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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emprendimiento de Mascarilla de Arroz y Bentonita: Nature Scense / Rice and Bentonite Mask Venture: Nature Scense

Bardales Gomez, Miguel Jesus, Delgado Ravichagua, Wendy Shirley, Limaylla Torres, Jose Guadalupe, Ponce de león Vargas , Renzo Andrés, Ruiz Pinedo, Carlos Alfredo 30 November 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación evalúa la implementación de un modelo de negocio basado en la producción y venta de mascarillas naturales compuesta de bentonita y arroz. El proyecto de negocio en cuestión tiene el nombre de Nature Scense, el cual está dedicado a satisfacer las necesidades más exigentes de las personas que cuidan su piel con productos totalmente naturales, libre de químicos y con la máxima eficiencia que se pueda tener. Con el fin de confirmar si el emprendimiento puede ser rentable a largo plazo, se llevaron a cabo experimentos para la validación del modelo de negocio; asimismo, se procedió a realizar entrevistas a clientes potenciales y personas expertas en el tema, pertenecientes a las ramas de dermatología y cosmetología. Por otro lado, se elaboraron diversos planes estratégicos como plan de operaciones, recursos humanos, marketing, responsabilidad social, financiero y de financiamiento, los cuales involucran a todas las áreas de la organización y se proyectaron acciones, estrategias, objetivos y metas a corto, mediano y largo plazo que aseguren el éxito del negocio a futuro. A continuación, se expondrá el análisis completo del siguiente trabajo de investigación que incluye el proceso de ideación, validación del modelo, desarrollo de plan de negocio, conclusiones, recomendaciones, bibliografía y anexos. / This research work evaluates the implementation of a business model based on the production and sale of natural masks composed of bentonite and rice. The business project in question is called Nature Scense, which is dedicated to satisfying the most demanding needs of people who take care of their skin with totally natural products, free of chemicals and with the maximum efficiency that can be had. In order to confirm whether the venture can be profitable in the long term, experiments were carried out to validate the business model; Likewise, we proceeded to conduct interviews with potential clients and experts on the subject, belonging to the branches of dermatology and cosmetology. On the other hand, various strategic plans were developed such as operations, human resources, marketing, social, financial and financing responsibility that involve all areas of the organization and actions, strategies, objectives and goals were projected in the short, medium and long term that ensure the success of the business in the future. Next, the complete analysis of the following research work will be exposed, which includes the ideation process, model validation, business plan development, conclusions, recommendations, bibliography and annexes. / Trabajo de investigación

Emprendimiento de gomitas a base de cushuro - YUYU GUMMY’S / Cushuro-based gummies startup - YUYU GUMMYS

Chacon Fernandez, Axel Nicolas, López Echevarría, Miluska Victoria, Montenegro Espinoza, Diego Alonso, Macedo Bartolo, Joaquin Homero, Oré Rodríguez, Rodrigo Fernando 12 November 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, existe una tendencia creciente por llevar un estilo de vida saludable, el cual no solo consta de realizar actividades físicas, sino se debe tener una alimentación balanceada que aporte los nutrientes y vitaminas necesarias e indispensables para el ser humano en su día a día. Además, a raíz de la coyuntura las personas se han visto forjadas a preocuparse por su salud y reforzar sus defensas con la finalidad tener un buen sistema inmunológico que los ayude a combatir cualquier enfermedad. Es así tras analizar el panorama se optó por realizar un producto saludable para la industria y nació Yuyu Gummy’s. Yuyu Gummy’s son gomitas que tienen como insumo principal el cushuro, el cual es un alga que crece principalmente en zonas andinas, esta no es muy conocida y su característica de superfood es porque contiene alto porcentaje de proteínas, calcio y hierro, convirtiéndolo en un alimento excelente para temas de nutrición. Asimismo, las gomitas cuentan con otra característica resaltante ya que no contienen azúcares añadidos, esto se debe a que para su elaboración se utiliza el fruto del monje, otro superfood que le brinda la dulzura al producto logrando que el consumidor asimile dichos antioxidantes de forma diferente. Gracias a las características anteriormente mencionadas es que Yuyu Gummy’s logrará que las personas puedan seguir consumiendo productos golosinarios sin descuidar su salud. Por otro lado, se sabe que la industria de las golosinas es altamente competitiva, ya que dentro de esta ya existen marcas altamente posicionadas las cuales cuentan con un gran porcentaje de participación, es así como para el proyecto se ha empleado las metodologías blandas: Lean Startup y Design Thinking; con la finalidad de conocer al consumidor y posicionar a la marca en el mercado peruano y en la mente del peruano como una alternativa rica y saludable. / At present, there is a growing trend to lead a healthy lifestyle, which not only consists of physical activities, but also must have a balanced diet that provides the necessary and essential nutrients and vitamins for human beings in their day to day. In addition, as a result of the situation, people have been forged to worry about their health and strengthen their defenses in order to have a good immune system that helps them fight any disease. Thus, after analyzing the panorama, it was decided to make a healthy product for the industry and Yuyu Gummy’s was born. Yuyu Gummy's are gummies whose main input is cushuro, which is an alga that grows mainly in Andean areas, this is not well known and its superfood characteristic is because it contains a high percentage of protein, calcium and iron, making it a food excellent for nutrition topics. Likewise, the gummies have another outstanding characteristic since they do not contain added sugars, this is because the monk fruit is used for its preparation, another superfood that gives the product sweetness, making the consumer assimilate these antioxidants in a different way. Thanks to the aforementioned characteristics, Yuyu Gummy’s will ensure that people can continue consuming sweet products without neglecting their health. On the other hand, it is known that the confectionery industry is highly competitive, since within it there are already highly positioned brands which have a large percentage of participation, this is how soft methods have been used for the project: Lean Startup and Design Thinking; in order to get to know the consumer and position the brand in the Peruvian market and in the Peruvian mind as a rich and healthy alternative. / Trabajo de investigación

