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日月潭紅茶智慧資源規劃 / Intellectual resources planning in Sun Moon Lake black tea陳映如, Chen,Yin Ju Unknown Date (has links)
日月潭紅茶是台灣魚池鄉的地區特色茶,得天獨厚的風土條件下,有足以與世界紅茶相提並論的優良品質及悠久歷史,但沒有相應的價格及知名度。本研究以智慧資源規劃的觀點分析當地紅茶產業事實及市場概況,歸納優質農產品背後的智慧資源所創造的競爭優勢,進行產品定位。在既有的營運模式下導入智慧資源規劃思維,結合實體商品及智慧資源,發揮綜效(synergy),創造更高的市場價格。日月潭紅茶產業以自產、自製、自銷的小農為主,私品牌林立,形成許多小供應鏈,資源整合不易。價值活動中存在茶樹育種人員品種權保護意識不足、茶葉相關技術過度專利化且未能廣泛應用於產業、茶作及製茶技術欠缺流程化管理、日月潭紅茶品質及產地認證標準不具公信力、技術竅門多內隱在人身上等問題,削弱商品的競爭優勢。當地紅茶產業參與者宜依照不同環節的價值活動,規劃各類智慧資源的優先順序,強化產製銷一元化的小茶農競爭優勢,其中徹底導入產銷履歷制度,將是整合日月潭紅茶各類智慧資源的重要推手。 / Sun Moon Lake black tea is a local tea growth in the specific area of Yuchi in Taiwan. Although its fine quality, owing to Yuchi’s unique growing conditions with long history comparable to world-renowned black teas, but lacks corresponding price and popularity. Intellectual Resources Planning (“IRP”) is a method for conducting industry and market research, including intellectual resources to identify competitive advantages in product positioning. IRP involves a combination of tangible products as well as intellectual resources into an existing business model to maximize value. Currently most of the teas in Yuchi are sold by individual farmers, various private labels and small supply chains are formed independently, making it difficult to integrate resources. Other problems which lead to weaken competitiveness include inadequate plant variety rights, over-patenting of methods and technologies, insufficient documentation in tea production, low credibility of geographical indications of the products, and the fact that tea production techniques are largely tacit knowledge. For the above reasons, Yuchi’s tea industry should prioritize intellectual resources depending on the core content of value activities to strengthen the competitive advantages of small tea farmers. It is also critical to implement traceability systems to track the authentic products so as to the credibility can be preserved and defend.
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“策略、創新與營運模式”整合模型之研究 - 以戴爾、捷威與宏碁等個人電腦國際品牌公司為例 / The integrated model of strategy, innovation, and business model - A case study for Dell, Gateway, and Acer廖忠雄, Liau, Jung Shiung Unknown Date (has links)
自二十世紀的第三次工業革命(原子能、計算機、與空間技術)以來,由科技帶動全世界半個世紀的進步。在1950至1980年代,企業利用經濟規模提昇產業效率蔚為顯學。90年代以後,人類各項生活基本需求早已被滿足無虞。此時,創新且差異化的營運模式(Business Model)成了企業存在的必要條件。理論上,消費者的需求無所不在,各產業的產品與服務亦無奇不有,而且每個企業更有其賴以生存的特點與優勢,因而適合個別企業發展的營運模式理應也有不少的選項。若果真如此,何以許多企業在一次又一次的競爭中被殘酷地淘汰?而存活的企業中,亦仍有不少在生存與競爭的大海裡掙扎,試圖脫困。
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電子書產業商業模式之可行性分析與探討 / The analysis of business model in E-book industry黃如妤 Unknown Date (has links)
Amazon於2007年推出了電子書專用閱讀器Kindle後,帶動了全球數位閱讀之風潮,與電子書產業的蓬勃發展。然而,隨著電子書產業發展至今,數位內容與電子書專用閱讀器分別面臨著各自的挑戰:數位內容具有高開發成本及近乎零元的再製成本之特性,使其可輕易地流通於網路空間中,而著作權人則不易從中獲得應得的版權收益;硬體部分,電子書專用閱讀器面臨平板電腦與智慧型手機的夾殺,導致其於銷售市場上較不如前兩者受消費者青睞。面對如此困境,電子書產業鏈上各角色之廠商該如何應對,並極大化收益。 本研究認為免費之商業模式將是可行辦法之一。係此,本研究透過分析「零元手機」以及「iPod」兩個不同類型的個案,找尋出各自於市場上如何以免費商業模式獲取成功之因素,並探討其於電子書產業中得否亦可以發揮效果,且該免費商業模式為何。
