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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mafalda na aula de História: a crítica aos elementos característicos da sociedade burguesa e a construção coletiva de sentidos contra-hegemônicos / Mafalda in history class: the criticism to the characteristic features of Bourgeois society and the collective construction of counter-hegemony senses

Carlos Eduardo Rebuá Oliveira 18 March 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A partir da leitura crítica de Mafalda, obra do cartunista argentino Quino, e alicerçados no conceito de hegemonia de Gramsci, sobretudo na noção de contra-hegemonia, buscamos analisar as possibilidades de se construir coletivamente sentidos contra-hegemônicos no ensino de História a partir do que chamamos de crítica aos elementos característicos da sociedade burguesa (a democracia, o individualismo, o estímulo ao consumo, a propriedade privada, a naturalização das diferenças, a competição, dentre outros). As contribuições de Gramsci ao campo da Educação, como o vínculo dialético entre as relações hegemônicas e pedagógicas, sua concepção da escola como um destacado aparelho privado de hegemonia, além das reflexões sobre os intelectuais e sua ação pedagógica na construção/difusão/legitimação de consensos, constituem pilares fundamentais das análises. É esforço fundamental da pesquisa identificar em que medida os professores, conscientes de seus vínculos de classe e compromissados com as classes dominadas, podem atuar como educadores-intelectuais orgânicos à estas classes, no âmbito da escola, tornando-a uma trincheira sob o conceito gramsciano de guerra de posição contra a hegemonia burguesa. Em termos metodológicos, foram selecionadas quinze tiras de Mafalda (divididas em onze temas os elementos que caracterizam a sociedade burguesa), presentes na obra Toda Mafalda (2002), no intuito de subsidiar as reflexões aqui esboçadas. Obviamente, todo recorte é ideológico e nenhuma escolha é neutra. As tiras escolhidas, longe de sintetizarem o olhar do artista argentino a respeito da burguesia, atendem aos objetivos deste trabalho. / From the critical reading of Mafalda, of argentine cartoon writer Quino, and based on Gramscis concept of hegemony, above all in the notion of counter-hegemony, we have tried to analyze the possibilities of constructing collective counter-hegemony senses in teaching History starting with critical eye upon characteristics of the bourgeois society (democracy, individualism, consumption incentive, private property, naturalization of differences, competition, among others). Gramscis contributions to Education, as a dialectic link between pedagogic and hegemony relations, his conception of school as an outstanding private instrument of hegemony, besides reflections on intellectuals and their pedagogic influence on the construction/diffusion/legitimation of agreements are fundamental pillars of the analysis. The main effort of the research has been to identify in what extent the teachers, conscious of their class connections and committed to the dominated ones, may act as intellectual educators of these classes, on the school bounds, becoming a barrier under Gramsci concept of position war against bourgeois hegemony. In methodological terms we have chosen fifteen Mafaldas strips (divided in eleven themes, identified as characteristic features of bourgeois society) which are part of Toda Mafalda (2002), aiming to reinforce the reflections herein delineated. Obviously, every construction is ideological and there arent neutral choices. The chosen cartoons, far from synthesizeing the argentine artist view over bourgeoisie, supply the focus of this work.

A burguesia perdida: empresariado industrial e desenvolvimento econômico (1960-1974) / The lost bourgeoisie: industrial enterprise and economical development (1960-1974)

Renato Soares Bastos 17 December 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo denomina-se A burguesia perdida: empresariado industrial e desenvolvimento econômico (1960-1974). A partir da década de 1950 o Brasil vive um processo de internacionalização da economia, em decorrência da reorganização das burguesias metropolitanas e do limite do modelo de indústria substitutiva de importações. No período posterior ao golpe de 1964 esta internacionalização será acentuada, configurando um novo modelo de desenvolvimento, dependente e associado. O objeto de pesquisa é o comportamento da burguesia brasileira e as mudanças na estrutura industrial frente aos avanços do capital estrangeiro e à dinâmica do novo modelo implantado pelo Estado na economia. A perspectiva adotada será a de observar as estratégias de sobrevivência das pequenas, médias e grandes indústrias perante as empresas estrangeiras e a crescente presença do Estado na economia. / The present study is entitled The lost bourgeoisie: industrial enterprise and economical development (1960-1974). Starting 1950s, Brazil undergoes a process of internationalization of its economy, due to the reorganization of the metropolitan bourgeoisie and to the verge achieved by the importation substitutive industry model. In the period after the 1964s coup detat, such internationalization will be more emphasized, configuring a new model of development: dependent and associated. The research object of the present study is the Brazilian bourgeoisie behavior and the changes in the industrial structure towards the progress of foreign capital and the dynamics of the new model adopted by the State in the economy. The chosen perspective will observe the survival strategies of small, medium and major enterprises towards foreign companies and the growing presence of the State within economy.

