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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användarcentrerat förbättringsarbete av CRM gränssnitt

Lindqvist, Lovisa, Lindström, William January 2024 (has links)
This study presents a case study that addresses a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system as a key component in managing customer relations for companies. Due to these systems being very complex and needing a complete understanding of the user requirements to support their actions, this user experience can potentially be hindered. This study aims to highlight these challenges by identifying key usability challenges faced by users and suggesting targeted design improvements from a developer perspective.   This qualitative study explored usability challenges within an existing CRM system through a user-centered approach, gathering data from the users of the CRM-system. Empirical data was collected using interviews in a semi-structured form to delve into the user experience and what issues the users was facing. This methodology has facilitated a great understanding of areas that would need further development of the CRM-system. Applying Nielsen’s usability heuristics as an analytical framework, multiple critical enhancements were identified. These recommendations for enhancements are aimed with the goal of simplifying the user interface and the work conducted in it. The active involvement of the users in this study addressed multiple critical factors of improvements in the CRM-system, with the likes of the importance of integrating direct communication tools within the CRM-system to facilitate direct customer interaction. Additionally, there emerged a need for further development of the system’s performance and responsiveness, as well as enhancing its personal flexibility to adapt the CRM-system to each user's individual work process. This study contributes to the ongoing discourse on enhancing CRM-system effectiveness and user satisfaction through strategic design enhancements.

Modelling Cross-Document Interdependencies in Medieval Charters of the St. Katharinenspital in Regensburg

Sippl, Colin, Burghardt, Manuel, Wolff, Christian 11 July 2024 (has links)
To overcome the limitations of structural XML mark-up, graph-based data models and graph databases, as well as event-based ontologies like CIDOC-CRM (FORTH-ICS 2018) have been considered for the creation of digital editions. We apply the graph-based approach to model charter regests and extend it with the CIDOC-CRM ontology, as it allows us to integrate information from different sources into a flexible data model. By implementing the ontology within the Neo4j graph database (Neo4j 2018) we create a sustainable data source that allows explorative search queries and finally, the integration of the database in various technical systems. Our use case are the charters from the St. Katharinenspital, a former medieval hospital in Regensburg, Germany. By analysing charter abstracts with natural language processing (NLP) methods and using additional data sources related to the charters, we generate additional metadata. The extracted information allows the modelling of cross-document interdependencies of charter regests and their related entities. Building upon this, we develop an exploratory web application that allows to investigate a graph-based digital edition. Thereby, each entity is displayed in its unique context, i.e., it is shown together with its related entities (next neighbours) in the graph. We use this to enhance the result lists of a full-text search, and to generate entity-specific detail pages.

Assessing the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotels in Pretoria

Madhovi, Previledge Garikai 30 June 2014 (has links)
This study is set out to assess the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotel industry. Relying on the integration of several CRM scholars, the study seeks to answer questions about the relationship between CRM and performance. A mixed research method approach was adopted. The research targeted 106 hotels in Pretoria. 47 responses were received from the hotel personnel who answered the questionnaire. The findings of the survey clearly indicate that hotel performance is dependent on CRM, as shown in the variance of performance levels in line with the level of CRM practised by a specific, named hotel. The study further suggests that hotels’ management should continuously embark on various CRM practices in order to improve their performance. Responses will be captured and analysed using the SPSS computer software. The results will be subjected to quantitative data analysis. It is expected that the findings will highlight important implications for hotels and other hospitality and tourism stakeholders in Pretoria and beyond. Stakeholders wishing to improve their understanding of the effectiveness of CRM in hotels will find this study helpful. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

Bankernas utmaningar under digitaliseringens framfart : En kvalitativ studie om hur banker hanterar förtroenderelaterade frågor gentemot sina kunder under den digitala utvecklingen

