Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business travel."" "subject:"dbusiness travel.""
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Det bästa sättet att förutsäga framtiden är att skapa den : En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie om hur Stockholms konferensaktörer ställer sig gentemot mellanhandsföretag och hållbar utveckling / The best way to predict the future is to create it : A qualitative multidisciplinary study about how actors in Stockholm’s conference industry stand towards intermediaries and sustainable developmentSundling, Linnea, Bååt Sporrstedt, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur centrala nyckelpersoner inom konferensbranschen i Stockholm arbetar i förhållande till hållbara strategier och externa resurser under planering och utförande av konferenser. Den ämnar även att undersöka hur visionen gällande den framtida konferensen ser ut och vidare diskuteras trender och mönster som cirkulerar i branschen samt hur dessa upprätthålls. Metod: Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie innefattande tio semistrukturerade intervjuer som primär insamlingsmetod samt sekundärdata. Teori: Studiens teoretiska bakgrund baseras bland annat på två plattformar gällande mötesindustrin och affärsindustrins sektorer. Även teorier gällande hållbar utveckling, konferensbranschens huvudaktörer, trender inom branschen samt en kommunikationsmodell ligger till grund för studien. Den teoretiska referensramen fungerar som en avgränsning till vad skribenterna har valt att analysera. Empiri: Empiriavsnittet omfattar en presentation av vardera respondent samt det företag respondenten är verksam inom. Företagen som beskrivs i studien är 7A: Centralen, Kumla Herrgård, MSD AB, Linné Travel, American Express Global Business Travel, Svenska Möten, Scandic Skogshöjd, Nordic Choice Hotels samt två anonyma företag. Efter presentationen följer en sammanfattning av intervjuerna. Resultat: Studiens resultat påvisar att majoriteten av Stockholms konferensaktörer inte har en fullt utarbetad policy för ett hållbart utvecklingsarbete och att de sociala och ekonomiska aspekterna hamnar i skuggan av den miljömässiga insatsen. Mellanhandsföretagen är inte helt och hållet uppskattade bland mindre företag och konferensanläggningar i branschen på grund av misskommunikation. Mellanhandsföretagen menar att de bidrar till resursbesparingar och effektivisering gällande planering. I framtiden anser aktörerna att konferensen måste inneha ett konkret innehåll och ett tydligt syfte. Något som även måste upprätthållas är ett tydligare fokus på gästens upplevelse samt bevarandet av fysiska möten. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate in how key actors in Stockholm’s conference industry work in relation to sustainable strategies and external resources during planning and execution of conferences. It also aims to investigate trends and patterns in the industry and how the vision of the future conference is seen. Method: The study is based in a qualitative multidisciplinary study comprising ten semi structured interviews as primary collection together with secondary data. Theory: The theoretical background is based on two platforms, one describing the meeting industry, and one describing the travel business sectors. Theories regarding sustainable development, the conference industry’s key players, industry trends and a communication model is also based on this study. The theoretical framework serves a delimitation of what the authors have chosen to analyze. Empiricism: The empiricism section includes a presentation of each respondent and the company the respondent works for. The companies described are 7A: Centralen, Kumla Herrgård, MSD AB (Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA), Linné Travel, American Express Global Business Travel, Svenska Möten, Scandic Skogshöjd, Nordic Choice Hotels and two anonymous companies. Along the presentation follows a summary of the interviews. Findings: The findings of this study have shown that the majority of Stockholm’s conference actors do not have a fully developed policy for sustainable development and that social and economic aspects end up in the shadow of the environmental effort. The intermediaries are not entirely appreciated among smaller companies and conference facilities in the industry, because of dysfunctional communication. The intermediaries, on the other hand, mean that they contribute to resource savings and efficiency in conference planning. In the future, the actors consider the conference to have a concrete content and a clear purpose. Something that must also be maintained is a clearer focus on the guest’s experience as well as the preservation of physical meetings.
