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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag / Crises of confidence : a study of Swedish life-insurance companies

Eklund, Malin, Gustafsson, Åsa January 2004 (has links)
Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change. Procedure: The study has been conducted through seven qualitative interviews with individuals holding a managerial position within a Swedish life-insurance company. Findings: Essential for managing crises of confidence is communication and information mainly to media, but also to customers and employees. Further, a higher level of clarity and transparency in products and activities, together with increased control of ethical policies, are aspects that have been shown to be of importance in managing the crisis of confidence within the Swedish life- insurance business. The crisis of confidence has generated changes, but it can not be decided with certainty if these changes have been initiated only by the crisis of confidence, or if the changes would have been carried through anyway. What can be established, is that the crisis of confidence has speeded up already planned changes.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag / Crisis of confidence : a study of Swedish life-insurance companies

Eklund, Malin, Gustafsson, Åsa January 2004 (has links)
Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change. Procedure: The study has been conducted through seven qualitative interviews with individuals holding a managerial position within a Swedish life-insurance company. Findings: Essential for managing crises of confidence is communication and information mainly to media, but also to customers and employees. Further, a higher level of clarity and transparency in products and activities, together with increased control of ethical policies, are aspects that have been shown to be of importance in managing the crisis of confidence within the Swedish life- insurance business. The crisis of confidence has generated changes, but it can not be decided with certainty if these changes have been initiated only by the crisis of confidence, or if the changes would have been carried through anyway. What can be established, is that the crisis of confidence has speeded up already planned changes.


Moquist, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this narrative research was to explore the relationship between lifestyle and self-confidence within adolescent football players. The research questions were formulated as follow; (1) What sources let adolescent football players build self-confidence? (2) What issues characterize adolescent football player’s lifestyles? (3) How do adolescent football players perceive an association between lifestyle and self-confidence in sport? The results showed eight different sources for building self-confidence, where earlier performances and social support were considered as the strongest. Ten different lifestyle factors were observed. Football, social support, performance intent and good health were common factors for all the participants. The study showed three types of perceived associations between self-confidence and lifestyle. First of all, there is an overlap between the lifestyle issues and sources of self-confidence. Second lifestyle issues influence the degree to which sources of self-confidence work for the participant to build self-confidence. Third lifestyle pattern provides a balance (or misbalance) which influences particular sources of self-confidence and in the end self-confidence itself. The author discuss how the result can be interpreted in perspective of every single participant and in common for all the participants.

Uppåtpuffar och nedåtpuffar

Rinaird, Olof, Persson, Gustaf January 2007 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte var att studera och jämföra hur två olika metoder för att förebygga konflikter införlivas i en svensk grundskola. För att finna svar på syftet har vi använt oss av följande frågeställningar: Hur arbetar lärarna på skolan i praktiken med metoderna Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund för att förebygga konflikter? Vilka likheter och skillnader finns i lärarnas arbete med de olika metoderna på skolan? Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i den kvalitativa forskningstraditionen. Med avseende på studiens syfte och frågeställningar har intervjuer gjorts för att finna svar på frågeställningarna. Fyra intervjuer gjordes med lärare på skolan, två lärare som arbetade med Projekt Charlie och två lärare som arbetar med Gruppen som grogrund. I både Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund arbetar lärarna på skolan med att införliva konfliktförebyggande arbetsmetoder. På båda gårdarna på skolan är samtliga lärare införstådda med att en informell samstämmighet finns för vilken metod som valts att arbeta med. Arbetet med att förebygga konflikter löper som en röd tråd i undervisningen under hela skolgången på båda gårdarna. Båda metoderna utgår från färdigkonstruerade metodböcker. Metodböckerna rymmer många övningar som bygger på att stärka elever och ge dem verktyg inför eventuella konflikter. Resultatet visar att lärarnas arbete med de två arbetsmetoderna har många likheter och få skillnader. Vår uppfattning är att Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund är två arbetsmetoder som är i stort sätt väldigt lika i arbetet med att förebygga konflikter. Båda arbetsmetoderna har många lärorika och relevanta övningar som stärker varje elevs självförtroende. Arbetsmetoderna ger ett stort smörgårdsbord med övningar som ger eleverna de rätta verktyg som behövs i det sociala samspelet och i en eventuell konfliktsituation. Eleverna formas för att lättare förstå hur en god kamrat, aktiv lyssnare och en god kommunikatör bör vara. Den stora skillnaden som vi ser är arbetet med identitetsbildningen. Vi ser också en skillnad i gruppstorlek. Projekt Charlie vänder sig till färre elever medan Gruppen som grogrund vänder sig till större grupper. / The main object of this thesis was to study in what way a Swedish school practice conflict resolution. At the school, two methods of this are practiced, one on each of the schools two separate blocks. The two methods are, “Project Charlie” and “Gruppen som grogrund” (a Swedish method that derives from “Tribes”). The scope of the thesis is also to compare how the two methods are implemented at the school. In order to achieve the object of the theses, a series of qualitative interviews were performed. Four teachers, two at each of the blocks, were interviewed. Both methods cover strategies of conflict handling. On each of the two blocks the teachers have an informal agreement of which method that will be practiced. The education of conflict resolution starts at the first grade and continue throughout the school until the students graduate. Both methods spring from written predefined instructions, which include a rich supply of workshops that aim at strengthen the students and giving them skills to handle conflicts. The result of our study shows that the way the two methods are practiced at the school have many similarities and few differences. The two methods were also found to be quite similar in many ways when it comes to conflict resolution. Both methods include ways to strengthen the individual’s self-confidence. The wide range of workshops supplies the students with many useful skills that can be used in social interaction and conflict handling. The children come to understand the concept of good friendship, active listening and constructive communication. The difference that we found between the two methods lies in their respectively approach to identity development. Also the number of students in each group differs between the two methods.