Emprendimiento – Chocolate a base de cushuro como refuerzo del sistema inmunológico / Entrepreneurship - Cushuro-based Chocolate as an immune system booster

Alvitres Reyes, Jeancarlo, Anchirayco Espino, Miguel Ángel, Blanco Barrionuevo, Ambar Pilar, Guzmán Culqui, Lenin, Luperdi Raymundo, Lady Elizabeth 04 December 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de ejecutar el modelo de negocio de Chocolate a base de cushuro es ofrecer un producto innovador que responde a la necesidad de brindar una golosina saludable para aquellos niños que estén acostumbrados a consumir comida chatarra y no estén acostumbrados a comer sanamente, o no se alimenten bien. El producto se elabora con insumos que ofrecen una serie de beneficios para la salud del consumidor, puesto que tiene alto contenido en vitaminas, minerales y proteínas lo cual ayuda a elevar el sistema inmunológico del niño. Por ello, se realizaron investigaciones con padres de familia pertenecientes a los niveles socioeconómicos A y B de Lima Metropolitana, quienes tienen hijos entre los 6 y 12 años de edad y que se preocupen por su alimentación, y se obtuvo como resultado que los padres de familia buscan encontrar un producto fácil de consumir, como el chocolate, y a su vez brinde un gran aporte nutricional en la salud del niño, principalmente que ayuden a elevar el sistema inmune, como es el cushuro. Por consiguiente, nuestro producto responde a la problemática, convirtiéndolo potencialmente en un producto innovador y de calidad. / The objective of executing the Cushuro-based Chocolate business model is to offer an innovative product that responds to the need to provide a healthy treat for those children who are used to consuming junk food and are not used to eating healthy, or not eat well. The product is made with inputs that offer a series of benefits for the health of the consumer, since it has a high content of vitamins, minerals and proteins which helps to raise the child's immune system. For this reason, research was carried out with parents belonging to socioeconomic levels A and B of Metropolitan Lima, who have children between 6 and 12 years of age and who worry about their diet, and the result was that the parents of The family seeks to find a product that is easy to consume, such as chocolate, and at the same time provides a great nutritional contribution to the child's health, mainly that helps to raise the immune system, such as cushuro. Consequently, our product responds to the problem, potentially turning it into an innovative and quality product. / Trabajo de investigación