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Commercial Activities and the Geography of Movement in a West African Urban Market: A Study of Market-Stall Traders in Onitsha with Implications for Transport PolicyOchia, Krys Chukwuma 01 January 1989 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand the non home-based travel behavior of urban market traders in Onitsha, Nigeria, where 58-70% of the labor force is engaged in trading.
Relevant trip-inducing variables--gender, location, a means of personal transportation, size of stall and, type of good sold--were selected to assist in theorizing about the travel behavior of traders. Using a systematic sampling methodology, 246 stalls were selected and the MLR model was applied in data analyses.
The results show that a typical stall is occupied by either one or two traders. There are three male traders for every female trader and 89.4% of stalls are occupied exclusively by one gender. The mean trips produced by a stall in a typical business day is 2.7 trips, with a variation from zero to ten trips. In the CBD, an average stall produced 4.4 trips while stalls in the periphery generated an average of 2.1 trips. Small stalls generate two trips, while medium (three occupants) to large stalls generate twice as many trips. While stalls occupied exclusively by males have a mean of 3.0 trips, female-occupied stalls generate only 2.0 trips. On the other hand, stalls which have a personal means of transportation generate more trips than stalls where none existed. Even though the maximum number of a personal means of transportation available to a stall was two, there was a substantial difference between the number of trips produced by stalls with the maximum number of vehicles and stalls where vehicles were unavailable. Finally, while provision goods stalls generate a mean of 3.3 trips, foodstuffs stalls generate about 2.1 trips with intermediate results for other commodities.
For policymaking purposes, there is empirical evidence to show that traders, together with consumers, contribute to off-peak trips which directly impact the urban transportation system. There is the need to evolve policies to minimize the frequency of trips by traders, especially by discouraging multiple tripmaking because, it will contribute to a reduction in the amount of resources allocated to the upkeep of the urban transportation infrastructure.
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Persontransportens påverkan på hållbar utveckling : en fallstudie på Högskolan väst / The impact of passenger transport on sustainable development : a case study of University westMatang, Aria, Sassi, Bob January 2018 (has links)
Transportsektorn stod för närmare en tredjedel av växthusgasutsläpp år 2017. Sverige har stort bilinnehav, stora bilar och långa avstånd, dessa är några faktorer som bidrar till en försämrad miljö. Personkilometer har under de senaste 50 åren ökat med 150 procent, enligt en underlagsrapport från trafikverket. Syftet med arbetet är att utveckla en modell som underlättar valet av transportmedel, med hänsyn till en hållbar utveckling. I samband med arbetet utförs en fallstudie på Högskolan Väst där vi lägger grunden för ett arbete mot att minska högskolans koldioxidutsläpp vid resor i tjänsten. Rapporten är avgränsad till endast resor i tjänsten samt koldioxidutsläppens påverkan på klimatet. Arbetet kunde möjliggöras genom empirisk data som blev insamlat, samtidigt som intervjuerna gav oss en insyn från personalens perspektiv om vad som är viktigt vid en mötesbokning. Olika transportmedel påverkar miljön på olika sätt. Därför bidrar alla val av transport varje dag till hur vårt framtida klimat kommer att se ut. I rapporten lyfts det fram att personbilens utsläpp per personkilometer är 30 000 gånger så stor som tågtransporten. Hur man väljer att resa påverkas oftast av personliga preferenser. För att kunna göra ett rätt val krävs grundförutsättningar till att tänka på vissa aspekter. Det är ytterst viktigt för en organisation. För att bli ett transporteffektivt samhälle, krävs det ständiga förbättringar i samhällsplaneringen. / The transport sector accounted for nearly a third of greenhouse gas emissions by 2017. Sweden has large car ownership, large cars and long distances, these are some factors that contribute to a deteriorating environment. Personnel kilometers have increased by 150 per cent over the past 50 years, according to a report from the traffic agency. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model that facilitates the choice of transport, considering sustainable development. In connection with the thesis, a case study is being carried out at the University of West Sweden, where we lay the foundation for work to reduce the university's carbon dioxide emissions during travel in the service. The report is limited to only travel in the service and the impact of carbon dioxide on the climate. The work could be achieved through empirical data collected, while the interviews gave us an overview of the staff's perspective on what is important in a meeting booking. Different modes of transport affect the environment in different ways. Therefore, every choice of transport every day contributes to the way our future climate will look. The report states that passenger car emissions per passenger kilometer are 30,000 times as high as rail transport. How to choose to travel is usually affected by personal preferences. In order to make the right choice, basic prerequisites are required to consider certain aspects. It is extremely important for an organization. To become a transport-efficient society, continuous improvements in community planning are required.