Measurement Error in Progress Monitoring Data: Comparing Methods Necessary for High-Stakes Decisions

Bruhl, Susan 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Support for the use of progress monitoring results for high-stakes decisions is emerging in the literature, but few studies support the reliability of the measures for this level of decision-making. What little research exists is limited to oral reading fluency measures, and their reliability for progress monitoring (PM) is not supported. This dissertation explored methods rarely applied in the literature for summarizing and analyzing progress monitoring results for medium- to high-stakes decisions. The study was conducted using extant data from 92 "low performing" third graders who were progress monitored using mathematics concept and application measures. The results for the participants in this study identified 1) the number of weeks needed to reliably assess growth on the measure; 2) if slopes differed when results were analyzed with parametric or nonparametric analyses; 3) the reliability of growth; and 4) the extent to which the group did or did not meet parametric assumptions inherent in the ordinary least square regression model. The results indicate reliable growth from static scores can be obtained in as few as 10 weeks of progress monitoring. It was also found that within this dataset, growth through parametric and nonparametric analyses was similar. These findings are limited to the dataset analyzed in this study but provide promising methods not widely known among practitioners and rarely applied in the PM literature.

Pedagogers utsagor och resonemang om mötet med barn som är identifierade med språkstörning.

Westin Kornblad, Birgitta, Larm, Marita January 2009 (has links)
En av skolans viktigaste uppgifter är att lära alla barn att läsa. Syftet med denna studieär att belysa och analysera pedagogers utsagor och resonemang om mötet med barn somhar identifierad språkstörning. Vi vill fånga vad som uppfattas vara av betydelse för attstimulera dessa elevers läsutveckling i årskurs 1-3. För att få svar på frågeställningarnahar vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med ostrukturerad intervju. I studien intervjuasfem pedagoger med erfarenhet av att arbeta med elever som har språkstörning.Resultatet visar att respondenternas uppfattning om vad som är av betydelse för attkunna stimulera dessa elevers läsutveckling är relationen till eleven, möta eleven pådess nivå, flexibilitet i organisationen, mängden erfarenhet, extern hjälp och samarbetemed föräldrar. Kartläggning hjälper dessutom pedagogerna att följa elevens individuellaläsutveckling och att organisera verksamheten därefter. Språkstörning påverkar elevensläsutveckling, på så sätt att varje nytt moment upplevs som svårt och svårigheternaföljer eleven under skoltiden. Elevens starka sidor och sinnen måste därför tas tillvara iundervisningen för att elever med språkstörning ska kunna tillgodogöra sig läsningbättre. Anpassad, strukturerad, lustfylld språkstimulans i varierande former och elevensegen motivation är av betydelse vid stimuleringen av språkstörda elevers läsutveckling.Grundläggande förutsättningar som pedagogerna framhåller i utsagorna är pedagogensbehov av information inför mötet med dessa elever, betydelsen av språklig medvetenhetoch föräldrars delaktighet. / One of the most important tasks of school is to teach all children to read. The aim of thisstudy is to elucidate and to analyze the statements and arguments, of the pedagogues,concerning meeting with children with identified language disorder. We want to spotwhat is said to be of significance in order to stimulate these students' readingdevelopment in the first to the third grade. In order to find answers, to the questions ofthe issues, we have used a qualitative method with unstructured interviews. In the studyfive pedagogues were interviewed, all of them with experience of working with studentswith language disorder. The result shows that the opinion of the respondents, aboutwhat is of significance in order to stimulate the reading development of these students isthe relationship to the student, to meet on the level of the student, organizationflexibility, amount experience, external help and parent collaboration. With support ofschedules the student’s individual reading development can be followed and the workaccordingly organized by the pedagogues. The difficulties influence their learningthrough the years and primary their reading development. Therefore, the strength of thestudent and the using of the five senses must be taken to heart in the education, in orderto better incorporate reading. Of great importance for reading development, of studentswith language disorder, is tailored, structured and joyful stimulus of the language, inways of variation and also the student’s motivation. Fundamental, as the pedagoguesstress in the statements, is the need of information before meeting with these students,the importance of linguistic awareness and the part taking of the parents.

