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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

‘Hammatbihi wahammabiha’: fasihi ya Kiswahili na kisa cha Yusuf

H. Samsom, Ridder 14 December 2012 (has links)
The story of Joseph (in the Bible), Yusuf (in the Quran), has inspired literatures in many languages. This paper explores how some Swahili writers and translators have dealt with this inspiration, the implications for their language use and the way they have interpreted Yusuf as a theme for their writings. After a brief introduction on the importance of the story itself and putting the focus on a major theme of the plot, the following works are discussed: the new Quran translation by Sh Ali Muhsin (1995), a short novel by Mzee Salim A. Kibao (1975), two short stories by Amur bin Nasur il-Omeiri (1894), the utenzi Qissat-il Yusuf (l913) and Abdulrazak Gurnah\''s English written novel Paradise (1995). The paper concludes with the observation that in analyzing how these Swahili writers have integrated the story of Yusuf in their writings, prose as well as poetry, it becomes clear that attempts in defining what is ‘foreign’ (or ‘Oriental’) and what is ‘indigenous’ (or ‘African’) are bound to fail.

賓組甲骨卜旬卜辭研究 / The Research on the Text of Bu-Xun in the Bin Collection

曹庭瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以賓組的卜旬卜辭作為論題。先就卜辭的字體與句式兩部份做分類與整理,接著討論其驗辭的內容與所載貞人之關係,最後綜合討論以上成果。   第一章「緒論」說明研究動機與方法,以及目前學者和卜辭字體類型相關及卜旬卜辭驗辭內容相關的研究成果。第二章整理賓組卜旬卜辭的句式與字體,並嘗試透過整理成果來回應前輩學者的分期之說。第三章至第四章討論賓組卜旬卜辭的驗辭內容,並與字體整理成果對照研究。第五章主要整理於賓組中曾參與卜旬貞問的貞人,並觀察與之配合的字體類型,藉此排列出貞人間的相對時序。第六章則概述前述四章的研究成果,並說明本文透過賓組卜旬卜辭研究所得的結論。 / The purpose of this thesis is to study the content of Oracle Bone Script, constrained in Bu-Xun(卜旬),the record of the ancient psychic augury every half-decade, of Collection Bin(賓組). We carefully assorted all the pieces available by its ways of writing and its exterior forms in this range. Later, we present the connection between Zen-Ren(貞人) the ancient official psychics and Yen-Tzu(驗辭) of certain augury of Bu-Xun of Oracle Bone Scripts which note whether the prediction was found to be true or false. In chapter one we explain the research methods used and the context of the study. In the second chapter, text of Bu-Xun in the Oracle Bone Scripts assorted by its form and font will respond to predecessors’ assortments which have been a controversy between the researchers. In chapter three and four we further study the retained Yen-Tzu, the proven and disproven notes engraved on, of the text on Bu-Xun in Collection Bin, and then figuring out the correlation between the content of it and our assortment. In the fifth chapter, in the study of known psychics, we further discover a new chronological order by pointing out the relations between the specific font and the names of these official psychics The final chapter summarizes the four chapters above, and concluded the result of our research on Bu-xun Oracle Bone scripts in the large Collection Bin and explained how this study develop the field of research.

後9/11美國反恐情報合作之研究 / A Study on the U.S. Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Cooperation After 9/11