研究顯示,硬體為主要獲利來源,而免費提供數位內容之模式並無法成功運行於電子書產業,主因為硬體本身毛利並不足以補貼數位內容的虧損,且硬體與數位內容兩者之間互補性不強;反之,透過銷售數位內容獲利,而以免費電子書專用閱讀器以吸引消費者,盡而快速累積使用群體,此為較可行之免費商業模式。研究並指出,教育與商用市場將是未來電子書產業廠商可積極佈局之利基市場。 / After Amazon launched Kindle in 2007, digital reading became the spotlight of the world and the eBook industry has been growing vigorously. However, digital content and e-readers are facing their own challenge respectively: high development cost but low duplicating cost. It is easy to copy the files on the internet, but it is difficult for the copyright owners to retrieve the deserved profit; as for the hardware, e-reader is facing the keen competition of tablets and smart phones and is no longer attractive to customers on the market. Under these challenging circumstances, how can each entity on the supply chain of E-book industry react and maximize their profits? This research assumes that free business model would be one of the possible solutions. In this research, “iPod” and “Zero-Price Handset” are selected as two different types of case study. This research tries to figure out what the key successful factors are in these two cases and discusses how these factors can fit in the eBook industry and the possibility of creating success or achieving their goal. If the answer is positive, then what the business model would be?
This research shows that “Free digital content, Hardware sales as profit source” model cannot work in eBook industry. The main reason would be that the net profit of hardware cannot compensate the shortage of free digital content. On the other hand, the net profit of selling digital content would definitely compensate the shortage of free hardware, because the sales of digital content are continuous instead of one-time sale. What is more, free hardware could attract more potential customer and accumulate a huge amount of customer base. This model would be one of the possible solutions. This research also points out that educational and commercial market are niche markets for eBook companies and they should set strategies aggressively base on that fact.
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都市植物工廠創新經營模式分析 / A strategic analysis of the business models on urban plant factory鄭英男, Cheng, Ying Nan Unknown Date (has links)
農作物生長,極易受到氣候如豪雨、颱風、高低溫、寒害、病蟲害等威脅,農民常年使用的農藥、化學肥料等都已被證實,有造成食品安全及水源污染之疑慮,且人口增加、生質燃料的轉作,對糧食供給產生排擠效應。應用溫室設施、水耕栽培技術及 IT 科技,控制植物生長所需光源、溫濕度、養份、病蟲害等環境的「植物工廠」,配合立體及多層架栽培,使農產品能依工業化流程生產及品質管控之新營運模式, 儼然已成為各國解決糧食問題、降低 Food Miles 及碳足跡重要課題。
本研究收集及分析國外植物工廠企業化經營的現況及問題點,運用由外而內(Outside-in)的產業結構分析(亦稱為機會基礎的成長策略),找尋企業可進入、可獲利的產業機會,從利潤創造公式展開成各種價值動因 ( Value Driver ),把經營重點轉移到營運初期的規劃, 與重點項目評估, 使其能在營運期間的創造價值,進一步與植物工廠運作功能結合, 整理出經營的 9 個價值創造動因,包含單價、單位栽種密度、栽培架層數、栽培面積、年周轉數、平均良率、營運成本、投入成本及使用年限。
找出目前消費者的價值主張, 運用創新、一致、可執行的商業模式來執行及延續,並擬定出企業的策略系統圖 (Strategic Activity System ),經由關鍵的策略活動,執行策略及細部戰術。 / This research aims at the strategic analysis of the business model on the Urban Plant Factory for the future development in Taiwan.
