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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The royal priest: Psalm 110 in biblical-theological perspective

Emadi, Matthew Habib 27 October 2016 (has links)
ABSTRACT THE ROYAL PRIEST: PSALM 110 IN BIBLICAL- THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Matthew Habib Emadi, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Chair: Dr. James M. Hamilton, Jr. This dissertation develops the biblical-theological rationale for the union of kingship and priesthood in Psalm 110 in the context of the entire canon. The thesis of this project is that a canonical reading of David’s depiction of the eschatological Melchizedekian priest-king develops God’s creational purpose for humanity to establish God’s kingdom (king) by mediating God’s covenantal blessings from his temple sanctuary (priest), and simultaneously advances God’s redemption project by depicting the order of royal priesthood that would bring the promises of the Abrahamic covenant to fruition. Chapter 1 introduces the thesis and methodological issues pertaining to this study, and surveys the research in the modern period in order to identify how scholars have handled the union of kingship and priesthood in a single figure in Psalm 110. Chapter 2 examines the concept of royal priesthood in the Torah. This examination demonstrates that Adam is the Bible’s royal priestly prototype and that his royal priesthood is recapitulated in important covenantal figures—Noah, Abraham, Melchizedek, Israel, and Aaron. Melchizedek, in particular, is a priest-king uniquely associated with Abraham and the Abrahamic covenant. Chapter 3 situates Psalm 110 in its Old Testament context and hones in on the patterns of David’s own life experiences—revealed in 1–2 Samuel—and the content of the Davidic covenant in order to show how David would have arrived at the conclusion that the messiah was to be a royal priest after the order of Melchizedek. Chapter 4 briefly investigates the intertestamental literature in order to show how the union of priesthood and kingship in Psalm 110 influenced the messianic expectations of the authors of the Testament of Levi, 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch, and 11QMelchizedek. Chapter 5 focuses on how the New Testament develops the union of priesthood and kingship in the person and work of Jesus Christ on the basis of Psalm 110. The Gospel of Mark and the epistle to the Hebrews pick up the royal priestly logic of Psalm 110 in their respective Christological arguments. Chapter 6 is the conclusion. It summarizes the arguments of the previous chapters and proposes some theological implications from this study.

Upplevelsestrategi vid kundinteraktioner : En jämförandestudie om kundupplevelsen i kundservice på bank och elhandelsbolag / Experience strategy in customer touch points : A comparative study in the use of Customer Experience within the customer service at a bank and an energy company

Awaijan, Sara, Karlsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
The rapid development of today’s society is accelerated with digitalization and the customers have more possibilities to compare businesses with each-other than before. The focus on Customer Experience have increased in popularity during the last decade and an increasing number of companies have begun to consider the importance of their customers, the society, and their personnel. This study explores the customer experience in two companies in different industries and how it can be expanded to increase competitiveness and the emotional value towards the customers. An energy company and a bank are compared regarding their operations surrounding customer focus and employee commitment to identify challenges and possibilities in combination to increased digitalization. This study investigates how Customer Experience Management can be introduced, which is a corporate strategy to lift the emotional aspects of a company in order to increase the connection to its customers. The study compares two companies through qualitative interviews and a quantitative employee survey to answer three research questions; (1) the current way in which the companies operate, (2) possibilities to develop through Customer Experience Management, and finally (3) how digital tools can be introduced in order to elevate the customer experience. The analysis combines the empirical findings with literature and theories to enable development for businesses who aim to increase their customer focus and customer experience concerning customer service and the organization. The findings of this study show that the companies have opportunities to progress in areas such as strategic focus, organizational culture and the potential to implement digital tools in order to increase the customer experience. Important factors which are considered drivers in the customer experience are ways to increase the customer satisfaction and loyalty, the commitment and motivation of the employees, as well as expressed strategies to saturate the organization. An increased focus on emotional value creation is considered crucial for companies to differentiate and increasing their competitiveness. / I dagens samhälle går utvecklingen snabbt med hjälp av digitaliseringens framfart och kunder har mer och mer möjligheter till att jämföra företag mellan varandra. Att fokusera på kundupplevelser har ökat i popularitet under de senaste åren där fler och fler företag inser vikten av att bry sig om sina kunder, samhället och sin personal. Denna studie undersöker kundupplevelsen på två företag och vad som kan göras för att utveckla den. Ett energibolag och en bank jämförs i deras arbetssätt kring kundfokus och medarbetarengagemang inom kundservice för att identifiera utmaningar och möjligheter i samband med ökad digitalisering. Studien undersöker hur man kan introducera Customer Experience Management, vilket är en ledningsstrategi som fokuserar på att lyfta företagens emotionella delar för att skapa starkare band till kunderna och öka konkurrenskraften. Studien jämför två företag genom djupintervjuer och en medarbetarenkät för att svara på tre forskningsfrågor som handlar om; (1) det nuvarande arbetssättet, (2) utvecklingsmöjligheter från ett perspektiv kring Customer Experience Management, och slutligen (3) hur digitala verktyg kan introduceras för att höja kundupplevelsen. Analysen kombinerar de empiriska fynden med litteratur och teorier för att ge möjligheter till utveckling för företag som vill utveckla sitt kundfokus och kundupplevelse inom kundservice och organisationen i sig. Slutsatserna visar att företagen har utmaningar inom områden så som strategiskt fokus, organisationskultur och potential för digitala verktyg som kan användas för att höja kundupplevelsen i företagen. Viktiga parametrar som identifieras som drivande för att öka kundupplevelsen är bland annat verktyg för att öka kundnöjdhet och lojalitet, medarbetarnas engagemang och motivation samt uttalade strategiska val som genomsyrar hela organisationen. Att fokusera på emotionellt värdeskapande i företagen ses som en grundläggande utvecklingsmöjlighet för företag som vill differentiera sig och öka konkurrenskraften.

