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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

RETAIL IS DETAIL : Customers’ Attraction to Physical Retail Stores Within Consumer Electronics

Mohammadi, Tina January 2020 (has links)
Most companies' desire is to create customer relationships and the working methods have changed as a result of the increased e-commerce. Because of digitalization, the retailing field has changed dramatically. Consequently, physical stores are facing competition from online companies. Previous literature has stated that physical stores now have to focus on what happens inside the store in order to generate a pleasant experience. The research question focused on examining how Elgiganten, the largest consumer electronic store in Sweden, use customer experience and customer value in order to influence store attractiveness. This was carried out by using a qualitative approach, an exploratory nature and by conducting in-depth interviews with consumers and the company's head managers. The main findings of this study suggest that customers can not take advantage of some services when buying through e-commerce. This ability to provide service is an important part of the handling of competition from e-commerce. The retailers need to find the right balance between engagement and emotions in the physical retail environment in order to appeal to the consumers’ desires of trust & reliability in order to create an attractive experience point. By means of this, the thesis emphasised the imperative of creating experience in offline retailing.

Plan de negocios para la creación de un sistema integrado de gestión dirigido a corredores de seguros / Business plan for the creation of an Integrated Management System oriented for insurance brokers

Bastidas Parco, Miguel Angel, Cerna Rivera, Christian Diego, Chiri Ricse, Manuel Fernando 09 February 2019 (has links)
En el 2017 la industria de los seguros de vida y no vida en el Perú facturó cerca de 11,327 millones de soles, un 0.6% más respecto al año anterior (Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros, 2016), y alcanzó un nivel de penetración en el PBI de 1.6%. Esto muestra el amplio espacio de la industria para seguir creciendo, y para seguir ofreciendo productos de cobertura individual y masiva (Equilibrium, 2018), si la comparamos con otros mercados del globo. La industria se basa en una red de distribución de corredores de seguros, conformada principalmente por empresas unipersonales o familiares basadas en esfuerzos comerciales personales en las que el relacionamiento directo o indirecto del dueño de la empresa determina el radio de acción de la compañía. Sin embargo, al tener labores operativas atendidas principalmente por humanos y en formatos impresos físicos, pueden presentarse numerosos errores durante el ciclo de venta. Para mejorar la productividad de estas empresas, proponemos la creación de Previsor, un Sistema Integrado de Gestión que permitirá a los corredores contar con la información de sus clientes de forma rápida, continua y eficiente desde cualquier dispositivo conectado al internet, ayudando a aumentar sus ventas cruzadas y a manejar sus emisiones de las pólizas. Estimamos que nuestro servicio tendrá un pago mensual de US$ 150.00, mientras que para su inversión estimamos cerca de $500,000.00, un VAN de casi US$ 1.7 millones y una TIR de 253%, lo que será sumamente atractivo para los inversionistas que involucraremos a lo largo del proyecto. / In 2017, the insurance and non-life insurance industry in Peru billed close to 11,327 million Soles, 0.6% more than the previous year (Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros, 2016); and it permeated through the GDP in a 1.6%. This scenario shows the wide potential of the industry to continue growing and to keep offering products of individual and massive coverage (Equilibrium, 2018) if we compare it with other markets of the globe. The industry is based in a distribution network of brokers, which is mainly composed of sole proprietorships or family enterprises based in personal commercial efforts, in which the direct or indirect relationship of the owner determines the action scope of the company. However, as their tasks are mainly attended by humans and in physical printed formats, numerous mistakes can occur during the sales cycle. In order to improve the productivity of these enterprises, we propose the creation of Previsor, an Integrated Management System which will allow the insurance brokers to access to their clients’ information in a fast, continuous, and efficient way. The system can be accessed from any device connected to the internet, which will help the brokers to increase their crossed sales and to manage their policy emissions. We estimate that our service will have a monthly payment of US$ 150.00, an investment of $500,000.00 approximately, an NPV of almost US $ 1.7 million, and an IRR of 253%. These are estimations that can make our project a very attractive opportunity for any future investors. / Trabajo de investigación

