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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trabalho e tecnologia no programa MCMV / Labor and Tecnology in the MCMV program

José Eduardo Baravelli 06 June 2014 (has links)
Lançado em 2009, o programa federal Minha Casa Minha Vida se tornou o mais efetivo programa habitacional brasileiro desde a extinção do BNH, em 1986. Na iminência de acrescentar 3,75 milhões de moradias ao estoque habitacional do país, o programa é um campo de investigação que permite uma análise abrangente do novo papel do governo federal e municipal na política urbana, bem como do setor da construção civil na política econômica. Na produção para famílias de baixa renda na região metropolitana de São Paulo, o programa é um objeto de pesquisa que permite uma análise focada nas alterações que provoca tanto no trabalho e como na tecnologia da construção habitacional. Quanto ao trabalho, a pesquisa reconstitui tipologicamente os processos de trabalho em canteiros de obras para observar a substituição da manufatura pela industrialização de insumos e pelo treinamento da força de trabalho conforme um novo perfil demográfico e de controle da produtividade. Quanto à tecnologia, a pesquisa acompanha a introdução de novas tecnologias organizacionais em empreendimentos de construção, que são sistemas de gestão de qualidade e de controle de serviços subempreitados que favorecem a concentração de capital e reforçam a segregação urbana nas cidades brasileiras. / Launched in June 2009, the federal program My Home, My Life has led to the construction of nearly 3.75 million homes and it has become the most effective housing program in Brazil since the end of the housing policies introduced under military rule. As a subject of research it allows a broad analysis of the new roles of local and federal government in urban policy and of the building industry in economic policy. In its construction of homes for low-income families in the São Paulo metropolitan area, it allows a more focused analysis of changes promoted by the program in housing construction labor and technology. Regarding labor, this research offers a typological recreation of labor processes in building sites, in order to observe the substitution of manual work for both industrialized construction materials and workforce training according to new patterns in demographics and productivity controls. Regarding technology, it follows the implementation of new organizational technologies in building projects, namely, quality management systems and subcontracting controls that impel capital concentration and urban segregation in Brazilian cities.

Byggnadsteknik hos villor byggda på 1960-talet / : Building technology of small houses built in the 1960’s