Representações, discursos e novas institucionalidades: estudo de caso sobre a dinâmica do uso da água entre produtores de arroz do extremo sul do Brasil / Representations, discourses and new institucionalities: a case study on the dynamics of water usage among Rice producers in the extreme Brazil south

Silva, Monica Anselmi Duarte da 16 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:46:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Monica_Anselmi_Duarte_Silva_Dissertacao.pdf: 11288090 bytes, checksum: b44abf3fddefa82ea63e9eb9ed3a1a0b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-16 / The 1988 Constitution brought about significant changes in the Brazilian legislation, particularly those related to the property rights on rural estates. Besides that, substantial changes were introduced in relation to the usage of natural recourses, as it is the case of water, raised to the common welfare category, as a finite character and provided with economic value. For this account, important limitations were imposed to the private property, which only now begin to be embodied into the imaginary of social actors involved in productive processes which act in the sector of production systems. These changes have engendered a necessity for new institutionalities as well as of invariably adaptations considered as a resistance on the part of the gaucho agrarian bourgeoisie. This is precisely the case of rice producers, who are considered as one of the sectors imposing a new dynamics on the socio-productive relationships from the process of modernization since the second half of the XX century, achieving as expressive expansion on the cultivated areas, rice production and productivity, as well as on the hydric consumption required for this culture. This dissertation analyzes these questions based on a case study performed in the municipality of Santa Vitoria do Palmar, the extreme gaucho south. The search stands from the premise that this fraction of the gaucho bourgeoisie detains a vision of the world as to the hydric recourses which is expressed not only on the point of view of its practices and ways ok management of these recourses but also on a forged discourse coming from a historical, political and social context in which they are inserted. The discourse analysis allowed to identify clear elements which show not only the resistance of these producers in relation to new institutionalities as well as the means through which the Brazilian State intends to promote the shared management of the hydric recourses. The appropriative, patrimonial and immediative concept of the producers imposed itself upon the study about the rice producers representations of this gaucho region, strongly tributary of the rice production performance and the extensive cattle raising activity. / A constituição de 1988 trouxe consigo alterações significativas na legislação brasileira, particularmente com relação ao direito de propriedade de imóveis rurais. Além disso, mudanças substanciais foram introduzidas com relação ao uso dos recursos naturais, como é o caso da água, elevada à categoria de bem comum, de caráter finito e dotada de valor econômico. Com isso se impôs à propriedade privada importantes limitações que só agora começam a ser incorporadas ao imaginário dos atores sociais implicados em processos produtivos e de agentes que operam no âmbito dos sistemas de produção. Essas mudanças engendram a necessidade de novas institucionalidades e de adequações invariavelmente recebidas com resistência por parte de setores da burguesia agrária gaúcha. Esse é precisamente o caso dos produtores de arroz, considerados como um dos setores que impuseram uma nova dinâmica nas relações sócio-produtivas a partir do processo de modernização desencadeado desde a segunda metade do século XX e que culminou com uma expansão impressionante na área cultivada, produção e produtividade orizícola, bem como no consumo hídrico requerido para essa cultura. A dissertação analisa essas questões com base em estudo de caso realizado no município de Santa Vitória do Palmar, no extremo sul gaúcho. A pesquisa parte da premissa de que essa fração da burguesia gaúcha é detentora de uma visão de mundo quanto ao uso dos recursos hídricos, a qual se expressa não somente do ponto de vista de suas práticas e formas de gestão desses recursos, mas de um discurso forjado a partir do contexto social, político e histórico em que se inserem. A análise de discurso empreendida permitiu identificar elementos claros que manifestam não somente a resistência desses produtores em relação às novas institucionalidades, bem como ao conjunto de instrumentos através dos quais o Estado brasileiro pretende promover a gestão compartilhada dos recursos hídricos. A concepção apropriacionista, patrimonialista e imediatista dos produtores se impôs no estudo sobre as representações dos produtores de arroz dessa região gaúcha fortemente tributária do desempenho da produção de arroz e da pecuária extensiva.

