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Identitetens betydelse för radikalisering En studie om muslimska ungdomars känsla av identitet och tillhörighet i dagens mångkulturella samhälleLarsson, Noori January 2015 (has links)
På senare tid har de uppmärksammade härjningarna och våldsamma metoderna som används av Islamiska Staten i Irak och Syrien (ISIS) bidragit till en ökad oro och diskussion om vad som får muslimska ungdomar ifrån väst att ansluta sig till sådana hänsynslösa organisationer. Mot bakgrund av detta ville jag undersöka vilka tankar och antaganden som konstruerar en muslimsk ungdoms världsbild avseende identitet och tillhörighet. Denna studie syftar därför till att uppnå ökad förståelse för hur fenomenet radikalisering kan relateras till identitetsskapande hos muslimska ungdomar och vilka processer i identitetsskapandet som kan utgöra en risk för vägen mot radikalisering. För att lyckas med detta har jag utfört semistrukturerade utforskande djupintervjuer med muslimska ungdomar i Malmö. Min avsikt med denna studie har inte varit att utgå från att alla muslimska ungdomar är, eller har potential för att bli radikaliserade. Min avsikt har snarare varit att utforska hur identitet och tillhörighet kan säga något om vägar (pathways) till radikalisering oavsett av religiös tillhörighet. För att analysera informanternas berättelser har begrepp och ramverk från Social identitetsteori använts. Studien påvisar en stabil grund för bi-kulturell identifiering med en svensk och en muslimsk kontext bland ungdomarna som ingått i denna studie. Samtidigt går det att spåra en kluvenhet i att på grund av sin religiösa identitet inte alltid accepteras fullt ut i alla sammanhang och en känsla av medialt utpekande av muslimer som grupp. Informanternas berättelser synliggör också en upplevd intern konflikt bland muslimska samfund då terrorism som utförs i islams namn tvingar medlemmar i gruppen att både internt och externt markera ställningstagande i frågan om religiöst motiverat våld och terrorism. Denna konflikt i kombination med ett upplevt utanförskap som svensk muslim kan i sig vara grunden för att vissa ungdomar vänder sig in i andra delar av den muslimska gruppen för att söka acceptans och bekräftelse. I denna process finner en del av dessa ungdomar radikala och extrema rörelser. Dessa rörelser är isolerade från omvärldens intryck vilket möjliggör för extremism att gro. När medlemmar inom en sådan grupp vill öka sin status kan beteende och handlingar eskalera vilket kan leda till våld och terrorism. Ett sätt att förhindra denna väg mot radikalisering av unga muslimer skulle således kunna vara att skapa förutsättningar för muslimska ungdomar att kunna känna tillhörighet i sina olika sociala identiteter som både svensk och muslim. / As the brutality and violent means of the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has become evident a general concern and public discussion has emerged about what makes young Muslims from the Western world to join such devious organizations. In light of this I wanted to examine the thoughts and assumptions that constructs the feelings of identity and belonging of young Muslims in the city of Malmo. This study thus aims to create a wider understanding of how the phenomenon of radicalization can be related to identities of Muslim youth and how the processes of forming identity can compose a risk for the individual to find pathways to radicalization. To accomplish this explorative semi-structured interviews with young Muslims in Malmo was conducted. My intention with this study has not been to assume that all Muslim youth is, or has the potential to become radicalized. My intention rather has been to explore how identity and belonging can tell something about routes (pathways) to radicalization regardless of religious affiliation. To analyze the stories of the young Muslims who participated in this study concepts and frameworks from Social Identity Theory has been applied. This study shows that among the young Muslims participating in this study there is a stable basis for a bi-cultural identification with both a Swedish and a Muslim context. It is though possible to trace some ambivalence in the bi-cultural identity of these individuals as their experience as being Muslims e.g. their religious identity are not always compatible or fully accepted in all contexts. Additionally the participants also perceive that Muslims as a group is being publicly singled out and criticized by media. The stories also reveals a perceived internal conflict among Muslim communities as terrorism conducted in the name of Islam compels members of the Muslim group to both internally and externally mark position concerning religiously motived violence and terrorism. This conflict joint with the experience of exclusion among Swedish Muslim can potentially become the reason for some young Muslims to turn into the wide range of Muslim communities in search for acceptance and affirmation. In this process some individuals will find radical and extremist movements. The isolation these movements/groups experience from outside impressions then enables extremism to flourish inside the group. When members of such a group strives to improve individual status the behavior and actions of the group can escalate which in turn can result in violence and terrorism. Thus to avoid this pathway to radicalization the solution lies in creating conditions that allows for young Muslims to feel belonging and inclusion in their bi-cultural identities as being both Swedish and Muslims.
