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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inflytelserika kvinnor i musikbranschen : En studie i vad som krävs för att nå inflytelserika positioner

Öye, Veronica, Ahl, Julia January 2014 (has links)
I Sveriges musikbransch råder det idag en skev fördelning mellan kvinnor och män på inflytelserika positioner. Den skeva könsfördelningen, där det på de beslutsfattande positionerna syns en tydlig manlig dominans har blivit starkt uppmärksammad de senaste åren, vilket väckt intresset för föreliggande studie. Studiens fokus ligger på de kvinnliga aktörer som har lyckats inta inflytelserika positioner. Syftet med studien är att få en förståelse för vilka faktorer som legat till grund för det inflytande dessa kvinnor erhållit. Utifrån det har forskningsfrågan: “Går det att se likheter och skillnader i respondenternas bakgrund, samt i den kunskap de har förvärvat som gör att de erhållit inflytande i musikbranschen?” därför formulerats. Studien är av kvalitativ metod och baseras på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tio kvinnor som erhållit inflytande i musikbranschen. De intervjuade kvinnorna är i alfabetisk ordning: Cecilia Ancker, My Blomgren, Emelie Bååth, Marie Dimberg, Karin Gunnarsson, Helen McLaughlin, Theodora Nordqvist, Hilda Sandgren, Anna Sjölund och Lena Åberg Frisk. Utifrån studiens syfte används Pierre Bourdieus teori om fält, kapital och habitus för att undersöka vilket kapital som är av mest relevans då man intresserar sig för att erövra en inflytelserik position inom musikbranschen. Den empiri som erhållits påvisar att de kapital som anses mest viktiga för att nå en hög position är erfarenhet och sociala relationer. Vad samtliga respondenter har gemensamt, och som onekligen verkat för deras inflytelserika position de idag besitter, är den erfarenhet de ackumulerat. Analysen av empirin har lett till slutsatsen att vikten av erfarenhet och genomförande även är viktigare än en formell utbildning. Vad respondenterna vittnar om talar sitt klara språk: det sociala kapitalet blir en tillgång som förvaltas och omvandlas till en ökad kunskap, likt ett branschspecifikt utbildningskapital och är tillsammans med erfarenhetskapitalet de mest relevanta kapitalen för att erhålla inflytande i musikbranschen. / In today’s Swedish music industry, there is an uneven distribution of women and men among the influential positions. The male dominance in the industry has been highly debated in recent years, which brought the interest for this study. The study is therefore focused on females that have managed to occupy influential positions. The study aims to gain an understanding of the factors that enabled these women to obtain their influence in the music industry. Based on this purpose, our research question is "Is it possible to see similarities and differences among the respondents' backgrounds, and in their acquired knowledge, which has enabled their achieved power in the music industry?” The research takes a qualitative approach, based on semi-structured interviews with ten women who all hold influential positions in the music industry. The women interviewed are, in alphabetical order: Cecilia Ancker, My Blomgren, Emelie Bååth, Marie Dimberg, Karin Gunnarsson, Helen McLaughlin, Theodora Nordqvist, Hilda Sandgren, Anna Sjölund och Lena Åberg Frisk. Based on the study's purpose, Pierre Bourdieu's theory of field, capital and habitus is used as a theoretical framework to explore which capital is of most relevance when one is interested in acquiring an influential position in the music industry. The empirical data obtained shows that the capital considered most important for achieving an influential position is practical experience and social networking. Accumulating practical experience is a common trait among all respondents. The analysis of empirical data has led us to the conclusion that the importance of experience and execution is more important than formal education in the field. The respondents’ testimonials all conclude: The capital of social networking is an asset that is converted into knowledge; knowledge that is particularly important within the music industry, and can be considered an industry specific education. The capital of social networking, combined with practical experience, is the most relevant capital in order to obtain influence in the music industry.

