清政府因應對外交涉的新局面,更多是出於維護「賓禮體制」的考量,並延續過去「督撫外交」的成例,由三口通商大臣、五口通商大臣作為對外交涉的第一線。 再者,總理各國事務衙門援引康熙、雍正年間款待俄國使節團之事,重新提出「客禮」,讓「鞠躬禮」與「跪拜禮」不再是絕對的對立,反而有變通的空間,讓外國公使得行「鞠躬禮」。清政府利用「客禮」概念,以「天下秩序」包容歐美各國與中國的政治關係,再將外國公使定位為皇帝的「客臣」,並將「外國公使覲見禮」解釋為皇帝優禮外使的恩典,遂得到中國官民的認同,維護皇帝作為「天子」的至尊地位。 第四,《辛丑和約》簽訂後,清政府雖透過擯者轉譯的方式,讓外國公使仍是皇帝的「客臣」,不致出現君臣逆位的狀況,但清政府只能在形式上維持皇帝的權威。外務部不能再像過去那樣用「名分秩序」,作為涉外禮儀的制禮原則,「西禮中用」已是不可避免的趨勢,表示清政府無法再以「天下秩序」包容歐美各國與中國的關係,只能藉由「國際法」的慣例,利用條約去約束外國官民的行動,以挽回中國的利權。 最後,經本論文對「外國公使覲見禮」的考察,得知「賓禮」到「禮賓」的改變,並非一蹴而成的,也不是全出於外國公使的逼迫。清政府面對外來刺激時,自有其內部轉換的機制,不僅有外在形式上的變革,更有內在觀念的調整,故清政府提出「客禮」概念,作為中禮與西禮的過渡禮儀,也是「天下秩序」與「國際法」的思想銜接。當「客禮」無法再解釋公使請覲,清政府廢除禮部,「賓禮體制」宣告結束,「天下秩序」也不再是清政府對外關係的中心思想。

Méthodologie pour l’analyse et la prévention du risque d’accidents technologiques induits par l’inondation (Natech) d’un site industriel / Risk analysis methodology for the prevention of technological accidents triggered by flooding of industrial facilities (Natech)

El HAJJ, Carine 07 November 2013 (has links)
Un évènement Natech est un accident TECHnologique provoqué par l’impact d’un aléa NAturel sur une installation industrielle. Cet accident peut porter atteinte à l’extérieur de l’emprise du site, aux personnes, aux biens ou à l’environnement. L’objectif de ce travail est de mettre au point une méthodologie pour l’analyse et la prévention du risque d’accidents technologiques induits par l’inondation (Natech inondation) d’un site industriel. La méthodologie repose, dans un premier temps, sur une étude des Retours d’Expériences. Il a été identifié que les accidents Natech sont imputables à un rejet de matières dangereuses sur des équipements dits critiques endommagés directement ou indirectement par les eaux d’inondation. Les rejets de matières dangereuses vont amener à trois types d’accidents (incendie, pollution, explosion). Dans un deuxième temps, la méthode MADS-MOSAR a été adaptée à l’application aux accidents Natech inondation. L’analyse a abouti à cinq scénarios génériques d’accident Natech inondation sous forme de cinq nœuds papillons. Une soixantaine de Mesures de Maîtrise de Risque de prévention et de protection ont été identifiées. La validation de la complétude et de la plausibilité des nœuds papillons génériques est effectuée, d’une part, à l’échelle du secteur d’activité de traitement de surface et, d’autre part, à l’échelle spécifique d’établissements industriels. Ce travail a abouti à un outil de diagnostic de la vulnérabilité d’une installation industrielle aux accidents Natech inondation, accompagné d’un catalogue de MMR. Enfin, ce diagnostic a été appliqué sur un site industriel afin d’évaluer son mode opératoire et de l’enrichir par l’expérimentation. / A Natech accident is the impact of a NAtural event on an industrial plant (such as an ICPE- Classified Installation for the Environmental Protection). The impact can trigger a TECHnological accident, damaging the vicinity of the industrial facility (inhabitants, their properties and the environment). The final objective of this work is to develop a risk analysis methodology for the prevention of technological accidents triggered by flooding of industrial facilities. Therefore, the work begins with an analysis of past technological accidents triggered by floods. Thus, it was identified that Natech accidents are the consequences of hazardous materials releases from critical equipment, which in turn are damaged directly and indirectly by flood waters. Depending on the type of hazardous substances released, three categories of technological accidents are observed (fire, pollution and explosion). Afterwards, a risk analysis methodology was developed. It is mainly based on the MADS-MOSAR method, which was modified in order to be adapted to the Natech issue. The analysis resulted in the identification of five generic scenarios of technological accidents triggered by floods that can occur within an industrial installation. These scenarios were represented using the bow-tie tool. Then, around sixty preventive and protective measures were identified. The validation of the elaborated scenarios was done, on one hand, in the surface treatment industrial sector and, on the other hand, in two specific industrial facilities. The validation phase helped to test the completeness and plausibility of the generic scenarios, as well as the relevance of the measures previously identified. Furthermore, the validated scenarios were used to develop a checklist helping operators to decrease the vulnerability of their industrial facilities to technological accidents triggered by floods, along with a catalog of preventive and protective measures. Finally, the tool was applied to an industrial installation in order to enhance it and test its relevance by operators.