Söderbom Olsson, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
Pharmaceutical residues are passing our wastewater treatment plants and flowing out in to the nature. The medical substances are built to affect different processes in our bodies, but also affect other species and increase the risk of developing multi resistant bacterial strains, not curable with antibiotics. This has made wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) interested in investing in pharmaceutical removal. This study describes what criteria that are important to consider when choosing technology for pharmaceutical removal, and presents a model for the WWTPs to use when choosing pharmaceutical removal technology. Secondly, the study presents a reasoning regarding business model concepts. These concepts are presented to aid suppliers of pharmaceutical removal technology, when designing their business models. The method of choice is a qualitative research study based on interviews and document analysis. / Aktiva läkemdelssubstanser passerar idag våra reningsverk oförändrade och rinner ut i naturen. Dessa substanser är tillverkade för att påverka olika biologiska processer i våra kroppar, men de påverkar också andra arter och ökar risken för att utveckla antibiotikaresistenta bakterier som vi inte kan bota oss från. Dessa risker har gjort reningsverk intresserade av att investera i läkemedelsrening. Denna studie beskriver vilka kriterier som är viktiga att överväga vid val av teknik för läkemedelsrening och presenterar sedan en modell som reningsverk kan använda när de väljer teknik för läkemedelsrening. Ett resonemang förs också kring olika affärsmodellskoncept som kan nyttjas av leverantörer av teknik för läkemedelsrening, när de utvecklar sina affärsmodeller. Den valda metoden för studien är baserat på ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt med intervjuer och dokumentanalyser.

Investigating the elements of Customer Value Creation in a Circular Business Model : A case of a Swedish startup

Gopal Jayashree, Anirud, Ravindran, Yogeshwaran January 2020 (has links)
The circular economy and its implications on businesses have been an area of interest for researchers and firms alike. The transition has been a rough one, but many firms are moving towards sustainable practices these days, if not circular.  One of the major challenges that lie within the circular economy and circular business models is that there is very little or partial understanding of how value can be created for a customer within this realm. Moreover, complications arise when fragmented elements drive the idea behind customer value creation in a circular business model setting.     Therefore, in order to study and understand more about this concept, we performed qualitative case-study research with the help of a Swedish start-up. Our interviews included 7 actors: 2 from the case company, and 5 of their customers. An established customer value creation framework was adopted to analyze and compare with the findings from our study. This framework consists of 4 components, Functional/Instrumental value, Experiential/Hedonic Value, Cost/Sacrifice value, and Symbolic/Expressive value. Keeping this framework as the foundation for our study and by using thematic analysis, the empirical data collected was analyzed and changed to categories, initial codes, and final codes which has overarching themes from the framework used.   Firstly, the findings of the study indicate that there were a lot of similarities and differences between the opinions of the firm for value proposition and the opinion of the customers for value creation. Secondly, it indicates that each element has a unique contribution to the overall phenomenon of customer value and finally it indicates the importance for companies to focus on each element individually. We highlight in our study how each element in the framework is connected to the drivers of satisfaction to generate customer satisfaction.

Barriärer vid implementering av en cirkulär affärsmodell. : En fallstudie av ett IKEA-varuhus i Mellansverige. / Barriers when implementing a circular business model.

Gustafsson, Nora, Lindholm, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att bidra med kunskap kring de svårigheter och de barriärer som föreligger vid en implementering av en cirkulär affärsmodell. Studien utgår från ett företagsperspektiv, vilket även kompletterats med ett kundperspektiv för att skapa ett holistiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen inkluderar undersökningar kring de anställdas uppfattningar, i avseende att identifiera eventuella barriärer. Vidare inkluderas även undersökningar kring kundernas uppfattningar av IKEA:s cirkulära arbete. En kvalitativ ansats har använts då en fallstudie på ett IKEA-varuhus i Mellansverige genomförts. Ostandardiserade och halvstrukturerade intervjuer har skett, där sex anställda deltog i djupare intervjuer och nitton besökare på IKEA-varuhuset deltog i mer kortvariga intervjuer. Data användes sedan för en analys och diskussion i förhållande till tidigare forskning. Den mest omfattande barriären som upptäckts på fallstudiens enhet är kommunikation, där både den interna kommunikationen visar på brister kring bland annat informationsdelning, samt den externa kommunikationen gentemot kunder i sin helhet. Vidare belyser uppsatsen brister kring varuhusets företagskultur där hållbarhetsutbildningen är återhållsam, samt har distinkta skillnader framgått i de anställdas motivation. För en lyckad omställning av cirkulär affärsmodell behövs extern och intern kommunikation, långsiktig intern utbildning, samt motivation för att driva cirkulära innovationer. / The main aim of this thesis is to assess, understand and contribute to the challenges and barriers related to the implementation of a circular business model. The thesis applied a holistic perspective where both organizational and customer perspectives are studied. In this study, we assess both employees and customers perceptions regarding the transition to a circular way of doing things in order to identify eventual barriers and challenges. The study has a qualitative approach with a case study of an IKEA store in the central part of Sweden. We have used semi-structured and unstandardizedinterviews, where six employees of IKEA participated in more insightful interviews and nineteen customers participated in short interviews. The collected data was used for analysis and discussion in relation to previous research (theoretical framework). In this study, we have found that the vital barrier in the IKEA store is communication, for instance, the circular informational sharing is lacking in internal communication. The external communication towards customers is also inadequate. Furthermore, some difficulties regarding the corporate culture of IKEA is emphasized. The education concerning sustainability and circular economy is restrained and distinctions in employee motivation has emerged. In order to success, business need a readjustment towards a circular business model implementation, long-term education is necessary to create knowledge, while motivating the employees in order to facilitate circular innovations.