Östman, Robin January 2017 (has links)
In Sweden during the 1960’s there was a housing shortage. To reduce the housing shortage, and to increase the living standard, a lot of new houses were built in Sweden in the 1960’s. To be able to build these houses some quick, new and unproven materials were used and some- times also unsuitable construction solutions and ground conditions. That lead to a lot of these houses suffered from mold in a relatively big extent. The most damaged components are the ground constructions, the attic or the outer wall. This is often due to inaccurate building mate- rials or insulation, and flaws in the ventilation. Many of the small houses built in the 1960’s suffers from problems and damages due to mois- ture and it isn’t always easy to find the cause of these problems. The purpose of this work is to illustrate the most common problems connected to the building technology in the 1960’s and what remedies there are to fix these problems. There are many different products and solutions available on the market today and for some- one who isn’t educated in the subject it can be confusing to know what is best for their house. This thesis presents the most common solutions available today and illuminate their pros and cons. Advice is also given about how to maintain and examine the house to increase the life- span of the house. The majority of this thesis focuses on the theoretical background of some of the most com- mon problems and different types of solution to those problems. The parts that are included in this work are the building envelope, harmful materials, ventilation, heating and the surround- ing ground conditions. Interior problems, in for example kitchen and bathrooms, are not in- cluded in this work. This thesis ends with an explanatory case study of a typical small house built in the 1960’s to see how the theoretical part matches the problems found in reality. The house is examined for the most common problems treated in the theoretical part, and explanations and advices is given to the found problems. This thesis is primarily aimed to provide solutions for small house from the 1960’s. The writ- er wants to give the reader an understanding about the problems that can be expected in those house and what can be done to identify and avoid these problems. / På 1960-talet rådde det stor bostadsbrist i Sverige. För att minska bostadsbristen och öka lev- nadsstandarden byggdes det väldigt mycket hus och lägenheter i Sverige då. Det skulle alltså byggas många nya småhus och för att kunna bygga dessa hus snabbt användes många nya och oprövade material. Även olämpliga konstruktionslösningar användes och markförhållanden var många gånger dåliga. Det, tillsammans med bristande fuktkunskaper, har lett till att många av de husen som byggdes på 1960-talet lider av mögelpåväxt eller mögellukt i minst en byggnadsdel. De mest utsatta byggnadsdelarna är grundläggningen, ytterväggen och vin- den. Många villor byggda på 1960-talet lider alltså idag av fuktproblem och fuktskador och det är inte alltid lätt att hitta orsaken till de problemen. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att be- lysa de vanligaste problemen som är kopplade till villor byggda på 1960-talet och vilka åtgär- der som finns för att lösa de problemen. Det finns idag ofta många olika produkter och lösningar på marknaden och för någon som inte är insatt kan det vara en djungel att veta vad som är bäst för sitt hus. Det har arbetet redovisar de vanligaste lösningarna som finns på marknaden idag och belyser deras för- och nackdelar. Det ges även råd hur villan bör underhållas och undersökas för att öka livslängden på huset. Större delen av det här examensarbetet inriktar sig på den teoretiska bakgrunden till varför vissa problem uppstår och vilka konsekvenser olika typer av lösningar ger. Det som behandlas är klimatskalet, skadliga material som användes, ventilation, uppvärmning och den omgi- vande marken. Arbetet avslutas med en fallstudie av en typisk 1960-talsvilla för att se hur väl de teoretiska delarna stämmer överens i verkligheten. Villan undersöks efter de vanligaste problemen som finns i den teoretisk delen och sedan ges en förklaring till varför de har uppstått och råd över lösningar till de funna problemen. Det här examensarbetet riktar sig främst till att tillhandahålla lösningar för småhus byggda på 1960-talet. Författaren vill ge läsaren en förståelse om de problem som kan förväntas i huset och vad som kan göras för att identifiera och undvika de problemen.

Attefallshus insulated with Vacuum Insulated Panels

Emre Sunal, Egill January 2016 (has links)
Stockholm lies at the top in Europe in terms of population growth. It is growing from 30,000 to 40,000 residents each year and therefor puts high demands on the regions development. One of the governments reactions to this housing problem was to approve a bill that would simplify the regulatory framework in the planning and building act. It will among other permit owners of a one-or two family houses to build a 25  compliment housing without a building permit, so called attefallshus. In this final project, a small 25  house is designed. The house was designed to have thin exterior walls to maximize the indoor living space and also to fulfill all the Boverkets regulations for permanent housing. Vacuum Insulated panels were used as an insulation material in the envelope to achieve the extra thin exterior walls to maximize the living space. Various different simulations were done to simulate: Heat- and moisture transfer through the exterior walls, thermal bridges, energy calculations and the daylight factor inside the house. Additional calculations were done in Excel to compare the mean U-value calculated in simulations. The moisture transfer simulation did show that there should not be any moisture problems in the exterior walls. The mean U-value calculations in Excel and in the simulations showed values less than the limitations of Boverkets building regulations.