Déclin portuaire et industrialisation : l'évolution de la bourgeoisie d'affaires de Québec à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle

Poulin, Pierre 25 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

Molière et la bourgeoisie : la notion de ridicule et la mobilité sociale dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIe siècle

Bureau, Jacques 25 April 2018 (has links)
L'examen des méthodes d'analyse d'une oeuvre littéraire utilisée s par la psychocritique, l'histoire littéraire, l'histoire culturelle , la sociologie et la philosophie a permis l'élaboration de la notion de ridicule . La confrontation de cette notion de ridicule et des informations recueillie s lors de l'analyse thématique de deux pièces du théâtre de Molière nous autorise à traite r l'oeuvre de Molière comme une source historique . Les problèmes de l'autorité parentale, de l'amour, du mariage, de la situation des femmes et de leur éducation sont des éléments de la vision d'un monde bourgeois que Molière présente à ses contemporains dans les deux pièces retenues pour cette étude: Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670) qui nous présente un individu qualifié par l'auteur de "gentilhomme" et Les femmes savantes (1672) mettant en scène la soeur, la femme et les fille s d'un bourgeois. Cette thèse, par l'étude du théâtre de Molière, aide à visualise r la mentalité et les comportements d'un groupe social qualifié de bourgeois, possédant des lignes de force et une homogénéité face aux autres groupes sociaux. Cette bourgeoisie est composée d'individus "traditionnalistes " agressés par le comportement et les idées véhiculées par des membres de leur entourage et des bourgeois "marginaux" rejetant tout ce qui peut ressembler de près ou de loin au monde des bourgeois conformistes. Cette vision confirme l'hypothèse de la bourgeoisie en "mouvement", une bourgeoisie qui "sort de son "ordre" d’origine en accédant a la noblesse et à un autre niveau de culture, issues retenues par Molière dans les deux pièces. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2012

Réminiscence de "la petite bourgeoisie nouvelle shanghaïenne (xiaozi)" et redéfinition identitaire : étude socio-historique d'un groupe social original

Claude-Sollier, Nathalie 24 March 2012 (has links)
Depuis 1842 et la signature du traité de Nankin concédant des parts du territoire chinois aux puissances étrangères, Shanghai a trouvé son destin intimement lies à l'Occident. Dès cette période émerge un style de vie occidentalisé dans une bourgeoisie d'affaires aux commandes d'une économie en plein essor. Touché par le communisme, cette classe sociale va disparaitre et son style de vie va faire l'objet de critiques les plus acerbes. Il faudra attendre 1990 et la réouverture économique de Shanghai pour que apparaisse à nouveau une Shanghai profondément tournée vers l'Occident. Nouvel élan économique engendrant l'apparition d'une nouvelle population, l'ouverture pose aussi des questions identitaires. Les différences entre les générations deviennent de plus en plus significatives et Shanghai voit de nouveau émerger une « petite bourgeoisie nouvelle » dont les caractéristiques ne sont plus forcément économique mais deviennent plus personnelles plus identitaire. Au croisement de la globalisation et de l'affirmation de la puissance chinoise, un groupe social original s'affirme, il regroupe des individus dont la quête personnelle du bonheur passe avant l'intérêt supérieur de la patrie. Entre occidentalisation et sinisation, ce travail se propose de décrypter le mode de vie de la nouvelle petite bourgeoisie shanghaienne en retraçant l'historique de Shanghai, la redéfinition des classes sociales et en analysant les pratiques quotidiennes de ce groupe social à l'aide de données essentiellement issues d'ouvrage de sociologie chinoise et d'enquêtes de terrain, questionnaires et interviews ainsi que d'études de statistiques officielles. / Since 1842 and the signing of the Treatment of Nanking granting part of Chinese territory to foreign countries, Shanghai is closely linked to the West. From this emerged period ,a Westernized lifestyle in a business class at the controls of a booming economy. Affected by communism, this class will disappear and lifestyle will be the most scathing criticism. It was not until 1990 and the reopening of Shanghai Economic appears again for a deeply Shanghai tour to the West. Generating new economic boost the appearance of a new population, openness also raises questions of identity. Differences between generations are becoming increasingly significant and Shanghai sees a new emerging "new middle class" whose characteristics are not necessarily economic, but become more personal. At the intersection of globalization and the assertion of Chinese power, an original social group asserts itself, it brings together individuals whose personal quest for happiness takes precedence over the interests of the homeland. Between Westernization and Sinisation, this work aims to decipher the lifestyle of the new middle class in Shanghai tracing the history of Shanghai, the redefinition of social classes and analyzing the daily practices of social groups using data mainly derived from work of Chinese sociology and field surveys, questionnaires and interviews and studies of official statistics.

