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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociala medier : En studie kring hur företag kan använda sociala medier för kunskaps- och informationsspridning

Karlsson, Stålhammar, Adam, Lars-Henrik January 2011 (has links)
Studien redogör för vad tre företag anser att det finns för möjligheter med att använda sig av tekniker inom sociala medier. Både för att kunna sprida kunskap och information internt i företaget samt med kunder och partners externt. Tidskrifter och vetenskapliga artiklar inom IT-relaterade områden skriver frenetisktom hur sociala medier kan stödja verksamheter och möjliggöra enklare samarbete för företag. Via vår litteraturstudie har vi funnit att dagens KMS inte stödjer dagens behov gällande kunskaps- och informationsspridning. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka tekniker som företagen använder sig av idag för att sprida kunskap och information internt och externt samt vilken kunskap och ambition som företag har gällande tekniker inom sociala medier och vilka möjligheter de ser. Vi har utfört en litteraturstudie och utifrån denna skapat en intervjuguide. Intervjuguiden har använts för att genomföra personliga intervjuer med respondenter från de tre företagen.  Studiens slutsats visar att respondenterna uppfattade det egna företaget i dagens läge som otillräckligt, i form av resurser, för att kunna föra en dialog med sina kunder i sociala medier. Det visade sig också att respondenterna ansåg att det behövdes mer extensiva undersökningar över affärsnyttan med social medier. Samtidigt ansåg samtliga respondenter att det finns stora möjligheter gällande involvering av kunder och partners i utvecklingsprocessen av produkter genom att föra dialoger som bidrar till kunskaps- och informationsdelning på exempelvis forum. För att lyckas med användning av sociala medier krävs strategier och utbildning för hur teknikerna skall användas. Etiska frågor visade sig viktiga för vilken information som får publiceras ur företagssynpunkt. Beroende på typ av kundsegment (B2B alt. B2C) värderar företagen möjligheterna och teknikerna inom sociala medier olika. / The study examines what three companies believe are the possibilities regarding the use of technologies in social media, in order to share knowledge and information within the company as well as with partners, and with customers externally. Journals and scholarly articles on IT-related areas, writes franticly about how social media can support a company’s activities and allow for easier collaboration for businesses. Through our literature review, we have found that the current KMS does not support the needs of existing knowledge and information sharing. The purpose of this study is to examine the techniques that companies use today to spread information and knowledge internally and externally, and what knowledge and ambitions these possess regarding the technology and possibilities within the area of social media. We conducted a literature review and created an interview guide. The Interview guide was used to conduct personal interviews with respondents from the three companies. Conclusion of the study showed that the respondents perceived their own company as limited in terms of resources to be able to have a constant dialogue with their customers in social media. It was also found out that the respondents felt that more extensive surveys of the business value of social media are a must. While all respondents felt that there are great opportunities for customer- and involvement of partners in the development of products through dialogues on forums. For successful usage of social media, strategies and training is required. Ethical issues proved important for what information may be published in social media. The value on social media usage was dependent on which customer segment (B2B alt. B2C) the company was trying to reach.


AUGUSTO CESAR FERREIRA LIMA 03 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo busca identificar os fatores que influenciam o engajamento dos consumidores em relacionamentos com varejistas virtuais de modo a aprimorar o e-CRM. Para tanto, utiliza-se um modelo teórico (KIM et al., 2008) para analisar como as experiências dos consumidores, através do valor percebido (crença cognitiva), da satisfação (experiência afetiva) e da confiança (intenção conativa de relacionamento), influenciam seu comprometimento com livrarias virtuais. Procura mensurar ainda três variáveis exógenas que afetam a experiência de compra na internet, referentes à qualidade percebida de produto, de serviço e à equidade de preço percebida. O estudo analisa uma amostra de 303 consumidores de livrarias virtuais de domínio nacional para, através de equações estruturais, identificar as relações entre os construtos do modelo adotado. Ao final da análise, os resultados obtidos demonstram a dificuldade de construção de relacionamentos com o consumidor no segmento analisado. / [en] This study aims to identify the factors influencing the engagement of consumers in virtual relationships with retailers in order to enhance the e-CRM. For this, a theoretical model (KIM et al., 2008) is used to analyze the consumer experiences through perceived value (cognitive beliefs), satisfaction (affective experience) and confidence (conative intention of relationship), influence their commitment to online booksellers. It also seeks to measure three exogenous variables that affect the shopping experience on the internet, the perceived product and service quality and the perceived fairness of price. The study analyzes a sample of 303 consumers of online booksellers national domain, by means of structural equations, identify the relationships between the constructs of the model adopted. After the analysis, the results demonstrate the difficulty of building relationships with the consumer segment analyzed.

Využití nástrojů internetu v tvorbě a implementaci strategie společnosti TeskaLabs / Utilizing Internet tools in creating and implementing the strategy of TeskaLabs company

Pavelka, Miloslav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis covers the ways of utilizing internet tools for creating and implementing the strategy of TeskaLabs company. The amount of internet tools that provide various services to companies has risen significantly lately. TeskaLabs is a technology company that is aware of the potential of using internet tools instead of expansive boxed products. The thesis describes what inputs were key during choice of internet tools and what tools became part of the company's infrastructure in the end. Testing of internet tools involved communicators, internet storage services, tools for project management customer relationship management and marketing tools that implement email campaigns, creation of web presentation and internet content and social networks. Overview of functionality of various internet tools is provided and it may serve as a manual for companies that want to exploit the potential of internet services for their good.