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Atvykstamojo dalykinio turizmo plėtros galimybės / Developmental possibilities of incoming business travelJokubaitytė, Rūta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvoje skiriamas per mažas dėmesys atvykstamąjam dalykiniui turizmui (verslo turistui). Atvykstamasis turizmas labiau orientuotas į pažintinį turizmą, o dalykinis turizmas labiau suvokiamas kaip konferencijų ir verslo susitikimų kelionės. Atvykstamojo dalykinio turizmo paslaugų plėtros galimybės suprantamos kaip konferencijų bei skatinamųjų kelionių, renginių pasiūlymų parengimas kaip galutinis produktas. Darbo tikslas - nustatyti atvykstamojo dalykinio turizmo plėtros galimybes ir parengti atvykstamojo dalykinio turizmo paslaugų plėtros galimybių kaip galutinio turizmo produkto siūlymus. Tyrimo objektas: Lietuvos turizmo įmonės, teikiančios atvykstamojo turizmo paslaugas ir Vokietijos įvairių sričių įmonės. Tyrimo metodai: Tyrimas vykdomas remiantis sistemine literatūrine analize, antrinių empirinių duomenų analize, pirminių duomenų rezultatų rinkimu ir aprašymu, ankstesnių tyrimų išvadomis, pateikiant apibendrinimus. Praktinių tyrimų atliktos analizės dėka buvo parengtas atvykstamojo dalykinio turizmo paslaugų produktas - paketas, kuris suprantamas kaip atvykstamojo dalykinio turizmo paslaugų plėtros galimybė. Atlikus praktinę analizę, pastebėta, kad Vokietijos įmonės į dalykines keliones įtraukia aktyvias sporto turizmo – komandos formavimo papildomas pramogas, o kelionės truka 2 - 3 dienas. Darbuotojų motyvacija – instrumentas išplėsti dalykinio turizmo paslaugas. Tam kad motyvuoti darbuotojus, rengiamos išvykos, kelionės, renginiai kartu derinant konsultacinių įmonių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania, too little attention is paid to incoming business tourism. Incoming tourism is more oriented towards cognitive tourism, and business tourism is perceived as conference and business meeting travel. The expansion possibilities of incoming business tourism services are understood as the preparation of the offer of conference, incentive travel, and corporate event services as the end-product. The aim of the work: To identify the expansion possibilities of incoming business tourism and prepare suggestions of the expansion possibilities of incoming business tourism as the end-product. The object of research: Lithuanian tourism companies offering incoming tourism services, German companies working in various spheres. The methods of research: the research has been carried out as a systematic analysis of literature and secondary empiric data, collection and description of primary data results, and reference to the conclusions of previous research while supplying generalisations. Through the analysis of practical investigations, the product of incoming business tourism services has been prepared – a package which is understood as a possibility for the expansion of incoming business tourism services. After completing the practical part, it has been noticed that German companies combine business travel with additional active sport tourism – team building services, and the prevailing length of business trips is 2-3 days. Employee motivation is a tool for business tourism... [to full text]
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Den hållbara tjänsteresan, finns den? : En flerfallstudie i svenska regioner / The sustainable business trip, does it exist? : A multiple case study of Swedish regionsSandahl, Petra, Kullman, Zandra January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det krävs en förändring av hur vi använder jordens resurser för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling, vilket inkluderar miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Region Kronoberg ska ta fram ett hållbarhetsprogram för 2019-2022 där alla tre aspekter av hållbarhet beaktas. Ett aktuellt problem är den klimatpåverkan som regionen har idag på grund av tjänsteresor. Det är bara möjligt att bedöma hållbarheten i ett transportsystem om de ingående parametrarna definieras och mäts, ofta finns det dock inte praktisk vägledning. Ett behov finns därför av ett sammanhållet styrdokument med konkreta mål. För att begränsa transporters negativa effekter kan olika strategier och lösningar vidtas och åtgärder behöver genomföras för att uppnå uppsatta hållbarhetsmål. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga hållbarhetsmått, mål och åtgärder som kan relateras till tjänsteresor i befintlig teori och bland Sveriges regioner, och med utgångspunkt i den kartläggningen ge förslag på hållbarhetsmål och hållbarhetsmått samt hållbarhetsfrämjande åtgärder gällande tjänsteresor för användning i framtagandet av Region Kronobergs kommande hållbarhetsprogram. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en flerfallsdesign och har haft ett deduktivt angreppssätt och en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Datainsamlingen har skett i form av ostrukturerade intervjuer, mailkonversationer, fokusgrupper samt offentliga och internt tillhandahållna dokument. Det empiriska materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ dataanalys. Slutsats: Idag saknas en sammantagen helhetsbild över hållbarhetsarbetet och det är problem med förankringen av mål. Kärnan i att driva mot en mer hållbar riktning är att förändra beteenden. Sex mått som på olika sätt representerar de tre hållbarhetsdimensionerna föreslås. Till dessa kopplas fyra mål som avser minska klimatpåverkande utsläpp, öka andelen förnybara bränslen och ersätta fysiska möten med resfria möten. En rad föreslagna åtgärder presenteras, däribland en konkret och tydlig resepolicy, en uppdaterad klimatväxlingsmodell, förbättrade uppföljningsrutiner för mätning, förenklade rutiner kring uthyrning av bilpoolsbilar och cyklar samt informationsinsatser. Nyckelord: Hållbarhet, Hållbar utveckling, Tjänsteresor, Regioner, Offentlig verksamhet / Background: We need a change in how we use the Earth's resources to achieve sustainable development, including environmental, social and economic sustainability. Region Kronoberg will develop a sustainability program for 2019-2022, taking into account all three aspects of sustainability. A current problem is the climate impact the region has today due to emissions. It is only possible to assess the sustainability of a transport system if the parameters are defined and measured, but there is often no practical guidance. Therefore, there is a need for a coherent management document with concrete goals. To limit the negative effects of transports, different strategies and solutions can be taken and measures need to be implemented to achieve the determined sustainability goals. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to map sustainability indicators, goals and measures related to business travel in existing theory and among Sweden's regions, and based on this mapping suggest sustainability indicators, goals and measures for use in the development of Region Kronoberg's future sustainability program. Methodology: The study was conducted as a multiple case study with a deductive approach and a qualitative research strategy. Data collection was in the form of unstructured interviews, mail conversations, focus groups, as well as publicly published and internally acquired documents. The empirical material was then analyzed by qualitative data analysis. Conclusions: There is a lack of a comprehensive overall picture of sustainability as well as problems with anchoring goals. The essence of driving towards a more sustainable direction is to change behavior. Six indicators that represent the three sustainability dimensions in different ways are proposed. Four goals are linked to these indicators with the aim to reduce climate-related emissions, increasing the proportion of renewable fuels and replacing physical meetings with meetings that doesn’t require travel. A range of proposed actions are presented, including a concrete and clear travel policy, an updated climate change model, improved monitoring routines for measuring, simplified procedures for car and bicycle rental, as well as information efforts. Keywords: Sustainability, Sustainable development, Business travel, Business trip, Work travel, Regions, Public Sector, Government
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Hotel front office staff and interest in tourist attractions : their influencing role in business tourists' visiting intentionsNthebe, Sello Samuel 11 1900 (has links)
The National Department of Tourism (NDT) identified the underutilisation of tourist attractions as a challenge facing South Africa’s tourism. According to eThekwini Municipality (2014) and Gauteng Provincial Government (2001), domestic business tourists, amongst others, visit tourist attractions. The likelihood of business tourists requesting that hotel front office staff arrange visits to tourist attractions is acknowledged in the literature. There is, however, a dearth of research investigating the relationship between hotel front office staff and business tourists’ intentions to visit tourist attractions (hereafter mostly referred to as business tourists’ visiting intentions). The conceptualisation of this relationship is discussed in the context of hotel front office staff, interest in tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions. The proposed mediating role of Interest in tourist attractions is highlighted, which was tested statistically, while evidence is provided that Hotel front office staff, Interest in tourist attractions, and Business tourists’ visiting intentions can serve in a causal Model of Business Tourist’s Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The inclusion of these constructs in a causal model will enable hotel and tourist attractions managers develop strategies to attract business tourists.
