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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buvusių bedarbių adaptacija naujoje darbovietėje / Adaptation for emploier in new job

Muravska, Sabina 03 July 2006 (has links)
About adaptations speed and level of employee is saluted on theG ground of subjective and objective indicators. Objective indicators the evidence indicators of worker activity in work (follow–task quality of work normative and obtainable tasks, speed of qualification raise, and assimilation of innovations). Subjective indicators of social adaptation intension and reluctance of employee to continue work in particular company (potential alternation of frames), level of his fulfilment employment. The objective indicators of adaptation characterize real condition in job range, while subjective argument ate about feelings in this sphere. The existence of an organization depends not only on the work system and material interaction of its elements, but also on how the members of the organization act among themselves. The result of successful adaptation is high fulfilment of production task, work appreciation and forming of positive point of view of the situation in the group. Nona adaptation leads to social disorganization and change of personnel. Some suggestions to the managers of the organizations were made: to care of the health of employees and to show it; to introduce employees to the goals, rules and values of organization and to clear up why they are so important; to give more autonomy in the employees task performance; to listen to every person in a company to make him feel himself the part of organization; to stimulate the employees initiative in their job.

Bedarbystės sąsaja su sveikata ir sveikatos priežiūros prieinamumu / Associations of unemployment with health and health care accessibility

Stankūnas, Mindaugas 25 January 2007 (has links)
HEALTH 21, a document of the World Health Organization, stresses the importance of tackling social inequalities in health (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 1999). This issue is especially important in countries that are undergoing rapid social, economic and political reforms. The present socio-economic situation in Lithuania calls for the start of research regarding unemployment and its impact on the health status of this society. The aim of this study is to evaluate the associations of unemployment with health and health care accessibility.This was a cross-sectional study. Questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected unemployed persons who attended the Kaunas Labour Market Office in 2005. The questionnaires were distributed to selected respondents during these meetings. The total number of returned questionnaires was 429 (a response rate of 53.6%). This study adds to the growing evidence of associations between unemployment and poor health. Results indicate that health problems are more prevalent among the long-term unemployed. The long-term compared to the short-term unemployed were more likely to perceive their health negatively, feel shame and loneliness, have poor relations with their family members, be more depressive and have a lower sense of coherence.

Atribucinis stilius ir bedarbystės įveikos strategijos / Attributive style and strategies preventing unemployment

Čepinskienė, Jūratė 09 July 2011 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Nedarbas – Lietuvoje viena aktualiausių šių dienų problema. Ir nors šiuo metu bedarbių skaičius ženkliai mažėja, problema neišnyksta. Netekęs darbo žmogus skirtingai interpretuoja priežastis, o pagal tai pasirenka ir įveikos strategiją. Šiame darbe nagrinėjome, kaip bedarbiai aiškina savo bedarbystės, darbo praradimo, bei neradimo priežastis; kokią įveikos strategiją naudoja norėdami pakeisti esamą situaciją; ar demografiniai veiksniai nulemia atribucinio stiliaus pasirinkimą, bei įveikos strategiją. Tyrime dalyvavo 200 tiriamųjų : 100 Vilniaus rajone gyvenančių bedarbių ir 100 Akmenės rajone gyvenančių bedarbių. Tyrime naudoti tyrimo metodai - klausimynas, kurį sudarė 5 klausimų grupės: 1) išorinės – vidinės priežastys; 2) pastovios – kintančios priežastys; 3) kontroliuojamos – nekontroliuojamos priežastys; 4) į problemą – į emocijas orientuotos įveikos strategijos; 5) gynybos mechanizmai naudojami bedarbystėje. Atlikus tyrimą pasitvirtino mūsų keltos hipotezės: 1. Tiriamieji aiškinant bedarbystės, darbo praradimo ir darbo neradimo priežastis naudoja savitą, gynybiškumo atribucinį stilių, t.y. priežastis dažniausiai priskiria išoriniams veiksniams. 2. Tiriamieji bedarbiai, kurie jaučiasi kontroliuoją aplinką, renkasi į problemą orientuotas įveikimo strategijas ir atvirkščiai, tiriamieji bedarbiai, kurie mano negalįs kontroliuoti esamos padėties, renkasi į emocijas nukreiptas įveikos strategijas. Tyrimo metu išryškėjo šios tendencijos:  Tiriamieji bedarbiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Unemployment is one of the most relevant problems in Lithuania. Currently the number of unemployed declines but the problem hadn‘t disappear. The person who have lost his or her job he or she interpret every reason in his or her one way and he or she choose strategy of coping. In this study we discuss how the unemployed explain reasons of losing or not finding job, what strategy of coping with unemployment they use and demographical factors influence or not choosing of attribution style and coping strategy. In this study were selected 200 participants: 100 unemployed in Vilnius district and 100 unemployed in Akmene district. There was used test which yields five sub-cores: 1) Internal – external reasons; 2) Stable - unstable reasons; 3) Controlled – uncontrolled reasons; 4) Coping strategy; 5) Defensive element using coping with unemployment. This study validates our hypothesis: 1. Unemployed are using defensive attribution style to explain reasons of losing or not finding job (external attribution style). 2. Unemployed who feel that they can control environment chose the coping strategy applying to problem and unemployed who feel that they can‘t control environment chose the coping strategy applying to emotions. This study gives such tendencies: • Unemployed usually use the coping strategy applying to problem (they are searching for job actively). Only some of the unemployed coping with unemployment have changed their qualification even when they thought that the... [to full text]

