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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Männen på fältet : En georeferentiell analys av den offentliga konsten i Huddinge kommun

Sjöblom, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Männen på fältet: en georeferentiell analys av den offentliga konsten i Huddinge kommun fokuserar på den offentliga konsten i Huddinge kommun. Vem har skapat den offentliga konsten och för vem är den skapad? Studiens syfte är att ta reda på om den offentliga konsten i Huddinge reflekterar de socioekonomiska skillnaderna som finns i kommunen. Studien behandlar frågorna ”Av vem och för vem har den offentliga konsten i Huddinge kommun skapats?” och ”Är kommunens invånare representerade inom den offentliga konsten?”. En stor del av uppsatsen behandlar konstverkens geografiska utplacering i relation till invånarna i kommunen samt konstnärernas genus och etniska bakgrund. Genom Pierre Bourdieus fält-, kapital- och habitus-begrepp kartläggs av olika aktörers positioner i Huddinge kommun, vilket förklarar resultaten av min undersökning. Studien visar att olika delar av befolkningen i Huddinge har olika stort tillträde till och påverkan av konsten det offentliga rummet. Det offentliga rummet i Huddinge styrs av olika ekonomiska, politiska och konstnärliga praktiker, vars struktur inte alla invånare är medvetna om eller vet hur man påverkar. / The men on the field: a georeferential analysis of the public art in the municipality of Huddinge focuses on the public art in the municipality of Huddinge. Who has created the public artworks and for whom were they created? The purpose of the study is to find out if the public art in Huddinge reflects the socioeconomic variations in the municipality. The main part of the essay focuses on the geographical placement of the artworks in relation to the inhabitants of Huddinge. The questions on which I base my analysis are ”By whom and for whom has the public art in the municipality of Huddinge been created?” and ”Are the inhabitants of the municipality represented within the public art?”. The analysis focuses on the geographical placement of the artworks in relation to the inhabitants of Huddinge as well as gender and ethnical backgrounds of the artists. Through Pierre Bourdieus field-, capital- and habitus-concepts i construe the artfield in Huddinge and put forward an explanation of the results of my research. My study shows that different groups of the population in Huddinge have a different levels of access to and impact on the public art in the public space, which is being run by different economical, political and artistic practices, of which structures not all inhabitants are aware of or know how to affect. / Staden, konsten och invånarna

I hälsans tjänst är jag en verktygslåda : Ett perspektiv på personliga tränare och hälsa

Karlsson, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Idag börjar personliga tränare kännas igen som en stor del av friskvården och har nu uppmärksammats vara en resurs för att främja hälsa. Syftet med detta arbete är att studera personliga tränares erfarenhet av hälsa när det kommer till utbildning, sin egen hälsa och hälsa i relation till sitt yrke. Det genomfördes fem individuella intervjuer med personliga tränare för att samla in material. Intervjuerna transkriberades och resultatet tematiserades där kärncitat valdes ut för att illustrera var tema. Resultatet analyserades och diskuterades utifrån dessa teman med en teoretisk utgångspunkt komponerad genom begrepp av Pierre Bourdieu. Resultatet av intervjuerna visar på en helhetsyn av hälsa. Hälsan ses som en resurs för att kunna leva livet. Den hälsa de olika personliga tränarna upplever är något som formats under livs- och yrkeserfarenhet. Under sina utbildningar till PT (personlig tränare) upplevde ingen av informanterna att deras syn på hälsa förändrades. Det fanns även en frånvaro i utbildningarna av vad hälsa är. Det framgår att hälsoarbetet är en strävan efter att må bra. Detta genom att finna det som gör att en mår bra men även finna det som skapar ohälsa och behandla detta. Personliga tränare jobbar med ett helhetsperspektiv på hälsa. Det framgår även att de under sina respektive utbildningar inte erhöll något lärande i vad hälsa är eller innebär. Under utbildningarna förändrades inte heller deras syn på hälsa. I arbetet med sina klienter framgår det att de både jobbar utifrån vad som skapar hälsa respektive ohälsa, men att det som skapar hälsa är i fokus. Den breda synen på hälsa kan bidra i hälsoarbetet då den erbjuder möjligheten att lättare identifiera påverkningsfaktorer av hälsa respektive ohälsa hos kunderna.