O arbitrário cultural em democracias capitalistas: princípios de visão e divisão no campo das políticas de formação cultural / The cultural arbitrary in capitalist democracies: principles of vision and division in the field of cultural formation policies

Farina, Amilcar Ferraz 04 December 2018 (has links)
Trata-se de pesquisa sobre o arbitrário cultural em políticas de formação no desenvolvimento de democracias culturais. O estudo apresentou o contexto da formação nos debates que permearam a gestão Haddad na cidade de São Paulo, sobretudo na formulação do Plano Municipal de Cultura. Em seguida, realizou-se um estudo global sobre arranjos administrativos, diretrizes e programas em políticas públicas de educação artística e cultural em oito democracias capitalistas. Por fim, para elucidar os princípios que regem as diferentes visões e divisões do campo da formação, e de outras políticas que a margeiam, realizou-se uma revisão crítica da sociologia da cultura de Bourdieu, em sua crítica a Malraux, no período correspondente à gênese e superação do paradigma da democratização cultural na França / This is research on cultural arbitrary in formation policies in the development of cultural democracies. The study presented the formation context in the debates that permeated the Haddad management in the city of São Paulo, especially in the formulation of the Municipal Plan of Culture. Then, a comprehensive study was conducted on administrative arrangements, guidelines and programs in public arts and cultural education policies in eight capitalist democracies. Finally, in order to elucidate the principles that govern the different views and divisions of the field of formation, and other policies that border on it, a critical revision of Bourdieu\'s sociology of culture was made in his critique of Malraux in the period corresponding to genesis and overcoming the paradigm of cultural democratization in France

O habitus dos tradutores de histórias em quadrinhos de super-heróis da Marvel e DC Comics no Brasil / The habitus of superheroes comics translators of Marvel and DC Comics in Brazil

Pimentel, Ana Carolina Alves de Souza 16 May 2016 (has links)
Em um mercado em constante crescimento, o tradutor de histórias em quadrinhos deve aplicar as mais variadas formas de conhecimento em seu trabalho. Conhecimento do par linguístico não é a única ferramenta de que ele necessita, mas de um vasto conhecimento nas mais variadas instâncias do saber e, acima de tudo, um domínio sobre o material com o qual está trabalhando. Na presente dissertação, analisamos a teoria do habitus de Pierre Bourdieu e sua influência direta nos tradutores de histórias em quadrinhos da Marvel Comics e DC Comics no Brasil através da análise de entrevistas realizadas e sua influência na escolha do uso de gírias na tradução. Tratamos das questões relativas à tradução contextualizada e não somente da transferência automática e impensada de palavras soltas de uma língua para outra (Milton, 2010). Analisamos o potencial da Tradução Descritiva (DTS), mais especificamente a Function Oriented DTS, como maneira de enfatizar elementos essenciais à tradução e às funções que elas representam em seus receptores analisando a influência sociocultural e o contexto em que o texto foi produzido (Holmes, 2000). / In a constantly growing market in, the translator of comics should apply the most varied forms of knowledge to his or her work. Knowledge of a language pair is not the only tool that he or she needs, but a vast knowledge in the most varied areas, and above all a familiarity with the material with which he or she is working. In the present thesis we analyze the theory of habitus of Pierre Bourdieu and its direct influence on comic book translators of Marvel Comics and DC Comics in Brazil through interviews analysis, and its influence on the choice of slang used in translation. Also the ability to handle all issues related to contextual translation and not only the automatic transfer of loose and thoughtless words from one language to another is examined (Milton, 2010). Furthermore, we analyze the potential of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), specifically the \"Function Oriented DTS\" as a way to emphasize key elements in translation and the roles they represent in their receivers analyzing the sociocultural influence and the context in which the text was produced (Holmes, 2000).