Arbetstagarnas inställning till arbetsgivaren gällande lojalitet och tillit : en jämförande studie / The Employees Attitude towars the Employer regarding Loyalty and Trust : a comparative study

Ahlström, Helena, Bergholtz, Madeleine January 2006 (has links)
I denna studie har en jämförande studie mellan privat och offentlig sektor genomförts gällande arbetstagarens inställning till sin arbetsgivare. Studien bygger på en hypotetiskt deduktiv metod i vilken vi försöker verifiera vår hypotes. Hypotesen är att arbetstagare inom privat sektor känner större tillit och lojalitet till sin arbetsgivare. Vidare avser vi att studera hur arbetstagarnas inställning till sin arbetsgivare påverkas av de grundläggande tillits- och lojalitetsfaktorerna. De faktorer som ingår i undersökningen är ledningens hänsyn, kompetens, ärlighet och öppenhet, belöningssystem samt ledningens förmåga att inte svika sina arbetstagare. Hypotesen prövas sedan mot de analyser som görs utifrån empiriska data. I undersökningen ingick 168 respondenter från ett flertal olika arbetsplatser. Av dessa var 76 stycken anställda inom privat sektor och 92 stycken inom offentlig sektor. Resultatet visar att arbetstagare inom den privata sektorn har en mer positiv inställning till att ställa upp för sin arbetsgivare. Att de offentligt anställda har en mer negativ inställning är en tendens som samtliga redovisade påståenden verifierar. Gällande delen av analysen som specifikt behandlar de tillits- och lojalitetsgrundande faktorerna visar resultatet att arbetstagare inom privat sektor i större utsträckning anser att deras arbetsgivare hanterar faktorerna på ett bra sätt. Ett resultat av detta är arbetstagarnas beteende, vilket skiljer sig åt i de två sektorerna. De privat anställda ställer i större grad upp för sin arbetsgivare exempelvis när det gäller övertidsarbete samt att de ger en mer positiv bild av sin arbetsgivare till personer utanför organisationen. Sammanfattningsvis konstaterar vi att vår hypotes verifieras, det vill säga arbetstagarna inom den privata sektor har en mer lojal inställning till sin arbetsgivare än vad arbetstagarna inom den offentliga sektorn har.

Upplevelser av specialpedagogik : Två pojkars livsberättelser om skolan / Experiences of special needs education : The life-histories of two boys in school

Dalsman, Ingalill January 2007 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att med hjälp av livsberättelser få en inblick i elevers upplevelser av specialpedagogiska insatser. Metoden är en livshistorieansats med tyngdpunkt på elevers syn på sin skolsituation och lärande, i relation till miljö och grupptillhörighet. Studiens teoretiska hållning har ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv, vilket innebär att verkligheten, kunskap och lärande skapas i social samverkan. Arbetet bygger på en empirisk studie av två elevers berättelser om sin skoltid. Eleverna går båda i årskurs sju och har under sin skoltid haft olika former av specialpedagogiskt stöd. Studien gör en forskningsanknytning bland annat inom områdena: en skola för alla, elevers upplevelser, pedagogers roll och föräldrars syn. Utöver reflektioner kring forskning och empiri tas i diskussionen upp fem områden, vilka i studien framkommit ha betydelse för elevernas skolgång: motivation, trötthet, ensamhet, delaktighet och behov av lugn och ro. Det specifika för studien är elevernas berättelser och att ur dessa synliggöra specialpedagogiska insatser. / The aim of this essay is to get an insight into pupils experiences of special needs education by life-histories. It´s an application of the life-history method and the main focus is pupils way to understand their schoolsituation and learning, related to environment and grouping. The theoretical frame of the study is a socialconstructionist approach, that means, that the reality, knowledge and learning comes out of social co-operation. The essay is based on an empirical study of two pupils stories of their schooling. The pupils are both in the seventh grade and have had varying kinds of special needs education during their schooling. The study connects with research findings among inter alia: inclusive schools, pupils experiences, the parts of the pedagogues and the parents opinions. Besides reflections about research findings and empiric the discussion in the essay includes five themes, that the study came to the conclusion was important for pupils schooling: motivation, tiredness, loneliness, participation and the need of peace and quiet. The specific of the study is the stories of the pupils and from this point of view the attention paid to special needs education.