過子庸, Kuo, Tzu Yung Unknown Date (has links)
2001年9月11日發生在美國本土的自殺式恐怖襲擊事件之後,當時的小布希總統堅決宣示展開全面性「全球反恐怖主義戰爭」(Global War on Terrorism)。美國不僅以其強大的軍事力量,對付支持及庇護蓋達組織及其分支的國家,也與各國合作共同打擊恐怖主義。由於這是一場與傳統戰爭迥然不同的鬥爭,因此美國反恐的策略不但依賴軍事武力,還必須透過政治、外交、情報、金融與教育等多元途徑,並靈活運用國際的力量,徹底打擊恐怖主義。其中情報工作在反恐戰爭中扮演著非常重要的角色,因為恐怖分子在發動任何攻擊之前,可能會有些徵兆,若在事先能獲得蛛絲馬跡的情報,就能夠防患未然並且將危機消弭於無形。 在國際方面,9/11反而促成各國的合作,美國情報單位在這場反恐戰爭中也被賦予重要的任務,將反恐情報合作的觸角伸向全世界各個角落。由於美國與各國的合作程度影響全球打擊恐怖主義的成效,故有必要對美國主導的國際情報合作進行研究。美國在國際間致力反恐情報合作之際,同時也對其國內情報機制進行改革與重整。因為9/11的發生,很多人歸咎於國內情報單位的失職,美國政府於是開始對其情報圈,展開自杜魯門總統於1947年7月26日簽署《國家安全法案》以來,最重大的改革。因此也有必要對美國在9/11後的情報改革進行探討,以瞭解美國在此事件後所進行的國內情報改革情形及成效。 / In the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001, the U.S. President George W. Bush launched the “Global War on Terrorism”. The U.S. has fight against countries that support Al-Qaeda and its affiliate with powerful military strength and cooperated with various countries on combat terrorism. This is a disparately untraditional war and consequently America’s counterterrorism strategy is multi-faceted that includes not only military but also diplomacy, financial action, intelligence, education, etc. Intelligence, in particular, plays a pivotal role in this war. Signs of terrorist threat may be discovered and attacks can possibly be prevented if intelligence agencies received information about the plots in advance. The September 11 attacks have facilitated bilateral and multilateral cooperation between countries in the globe. The U.S. especially undertakes great responsibilities in fighting against Al-Qaeda and its affiliates, and attaches strings to its counter terrorism cooperation around the world. Since the strength of the cooperative movement between the U.S. and other countries may affect the outcome of the global cooperation, conducting a study on the U.S.-led international intelligence cooperation is critical. While endeavoring to enhance international intelligence cooperation on anti-terrorism, the U.S. has conducted reform and adjustment of the domestic intelligence community. Owing to its intelligence failure on the September 11 attacks, the U.S. government initiated the greatest reform on intelligence mechanism since the former President Truman had signed the National Security Act of 1947. Therefore, study on and analysis of the results and achievement of the U.S. intelligence reform after the September 11 attacks is a must-do.

What can the United States learn from India to counter terrorism

Latimer, William Scott 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Terrorism is the principal threat to global and national security in the post-11 September world. Facing terrorist threats at home and abroad, the United States has declared counterterrorism its top priority. As the United States embarks on its global counterterrorism campaign, it must draw on the experience of other countries. Specifically India, with an extensive history of counterterrorism efforts, can reveal important lessons applicable to America's endeavors. India offers three primary examples of counterterrorism strategies: Punjab, its northeast region, and Kashmir, from which four findings emerge. First, aggressive military operations are central to beating terrorism. Second, economic and social development programs, though not enough to end terrorism alone, are essential components of the larger national strategy. Third, terrorism cannot be stopped without international assistance. Terror networks export personnel, knowledge, weapons and money across international boundaries with growing frequency. This cannot be effectively stopped without a coordinated national and international effort. Fourth, to be successful, a counterterrorism strategy must engender the public's support for the government and promulgate a sense of public ownership to the conflict. By applying these lessons from the Indian case study, America's efforts to end terrorism both domestically and internationally will be significantly more productive. / Captain, United States Air Force

Generic instance segmentation for object-oriented bin-picking / Segmentation en instances génériques pour le dévracage orienté objet