The growth of crops is highly vulnerable by climate like heavy rain, typhoon, hot and cold weather, pests etc. Furthermore, the food safety and underground water pollution concerns caused by agricultural pesticides and fertilizers spread. In addition, worldwide population growth and biomass fuels converted create a big pressure to the food supply chain. The " Plant Fatory " uses the greenhouse, hydroponics and IT technology to control light, temperature, humidity, nutrients, pests and disease of the corps growth environment, and the multi-layer cultivation shelf facilities, and the industrial production & quality control technology of new business model to solve the food problem has become an important topic, and solution to reduce foot mils and carbon footprint.
In this study, collect and analyse oversea's Urban Plant Factory commerical reports and problems they faced, using the Outside-in strategy of the industrial structure analysis (also known as opportunity-based growth strategy), to find out the company's profitable cut-in opportunities. From the EBIT equation, to develope a variety of value drivers and apply the drivers to the Plant Factory''s management and dialy operation, and focus on the key success factors of the initial business planning and evaluation of the Plant Factory, enabling the value creation during the operationg period. Furthermore, combined with Plant Factory functions and identify nine value creation factors including price, the unit density of planting, cultivation shelf layers, the cultivation total area, annual turnover, annual average yields, operating costs, initial costs and life period.
With current proper value proposition, using the innovative, valuable, consistent, executable business model to implement and extend, and develop the Strategic Activity System to find out the key strategic actions to implement the strategy.
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數位時代下文化創意產業營運模式創新研究 / A research on business model innovation of cultural creative industry in the digital era王馨晨 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 營運面—數位科技驅使文創業者異業結盟或跨足科技領域經營/網路平台拉近產業上下游距離,造成合作夥伴改變/設計新思維/網路效率提高產品替換率。
2. 產品面—加深消費者體驗/融入趣味化元素/更豐富多元與實惠之產品/創造新型態藝術作品。
3. 顧客面—產品通路不斷創新/社群經營提高顧客互動性與黏著度/創造精準行銷新管道/行銷工具多媒體化並無所不在/開拓年輕新族群/服務升級。
4. 財務面—降低成本/改變內容業者獲利模式/延長產品生命週期,增加獲利能力/集體行銷,創造群聚效應/累積小眾市場,發揮長尾經濟。
欲成功藉科技之力成功推動轉型爭取競爭優勢,文創業者必須了解數位環境經營的特殊性、爭取上層支持、聆聽消費者聲音、保持獲利模式彈性,並搭乘科技轉型列車,不斷解決問題與創新。本研究希冀幫助文創業者深入了解數位科技所帶來之創新與加值,提供其在思考現狀突破以及數位時代下經營之參考。 / Rapid technology advancement brings overwhelming influences on people’s lives and behaviors in digital era. The use of technologies becomes more and more crucial to the development of business. The purpose of this study is to find out how companies in cultural and creative industries improve core competence by leveraging Information and Communication Technologies.
This study focuses on latest ICT that is used within 7 years from the beginning of Web2.0 until March 2012. The study includes 38 business model innovation cases with content analysis as the primary research method, to conclude the influence of technologies on 4 business model pillars in cultural creative industry---Infrastructure, product, customer, finance. The thesis also delves into progress and insight of how two cases successfully transform business by using technologies.
The finding shows that in order to transform successfully by leveraging ICT, company leaders need to understand the different requirements in digital business environment, to gain as much support from company superiors as possible, to listen to customers, to keep flexibility, and to keep solving problems. The purpose of this study is to help companies in cultural creative industry have better understanding of the digital environment, grab opportunities in time, and keep competitive edges in digital era.
