Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business btransfer"" "subject:"business cotransfer""
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Kollektivavtal vid verksamhetsövergång : En studie om hur kollektivavtal tillämpas vid en verksamhetsövergångSjösvärd, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
It is common in today’s society that a business transfer occurs. Collective agreements hold a strong position in Swedish labour market which means that the majority of companies around Sweden have collective agreements. I therefore intend to study how collective agreements are applied during a business transfer. My study is mainly focusing on the legal framework in 28§ MBL since it regulates how collective agreements are applied during a transfer. The study is focusing on four different situations when a business transfer occurs. The situations that are treated is following: The transferor has a collective agreement but not the acquirer, the acquirer has collective agreement but not the transferor, both the acquirer and the transferor are bound by the same collective agreements or bound by different ones. The Council directive 2001/23/EG prescribes in article 3 that an automatic transfer of all rights and obligations is made when a business transition occurs. This rule has been implemented through the 6 b § LAS Furthermore, the safeguarding of the employees’ rights when it exists a collective agreement are regulated in 28§ MBL. 28§ 1 st MBL precludes an automatic transfer of the regulations in the transferors collective agreement into the acquirers organisation unless the acquirer is bound by a collective agreement. If the acquirer is bound by a collective agreement, they are still obligated to apply the transferor collective agreement during one year. This is just a couple of examples of how collective agreements are regulated during a business transfer. The applications of collective agreements can be complex depending on the situation. I have compared all of the situations above in an analysis in chapter 4.
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Du projet personnel à l'entrepreneuriat en équipe : cas de l'agriculture en Bretagne / From the personal project to the entrepreneurial group : farm business case study in BrittanySimon, Bernard 16 November 2017 (has links)
L’entrepreneuriat en équipe constitue une réalité, diversement mesurée, de la conduite des entreprises. La recherche s’est intéressée à cette dimension du phénomène entrepreneurial. Dans ce travail, nous nous appuyons sur l’attente de l’individu entrepreneur afin de qualifier l’effectivité de l’équipe au sens de la satisfaction de ses membres, dans une perspective de pérennisation de l’acte entrepreneurial. Le secteur de l’agriculture offre un terrain qui intéresse la recherche. Le renouvellement des chefs d’entreprises, l’évolution du métier, l’agrandissement des structures productives, plaident pour un développement de formes sociétaires impliquant plusieurs exploitants propriétaires. La psychologie comportementale et la socio-psychologie nous aident à percevoir les attentes de l’entrepreneur dans le cadre d’un entrepreneuriat à plusieurs. L’installation dans un cadre d’équipe entrepreneuriale est largement mise en avant lors d’une étude par les modèles d’intention, auprès d’étudiants. Nous interrogeons, par la suite, des agriculteurs sur leur vécu, au regard de leurs aspirations initiales. Les analyses des organisations professionnelles portent ces sujets et viennent conforter notre problématique. Nous proposons un éclairage nouveau sur l’équipe entrepreneuriale et des pistes de réflexion pour l’accompagnement dans ce contexte. / Team entrepreneurship is a reality for many businesses. Research works aim to study this side of management phenomenon. For this contribution we examine the individual expectation for self-employment and describe the effectiveness of the team, in the sense of satisfaction of the members, as an element for the survival of the business. The farm sector gives the opportunity for our discipline to examine this form of entrepreneurship. Farms succession, the size of the enterprises, justifies the development of multi owner organisations. Behavioural psychology and social psychology, help us to analyse the entrepreneur believes. Entrepreneurial initiative in a team context is widely mentioned by students, in a study based on entrepreneurial intention models. Then we ask farmers about the reality of their situation in regards of initial expectations. We challenge the professional organisations analysis to confirm our research.We offer to have a new approach of team entrepreneurship, helping entrepreneurs and consultants toward durability of the project. (JEL: L26, D23, D91, Q12)
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Garantier kontra due diligence vid företagsförvärv : Särskilt om säljarens och köparens ansvarHärnborg, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
