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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of a case manager in a managed care organisation

Kgasi, Kate Mamokgati 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine case managers’ understanding of their role in a managed care organisation and to develop recommendations for the improvement of case management practice. Quantitative descriptive research was conducted to explore perceptions of case managers regarding their role. A self-administered questionnaire was used as a formal data collection instrument and 25 respondents participated in the study. The findings revealed that the majority of case managers know what is expected of them in their job but that they do experience some barriers. There appears to be uncertainty with quite a number of respondents regarding certain aspects of their role. Recommendations were made for improved case management practice.

Att arbeta enligt ACT-modellen : Specialistsjuksköterskans erfarenheter av sin kompetens i teamet / Working according to the ACT model : Specialist nurse experience of her skills in the team

Bjerkenstedt, Monica January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: ACT- modellen växte fram under 70 och 80-talet i samband med att många psykiatriska kliniker stängdes i USA. Den ursprungliga ACT- modellen kan ses som en fullservicemodell men har sedan modifierats och anpassats efter samhällets och sjukvårdens rådande förhållanden. Som det ser ut idag så har flera modeller utvecklats med utgångspunkt från ACT-modellen men kan särskiljas av vilka komponenter som ingår. Modellen har visat positiva resultat avseende patienters delaktighet och återhämtning. Sjuksköterskan har en bred yrkesbakgrund och anses ha en viktig roll i teamet. Med sin kompetens har de grundläggande kunskaper för att utföra medicinsk och psykiatrisk omvårdnad men flera studier har visat att det finns ett behov av specialistutbildade sjuksköterskor då många av patienterna är svårt sjuka. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva psykiatriska specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av sin kompetens och roll i team som arbetar enligt ACT-modellen Metod: En kvalitativ design har valts. Datainsamling skedde med semi-strukturerade intervjuer. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats användes för att bearbeta materialet. Resultat: Innehållsanalysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier, Kompetensen med in i teamet samt Den mångsidiga sjuksköterskan, med tillhörande sex underkategorier. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån de två huvudkategorierna Kompetensen med in i teamet och Den mångsidiga sjuksköterskan. Som stöd i diskussionen användes till ämnet relevanta artiklar och litteratur samt Phil Barkers tio förpliktelser som utgångspunkt. / Background: The ACT model developed in the 70's and 80's when many psychiatric clinics were closed in the United States. The original ACT model can be seen as a full service model but has since been modified and adapted to the current conditions of society and health care. As it appears today, several models have been developed based on the ACT model but can be distinguished by which components are included. The model has shown positive results regarding patient participation and recovery. The nurse has a wide professional background and is considered to be an important part of the team. With their skills, they have the basic knowledge to perform medical and psychiatric care, but several studies have shown that there is a need for specialist educated nurses, as many of the patients are severely ill. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the psychiatric specialist nurse's experience of their competence and role in teams working under the ACT model. Method: A qualitative design has been selected. Data collection was done with semi-structured interviews. A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used to process the material. Results: The content analysis resulted in two main categories, skills in the team and the versatile nurse, with six associated subcategories. Discussions: The result was discussed based on the two main categories, skills in the team and the versatile nurse. In support of the discussion, relevant topics and literature were used as well as Phil Barker's ten obligations as a starting point.

Rehabkoordinator i primärvården inom Region Gotland : för en förbättrad sjukskrivningsprocess