Thomas, Tomas, Poli, Tobil January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Banksektorn genomgår en digital utveckling och förändringen sker i en allt snabb takt. Nya marknadsförhållanden med regelverk, en förändrad konkurrenssituation och ett förändrat kundbeteende har ställt banksektorn inför nya utmaningar och möjligheter som bankerna behöver förhålla sig till för att upprätthålla och stärka förtroendet gentemot sina kunder. Syfte: Studiens huvudsyfte är att undersöka hur banker hanterar förtroenderelaterade frågor under den ökade digitaliseringen inom banksektorn. Vidare syftar studien till att skapa en djupare förståelse för robotiserade rådgivningsprocesser och dess påverkan på bankkundernas förtroende i samband med att den fysiska kontakten mellan bank och kund minskar. Metod: Studien är utav en kvalitativ karaktär med en abduktiv forskningsansats och baseras på intervjuer med fem respondenter med relevanta yrkesroller som berör digitalisering- och förtroendefrågor inom den svenska banksektorn. Slutsats: Studiens resultat påvisar att digitaliseringen medför nya möjligheter och utmaningar som bankerna kan dra nytta av förutsatt att dem hanterar den digitala utvecklingen på ett korrekt sätt. Resultatet tyder vidare på att bankerna behöver förhålla sig till dem förändrade marknadsförhållandena och ständigt bemöta kundernas förväntansbild. / Background: The banking industry is facing a digital transformation and the change is taking place at a rapid pace. New market conditions, a changing competitive situation and a changing customer behavior have put the banking industry in front of new challenges and opportunities that banks needs to manage to maintain and strengthen their customers trust towards themselves. Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to investigate how banks handles trust-related issues in the context of the increased digitalization in the banking industry. Furthermore, the study aims to create a deeper understanding of robo-advising and its impact on banking customers' trust while the physical contact between banks and customers decreases. Method: The study is of a qualitative character and follows an abductive research effort. The study is based on interviews with five respondents with relevant professional roles that concern digitalization and trust within the Swedish banking industry. Conclusion: The study's results show that digitalization brings new opportunities and challenges that banks can benefit from, given they handle the digital development properly. The result further indicates that banks need to manage the changing market conditions and constantly respond to customers' expectations.

Assessing the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotels in Pretoria

Madhovi, Previledge Garikai 30 June 2014 (has links)
This study is set out to assess the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotel industry. Relying on the integration of several CRM scholars, the study seeks to answer questions about the relationship between CRM and performance. A mixed research method approach was adopted. The research targeted 106 hotels in Pretoria. 47 responses were received from the hotel personnel who answered the questionnaire. The findings of the survey clearly indicate that hotel performance is dependent on CRM, as shown in the variance of performance levels in line with the level of CRM practised by a specific, named hotel. The study further suggests that hotels’ management should continuously embark on various CRM practices in order to improve their performance. Responses will be captured and analysed using the SPSS computer software. The results will be subjected to quantitative data analysis. It is expected that the findings will highlight important implications for hotels and other hospitality and tourism stakeholders in Pretoria and beyond. Stakeholders wishing to improve their understanding of the effectiveness of CRM in hotels will find this study helpful. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

Clustering exploratoire pour la segmentation de données clients / Exploratory clustering for customer data segmentation

El Moussawi, Adnan 25 September 2018 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse s’intéressent à l’exploration de la multiplicité des solutions de clustering. Le but est de proposer aux experts marketing un outil interactif d’exploration des données clients qui considère les préférences des experts sur l’espace des attributs. Nous donnons d’abord la définition d’un système de clustering exploratoire. Nous proposons ensuite une nouvelle méthode de clustering semi-supervisée qui considère des préférences quantitatives de l’utilisateur sur les attributs d’analyse et qui gère la sensibilité à ces préférences. Notre méthode tire profit de l’apprentissage de métrique pour trouver une solution de compromis entre la structure des données et les préférences de l’expert. Enfin, nous proposons un prototype de clustering exploratoire pour la segmentation des données de la relation client intégrant la nouvelle méthode de clustering proposée, mais aussi des fonctionnalités de visualisation et d’aide à l’interprétation de résultats permettant de réaliser un processus complet de clustering exploratoire. / The research work presented in this thesis focuses on the exploration of the multiplicity of clustering solutions. The goal is to provide to marketing experts an interactive tool for exploring customer data that considers expert preferences on the space of attributes. We first give the definition of an exploratory clustering system. Then, we propose a new semi-supervised clustering method that considers user’s quantitative preferences on the analysis attributes and manages the sensitivity to these preferences. Our method takes advantage of metric learning to find a compromise solution that is both well adapted to the data structure and consistent with the expert’s preferences. Finally, we propose a prototype of exploratory clustering for customer relationship data segmentation that integrates the proposed method. The prototype also integrates visual and interaction components essential for the implementation of the exploratory clustering process.