Gilla gillare! : En studie i vad som påverkar engagemang på Instagram / Like likers! : A study of what’s affecting engagement on Instagram

Bergenfelz, Clara, Lebreton, Tiffany January 2019 (has links)
Social media in general and Instagram specifically has evolved quickly over time. Thanks to this, companies have taken the opportunity to get an easier access to a marketing segment that not only can give visible engagement that could enhance their marketing or branding, but also gives the users a communication channel that easily creates a relationship with the companies. This visible engagement is mostly measured in numbers regarding the amount of followers, likes and comments. What is controlling and/or affecting these numbers is studied by a quite new communicational field, in the wake of social media, its marketing and relational input. This study spreads some light over which elements that can see enhance, and weaken, this engagement regarding visual and textual factors. Through a content analysis method, the 30 latest Instagram posts of three companies within the sustainable area and with similar criterias, such as the amount of followers and having a personal webshop, were analysed. The content analysis result gave a heterogenic group of categories, that not only are distinguished by their different elements but also by the way the companies publish their posts. The genre of the companies (sustainability) is thereby not enough to give a homogenic answer to what creates a high engagement on Instagram, which a number of scientists have stated in previous studies. Social media engagement is thereby something that needs to be looked at even more to find what creates engagement.

Persistent Places in the Late Archaic Landscape / A GIS-based Case Study of CRM Sites in the Lower Grand River Area, Ontario

Tincombe, Eric January 2020 (has links)
My aim in this study is to identify Late Archaic persistent places—places of continued importance throughout the long-term occupation of a region—within the lower Grand River Area of what is now southern Ontario. I accomplish this through the use of kernel density estimation applied to datasets containing the locations of Late Archaic (4000-2800 RCYBP) sites within this study area which were discovered through cultural resource management (CRM) survey and excavation. Areas identified as persistent places were investigated with regard to landscape features and environmental affordances that could have structured their consistent re-use throughout the Late Archaic, with particular attention paid to the hypothesis that persistent places may have developed around the riverine spawning grounds of spring-spawning fish. Two places with particularly intense concentrations of diagnostic materials dating to successive periods of the Late Archaic were identified: one surrounding Seneca Creek near Caledonia, and one near D’Aubigny Creek south of Brantford. The results show that the persistent use of these places would likely have been structured by the presence of landscape features which would have made these areas particularly rich in many different seasonal resources during the Late Archaic. Perhaps most significantly, both areas are located in close proximity to areas identified as walleye spawning grounds. The contributions of this thesis include the synthesis of the results of many years of CRM survey of the Grand River Area, evidence for the existence of Late Archaic riverine fishing sites related to the spawning runs of walleye, and an improved understanding of Late Archaic subsistence-settlement systems. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / Lay Abstract: My aim in this study is to identify persistent places—places of continued importance throughout the long-term occupation of a region—within the lower Grand River Area of what is now southern Ontario during a period known as the Late Archaic (ca. 2500 B.C.- ca. 1000 B.C). This was accomplished using GIS spatial analysis of data produced through commercial archaeological assessments. As a result of this analysis, I identified two persistent places within the study area: one near D’Aubigny Creek south of Brantford, and one surrounding Seneca Creek near Caledonia. I also investigated the environments surrounding these places to determine what may have made them continuously appealing for over a millennium. Both areas were found to contain environmental features that would have likely made them particularly resource-rich and appealing to hunter-gatherers. One of the most important findings was that both areas are in close proximity to walleye spawning grounds.