Study of Rural Housing in Mamba District Kilimanjaro, Tanzania / Studie av Bostadsbyggande på Landsbygden i Distriktet Mamba Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mattsson, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
As one of the poorest countries in the world, Tanzania faces various kinds of problems. The housing situation is poor in the whole country, especially in rural areas where the main part of the population lives in mud houses. The report is focused on modern houses and is aimed at finding sustainable low cost solutions to be used as alternatives for existing techniques. The report is based on a field study in the Mamba district, Tanzania during 8 weeks in 2009. The traditional mud houses are poor and do not live up to a decent standard of living. The living conditions are extremely primitive in these houses and pose a health risk to the occupants. Modern houses provide a better standard of living and are good investments for future generations. The building design and technology can be rationalised and improved and building costs can be reduced through alternative methods. There are several ways in which building costs can be reduced. Focus should be on using local materials to minimise expensive transport costs. Cement is the single most expensive building material and should be replaced by other materials where possible. However, it is important that sustainability of the construction is not impaired. In the long term, it is better to invest in proper sustainable building structures even if the costs will increase. This study has resulted in sustainable low cost alternatives to the current building technology that the local builders can benefit from. Tradition is strong in Tanzania and changes may take long to implement. The alterations suggested and discussed in this report can be considered as a good basis for development of the current building design and technology in the Mamba district.

Study of Rural Housing in Mamba District Kilimanjaro, Tanzania / Studie av Bostadsbyggande på Landsbygden i Distriktet Mamba Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mattsson, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
<p>As one of the poorest countries in the world, Tanzania faces various kinds of problems. The housing situation is poor in the whole country, especially in rural areas where the main part of the population lives in mud houses.</p><p>The report is focused on modern houses and is aimed at finding sustainable low cost solutions to be used as alternatives for existing techniques.</p><p>The report is based on a field study in the Mamba district, Tanzania during 8 weeks in 2009.</p><p>The traditional mud houses are poor and do not live up to a decent standard of living. The living conditions are extremely primitive in these houses and pose a health risk to the occupants. Modern houses provide a better standard of living and are good investments for future generations. The building design and technology can be rationalised and improved and building costs can be reduced through alternative methods.</p><p>There are several ways in which building costs can be reduced. Focus should be on using local materials to minimise expensive transport costs. Cement is the single most expensive building material and should be replaced by other materials where possible. However, it is important that sustainability of the construction is not impaired. In the long term, it is better to invest in proper sustainable building structures even if the costs will increase.</p><p>This study has resulted in sustainable low cost alternatives to the current building technology that the local builders can benefit from. Tradition is strong in Tanzania and changes may take long to implement. The alterations suggested and discussed in this report can be considered as a good basis for development of the current building design and technology in the Mamba district.</p>

Student Living Lab, kombinera innovation inom boende och byggnadsteknisk forskning med studentbostäder i Jönköping / Student Living Lab, combining innovation in housing and building engineering research with student housing in Jönköping