Determinação simultânea de Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) e Zn(II) em águas e sedimentos usando análise por injeção sequencial (SIA) com detecção voltamétrica / Simultaneous determination of Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) and Zn(II) in waters and sediments using sequential injection analysis (SIA) with voltammetric

Ribeiro, Luiz Fernando 29 August 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de determinação de Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) e Zn(II) em amostras ambientais por voltametria de redissolução anódica (ASV) automatizada com sistema de Análise por Injeção Sequencial (SIA). Sensores impressos com o eletrodo de trabalho de filme fino de mercúrio foram utilizados em uma cela de fluxo. As determinações foram feitas por adição de padrão, com o sistema SIA fazendo a diluição em linha da solução padrão de referência e formando na bobina coletora e auxiliar um segmento contendo as zonas de amostra, solução padrão e solução de diluição. A concentração do padrão preparada nesse segmento gerou um sinal de corrente indistinguível do sinal gerado por uma solução padrão de mesma concentração preparada em batelada em balão volumétrico. Os limites de quantificação e detecção foram da ordem de µg L-1, comparáveis à de técnicas de espectrometria atômica com detecção óptica, cujos custos instrumentais e de manutenção são significativamente maiores. Com o sistema proposto os limites de quantificação e detecção podem ser aumentados ou diminuídos pela simples alteração dos parâmetros como vazão e número de reversões de fluxo, bem como o tempo de deposição no potenciostato. Os limites de detecção e quantificação foram, respectivamente, de 1,3 e 4,3 µg L-1 para o Cu(II), 1,4 e 4,6 µg L-1 para o Pb(II), 0,6 e 1,8 µg L-1 para o Cd(II) e 4,2 e 14 µg L-1 para o Zn(II). Esses limites de detecção e quantificação foram obtidos quando o método funcionou com volume de amostra de 1000 µL, vazão de 10 µL s-1 (durante a etapa de deposição), e utilizando 3 reversões de fluxo (volume de reversão = 950 µL), totalizando um tempo de deposição de 315 segundos. O potenciostato, trabalhando sincronicamente com o sistema SIA operou com potencial de condicionamento de -0,1 V vs. pseudo referência de Ag (100 s), potencial de deposição de -1,0 V para Cu(II), Pb(II) e Cd(II) e de -1,3 V para Zn(II) (315 s), frequência de onda quadrada de 100 Hz, incremento de potencial de 6 mV e altura de pulso de 40 mV. Para determinação de Zn(II) foi necessário depositar Ga0 no eletrodo de trabalho e evitar a formação do intermetálico de Zn0 com Cu0. Estudos de interferentes não apontaram desvios significativos em interferentes aniônicos e catiônicos, mas apresentaram desvios significativos na presença de ácidos húmicos e ácidos fúlvicos. A exatidão do método foi avaliada por estudos de adição e recuperação em amostra de água que resultaram taxas de recuperação próximas de 100%. A exatidão também foi avaliada pelas porcentagens de recuperação das concentrações dos metais da amostra certificada de sedimento CRM-701 submetido ao processo de extração sequencial BCR®. As concentrações obtidas foram testadas pelo teste t de Student, mostrando que os desvios dos valores obtidos em relação aos valores certificados não sugerem a existência de diferenças estatísitcamente significativas. / This dissertation describes the development of a methodology for determination of Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) and Zn(II) in environmental samples by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) automated by Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA). Screen printed thin mercury film sensors were used as working electrode in a flow cell. The determinations were made by standard addition, with the SIA system performing the inline dilution of the reference standard solution and forming a segment inside the holding coil containing zones of sample, standard and dilution solutions. The concentration of the standard prepared in this segment generated a current signal undistinguishable from the signal generated by a standard solution of the same concentration prepared manually in a volumetric flask. The limits of quantification and detection were at the level of µg L-1, comparable to those of atomic spectrometry techniques with optic detection, whose instrumental and maintenance costs are significantly higher. With the proposed system the limits of quantification and detection can be increased or lowered by simple change of parameters such as flow rate and number of flow reversals, as well as the deposition time at the potenciostat. The limits of detection and quantification were, respectively, 1.3 and 4.3 µg L-1 for Cu(II), 1.4 and 4.6 µg L-1 for Pb(II), 0.6 and 1.8 µg L-1 for Cd(II) and 4.2 and 14 µg L-1 for Zn(II). These limits of detection and quantification were obtained for a sample volume of 1000 µL, flow rate of 10 µL s-1 (during the deposition step), and utilizing 3 flow reversals (volume of reversion = 950 µL) totalizing a deposition time of 315 seconds. The potentiostat worked synchronically with the SIA system performing a conditioning potential of -0,1 V vs pseudo reference of Ag (100 s), deposition potential of -1,0 V for Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) or -1,3 V for Zn(II) (315 s), square wave frequency of 100 Hz, potential step of 6 mV and pulse height of 40 mV. For determination of Zn(II), deposition of Ga0 on the working electrode was necessary to avoid the formation of intermetallic between Zn0 and Cu0. Studies of interference did not point significant deviation for anionic and ionic potentially interfering substances, but exhibited significant deviations in the presence of humic and fulvic acids. The accuracy of the method was assessed by spike and recovery experiments in a water sample that resulted recovery rates near of 100%. The accuracy was also assessed by percentages of recovery of concentrations of metals in the certified sediment sample CRM-701 undergoing the sequential extraction procedure of BCR®. The concentrations obtained were tested by test t of Student, showing that the deviations of the obtained values don´t suggest the occurrence of statistically significant differences