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Machine Learning for Radar in Health Applications : Using machine learning with multiple radars to enhance fall detectionRaskov, Kristoffer, Christiansson, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
Two mm-wave frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars were combined with a recurrent neural network (RNN) to perform fall detection. The purpose was to find methods to implement a multi-radar setup for healthcare monitoring and to study the resulting models’ resilience to interference and other obstacles, such as re-arranging the radars in the room. Single-board computers (SBCs) controlled the radars to record and transfer data over Ethernet to a PC. The Ethernet connection also allowed synchronization with the network time protocol (NTP), which was necessary to put the data from the two sensors in correspondence. The proposed RNN used two bidirectional long-short term memory (Bi-LSTM) layers with L2-regularization and dropout layers. It had an overall accuracy of 95.15% and 98.11% recall with a test set. Performance in live testing varied with different arrangements, with an accuracy of 98% with the radars along the same wall, 94% with the radars diagonally, and 90% with an alternative arrangement that the RNN model had not seen during training. However, the latter arrangement resulted in a recall of 95.7%, with false alarms reducing the overall performance. In conclusion, the model performed adequately for fall detection, even with different radar arrangements but could still be sensitive to interference. / Två millimetervågs-radarsystem av typen frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) kombinerades för att med hjälp av ett recurrent neural network (RNN) utföra falldetektering. Syftet var att finna metoder för att implementera en multiradarplatform för hälsoövervakning samt att studera de resulterande modellernas tolerans mot interferens och andra hinder så som att radarsystemen placeras på olika sätt i rummet. Enkortsdatorer kontrollerade radarsystemen för att kunna spela in och överföra data över Ethernet till en PC. Ethernetanslutningen möjliggjorde även synkronisering över network time protocol (NTP), vilket var nödvändigt för att sammanlänka datan från de båda sensorerna. Det föreslagna RNN:et använde två dubbelriktade (bidirectional) long-short term memory (Bi-LSTM) lager med L2-regularisering och dropout-lager. Det hade en total noggrannhet på 95.15% och 98.11% recall med ett test-set. Prestandan vid testning i drift varierade beroende på olika uppställningar av radarmodulerna, med en noggrannhet på 98% då de placerades längs samma vägg, 94% då de placerades diagonalt och 90% vid en alternativ uppställning som RNN-modellen inte hade sett när den tränades. Det senare resulterade dock i 95.7% recall, där falsklarm var den främsta felkällan. Sammanfattningsvis presterade modellen bra för falldetektering, även med olika uppställningar, men den verkar fortfarande vara känslig för interferens.