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有機產業為型企業之經營模式 / Study on the Business Model of Micro-Enterprises of Organic Products賴惠敏, Lai, Hui Min Unknown Date (has links)
一、 有機產品微型企業的創業動機通常來自於本身親身經歷,進而對有機產品的信賴而深入學習、研究與著手經營。
二、 有機產品微型企業在產品與服務上多元發展,基本產品線包括有機蔬果及健康食品類外,亦注重與消費者交流的服務搭配。
三、 有機產品之微型企業經營模式及通路佈局通常以實體店面主,網路或虛擬通路為輔,並注重與顧客的交流。
四、 有機產品微型企業在關鍵成功因素層面,通常無形資產來得比有形資產重要,而財務資產則以自己資金創業為主。
五、 未來有機產業的發展可能朝向制度化、專業分工或連鎖店的經營模式。 / In recent years, the rises of the consumption level and environmental protection concepts make consumers more pay attention to the health and safety of food. It is the main reason that makes the organic enterprises vigorous. Now there are many large-scale enterprises investing in the organic industry, and also many micro-enterprises involving in. The thesis aims at the business model of these organic enterprises, the key successful factors (KSF) of how to start an enterprise, and what is the future about the organic industry. Through the related literature analysis and cases study, we find some important points as followings:
1. Most enterprisers thanks to themselves experiences and further learn more about how to organize and maintain the organic business.
2. The micro-enterprises of organic products always have a variety of products and service, including organic vegetables and fruit, and emphasize on how to contact customers closer.
3. For the micro-enterprises of organic products, physical channels are primary, and virtual channels are secondary.
4. For the KSF of these micro-enterprises, intangible assets are more important than tangible assets, and the financial assets are mainly the micro-enterprisers funds.
5. In the future, the organic industry might become more systematic, profession divisional, and lead to the chain stores business model.
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室內兒童樂園導入品格教育經營模式創新之研究─以騎士堡國際事業股份有限公司為例 / The innovation of indoor kid's playground withimporting morality education. A Case Study of Kidsburgh Co.蔡政雄, Tsai, Chang Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為探索性個案研究(case study method),選擇體驗式服務極具代表性的騎士堡公司為個案研究對象,除了擁有兒童品格教育結合商業平臺的豐富經驗外,更創造出經營模式創新的實績。在經營模式及營運成效構面部份,選擇哈佛大學學者Applegate(2001)提出的經營模式,以概念、能力與價值三要素組成,探討室內兒童樂園導入品格教育對經營模式創新的影響。
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A Study of management strategy for Taiwan information service industry -The case of Taiwan IBMKu, Chien-Kuo 17 July 2006 (has links)
The study is a retrospective and summarized the related subjected and jounals of corelations.The accumulated materials and subjects let us understanding the present trend of the bussiness,the strategy,tendency and point of profit that attracts.This study also let us have a view of how International Bussiness Machine(IBM) becomes a leading star in the field of electronic technology bussiness.This study including the analysis of organizatin,porduct,diferent of market,the strategy of market,the service and inventive value.In essentials,the 5 points of successful elements is(1)the high value of bussiness culture,(2)attrative salary and benefits,(3)efficient leadership,(4)invention,(5)decrease the fixed consumtions and costs.The author also want to present the difference between the past and present change in this area of competitions and maturation of the markets.Either the red ocean strategy of market percentage increase or the mainly inventive leading of blue ocean strategy,the leading man should have a view of complete understanding of the changing markets and opportunity at the changing moments.We all know even excellent company will lose to 2nd on time by other competitor.Ultimately,the one who invented the strategy of blue ocean that make up a strong profitable revenue is in commonplace that need our further study.The author of this article want to make dicussions on the competitive invention and new strategy that make the electronic technology a pace ahead the others and make it the out-standing business of the others.
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IMAGINE : An Intelligent Electonic MarketplaceRajagopal, A 02 1900 (has links)
In recent times, the Internet revolution has spawned numerous innovative enterprises-virtual companies, and electronic markets. Electronic markets (or digital markets) are scalable web-based platforms for buyers, sellers, marketmakers, and brokers to carry out business transactions. Over the last two years, there has been a proliferation of such E-Markets on the web.
In this thesis, we develop an E-marketplace, which we call IMAGINE (Intelligent Market with AGents and Integrative NEgotiations) that improves upon the existing state-of-the-art in several non-trivial ways. IMAGINE combines the best features of existing E-marketplaces with several innovations. The thesis describes the conceptualization, analysis, and design of IMAGINE and provides details of implementation of a prototype of IMAGINE at the Electronic Enterprises Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science.