Moterų, esančių bedarbystės situacijoje, mokymosi visą gyvenimą situacijos ir galimybių analizė / Situation of lifelong learning and opportunities of unemployed women

Sendžikienė, Vitalija 03 June 2005 (has links)
In this master`s work you will find unemployed women`s problems and possible ways of otheir salvation. The theoretical part of this work will be based on both, Lithuanian and foreigh scientist`s works. Introduction. Actuality of social- practical research. After Recreation of Indepondence in Lithuania the problem of unemployed became essential. Major part of large enterprices went bancrupt after they hadn`t managed to reorganize. A lot of workers were released from work. An unemployed person is not able to participate in increasing the national product he also loses his qualifications and shills. His thinking standart is still orientated in being dependant on someone who is responsible for him. The following characteristics as sex, age, social status (head of the family or house wife) defines activities of society. But not only formal features are important in occupation, like education and knowledgs of languages but a person`s ability also to adapt to new conditions. When his profesional activities are stopped a person suffers great changes of his social surroundings, communication. His economical status is suddenly changed due to discreased income. Such economical deprivation can cause certain phycological changes (Gruževskis,1994). In such permanently changing surroundings lifelong (permanent) learning becomes one of great importance. People should be ready for changing society and market as for critical accesment of their own knowledge and shills in professional area... [to full text]

Vyresnio amžiaus (nuo 45 m.) moterų bedarbystė / Unemployment of old women (above 45 years old)

Vavilavičienė, Sigita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Globalizacija, kintantys darbo rinkos poreikiai daro įtaką vyresnio amžiaus ( nuo 45 m.) moterų nedarbui, nes praradusios kvalifikaciją ir neturėdamos atitinkamo išsilavinimo dėl įvairių priežasčių: didesnio pasiaukojimo šeimai, visuomeninės nuomonės apie moters vaidmenį, mažesnių fizinių sugebėjimų, sveikatos problemų, materialinių sunkumų, joms sunkiau integruotis į šiuolaikinę darbo rinką. Analizuojant bedarbystės situaciją Lietuvoje, pastebima, kad darbo rinkoje moterų diskriminacija įgyja gan ciniškas formas. Atvira moterų diskriminacija pastebima, kai ieškančios darbo moterys neatitinka darbo skelbimuose plačiai taikomų amžiaus – lyties kriterijų. Moterims siūlomų užsiėmimų ratas ribojamas mažesnės kvalifikacijos ir prestižo darbais (sekretorė, auklė ir pan.), o pradedančioms verslininkėms dirbtinai sudaromos kliūtys gauti lengvatinius kreditus, licenzijas ir pan. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad dauguma moterų yra įgijusios specialybę, tačiau darbo pagal ją nesusirado ir mano, kad tai yra pagrindinė įsidarbinimo kliūtis. Vyresnio amžiaus (nuo 45 iki 55m) moterims yra svarbus mokymosi ir tobulinimosi motyvas, jos siekia mokytis naujos specialybės, atgaivinti prarastą kvalifikaciją ir dirbti, nes nenori būti bedarbėmis. Tyrimas parodė, žemą vyresnio amžiaus (nuo 55m.) bedarbių moterų mokymosi motyvaciją. Šio amžiaus moterys jaučiasi per senos mokytis, o tai neskatina jų tolesnio mokymosi ir sunkina sėkmingą integraciją į darbo rinką. Vyresnio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Globalization and developing changes of labour market are related with increase of unemployment of older women (above 45 years old). That happens because of several reasons like lack of correspondent education, lost qualification, self-denial for the sake of family, public prejudices about women’s social status, physical health peculiarities, material reasons, etc. The investigation revealed that although most women are educated enough and specialize in some area, the main problem was to acquire a job according to their specialization. Refresher courses for women are quite expensive and thus hardly available for those who need it most, and there are no free refresher courses in Lithuania. Older women (age range from 45 to 55 years) notice motive of professional self improvement or gaining a new profession because they don’t want to be unemployed. Older women also more often then younger ones register in the jobcenter to receive allowance and to get possibility to join free refresher courses for registered unemployed members. Older (above 55) unemployed women are less motivated to develop their skills or study new things and that also aggravate their situation in the labour market. One third part of the unemployed respondents (above 45 years old) of the recent investigation noticed that they work illegally in the households, children care, sewing, knitting, etc. The lack of education, low qualification, low motivation for self-improvement and older age were found as... [to full text]

Aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonių efektyvumo vertinimas Pakruojo rajone / The Evaluation of Active labour market programs in the district of Pakruojis

Kazokaitytė, Vaida 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra suformuluotos Aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonių (profesinio mokymo, viešųjų darbų, įdarbinimo subsidijuojant, įgūdžių įgijimo rėmimo) efektyvumo vertinimo problemos, mažinant nedarbo riziką ir keliant darbo jėgos poreikį, įtakojant darbo rinkos funkcionavimą. Pirmojoje magistro darbo dalyje analizuojamas Aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonių vertinimo metodikos, užimtumo politika ir jos poveikio kryptys Lietuvoje. Teoriniame ir praktiniame lygmenyje analizuojamas nevienareikšmiškas ADRP priemonių poveikio vertinimas jos dalyviams – bedarbiams ir darbdaviams, bei tiriamas socialinis ir ekonominis efektyvumas. Analizė, paremta dalyvių nuomonėmis ir ADRP vykdymo vertinimu patvirtina autoriaus suformuluotą mokslinio tyrimo hipotezę, kadangi ADRP priemonės įtakoja svarbius socialekonominius efektus, padeda mažinti nedarbą ir kaip išaiškėjo atliekant tyrimą, yra naudingos daugumai dalyvių gerinant jų įsidarbinimo galimybes, įgaunant daugiau praktinės patiries bei socialinę ir ekonominę naudą. / This master’s final paper formulates problems of how effective are Active labour market programs (particular interventions include training, public works, employment subsidies, practice acquisition sponsorship), reducing the risk of unemployment and increasing the labour demand, improving functioning of the labour market. In the first part of the work there are analized the ALMPs evaluation methods, the labour market policy and its implementation in Lithuania. The theoretical and practical approach analyse polar evaluation positions of ALMP impact for workers, employers and economical effectivenes. The analysis, based on a thorough evaluations of evidence finds out that ALMP’s have important social, as well as economic effects, as a panacea for reducing unemployment and useful for most of the participants increasing their abilities to work, getting more working experience and social –economical benefit.

Bedarbystės patyrimas ir jo sąsajos su psichologine gerove / The unemployment experience and its relation with psychological well-being

Norvilė, Natalija 12 February 2014 (has links)
Pasitelkiant mišriojo tipo nuosekliąją tiriamąją tyrimo strategiją disertacijoje nagrinėjamas bedarbystės patyrimo fenomenas bei atskleidžiamos bedarbystės patyrimo ir psichologinės gerovės sąsajos. Bedarbystės patyrimui analizuoti naudojamas iki šiol postsovietinėse šalyse empiriškai netikrintas teorinis M. Jahoda (1982) deprivacijos modelis, kurį sudaro šie komponentai (modelyje vadinami netiesioginėmis darbo naudomis): aktyvi veikla, laiko struktūra, socialiniai kontaktai, statusas bei kolektyvinis tikslas. Atlikus reprezentatyvų populiacijos tyrimą, M. Jahoda deprivacijos modelis patvirtintas Lietuvoje. Rasta, kad netiesioginės darbo naudos bei tiesioginė nauda teigiamai prognozuoja bedarbių psichologinę gerovę (optimalų funkcionavimą, subjektyviai suvokiamą gerą psichinę sveikatą bei subjektyviai suvokiamą gerą fizinę sveikatą). Kokybinių tyrimų radinių analizė atskleidė, kad bedarbystės patyrimo fenomenas pasireiškia kaip kokybiniai socialinių santykių, statuso ir identifikacijos, tikslų kūrimo, dienos struktūros, aktyvumo bei psichologinės gerovės pokyčiai. / Using sequential exploratory design of mixed-methods approach the phenomenon of unemployment experience and its relation with psychological well-being is analyzed in dissertation. Theoretical Jahoda’s (1982) deprivation model (composed of so called latent functions of employment – activity, time structure, social contact, status, and collective purpose), which has not been empirically tested in post-Soviet countries so far, is invoked for analysis of unemployment experience. Based on the results of a representative population study, Jahoda’s model was confirmed in Lithuania. Latent employment functions and manifest function positively predict psychological well-being (optimal functioning, subjectively perceived good mental health, and subjectively perceived good physical health) of the unemployed people. Analysis of the results of qualitative studies revealed that the phenomenon of unemployment experience manifests as qualitative changes in social relationships, status and identification, goal setting, daily structure, activity and psychological well-being.

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