Löfstedt, Marie January 2011 (has links)
Problem finns inom hälso- och sjukvårdens hantering av sjukskrivningsärenden och har visat sig vara extra stora inom primärvården. Många sjukskrivningar löper risk att bli långvariga, rehabiliteringsärenden drar ut på tiden och missförstånd uppstår mellan patienter och myndigheter samt myndigheter emellan. Mellan 1 september 2009 och 31 maj 2011 har man på Gotland bedrivit ett projekt med syfte att effektivisera sjukskrivningsprocessen med hjälp av Rehabkoordinator i primärvården. Denna studie utgör den kvalitativa utvärderingen utav projektet. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera om sjukskrivningsprocessen har underlättats för de samverkande aktörerna och för patienter efter inrättandet av Rehabkoordinator. Detta har genomförts genom en explorativ metod genom intervjuer och enkät.   I studien beskrivs och analyseras införandet av Rehabkoordinator som ett förbindelseorgan mellan primärvården, Försäkringskassan, Arbetsförmedlingen och socialtjänsten för bättre samordning kring patienter. Resultatet av studien visar att merparten av aktörerna upplever arbetsformen som positiv och gynnar samarbete och samordning vid arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering. Aktörerna upplever att processen, effektiviteten och kvalitén i arbetet runt patienten har förbättrats. Kommunikationen och samordningen mellan berörda aktörer har underlättats och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön har förbättrats även om det framgår att det är för lite resurser för rehabiliteringssamverkan.   Patienterna upplever det positivt med Rehabkoordinatorns stödjande, förmedlande och koordinerande insatser vilket ses vara en framgångsfaktor för patienten. Majoriteten känner att de blivit respektfullt bemötta, känt sig delaktiga i sin rehabilitering samt fått det stöd och den information som de behövde av Rehabkoordinatorn.   Studien visar också att merparten av aktörerna har funnit fungerande rutiner för sin arbetsform och samverkan. Kvarstående hinder tycks bero på framförallt organisatoriska faktorer som till exempel förankring av verksamheten i de samverkande organisationerna, kunskap och kommunikation om och mellan olika professioner och organisationer, samt incitament och legitimitet för deltagande i rehabiliteringssamverkan. / The identified problems within the health care management concerning cases of sickness have proven to be particularly severe in the area of primary care. A large number of sick leaves are at risk of being long term, cases of rehabilitation drags on, and misunderstandings occur both between authorities and patients, and authorities. Between 1 September 2009 and 31 May 2011 Gotland has pursued a project with the intention to streamline the process of sick leave with the help of a Rehab coordinator in primary care. This study is the qualitative evaluation of the project. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the process of sick leave have been facilitated both for the interacting actors and for the patients, after the establishment of the Rehab coordinator. This has been implemented through an exploratory approach through interviews and questionnaires.   This study describes and analyzes the introduction of a Rehab coordinator as a liaison body between primary care, social insurance, employment service and social services for a better coordination concerning the patients. The results of this study show that the majority of actors experience that the method is positive and benefits cooperation and coordination of vocational rehabilitation. The actors feel that the process, the efficiency and the quality of work around the patient has improved. The communication and coordination between actors have been facilitated and the psychosocial work environment has improved, although it is clear the there are not enough resources for the rehabilitation agreement.   The patients finds the support, the mediating and coordinating actions of the rehab coordinator positive, which is considered a factor of success to the patient. The majority feel they have been met with respect, felt involved in their rehabilitation and received the support and information they needed by the Rehab coordinator.    The study also shows that majority of the actors have found successful routines to support their method of work and collaboration. The remaining obstacle appeared to be particular organizational factors for example the anchoring of activities for the collaborating organizations, knowledge and communication about and between different professions and organizations, as well as incentives and legitimacy for participation in the rehabilitation agreement.

Handläggning av tvångsvård : Socialsekreterares erfarenheter och upplevelser av att handlägga LVM ärenden / Managing cases of compulsory care

Tidebrink, Therese January 2016 (has links)
När en socialsekreterare ska handlägga ärenden enligt Lag om Vård av Missbrukare i vissa fall (LVM) behöver denne ta ställning utifrån många olika perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att ge kunskap om hur socialsekreterare upplever handläggning av LVM-ärenden samt vilka erfarenheter de har av en sådan process. Undersökningens material grundar sig på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex socialsekreterare som alla har arbetat med LVM-handläggning. För att kunna tolka och analysera materialet användes gräsrotsbyråkrati, makt, etik i socialt arbete och handlingsutrymme som teoretisk referensram. Resultatet indikerar att socialsekreterarna upplever både för- och nackdelar i arbetet med lagstiftningen. De upplever handläggningen av LVM-ärenden likt ett dilemma. Socialsekreterarna anser att lagen är nödvändig då de i avsaknad av den skulle känna en stor maktlöshet av att inte kunna ingripa i allvarliga situationer där klienten riskerar att avlida eller skada sig själv och andra till följd av sitt missbruk. De anser även att tillämpningen av lagen medför inskränkningar i den enskilda klientens integritet och att klienten i mötet med socialtjänsten riskerar att bli kränkt utan noga eftertanke från socialsekreterarens sida. Resultatet visar även på att socialsekreterarna så långt som det är möjligt respekterar klientens autonomi men att autonomin vid fråga om liv och död måste förbises. / When a social secretary has to investigate a client due to the Law on Care of Addicts in certain cases (LVM) he or she need to do so with consideration to many different perspectives. The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge about how social workers perceive handling LVM cases and also to find out what their experiences are when it comes to managing cases of this kind. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six social secretaries who have all worked with LVM management. To interpret and analyze the material a theory about street-level bureaucrats, power, ethics in social work and “handlingsutrymme” were used as theoretical framework. The results seem to indicate that there are, according to the social secretaries, advantages as well as disadvantages to this approach. They experience the process of LVM as a bit of a dilemma. The social secretaries believe that the law is necessary for them so that they can act if needs be, in serious situations when clients are in danger and even risks death because of the addiction. They also believe that the law and the application of the same include quite a large restriction for the integrity of the client and that there is a risk for the client to be violated if the social worker does not show careful consideration on his/hers side. The result also show that the social secretaries wants to, as far as possible, show that they respect their clients’ autonomy. Although, this must be disregarded in a matter of life and death.