Aplikace metod hodnocení vztahů se zákazníky v Plzeňských městských dopravních podnicích, a.s. / Application of customer relationship assessment methods in the company Plzeňské městské dopravní podniky, a.s.

Buchalová, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The fundamental point of the thesis is customers and their satisfaction. The theoretical part characterizes the Customer relationship management approach (CRM) and describes the assessment methods. The main objective of the thesis is to create a documented procedure for customer satisfaction assessment and an application of the chosen assessment method. The practical part deals with a fulfilment of the main objective for which the company Plzeňské městské dopravní podniky, a.s. is selected. The created questionnaire is applied to a small sample. The thesis is concluded with an evaluation of the survey results and with the applicability evaluation of both the questionnaire and the documented procedure.

Analýzy trendů informačních systémů v podnicích a sítích podniků / Analyses of information systems trends in enterprises and enterprises networks

Bláha, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This thesis offers an overview of essential trends in the field of enterprise information systems. It analyses trends in separate parts of information system, as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Business Intelligence (BI). Then it follows trends like cloud computing, virtualisation, enterprise mobility and Web 2.0.

Nové trendy prodeje v oblasti rychloobrátkového zboží (využití operativního CRM) / New trends in sales in FMCG (usage of operational CRM)

Vondrová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with three aspects of operational part of CRM -- sales force automation, telephone sales (contact centers) and e-business. The thesis studies the influence of these three aspects on the firm's productivity. The diploma thesis links to the company Plzensky Prazdroj a.s., which provided the data. Practical contribution of the thesis is an evaluation of current business model of Plzensky Prazdroj and a proposal of a new e-business strategy for this company.

Marketingové využití osobních údajů klientů v bankovnictví / Marketing application of personal data of clients in banking

Šotola, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis named "Marketing application of personal data of clients in banking" combines themes of personal data and marketing. The first part is devoted to the protection of personal data in general, sources from which financial institution gain data of their clients and support for this in the legislation. The second part deals with specific cases of marketing application of personal data and trying to find the solution of its problematic parts. A large part is devoted to the personal data processing as an core act between processors and data subjects and CRM, as a possible way of client data application.

Návrh využitia rozvojového potenciálu zákazníkov jazykovej školy / The proposal of use of customers´ developing potential of language school

Šeniglová, Katarína January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with customers' developing potential of language school. The theoretical section specifies the business and strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic. It describes customer relationship management, its approaches and concepts related to this issue. Additionally it analyzes customer satisfaction and loyalty. It dedicates to customer value and finally adds other possible indicators of customers' developing potential. In the practical part there is analyzed customer base of the language school Tandem. There exist two types of analysis. One of them is based on the internal resources of the company and the other one is developed based on feedback received from the survey of customer satisfaction. The analysis suggests new ideas for better use of potential of existing and future customers.

Estudio de la literatura y modelos de negocio de la implantación de CRM -modelo cliente céntrico- como enfoque estratégico condicionante de la ventaja competitiva en la pyme: estudio empírico de la aplicación de un CRM -Modelo cliente céntrico- en agencias de viajes

Guijarro García, María 07 May 2010 (has links)
El interés que despierta el tema elegido se justifica, en gran medida, a través de una profunda evolución social y económica que durante las últimas décadas estamos viviendo a nivel mundial. El sector turístico se ha convertido en una fuente importante de prosperidad económica para muchos países y en motor de desarrollo para muchos otros, y tiene una importancia fundamental en la actividad empresarial, de aquí la trascendencia de analizar la gestión de empresas que lo componen. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y Comunicación (NTIC) durante los últimos años han dado lugar a un incremento de la competencia y de nuevas formas de la misma en la distribución de servicios turísticos (fenómenos de la hiperintermediación y desintermediación) . Por ello, las empresas cuya actividad es la distribución turística necesitan desarrollar estrategias que les permitan sobrevivir en el tiempo. En este sentido, el marketing relacional se perfila como un isntrumento útil par lograr dicho objetivo, y más concretamente la gestión de relaciones con el cliente. La gestión de relaciones con los clientes no es una gestión novedosa en su concepción, desde hace tiempo las organizaciones han intentado dar un trato distinto a aquellos clientes que han sido más fieles, consiguiendo con ello aumentar su satisfacción y por consiguiente sus compras futuras, sin embargo, debido al tamaño que están obteniendo las organizaciones en los mercados cada vez más globalizados, es necesario nuevas herramientas para la gestión de la cartera de clientes, diferenciando los clientes en función de los servicios que se les ofrecen. La gestión de la empresa con los clientes debe ser una estrategia de negocio, una actitud frente a los empleados y clientes, apoyados por determinados procesos y sistemas. El objetivo consiste en construir relaciones duraderas entre el cliente y la empresa mediante la satisfacción de las necesidades y preferencias individuales. / Guijarro García, M. (2010). Estudio de la literatura y modelos de negocio de la implantación de CRM -modelo cliente céntrico- como enfoque estratégico condicionante de la ventaja competitiva en la pyme: estudio empírico de la aplicación de un CRM -Modelo cliente céntrico- en agencias de viajes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7769 / Palancia

Výběr a implementace informačního systému / Information System Selection

Odehnal, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Master thesis deals with the selection of a suitable information system for company ELKOV elektro a.s., which deals with the sale of electronic material and luminaries. A Suitable system is selected using rough and fine selection according per company's requirements. The thesis also contains timetable for implementation and economic evaluation.

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