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Digitaliseringens påverkan på controllerns arbetssätt : En fallstudie om hur digitaliseringens utveckling har påverkat controllerns arbetssätt på Scania / The Impact of Digitalization on the Controller's Work MethodsAmiri, Shukrullah, Kobaslic, Adin, Nordström, Isabelle January 2024 (has links)
Background: Digitalization involves access to digital information, streamlining of operations, and new solutions through emerging technologies. The discussion on future changes underscores the need to prepare for new challenges and adapt working methods through education and knowledge exchange. This process positively impacts companies and society by improving communication and making work processes more efficient, which is essential for market survival. Controllers provide companies with crucial information for decision-making and management, and they are responsible for areas such as budgeting and process analysis. New opportunities and threats emerge, affecting the role of controllers within companies. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the general impact of digitalization on the working methods of controllers and to explore controllers' perspectives on remote work to identify the new challenges or opportunities it has introduced. Method: The methodology chapter begins with an account of the study's choice of method, research design, and case company, as well as a summary of the theoretical framework. Following this, the data collection process is presented, which is based on semi-structured interviews, an interview guide, and the selection of respondents. Furthermore, the approach to analyzing the empirical material is described, including transcription and thematic analysis. Finally, the study's quality criteria and ethical considerations are presented. Conclusion: Digitalization has influenced the controller's work methods by implementing technologies that streamline workflow. This frees up time for value-creating tasks and improves decision-making. Despite challenges such as the need for education and resistance to change, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Digital tools like Excel, Power BI, and Teams are now indispensable for controllers at Scania, also enabling remote work. The study shows that digitalization and remote work enhance efficiency, productivity, and flexibility, contributing to better work processes and insights for the company. / Bakgrund: Digitalisering innebär tillgång till digital information, effektivisering avverksamheter och nya lösningar genom ny teknik. Diskussionen om framtida förändringarbekräftar behovet av att förbereda sig inför nya utmaningar och anpassa sitt arbetssätt utefterförändringar med hjälp av utbildning och kompetensutbyte. Denna process har en positivinverkan på företag och samhälle i form av bland annat förbättrad kommunikation ocheffektivare arbetsprocesser, vilket är nödvändigt för att överleva på marknaden. Controllernförser företag med viktig information för beslutsfattande och styrning, och ansvarar för områdensom budgetering och processanalys. Nya möjligheter och hot uppstår, vilket påverkar Scaniascontrollers. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka digitaliseringens generella påverkan påcontrollerns arbetssätt, samt undersöka vilken syn controllers har på distansarbete för att se vilkanya utmaningar eller möjligheter det i sin tur har medfört. Metod: Metodkapitlet inleds med en redogörelse för studiens val av metod, forskningsdesignoch fallföretag samt sammanställning av referensramen. Fortsättningsvis presenterasdatainsamlingen som baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer, en intervjuguide och val avrespondenter. Vidare beskrivs tillvägagångssättet vid analys av empiriskt material, därtranskribering och tematisk analys utgör denna punkt. Slutligen presenteras studienskvalitetskriterier och etiska överväganden. Slutsats: Digitaliseringen har påverkat controllerns arbetssätt genom att implementera teknikersom effektiviserar arbetsflödet. Detta frigör tid för värdeskapande uppgifter och förbättrar beslut.Trots utmaningar som förändringsmotstånd och tidskrävande processer överväger fördelarnanackdelarna. Digitala verktyg som Excel, Power BI, och Teams är nu outbytbara för controllerspå Scania, vilket också möjliggör distansarbete. Studien visar att digitalisering och distansarbeteförbättrar effektivitet, produktivitet och flexibilitet, vilket bidrar till bättre arbetsprocesser ochinsikter för företaget.