Grard, Matthieu 20 May 2019 (has links)
Le dévracage robotisé est une tâche industrielle en forte croissance visant à automatiser le déchargement par unité d’une pile d’instances d'objet en vrac pour faciliter des traitements ultérieurs tels que la formation de kits ou l’assemblage de composants. Cependant, le modèle explicite des objets est souvent indisponible dans de nombreux secteurs industriels, notamment alimentaire et automobile, et les instances d'objet peuvent présenter des variations intra-classe, par exemple en raison de déformations élastiques.Les techniques d’estimation de pose, qui nécessitent un modèle explicite et supposent des transformations rigides, ne sont donc pas applicables dans de tels contextes. L'approche alternative consiste à détecter des prises sans notion explicite d’objet, ce qui pénalise fortement le dévracage lorsque l’enchevêtrement des instances est important. Ces approches s’appuient aussi sur une reconstruction multi-vues de la scène, difficile par exemple avec des emballages alimentaires brillants ou transparents, ou réduisant de manière critique le temps de cycle restant dans le cadre d’applications à haute cadence.En collaboration avec Siléane, une entreprise française de robotique industrielle, l’objectif de ce travail est donc de développer une solution par apprentissage pour la localisation des instances les plus prenables d’un vrac à partir d’une seule image, en boucle ouverte, sans modèles d'objet explicites. Dans le contexte du dévracage industriel, notre contribution est double.Premièrement, nous proposons un nouveau réseau pleinement convolutionnel (FCN) pour délinéer les instances et inférer un ordre spatial à leurs frontières. En effet, les méthodes état de l'art pour cette tâche reposent sur deux flux indépendants, respectivement pour les frontières et les occultations, alors que les occultations sont souvent sources de frontières. Plus précisément, l'approche courante, qui consiste à isoler les instances dans des boîtes avant de détecter les frontières et les occultations, se montre inadaptée aux scénarios de dévracage dans la mesure où une région rectangulaire inclut souvent plusieurs instances. A contrario, notre architecture sans détection préalable de régions détecte finement les frontières entre instances, ainsi que le bord occultant correspondant, à partir d'une représentation unifiée de la scène.Deuxièmement, comme les FCNs nécessitent de grands ensembles d'apprentissage qui ne sont pas disponibles dans les applications de dévracage, nous proposons une procédure par simulation pour générer des images d'apprentissage à partir de moteurs physique et de rendu. Plus précisément, des vracs d'instances sont simulés et rendus avec les annotations correspondantes à partir d'ensembles d'images de texture et de maillages auxquels sont appliquées de multiples déformations aléatoires. Nous montrons que les données synthétiques proposées sont vraisemblables pour des applications réelles au sens où elles permettent l'apprentissage de représentations profondes transférables à des données réelles. A travers de nombreuses expériences sur une maquette réelle avec robot, notre réseau entraîné sur données synthétiques surpasse la méthode industrielle de référence, tout en obtenant des performances temps réel. L'approche proposée établit ainsi une nouvelle référence pour le dévracage orienté-objet sans modèle d'objet explicite. / Referred to as robotic random bin-picking, a fast-expanding industrial task consists in robotizing the unloading of many object instances piled up in bulk, one at a time, for further processing such as kitting or part assembling. However, explicit object models are not always available in many bin-picking applications, especially in the food and automotive industries. Furthermore, object instances are often subject to intra-class variations, for example due to elastic deformations.Object pose estimation techniques, which require an explicit model and assume rigid transformations, are therefore not suitable in such contexts. The alternative approach, which consists in detecting grasps without an explicit notion of object, proves hardly efficient when the object geometry makes bulk instances prone to occlusion and entanglement. These approaches also typically rely on a multi-view scene reconstruction that may be unfeasible due to transparent and shiny textures, or that reduces critically the time frame for image processing in high-throughput robotic applications.In collaboration with Siléane, a French company in industrial robotics, we thus aim at developing a learning-based solution for localizing the most affordable instance of a pile from a single image, in open loop, without explicit object models. In the context of industrial bin-picking, our contribution is two-fold.First, we propose a novel fully convolutional network (FCN) for jointly delineating instances and inferring the spatial layout at their boundaries. Indeed, the state-of-the-art methods for such a task rely on two independent streams for boundaries and occlusions respectively, whereas occlusions often cause boundaries. Specifically, the mainstream approach, which consists in isolating instances in boxes before detecting boundaries and occlusions, fails in bin-picking scenarios as a rectangle region often includes several instances. By contrast, our box proposal-free architecture recovers fine instance boundaries, augmented with their occluding side, from a unified scene representation. As a result, the proposed network outperforms the two-stream baselines on synthetic data and public real-world datasets.Second, as FCNs require large training datasets that are not available in bin-picking applications, we propose a simulation-based pipeline for generating training images using physics and rendering engines. Specifically, piles of instances are simulated and rendered with their ground-truth annotations from sets of texture images and meshes to which multiple random deformations are applied. We show that the proposed synthetic data is plausible for real-world applications in the sense that it enables the learning of deep representations transferable to real data. Through extensive experiments on a real-world robotic setup, our synthetically trained network outperforms the industrial baseline while achieving real-time performances. The proposed approach thus establishes a new baseline for model-free object-oriented bin-picking.

