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Hur normer som rör social tillhörighet tar sig i uttryck i kommunikationskanaler. : En normkritisk dokumentanalys av RF-SISU Västerbottens kommunikation. / How norms cencerning social belonging are expressed in communication channels : A norm-critical document analaysis of RF-SISU Västerbottens communicationEngström, Emelie, Parik, Rein Laks January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to critically review RF-SISU Vasterbottens communication channels in text and picture with a focal point of different norms related to social belonging. Which can become visible from a norm-critical perspective. To analyze how different norms can be visible in RF-SISU Vasterbottens communication channels the chosen method has been document analysis. What is normal? How do pictures and text express power structures? How are the social categories presented in text and pictures? In which sports are these social categories presented? These have been central questions to support the result of the study. The results showed that the organization in general is aware of norms in the communication when the topics are around diversity and gender equality however in general communication the invisible concepts of norms create areas of discussion. Racialization and hegemony are two of these concepts that shone through during the analysis. In order to achieve the organization's goals of gender equality and equal conditions regardless of where you are from, how you look or how you function they need to be aware consistently through their communication.
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Psykiskt välbefinnande : En kvantitativ studie inom IT-förvaltning på en statlig myndighet / Psychological well-being : A quantitative study conducted within IT management at a government authorityKerr, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie syftade till att undersöka psykiskt välbefinnande bland statligt anställda män och kvinnor med eller utan ledarskapsansvar. En enkät innehållande frågor om bakgrundsvariabler; kön, ledarskapsansvar samt upplevd ansträngning och belöning skickades ut till 210 anställda. Frågorna om ansträngning och belöning utgick från den så kallade ansträngning- och belöningsmodellen. Femtiotre respondenter, 27 män (51%) och 26 kvinnor (49%), besvarade enkäten. Resultatet visade att 76% (n=40) av respondenterna upplevde enpositiv obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning medan 24% (n=13) upplevde en negativ obalans. Upplevd ansträngning uppvisade en signifikant korrelation med upplevd belöning, rs = -0.458, p<0.05. Dock uppvisade varken kön eller anställningsposition en signifikant association med obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning. Kön: Chi2 (1, n=53) = 0.158, p>0.05. Anställningsposition: Chi2 (1, n=53) = 0.2, p>0.05. Det psykiska välbefinnandet kan påverkas negativt om en obalans mellan upplevelsen av ansträngning och belöning föreligger. På grund av låg sampelstorlek och begränsningar i statistisk styrka kan föreliggande studie inte dra några definitiva slutsatser om balansenmellan ansträngning och belöning samvarierar med kön och/eller anställningsposition i studiepopulationen. / The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological well-being amongst government employees consisting of men and women with or without staff responsibility. A survey, consisting of questions regarding background variables; gender, staff responsibility and experienced effort and reward, was distributed to 210 employees. The questions regarding effort and reward were based on the Effort and Reward Imbalance Model. Fifty-three respondents, 27 men (51%) and 26 women (49%), took part. Results showed that 76% (n=40) of the respondents experienced a positive imbalance between effort and reward while 24% (n=13) experienced a negative imbalance thereof. Experienced effort showed a significant correlation with experienced reward, rs = -0.458, p<0.05. Neither gender nor employment category, however, showed a significant association with effort and reward imbalance. Gender: Chi2 (1, n=53) = 0.158, p>0.05. Employment category: Chi2 (1, n=53) = 0.2, p>0.05. The psychological well-being can be affected negatively if an imbalance between effort and reward occurs. This study cannot draw any firm conclusions of a potential associationbetween gender and employment category within the study population due to low sample size and limitations in statistical power.
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Customer engagement within low involvement product categories - discoveredBlomqvist, Olivia, Samuelsson, Joel January 2022 (has links)
Customer engagement is a relatively new topic in research and due to its importance, it has recently received a lot of attention in both academia and practice. Although the attention, it still lacks knowledge regarding its components and driving factors. While previous research solely has included high involvement product categories, the purpose of this study was to shed light on low involvement product categories, by examining the driving factors of customer engagement within low involvement product categories. A qualitative method was chosen by implementing an inductive approach, and conducting eight in-depth unstructured interviews, with sensitizing concepts as a theoretical background. The reason for the method of choice in this thesis was based on the argument that the authors wanted to contribute new insights into the research field. The findings indicated seven prominent themes that were interpreted as driving factors of customer engagement within low involvement product categories, namely, marketing communication, brand traits, brand activations, brand ambassadors, brand values, brand-self connection, and fellowship. Since the purposive sample only focused on customers, the brand perspective was excluded.