A gestão de clientes insatisfeitos no segmento de TV por assinatura através de mídias sociais / Managing dissatisfied customers in the Pay-TV segment through social media

Prudencio, Alexander Greif 03 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T19:15:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - ALEXANDER GREIF.pdf: 2183930 bytes, checksum: 8e64312a9935d55fbc64dace705154de (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T19:16:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - ALEXANDER GREIF.pdf: 2183930 bytes, checksum: 8e64312a9935d55fbc64dace705154de (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Cristina Bonfim Aquarone (deborabonfim@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T19:22:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - ALEXANDER GREIF.pdf: 2183930 bytes, checksum: 8e64312a9935d55fbc64dace705154de (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-09T19:23:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - ALEXANDER GREIF.pdf: 2183930 bytes, checksum: 8e64312a9935d55fbc64dace705154de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-03 / Over the last 15 years, the relationship between industry, services and consumers has been changed a lot, mainly due to the expansion of new media social habits by consumer markets. Within the changes of this new market approach, the media social platforms became relevant elements to the business model and the customer care of the global companies. This research aimed to compare satisfaction with customer service between traditional telephone SAC channels and social media channels without human voice interaction. To achieve this objective an experiment was conducted with 60 dissatisfied customers in the Pay-TV segment. The results were statistically evaluated using the "t" test with significance range p <0.1. There was a preference for service through social media (0.008), and suggests that Facebook, as a customer care tool, had a superior result compared to the traditional SAC. As contributions, this study innovates by showing the results of managing with dissatisfied customers through a 100% digital customer care service, without voice interaction. In addition, there are few studies in Brazil on the care of unsatisfied clients carried out solely on social media, which will help reduce this gap in academic literature. / Nos últimos 15 anos, com o surgimento e a expansão do uso de mídias sociais por consumidores, a relação que existia entre indústria, serviço e cliente mudou completamente. Dentre as mudanças provenientes dessas novas relações mercadológicas, as mídias sociais ganharam relevância como modelo de gestão e atendimento. Esta investigação teve como objetivo comparar a satisfação com o atendimento aos clientes entre os canais tradicionais de SAC telefônico, e os de mídias sociais sem interação da voz humana. Para alcançar esse objetivo foi realizado um experimento com 60 clientes insatisfeitos do segmento de TV por assinatura. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente por meio do teste “t”. Houve preferência pelo atendimento através das mídias sociais (0,008) e conclui-se que o Facebook como canal de atendimento teve um resultado superior ao tradicional SAC. Como contribuições, este estudo inova ao mostrar os resultados de uma gestão com clientes insatisfeitos através de um relacionamento totalmente digitalizado, inclusive mais econômico. Além disso, existem poucos estudos no Brasil sobre atendimento de clientes insatisfeitos realizados unicamente em mídias sociais, o que contribuirá para reduzir essa lacuna na academia.