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Advanced transmission electron microscopy investigation of nano-clustering in Gd-doped GaNWu, Mingjian 05 May 2014 (has links)
Das zentrale Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht einerseits darin, die Verteilung von Gd in GaN:Gd mit Gd-Konzentrationen von 10^16–10^19 cm^-3 mittels fortgeschrittener (Raster-) Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie [(S)TEM] zu bestimmen. Darauf basierend wird zum anderen das Verständnis des Mechanismus, der diese Verteilungen bewirkt, entwickelt. Wir diskutieren detailliert die Anwendung und die Grenzen von (S)TEM-Abbildungsmethoden und quantitativen Analysenmethoden und von Modellierungsmethoden, um Nano-Cluster in epitaktischen Halbleiterschichten zu beobachten und zu analysieren. Außerdem werden Fallstudien zweier Materialsysteme betrachtet, die offensichtlich Nano-Cluster aufweisen. Schließlich sind wir in der Lage, die in GaN:Gd auftretenden GdN-Cluster zu identifizieren und ihre atomare Struktur zu bestimmen. Dehnungskontrastabbildungen mit Kontrastberechnungen belegen eindeutig das Auftreten von kleinen, plättchenförmigen GdN-Clustern. Diese Cluster weisen nahezu gleiche Abmessungen auf und liegen mit der ausgedehnten Fläche parallel zu den GaN(0001)-Basalebenen. Dieses Ergebnis wird durch Dunkelfeld-STEM-Abbildungen (Z-Kontrast), bestätigt. Die starke, lokale Gitterdehnung (Verzerrungsfeld), die durch die Cluster hervorgerufen wird, ist in HRTEM-Aufnahmen abgebildet und quantitativ ausgewertet worden. Durch den Vergleich von Verzerrungsfeldern, die experimentell ermittelt worden sind, mit theroretischen Feldern schließen wir auf Cluster aus zweilagigen GdN-Plättchen mit einem Durchmesser von wenigen Gd-Atomen. Ihre interne Struktur entspricht etwa der NaCl-Phase des GdN. Dieses atomare Strukturmodell erlaubt unsere Diskussion der Energieverhältnisse der Cluster. Die Ergebnisse implizieren, dass die treibende Kraft für die beobachtete Plättchengröße ein Gleichgewicht zwischen der Zunahme von kohäsiver Energie und der Einschränkung durch die Dehnungsenergie an der Grenzfläche zwischen GdN-Cluster und GaN-Wirtsgitter aufgrund der Gitterfehlanpassung ist. / The central goal of this dissertation is (1) to clarify the distribution of Gd atoms in GaN:Gd with Gd concentration in the range between 10^16–10^19 cm^-3 by means of advanced (scanning) transmission electron microscopy [(S)TEM]; and based on that, (2) to understand the mechanisms that control such distribution. We discuss in detail the application and limitations of (S)TEM imaging and analysis techniques and modeling methods dedicated to the study of embedded nano-clusters. Besides, two case studies of semiconductor material systems that contain apparently observable nano-clusters are considered. One is about intentionally grown InAs nano-clusters embedded in Si and the other study the formation and phase transformation of Bi-containing clusters in annealed GaAsBi epilayers. Finally, we are able to identify the occurrence of GdN clusters in GaN:Gd samples and to determine their atomic structure. Strain contrast imaging in conjunction with contrast simulation unambiguously identifies the occurrence of small, platelet-shaped GdN clusters. These clusters are nearly uniform in size with their broader face parallel to the GaN (0001) basal plane. The result is confirmed by dark-field STEM Z-contrast imaging. The strong local lattice distortion (displacement field) induced by the clusters is recorded by HRTEM images and quantitatively analyzed. By comparing the displacement fields which are analyzed experimentally with these fields that are derived from energetically favored models, we conclude that the clusters are bilayer GdN with platelet diameter of only few Gd atoms; their internal structure is close to rocksalt GdN. This atomic structure model enables our discussion about the energetics of the clusters. The results indicate that the driving force for the formation of observed platelet in specific size is a compromise between the gain in cohesive energy and the penalty from interfacial strain energy due to lattice mismatch between the GdN cluster and GaN host.