A transformation of a garment company from offline to online - an analysis with solutions based on SWOT and Enterprise Modeling : A case study on a small traditional enterprise

Shuting, Wan January 2020 (has links)
Chinese traditional garment enterprises not only have to face inventory and channel problems left over by history, but also encounter the influx of new online companies into the market, resulting in a significant decline in the turnover of the traditional garment industry. With the promotion of e-commerce, the economic development of the garment industry presents a new trend. In order to find new opportunities in the environment of increasingly fierce competition, traditional garment enterprises have embarked on the road of strategic transformation.This study takes a garment company DLD as the research subject and displays the primary information through the Business Model Canvas. A case study, therefore, is the research strategy applied in this study, and data are collected through interviews and questionnaires. The primary method of analyzing data is a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The purpose of this study is to provide a useful reference for the enterprise in the transformation of e-commerce. SWOT analysis is conducted under the background information based on the Business Model Canvas, which demonstrates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats encountered in the transformation process of its sales channel from offline to online. Combined with the Enterprise Modeling, this study summarizes the strategic transformation of the DLD company and proposes corresponding strategies and recommendations. Implementing the O2O e-commerce mode and the C2B business mode effectively reduces the product backlog and improves the company's competitiveness in the market. In the process of implementing these two modes, establishing a consumer database, unifying product prices, and establishing online and offline coordination teams are some practical methods for adjusting conflicts between sales channels and increasing product update rates. Besides, through the questionnaire, the recommendations proposed in this study are evaluated, two of which required further investigation and design.

En hållbar och värdeskapande affärsmodell : En studie om hur företag kan skapa värde genom att integrera hållbarhet i affärsmodellen / A sustainable and value-creating business model : - A study on how businesses can create value by integrating sustainability into the business model.

Johansson, Matilda, Berglund, Elina January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: En hållbar och värdeskapande affärsmodell - En studie om hur företag kan skapa värde genom att integrera hållbarhet i affärsmodellen. Författare: Elina Berglund & Matilda Johansson Nyckelord: Affärsmodell, BMI, CSR, hållbarhet, resurser, SBMI, värde, TBL. Bakgrund: Globala utmaningar och förändrade förutsättningar har lett till att begreppet hållbar utveckling har fått en allt större betydelse och genomslag i samhällsdebatten och till att fler företag idag arbetar aktivt med hållbarhet. För att bidra till en förändring och säkerställa en hållbar framtid utformades år 2015 Agenda 2030. För att en hållbar utveckling skall kunna uppnås bör samtliga företag i näringslivet ta ett gemensamt ansvar men enligt Regeringen (2020) har framför allt den svenska livsmedelsindustrin stor potential i att verkliggöra såväl miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet. För att bidra till den förändring som krävs är det även av avgörande betydelse för företag att se över sin affärsmodell. Frågeställning: Hur arbetar företag med att integrera hållbarhet i affärsmodellen samtidigt som de upprätthåller en värdeskapande verksamhet? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva de utmaningar företag står inför med att integrera hållbarhet i affärsmodellen. Vidare är syftet att öka förståelsen hur värdeskapande och hållbarhet kan kombineras genom att utveckla ett teoretiskt ramverk. Teoretisk referensram: I teorikapitlet presenteras teorier om hållbarhet, affärsmodell och resurser. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen utvecklades en analysmodell för att underlätta analysen av det empiriska materialet. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och tillämpar en abduktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio respondenter från företag inom livsmedelsindustrin. Data har även samlats in från de valda företagens årsredovisningar, hållbarhetsredovisningar och hemsidor. Valet av företag har baserats på Sustainable brand index officiella rapport från 2019 inom kategorin “Food and beverage”. Resultat: Studien visar att integrering av hållbarhet i affärsmodellen är ett pågående arbete som behöver utföras med ett långsiktigt perspektiv och ett holistiskt synsätt för att upprätthålla en värdeskapande verksamhet. Det framkom även att företag kan skapa värde genom att kommunicera ut sitt hållbarhetsarbete till konsumenter. Utmaningar som finns med att integrera hållbarhet i affärsmodellen mynnar ofta ut i målkonflikter och för att hantera konflikterna behöver företag balansera de tre dimensionerna av hållbar utveckling: ekonomisk, miljömässig och social.