Ženské postavy u Arthura Schnitzlera. Srovnávací popis, analýza a interpretace vybraných textů. / Female Characters in Arthur Schnitzler's Works. Comparative Description, Analysis and Interpretation of Selected Texts.

Prajzlerová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The following text deals with the problem of the representation of female characters in Arthur Schnitzlerʼs work. The initial point of the interpretation is the basic division of the literary types of the turn of the century into femme fatale, femme fragile and femme enfant. Based on the analysis of seven selected works (Märchen, Liebelei, Reigen, Frau Berta Garlan, Fräulein Else, Traumnovelle, Therese. Chronik eines Frauenlebens) it discusses their position in the narrative structure. In the end, it comments the question of the typification of these figures and Schnitzlerʼs tendency to relate them to concrete groups.

Industriais brasileiros entre o autoritarismo e a democracia: a transição para a Nova República (1974-1988) / Brazilian industrials between authoritarianism and democracy: transition for the New Republic (1974-1988)

Branco, Luis Fernando Migliari 29 August 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como proposta analisar a participação do empresariado industrial nacional no processo de transição política da ditadura civil-militar (1964-1985) para a Nova República (1985-atual). De forma mais precisa, a pesquisa procura elaborar um pensamento crítico a respeito da capacidade de articulação dessa fração da classe burguesa nas suas relações com o Estado para garantir os seus interesses políticos e econômicos. Nesse aspecto, a dissertação estabelece como essas relações se desenvolveram sob uma perspectiva histórica - ao longo do processo de industrialização do país - para, em seguida, analisar a sua reorganização no período de transição política, compreendido entre 1974, com o início da Abertura política, e 1988, quando a Constituição da Sexta República foi promulgada. As análises elaboradas se apoiam numa leitura bibliográfica que discute a formação do setor industrial a partir das especificidades do desenvolvimento econômico do Brasil, considerando a sua condição periférica no capitalismo; e do levantamento de fontes bibliográficas e de documentos produzidos pelo setor e por periódicos, que possibilitam uma avaliação mais detida sobre o papel desempenhado pelos industriais durante o período de transição política. Assim, a dissertação tem como objetivo caracterizar os interesses e os posicionamentos tomados pelo empresariado industrial nacional durante esse processo, de modo a dimensionar a sua influência para o fim da ditadura e para a conformação da Nova República. Como estudo de caso, a dissertação se propõe a aprofundar o debate sobre a atuação dos industriais na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (1987-1988), com a intenção de destacar a relevância histórica desse momento para a afirmação do seu poder nos rumos econômicos e políticos do país. / This dissertation proposal is to analyze the participation of the national industrial business in the political transition process of civil-military dictatorship (1964-1985) to the New Republic (1985-present). More precisely, the research seeks to develop a critical thinking about the articulation capacity of this fraction of the bourgeois class in its relations with the State to guarantee their political and economic interests. In this respect, the dissertation establishes how these relations have developed from a historical perspective - during the country\'s industrialization process - to then analyze its reorganization in the political transition period, from 1974, with the beginning of the \"Opening policy \", and 1988, when the constitution of the Sixth Republic was enacted. Elaborate analysis rely on a literature reading that discusses the formation of the industrial sector from the specifics of economic development from Brazil, considering its peripheral condition in capitalism; and bibliographical sources survey and documents produced by the industry and journals that provide a more detailed assessment of the role played by industry during the period of political transition. Thus, the thesis aims to characterize the interests and positions taken by the national industrial business during this process in order to measure their influence to the end of the dictatorship and the conformation of the New Republic. As a case study, the thesis objective is to deepen the debate on the role of industry in the National Constituent Assembly (1987-1988), with the intention of highlight the historical importance of this moment for their power statement in the economic and political direction of the country.