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Novel nanoscopic FeF 3 –based materials / synthesis, characterisation, and catalytic applicationsGuo, Ying 25 July 2013 (has links)
Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Arbeit liegt auf einer Pilotstudie zur Darstellung von Eisen(III)fluorid (FeF3) unter Verwendung von Sol-Gel-Syntheserouten. Eine modifizierte fluorolytische Sol-Gel-Synthese wurde entwickelt um bi-acide auf FeF3 basierende Materialien zu erhalten. Die Synthese erzeugt Hydroxygruppen, die potentiellen Brønsted-sauren Zentren, auf der Oberfläche der klassischen Lewissäure FeF3. Im Anschluss wurde Magnesiumfluorid (MgF2) als Matrix eingesetzt. Verglichen mit FeF3 zeigen ternäre FeF3-MgF2 bemerkenswert hohe Oberflächen und verbesserte Porosität. Das Wichtigste jedoch ist, das hauptsächlich starke Lewis- und mittelstarke Brønsted-saure Zentren auf der FeF3-MgF2 vorhanden sind. Des Weiteren wurden, unter Verwendung anderer Erdalkalimetallfluoride (CaF2 oder SrF2) und Zinkfluorid (ZnF2) als Matrix, Serien ternärer Fluoridmaterialien synthetisiert und systematisch untersucht. Durch Charakterisierung der FeF3-MF2-Oberflächen konnten systematische Veränderungen hinsichtlich Größe der Oberfläche, Porosität und Azidität festgestellt werden. Mit abnehmender Atomnummer (von Sr zu Mg) erhöht sich die Stärke der sauren Zentren, während die mittlere Porengröße dramatisch abnimmt. Darüber hinaus führt ein größeres M-zu-Fe-Verhältnis generell zu kleineren Porengrößen und höheren Oberflächen. Diese Ergebnisse implizieren, dass die Eigenschaften ternärer FeF3-MF2 durch Veränderung der MF2-Matrix oder des M-zu-Fe-Verhältnisses einstellbar sind. Schlussendlich konnte anhand einer Modellreaktion, der Isomerisierung von Citronellal zu Isopulegolen, die katalytische Aktivität der bi-aziden Zentren der auf FeF3 basierenden Materialien nachgewiesen werden. Zusätzlich wurde in dieser Arbeit diskutiert wie Oberfläche, Porosität und Azidität gemeinsam die katalytische Aktivität von FeF3-MgF2 bestimmen. Diese Arbeit beweist damit die Realisierbarkeit der Synthese neuer nanoskopischer Metallfluoride mit gewünschten Oberflächeneigenschaften. / This work serves as a pilot study on the development of iron(III) fluoride (FeF3) based materials with surface bi-acidity. A modified fluorolytic sol-gel route was established to prepare the bi-acidic FeF3-based materials. The synthesis procedure introduced hydroxyls, the potential Brønsted acid sites, on the surface of a classic Lewis acid, FeF3. Subsequently, magnesium fluoride (MgF2) was used as matrix. Comparing with FeF3, the ternary FeF3-MgF2 showed remarkable high surface area and enhanced porosity. Most importantly, strong Lewis and medium strong Brønsted acid sites were found predominant on the FeF3-MgF2 surface. Next a series of ternary fluoride materials were synthesised and studied systematically, using other alkaline earth metal fluorides (CaF2 or SrF2) as well as zinc fluoride (ZnF2) as matrices. Surface characterisation of FeF3-MF2 revealed systematic changes in their surface area, porosity, and surface acidity. With decreasing atom numbers (from Sr to Mg), strengths of surface acidic sites and surface area increased, while the average pore size decreased drastically. Moreover, higher M-to-Fe ratio generally resulted in smaller pore size and larger surface area. These findings imply that the properties of ternary FeF3-MF2 are tunable by changing the MF2 matrix or the M-to-Fe ratio or both. Last but not least, in the model reaction, isomerisation of citronellal to isopulegols, FeF3-based materials were highly active due to their bi-acidity. Finally this work discussed how surface area, porosity, and surface acidity jointly determined the catalytic activity of FeF3-MF2. In conclusion, this work demonstrates the feasibility to synthesise novel nanoscopic metal fluorides with desirable surface properties.