Análise do desempenho luminoso através de uma janela em sacada : estudo comparativo para os climas de Maceió, Brasil e Valparaíso, Chile.

Kähni, Amaya Glaría 23 April 2010 (has links)
This present dissertation focuses on the study of the daylight performance produced by the use of Bow Window in the residential sector. The system Bow Window is a simply designed window facing outward from the façade. Moreover this architectural element is influenced by a multitude of cultural trends and imported from various parts of the world. Nowadays in Chile the use of such windows has been largely used, regardless of the climatic aspects. Similarly, in Brazil, these architectural elements been used in the same way. The investigation has considered the Bow Window as a space in between more likely as a intermedium space, therefore the focus of this research project is to contribute to the daylight performance of the above named spaces. The methodology used involves the comparative study between Bow Window and simple window in dwellings in two cities; Maceió, Brazil and Valparaíso, Chile. In addition to this, the methodology includes the analysis of vertical and horizontal solar protection.The study was carried out using software as the main tool TropLux. The base case was a room model including Bow Window in its configuration. From the results can be concluded that the Bow Window contribute to the daylight uniformity within the model, due it can decrease the high iluminance in the closest areas near to the studied window when compared with a standard window. Furthermore, the horizontal and vertical sun protections applied to Bow Window have shown to be useful to decrease the high daylight levels, particularly in the areas with higher solar radiation according to the Bow Window orientation and hourly transition. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A presente pesquisa estuda a influência luminosa produzida no uso da Janela em Sacada em habitações. A "Janela em Sacada" é um tipo de janela saliente da fachada, de desenho sensível à influência dos movimentos culturais. Este espaço de vidro foi importado pelos diversos lugares no mundo. Na atualidade, no caso de Chile, seu uso tem sido intenso e indiscriminado, produzindo um elemento arquitetônico que desconsidera os aspectos climáticos. No entanto, no caso de Brasil, também vêm sendo utilizadas algumas configurações similares destes espaços de transição. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é contribuir para o estudo dos espaços de transição, por meio da análise do desempenho luminoso da Janela em Sacada . A metodologia utilizada consiste em um estudo comparativo do desempenho luminoso entre uma Janela em Sacada e janelas simples, para as cidades de Maceió, Brasil e Valparaíso, Chile; incluindo a utilização de protetores solares verticais e horizontais. As simulações realizam-se por meio de simulação computacional através do software TropLux, utilizando-se um modelo padrão de sala que inclui a Janela em Sacada em sua configuração. Dos resultados e análise, pode-se concluir que a Janela em Sacada contribui com um maior ganho da iluminação nos ambientes, esta janela diminui o desempenho luminoso comparado com uma janela simples, até um 18%, principalmente na área perto da abertura, o que poderia contribuir com uma maior uniformidade luminosa na sala. Em relação a uma janela simples com beiral, a Janela em Sacada aumentará os níveis de iluminâncias, em até um 13%; contribuição gerada pela influência do plano inferior desta janela, que atua como elemento refletor. E, o uso de protetores solares na configuração desta janela, ajuda a diminuir, em até 50%, os altos níveis de iluminação das áreas com maior radiação, segundo a orientação e hora do dia.

Développement de techniques de mesure de surfaces libres par moyens optiques : application à l'analyse de l'écoulement généré par un modèle de bateau en bassin des carènes / Development of optical methods for free surface measurements : applications for the analysis of ship waves in a towing tank