Determinação simultânea de Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) e Zn(II) em águas e sedimentos usando análise por injeção sequencial (SIA) com detecção voltamétrica / Simultaneous determination of Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) and Zn(II) in waters and sediments using sequential injection analysis (SIA) with voltammetric

Luiz Fernando Ribeiro 29 August 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de determinação de Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) e Zn(II) em amostras ambientais por voltametria de redissolução anódica (ASV) automatizada com sistema de Análise por Injeção Sequencial (SIA). Sensores impressos com o eletrodo de trabalho de filme fino de mercúrio foram utilizados em uma cela de fluxo. As determinações foram feitas por adição de padrão, com o sistema SIA fazendo a diluição em linha da solução padrão de referência e formando na bobina coletora e auxiliar um segmento contendo as zonas de amostra, solução padrão e solução de diluição. A concentração do padrão preparada nesse segmento gerou um sinal de corrente indistinguível do sinal gerado por uma solução padrão de mesma concentração preparada em batelada em balão volumétrico. Os limites de quantificação e detecção foram da ordem de &#181;g L-1, comparáveis à de técnicas de espectrometria atômica com detecção óptica, cujos custos instrumentais e de manutenção são significativamente maiores. Com o sistema proposto os limites de quantificação e detecção podem ser aumentados ou diminuídos pela simples alteração dos parâmetros como vazão e número de reversões de fluxo, bem como o tempo de deposição no potenciostato. Os limites de detecção e quantificação foram, respectivamente, de 1,3 e 4,3 &#181;g L-1 para o Cu(II), 1,4 e 4,6 &#181;g L-1 para o Pb(II), 0,6 e 1,8 &#181;g L-1 para o Cd(II) e 4,2 e 14 &#181;g L-1 para o Zn(II). Esses limites de detecção e quantificação foram obtidos quando o método funcionou com volume de amostra de 1000 &#181;L, vazão de 10 &#181;L s-1 (durante a etapa de deposição), e utilizando 3 reversões de fluxo (volume de reversão = 950 &#181;L), totalizando um tempo de deposição de 315 segundos. O potenciostato, trabalhando sincronicamente com o sistema SIA operou com potencial de condicionamento de -0,1 V vs. pseudo referência de Ag (100 s), potencial de deposição de -1,0 V para Cu(II), Pb(II) e Cd(II) e de -1,3 V para Zn(II) (315 s), frequência de onda quadrada de 100 Hz, incremento de potencial de 6 mV e altura de pulso de 40 mV. Para determinação de Zn(II) foi necessário depositar Ga0 no eletrodo de trabalho e evitar a formação do intermetálico de Zn0 com Cu0. Estudos de interferentes não apontaram desvios significativos em interferentes aniônicos e catiônicos, mas apresentaram desvios significativos na presença de ácidos húmicos e ácidos fúlvicos. A exatidão do método foi avaliada por estudos de adição e recuperação em amostra de água que resultaram taxas de recuperação próximas de 100%. A exatidão também foi avaliada pelas porcentagens de recuperação das concentrações dos metais da amostra certificada de sedimento CRM-701 submetido ao processo de extração sequencial BCR®. As concentrações obtidas foram testadas pelo teste t de Student, mostrando que os desvios dos valores obtidos em relação aos valores certificados não sugerem a existência de diferenças estatísitcamente significativas. / This dissertation describes the development of a methodology for determination of Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) and Zn(II) in environmental samples by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) automated by Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA). Screen printed thin mercury film sensors were used as working electrode in a flow cell. The determinations were made by standard addition, with the SIA system performing the inline dilution of the reference standard solution and forming a segment inside the holding coil containing zones of sample, standard and dilution solutions. The concentration of the standard prepared in this segment generated a current signal undistinguishable from the signal generated by a standard solution of the same concentration prepared manually in a volumetric flask. The limits of quantification and detection were at the level of &#181;g L-1, comparable to those of atomic spectrometry techniques with optic detection, whose instrumental and maintenance costs are significantly higher. With the proposed system the limits of quantification and detection can be increased or lowered by simple change of parameters such as flow rate and number of flow reversals, as well as the deposition time at the potenciostat. The limits of detection and quantification were, respectively, 1.3 and 4.3 &#181;g L-1 for Cu(II), 1.4 and 4.6 &#181;g L-1 for Pb(II), 0.6 and 1.8 &#181;g L-1 for Cd(II) and 4.2 and 14 &#181;g L-1 for Zn(II). These limits of detection and quantification were obtained for a sample volume of 1000 &#181;L, flow rate of 10 &#181;L s-1 (during the deposition step), and utilizing 3 flow reversals (volume of reversion = 950 &#181;L) totalizing a deposition time of 315 seconds. The potentiostat worked synchronically with the SIA system performing a conditioning potential of -0,1 V vs pseudo reference of Ag (100 s), deposition potential of -1,0 V for Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) or -1,3 V for Zn(II) (315 s), square wave frequency of 100 Hz, potential step of 6 mV and pulse height of 40 mV. For determination of Zn(II), deposition of Ga0 on the working electrode was necessary to avoid the formation of intermetallic between Zn0 and Cu0. Studies of interference did not point significant deviation for anionic and ionic potentially interfering substances, but exhibited significant deviations in the presence of humic and fulvic acids. The accuracy of the method was assessed by spike and recovery experiments in a water sample that resulted recovery rates near of 100%. The accuracy was also assessed by percentages of recovery of concentrations of metals in the certified sediment sample CRM-701 undergoing the sequential extraction procedure of BCR®. The concentrations obtained were tested by test t of Student, showing that the deviations of the obtained values don´t suggest the occurrence of statistically significant differences