Javebrink, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The lead time in the construction industry's innovation development today is far too long. Jönköping's population increases and at the same time Jönköping University is expanding. The need for more housing and student housing is therefore a fact. A Living Lab (LL) creates opportunities to solve both above-mentioned situations. It is a home that simultaneously provide different types of researchers with a research platform to test innovations directly in a real-life environment. Such a project could thus be an advantage for a developing city like Jönköping. The purpose of the project is to investigate how LL projects can open opportunities for innovations in housing and building engineering research in Jönköping, while creating new student housing in the city. Method: The research strategy is qualitative, the main method is a case study. Methods of data collection are literature studies and interviews. Literature studies take place around the concept, the background and different existing projects. This is done to investigate the development of the LL concept and its establishments. The main method used in this report is interviews, which the majority is done over the phone and a couple of them as site visits. Interviews take place with stakeholders from HSB Living Lab in Gothenburg, stakeholders from KTH Live-in Lab in Stockholm and potential stakeholders from Jönköping. Findings: This report serves as a preliminary study for potential stakeholders to establish or participate in a Student LL in Jönköping. In order to shorten lead times in housing and building engineering research, LL has been proven to benefit from innovative research in this area. A project would combine a research arena with new student housing to promote the housing contributions to a more efficient innovation process. In the housing- and construction sector, interest has been shown for innovations in housing environment, real estate and construction business, with efficiency and cost reduction, development and efficiency of materials and smart energy solutions. There is also a research interest for studying of the learning environments and the contributions of the residents to their environment. A potential place of establishment is found just by the university, which would benefit both the university, its research and the establishment of new student housing. Implications: To continue developing the work, further research is recommended on the research questions for a LL-project. It is recommended to review additional opportunities that exists in addition to building engineering and develop issues regarding, for example, housing environment and learning environments. When two of the four parts of the university were reached for interviews, it is also interesting to study the interests of the other parts. There would be an interest in studying how a twist of the concept can be applied to find a specific niche for Jönköping. A project would solve several student housing units that would help solve some of the problem regarding the current housing shortage and enable contributing to the development of the city. Limitations: As the LL concept in Sweden is at an early stage, background information is related to international focus. The report is then limited to focus on Sweden's two major LLs with establishment in Gothenburg and Stockholm with permanent student housing. Furthermore, the focus is on Jönköping, the city of the authors of the report, its potential stakeholders, establishment opportunities and innovation opportunities for a Student LL project. Keywords: Living Lab, student, open innovation, building technology and sustainability. / Syfte: Ledtider inom byggnadsbranschens innovationsutveckling är idag alldeles för långa. Jönköping kommuns befolkning ökar samtidigt som Jönköping University växer. Behovet av fler bostäder och studentbostäder är med detta ett faktum. Ett Living Lab (LL) skapar möjligheter för att förbättra bådadera situationer. Det agerar hem samtidigt som det tillhandahåller olika typer av forskare med en forskningsplattform för att testa innovationer direkt i en verklig miljö. Ett sådant projekt skulle således kunna vara en fördel för en utvecklande stad som Jönköping. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka hur LL-projekt kan öppna möjligheter till samskapande innovationer inom boende- och byggteknikforskning i Jönköping samtidigt som nya studentbostäder etableras. Metod: Undersökningsstrategin är kvalitativ, huvudmetoden är fallstudier. Metoder för datainsamling är litteraturstudier samt intervjuer. Litteraturstudier sker kring begreppet, bakgrund samt projekt för att undersöka utvecklingen av LL-konceptet och dess etableringar. Den huvudsakliga metoden för arbetet är intervjubaserat, majoriteten över telefon och ett antal genom platsbesök. Intervjuer sker med involverade aktörer från HSB Living Lab i Göteborg, från KTH Live-in Lab i Stockholm samt potentiella intressenter från Jönköping. Resultat: Rapporten fungerar som en förundersökning för potentiella intressenter för att etablera eller deltaga i ett Student LL i Jönköping. För att förkorta ledtider inom boende och byggnadsteknisk forskning är LL påvisat gynna nytänkande forskning inom detta. Ett projekt skulle kombinera en forskningsarena med nya studentbostäder för att främja de boendes bidrag till en effektivare innovationsprocess. Inom boende och byggsektorn är intresset påvisat för innovationer inom boendemiljö, fastighets- och byggbranschen med effektivisering och kostnadsreducering, utveckling och effektivisering av material samt smarta energilösningar. Forskningsintresse påvisas även för studerande av lärandemiljöer samt de boendes bidrag till dess miljö. En potentiell etableringsplats påträffas i nära anslutning till universitetet, vilket skulle gynna såväl universitetet, dess forskning samt etablering av nya studentbostäder. Konsekvenser: För att fortsätta utveckla arbetet rekommenderas undersökning vidare kring forskningsfrågorna för ett LL. Det rekommenderas att granska ytterligare möjligheter och utveckla specifika frågor gällande exempelvis boendemiljö samt lärandemiljöer. Då två av fyra fackhögskolor nåddes för intervjuer är det även intressant att studera kvarvarande fackhögskolors intressen. Att studera hur en vridning av konceptet kan tillämpas för att hitta en specifik nisch för Jönköping är av intresse. Ett projekt i Jönköping skulle lösa ett antal studentbostäder som bidrar till att lösa en del av problemet angående den rådande bostadsbristen och möjliggör bidragande till utveckling av staden. Begränsningar: Då LL-konceptet i Sverige befinner sig i ett tidigt skede förhåller sig bakgrundsinformationen till internationellt fokus. Arbetet begränsas sedan till fokus på Sveriges två större LL med etablering i Göteborg och Stockholm med permanenta studentbostäder. Vidare landar fokus i Jönköping, staden som författarna till rapporten är placerade i, dess potentiella intressenter, etableringsmöjligheter samt innovationsmöjligheter för ett Student LL-projekt. Nyckelord: Living Lab, student, open innovation, byggnadsteknik och hållbarhet.