IMAGINE is a collaborative, co-operative, intelligent E-Market that maximizes the combined utility value of the all traders involved. IMAGINE has several distinctive features:
• It uses an innovative business model, which is intelligent in the sense of perceiving
the nature of the market and market forces and using this market intelligence in
matching buyers with sellers and in determining the prices.
• It uses integrative negotiations, which make it attractive for buyers and sellers to
reveal their true business interests and valuations.
• A sound and robust software architecture for a web-based implementation using
best practices in object technology.
• Implementation of a prototype of IMAGINE has been carried out using leading edge
Internet technologies such as multi-agent technology, Jini, and Javaspaces.
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電子書發展對現有出版通路之影響 -- 以誠品書店為例鄭景榮, Cheng, George Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技不斷快速進步的同時,並在數位匯流與高速通訊網路技術的發展下,多媒體資訊衍生了許許多多的應用,且由於載具的不斷創新,使得我們看電視不需局限在電視機前、看報不用弄得滿手油墨、看書也不需帶著沈重的書本、聽音樂也不用為了一首歌而花費大錢買一堆自己沒興趣聽的音樂等等。這些科技帶給人類更便利、更舒適的生活,也帶給企業運用科技創新建立了許多經營模式(business model)的機會,成功掌握機會的企業取代或瓜分了原有市場領先者的市場大餅,成為新的競爭者。
過去零售流通產業中,以「品牌連鎖通路」的經營模式企業佔有廣大的市場佔有率,為市場成功經營模式之ㄧ,但近年來於由網際網路科技的興起電子商務經營模式(e-business model)正快速的改變零售流通產業的風貌。
本研究主要以研究「線上音樂之經營模式」與「破壞性創新」二部份,試以Apple 之iTunes Music Store 之成功經營案例進行個案研究,再以創新理論分析其成功原因及其是如何產生破壞性創新。而因為數位化本身將會與資訊科技的整體環境進行連鎖反應,因此會形成許多不同的通路機會,帶來許多具破壞性創新經營模式的機會。
一、暸解國外itunes music store 的企業經營模式如何產生破壞性的創新,進而成為市場的領導者。
二、瞭解國外Amazon 網路書店企業經營模式如何產生破壞性的創新,進而成為市場的領導者。
五、在電子書的發展的機會下,提出現有出版通路可能的發展策略與方向。 / Due to the rapid development of high-speed information communication technology and digital convergence, there are more and more multimedia systems and applications. With the media innovation, we are no longer limited to watching TV only on televisions. We don’t need to get our hands with inks while reading newspapers. We don’t need to bring heavy
books for reading. Moreover, we don’t need to pay lots of money to get a CD to hear only one favorite song. These technologies make people’s lives more easily and more comfortable, and they also supply the foundation for new business models based on technology innovation.Companies which catch the opportunities start to gain market shares and may even replace the existing market leaders.
In the retailing industries, companies with the business models of brand chain stores had large market shares, and this business model was one of the successful business models in the past. However, in the recent years,
with the Internet technology, e-business models are changing the retailing industries rapidly.
Our research is focused on business models of on-line music and destructive innovation . First, we did a case study to analyze the success of the business model of Apple iTunes music store. Then, we analyzed why it succeeded and how the disruptive innovation occurred. According
to the diagnostics, digitalization itself will have the chain reactions with the overall information technology environments. These reactions bring lots channel opportunities. These channel opportunities offer the
likelihoods of creating disruptive growth. With the fierce global competitions, companies are eagerly seeking
innovation opportunities. Our research aims to offer both the enterprises and the government the direction to success in the digital industries based on systematical case studies. The purposes of our research are as follows:
1. to analyze the business model of Apple iTunes music store, how the disruptive innovation occurs, and why Apple iTunes music store becomes the market leader in USA;
2. to analyze the business model of Amazon on-line book store, how the disruptive innovation occurs, and why Amazon on-line book store becomes the market leader in USA;
3. to analyze the business model of books.com.tw on-line book store, how the disruptive innovation occurs, and why books.com.tw on-line book store becomes the market leader in Taiwan;
4. to analyze the impacts of e-commerce on publishing industries;
5. to offer the possible e-book strategies and directions to existing publishers.
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