Rights of representation : an ethics of intercultural theatre practice

O'Toole, Emer January 2012 (has links)
This doctoral thesis proposes an ethics of intercultural theatre, offering a materially engaged framework through which to approach both the problematics and positive potential of intercultural practice. Framing intercultural debates in terms of rights of representation, it suggests that the right to represent Othered people and cultures can be strengthened through 1) involvement of members of all represented cultures, 2) equality and creative agency of all collaborators, 3) advantageousness of a given project to all involved, and 4) positive socio-political effects of a production within its performance contexts. Working through four diverse case studies – Tim Supple's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Pan Pan Theatre Company's The Playboy of the Western World, Peter Brook's 11 and 12 and Bisi Adigun and Roddy Doyle's The Playboy of the Western World – this project uses a Bourdieusian theoretical framework to flag elements of contemporary intercultural practice that strengthen and weaken rights of representation. It recognises that Orientalist and Eurocentric modes of representing Otherness still require address; equally, it points to laudable working practices, moving towards a pragmatics of best intercultural theatre practice.

Gender at Work: The Role of Habitus and Gender-Performance in Service Industry Occupations

Dean-Shapiro, Laura 06 August 2009 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between gender roles and habitus in service industry occupations. It draws primarily from the works of Pierre Bourdieu and Judith Butler. Data includes an exploratory focus group, non-participant observations and interviews with women currently or formerly employed as bartenders, bar backs, servers, or hostesses. The main themes that emerged included how habitus is affected by views of employment, drug and alcohol use, the naturalization of gender roles, and the effect of appearance standards. This study supports previous feminist works that posit that gender as a performance, not a biological trait. Further this performance is used to navigate specific social experiences such as those in a workplace. This paper also comments on current enforcement of Title VII with reference to gender discrimination.

Post-Bureaucratic Organizations: Normative and Technical Dimensions

Attwood-Charles, William January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Juliet B. Schor / In this dissertation, I study dynamics of inequality in three post-bureaucratic organizations: a makerspace and two on-demand labor platforms for couriers. I focus on three aspects of post-bureaucracy: 1) Identity work and social clorure. 2) Dynamics of status and distinction making. 3) Technology as an alternative to rational-bureaucratic and value-rational organizations, and the experience of technologically organized work. Collectively, these cases explore how institutional orders are created, reproduced, and transformed in organizations that reject interpersonal authority relationships. As a social technology for coordinating activity, bureaucracies rely upon formalized rules, responsibilities, and impersonal authority relationships. In a completely rationalized bureaucracy, coordination is achieved through rigid adherence to codified roles and procedures, as well as deference to designated superiors within a bureaucratic hierarchy. Post-bureaucratic organizations, by contrast, eschew formalized interpersonal authority relationships - typically emphasizing normative and technical controls. For example, many high-tech organizations group workers into teams that negotiate and enforce norms. Material technology may also be used by organizations as a method to coordinate and manage workers, as in the case of on-demand labor platforms that direct workers via software technology. Like conventional bureaucracies, post-bureaucratic organizations are susceptible to a variety of pathologies. Two tendencies, however, are particularly salient: anomie and reification. Technical control involves reifying aspects of an institutional order that otherwise would be interactively negotiated and enforced. One risk in reifying an institutional order is that it will be incapable of responding to changes in the environment. In contrast to the problem of an institutional order that is too stable, anomie is a quality of normlessness and an ambiguous institutional order. Previous research suggests commitment forms of organizing are susceptible to anomic tendencies. In such weakly institutionalized environments where norms are open for negotiation, there can be considerable competition between individuals over how to define norms and practices. These individual status competitions may come at the expense of collective goals, in addition to being an avenue by which race, gender, and class inequalities are produced and reproduced. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Sociology.