Análise de implantação de um programa de gestão de casos no cuidado de idosos frágeis na Atenção Primária à Saúde / Implementation analysis of a case management program in the care of frail elderly in Primary Health Care

Duayer, Maria de Fatima Faria 20 June 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O Programa Gestão de Casos foi implantado em novembro de 2009 pela Organização Social Santa Catarina em cinco UBS do modelo tradicional na Microrregião Cidade Ademar, zona sul do Município de São Paulo. A finalidade foi estabelecer vínculo longitudinal das pessoas com condições crônicas muito complexas com a equipe da APS e, em longo prazo, promover a qualidade de vida e favorecer o aumento da autonomia e da independência dessas pessoas. Assistentes sociais atuaram como gestores de caso nas UBS onde o Programa foi implantado. Objetivo: Avaliar a implantação do Programa, buscando analisar a influência dos fatores contextuais (UBS e grau de funcionalidade do idoso) sobre a implantação, assim como o efeito da implantação nos resultados produzidos. Método: Pesquisa avaliativa do tipo estudo de caso, de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. A população foi constituída por todos os idosos acompanhados pelo Programa nas cinco UBS, no período de janeiro de 2011 a dezembro 2014, identificados a partir do banco de dados do Programa. A fonte de dados foram os registros administrativos. Os critérios para avaliação do grau de implantação e dos resultados do Programa foram definidos com base na literatura. Foi realizada a classificação clínico-funcional dos idosos acompanhados, descritas as atividades e os produtos do Programa e os desfechos do acompanhamento. Os resultados do Programa foram medidos por: 1) acesso à APS; 2) utilização dos serviços, descritas pelas variáveis consulta médica, consulta especializada, consulta de enfermagem, atendimento por outros profissionais de nível superior e visitas domiciliárias; 3) integração dos serviços HGP, AD e UBS e 4) vínculo longitudinal com a equipe da APS. A comparação entre a implantação do Programa e os fatores contextuais, assim como entre o grau de funcionalidade dos idosos e a UBS foi feita utilizando-se o teste de associação pelo Qui-quadrado. O teste de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para comparar a implantação e as variáveis de utilização dos serviços durante o primeiro ano de acompanhamento no Programa. A comparação entre a implantação do Programa e o vínculo longitudinal com a equipe da APS foi feita por meio do teste de associação pelo Qui-quadrado. Resultados: O grau de implantação do Programa foi 39,4%, considerado crítico. Observou-se associação significativa entre os fatores contextuais e a implantação do Programa. A implantação satisfatória do Programa aumentou a utilização dos serviços, descrita pela consulta médica na APS, consulta médica ambulatorial e pela somatória da consulta de enfermagem e do atendimento por outros profissionais de nível superior da UBS. Observou-se associação entre a implantação do Programa e a produção de vínculo longitudinal com a equipe da APS. Conclusão: Na atenção aos idosos frágeis no contexto da APS, a implantação do Programa Gestão de Casos evidenciou maior resolutividade da atenção a esse grupo prioritário, ampliou a utilização das consultas médica e de enfermagem e o atendimento por outros profissionais de nível superior da UBS. Além disso, associou-se à produção de vínculo longitudinal com a equipe da APS. Os resultados deste estudo permitem recomendar melhorias na implantação do Programa. / Introduction: The Case Management Program was implemented in November 2009 by the Santa Catarina Social Organization in five Health Care Unit (HCU) of the traditional model in the Ademar City Microregion, in the south region of São Paulo city. The purpose was to establish the longitudinal link of people with very complex chronic conditions with the PHC team and, in the long term, to promote the quality of life and to increase the autonomy and independence of these people. Social workers acted as case managers in the HCU where the Program was implemented. Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the Program, aiming to analyze the influence of the contextual factors (HCU and degree of functionality of the elderly) on the implantation, as well as the effect of the implantation in the results produced. Method: Evaluative research, case study type, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. The population was all the elderly accompanied by the Program in the five UBS, from January 2011 to December 2014, identified from the Program database. The data source was the administrative records. The criteria for evaluating the degree of implementation and the results of the Program were defined based on literature. The clinical-functional classification of the elderly was followed up, the activities and products of the Program and the follow-up outcomes were described. The results of the Program were measured by: 1) access to PHC; 2) use of services, described by the variables medical consultation, specialized consultation, nursing consultation, provision care by other health professionals and home visits; 3) integration of the Hospital, home care services and HCU and 4) longitudinal linkage with the APS team. The comparison between the implementation of the Program and the contextual factors, as well as between the degree of functionality of the elderly and the HCU was made using the Chi-square association test. The Mann-Whitney test was applied to compare the implementation and the variables of service utilization during the first year of the Program follow-up. The comparison between the implementation of the Program and the longitudinal link with the PHC team was made through the Chi-square association test. Results: The degree of implementation of the Program was 39.4%, considered critical. A significant association was observed between the contextual factors and the Program implementation. The satisfactory implementation of the Program increased the use of health services, described by the number of medical consultation in the APS, outpatient medical consultation and by the sum of nursing consultation and provision of care by health professionals. An association was observed between the implementation of the Program and the production of longitudinal link with the PHC team. Conclusion: In the care of the frail elderly in the context of PHC, the implementation of the Case Management Program evidenced greater resolution of attention to this priority group, expanded the use of medical and nursing consultations and the provision of care by other health professionals. In addition, it was associated with the production of longitudinal link with the PHC team. The results of this study allow us to recommend improvements in the implementation of the Program.