Hur företag hanterar eCRM via sociala medier beroende på företagsstorlek

Issa, Robin, Jahic, Din January 2022 (has links)
Title: How companies handle eCRM via social media depending on company size Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Din Jahic & Robin Issa Supervisor: Michelle Rydback Date: 2022 - May 25th Aim: The aim is to increase understanding of how companies handle e-customer relationship management (eCRM) via social media, and to investigate whether size affects companies' strategies. Method: In this essay, a qualitative research approach is applied where the empirical material is collected through a multiple-case study. This multiple case study consisted of six companies where half of them were counted as large companies and the other half as small companies. A total of six semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents in three different industries; the retail industry, the restaurant industry and the grocery industry. Results & Conclusions: The results of the study shows that the most used marketing strategies were "Social Content" and "Social Monitoring". The smaller companies mostly used "Social Content", as it was the most suitable option in terms of resource capacity. Furthermore, it is concluded that larger companies dominate "Social Monitoring". The final result shows that larger companies with more resources have a more systematic customer relationship management. Contributions of the thesis: This thesis has contributed to companies being able to obtain information regarding marketing strategies and customer relationship management via social media, as well as the implementation of concepts that are suitable for the company's size and resources. Suggestions for future research: A future area of research may be to carry out similar studies with other criterias. For example, only interviewing digital stores, as the approaches are different in comparison with physical stores. The interesting contribution would then be to investigate how digital stores proceed with marketing activities and customer relationship management, as opposed to physical stores. Key words: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) · electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) · Social media · Social Media Marketing Strategy · Marketing Strategy

Hur platsmarknadsföring behåller Generation Y : En fallstudie vid Luleå Kommun

Fransson, Viktor, Andersson, Petter January 2018 (has links)
Kommuner använder platsmarknadsföring för att attrahera och behålla medborgare vilket under senare år blivit mer aktuellt då konkurrensen mellan platser har ökat. Tidigare har städers platsmarknadsföring varit riktad mot att utveckla turism, men idag används strategin framförallt för att framhäva staden som en attraktiv plats för företag, och medborgare att leva i. Då det är viktigt för kommuner att ha en gynnsam befolkningsutveckling för att överleva, samt att få yngre individer att stanna inom kommunen, vilket bidrar till långsiktiga skatteintäkter. För att kommuner ska kunna utföra lyckade marknadsföringsstrategier är det viktigt att förstå medborgarnas behov och spegla det i marknadsföringen. Ovan nämnd fakta bidrog till avsikten med denna uppsats som var att beskriva och till viss del förklara hur platsmarknadsföring kan användas av en kommun för att behålla medborgare av Generation Y. Uppsatsens syfte var att uppnå en djupare förståelse för hur kommuner kan behålla Generation Y, där studiens forskningsfrågor utformades och kopplades till relevanta teorier inom forskningsområdet för att besvara studiens syfte. Genom en kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes flertalet intervjuer med respondenter från Generation Y, vilket gav insikt till aspekter som Generation Y värdesätter inom en kommun. Studien fann att utbud, variation och tillgänglighet är centrala aspekter för att behålla medborgare. Där aspekterna nattliv, evenemang och offentliga transportförbindelser var mest önskvärda för Generation Y. Även möjligheten till delaktighet, och att kunna påverka beslut var centrala aspekter. Utifrån studiens resultat bör kommuner i större utsträckning sträva efter att skapa en relation med medborgare av Generation Y. Där kommuner involverar medborgarna så att de känner delaktighet och upplever att de kan påverka utvecklingen av kommunen de bor i, vilket ökar möjligheten till att behålla Generation Y. Studiens resultat kombinerat med bakomliggande teorier i ämnet påvisar relevansen av att kommuner behöver kunskap om vad Generation Y värdesätter, detta för att kunna utföra en passande marknadsföringsstrategi som behåller de som medborgare.