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Unexpected temperature and polarization behavior of the high-TC superconductor Bi(Pb)-2212Ghafari, Aliakbar 03 June 2013 (has links)
In dieser Doktorarbeit wird der Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter Bi-2212 auf seine elektronische Struktur hin untersucht. Für diesen Zweck wurden Röntgen- Absorptionsspektroskopie (XAS) und winkelaufgelöste Photoemissionsspektroskopie (ARPES) verwendet. Zusätzlich wurden mittels Dichtefunktionaltheorie theoretische Trends in der elektronischen Struktur aufgezeigt. Zu Beginn wurde die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Löcher-Konzentration (nH) von nahezu optimal dotierten und geringfügig unterdotierten Einkristallen mittels XAS untersucht. Die Messungen der Temperaturabhängigkeit von nH mit XAS zeigen ein komplett anderes Verhalten als das, welches aus dem Hall-Effekt hergeleitet wurde. Hinzu kommt, dass es unmöglich ist, die Formel von Gor''kov und Teitel''baum, d.h. mit einem konstanten und einem Aktivierungsterm, an die Daten anzupassen. Als Lösungsansatz kommen Magnonen in Frage. Zusätzlich wurde die Polarisationsabhängigkeit der Löcher- Konzentration mittels XAS gemessen, die zeigt, dass in den Kupferoxidschichten die Löcher offenbar offenbar inhomogen verteilt sind. Solch ein Verhalten wird für die isotrope Struktur der Bi-2212-Kristalle nicht erwartet und kann nur schwer erklärt werden. Möglicherweise sind die, die Symmetrie brechenden magnetischen Eigenschaften wie magnetische Streifen die Antwort. Um zusätzliche experimentelle Informationen zu erhalten, wurde darüber hinaus noch die Temperatur- und Polarisationsabhängigkeit der Bi-2212-Einkristalle mittels ARPES studiert. Insbesondere die ''Peak-Dip-Hump''-Emissionsstruktur an der Fermi-Energie wurde gemesssen, die sich am M-Punkt der Brillouin-Zone befindet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der scharfe Peak nahe der Fermi-Kante eine deutliche Polarisations- und Temperaturabhängigkeit aufweist, welche bei der Pseudolücken-Temperatur T* und nicht bei der Sprungtemperatur TC verschwindet. Die Polarisationsabhängigkeit an den vier M-Punkten der Brillouin-Zone hat gezeigt, dass eine Symmetrieachse im 45°-Winkel zur Cu-O-Cu-Richtung existiert. Dies könnte ebenfalls mit magnetischer Streifenbildung erklärt werden. Des Weiteren wurde das beobachtete Versagen der Dipol-Näherung zur Beschreibung der Spektren bei einer Polarisation senkrecht zur Spiegelebene erörtert. Andererseits ist die Berechnung von Materieleigenschaften mittels der Dichtefunktionaltheorie ein sehr aktiver Bereich der Festkörperphysik geworden. Nachdem meine DFT-Rechnungen auf der Basis des MBJ-Potentials sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen des ternären Halbleiters ZrSexS2-x und die LiZrSexS2-x –Verbindung erzielt haben, habe ich diese auch zur Unterstützung der experimentellen Supraleiterdaten angewendet. Die elektronischen Eigenschaften von CaCuO2 und des Bi-2212-Kuprats wurden mittels DFT auf der Basis von GGA und GGA+U berechnet, wobei der Hubbard-U-Term mit einer „abinitio“-Methode berechnet wurde. Die Ergebnisse ergaben, dass nur Rechnungen auf der Basis von MBJ+U einen antiferromagnetischen Grundzustand für die CaCuO2- Verbindung lieferten, während alle Funktionale versagten, den antiferromagnetischen Grundzustand für das Bi-2212-Kuprat zu finden. / In this PhD work the electronic structure of high-TC Bi-2212 cuprates is investigated. For this purpose x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) are used. Additionally, density functional theory is applied for making theoretical trends of the electronic structure evident. At first, the temperature dependence of the hole density (nH) by XAS on nearly optimum and slightly underdoped single crystals is studied. The measurements of the temperature dependence of nH by XAS show completely different behavior as that derived from Hall effect. Moreover, fitting our data by the Gor’kov and Teitel’baum formula, i.e. assuming a constant term and an activation term, was impossible. For solving the problem a contribution of magnons is suggested. Additionally, the polarization dependence of the hole density has been measured by XAS showing that an inhomogeneity of holes in the copper oxide planes may exist. Such a behavior is not expected for the isotropic structure of the Bi(Pb)-2212 crystals and was only hardly to be explained. Possibly, magnetic symmetry breaking properties like e.g. magnetic stripes might give an answer. In order to derive additional experimental information, the temperature and polarization dependence of the electronic structure of the CuO2 planes of Bi(Pb)-2212 single crystals has been studied by ARPES. In particular, the so-called peak-dip-hump emission structure close to the Fermi energy has been measured, which is located at the M point of the Brillouin zone. The results show that the sharp emission structure close to the Fermi edge reveals a distinct polarization dependence and it vanishes at the pseudogap temperature T* and not at the critical temperature TC. The polarization dependence at the four M points of the Brillouin zone has revealed that there exists a symmetry line along to 45?? from the Cu-O-Cu direction. This could also be due to stripe formation. Additionally, the observed failure of the dipole approximation to describe the spectra at normal polarization with respect to the mirror plane is discussed. On the other hand, the calculation of material properties by density functional theory has become a very active area of research in condensed matter physics. Therefore, after my calculations based on DFT by the MBJ potential have revealed good agreement with experimental data for the ternary semiconductors ZrSexS2-x and the LiZrSexS2-x compound I applied it for a support of the experimental superconductor data. The electronic properties of CaCuO2 and the Bi-2212 cuprate have been calculated by DFT based on GGA and GGA+U where the Hubbard U term has been calculated by an ab initio method. The results reveal that only calculations based on MBJ+U lead to an anti-ferromagnetic ground state for the CaCuO2 compound while all functionals fail to find an antiferromagnetic ground state for Bi-2212.