Sammanfattning Av störst vikt vid en företagsförvärvsprocess är huruvida säljaren och köparen reglerar sina ansvarsområden och bestämmer gränser för riskövergången i köpeavtalet. Ur rättsäkerhetssynpunkt är det essentiellt att kunna förutsäga och identifiera riskerna redan vid avtalsslutet. Det ligger ofta i parternas intresse att så långt som möjligt reglera förutsättningarna redan vid ingående och utformning av ett köpeavtal. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka samspelet och följden av att säljaren inför garantiutfästelser i ett köpeavtal kontra resultatet av att köparen faktiskt genomför en due diligence-undersökning innan ett köpeavtal kommer till stånd. Detta genomförs med utgångspunkt i diskussionen kring riskfördelning mellan avtalsparterna, köplagens regler om säljarens upplysningsplikt, köparens undersökningsplikt och den allmänna lojalitetsplikten som åligger avtalsparter. Utgångspunkten vid formuleringen av avtal mellan parterna anses vara det köprättsliga felbegreppet med dess utgångspunkt i köparens befogade förväntningar på det överlåtna objektet. En genomförd due diligence och införande av garantier i köpeavtal kan innebära att riskövergången regleras och de befogade förväntningarna preciseras vilket leder till förutsägbarhet och säkerhet för parterna att kunna förutse eventuella framtida risker. Det föreslås att due diligence görs till en absolut undersökningsplikt eftersom det skulle kunna minska antalet framtida tvister mellan avtalsparter. Due diligence utgör ett förebyggande sätt att identifiera och kvantifiera risk. Garantin är däremot ett reaktivt sätt att försöka allokera risk. Det konstateras att det inte föreligger någon konkurrens mellan due diligence och garantier i fråga om uppdelning av risksfärer. Dessa kompletterar varandra då de verkar på olika stadier i förvärvsprocessen och har olika utgångspunkter. / Abstract The regulation of the areas of responsibility of the seller and the buyer and the definition of the location of risk in the contract of acquisition is of a greatest importance during a process of business transfer. It is essential to predict and identify the risks already at the moment of conclusion of the contract due to the reason of the fact of legal certainty. It always is the interest of both parties to, as far as possible, carefully regulate the conditions and the formulation of the contract. The purpose of this paper is to examine the interaction and the result of the fact that the seller introduces warranties in the contract versus the due diligence investigation performed by the buyer prior to the content of the contract is reached. The basis of the discussion is concentrated on the questions of the allocation of the risk between the parties, the rules in the Swedish sale of Goods Act about the obligation of the buyer to investigate the object of the contract, the duty to give the relevant information of the seller, and even the general duty of loyalty imposed on the contracting parties. The fundamental basis for the regulation of the contract is the definition of the defect of the object of acquisition and the reasonable expectations of the buyer regarding the object. The due diligence and the implementation of warranties in the contract may significate that the risks are regulated and the reasonable expectations are stated which leads to the predictability and certainty for the parties so that the parties can be able to avoid the risks in the future. I suggest that the due diligence should be an absolute duty to investigate the object of acquisition because it could reduce the number of future disputes between the contracting parties. The due diligence is a proactive way to identify and quantify risk. The warranties are however a reactive way of trying to allocate the risk. Finally there is no competition between the due diligence and the warranties rather they compose a complement to each other.
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企業併購員工權益相關問題與實例之研究黃柏禎 Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,我國企業併購相關法制給人相當紊亂的感覺,且對於員工保護政策與先進國家概括承受法理相背,由於企業併購涉及層面甚廣,且型態多樣化,僅以勞動基準法第二十條、企業併購法第十五、十六、十七條規範個別勞動關係,不足以涵蓋各種併購型態對員工造成之影響,且企業併購集體勞動關係之處理相關規範亦欠缺完整性,本研究認為政府有必要就企業併購對員工、工會造成之實質影響,在權衡勞雇雙方利益下,重新檢討相關法令,明文規範企業併購新舊雇主相關權利義務,制定合宜法令以保障員工權益。 / Under the fast changing operation environment and international competition of the globalization, more and more enterprises use mergers and acquisitions(M&A)as a way of enhancing business competitiveness. Due to the trend of M&A and the stress of global competition after join the WTO, the government has amended the relevant regulations successively, and made the Merger and Acquisition Law, providing enterprises multiple choice of M&A and simplifying business reorganization and structural adjustment procedure.