Train-borne Antennas : A business case study

Michailidis, Georgios January 2014 (has links)
The global rail network every year is used to transport approximately 21 billion of people and 10 billion tons of cargo. These numbers is estimated that are going to increase in the future. Railway will become the transportation of the future. The actors involved in the rail market realizing these needs started to invest funds to upgrade both the network and the electronic systems on the trains to meet the demands and attract even more customers. Currently two different electronic systems are installed on-board trains, one related to safety and security and the other for passenger services. For safety and security two different systems have deployed for signaling and train control. The first one is ERTMS system that is mainly deployed in Europe, China and other regions of the world using GSM-R technology operating at 900 MHz while the other one is solely deployed in the USA operating at 220 MHz. For passenger-services more and more operators install Wi-Fi systems on-board the train. Each of these systems has different requirements to function. The common factor of these platforms is the train-borne antenna, which plays an active role to all the systems and can improve the quality of the services provided. SMARTEQ having experience in the transportation sector, more specifically in trucks wanted to explore this growth of rail transport followed by huge investments will create openings to enter the market and expand their business portfolio. The purpose of this report is to deploy a business case for train-antennas in order to help SMARTEQ decide if there is value in the rail sector. To achieve this goal a market analysis was conducted, followed by a technical description of the systems and the needs that exist on antennas and in the end concluding with a business model. This study reveals that antenna-rail market is really difficult to enter for a new company not related to train industry and needs proper acquaintances and partnerships to become a leading supplier. In addition due to the oligopoly of the market, competition is really high and needs a unique and competitive solution both price and technology-wise to attract the end customer.

How Does An Entrepreneur Create A Born Global Firm? : A Case Study Of A Swedish Start-Up Trying To Enter The Indian Market.

Martins Liberio Coelho, Luzia, Fridrichova, Alena January 2022 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to assess the process of early pre-internationalised and pre-market established born global company and to provide viable advice as to how to internationalise the Indian market which is psychically and geographically distant from the Swedish market. Design/methodology/approach - This study follows a qualitative research approach with an inductive single case study design in order to examine in-depth the Swedish start-up, TurtleCare AB, throughout its internationalisation process. In terms of data collection, a triangulation method has been employed comprising both primary and secondary data. Findings - The evidence suggests the entrepreneur partly acts under the effectuation logic, in the sense of reaching out and attempting to create network and partners, however, more notable is the market research and step-by-step causation process carried out by the decision-maker. Hence, the effectiveness of logic (causation or effectuation) applied is heavily dependent on the situation the company finds itself in. Among the possible market segments to be addressed in India, the most prominent ones are hospitality and tourism together with healthcare. In fact, the Indian market presents numerous opportunities for the foreign brand, however, crucial cultural factors influencing consumer behaviour must be considered when formulating a market entry strategy. Research limitations - Research biases stem from chosen method and nature of data gathering as well as the extent of company research on foreign market/market entry and short observation time might have limited the outcome. Practical implications - A real-life example of an entrepreneur's journey may not only serve as inspiration for future entrepreneurs but also, provide several insights for further research on born global internationalisation, particularly, in what concerns customer segmentation and market entry strategy within a challenging yet promising international business context. Originality/value - The originality dwells in the assessment of the processes happening in a pre-internationalised Swedish born global firm that attempts to enter the Far East market, with a focus on entrepreneurial actions, opportunity perception and decision-making logic.

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