Main research question
Against the background of Frazier, Tix and Barron’s (2004) and Ro’s (2012) Mediation Model, see section 1.3, the following main research question was proposed for the present study:
Is the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions mediated by Interest in tourist attractions in a Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions?
Literature review
Based on the main research question, this study resulted in the proposal of a theoretical causal model for the mediating role of tourist attractions and a causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The likelihood of the newly conceptualised Interest in tourist attractions as a mediator in the relationship between the Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions is evident in tourism literature. As far as could be determined, the influence of interest in tourist attractions in the relationship between hotel front office staff and business tourists’ visiting intentions has not been established to date.
An extensive literature review was conducted to conceptualise hotel front office staff, interest in tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions as constructs to include in the theoretical model from which the causal model was developed. Business tourists’ demographic details were investigated in the context of gender, age, and province.
Research design
A research design comprises the research approach and research method of a study. In the present research, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to generate the study’s primary data. A statistical study design was adopted for the purpose of conducting factor analysis (FA) and validating the causal model by means of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) through structural equation modelling (SEM). Furthermore, this study was causal-explanatory, as it explored the mediating role of Interest in tourist attractions. International Business Machines (IBM) software SPSS 22.0 was used to conduct this study’s FA, and IBM SPSS AMOS 22.00 was used for this study’s CFA through SEM.
Research method
Convenience sampling, which is a non-probability sampling method, was used to select the respondents. The target population was domestic business tourists who stayed at the selected three-star hotel between 15 July 2014 and 15 April 2015. A new measuring instrument was developed to comprehensively investigate hotel front office staff, interest in tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions. A seven-point intensity Likert scale was used for all items in the questionnaire. Data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire issued to domestic business tourists upon hotel check-in. The sample comprised 282 respondents.
Results and discussion
Data sets for all constructs were inspected for central tendency, distribution, and missing values. Missing values were replaced by the respective items’ mean score. Once inspected, PCA was conducted to explore the uni-dimensionality of items, and to reduce constructs. All constructs were retained by the PCA, and the achievement of Cronbach alpha scores exceeding .70 confirmed the validity and reliability of constructs (Hotel front office staff, Interest in tourist attractions, and Business tourists’ visiting intentions). PCA was not conducted on Business Tourists’ Visiting Intentions, due to a significant Cronbach’s alpha and the presence of only four items measuring the construct. Pearson’s product-moment correlation revealed positive inter-correlations between dimensions of the constructs Hotel front office staff and Interest in tourist attractions.
CFA was conducted to establish the causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The establishment of a causal model was followed by exploring the mediating effect of Interest in tourist attractions on the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model confirmed that Interest in tourist attractions fully mediates the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. This successfully answered this study’s main research question.
This study makes a unique contribution by establishing a causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions, confirming Interest in tourist attractions as a mediator in the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model proves that there is no relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions without the indirect connection with Interest in tourist attractions. In support of this study’s results, Yang, Jou, and in tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions. A seven-point intensity Likert scale was used for all items in the questionnaire. Data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire issued to domestic business tourists upon hotel check-in. The sample comprised 282 respondents.