Osäkerhet i ärendehantering : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om socialsekreterares hantering av barnavårdsärenden / Uncertainty in case management : A quantitative vignette survey about social workers management of child cases

Ahmetovic, Adela, Sahlborg Arroyo, Ofelia January 2019 (has links)
Social workers within child protection are faced with complex cases where they must comply with guidelines and regulations and at the same time also use the knowledge and experience that they as professionals have gained through the work. Research shows that there is also uncertainty among social workers in the management of child cases. The purpose of this study was to investigate, through a survey, whether there is an uncertainty in case management and decision-making regarding children who experience domestic violence. The purpose was also to investigate whether there is a variation regarding social worker’s education, experience and case management where children experience violence. The study is based on the concepts profession and institutionalization. The results of the survey show that the social worker feels confident in decision-making concerning child cases. However, a variation regarding social workers uncertainty in investigation is shown, where some are more confident and others not at all. Results also show that the majority of the social workers have a social science degree. The social workers consider that they have little or no knowledge and experience of children experiencing violence. The social workers had to handle fictitious cases where they all agree to open investigations to both cases. However, there was a variation regarding what intervention they recommend for the cases. Although the social workers have stated that the guidelines in their workplace provide support in case management, they consider that they have relatively large scope for action and self-determination. This may lead to that they choose different interventions when assessing. This can eventually result in the cases being handled differently depending on which social worker handles the case.

O impacto do seis sigma na qualidade de mask na produção de crt no pólo industrial de Manaus.