Predicting relative humidity in UK dwellings

Pretlove, Stephen Edward Charles January 2000 (has links)
Mould growth affects a significant proportion of dwellings in the UK and Europe. The house dust mite is also known to inhabit most dwellings and is one of the key factors affecting the health of the occupants. One of the key variables affecting mould growth and house dust mite populations is relative humidity. The relative humidity in a dwelling is dependent upon both the moisture levels and the temperature. The ability to assess the impact of different interventions on the relative humidity depends upon the ability to model both the internal temperature and the internal vapour pressure. This thesis develops, tests and assesses the impact of four combined moisture and thermal models which predict micro-environmental relative humidity. Two thermal models are tested, the BREDEM-8 monthly model, and the BREDEM-12 seasonal model. To each of these, two moisture models have been integrated including Loudon's steady-state moisture model and Jones' admittance moisture model. The BREDEM-8 Loudon model has been shown to be the most accurate model for predicting the airspace relative humidity in 36 dwellings during the heating season. The BREDEM-8 Loudon model has then undergone further development and testing and the applications of the model are investigated. A variable infiltration calculation has been implemented and tested within the BREDEM-8 Loudon model and the results show no improvement in the model prediction accuracy. Surface relative humidity calculations have also been incorporated for all dwelling surfaces, including cold bridges, and the significance of predicting surface conditions has been evaluated. The impact of fuel poverty is tested using simple versions of the BREDEM-8 Loudon model which have been adapted to account for situations where the expenditure available for fuel is limited and where the heating system is inadequately sized. Finally, a Mould Index has been developed which indicates the risk of mould growing on the coldest surfaces in a dwelling and various interventions in dwelling design and use are tested against this index and against the Affordable Warmth Index which defines the affordability of a particular dwelling. The results demonstrate a number of significant limitations in the current British Standard for condensation in buildings, BS 5250: 1989. It has been shown that the geographical and seasonal variations in internal relative humidity are significant, and that the highest relative humidity is unlikely to coincide with the coldest period of the year. It has also been shown that the modelling of surface conditions is critical in the assessment of mould growth in dwellings. Sensitivity studies carried out on the BREDEM-8 Loudon model have shown the most significant variables affecting the relative humidity predictions are the demand temperature, the heating pattern, the number of occupants, the ventilation rate and the level of insulation. The adequate sizing of the heating system and the ability of the occupants to afford to heat the dwelling to a comfortable temperature have been shown to be essential. It has also been shown that a change in the dwelling design or use may improve the affordability but may also lead to an increased risk from mould growth.

Förstärkning av befintliga byggnaders fasad : Upprättande av ett tillfredsställande fysiskt skydd hos samhällsviktig demokratisk verksamhet med förändrad hotbild