Understanding trait evolution at the levels of a cis-regulatory element and a gene regulatory network

Rogers, William A. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

La Aplicación del Valor de Vida del Cliente en la Gestión de la Relación con el Distribuidor en Empresas de Consumo Masivo de Productos Empaquetados de Lima, Perú. Un Estudio de Casos Múltiple

Wakabayashi Muroya, José Luis 21 January 2011 (has links)
La gestió de la relació amb el client (CRM) és el procés en què es creen relacions amb els clients i altres actors al llarg de les seves vides. Així, a la base d'aquest procés hi ha el concepte de CLV, conegut com el valor del cicle de vida del client (customer lifetime value), que permet calcular tant el valor net del client com la seva rendibilitat per a l'empresa. Aquesta tesi destaca el fet que el màrqueting teòric ha desenvolupat diferents camps d'aplicació per afrontar el procés de CRM. Un d'aquests, que cada vegada és més important, és la gestió de la relació amb el canal de distribució. Aquesta tesi és un intent per cobrir el buit que hi ha en la recerca de màrqueting sobre aquest tema i esbrinar el veritable paper del CLV en un context concret d'aplicació: les empreses de consum de masses de Lima i els seus distribuïdors. Aquest camp resta gairebé inexplorat i ha estat poc investigat, malgrat que el procés de CMR en el mercat de masses i la relació amb els distribuïdors constitueixen importants camps d'aplicació per al CLV. A partir de l'anàlisi de casos de tres diferents empreses peruanes, mitjançant entrevistes i observacions realitzades al seu personal, aquesta tesi investiga l'aplicació del CLV com a concepte clau i com a eina de mesurament en els processos de gestió de la relació (CRM) amb els seus canals de distribució o intermediaris. L'estudi s'ha dut a terme al Perú perquè aquest país té unes característiques similars als altres països llatinoamericans i la regió gairebé no disposa de cap recerca en CMR. Per això, aquest treball espera proporcionar informació significativa sobre l'aplicació del concepte dogmàtic de CMR. La tesi argüeix que, malgrat que l'evolució cap a una aproximació relacional del màrqueting s'ha estès, la pràctica encara difereix de la teoria en molts mercats, com s'ha observat a les tres empreses estudiades. Per aquest motiu, aquest treball de recerca pot constituir un punt de partida per a investigacions més profundes en la matèria. / La gestión de la relación con el cliente (CRM) es el proceso en el que se crean relaciones con los clientes y otros actores a lo largo de sus vidas. Así, en la base de ese proceso se encuentra el concepto del CLV, conocido como valor de ciclo de vida del cliente (customer lifetime value), que permite calcular tanto el valor neto del cliente y su rentabilidad para la empresa. Esta tesis pone resalta el hecho de que el marketing teórico ha desarrollado diferentes campos de aplicación para encarar el proceso de CRM. Una de estas, y cada vez más importante, es la gestión de relación con el canal de distribución. Además, puesto que este tema constituye un vacío en la investigación de marketing, esta tesis constituye un intento para reducirlo y averiguar el verdadero papel del CLV en un contexto particular de aplicación: las empresas de consumo masivo de Lima y sus distribuidores. Este campo permanece casi inexplorado y cuenta con escasa investigación a pesar de que el proceso de CMR en el mercado masivo y la relación con los distribuidores constituyen importantes campos de aplicación para el CLV. Mediante el análisis de casos de tres diferentes empresas peruanas, mediante entrevistas y observaciones realizadas al personal de las mismas, esta tesis investiga la aplicación del CLV como concepto clave y como herramienta de medición en los procesos de gestión de la relación (CRM) con sus canales de distribución o intermediarios. Este estudio se llevó a cabo en Perú porque este país comparte características similares con el resto de países latinoamericanos y esta región casi no cuenta con investigación en CMR. Por ello este trabajo espera brindar información significativa sobre la aplicación del concepto dogmatico de CMR. Esta tesis arguye que a pesar de que la evolución hacia una aproximación relacional del marketing se ha extendido, todavía la práctica difiere de la teoría en muchos mercados, como se ha observado en las tres compañías estudiadas, por tal razón el presente trabajo de investigación puede constituir un punto de partida para investigaciones más profundas al respecto. / The customer relationship management (CRM) is the process where relationships with customers and other actors are created throughout their lifecycle. Therefore, in the very foundations of this process is CLV, a key concept known as well as customer lifetime value, that allows estimating not only the customer net value over a long period of time , but also his profitability for the company. This dissertation remarks the fact that theoretical Marketing has developed different fields of application to face the complex process of CRM. One of them, in increasing importance, is the CRM with the distribution channel. Since this issue means a gap in marketing research, this dissertation constitutes an attempt to reduce it and find out the very role of CLV when CRM takes place in a particular context of application: massive consume companies from Lima and their distributors. This field is almost unexplored and has little research despite the fact that CRM process in the massive market and the relationship with distributors constitute important fields of application for the CLV. Through an analysis of three cases of different Peruvian companies, by interviewing their staff, this dissertation investigates the application of CLV as a key concept and as a measuring tool for CRM process with the distribution channel or intermediaries. This study took place in Peru because this country has similar characteristics with the rest of Latin American countries and this region has almost no research in CRM process. That is why this dissertation expects to add significant information about the application of the dogmatic concept of CRM. This dissertation argues that despite the fact that an evolutional shift to a Marketing relationship approach is extended around the world, theory and practice still differs each other in a number of markets, as it is observed in the companies selected to this research. Thus this study could be the starting point of more and deeper research about it.