Silva Filho, Silvino Francisco da 16 June 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Alisson Mota (alisson.davidbeckam@gmail.com) on 2015-06-24T21:17:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Silvino Francisco da Silva Filho.doc: 4714496 bytes, checksum: 49114af18bc6fa7c6b773c1c90cee9bf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-26T17:45:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Silvino Francisco da Silva Filho.doc: 4714496 bytes, checksum: 49114af18bc6fa7c6b773c1c90cee9bf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-26T18:02:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Silvino Francisco da Silva Filho.doc: 4714496 bytes, checksum: 49114af18bc6fa7c6b773c1c90cee9bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-26T18:02:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Silvino Francisco da Silva Filho.doc: 4714496 bytes, checksum: 49114af18bc6fa7c6b773c1c90cee9bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-16 / In the modern world is more and more above all intense the search that you/they make the companies to reach full efficiency, resulting in stable processes, improving the quality of the product with significant cost reduction. However, even in spite of such efforts, a concern to disturb such organizations is materialized in the occurrence of defects (scrap) that, it demands like this the reality, they should be minimized, in other words, they ought to reduce their percentile of occurrence. The procedure methodological employee in the work, was DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve e Control).This work, therefore, he/she has as objective evaluate a model of process administration implanted in a company of the Industrial Pole of Manaus - PIM. The development of this work was due to the need of reducing the index of defects and to stabilize the process of a certain department producing CRT. This inconvenience made possible the use and application of the tool Six Sigma as main allied in the resolution of the problems. With it was possible to define, to measure, to analyze, to get better and to control the process, denominated DMAIC. In the sequence, the model was evaluated taking into account some relevant variables (temperatures and specifications), that were analyzed to verify the acting of the process in relation to the quality of the pieces. The result shows that the quality of the pieces presented after the implantation of the tool in the process was satisfactory. Six Sigma is very much used tool by the company studied in all their departments to reaching their goals, such that the research allowed one to conclude that the tool is revealed useful to the significant reduction of the percentile of scrap. / Modernamente é cada vez mais intensa a busca que fazem as empresas para atingir plena eficiência, resultando em processos estáveis, sobretudo melhorando a qualidade do produto com significativa redução de custo. Contudo, mesmo a despeito de tais esforços, uma preocupação a inquietar tais organizações encontra-se materializada na ocorrência de defeitos (scrap) que, assim exige a realidade, devem ser minimizados, ou seja, terem reduzidos seus percentuais de ocorrência. O procedimento metodológico empregado neste trabalho foi o DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve e Control). Este trabalho, portanto, tem como objetivo avaliar um modelo de gestão de processo implantado em uma empresa do Pólo Industrial de Manaus – PIM. Ademais, o desenvolvimento deste trabalho se deu em função da necessidade de reduzir o índice de defeitos e estabilizar o processo de um determinado departamento produtor de CRT. Essa inconveniência possibilitou o uso e aplicação da ferramenta Seis Sigma como principal aliada na resolução dos problemas. Com ela foi possível definir, medir, analisar, melhorar e controlar o processo, denominado como DMAIC. Na seqüência, o modelo foi avaliado levando em consideração algumas variáveis relevantes (temperaturas e especificações), que foram analisadas para verificar o desempenho do processo em relação à qualidade das peças. Os resultados mostram que a qualidade das peças apresentadas após a implantação da ferramenta no processo foi satisfatória. O Seis Sigma é uma ferramenta muito utilizada pela empresa estudada, em todos os seus departamentos para atingir suas metas, tendo a pesquisa permitido concluir que a ferramenta revela-se útil à redução significativa do percentual de scrap.

Evaluation of the bilingual case management program in community mental health services in Melbourne /

Ziguras, Stephen. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Melbourne, School of Social Work and Department of Psychiatry, 2001. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 262-311).

Perspectives of case managers in community-based elder care work roles, stresses, mediators, and rewards /

Slominski, Emily Ann. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.G.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Sociology and Gerontology, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p.66-68).

Avaliação primária do enfermeiro na emergência: a aproximação da estratégia do modelo de gerenciamento de caso