Pollinators in the city : Exploring the potential of urban environments as sites for conservation

Johner, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Insect pollinators provide indispensible ecosystem services for agricultural, natural and urban ecosystems, and have been declining drastically around the globe. These declines are largely due to fragmentation and loss of habitat resulting from urbanization and intensification of agriculture, and raise concerns over global food security. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of urbanization on abundance, species richness and diversity of insect pollinators, and whether urban environments have potential as sites for conservation. Cities are highly heterogeneous environments with ample foraging and nesting opportunities and can house an abundance and diversity of pollinators. Urban environments can serve as refuges for many pollinator species. Effective city planning and mixed conservation strategies can help to promote healthy populations of insect pollinators in urban environments, which can help to stabilize populations in rural settings, thereby ensuring pollination services for agriculture and terrestrial ecosystems. / Pollinerande insekter (pollinatörer) bidrar med oumbärliga ekosystemtjänster till jordbruk och naturliga och urbana ekosystem, och de har minskat drastiskt i antal runt hela jorden. Dessa nedgångar orsakas till största del av habitatförstöring och -fragmentering, och väcker oro över den globala matsäkerheten. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur urbanisering påverkar abundans, artrikedom och biodiversitet hos pollinatörer, samt om urbana miljöer har potential som platser för bevarande av pollinatörer. Städer är mycket heterogena områden med gott om matresurser och boplatser, och kan husera en mångfald av pollinatörer. Urbana miljöer lämpar sig bra som platser för bevarande av pollinatörer. Med effektiv stadsplanering och en blandning av olika bevarandestrategier kan städer uppehålla hälsosamma populationer av pollinatörer. Detta kan hjälpa till att stabilisera populationer på landsbygden och därmed säkerställa pollinationstjänster till såväl jordbruk som naturliga terrestra ekosystem.

Heuristic Methods For Job Scheduling In A Heat Treatment Shop To Maximize Kiln Utilization

Srinidhi, S 02 1900 (has links)
Scheduling in the context of manufacturing systems has become increasingly impor- tant in order for organizations to achieve success in dynamic and competitive scenarios. Scheduling can be described as allocation of available jobs over resources to meet the performance criteria defined in a domain. Our research work fo cuses on scheduling a given set of three-dimensional cylindrical items, each characterized by width wj , height hj, and depth dj , onto parallel non-identical rectangular heat treatment kilns, such that the capacities of the kilns is optimally used. The problem is strongly NP-hard as it generalizes the (one-dimensional) Bin Packing Problem (1BP), in which a set of n positive values wj has to be partitioned into the minimum number of subsets so that the total value in each subset does not exceed the bin capacity W. The problem has been formulated as a variant of the 3D-BPP by following the MILP approach, and we propose a weight optimization heuristic that produces solutions comparable to that of the LP problem, in addition to reducing the computational complexity. Finally, we also propose a Decomposition Algorithm (DA) and validate the perfor- mance effectiveness of our heuristic. The numerical analyses provides useful insights that influence the shop-floor decision making process.

Otimização do controle nível do silo de cavacos em uma fábrica de celulose / Optimization of the chip bin level in a pulp mill