現代零售通路CRM計畫之診斷性架構: 策略4C模型與分析成熟模型之應用 / A diagnostic framework for CRM program in the modern trade retail sector: The applications of the strategic 4C model and analytical maturity model

劉建宏, Liu, Chien Hung (Claude) Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的有三: (1) 釐清一般在忠誠度計劃定義上常見的錯誤觀念,進而探索CRM與忠誠度計劃之間的關係,並且發展一套實務上可用的忠誠度計劃分類方法; (2) 研究零售業CRM計劃中現行的戰術手法,並提供策略性建議給業者該如何校準戰術手法的重心並且相應地配置資源; (3) 發展一套可供現代零售業者自我診斷其CRM計劃在分析成熟性以及策略行銷重心的實務架構。 為達到研究目的,本研究首先探討在零售業,顧客關係管理(CRM),忠誠度計劃以及分類方法上的相關文獻以釐清忠誠度計劃定義上常見的錯誤觀念,進而說明CRM與忠誠度計劃之間的關係,最後發展一套實務上可用的忠誠度計劃分類方法。 其次,本研究先應用邱志聖博士(2010)的策略4C模型,分析現行零售CRM計劃的戰術手法,並且提供策略性建議給業者該如何校準戰術手法的重心並且相應地配置資源。 再次,本研究應用邱志聖博士(2010)的策略4C模型以及戴文波特博士與哈里斯女士(2007)的分析成熟模型於建構零售CRM計劃的兩階段診斷性架構。 後續深入的分析主要根據此架構而進行,同時根據零售業所處不同的分析成熟階段提出策略性建議。 對於零售業的高階主管,本研究的貢獻在於提出一套實務可行的診斷性架構,供主管重新檢視其CRM計劃在策略上的重心,並且能隨著公司規模成長,進而調整重心的優先順序。 對於CRM以及忠誠度計劃的從事者,本研究貢獻則在於零售CRM計劃,忠誠度計劃以及相關概念上的定義的建立正確觀念。 最後,本論文的研究發現亦可當作對CRM以及忠誠度行銷人員的策略性建議,尤其當在設計戰術手法之時,能針對公司所處不同的分析成熟階段,對焦CRM策略以及相應資源配置。 / The purpose of this thesis has three objectives: (1) clarify some common misunderstandings about definitions of loyalty scheme, explore the relationship between CRM and loyalty scheme, and develop a typology of loyalty scheme for practical use; (2) study on current tactics used within retail CRM programs and provide strategic advices on how to fine-tune the tactics focus and align resource accordingly; and (3) develop a practical framework that allows modern trade retailers for self-diagnosing their CRM programs in terms of analytical maturity and strategic marketing focus. To achieve the research goals, this research has firstly reviewed previous research on retail, CRM, loyalty schemes and its typology, and thus misunderstandings about definition of loyalty scheme, CRM, the relationship between CRM and loyalty scheme have explained and consequently a new typology of loyalty scheme has been developed. Second, strategic 4C model (Chiou 2010) is used in this research to analyze current tactics used within retail CRM programs and the strategic advices are generated on how to fine-tune the tactics focus and align resource accordingly. Third, this research adopted literature of strategic 4C model (Chiou 2010) and analytical maturity model (Davenport and Harris 2007) to form a two-stage diagnostic framework for retail CRM program. The further analysis is conducted based on this framework while strategic advices are provided to retailers of different analytical stage. The benefits for business executives in retail include a diagnostic framework allowing for strategically reviewing their CRM program focus and priority as retailers grows their business. The benefits for CRM and loyalty practitioners include building correct understandings about retail CRM program, loyalty scheme and related conceptual definitions. The findings in this study may serve as strategic advices to CRM or loyalty marketers to better align resources, when they design tactics, to companies’ CRM strategy at different analytical stage.