Sonesson, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Along with the technical and technological evolution of today’s modern society, comes a new range of threats on critical infrastructure such as the malicious use of explosives, fire arms, ramming with vehicles, arson, electromagnetic threats, chemical and biological weapons, and espionage. To maintain social security, a need of enforcing critical infrastructure to withstand the damage on withheld values caused by antagonist strikes is developed. The need of establishing enforcing measures is utterly important regarding the critical infrastructures pursuing democratic activities such as government agencies, embassies and residences of the head of states, amongst others. Establishing an adequate protection to the intended critical infrastructure brings up an issue with managing to enforce the existing façade and its framework, cornices, doors, windows and vents to make them resistant to the current threats. This master degree project aims to compile existing knowledge and suggest enforcing solutions based on building technology that take the current design in consideration and provides a structural protection to withstand stated threats. The aim of the work is fulfilled through a literature study, several interviews, the compilation of a risk index analysis and three representative types of artificial buildings with democratic purposes. The work results in several enforcing façade solutions that confirm existing researches discussing fortification and structural protection, and which creates an adequate protection against antagonist strikes ability to cause damage on withheld values in the building. In general, a façade construction is to be enforced with major thickness, density, elastic strength and air tightness. The work also leads to the discovery of several, never before officially compiled and scientifically researched enforcing façade solutions. When establishing enforcing measures to the façade of critical, democratic infrastructure it’s essential to create a structural protection that withstands the current threats while also being reasonable on possible actions, the effects on the building activity and financial maintainability. The structural protection created needs to work as a unity of façade, joists and attachments to ensure the building doesn’t collapse due to local damage. Regardless of the enforcing measures taken, there’s always going to be a risk on new kinds of threats evolving or antagonist strikes summoning up major resources than expected when designing the protection. With public buildings in urban areas it’s not practically or financially reasonable to establish a structural protection to resist every possible threat since the building also needs to be appealing, retain conservational values and ensure accessibility.

Agenda 2030, Sveriges miljömål och energieffektiva byggnader : En studie om hur Agenda 2030 och byggnadsteknik kan bidra till att nå Sveriges miljömål / Energy efficient buildings, the 2030 Agenda and the Swedish environmental goal system

Olsson, Emma, Stenemo, Erik January 2020 (has links)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015. Since then, the Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has become a broad framework for sustainable development. In Sweden, the ecological dimension of the 2030 Agenda is represented by the national environmental goal system, which the environmental quality objectives (EQOs) are an integral part of. Currently only one of the EQOs is reached. However, since the 2030 Agenda is experiencing a global momentum, it may be used to increase the pace in the work towards the EQOs.  This study aims to examine how the 2030 Agenda can be used as a tool for working towards the Swedish environmental goal system. This is done through an actor analysis based on literature studies and qualitative interviews, where the work towards the Agenda and the national environmental goals in different sectors is analyzed. In addition to the actor analysis, a case study is conducted to investigate how energy efficient buildings can contribute to reaching SDG 11 and the EQOs Reduced climate impact and A Good Built Environment. The case study concerns the office building Trikåfabriken in Stockholm’s Hammarby Sjöstad district. Trikåfabriken’s energy use is analyzed through the software VIP-Energy, and further energy efficiency measures are evaluated. These include adding more solar panels to the roof, increasing the solar protection on windows and decreasing the activity in the building. The results show that most studied actors work with the 2030 Agenda to some extent, but few outside of the public sector are actively working with the EQOs. There is however a consensus that the Agenda correlates with the EQOs. The case study shows that Trikåfabriken contributes to reaching SDG 11 and the EQOs Reduced climate impact and A Good Built Environment due to its design and embedded technologies. Regarding further energy efficiency measures, the results show that a reduced activity would lead to a higher energy use, whereas the two other measures would reduce it.

Konvertering av kontorslokaler till studentbostäder : Ett konverteringsprojekt ur ett byggtekniskt och socialt hållbart perspektiv / Conversion of office premises into student accommodation : A conversion project focusing on sustainability socially and in architectural engineering