However, following the change of ownership and management rights, M&A often leads to change of labor relations. This article will focus on the effects of labor rights consequence of M&A by reviewing the existing literature and research, introducing foreign employment protection law regarding M&A, providing an overview of the Labor Standard Law and the Merger and Acquisition Law, discussing the labor issues outcomes of reorganization after M&A, and using case study to understand more about the actual effects of labor rights.
As a whole, relevant regulations of M&A in Taiwan are quite messy, and the policies of labor protection are different from developed countries. Owing to M&A involves in a lot of aspects and has a wide variety of types, only Article 20 of the Labor Standard Law and Article 15, 16, 17 of the Merger and Acquisition Law are not enough to contain various kinds of merger type and protect employee’s rights, this study suggests that it is necessary for the government to reconsider relevant regulations and make proper regulations to safeguard the rights of employees by balancing labor’s rights and business’s profits.
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Le Business Model de l’entreprise transmise : comparaison de la représentation du repreneur avec celle du cédant pour contribuer à réduire le risque de faux pas / The Business Model of the transferred firm : comparison of the buyer’s and seller’s representations to contribute to reducing the faux pas riskMeiar, Alain 15 September 2015 (has links)
Selon le rapport de la Commission Européenne (2011), le départ du dirigeant d’une entreprise se traduit trop souvent par la disparition de cette dernière. Face à l’ampleur du phénomène de reprise par un tiers physique externe, force est de constater le manque de travaux consacrés à cette modalité entrepreneuriale (Durst et Wilhelm, 2009 ; Parker et van Praag, 2012) alors que de moins en moins de descendants sont prêts à prendre la relève (TRANSREGIO, 2005). L’un des challenges auxquels fait face le repreneur (personne physique) est lié à la nécessité d’apprendre et de comprendre rapidement un système complexe dont il assumera sous peu la responsabilité. Ce travail doctoral relève le risque de faux pas du repreneur défini comme une action allant, sans que ce dernier en ait conscience, à l’encontre de la marche normale de l’entreprise. Le cadre opératoire déployé met au jour la représentation que possède le repreneur du Business Model de l’entreprise transmise pour la comparer à celle du cédant et ainsi révéler des types d’écart susceptibles de conduire à des faux pas.Après un cas exploratoire, quatre cas de transmission ont été étudiés sur la base d’entretiens semi-directifs ayant permis de produire une version narrative des Business Models. Pour chacun des cas, la comparaison systématique de la représentation du repreneur à celle du cédant a permis l’observation de cinq cas de figure : carence, dissonance, concordance, précellence et modèles différents. / According to the report of the European Commission (2011), owner-manager departures lead too often to the demise of the firm. Faced with the worrying growth of this phenomenon, little research has been conducted on non-family business successions (Durst et Wilhelm, 2009 ; Parker et van Praag, 2012) while fewer and fewer descendants are willing to take on the succession (TRANSREGIO, 2005), little research has been conducted on non-family business succession (Durst & Wilhelm, 2009). One of the main challenges faced by the buyer (individual) is to rapidly learn and understand a complex system which is going to be under his or her guidance. Our research brings to light the risk of faux pas which we define as a decision of the buyer which goes against the ordinary working of the firm, without the buyer being aware of it. Our research protocol formalises the buyer’s representation regarding the Business Model of the firm he buys to compare it with the seller’s one. This comparison reveals types of deviations likely to lead to faux pas.After an exploratory investigation, four cases of business transfer have been studied using a semi-structured checklist allowing us to produce a written version of the Business Models. For each case, a systematic comparison of the buyer’s and the seller’s representations allowed us to draw some conclusions bringing to light five situations: shortcomings, discordance, concordance, superiority and different models.