Predição computacional de sítios de ligação de fatores de transcrição baseada em gramáticas regulares estocásticas / Computational prediction of transcription factor binding sites based on stochastic regular grammars

Ferrão Neto, Antonio 27 October 2017 (has links)
Fatores de transcrição (FT) são proteínas que se ligam em sequências específicas e bem conservadas de nucleotídeos no DNA, denominadas sítios de ligação dos fatores de transcrição (SLFT), localizadas em regiões de regulação gênica conhecidas como módulos cis-reguladores (CRM). Ao reconhecer o SLFT, o fator de transcrição se liga naquele sítio e influencia a transcrição gênica positiva ou negativamente. Existem técnicas experimentais para a identificação dos locais dos SLFTs em um genoma, como footprinting, ChIP-chip ou ChIP-seq. Entretanto, a execução de tais técnicas implica em custos e tempo elevados. Alternativamente, pode-se utilizar as sequências de SLFTs já conhecidas para um determinado fator de transcrição e aplicar técnicas de aprendizado computacional supervisionado para criar um modelo computacional para tal sítio e então realizar a predição computacional no genoma. Entretanto, a maioria das ferramentas computacionais existentes para esse fim considera independência entre as posições entre os nucleotídeos de um sítio - como as baseadas em PWMs (position weight matrix) - o que não é necessariamente verdade. Este projeto teve como objetivo avaliar a utilização de gramáticas regulares estocásticas (GRE) como técnica alternativa às PWMs neste problema, uma vez que GREs são capazes de caracterizar dependências entre posições consecutivas dos sítios. Embora as diferenças de desempenho tenham sido sutis, GREs parecem mesmo ser mais adequadas do que PWMs na presença de valores mais altos de dependência de bases, e PWMs nos demais casos. Por fim, uma ferramenta de predição computacional de SLFTs foi criada baseada tanto em GREs quanto em PWMs. / Transcription factors (FT) are proteins that bind to specific and well-conserved sequences of nucleotides in the DNA, called transcription factor binding sites (TFBS), contained in regions of gene regulation known as cis-regulatory modules (CRM). By recognizing TFBA, the transcription factor binds to that site and positively or negatively influence the gene transcription. There are experimental procedures for the identification of TFBS in a genome such as footprinting, ChIP-chip or ChIP-Seq. However, the implementation of these techniques involves high costs and time. Alternatively, one may utilize the TFBS sequences already known for a particular transcription factor and applying computational supervised learning techniques to create a computational model for that site and then perform the computational prediction in the genome. However, most existing software tools for this purpose considers independence between nucleotide positions in the site - such as those based on PWMs (position weight matrix) - which is not necessarily true. This project aimed to evaluate the use of stochastic regular grammars (SRG) as an alternative technique to PWMs in this problem, since SRGs are able to characterize dependencies between consecutive positions in the sites. Although differences in performance have been subtle, SRGs appear to be more suitable than PWMs in the presence of higher base dependency values, and PWMs in other cases. Finally, a computational TFBS prediction tool was created based on both SRGs and PWMs.

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