O campo acadêmico em contabilidade no Brasil: um olhar dos(as) doutores(as) titulados(as) pelo Programa Multiinstitucional e Inter-Regional UnB, UFPB e UFRN / The academic field of accountancy in Brazil: the perspective of PhD egresses by the Multiinstitutional and Inter-Regional Program UnB, UFPB and UFRN

Catellani, Vitor Tendeiro Fernandes 11 May 2018 (has links)
A teoria sociológica de Pierre Bourdieu busca representar a prática existente nos diversos campos e subcampos do mundo. A teoria relaciona o habitus, os capitais e o campo para chegar às práticas dos agentes nele inseridos. Em determinadas situações, os capitais são utilizados pelos agentes ou por grupos de agentes em estratégias que objetivam a reprodução ou a reconversão das práticas existentes no campo, sendo que nenhuma ação é adotada de forma desinteressada. Sendo assim, o campo é um lugar de lutas constantes por posições de destaque e poder. Em meio a essas disputas, o campo acadêmico contábil brasileiro, principalmente os programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu, experimentou um crescimento desde a década de 2000 que não tinha ocorrido desde 1970, quando da criação do primeiro programa da área. Em particular, em 2007 houve a criação do segundo curso de doutorado em contabilidade do país, ofertado pelo Programa Multiinstitucional e Inter-regional UnB, UFPB e UFRN de pós-graduação stricto sensu em Contabilidade. Tendo como base os fundamentos da teoria sociológica de Bourdieu e o crescimento do campo acadêmico contábil brasileiro, esta pesquisa buscou identificar quais foram as mudanças no campo contábil acadêmico brasileiro, verificadas a partir das percepções dos(as) doutores(as) titulados(as) pelo Multi. Para tanto, utilizou-se de uma abordagem qualitativa com caráter descritivo e interpretativo que foi operacionalizada por meio de análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas. As 30 entrevistas realizadas com os(as) egressos(as) do curso de doutorado do Programa Multi, as entrevistas com dois de seus coordenadores e a análise dos documentos coletados in loco na UnB permitiram confirmar a sistemática do funcionamento do campo acadêmico contábil sob os conceitos da teoria sociológica de Bourdieu, montar o perfil do(a) doutor em contabilidade titulado pelo Multi e descrever as tendências da educação e pesquisa em Contabilidade. Constatou-se que os agentes do campo acadêmico contábil, individualmente ou em grupo, utilizam-se do conjunto de seus capitais nas disputas existentes pelo poder. No tocante ao perfil dos(as) egressos(as), pode-se constatar que a maioria dos(as) doutores(as) em Contabilidade titulados(as) pelo Multi é do sexo masculino, casado e trabalha em instituições de ensino superior públicas como docentes e pesquisadores. Para esses(as) doutores(as), o Multi permitiu a criação de novos programas stricto sensu e a formação de pessoal qualificado para a área contábil nas regiões Centro-Oeste e Nordeste do país. Os achados aderem-se à teoria de Bourdieu quando esta afirma que os novos entrantes internalizam o habitus do campo para dele participarem e disputarem as melhores posições e o poder. Sendo este fator que faz com que a pesquisa contábil aumente quantitativamente o número de publicações em detrimento, em um primeiro momento, da qualidade. Além disso, há uma reprodução da lógica de funcionamento do campo, quando os doutores(as) transferem as regras do campo acadêmico contábil para os(as) discentes de graduação. Nesse sentido, a educação em Contabilidade está mudando, pois docentes com uma titulação maior estão propondo desafios novos aos(às) graduandos(as), ao possibilitarem a participação desses(as) em programas de iniciação científica e monitoria e incentivarem a produção científica. Com isso, o perfil dos egressos(as) do curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis tende a mudar. / Pierre Bourdieu´s sociological theory seeks to represent the practice found in several fields and sub-fields of the world. His theory interconnects habitus, capitals and field to reach the practices of agents taking part in it. In certain situations, capitals are utilized by the agents or by groups of agents in strategies whose aim is to reproduce or re-convert the existing practices of the field, and no action is taken in a disinterested manner. Thus, the field is the place of constant struggles for outstanding positions and power. Amidst such disputes, the Brazilian accountancy academic field, especially the graduate programs, has been growing since the 2000´s, something unseen since 1970, when the first graduate program in the area was created. Particularly, in 2007 a second PhD accountancy graduate program was established in the country, provided by Multi-Institutional and Inter-Regional Program UnB, UFPB and UFRN for a graduate course in Accountancy. Based on the fundamentals of Bourdieu´s sociological theory and the growth of the Brazilian accountancy academic field, this study was in search for the changes in such field what could be observed by the perceptions of PhDs graduated by the Multi. For such, a qualitative approach was used with a descriptive and interpretative effort that was implemented by means of documental analysis and semi-structured interviews. 30 interviews were made with former students of the PhD graduate of the Multi Program, as well as interviews with those heads and the analysis of documents collected on-site at UnB. These materials allowed me to confirm the systematic functioning of the accountancy academic field under Bourdieu´s conceptual framework, define the profile of PhDs in accountancy graduated by the Multi Program, and describe the tendencies of the education and research in accountancy. It was found that the agents of the accountant academic field, either individually or in groups, utilize the set of their capitals in the struggles for power. Concerning the profile of PhD egresses, it was seen that most of PhDs in accountancy from the Multi Program are male, married and work in prestigious higher-education institutions as professors and researchers. For such PhDs, Multi has allowed to set up new graduate programs and the training of highly qualified personnel for the accountancy in the Center-West and Northeast areas of Brazil. Findings adhere to Boudieu´s theory when it states that newcomers internalize the habitus of the field so that they can take part in it and dispute the best positions and power. This factor makes accountant research increase the number of publications to the detriment, at an early stage, of quality. In addition, the logic of the field´s functioning is reproduced as the PhDs transfer the rule of the accountant academic field to the undergraduates. In this perspective, education in accountancy is changing because professors of higher ranks are proposing new challenges to undergraduates, as they make it possible for such students in undergraduate research and monitoring and they also encourage scientific production. As a result, the profile of egress graduated from the course of Accountancy tends to change.

