Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biblioteks informationsvetenskap"" "subject:"biblioteksbesök informationsvetenskap""
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Attityder till Wikipedia : En undersökning bland lärare och studenter på läkar- och psykologprogrammen vid Umeå universitetZjajo, Mirza January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Attityder till Wikipedia : En undersökning bland lärare och studenter på läkar- och psykologprogrammen vid Umeå universitetZjajo, Mirza January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Några användares synpunkter på digitala talböckerGrensjö, Nina January 2009 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt några talboksanvändares krav, erfarenheter och förväntningar på talböcker. Jag har även sett över hur inläsningarna av talböcker förändrats över tid. Jag har i undersökningen intervjuat en grupp på fyra dyslektiker och två personer som arbetar med digitala talböcker. De frågor som jag har sökt svar på i denna utvärdering är. Hur fungerar inläsningarna för användarna? Hur har inläsningarna förändrats över tid? Bör inläsningarna ske med eller utan dramatisering? Vad finns det för alternativ till inläsningar (för olika genrer?) Jag har även undersökt hur talböcker respektive kommersiella ljudböcker lånas ut idag och hur talböcker lånades ut för ett par år sedan. De viktigaste resultaten är att Tal- och Punktskriftsbibliotekets egenproducerade syntetiska röst Folke borde förbättras och att det borde gå snabbare för studenter att få sin litteratur inläst. Dessutom finns det önskemål att talböckerna ska ta efter ljudböckerna som har mer dramatisering och inlevelse i inläsningarna än talböckerna. När det gäller faktaböcker anser de intervjuade användarna ofta att de är tråkiga att lyssna på. De finns dock även andra önskemål på faktaböcker i talboksform, som t ex att de borde vara med en bild, tabell eller punktlista så att man kan titta på dem medan man lyssnar.
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The social and intellectual development of library and information science /Åström, Fredrik, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Högläsningsvanor - hur och varför? : Hur ser högläsningspraktikerna ut för föräldrar och barnbibliotekarier / Reading aloud - how and why? : A survey of practitioner around reading aloud among parents and children´s librariansSjösten Lilja, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the practitioner around reading aloud among parents and children’s librarians. The questions I have been working with is how does the parents habits around reading aloud looks like and why they do it, and how does children´s librarians work with reading aloud and why. The method I have been working with are interviews, both with parents how have children in the age of one to five years old and children´s librarians how works with children in the same age. In my analysis did I use a socio-cultural perspective and also a model made of Dominikovic which describes the interaction between an adult and a child in a reading aloud situation. The result of my survey showed that the parents I was interviewed was reading aloud to their children almost every day, in my opinion are the parents not aware of all the advantages the reading aloud will give their children, they see it more like a tradition they want to give their children. The children´s librarians have a more stated purpose with their activities around reading aloud and that is mainly language development.
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Bilder av bildning : En studie om folkbibliotekets mål att främja intresset för bildning / Images of Bildung : A study of the objective of the Swedish public libraries to promote interest in BildungOlsson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Since a few years back, the term Bildung seems to be having a renaissance in Sweden, and it furthermore, in the new Swedish Libraries Act 2013, became an objective for the libraries to “promote interest in Bildung”. As the act neither defines the term Bildung nor describes how the libraries are to promote interest in it, the purpose of this study is to examine this objective. Since previous research on Bildung and public libraries is sparse, when the adjacent term “folkbildning” is not included, this study is delimited to public libraries. To investigate the objective of the public libraries to promote interest in Bildung, two preparatory works of the Swedish Library Act 2013 were analyzed. The main themes of these documents were identified using qualitative content analysis. These themes were then interpreted based on the term Bildung. A definition of this multifaceted term was made in the theoretical part of this study. The history of the term, focusing on the period of the Enlightenment and the Romantic era, was accounted for, and central ideas and philosophical traditions identified. Seminal thinkers being, among others, Immanuel Kant, Wilhelm Humboldt and Friedrich Hegel. The main result of this study is that the fulfillment of the principal objectives of the public libraries creates favorable conditions for the objective to promote interest in Bildung. The challenges to this is increased economic and politic influence or control, or that the intrinsic values of Bildung is not upheld.
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Mot minnandet framträder framtiden : ett fokussamtal om dåtida, samtida och framtida bibliotekThorn, Josefin January 2016 (has links)
This focus group conversation on how some publiclibraries in the Gothenburg area have beendeveloped to meet the needs of future, over timefrom the 1960’s to the present planning of a newlibrary, shows that older common sense notions stillhave an considerable influence even in todaysplanning. The closer you get to the present andplanning for the future, more use of discursive toolslike theories and modeling are talked about ashelpful in clarifying communication and structuringhow and what to do. The study use a socioculturalstance on collective remembering by Wertsch and andialogical approach on focus groups by Markováand Linell.