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La reprise des contrats de travail sous le prisme des marchés publics / The resumption of employment contracts under the prism of public procurementMargerin, Victor 08 November 2016 (has links)
La reprise des contrats de travail est indéniablement déterminée par le transfert d'entreprise. C'est en effet en raison d'une telle opération que le législateur français prévoit, à l'article L1224-1 c.trav., que tous les contrats de travail en cours au jour du transfert sont automatiquement repris par le cessionnaire. Cependant, ce lien est aujourd'hui oublié sous un enchevêtrement de dispositifs alternatifs ou spécifiques, prévoyant une reprise des contrats de travail en dehors de tout transfert d'entreprise. Ces développements s'expliquent notamment par l'échec du droit européen à harmoniser la législation des États membres sur le sujet. Le droit européen, ne souhaitant pas instaurer une protection uniforme, a fait le choix de n'apporter qu'une définition lacunaire des notions qui constituent pourtant l'essence du transfert d'entreprise. En somme, chaque État est donc libre d'interpréter à sa convenance les dispositions des directives successives, avec, pour seule régulation, l'œil avisé de la Cour de Justice de l'Union Européenne. Cette cacophonie juridique est une opportunité certaine. En effet, au vu de la diversité d'appréhension du sujet par différents droits internes (principalement allemand, anglais et espagnol), une étude comparative permet de mettre à jour les avantages et les carences de notre droit français. Pour ce faire, il conviendra de partir du seul consensus européen sur la question : la perte d'un marché ne constitue pas un transfert d'entreprise. De la redéfinition de l'entreprise à la protection des droits de l'employeur et des salariés, la présente étude propose une simplification du droit du transfert d'entreprise. / The taking over of the employment contracts is undeniably determined by the business transfer. It is indeed because of such a circumstance that the article L1224-1 of the French Labour Code provides for the French legislation, to take over automatically all the work contracts in progress on the day of the transfer by the transferee. However, this link is nowadays forgotten under a confusion of alternative or specific provisions, providing for the taking over of the employment contracts outside any business transfer. Those developments can be explained by the failure of the European law to standardise the legislation of the Member-States on that particular point. The European law does not want to establish an identical protection and has made the choice to bring an incomplete definition of the notions that make however the gist of business transfer. All in all, each state is free to interpret to its convenience the dispositions of successive directives, under the sole control of the European Court of Justice. This legal cacophony is an opportunity. Indeed, since the topic is so variedly dealt with by different national laws (mainly German, English and Spanish), a comparative study enables to reveal the pros and cons of our French law. The starting point of our reflexion will be the only European consensus on this issue: the loss of a market shall by no means entail a business transfer. From the redefinition of the notion of business to the protection of the rights of both employers and employees, this present study advocates for a simplification of business transfer law.
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Könsdiskriminering vid företagsöverlåtelser : Ett fältexperiment på den svenska marknaden för mindre företagsöverlåtelser / Gender discrimination in small business transfers : A field experiment on the Swedish market for small business transfersPalmgren, Moa, Berntsson, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examine whether women are being discriminated against at the initial contact of a small business transfer. Existing research shows that men dominate in entrepreneurship and that entrepreneurship is generally associated with being a man. Based on social psychological theory on gender stereotypes and economic theory on statistic discrimination we assumed that female buyers are discriminated against at the market for small business transfers. To study this, a pre-registered randomized field experiment was conducted in which we expressed interest in buying a business from fictional potential buyers to 906 business owners that had announced their business for sale on the Swedish marketplace Blocket. The gender of the fictional potential buyers was signaled through randomly assigned first names that are associated with being a man or a woman. We studied the share of messages that led to Response or Positive response from the sellers. Our results revealed that people selling their businesses are not less likely to respond to potential female buyers, meaning that women are not discriminated against at the initial contact of a business transfer. However, we did find that female buyers have a higher probability than male buyers of receiving a Positive response from a seller with a business in a female dominated industry. Corresponding advantage for male buyers compared to female buyers among sellers with businesses in male dominated industries could not be found. The experiment is the first to examine gender discrimination in the market for small business transfers. / Denna uppsats dokumenterar en studie som undersökte huruvida kvinnor blir diskriminerade som potentiella köpare på marknaden för mindre företagsöverlåtelser vid den initiala kontakten med säljare. Tidigare forskning visar att entreprenörskap domineras av män och att företagande i allmänhet ofta förknippas med att vara en man. Med utgångspunkt i socialpsykologisk teori kring könsstereotyper och ekonomisk teori om statistisk diskriminering antog vi att kvinnliga köpare diskrimineras på marknaden för mindre företagsöverlåtelser. För att testa vår hypotes genomförde vi ett förregistrerat randomiserat fältexperiment där vi meddelade intresse från fiktiva köpare till 906 verkliga företagsägare som utannonserat sina företag för försäljning på Blocket. Köparnas kön signalerades genom att slumpmässigt ange förnamn som förknippas med kvinnor respektive män. Vi studerade andelen intressemeddelanden som ledde till en Respons och en Positiv respons från säljarna. Resultaten visade att kvinnliga köpare inte var mindre sannolika än manliga köpare att erhålla en Positiv respons från säljaren på deras intressemeddelanden. Däremot visade resultaten att kvinnliga köpare hade högre sannolikhet än manliga köpare att erhålla en Positiv respons från säljare med företag i typiskt kvinnodominerade branscher. Motsvarande fördel för manliga köpare jämfört med kvinnliga köpare bland säljare med företag i typiskt mansdominerade branscher kunde ej observeras. Experimentet är det första som undersöker könsdiskriminering vid marknaden för företagsöverlåtelser.