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Human colour perception. A psychophysical study of human colour perception for real and computer-simulated two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects.Hedrich, Monika January 2009 (has links)
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
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Measurement properties of respondent-defined rating-scales. An investigation of individual characteristics and respondent choices.Chami-Castaldi, Elisa January 2010 (has links)
It is critical for researchers to be confident of the quality of survey data. Problems with data quality often relate to measurement method design, through choices made by researchers in their creation of standardised measurement instruments. This is known to affect the way respondents interpret and respond to these instruments, and can result in substantial measurement error. Current methods for removing measurement error are post-hoc and have been shown to be problematic. This research proposes that innovations can be made through the creation of measurement methods that take respondents¿ individual cognitions into consideration, to reduce measurement error in survey data. Specifically, the aim of the study was to develop and test a measurement instrument capable of having respondents individualise their own rating-scales. A mixed methodology was employed. The qualitative phase provided insights that led to the development of the Individualised Rating-Scale Procedure (IRSP). This electronic measurement method was then tested in a large multi-group experimental study, where its measurement properties were compared to those of Likert-Type Rating-Scales (LTRSs). The survey included pre-validated psychometric constructs which provided a baseline for comparing the methods, as well as to explore whether certain individual characteristics are linked to respondent choices. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the survey data. Whilst no strong associations were found between individual characteristics and respondent choices, the results demonstrated that the IRSP is reliable and valid. This study has produced a dynamic measurement instrument that accommodates individual-level differences, not addressed by typical fixed rating-scales.
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Torsion Products of Modules Over the Orbit CategoryKeiper, Graham January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this paper is to extend Sanders Mac Lane's formulation of the torsion product as equivalence classes of projective chain complexes in the setting of modules over a ring to the setting of modules over small categories. The motivation to extend the definition was with a specific view to the orbit category. The main difficulty was in defining an appropriate dual for modules over small categories. During the course of our investigation it was discovered that modules over small categories can be formulated as modules over a matrix ring without losing any of the key features. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Эволюция концепции журнала „Вокруг Света” : магистерская диссертация / Evolution of the concept of the magazine" Around the World”Бунькова, Н. П., Bunkova, N. P. January 2021 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации рассматривается эволюция концепции журнала «Вокруг света», старейшего научно-популярного журнала России и Советского Союза. Исследование строится на анализе конкретных выпусков журнала практически каждого года выпуска, начиная с 1981 года и заканчивая 2020 годом. В качестве параметров анализа и дальнейшего сопоставления данных каждого года выступает, в первую очередь, читательский адрес издания – адресованность определенному кругу читателей, а также тираж, показывающий охват читательской аудитории. Во-вторых, анализируется визуально-полиграфическое исполнение «Вокруг Света»: оформление обложки, наличие и качество иллюстраций, расположение текста и т. д. В третьих, это структурно-содержательное наполнение выпуска: анализ рубрик, формы обратной связи и пр. На основании анализа уточняется издательская история «Вокруг Света» (общепринятые исторические этапы делятся на подэтапы). В заключение делается вывод о характере эволюции: отмечается взаимовлияние изменений в концепции и социально-исторических условий, влияние читательского адреса на другие компоненты концепции, изменение рубрикационной системы, наличие или отсутствие в определенный период приложений к журналу, а также сохранение традиционных элементов, таких, как заглавие, публикация художественных приключенческих и фантастических произведений, ориентация на лучшие отечественные и зарубежные периодические издания. / The master's thesis examines the evolution of the concept of the magazine "Around the World", the oldest popular science magazine in Russia and the Soviet Union. The research is based on the analysis of specific issues of the magazine almost every year, beginning in 1981 and ending in 2020 as parameters To the analysis and further comparisons of data each year stands in the first place the reader's address of the publication is targeting a particular audience, and circulation, showing the readership coverage. Secondly, analyses the visual and printing performance of "Around the world": the cover design, the availability and quality of illustrations, text layout, etc. third, it is structural-the content of the issue: analysis of rubrics, feedback forms etc. Based on the analysis, the publishing history of "Around the World" is clarified (generally accepted historical stages are divided into sub-stages). In conclusion, the conclusion about the nature of evolution: it is noted that influence changes in the concept and socio-historical conditions, the influence of readers ' addresses to other components of the concept, change lubrication system, the presence or absence in a certain period of applications to the magazine, as well as the preservation of traditional elements, such as title, publication, artistic adventure and fiction, focus on the best domestic and foreign periodicals.
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Consumer Value Perception of Smartphones : A Comparative Study of Swedish and Japanese MillennialsAkiba, Eric Adam George, Jonsson, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Background: With the emergence of smartphones being a novel and increasingly relevant occurrence, and both the Swedish and Japanese markets being highly prominent in smartphone usage and technological adoption, there exists an avenue of research that compares these two markets. This research examines the consumer value perception of smartphones in millennials, the first digital natives, comparatively between the two markets. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the consumer value perception in Swedish and Japanese millennials, to possibly identify any differences between them. This is done in order to create a greater understanding on possible differences in how consumers in these markets perceive value and motivate purchases, which can aid marketing practitioners in creating sufficient value propositions and marketing strategies for these markets. The possible findings of this research can possibly improve upon existing theories and concepts and serve as a foundation for further research. Method: This exploratory research was conducted qualitatively using the data collected from semi-structured interviews with 16 millennials, 8 from Sweden and 8 from Japan, paired with abductive reasoning as well as a thematic analysis approach. Conclusion: The results show that there are a number of differences between consumers in these two markets. Using the Perceived Value Model (Boksberger & Melsen, 2013), as well as the smartphone value perception categories (Andrews et al., 2012), four global themes were identified: Derived Value of Smartphones, Product Quality Assessment, Affects of Satisfaction and Motivation for New Purchases and their underlying categories. Through analysis, the authors identified differences in what value the consumers of both markets derive from smartphones, how the participants view price as a quality indicator, how they derive satisfaction and develop brand loyalty from their purchases as well as what values motivate new purchases.