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Автоматизация расчета себестоимости строительства объекта «Комплекс жилых зданий со встроенно-пристроенными помещениями общественного назначения и подземными автостоянками квартала 4 в районе «Академический» города Екатеринбурга. Блок 4.5 : магистерская диссертация / Automation of the calculation of the cost of construction of the facility " is a complex of residential buildings with built-in attached public premises and underground parking lots of block 4 in the Akademicheskiy district of the city of Yekaterinburg. Block 4.5"Старцева, М. Г., Startseva, M. G. January 2024 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the use of these digital information models in the Kortros Group of Companies to estimate the cost of construction at the design stages and preparation for the contracting of construction and installation works. As part of the study , a business intelligence tool, the BI platform, is considered as a method for determining the cost of construction. A script has also been written to automate the production of construction costs using classification tables. As a result of the study, the authors made conclusions about the use of data analytics of information models at the early stages of work on an investment and construction project to predict the cost of construction, as well as about BI-platforms as tools for determining it. / Диссертация посвящена использованию данных цифровых информационных моделей в ГК «Кортрос» для оценки себестоимости строительства на этапах проектирования и подготовки к контрактации строительно-монтажных работ. В рамках исследования рассмотрен инструмент бизнес-аналитики — BI-платформа как метод определения стоимости строительства. А также написан скрипт для автоматизации получения себестоимости строительства с использованием классификационных таблиц. В результате исследования авторами сделаны выводы об использовании аналитики данных информационных моделей на ранних стадиях работы над инвестиционно-строительным проектом для прогнозирования стоимости строительства, а также о BI-платформах как инструментах ее определения.
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An Informed System Development Approach to Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity ForecastingRoy, Chandan January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Tropical Cyclones (TCs) inflict considerable damage to life and property every year. A major problem is that residents often hesitate to follow evacuation orders when the early warning messages are perceived as inaccurate or uninformative. The root problem is that providing accurate early forecasts can be difficult, especially in countries with less economic and technical means. Aim: The aim of the thesis is to investigate how cyclone early warning systems can be technically improved. This means, first, identifying problems associated with the current cyclone early warning systems, and second, investigating if biologically based Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are feasible to solve some of the identified problems. Method: First, for evaluating the efficiency of cyclone early warning systems, Bangladesh was selected as study area, where a questionnaire survey and an in-depth interview were administered. Second, a review of currently operational TC track forecasting techniques was conducted to gain a better understanding of various techniques’ prediction performance, data requirements, and computational resource requirements. Third, a technique using biologically based ANNs was developed to produce TC track and intensity forecasts. Systematic testing was used to find optimal values for simulation parameters, such as feature-detector receptive field size, the mixture of unsupervised and supervised learning, and learning rate schedule. Five types of 2D data were used for training. The networks were tested on two types of novel data, to assess their generalization performance. Results: A major problem that is identified in the thesis is that the meteorologists at the Bangladesh Meteorological Department are currently not capable of providing accurate TC forecasts. This is an important contributing factor to residents’ reluctance to evacuate. To address this issue, an ANN-based TC track and intensity forecasting technique was developed that can produce early and accurate forecasts, uses freely available satellite images, and does not require extensive computational resources to run. Bidirectional connections, combined supervised and unsupervised learning, and a deep hierarchical structure assists the parallel extraction of useful features from five types of 2D data. The trained networks were tested on two types of novel data: First, tests were performed with novel data covering the end of the lifecycle of trained cyclones; for these test data, the forecasts produced by the networks were correct in 91-100% of the cases. Second, the networks were tested with data of a novel TC; in this case, the networks performed with between 30% and 45% accuracy (for intensity forecasts). Conclusions: The ANN technique developed in this thesis could, with further extensions and up-scaling, using additional types of input images of a greater number of TCs, improve the efficiency of cyclone early warning systems in countries with less economic and technical means. The thesis work also creates opportunities for further research, where biologically based ANNs can be employed for general-purpose weather forecasting, as well as for forecasting other severe weather phenomena, such as thunderstorms.