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Vad händer efter exit? Entreprenörens perspektiv på entreprenöriell överlåtelse i små och medelstora företag : En kvalitativ studie av sex svenska, entreprenöriella, små och medelstora företag som genomgår en företagsöverlåtelseChirino Cabrera, Diana, Gilck, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
An entrepreneurial exit achieved through sale is the goal for many entrepreneurs and is often portrayed as a finish line. In reality, however, it marks the starting point of a business transfer process that can span several years. This study examines business transfers from a process perspective within the context of entrepreneurial small and medium-sized enterprises and from the entrepreneur's point of view. This is an area that is still considered unexplored and is referred to as entrepreneurial transfer in this study. The aim of the study is to contribute valuable empirical evidence to develop the subject, shed light on the area within the context of entrepreneurial small and medium-sized enterprises, and encourage further research. Six entrepreneurs have been interviewed in a semi-structured interview study, and the empirical data has been analyzed phenomenographically. The study identifies several patterns in how the process of entrepreneurial transfers occurs according to the entrepreneur, as well as how the entrepreneur perceives the process to be influenced by factors related to business transfers and small and medium-sized enterprises. The study provides valuable knowledge for both researchers and entrepreneurs by highlighting deficiencies and identifying gaps in existing research, serving as a basis for entrepreneurs to make informed decisions regarding an entrepreneurial transfer. / En entreprenöriell exit via försäljning är en målsättning för många entreprenörer och framställs ofta som ett målsnöre. I verkligheten är detta dock startskottet för en företagsöverlåtelse som kan vara i flera år. Denna studie undersöker företagsöverlåtelser ur ett processperspektiv i kontexten för entreprenöriella små och medelstora företag och ur entreprenörens perspektiv. Detta är ett område som ännu är att anses outforskat och i denna studie benämns som entreprenöriell överlåtelse. Studien syftar till att bidra med värdefull empiri för att utveckla ämnet, belysa området i kontexten för entreprenöriella små och medelstora företag och uppmana till vidare forskning. Sex entreprenörer har intervjuats i en semistrukturerad intervjustudie och det empiriska underlaget har analyserats fenomenografiskt. Studien identifierar ett antal mönster för hur processen för entreprenöriella överlåtelser sker enligt entreprenören samt hur entreprenören anser processen påverkas av faktorer kopplade till företagsöverlåtelser och små och medelstora företag. Därtill bidrar den med värdefull kunskap för både forskare och entreprenörer genom att belysa brister och identifiera hål i befintlig forskning samt agera underlag för entreprenörer att ta informerade beslut inför en entreprenöriell överlåtelse.