Valentim, Marcia Rejane da Silva January 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiana Gonçalves Pinto (benf@ndc.uff.br) on 2015-12-14T12:47:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia Rejane da Silva Valentim.pdf: 755788 bytes, checksum: 0efbd8e28de258b378501445bcffbd38 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-14T12:47:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia Rejane da Silva Valentim.pdf: 755788 bytes, checksum: 0efbd8e28de258b378501445bcffbd38 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem Assistencial / Esta dissertação reflete tanto sobre a dificuldade das emergências em atender a demanda de primeiro atendimento em cuidados de saúde como sobre os obstáculos da população em agendar uma consulta imediata na rede ambulatorial, cujo efeito é o aumento da demanda aos serviços de atendimento terciário, o que sobrecarrega as unidades de emergência. O cenário que se observa é que, gradativamente os serviços de emergência dos hospitais privados e públicos tornam-se mais cheios, levando o paciente que necessita de atendimento de emergência real, aquele com risco iminente de vida, a aguardar horas em uma fila de espera pelo atendimento médico. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar a efetividade do atendimento do enfermeiro na avaliação primária e descrever a aproximação da estratégia do Gerenciamento de Caso na emergência. O escopo central das discussões sobre o papel do gerente de caso foi baseado em uma Comissão que focaliza o gerenciamento como um processo pró-ativo, que fornece acesso ao cuidado com qualidade, segurança, eficácia e em tempo hábil. O gerente de caso trabalha com 7 elementos para desenvolver suas atividades: pontuação, planejamento, implantação, coordenação, monitorização, avaliação e resultados. A pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa utilizou o método estatístico e, para análise e levantamento dos dados, empregou-se o software EPI INFO. O levantamento dos dados foi feito mediante 1.184 boletins de atendimento médico (BAM) colhidos no período de janeiro e fevereiro de 2005 dos pacientes adultos de clínica médica de complexidade clínica 1,2 e 3, atendidos pelo enfermeiro na avaliação primária. As variáveis retiradas do boletim de atendimento médico foram divididas em três categorias com a finalidade de identificar a efetividade e descrever a aproximação do GC com a avaliação primária feita pelo enfermeiro na emergência: fragmentação do cuidado; tomada de decisão clínica; e monitorização do cuidado. Os resultados encontrados na categoria de fragmentação do cuidado foram, para a complexidade 1: 65,8% dos pacientes não tiveram o cuidado fragmentado; para a complexidade 2: 78,3%; e para a complexidade 3: 82,6%. Na categoria tomada de decisão, verificou-se que, dos pacientes atendidos pelo enfermeiro, 68,8% tiveram seus diagnósticos sindrômicos checados. Na categoria monitorização do cuidado, dos pacientes de complexidade 3:, 34,6% tiveram o cuidado monitorado relacionado aos fatores de riscos. Conclui-se que a relação entre o que é oferecido com o atendimento do enfermeiro gera efetividade, contudo, no que se refere ao ideal, observam-se limitações no boletim de atendimento, por outro lado, as etapas descritas no Gerenciamento de Caso se aproximam com indicação de aplicação no trabalho do enfermeiro na emergência. Tendo por base as inconsistências e limitações da pesquisa, em razão do instrumento de coleta de dados, sugere-se e recomenda-se melhora técnica no boletim de atendimento médico, principalmente na anamnese levantada pelo enfermeiro, pela sua importância na definição dos tipos de complexidade e diagnóstico sindrômico, para que o enfermeiro possa registrar seu desempenho como gerente de caso e facilitar a avaliação em cada categoria proposta / This paper reflects the current problem of difficulties in attending first care cases at emergency rooms in health care and the population difficulty to make an immediate appointment at day units, causing an increase in the number of people who look for tertiary care services, overloading the emergency rooms. The scenario observed at the moment is that the emergency rooms from private and public hospitals are gradually getting more and more full, making the real emergency care patient, whose life is in risk, wait for hours for a medical care. The purpose of this research is to identify the effectiveness of the nurse’s care in the first evaluation and to describe the use of the case management strategy in the emergency room. The main scope of the discussions about the case manager role was based on a Commission that focus the definition of management as a pro-active process, which provides access to a care with quality, safety, efficiency and in a short time, where the case manager works with 07 elements to develop his/her activities: Punctuation, Planning, Implementation, Coordination, Monitorizing, Evaluation and Results. For quantity approach research, the statistical method was used, whereas for data collect and analysis, the EPI INFO software was used. The collect of data was done with 1,184 medical care reports collected in January and February of 2005 from adult patients of medical clinic with 1, 2 and 3 clinical complexity cared by the nurse on the first evaluation. The variables taken from the medical care reports were divided in three categories to identify the effectiveness and describe the link of the Case Manager on the first evaluation made by the nurse in the emergency room: Care fragment, Clinic making decision and Care Monitorizing. The results found in the fragment care category were: In complexity 1: 65,8% of patients did not have fragmented care, in complexity 2: 78,3% and in complexity 3: 82,6%. In making decision category the results found were that from the patients cared by the nurse, 68,8% had their syndromic diagnoses checked. In care monitorizing, the patients of complexity 3: 34,6% had monitorized care related to the risk factors. We conclude that the relation to what it is offered by the nurse care generates effectiveness, however in relation to the ideal we face limits in the medical reports. On the other hand, the steps described in the case management get closer to be applied to the emergency nurse work. Based on the inconsistencies and limitations of the research due to the data collect instrument, we suggest and recommend a technical improvement on the medical care report, mainly in the history taking by the nurse because of its importance in defining the kinds of complexity and syndromic diagnoses, for the nurse be able to register his/her performance as case manager and facilitate the evaluation in each category proposed

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