Santos das avenidas: a moradia burguesa no início do século XX / Santos, the city of avenues: the bourgeoisie dwelling in the beginning of the century XX

Santos, Cynthia Regina de Araujo Evangelista dos 08 August 2007 (has links)
Estudo da arquitetura das moradias da burguesia santista no período do auge da exportação do café - passagem do século XIX para o XX - até 1929. São analisadas em especial as residências localizadas nas avenidas Ana Costa e Conselheiro Nébias, novos eixos que partiram do núcleo colonial antigo e seguiram em direção às praias organizando a ocupação das novas áreas da cidade. Reconhecimento desse período como o momento em que a cidade passou por profundas transformações - econômicas, sociais e culturais - recebeu as ferrovias, foi urbanizada e saneada com sistema de canais e viu seu porto se transformar no maior exportador de café do país. / Architectural study of santistas bourgeoisie dwelling during the coffee exportation peak in the end of the century XIX and beginning of the XX until 1929. A special focus is given to the houses located at avenida Ana Costa and avenida Conselheiro Nébias, the new areas that originated from the old colonial center and continued developing towards the beach direction resulting in the organization of new living areas in the city. Acknowledgment of this period as the moment through which the city went through deep changes economic, social and cultural as well as when railways were constructed, urbanization and sanitation with drainage channels took place, and when its port became the biggest coffee exporter.

Die Ironie in Gottfried Kellers „Sinngedicht“

Schneider, André 25 February 2014 (has links)
Im letzten Novellenzyklus Kellers wird vielerlei unterschwellige Kritik an Gesellschaftszuständen im deutschsprachigen Raum und an typischen zeitgenössischen Vertretern diverser Gesellschaftsschichten zu einem großen Teil über die Ironie transportiert. Vorkommen des ironischen Sprechens werden verknüpft mit Momenten narrativer Ironie und erscheinen eng an das Typusmotiv des Sonderlings geknüpft, das im „Sinngedicht“ wiederholt eingesetzt wird. Die Untersuchung orientiert sich daher insbesondere an den männlichen Vertretern der narrativ inszenierten Gesellschaftsordnung, deren Ironisierung oft erst bei näherer Hinsicht ins Auge fällt. Nachdem Preisendanz Kellers Dichtkunst nachvollziehbar mit dem bürgerlichen Humor identifiziert, ergibt sich dennoch an vielen Stellen der Sinngedichtforschung die Wahrnehmung einer Ironie, deren genauere Untersuchung bisher jedoch ausgeblieben ist. So versteht sich die vorliegende Arbeit als eine Vertiefung der Einordnung des Keller-Werkes in die Kategorie des bürgerlichen Humors. Thematisch erfolgt, neben der Konzentration auf die angesprochene Gesellschaftskritik, die Analyse ironischer Sequenzen auf dem Gebiet des Geschlechterdiskurses, mit dem sich ebenfalls Amrein, Bischof und Rácz in jüngerer Zeit auseinandergesetzt haben. Da ironische Elemente eine nicht unerhebliche Rolle in Figurendialogen – insbesondere auf der Ebene der Rahmenhandlung zwischen den beiden Hauptfiguren Reinhart und Lucie – zu spielen scheinen, kommen bei der Untersuchung verbalironischer Einheiten auch linguistische Theorien zum Einsatz. Hier orientiert sich die Vorgehensweise an Preukschat, der in seiner Monografie zum ‚Akt des Ironisierens’ (2007) eine dezidierte Untersuchung auch literarischer Werke mit sprachwissenschaftlichen Mitteln fordert. Auf diese Weise ist das Zusammenspiel von verbaler und epischer Ironie nachzuzeichnen, das als besonderes Dichtungsverfahren des Novellenzyklus aufgefasst werden kann. / In Keller’s last novella cycle, social conditions in the German-speaking world and stereotypical representatives of various social levels from that time are subliminally criticized through the far-ranging use of irony. Examples of ironic speech are coupled with moments of narrative irony and appear to be closely connected to the character motif of the Eccentric, which occurs repeatedly in “Sinngedicht”. Therefore, this analysis focuses especially on the male representatives of the narratively orchestrated social order, whose ironic treatment is often only noticeable upon closer examination. Taking into account Preisendanz’s understandable juxtaposition of Keller’s poetry with bourgeois humor, poetic analysis nevertheless leaves an impression of irony, a precise analysis of which has wanted until now. Thus, this work is a broadening of the classification of Keller’s work in the category of bourgeois humor. Additionally to the focus on the aforementioned social critique, there follows the topical analysis of ironic sequences on the subject of gender relations, which Amrein, Bischof, and Rácz have also recently examined. Since ironic elements seem to play a not unsubstantial role in character dialogues – especially at the level of the framing story between the two main characters, Reinhart and Lucie – linguistic theory is also used in the analysis of verbally ironic units. This follows the approach of Preukschat, who used linguistic methods to provide a clear examination of literary works in his monograph ‘Akt des Ironisierens’ (2007). In this way, the interplay between verbal and epic irony, which can be understood as a specific poetical device of this novella cycle, can be traced.

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