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”Vi är ett samhälle gemensamt” : en studie avfolkbibliotekariers syn på bibliotekets arbete förnyanlända. / “We are a society all together” : a study onlibrarians’ views on the way libraries work withnewcomers.Pecorella, Anna Carla January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the role of public libraries in creating and promoting integration. More specifically, the aim of this thesis is to contribute with knowledge about how public libraries can help newcomers. During the last few years Library and Information Science scholars have conducted several studies in order to gain better knowledge regarding newcomers’ use of the library and their information practices. Fewer studies focus on the way librarians understand and describe their practices. This study aims to be a contribution in this direction, investigating librarians’ descriptions of their practices. Moreover, this study aims to understand the way librarians perceive and describe their professional identity in relation to their work with newly arrived people. The study is qualitative. The empirical data comes from semi structured interviews I conducted with seven librarians who work with newcomers. Data has been analyzed with narrative method. The findings show that library staff tends to establish with newcomers meaningful relationships based on reciprocity, curiosity and openness. Concerning the description of the daily work they conduct for newcomers, three “pillars” has been identified: the social work and the work with languages; the pedagogic work; the work with literature. Moreover, among the elements that enable and facilitate librarians’ work emerged communication and cooperation with external partners. The three “pillars” that resulted from the analysis are also indicative of the way respondents perceive their professional identity in relation to the work they conduct for newcomers. Concerning this last aspect, this resulted in an internal discussion between what should be considered as part of the profession and what should not. The profession of librarianship, in fact, is traditional but even wellconnected to the society. Societal changes generate change in the way libraries perceive their role and identity. Finally, all study participants are aware of the importance of the work they conduct and of the crucial role that libraries may have in the lives of many newcomers.
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Att läsa är som att fara till månen : Hur skolbibliotekarier och lärare samverkar för att möta elever med lässvårigheter / To read is like going to the moon : How school-librarians and teachers cooperating regarding assisting pupils with reading disabilitiesElofsson, Anders January 2019 (has links)
The purpose with this essay is to enlighten the comprehension of the school librarian’s perspective of his/ her function, mainly when it deals with assisting work with pupils who have reading disabilities and in which ways the school librarian should encourage the pupils. The thesis is based on two research questions. How does the school librarian define what a school library is and its obligations? How does the collaboration between the school-librarian and the teacher operate? In order to acquire answers for these questions I conducted a semi-structured interview with schoollibrarians working at public primary schools. As an empirical point of departure, I applied a theoretical reading-circle model by Aidan Chambers combinated with Kerstin Rydsjös och Anna-Carin Elfs three different ways of observing reading: Chambers’ model is based on six different phases and these are: To pick, to read, time, place, reaction and response and adult support. The result of my study brings about a great many different views linked to the school librarian's role, the most dominant part is about the school librarian’s most important task, and that is to guide pupils when it comes to picking out the most adequate books so they can start developing better skills in the reading stage.
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Att arbeta med HBTQ på folkbibliotek i Norrlands glesbygdOlofsson, Thom-Elise January 2020 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte är att belysa HBTQ arbete på folkbibliotek i Norrlands glesbygd, hur de arbetar och vad som påverkar det arbetet. För att göra detta så används semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod. I det första kapitlet introduceras ämnet och syftet. Queerteori lyfts upp och några viktiga begrepp definieras. Det andra kapitlet behandlar tidigare forskning, det tredje kapitlet metod. I det femte kapitlet presenteras resultatet och i det sjätte kapitlet kommer slutsatser och föreslag på fortsatt forskning. Sist kommer innehållsförteckning och bilagor. Syftet uppfylls genom en analys av de berättelser som framkommer vid intervjuerna. Respondenternas berättelser visar på en bredd av erfarenheter, arbete med regnbågshyllor och regnbågsflaggor på böckerna. Flera aspekter av deras arbete belyses, bestånd, bemötande, programverksamhet, utbildning och fortbildning. Faktorerna som påverkar HBTQ arbetet varierar mellan de olika respondenterna. Gemensamt för alla är brist på tid och pengar. Satsningar från högre instanser ger möjlighet till god påverkan. Men intresset för HBTQ arbete från omgivningen har stor påverkan på huruvida satsningarna kan ha någon effekt.
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