Results and discussion
Data sets for all constructs were inspected for central tendency, distribution, and missing values. Missing values were replaced by the respective items’ mean score. Once inspected, PCA was conducted to explore the uni-dimensionality of items, and to reduce constructs. All constructs were retained by the PCA, and the achievement of Cronbach alpha scores exceeding .70 confirmed the validity and reliability of constructs (Hotel front office staff, Interest in tourist attractions, and Business tourists’ visiting intentions). PCA was not conducted on Business Tourists’ Visiting Intentions, due to a significant Cronbach’s alpha and the presence of only four items measuring the construct. Pearson’s product-moment correlation revealed positive inter-correlations between dimensions of the constructs Hotel front office staff and Interest in tourist attractions.
CFA was conducted to establish the causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The establishment of a causal model was followed by exploring the mediating effect of Interest in tourist attractions on the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model confirmed that Interest in tourist attractions fully mediates the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. This successfully answered this study’s main research question.
This study makes a unique contribution by establishing a causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions, confirming Interest in tourist attractions as a mediator in the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model proves that there is no relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions without the indirect connection with Interest in tourist attractions. In support of this study’s results, Yang, Jou, andin tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions. A seven-point intensity Likert scale was used for all items in the questionnaire. Data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire issued to domestic business tourists upon hotel check-in. The sample comprised 282 respondents.
Results and discussion
Data sets for all constructs were inspected for central tendency, distribution, and missing values. Missing values were replaced by the respective items’ mean score. Once inspected, PCA was conducted to explore the uni-dimensionality of items, and to reduce constructs. All constructs were retained by the PCA, and the achievement of Cronbach alpha scores exceeding .70 confirmed the validity and reliability of constructs (Hotel front office staff, Interest in tourist attractions, and Business tourists’ visiting intentions). PCA was not conducted on Business Tourists’ Visiting Intentions, due to a significant Cronbach’s alpha and the presence of only four items measuring the construct. Pearson’s product-moment correlation revealed positive inter-correlations between dimensions of the constructs Hotel front office staff and Interest in tourist attractions.
CFA was conducted to establish the causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The establishment of a causal model was followed by exploring the mediating effect of Interest in tourist attractions on the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model confirmed that Interest in tourist attractions fully mediates the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. This successfully answered this study’s main research question.
This study makes a unique contribution by establishing a causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions, confirming Interest in tourist attractions as a mediator in the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model proves that there is no relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions without the indirect connection with Interest in tourist attractions. In support of this study’s results, Yang, Jou, and Cheng (2011) asserted that business tourists expect hotels to arrange their visits to tourist attractions. According to Kasavana and Brooks (2009), it is a duty of the hotel front office staff to arrange visits to tourist attractions.
This study was limited to domestic business tourists only, thereby excluding international business tourists. A non-probability sampling method was used to select respondents; this study’s results can therefore not be generalised to the population of domestic business tourists who stay at the selected three-star hotel in Pretoria. This study’s sample was uneven in the context of gender, age, and province of residence.
Future research
Future studies could explore the established causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions at a different hotel, to verify the validity of the model. Future studies could also explore the moderating effect of domestic business tourists with regard to age, gender, and province of residence in the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Interest in tourist attractions. Future studies could further explore the causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions using a different biographical segment, e.g., leisure tourists.