Carrilho, Vicente Nunes 08 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T14:01:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 3204429 bytes, checksum: bb0afea4fc4ece0c42828bf3aa84a915 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-08 / This work shows the results using of advanced control algorithm and soft-sensor to increase the efficiency of the stage of pre-vaporization in the cooking plant process of extracting pulp, by optimizing the level of the Diamondback® chip bin. The extraction system chips presents several obstacles to effective control, such as: (1) points without stack of chips during the transition movement of the extraction system bin in the storage chips and consequently sudden decrease in the volume of chip bin, (2) compaction and uneven stack height causing high variability in the volume of chip bin, (3) without information in real time position of the threads in the operating display (4) high travel time between the extraction system and measurement points (volume of the silo and the balance volume). To eliminating the section without chips were available eight virtual switches limits, positioned by operator, on the operation screen, limiting the transition movement of the extraction system chips. The new control strategy the measurement is performed by a soft-sensor that predicts the volume of chips, using multiple linear regression. Using soft-sensor to measurement volume, so the retention time of the system was eliminate and decrease the variability of volume of chips bin. Using this new control strategy allied with soft-sensor proved to be adequate to solve the problem, the system became able to request of the Andritz company (70% + / - 10% of measurement section), The new control algorithm efficiency depends of the adjustments, tuning and learning with the system in operation.´ / Este trabalho mostra os resultados da utilização de algoritmo avançado de controle e sensores virtuais para aumentar a eficiência da etapa de pré-vaporização do digestor contínuo no processo de extração de polpa celulósica, através da otimização do nível do silo de cavacos. O sistema de extração de cavacos apresenta vários obstáculos para um controle eficaz, tais como: (1) pontos sem pilha de cavacos durante o movimento de translação das roscas provocando queda repentina do volume de cavacos e consequentemente queda repentina do nível de cavacos; (2) compactação e altura da pilha desuniforme provocando alta variabilidade do nível de cavacos; (3) inexistência de informação em tempo real da posição das roscas na tela de operação (4) elevado atraso de medição de vazão e nível de cavacos devido a distância das roscas ao pontos de medições (nível do silo e a balança volumétrica). Para eliminar os pontos sem pilhas de cavacos foram elaboradas oito chaves de fim de curso virtuais, cujo posicionamento é realizado pelo operador na tela de operação para limitar o curso de translação das roscas. Na nova estratégia de controle a medição é realizada por um sensor virtual que prediz já na saída das roscas o volume deslocado, empregando regressão linear múltipla. Com a utilização dos sensores virtuais de volume deslocado, eliminou-se o tempo de retenção do sistema, tornando mais uniforme o volume de cavacos para o silo. A utilização desta nova estratégia de controle aliadas aos sensores virtuais mostrou-se adequada para a resolução do problema, tornou-se o sistema capaz de atender a solicitação do fabricante Andritz (70% do volume de medição +/- 10%). A eficiência do novo algoritmo de controle depende de ajustes, sintonia e de aprendizado com o sistema em operação.

Infer?ncia do ponto de orvalho em amostras de g?s natural processado

Paz, Sidrak Jos? da 20 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SidrakJP_DISSERT.pdf: 3365381 bytes, checksum: 55b6f324d82bc4f385aa87921831ed44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This dissertation aims to assess the representativeness of the manual chilled mirror analyzer (model II Chanscope 13-1200-CN-2) used for the determination of condensed hydrocarbons of natural gas compared to the indirect methods, based on thermodynamic models equation of state. Additionally, it has been implemented in this study a model for calculating the dew point of natural gas. The proposed model is a modification of the equation of state of Peng-Robinson admits that the groups contribution as a strategy to calculate the binary interaction parameters kij (T) temperature dependence. Experimental data of the work of Brown et al. (2007) were used to compare the responses of the dew point of natural gas with thermodynamic models contained in the UniSim process simulator and the methodology implemented in this study. Then two natural gas compositions were studied, the first being a standard gas mixture gravimetrically synthesized and, second, a mixture of processed natural gas. These experimental data were also compared with the results presented by UniSim process simulator and the thermodynamic model implemented. However, data from the manual analysis results indicated significant differences in temperature, these differences were attributed to the formation of dew point of water, as we observed the appearance of moisture on the mirror surface cooling equipment / O presente trabalho de disserta??o tem por objetivo avaliar a representatividade do analisador manual de espelho refrigerado (Chanscope II modelo 13-1200-C-N-2) usado para a determina??o do condensado de hidrocarbonetos de g?s natural frente aos m?todos indiretos, fundamentados em modelos termodin?micos de equa??o de estado. Adicionalmente, tem sido implementado neste estudo um modelo para c?lculo do ponto de orvalho de g?s natural. O modelo proposto constitui uma modifica??o na equa??o de estado de Peng-Robinson que admite a contribui??o de grupos como estrat?gia para calcular os par?metros de intera??o bin?ria kij(T) com depend?ncia da temperatura. Dados experimentais do trabalho de Brown et al. (2007) foram utilizados para comparar as respostas de ponto de orvalho do g?s natural com os modelos termodin?micos contidos no simulador de processo UniSim e com a metodologia implementada neste estudo. Em seguida, duas composi??es de g?s natural foram estudadas, sendo a primeira uma mistura padr?o de g?s sintetizada gravimetricamente e, a segunda, uma mistura de g?s natural processado. Tais dados experimentais foram tamb?m comparados com os resultados apresentados pelo simulador de processo UniSim e pelo modelo termodin?mico implementado. No entanto, os dados do analisador manual indicaram diferen?as significativas nos resultados de temperaturas, sendo estas diferen?as atribu?das ? forma??o de ponto de orvalho de ?gua, j? que foi observado o aparecimento de umidade sobre a superf?cie do espelho refrigerado do equipamento