Bejtoft, Miranda, Carlsson, Alexander January 2024 (has links)
Projekteringar idag har blivit allt färre. Inflation, ökade priser på insatsvaror ochtransportkostnader präglar den svenska byggbranschen. I kombination med det råderdet även en bostadsbrist i samhället. Under år 2020 var det 212 av 286 kommuner somansåg att de har ett underskott av bostäder. Detta är 74% av Sveriges kommuner ochen stor del av de som är utsatta är studenter. I en stigande efterfrågan på bostäder ärdet svårt att skapa nya bostäder som möter efterfrågan som existerar idag. Manuppskattar att 67 300 nya lägenheter behöver byggas årligen i Sverige för att mötabehovet av de bostäder som krävs i Sverige.Istället för att skapa nytt finns det idag en marknad för att kunna nyttja gamlabyggnader för att sedan använda dem för att kunna renovera och ge annat syfte än vadursprungfunktionen var. Det sker väldigt få renoveringar och ombyggnadsprojekt, IEuropa är 1- 1,5% av alla byggprojekt renoveringsprojekt. Med en ökning i detsvenska samhället skapar man en möjlighet för att kunna uppfylla bostads kraven.Processen av att renovera utgör mindre kostnader och mindre miljöpåverkan dåtransportkostnaderna minskar och mängden nya material och byggdelar blir mindre, ioch med det skapar man mindre klimatpåverkan, ökar energieffektivisering ochförlänger byggnadens livscykel.Renoveringsprojektet av Järnåkravägen 3 är ett projekt där man omvandlar huset frånkontor till studentbostäder. Idén till att skapa just bostäder för studenter är bland annatpå grund av den rådande bostadsbristen, platsen på byggnaden och den existerandeformgivningen av huset. Vid utformningen är en viktig beståndsdel att skapa ett husdär sociala interaktioner uppmuntras. För projektet vill man frambringa de socialaaspekterna som ett "dormitory" ger med en mer svensk utformning då man tillexempel kan ha tillgång till egen toalett och dusch. Med ökad social anpassning bidrardet med godare samspel bland hyresgästerna vilket ökar mingel och bekantskap.I renoveringsprojektet tittar man tydligt på de tekniska aspekterna och lagarna ochreglerna för att konverteringen ska bli väl projekterad. Man har implementerat Plan-och Bygglagen samt Boverkets byggregler i projektet. Byggnaden konverteras menman har försökt behålla så mycket av ursprungliga husets konstruktion och estetiksom möjligt för att stadga att huset inte behöver genomgå allt för stora rivningar ochförändringar ur det byggtekniskt hållbara utgångsläget. / Projects today have become fewer. Inflation, increased prices for input goods andtransport costs characterize the Swedish construction industry. Combined with that,there is also a housing shortage in our society. In 2020, 212 out of 286 municipalitiesconsidered that they have a housing deficit. This is 74% of Sweden's municipalitiesand a large part of those who are exposed are students. In a rising demand for housing,it is difficult to create new housing that meets the demand that exists today. It isestimated that 67 300 new apartments need to be built yearly to meet the housingneeds required in Sweden.Instead of creating something new, there is currently a market able to use old buildingsand then use them to be able to renovate and give a purpose other than what theoriginal function was. There are very few renovations and remodeling projectsongoing, in Europe 1-1.5% of all construction projects are renovation projects. Withan increase of renovation projects in Sweden, an opportunity is created to be able tomeet the housing requirements. The process of renovating represents less costs andless environmental impact as transport costs are reduced and the amount of newmaterials and building parts is less, thereby creating less climate impact, increasingenergy efficiency and extending the building's life cycle.The renovation project of Järnåkravägen 3 is a project where the building is convertedfrom offices to student housing. The idea to create housing specifically for students isdue to the prevailing housing shortage, the location of the building and the existingshape and design of the building. In the design, an important element is to create ahouse where social interactions are encouraged. For the project, a key focus is to bringout the social aspects that a "dormitory" provides with a more Swedish design stylewhen, for example, you can have access to your own toilet and shower. With increasedsocial adaptation, it contributes to better interaction among the tenants, whichincreases mingling and familiarity.In the renovation project, the technical aspects and the laws and regulations are clearlylooked at in order for the conversion to be well planned. The Plan- och Bygglagen andBoverkets Byggregler have been implemented in the project. The building is beingconverted, but an attempt has been made to retain as much of the original house'sconstruction and aesthetics as possible to ensure that the house does not have toundergo too many demolitions and changes from the structurally sustainable startingpoint.

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