This study aimed to determine whether scores for Hotel front office staff related to scores for Business tourists’ visiting intentions, and how this relationship is mediated by scores on Tourist attractions scores. The Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions confirmed that Interest in tourist attractions fully mediates the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. Based on these results, this study’s main research objective has been achieved. / Business Management / M. Com. (Tourism Management)
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Hållbart resande på företag : En studie om hur ÅF i Solna kan skapa förutsättningar för hållbara arbets- och tjänsteresor / Sustainable travel at companies : A study of how ÅF in Solna can create conditions for sustainable commuting and business travelEngström, Emma January 2014 (has links)
De flesta människor reser dagligen till arbete, skola eller för att uträtta ärenden, men dessvärre utgör sätten som vi reser på en belastning på miljön som inte är förenlig med en långsiktigt hållbar samhällsutveckling. I Sverige står transportsektorn för ungefär en fjärdedel av landets energianvändning och cirka 30 procent av landets totala klimatutsläpp. En stor del av utsläppen genereras av persontransporter och forskare menar att en minskad energianvändning genom ett smartare och mer hållbart resande är en viktig utveckling för att minska transportsektorns miljöpåverkan. Då arbetsrelaterade resor utgör hälften av alla persontransporter i Sverige, spelar företag en betydande roll, eftersom de har möjlighet att påverka både arbets- och tjänsteresor. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur ett företag och arbetsplats, ÅF i Solna, kan skapa förutsättningar för hållbara arbets- och tjänsteresor. Vidare är syftet att ta fram åtgärdsförslag baserat på ÅF:s mål med att minska miljöpåverkan från resor. Mot bakgrund av utförda litteraturstudier, som redogör för bakgrunden till företags arbete för hållbara resor, som beskriver svenska arbetsmetoder för ändamålet och som diskuterar goda exempel på åtgärder som utförts av organisationer i Sverige, har en studie av platsförutsättningar och en resvaneundersökning genomförts på ÅF i Solna. Resultaten visar att tjänsteresor står för 73 procent av koldioxidutsläppen från resor och arbetsresor för 27 procent. Nästintill samtliga internationella tjänsteresor görs med flyg. Cirka 50 procent av alla nationella tjänsteresor görs med bil, 25 procent med flyg och 25 procent med tåg. Vid lokala tjänsteresor utgör bilresor ungefär 65 procent och kollektivtrafiksresor utgör cirka 30 procent. På ÅF i Solna görs ungefär 40 procent av arbetsresorna med bil, 40 procent med kollektivtrafik och 20 procent med gång, cykel och övriga färdsätt, sett över hela året. Studien visar att de anställda är intresserade av frågor som rör hållbart resande och efterfrågar satsningar på området. I studien konstateras att ÅF i Solna kan underlätta för hållbara arbets- och tjänsteresor genom att informera om hållbara resor och de möjligheter som redan finns på kontoret. Vidare kan ÅF utveckla och förbättra de befintliga förutsättningarna, genom att till exempel genomföra mindre fysiska åtgärder för att se över tillkortakommanden som kan utgöra hinder för förändrade resvanor. Dessutom kan ÅF i Solna utreda möjligheten att införa incitament som underlättar för hållbara resvanor och att arbeta med en grön resplan. / Most people travel to work, school or run errands on a daily basis, but the way that we travel constitute an environmental impact that is not consistent with a long term sustainable development. In Sweden the transport sector accounts for about a quarter of the country’s energy use and about 30 percent of its total carbon emissions. A large share of the emissions is generated by passenger transport and researchers argue that reduced energy usage by smarter and more sustainable travel is important to reduce the transport sector’s environmental impact. Since work related travel accounts for half of all Swedish passenger transport, companies play a significant role, as they can affect both journeys to work and business travel. The purpose of the degree project is to investigate how a company and a workplace, ÅF in Solna, can create conditions for sustainable commuting and business travel. The aim is further to develop action proposals based on ÅF’s goal to reduce its carbon footprint. On the basis of conducted literature studies, which explain the background of companies’ efforts towards sustainable travel, describe Swedish work methods and discuss good examples of undertaken measures by Swedish organisations, a study of site conditions and a travel survey is carried out at ÅF in Solna. The results show that business travel accounts for 73 percent of the carbon emissions from travel and commuting for 27 percent. Nearly all international business travel is made by flight. Approximately 50 percent of national business travel is made by car, 25 percent by flight and 25 percent by train. Cars account for about 65 percent of local business travel and public transport for about 30 percent. At ÅF in Solna approximately 40 percent of commuting is made by car, 40 percent by public transport and 20 percent by walk, bike and other modes of travel, for a full year. The study shows that employees are interested in issues related to sustainable travel and ask for commitments in the field. The study concludes that ÅF in Solna can facilitate sustainable commuting and business travel by providing information on sustainable travel and the opportunities that already exists at the office. Further, ÅF can develop and improve existing conditions, for example by carrying out minor physical measures to revise shortcomings that may prevent changing travel habits. Additionally, ÅF in Solna can investigate the possibility of introducing incentives that facilitate sustainable travel habits and working with a travel plan.