White working-class boys' negotiations of school experience and engagement

Stahl, Garth January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates how white working-class boys experience social and learner identities in three educational sites. It presents the findings of an in-depth sociological study of teenage boys from one locality in South London, focusing on the practices of ‘meaning-making’ and ‘identity work,’ the boys’ experience and the various disjunctures and commonalities between the social and learner identities. Working-class boys are often presented in homogeneous terms and this study explores the heterogeneity of being a working-class boy and the diversity of their experiences in education. The work is positioned within the debates regarding masculinity in schooling and working-class disadvantage; my focus is on how boys’ ‘lifeworlds’ are created in contrast and in relation to their schooling experience. How boys contend with neoliberal educational processes which are fundamentally about “continually changing the self, making informed choices, engaging in competition, and taking chances” (Phoenix 2004: 229) and the construction of what I call ‘egalitarianism’ was an important homogenous feature in the data. The methodological approach employed is integral to gaining this understanding. I draw on Bourdieu’s signature concepts and theoretical framework in order to understand the complexities and negotiations surrounding reconciling educational success with working-class values. To further my understanding, I also utilise elements of intersectionality questioning, in order to address the interplay between class, gender and ethnicity in the social and learner identities the boys constitute and reconstitute through the various discursive practices in which they participate.

”Barnbibliotekarier är rätt kaxiga!” : några svenska barnbibliotekariers arbetssituation idag analyserade utifrån Pierre Bourdieus begrepp. / ”Children's librarians are rather cocky!” : some Swedish children's librarians working situation, analysed using the concepts of Pierre Bourdieu.

Hjelm, Emma, Karlsson, Klara January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how some children's librarians view their working situation. There is one main question and three subquestions at issue: How is the working situation of the children's librarians today described by agents on the library field? - Are children's librarians ascribed any value and has this changed during the last three decades'? - What is the apprehension of children's librarians and what qualities should they possess? - What is considered to be most important about work of children's librarians'? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with children's librarians, library managers and library consultants. The interviews are analysed by the help of Pierre Bourdieu theoretical concepts; capital, habitus, field, doxa and distinction. Today, children's librarians are ascribed capital by their librarian colleagues because of their specialist qualifications. Also agents outside the library field ascribe them capita) and the capital has increased. The children's librarians have developed strategies to maintain and increase capital. They look after their interests at the library and develop collaborations with other municipal institutes. The habitus of children's librarians includes characteristics like being committed, creative, outgoing and able to communicate with children on children's turns. They are educated in to their habitus at librarian's meetings, extension courses and interaction with each other. According to themselves, the most important parts of their work, their doxa, regards children's reading and language. Their situation of work is trying, and they do not feel that their ideas get the same attention as earlier. / Uppsatsnivå: D

”Till ett folks uppfostran” : Biblioteket som förmedlare av legitim kultur

Lundström, Sara January 1996 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftade till att påvisa biblioteket som bärare av och uttryck för den legitima kulturen enligt Pierre Bourdieus kulturbegrepp. Folkbibliotekens ideologiska mål och medieurvalspolitik studerades som viktiga dispositioner i bibliotekens habitus. Uppsatsen redogjorde för bibliotekariernas utbildning och sociala tillhörighet med avsikt att utröna dessa faktorers vikt vid inskolning i habitus, vilket författaren ansåg som en viktig faktor i kontinuiteten av vidarebefordring av dessa dispositioner. Slutligen studerades debatten kring GÖK-projektet, vilken i sammanhanget sågs som ett exempel på en situation där en hotad ortodoxi tvingas att formulera sig för att kunna försvara sin existens. Författaren ansåg sig kunna belägga biblioteket som en viktig agent för den legitima kulturen, vilket också lett till uteslutning av avvikande kulturformer. Hon menade att bibliotekariernas minskade ideologiska skolning varit en av de faktorer som möjliggjort de senaste årens förändringsarbete inom folkbiblioteken. Hon såg positioneringen i GÖK-debatten till stor del som försvar för olika generationers syn på bibliotekens mål.