Gomit, Guillaume 02 December 2013 (has links)
Le développement de techniques de mesure optiques de surfaces libres permettant la mesure des ondes générées par un modèle de navire en bassin des carènes est proposé dans ce mémoire. Trois méthodes, toutes basées sur un système de prises de vues stéréoscopiques, sont présentées. La première repose sur l'emploi de procédures d'inter-corrélation des images des caméras composant le système de stéréovision. La seconde s'appuie sur la théorie de la réfraction de la lumière au travers de l'interface air/eau. La troisième méthode est basée sur l'identification des projections de faisceaux laser sur la surface libre vue par un système stéréoscopique. Ces méthodes sont appliquées à la mesure du champ de vague autour d'un modèle de navire tracté dans le bassin des carène de l'Institut Pprime et dans un bassin des carènes de grande taille (B600 de la DGA Techniques hydrodynamique) et permettent la reconstruction et l'analyse du sillage. Les principales caractéristiques des champs de vagues et leurs dépendances au nombre de Froude sont étudiées en détail. Afin de compléter l'étude de l'écoulement généré par le modèle de navire, des mesures de PIV stéréoscopique autour de la carène, des mesures spécifiques de la vague d'étrave et des simulations numériques sont réalisées. L'ensemble de ces données permettent l'analyse de champs de vitesse tridimensionnelle proche de la coque et l'identification du lien des caractéristiques du champ de vague de l'étrave jusqu'au champ lointain. / This thesis presents the development of optical measurement techniques for applications to the analysis of free surface waves generated by ship models in towing tanks. Three methods based on stereoscopic systems are presented. The first is based on the cross-correlation of images of the free surface, the second on the theory of the refraction of light through the air / water interface and the third method on the projection of laser beams on the free surface viewed by a stereoscopic system. These three methods are applied to measure the wave field around ship models towed in the towing tank of the Pprime Institute and in a large towing tank (B600 DGA hydrodynamic techniques). These measurements allow the reconstruction and analysis of the ship wake. To complete the study of the flow generated by the ship model, stereoscopic PIV measurements around the hull, specific measurements of the bow wave and numerical simulations are performed. These data allow the analysis of three-dimensional velocity fields close to the hull and the study of the characteristics of the ship waves from the bow wave to the far field.

Néandertal en armes ? : des armes, et de l'arc, au tournant du 50ème millénaire en France méditerranéenne / Neandertal in arms ? : about weapons, and bow, at the turn of the 50th millennium in Mediterranean France

Metz, Laure 14 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail consiste en l’étude fonctionnelle de la séquence supérieure de la Grotte Mandrin (du 55 au 43ème millénaire) en France méditerranéenne. Dans cette séquence, le niveau Néronien de la Grotte Mandrin apparaît comme une anomalie, tant d’un point de vue technique, que fonctionnel. Sa profusion de pointes, leur caractère non seulement microlithique mais plus encore standardisé m’a amené à réfléchir sur la finalité de ces productions. Quelle est la signification de cette signature associant standardisation et microlithisation réelle au sein d’une unique unité de cette vaste séquence archéologique ? Au travers d’une étude fonctionnelle spécifiquement orientée vers la recherche, la détermination et la compréhension des associations de stigmates d’impact, une méthode d’approche, l’étude impactologique, est ici exposée à partir de la constitution d’un référentiel expérimental original. L’étude impactologique des pointes de Mandrin E révèle qu’au moins 15,5 % d’entre-elles ont été utilisées comme partie vulnérante ou perforante d’arme. Le module extrêmement réduit de ces micro- et nanopointes induit une inertie pondérale particulièrement faible que seul un système de propulsion à très forte énergie cinétique peut compenser. La réflexion a donc porté sur le mode de propulsion employé permettant de rendre effectif et efficace ces pointes de très faible dimension. Les résultats amènent à la conclusion que seul un système de propulsion tel que l’arc a pu compenser la faible énergie cinétique des tous petits éléments impactés découverts à Mandrin E. / This work is an use-wear analysis of the upper sequence of Grotte Mandrin in Mediterranean France (from the 55th to 43rd millennium). In this sequence, the Neronian level of Grotte Mandrin appears as an anomaly, both from a technical and a functional perspective. Its profusion of points and their not only microlithic but also standardized character prompts reflection on the purpose of these productions. What is the meaning of this signature, combining standardization and real microlithization within a single unit of this vast archaeological sequence? Through a functional study specifically oriented toward research, determination and understanding of the associations of impact scars, a method of approach, an impact study, is presented here, and constructed from a systematic, original experiment. An impactological study of the Mandrin E points reveals that at least 15.5% of them were used as weapons. In the absence of any other criteria revealing other functions, and in view of the exceptionally high rate of impacted pieces, we must consider whether all of these small objects belong directly and exclusively to the sphere of armaments. The extreme reduction of these micro- and nanopoints results in a particularly weak inert weight that can only be compensated for by a propulsion system with very high kinetic energy. Attention has therefore been focused on the mode of propulsion used to make these very small, sometimes less than a centimeter, points effective and efficient. The results lead to the conclusion that only a propulsion system such as the bow would be able to offset the low kinetic energy of all of these small impacted elements discovered at Mandrin E.

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