Bourdieu e o papel de legitimação social do discurso filosófico sobre a autonomia da arte / Bourdieu and the social legitimation function of the philosophical discourse on art\'s autonomy

Silveira, Luis Gustavo Guadalupe 22 September 2015 (has links)
Categoria central da estética desde a modernidade, a autonomia da arte é sustentada até mesmo pelas teorias filosóficas que pretendem problematizar os aspectos sociais e políticos do fenômeno artístico. O caráter histórico das produções culturais não passou despercebido por pensadores como Adorno e Marcuse, por exemplo, mas os elementos culturalmente conservadores de suas estéticas talvez tenham imposto limitações importantes a suas pretensões críticas, a despeito da intenção de seus autores. Dentre os estudiosos do século XX que buscaram compreender o lugar e a função social da arte, investigamos o trabalho de Pierre Bourdieu, especialmente por vermos nele uma ruptura com a ideia de autonomia da arte e suas noções auxiliares, tais como gosto puro, poder transubstanciador da arte, leitor como co-autor, artista como gênio incriado, arte como esfera separada da vida prática, desinteresse da fruição estética etc. Ao investigar sua obra, pretendemos não somente demonstrar o caráter de legitimadores das desigualdades sociais que possuem os discursos filosóficos de autores como Peter Bürger, Arthur Danto, Terry Eagleton e os já citados Adorno e Marcuse, como também mostrar que há problemas teóricos importantes que podem ser explicitados e explicados pelo cotejamento de suas ideias com as de Bourdieu. Este caracterizou o consumo cultural como marcador social e, por meio de investigações empíricas e teóricas, numa interseção entre sociologia e filosofia, problematizou diversos fundamentos da estética erudita que explicam sua função de legitimadora social e permitem identificar sua permanência e força mesmo nos discursos filosóficos que buscam explicitar a raiz histórica e social dos fenômenos artísticos. / Central category from Aesthetic since modernity, the autonomy of art is supported even by philosophical theories that claim to discuss the social and political aspects of the artistic phenomenon. The historical character of cultural productions has not gone unnoticed by thinkers such as Adorno and Marcuse, for example, but the cultural conservative elements of their aesthetic perhaps have imposed crucial limitations on their critical pretensions, despite the intentions of the authors. Among the scholars of the twentieth century who sought to understand the place and the social function of art, we investigated Pierre Bourdieu\'s work, especially because we believe he breaks with the idea of autonomy of art and its auxiliary concepts such as pure taste art\'s transubstantiation power, reader as co-author, artist as uncreated genius, art as a separate sphere from practical life, aesthetic enjoyment disinterest etc. To investigate his work, we intend to not only demonstrate the legitimating character of social inequalities from the philosophical discourses of authors such as Peter Bürger, Arthur Danto, Terry Eagleton and aforementioned Adorno and Marcuse, but also show that there are important theoretical problems that can be clarified and explained by confronting his ideas with those of Bourdieu. His characterization the cultural consumption as a social marker and through empirical and, through theoretical investigations in the intersection of sociology and philosophy, problematized various grounds of scholar aesthetics explaining its social legitimizing function and identifying its permanence and strength even in philosophical speeches seeking to explain the historical and social roots of the artistic phenomena.