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Phase space methods in finite quantum systemsHadhrami, Hilal Al January 2009 (has links)
Quantum systems with finite Hilbert space where position x and momentum p take values in Z(d) (integers modulo d) are considered. Symplectic tranformations S(2ξ,Z(p)) in ξ-partite finite quantum systems are studied and constructed explicitly. Examples of applying such simple method is given for the case of bi-partite and tri-partite systems. The quantum correlations between the sub-systems after applying these transformations are discussed and quantified using various methods. An extended phase-space x-p-X-P where X, P ε Z(d) are position increment and momentum increment, is introduced. In this phase space the extended Wigner and Weyl functions are defined and their marginal properties are studied. The fourth order interference in the extended phase space is studied and verified using the extended Wigner function. It is seen that for both pure and mixed states the fourth order interference can be obtained.
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Finite element modelling of the mechanics of solid foam materialsRibeiro-Ayeh, Steven January 2005 (has links)
<p>Failure of bi-material interfaces is studied with the aim to quantify the influence of the induced stress concentrations on the strength of the interfaces. A simple point-stress criterion, used in conjunction with finite element calculations, is evaluated to provide strength predictions for bi-material bonded joints and inserts in polymer foam. The influence of local stress concentrations on the initiation of fracture at open and closed wedge bi-material interfaces is investigated. The joint combinations are analysed numerically and the strength predictions obtained from the point-stress criterion are verified in experiments. </p><p>The predictions are made using a simple point-stress criterion in combination with highly accurate finite element calculations. The point-stress criterion was known from earlier work to give accurate predictions of failure at cracks and notches but had to be slightly modified to become applicable for the studied configurations. The criterion showed to be generally applicable to the bi-material interfaces studied herein. Sensible predictions for the tendentious strength behaviour could be made with reasonable accuracy, including the prediction of crossover from local, joint-induced failure to global failure. </p><p>To study the micromechanical properties of a cellular solid with arbitrary topology, various models of a closed-cell foam are created on the basis of random Voronoi tessellations. The foam models are analysed using the finite element method and the effective elastic properties of the model cellular solids are determined. The calculated moduli are compared to the properties of a real reference foam and the numerical results show to be in very good agreement. </p><p>The mechanical properties of closed-cell, low-density cellular solids are governed by the stiffnesses of the cell edges and the cell faces. Models of idealised foam models with planar cell faces, cannot account for the curved faces found on some metal and polymer foams. Finite element models of closed-cell foams were created to analyse the influence of cell face curvature on the stiffness of the foam. By determining the elastic modulus for foams with non-planar cell faces, the effect of cell face curvature could be analysed as a function of the relative density and the distribution of solid material between cell edges and faces. </p><p>Foam models were generated from disturbed point distribution lattices and compared to models obtained from random distributions. The aim was to analyse if and how the geometry of the cells and their spatial arrangement influences the mechanical properties of a foam. The results suggest that the spatial arrangement and the geometry of the cells have significant influence on the properties of a foam. The elastic properties calculated for models from disturbed foam structures underestimated the elastic moduli of the foam, whereas models from random structures provided results which were in very good agreement with a reference foam.</p>
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