En miljö- och kostnadsjämförelse av insamlingssystem för källsortering närmare hushållen

Gyllenbreider, Emelie, Odencrants, Stina January 2017 (has links)
För att kunna uppnå de tuffare materialåtervinningsmålen som börjar gälla i Sverige år 2020 måste utsorteringen av bland annat plast-, papper- och metallförpackningar öka. Hushållsavfall beskrivs som en av de mest miljöpåverkande kategorin av avfall men samtidigt den kategori där det finns mest potential för förbättringar genom bättre hantering. Plockanalyser från 67 procent av Sveriges kommuner mellan åren 2013 och 2016 visar att ett svenskt villahushålls restavfall innehåller 34,5 procent förpackningar och returpapper som skulle kunna sorteras ut för materialåtervinning. Ett sätt att öka utsorteringen av producentansvarsmaterial från restavfallet och då kunna uppnå materialåtervinningsmålen är att kommuner erbjuder enklare samt ökad service i form av källsortering närmare hushållen. Tidigare studier har jämfört systemen optisk sortering och fyrfackskärl, som båda innebär källsortering närmare hushållen, med det vanligaste systemet i Sverige idag, tvåkärl, som inte innebär en ökad service genom kvalitativa metoder. Systemen har inte jämförts med kvantitativa metoder utifrån ekonomi eller miljö och inte heller med ett nytt koncept som heter Kvartersnära insamling. Den här rapporten har därför jämfört de fyra systemen utifrån aspekterna miljö och ekonomi med hjälp av verktygen livscykel- och livscykelkostnadsanalys som applicerades i ett område i Kristinehamns kommun för att på så sätt komma närmare verkligheten. Resultatet visar att systemet kvartersnära insamling har lägst miljöpåverkan i de undersökta miljöpåverkanskategorierna och därefter fyrfackskärl, optisk sortering och högst miljöpåverkan har systemet tvåkärl utifrån förutsättningarna och antagandena som har applicerats i studien. Livscykelanalysen visar att miljönyttan med materialåtervinningen överväger konsekvenserna av ökade transporter. Systemet med lägst livscykelkostnad är tvåkärl och sedan kvartersnära insamling, optisk sortering och dyrast livscykelkostnad har fyrfackskärl utifrån antaganden och de förutsättningar som använts i studien. En slutsats från rapporten är att det är viktigt att även undersöka andra aspekter förutom ekonomi och miljö vid val av insamlingssystem då resultatet till stor del beror på andra aspekter bland annat användarens uppfattning om systemet. / To achieve the stricter material recycling goals in Sweden in 2020 plastic-, metallic- and paper packages need to be better sorted from the household waste. Household waste might have the highest environmental impact compared with other sorts of waste but household waste has the highest potential to lower its impact. Waste pick-up analysis from 67 percent of Sweden's municipalities between 2013 and 2016 show that a Swedish household waste contains 34.5 percent packaging and recycled paper that could be sorted for recycling. The producers of that material have the responsibility to collect it but it does not work as well as planned because of different circumstances. One way to increase the recycling of the material from the household waste and then achieve the material recycling goals is that municipalities offer simpler and increased service in the form of source sorting closer to the households. Previous studies have compared the systems of optical sorting and multi compartment bin, which offer separation at sources closer to the households. Moreover, those systems have been compared with the most common system in Sweden today, two bins, which do not involve increased service. The systems have not been compared with quantitative methods based on economics or the environment, nor with a new concept called district collection. This report has compared the four systems. The aspects that have been compared are the environmental aspects and economical aspects by using the tools lifecycle assessment and lifecycle cost assessment. Moreover, the systems have been fictive studied in an area in the municipality of Kristinehamn, in order to get closer to reality. The results indicate that the collection system district collection had the lowest environmental impact followed by multi compartment bin and then optical sorting. Moreover, the system with two bins has the highest impact in the studied environmental impact categories according to the assumptions that have been applied in the study. The lifecycle assessment indicates that the benefits with material recycling is higher than the environmental impacts of increased transportation. The system with lowest lifecycle cost is the system with two bins and then the district collection. The system with highest lifecycle cost is the system optical sorting and the system with the second highest cost is multi compartment bin according to the assumptions that have been applied in the study. One conclusion from the study is that it is important to investigate more aspects than environmental impact and costs when to decide collection system. It is because the results depends on the other aspects as well like the users experience about the system.

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