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La transmission d’entreprise : recherches sur les spécificités de l’entreprise de bâtiment / Business transfer : a research on the specificities of the building tradeOllier, Hubert 03 June 2014 (has links)
Le contexte démographique, social et économique fait apparaitre un taux de disparition important des entreprises de bâtiment lors de leur transmission. Transmission naturelle, liée à l'âge du dirigeant, ou provoquée lorsqu'il s'agit d'un souhait de ce dernier, le constat est le même : la survivance de l'entreprise au départ du cédant est très limitée. Tenant au secteur d'activité, les justifications des difficultés attachées aux transmissions d'entreprise classiquement avancées ne sont pas pleinement satisfaisantes. Abordé sous l'angle des spécificités de l'entreprise de bâtiment, notre étude entend donc souligner qu'une préparation, une anticipation à la transmission est nécessaire avant de réaliser l'opération. La mise en avant de solutions quant au maintien des connaissances techniques et savoir-faire de l'entreprise ainsi que l'amélioration de son environnement juridique sont caractéristiques du secteur. Ils apparaissent comme des atouts pour attirer, séduire et fidéliser un cessionnaire. Ce n'est qu'après cette étape, qu'il sera fait appel à des techniques, quelques fois inédites, pour favoriser la reprise de l'entreprise. Si la holding de rachat a connu, ces dernières années, un succès sans précédent, l'accès au financement, parfois difficile dans le contexte de crise économique qui touche le secteur, doit également être abordé. Les montages de reprise se complexifient transformant les praticiens en véritables ingénieurs de la stratégie patrimoniale dans laquelle la fiscalité tient une place de choix. / The demographic, social and economic context underlines the high rate of disappearance of the building companies when transferring. Either the natural transfer linked to the owner age or the wish to retire from business expressed by the company manager, the result looks the same: the survival of the company is very limited when leaving. Linked to the sector of activities, the reasons of the difficulties connected to the transfer of companies usually suggested are not fully satisfactory.Viewed in terms of the specificities of the building trade, our study therefore aims to emphasize the need for some preparation, some anticipation of the transfer before carrying out the project. Putting forward solutions to preserve technical knowledge, expertise of the company and legally environmental improvement as well are typical of the sector. They seem to be real assets to attract, appeal and create the transferee loyalty. It is only after this stage that technical means, sometimes innovating in some ways will be applied to improve the business revival. However unprecedented successful the holding company of repurchase got during the last years, access to financing , sometimes difficult in the context of economic crisis which affects the sector must be broached as well. The financial package of acquisition is getting more and more complex, transforming experts into true engineers of the patrimonial strategy in which taxation holds a place of choice.
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Le sort de la relation de travail dans les entreprises en difficulté / The fate of the employment relationship in companies in difficultyJottreau, Clément 13 June 2015 (has links)
L’ouverture d’une procédure collective est l’occasion d’un conflit entre protection de l’emploi et survie de l’entreprise. Assurer la pérennité de cette dernière ne peut souvent être réalisé qu’au prix d’une réduction de l’effectif. Ce constat alimente ce qui peut, de prime abord, apparaître quelque peu paradoxale : alors que l’un des objectifs du droit des entreprises en difficulté est d’assurer le maintien de l’emploi, certaines de ses dispositions tendent à accélérer le prononcé de licenciements pour motif économique. Si cette intrusion du droit des entreprises en difficulté, dans un domaine que d’aucuns considèrent comme réservé au droit du travail, peut donner lieu à controverses, elle a une explication : l’inadaptation du second aux contraintes auxquelles est soumise l’entreprise confrontée à une situation de crise susceptible d’emporter l’entité qu’elle frappe et, avec elle, tous les emplois dont elle est porteuse. Trouver les voies d’une conciliation, d’exigences jugées parfois contradictoires, s’impose : assurer la sauvegarde de l’entreprise est le meilleur moyen de préserver les emplois qui y sont attachés. / The opening of insolvency proceedings is the occasion of a conflict between employment protection and survival of the company. Ensuring the sustainability of the latter often needs to be achieved at the cost of workforce reduction. This finding raises an issue which may, prima facie, appear somewhat paradoxical: while one of the objectives of the companies in difficulty is to ensure employment preservation, certain provisions tend to accelerate the delivery of redundancies. If the intrusion of insolvency law in an area that some consider restricted to labor law, may give rise to controversy, it has an explanation: the unsuitability of the second’s constraints the company faces in a crisis situation could lead to the entity’s shut down, and consequently, all the jobs that it carries. Finding ways of conciliation, sometimes considered contradictory, is necessary: ensuring the company’s safeguard is the best way to preserve the jobs attached to it.
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