What should financial companies know before implementing customer-oriented personalization / 金融業在設計顧客導向個人化前應有之認知

林嘉宇, Lin, Chia-yu (Michelle) Unknown Date (has links)
在目前競爭激烈的商業環境中,個人化服務逐漸受到重視,並被公司視為增加競爭力的利器。此篇論文首先釐清個人化與客製化之間的關係,再將個人化相關的應用、技術及設計方法做一個基礎性的探討。 由於 “顧客” 是個人化的重心,此研究以三階段的Delphi研究方法探究哪些因素會影響顧客對於個人化服務的評價。許多個人化相關的研究是以公司的角度為出發點,但此研究則是以顧客的觀點來看台灣金融業的個人化服務。研究的兩個重點為:(1) 顧客對於台灣金融業目前的個人化服務評價為何?(2)台灣金融業在個人化服務方面最需要改進的部份為何? 研究結果顯示,顧客是以一個cost-benefit viewpoint來評量企業所提供的個人化服務。對顧客而言,costs包括隱私上的損失及推銷和廣告所可能帶來的困擾。而benefits的主要來源則是好又準確的個人化服務。針對金融業來說,好又準確的個人化服務便是對個人需求經過精確的量身訂做後的資訊,在最適當的時間、地點以適當的管道提供給顧客。 研究結果也顯示,目前台灣金融業的個人化服務仍需要很大的努力與改進。此研究也整理出三個建議:(1)在個人化的過程中給顧客更多的掌控權;(2)尊重顧客的隱私權;(3)提供真正量身訂做的個人化服務,而不是把個人化當作推銷的藉口。 / Personalization is gaining increasing popularity among enterprises that strive to win a competitive edge by knowing and serving their customers better. This paper begins with an examination of the interdependency and inseparability between personalization and customization. An overview of personalization applications, technologies, and design techniques is then presented. As 'customer' is the theme of personalization, criteria that affect customers' acceptance and evaluation of personalization initiatives are then explored using a 3-stage Delphi method. Differed from many researches that examine personalization through the corporate / implementer's lenses, this study looks at personalization practices in Taiwan's financial industry – from a customer perspective. For such purpose, a financial personalization model is constructed from a customer standpoint. Two main questions to explore are: (1) how well do customers think personalization is being implemented in Taiwan's financial industry, and (2) which areas are in desperate need for improvements. Research results reveal that customers evaluate personalization efforts from a cost-benefit viewpoint. Potential costs include concession in privacy and concerns of possible promotion annoyance. On the other end of the scale, the main source of benefits is good and accurate personalization. In the case of financial industry, good personalization means precisely tailored information delivered at the right time and place. Unfortunately, the research also shows that currently the costs outweigh the benefits. Three suggestions are proposed: (1) give customers more control in the personalization process, (2) respect customers’ privacy, and (3) offer customers truly tailored information instead of an excuse to annoy customers with unwanted promotions.

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