O arbitrário cultural em democracias capitalistas: princípios de visão e divisão no campo das políticas de formação cultural / The cultural arbitrary in capitalist democracies: principles of vision and division in the field of cultural formation policies

Amilcar Ferraz Farina 04 December 2018 (has links)
Trata-se de pesquisa sobre o arbitrário cultural em políticas de formação no desenvolvimento de democracias culturais. O estudo apresentou o contexto da formação nos debates que permearam a gestão Haddad na cidade de São Paulo, sobretudo na formulação do Plano Municipal de Cultura. Em seguida, realizou-se um estudo global sobre arranjos administrativos, diretrizes e programas em políticas públicas de educação artística e cultural em oito democracias capitalistas. Por fim, para elucidar os princípios que regem as diferentes visões e divisões do campo da formação, e de outras políticas que a margeiam, realizou-se uma revisão crítica da sociologia da cultura de Bourdieu, em sua crítica a Malraux, no período correspondente à gênese e superação do paradigma da democratização cultural na França / This is research on cultural arbitrary in formation policies in the development of cultural democracies. The study presented the formation context in the debates that permeated the Haddad management in the city of São Paulo, especially in the formulation of the Municipal Plan of Culture. Then, a comprehensive study was conducted on administrative arrangements, guidelines and programs in public arts and cultural education policies in eight capitalist democracies. Finally, in order to elucidate the principles that govern the different views and divisions of the field of formation, and other policies that border on it, a critical revision of Bourdieu\'s sociology of culture was made in his critique of Malraux in the period corresponding to genesis and overcoming the paradigm of cultural democratization in France

Den ärvda utbildningen och det (o)fria valet? : En jämförande studie mellan fem olika program på Örebro universitet