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[pt] Esta dissertação analisa como histórias sobre refugiados podem divergir
da narrativa previsível de perseguição e sofrimento que é esperada deles, sem
desconsiderar a violência envolvida em seu deslocamento. Refugiado se tornou uma
categoria discursiva que delineia uma figura de proteção abstrata e despolitizada, e
que na última década tem sido usada em oposição ao migrante entendido como um
fardo. Como todas as experiências, as dos refugiados excedem as categorias
impostas a eles. Sua especificidade é que seu excesso ameaça a ordem internacional.
Eles são enquadrados como uma exceção temporária, ainda que inevitável, até que
a normalidade – a cidadania – seja restaurada. A análise relaciona a construção da
categoria de refugiado com uma linguagem estável que garanta previsibilidade num
sistema de estados em que a mobilidade precisa ser controlada. Em seguida, mostra
que até a linguagem mais categórica depende de uma ambivalência, por meio da
qual os sentidos podem ser desestabilizados, ainda que sejam capturados
novamente. Sugerindo que a linguagem é chave para se questionar o ideal
regulativo espacial do pertencimento político, a dissertação analisa textos e filmes
de ficção e não ficção que, nos últimos dez anos e em diferentes países, criaram
formas mais instáveis de representação de refugiados, deslocando e rearrumando
seus lugares espaciais e cognitivos. Com atenção a narrativas, seus enredos,
personagens e escolhas formais, a dissertação mostra como pessoas denominadas
refugiadas vivem nas fronteiras dessa categoria, para além da vitimização. Por meio
de debates sobre visibilidade/invisibilidade, fronteiras e agência provocados pelas
histórias, a análise começa com uma discussão sobre a dificuldade de se abandonar
uma categoria ainda necessária para justificar proteção e chega à possibilidade de
ressignificar narrativas sobre refugiados levando imaginação à vida, uma
politização que está constitutivamente ausente da figura do refugiado. / [en] This dissertation examines how stories about refugees can dissent from the
predictable narrative of persecution and suffering expected of them without
disregarding the violence involved in their displacement. The refugee has become
a discursive category framing an abstracted and depoliticized figure of protection,
one that in the last decade has been used in opposition to the migrant understood as
a burden. As with all lives, the experiences of refugees exceed the categories
imposed on them. Their specificity is that their excess threatens a disturbance of the
international order. They are framed as a temporary even if inevitable exception
until normalcy – citizenship – is restored. The analysis connects the making of
refugeeness to a stable language that guarantees predictability in a system of states
in which movement must be controlled. It then shows that even the most categorical
language depends on ambivalence that can destabilize rigid meanings, although
those are captured again. Suggesting that language is key to questioning the spatial
regulative ideal of political belonging, the dissertation examines fictional and non-fictional prose, feature films and documentaries that, in the last ten years and in
different countries, have created more unstable representations of refugees,
rearranging their spatial and cognitive places. Through a close look at the narratives,
their plots, characters and formal choices, the dissertation shows how unbecoming
refugees live in ways other than the expected role of passive victims, unmaking
refugeeness. Building on debates about visibility/invisibility, boundaries and
agency fostered by the stories, the analysis begins with a discussion on the difficulty
of abandoning categories that are still needed to justify protection and proceeds to
the possibility of reframing refugees narratives by bringing imagination to life, a
politicizing practice that is constitutively absent from the figure of the refugee.
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Kränkande behandling i ungdomslitteratur : Färglös, Näthat blues och Fjärde riket / Abusive treatment in adolescent novels : Färglös, Näthat blues and Fjärde riketRichardson, Angelica January 2016 (has links)
This study analyses how abusive treatment is handled in three novels for adolescents, Färglös, Näthat blues, and Fjärde riket, in order to reveal how these novels can be used as a basis for discussions of values in the teaching of Swedish in upper secondaryschool. The three novels were chosen because statistics showed that they were the most frequently borrowed books for young people under the subject heading bullying at a library in southern Sweden. The analysis shows that there are different forms of abusive treatment in the three books. Färglös describes abusive treatment against a social category, where the members of the vulnerable group are forced to protect themselves and each other as a group. Näthat blues is about net bullying, sexual harassment, and gender-related bullying against a specific individual, while Fjärde riket shows how abuse can be used as a strategy to achieve a higher power position. The latter book tells the story from the point of view of both the victim and the perpetrators. The conclusionis that the three novels, in different ways, invite changes of perspective and can function well as a basis for discussions about abuse using fictitious characters.
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