Matematik – en svartvit skiss eller ett färgstarkt konstverk : En fenomenografisk studie om lärares uppfattningar av vad elevers tilltro till lärande i matematik innebär och hur den främjas. / Mathematics - a black and white sketch or a colourful artwork : A phenomenographical study on teachers' perceptions of what the students' confidence in learning mathematics and how it is promoted.

Carlsson, Solveig, MolidSvenningsson, Malin January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie, utifrån en fenomenografisk ansats, var att beskriva lärares uppfattningar av vad elevers tilltro till eget tänkande och egen förmåga att lära matematik innebär och hur de gör för att främja detta. Datainsamlingen bestod av intervjuer med lärare från förskoleklass till och med år sex. Lärares uppfattningar beskrevs i att eleven visar lust, mod, stolthet och ansvar, särskilt när eleven vågat ta sig igenom en utmaning som den först inte trott sig klara. En förutsättning för tilltro var ett tryggt gruppklimat. I främjandet av tilltro tog lärarna utgångspunkt i elevers erfarenheter med positiva förväntningar på eleverna i en lustfylld och kommunikativ undervisning. Uppmuntran och utmaningar på adekvat nivå, som skapar förståelse är kännetecknande för att eleven ska känna att den lyckas. Det omgivande samhället har stor betydelse för elevers tilltro. Lärarens engagemang, nyfikenhet och uppmärksamhet på elevers tillägnade kunskaper för att erövra nytt matematiskt kunnande var av vikt för tilltron. Det framkom att eleverna bör uppmärksammas på att matematiska kunskaper och beräkningar ligger bakom de produkter som finns i vår omgivning. / The purpose of this qualitative study, based on a phenomenographical approach, was to describe teachers' perceptions of what the students' confidence in their own thinking and their own ability to teach mathematics and how they are doing to promote this. Data collection consisted of interviews with teachers from pre until year six. Teacher perceptions were described in the student show desire, courage, pride and responsibility, especially when they dared to get through a challenge as the first not thought to cope. A prerequisite for faith was a safe group environment. The promotion of confidence took the teachers based on students' experiences with positive expectations for students in a luscious and communicative teaching. Encouragement and challenges at the appropriate level, which creates understanding is characteristic for the student to feel that they succeed. The surrounding community is very important for the students' confidence. The teacher's dedication, curiosity and attention devoted to the pupils' knowledge to conquer new mathematical literacy was important for confidence. It appeared that the students should be aware of the mathematical knowledge and calculations behind the products that are in our surroundings.

Breastfeeding among Vietnamese women in Ho Chi Minh City: Attitudes and confidence

Mogensen, Hanna, Westin, Frida January 2009 (has links)
Breastfeeding has several advantages for both mother and child. A woman’s attitude to breastfeeding is a good predictor for infant feeding method and her confidence in breastfeeding has an impact on her breastfeeding duration. Aim:The aim of the study was to assess the attitude to and confidence in breastfeeding among Vietnamese women in Ho Chi Minh City. The aim was also to investigate if the type of family, nuclear and extended, influences the Vietnamese women’s attitude to and confidence in breastfeeding. Method: A descriptive and comparative cross-section study with quantitative method was used. The Self-Care Theory and The Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory were used as theoretical framework of this study. A questionnaire which consisted of demographic information, attitude to and confidence in breastfeeding, was distributed to 110 voluntarily participating women in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Results: The results showed that the women had an attitude in favour of breastfeeding and rated their confidence between "sometimes confident" and "often confident". No significant differences of total score, between nuclear and extended family, in attitude to and confidence in breastfeeding were shown. Conclusion: The attitude to and confidence in breastfeeding among the women in Ho Chi Minh City were rather good but improvements can be made. When healthcare professionals counsel Vietnamese women, in Sweden and Vietnam, about breastfeeding, this result can be used as guidance, in order to give relevant and cultural congruent advice.

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