Martinsson, Hanna-Lena, Abdelzadeh, Ali January 2008 (has links)
<p>The inherited education and the (un)free choice?</p><p>- A comparative survey between five different programs on University of Örebro</p><p>The aim with this paper has been to examine and to report for different sociocultural background factors (class property, the parents' level of education, the parents' income) importance for the choice of type of education and to see if there is any differences between different university courses with respect to class property. Our issues were following:</p><p>1. What/which sociocultural factors have had most importance for the choice of programs on universities?</p><p>2. How is the distribution between the different classes in the different university programs?</p><p>Our study is a comparative survey with the aim to detect possible connection patterns, differences and resemblances with respect to the students' social background. In our survey we have used questionnaires as a method for data collection. Our ambition has not been to give a comprehensive picture of what/which sociocultural factors that had most importance for the students' choices to begin to study on universities throughout Sweden. Therefore, we delimited us only to carrying out the survey at University of Örebro. Our population consists thus of a programme from each faculty on University of Örebro.</p><p>The empirical material from the questionnaire survey, has been presented with appropriate statistical methods, it has been analyzed and discussed with the aid of Bourdieus habitus theory.</p><p>In this survey we can among other things establish that it occurs certain differences between the different programs, which have been included in the study, among other things with respect to class property. We have also found other relevant connection among different variables.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och redogöra för olika sociokulturella bakgrundsfaktorers (klasstillhörighet, föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå, föräldrarnas inkomst) betydelse för valet av typ av utbildning samt se om det finns skillnader mellan olika universitetsprogram med avseende på klasstillhörighet. Våra frågeställningar är följande:</p><p>1. Vilken/vilka sociokulturella faktorer har haft mest betydelse för valet av program/inriktning på universitet/högskolan?</p><p>2. Hur ser fördelningen av klasstillhörigheten mellan de olika programmen ut?</p><p>Vår studie är en komparativ surveyundersökning med syftet att upptäcka eventuella sambandsmönster, skillnader och likheter med avseende på studenternas sociala bakgrund. I vår undersökning har vi att använt oss av enkäter som en metod för datainsamling. Vår ambition har inte varit att ge en heltäckande bild av vilken/vilka sociokulturella faktorer som haft mest betydelse för studenternas val att börja studera att på högskola/universitet i hela Sverige. Därför avgränsade vi oss endast till att utföra undersökningen vid Örebro universitet. Vår population består således av ett program från varje fakultet på Örebro universitet.</p><p>Det empiriska materialet från enkätundersökningen, har presenterats med lämpliga statistiska metoder, har analyserats och diskuterats med hjälp av Bourdieus habitusteori.</p><p>I denna undersökning har vi bland annat kunnat konstatera att det förekommer vissa skillnader mellan de olika universitetsprogrammen, som har ingått i studien, bland annat med avseende på klasstillhörighet. Vi har även funnit en del andra relevanta samvariationer mellan olika variabler.</p>

Die Soziologie Pierre Bourdieus : theoretische Evaluation affiner und kontroverser Beziehungen zur Forschung und Kritik des Feminismus / The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu : theoretical evaluation of affinities and controversies to feminist theorie and criticism