Bridge between worlds : relating position and disposition in the mathematical field

Lane, Lorenzo David January 2017 (has links)
Using ethnographic observations and interview based research I document the production of research mathematics in four European research institutes, interviewing 45 mathematicians from three areas of pure mathematics: topology, algebraic geometry and differential geometry. I use Bourdieu's notions of habitus, field and practice to explore how mathematicians come to perceive and interact with abstract mathematical spaces and constructions. Perception of mathematical reality, I explain, depends upon enculturation within a mathematical discipline. This process of socialisation involves positioning an individual within a field of production. Within a field mathematicians acquire certain structured sets of dispositions which constitute habitus, and these habitus then provide both perspectives and perceptual lenses through which to construe mathematical objects and spaces. I describe how mathematical perception is built up through interactions within three domains of experience: physical spaces, conceptual spaces and discourse spaces. These domains share analogous structuring schemas, which are related through Lakoff and Johnson's notions of metaphorical mappings and image schemas. Such schemas are mobilised during problem solving and proof construction, in order to guide mathematicians' intuitions; and are utilised during communicative acts, in order to create common ground and common reference frames. However, different structuring principles are utilised according to the contexts in which the act of knowledge production or communication take place. The degree of formality, privacy or competitiveness of environments affects the presentation of mathematicians' selves and ideas. Goffman's concept of interaction frame, front-stage and backstage are therefore used to explain how certain positions in the field shape dispositions, and lead to the realisation of different structuring schemas or scripts. I use Sewell's qualifications of Bourdieu's theories to explore the multiplicity of schemas present within mathematicians' habitus, and detail how they are given expression through craftwork and bricolage. I argue that mathematicians' perception of mathematical phenomena are dependent upon their positions and relations. I develop the notion of social space, providing definitions of such spaces and how they are generated, how positions are determined, and how individuals reposition within space through acquisition of capital.

Unexpected journey : from autoethnography to a Bourdieusian analysis of engineering education

Moffat, Kenneth Alexander January 2018 (has links)
Who am I? I am a factory worker, who became a motor mechanic, an electronics technician, chartered engineer, project manager, university course director, associate dean and more recently a PhD student in education. I have a story to tell about lifelong learning from the perspective of the student, and a perspective on engineering education that is very different from many of my colleagues in academia. As my original research aim was to bring a different perspective to education, I also needed to take a different approach to research, and so I began my PhD with a grounded theory style approach, and a reflexive autoethnography of lifelong learning. Through my attempt to explore and justify my arguments for the autoethnographic method, I entered an epistemological rabbit hole that took me far away from the objective, quantitative world of engineering academia. However, through the autoethnographic process, I started to realise that my earlier experience of actually being a practising engineer was often qualitative and subjective, and seemed at odds with the quantitative, objective and theoretical world of engineering academia. I began to question why there was such an apparent disconnect between engineering education and practice, and this became the focus of part 2 of this thesis. This PhD thesis is in two distinct parts. Part 1 contains the autoethnographic elements described above, that led unexpectedly to the focus on engineering education through a Bourdieusian lens, via a number of other possible themes including motivation, social class, and distance learning. I begin part 2 by connecting my autoethnographic description of the disconnect between engineering education and practice, to similar accounts in academic, industrial and institutional literature. My main contribution to knowledge is the application of Bourdieu's theories of social reproduction to an exploration of how this disconnect has been maintained. As Bourdieu has positioned habitus as embodied history, I explore how the historic development of engineering has led to the separation of education and practice into distinct fields, which have in turn influenced the habitus of the agents within those fields. My main argument is that the habitus of the engineering academic is formed within a field where the valued forms of capital are based on scientific research and academic reputation, and this predisposes the academic to doxic beliefs about the nature of engineering that are not reflective of professional practice. However, I also contend that the engineering profession, in response to perceptions of societal attitudes to occupations and professions, also contributes to social reproduction through the cultural capital associated with academia and science.

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