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"Syns det inte, finns det inte" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av hinder och möjligheter för resepolicy i Svalövs kommun / "Out of sight, out of mind" : A qualitative case study of barriers and opportunities for travel policy in Svalöv MunicipalityKarlsson, Alexandra, Bekteshi Krasniqi, Albulena January 2024 (has links)
Klimatförändringar medför förhöjda temperaturer vilket kan leda till höjda havsnivåer och översvämningar med förödande konsekvenser för djur och människors hälsa, tillgång till mat, ekonomi och miljön. De globala klimatmålen riktas mot nationella regeringar. År 2045 ska Sverige inte ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. Detta innebär att kommuner i Sverige,däribland Svalövs kommun, måste arbeta utifrån sina lokala förutsättningar för att nå dessa mål. Transportsektorn står för den största energianvändningen och utsläppen av växthusgaser. Svalövs kommun har med sin nya klimat- och energiplan sikte på att minska kommunens transportbehov. En uppdaterad resepolicy kan vara ett verktyg att uppnå dessa mål. Studiens syftar till att undersöka de faktorer som möjliggör och hindrar en implementering av en uppdaterad resepolicy i Svalövs kommun. Därför är studiens frågeställningar: Vilka hinder och möjligheter upplevs av tjänstepersoner i Svalövs kommuns för att följa en resepolicy? Samt vilka åtgärder kan Svalövs kommun vidta för att öka medvetenheten och efterlevnaden av den nya resepolicyn bland sina medarbetare?En kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes i Svalövs kommun och empiri inhämtades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstepersoner i Svalövs kommun samt expertintervjuer med Malmö stad och Lunds kommun. En tematisk analys genomfördes på de transkriberade intervjuerna. Resultatet visade att det största hindret för efterlevnaden av resepolicyn är att de flesta inte känner till dess existens vilket gör kommunikation om resepolicyn till den främsta möjligheten att förbättra rådande förutsättningar. Resultaten indikerar att implementeringsprocessen är det viktigaste steget för en väl förankrad resepolicy / Climate change results in elevated temperatures, which can lead to rising sea levels and floods with devastating consequences for animals and human health, food availability, the economy, and the environment. The global climate targets are directed at national governments. By 2045, Sweden should have no net emissions of greenhouse gases. This means that municipalities in Sweden, such as Svalöv Municipality, must work based on their local conditions to achieve these goals. The transport sector accounts for the largest energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. With its new climate and energy plan, Svalöv Municipality aims to reduce the municipality's transport needs. An updated travel policy can be a tool to achieve these goals. The study aims to examine the factors that enable and hinder the implementation of an updated travel policy in Svalöv Municipality. Therefore, the study's research questions are: What obstacles and opportunities are perceived by officials in Svalöv Municipality to comply with a travel policy? And what measures can Svalöv Municipality take to increase awareness and compliance with the new travel policy among its employees?A qualitative case study was conducted in Svalöv Municipality, and empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with officials in Svalöv Municipality as well as expert interviews with Malmö Municipality and Lund Municipality. A thematic analysis was conducted on the transcribed interviews. The results showed that the biggest obstacle to compliance with the travel policy is that most people are unaware of its existence, making communication about the travel policy the primary opportunity to improve the current conditions. The results indicate that the implementation process is the most crucial step for a well-anchored travel policy.
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