Wille, Robin January 2007 (has links)
Die Magisterarbeit (im Studiengang Soziologie an der Universität Potsdam) knüpft an Beate Krais’ Gedankengang an, wonach durch die unreflektierte Präsenz des Parsonschen Rollenkonzepts innerhalb der (soziologischen) Theorie, theoretische Gegensätze von Individuum und Gesellschaft, Natur und Kultur, Körper und Geist, Irrationalismus und Rationalismus etc. konzeptionell reformuliert werden. Auf dieser strukturellen Grundlage, so Krais’ kritische Stoßrichtung, legitimiere auch die Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung nur wieder überkommene Stereotypen über Geschlechterrollen (Gender) innerhalb moderner, ausdifferenzierter Gesellschaften. Grundlegender jedoch werde so die Vorstellung eines natürlich gegebenen Unterschieds zwischen ‚zwei’ Geschlechtern (Sex) begründet. Feministische Theorie, so Regine Gildemeisters und Angelika Wetterers sozialkonstruktivistisch fundierte Betrachtung, konterkariere auf diesem Wege gerade ihren eigenen Anspruch, das Ideologem: „Biologie als Schicksal“ als solches zu entlarven. In theoretisch-methodischer Konsequenz vollziehe man vielmehr eine problematische Positivierung des Geschlechterdualismus. In Überwindung dieser Problematik sind zwei Richtungen theoretischer Entwicklung erkennbar. Einerseits wird im Anschluss an neuere modernistische bzw. poststrukturalistische Argumentationen die Möglichkeit einer kritisch orientierten Sozial- bzw. Geschlechterforschung grundsätzlich bezweifelt. Andererseits wird an dieser Stelle aber auch der paradigmatische Übergang von der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung zur Geschlechterverhältnisforschung expliziert, welcher die für das feministische Projekt grundlegende Verbindung wissenschaftlicher und kritischer Ambitionen neu reflektiert und im Anspruch auf eine integrative, gendersensible Sozialwissenschaft forschungsstrategisch neu ausrichtet. Mit der Betrachtung der Soziologie Pierre Bourdieus tritt der Diskussion eine theoretische Position hinzu, die in eigener Weise Schwachstellen und Einseitigkeiten postmoderner und postfeministischer Ansätze herausstellt. Auf der Grundlage einer praxeologischen Theorie zeigen sich aber auch besondere Affinitäten zum feministischen Diskurs. Über eine Theorie der symbolischen Gewalt verdeutlicht Bourdieu, wie die Kategorie ‚Geschlecht’ in der sozialen Praxis der Akteure immer wieder konstruiert wird (doing gender). Gleichwohl verweist er, über bisherige Erkenntnisse hinausgehend, auf die soziale Mächtigkeit dieser Kategorie innerhalb der Dialektik sozialer und symbolischer Strukturen. Gegen die Kritik, die im deutschsprachigen Raum von Seiten der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung an Bourdieus Buch: „Die männliche Herrschaft“ (1997) geübt wurde, versucht die Arbeit einer vorschnellen Lesweise und Aburteilung des Bourdieuschen Werks durch eine evaluative Betrachtung seiner soziologischen Konzepte im Hinblick auf die Herausforderungen feministischer Theorie und Kritik entgegenzuwirken. / The Master’s thesis, written in sociology at the University of Potsdam, focuses on Beate Krais’ criticism of Women and Gender Studies which claims that because of the unreflected presence of Parson’s concept of social roles theoretical oppositions as there are the individual and society, nature and culture, body and mind, irrationalism and rationalism etc. are conceptionally reformulated. This legitimates not only stereotypes of gender roles within modern, differentiated societies but more fundamentally justifies the notion of a natural given difference between ‘two’ sexes. Hence Regine Gildemeister und Angelika Wetterer argue that feminist theory does not do justice to its demand which is to reveal the view of “biology as destiny” as an ideological notion. The consequence is that in a theoretical and methodical way, feminism exercises a problematic affirmation of the gender dualism. There are two types of theoretical developments trying to overcome these contradictions of feminism. On the one hand, following new modernistic or poststructural argumentations, the possibility of a critically orientated Approach to Social and Gender Study is called into question. On the other hand, one can observe the paradigmatic transition from Women and Gender Studies to Gender Relation Studies which not only rethink the connection of academic and critical ambitions but also articulate the demand of an integrative, gendersensitive Social Science instead of reserving an academic niche any longer. The theory of the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu adds to the discussion by pointing out the limits of postmodern and postfeministic theoretical approaches. Nevertheless, within the frame of a praxeological theory, particular affinities to the feminist discourse are apparent. Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic violence understands ‘gender’ as a relational term. However, by going far beyond given insights, Bourdieu reveals this notion to be a powerful social category within a dialectical framework of social and symbolic structures. Trying to oppose to the criticism that representatives of Women and Gender Studies have articulated towards Bourdieu’s work: “Die männliche Herrschaft” (1997), this Master’s thesis intends to counteract a superficial reading and sentencing of Bourdieu’s work by offering an evaluative and reflective consideration of his sociological concepts in terms of feminist demands and challenges.

Den ärvda utbildningen och det (o)fria valet? : En jämförande studie mellan fem olika program på Örebro universitet

Martinsson, Hanna-Lena, Abdelzadeh, Ali January 2008 (has links)
The inherited education and the (un)free choice? - A comparative survey between five different programs on University of Örebro The aim with this paper has been to examine and to report for different sociocultural background factors (class property, the parents' level of education, the parents' income) importance for the choice of type of education and to see if there is any differences between different university courses with respect to class property. Our issues were following: 1. What/which sociocultural factors have had most importance for the choice of programs on universities? 2. How is the distribution between the different classes in the different university programs? Our study is a comparative survey with the aim to detect possible connection patterns, differences and resemblances with respect to the students' social background. In our survey we have used questionnaires as a method for data collection. Our ambition has not been to give a comprehensive picture of what/which sociocultural factors that had most importance for the students' choices to begin to study on universities throughout Sweden. Therefore, we delimited us only to carrying out the survey at University of Örebro. Our population consists thus of a programme from each faculty on University of Örebro. The empirical material from the questionnaire survey, has been presented with appropriate statistical methods, it has been analyzed and discussed with the aid of Bourdieus habitus theory. In this survey we can among other things establish that it occurs certain differences between the different programs, which have been included in the study, among other things with respect to class property. We have also found other relevant connection among different variables. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och redogöra för olika sociokulturella bakgrundsfaktorers (klasstillhörighet, föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå, föräldrarnas inkomst) betydelse för valet av typ av utbildning samt se om det finns skillnader mellan olika universitetsprogram med avseende på klasstillhörighet. Våra frågeställningar är följande: 1. Vilken/vilka sociokulturella faktorer har haft mest betydelse för valet av program/inriktning på universitet/högskolan? 2. Hur ser fördelningen av klasstillhörigheten mellan de olika programmen ut? Vår studie är en komparativ surveyundersökning med syftet att upptäcka eventuella sambandsmönster, skillnader och likheter med avseende på studenternas sociala bakgrund. I vår undersökning har vi att använt oss av enkäter som en metod för datainsamling. Vår ambition har inte varit att ge en heltäckande bild av vilken/vilka sociokulturella faktorer som haft mest betydelse för studenternas val att börja studera att på högskola/universitet i hela Sverige. Därför avgränsade vi oss endast till att utföra undersökningen vid Örebro universitet. Vår population består således av ett program från varje fakultet på Örebro universitet. Det empiriska materialet från enkätundersökningen, har presenterats med lämpliga statistiska metoder, har analyserats och diskuterats med hjälp av Bourdieus habitusteori. I denna undersökning har vi bland annat kunnat konstatera att det förekommer vissa skillnader mellan de olika universitetsprogrammen, som har ingått i studien, bland annat med avseende på klasstillhörighet. Vi har även funnit en del andra relevanta samvariationer mellan olika variabler.

”Jag är pappersbruksarbetare och har varit så hela mitt liv” : En kvalitativ studie av betydelsen av arbete och yrkesidentitet för äldre långtidsarbetslösa i en svensk kontext / "I am a paper mill vorker and been so all my life" : A qualitative study of the meaning of work and working identity for elderly long-term unemployed an a Swedish context

Mjörnman, Magnus, Olgerfelt, Mick January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att förstå äldre långtidsarbetslösas situation utifrån deras upplevelser av arbetslöshet och hur detta påverkar hur de konstruerar sin identitet. Studien fokuserar på personer i åldersgruppen 50-64 år som har varit arbetslösa i sex månader eller längre och som är lågutbildade. En kvalitativ metod har använts och datamaterialet för studien samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sju individer. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus teoretiska begrepp fält, habitus och symboliskt kapital. Studien visar bland annat att arbete är väldigt viktigt för respondenterna och inte främst av ekonomiska aspekter utan av sociala aspekter. Vidare visar resultatet att respondenterna hade olika strategier för att hantera långtidsarbetslöshet. Den mest framträdande strategin var att skapa en liknande struktur i deras vardag som de hade när de arbetade. Respondenterna ser också sig själva i de yrken som de arbetade inom innan de blev arbetslösa och de har svårigheter att söka arbeten i andra fält av arbetsmarknaden. / The aim of this study is to understand elderly long-term unemployed situation by their experiences of unemployment and how this affect how they construct their identity. The study focuses on people in the age group 50-64 which been out of work for sex months or longer and have a low education. A qualitative method was used and the data for the study was collected by semi-structured interviews with seven individuals. The result was analyzed using Pierre Bourdieus theoretical terms field, habitus and symbolic capital. The study shows, among other things, that work is really important for the respondents and it’s not primary because of the economic part but the social part. Furthermore the results showed that the respondents had different strategies to cope with long-term unemployment. The most prominent strategy was to create a similar structure in their weekday as they had when they were working. The respondents also see themselves as their old profession instead of being unemployed and have difficulties to search work in other fields of the labour market.

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