The effect of Mindfulness and its Constructs on the Dimensions of Flow During Musical Instrument Playing

Siddiqui, Ovais Ahmad 25 June 2024 (has links)
Achtsamkeit und Flow sind zwei optimale, therapeutische und produktive Bewusstseinszustände, die in jüngster Zeit in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Klinik, Kognitionswissenschaft, Psychologie, Sport, Musik, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion usw. große Aufmerksamkeit erlangt haben. Es gibt eine anhaltende Diskussion über die Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen diesen beiden Zuständen, und es sind zahlreiche Studien erschienen, die die beiden anhand verschiedener Parameter wie gegenwärtiges Bewusstsein und die Art von Selbst vergleichen, die beide zu fördern versuchen. Die Forschung zur Integration von Achtsamkeit zur Beeinflussung des Flow-Phänomens hat sich als vielversprechendes Feld erwiesen, aber es gibt nur wenig Wissen über die Beziehung zwischen diesen beiden Zuständen im Allgemeinen und insbesondere im musikalischen Kontext. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Beziehung zwischen den Konstrukten der Achtsamkeit und den Dimensionen des Flows während des Prozesses des Spielens eines Musikinstruments zu untersuchen. Das Spielen eines Musikinstruments ist einer der wichtigsten Bereiche, um in den Flow-Zustand zu gelangen, und die Forschung zur Relevanz von Achtsamkeit während des Flow-Phänomens in einem musikalischen Kontext steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Diese Arbeit ist in zwei Hauptstudien unterteilt. Die erste Studie zielt darauf ab, zu untersuchen, ob das dispositionelle Merkmal der Achtsamkeit eine prädiktive Beziehung zu verschiedenen Dimensionen des Flows hat. Eine solche Untersuchung sollte die Natur optimaler Erfahrungen von Achtsamkeit und Flow verstehen und versuchen, die Probleme in Bezug auf ihr Zusammenleben und ihre gegenseitige Abhängigkeit aufzuklären. Die zweite Studie war eine qualitative Studie, die darauf abzielte, die Veränderungen in der gelebten Erfahrung des Flows durch Veränderung der Achtsamkeitsniveaus bei Musikern zu beobachten. Ein einmonatiges musikalisches Einführungsprogramm war mit zwei Musikstudenten und zwei Musikern geplant. / Mindfulness and flow are two optimal, therapeutic and productive states of consciousness that have recently gained a great deal of attention in various fields such as clinical, cognitive science, psychology, sports, music, human-computer interaction, etc. There is an ongoing discussion about the similarities and differences between these two states, and numerous studies have appeared comparing the two based on various parameters such as present awareness and the type of self that both seek to promote. Research on integrating mindfulness to influence the flow phenomenon has proven to be a promising field, but there is little knowledge about the relationship between these two states in general and in a musical context in particular. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the constructs of mindfulness and the dimensions of flow during the process of playing a musical instrument. Playing a musical instrument is one of the most important areas for entering the flow state, and research on the relevance of mindfulness during the flow phenomenon in a musical context is still in its infancy. This work is divided into two main studies. The first study aims to investigate whether the dispositional trait of mindfulness has a predictive relationship with different dimensions of flow. Such an investigation should understand the nature of optimal experiences of mindfulness and flow and try to elucidate the issues related to their coexistence and interdependence. The second study was a qualitative study aimed at observing the changes in the lived experience of flow by changing mindfulness levels in musicians. A one-month musical induction program was planned with two music students and two musicians. In summary, the results of the experiments presented in this thesis provide a preliminary understanding of how mindfulness is related to various dimensions of flow and how a mindfulness training program has an ability to influence flow in musical instrument playing context. This thesis contributes to the literature at a conceptual level by identifying which constructs of mindfulness that have a greater influence on different dimensions of flow as well as outlining relevant mindfulness-based intervention techniques.

Développement d'une pédale dynamométrique pour vélo

Barriault, Patrick January 2008 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise a été effectué à l'Université de Sherbrooke pour VélUS, le groupe de R&D sur le vélo. Il présente en détails le cheminement suivi pour la réalisation d'une pédale dynamométrique interchangeable et compacte pour vélo, de la problématique jusqu'à sa mise en service. La pédale dynamométrique est compatible avec la plupart des pédaliers de vélo et avec les chaussures de pédales de piste Shimano PD-6400 et de route Look CX-7. Elle mesure in situ les forces de locomotion développées par le cycliste sur elle-même et aussi sa propre position angulaire par rapport au pédalier. Le mémoire illustre d'abord le concept mécanique permettant d'effectuer les mesures: un corps d'épreuve instrumenté de jauges extensométriques et d'un encodeur optique. Il s'attarde ensuite à la conception du capteur, qui consiste à dimensionner le corps d'épreuve pour satisfaire toutes les exigences: le positionnement du pied, la résistance mécanique, la sensibilité, la masse et l'encombrement; dans ce chapitre, on développe une méthode de travail pour assurer un bon fonctionnement du capteur et pour maximiser sa sensibilité. Par la suite, le mémoire présente l'instrumentation, l'étalonnage ainsi que des mesures effectuées par la pédale dynamométrique.

Morgondagens handel : Smartmobilen länken till en sömlös upplevelse / Tomorrow's Commerce : Smart phones the link to a seamless experience

Nilsson, Morgan January 2018 (has links)
Konkurrensen inom detaljhandeln har blivit allt tuffare sedan internets uppkomst vilket har lett till att kunders beteende har börjat förändrats, samtidigt som upplevelsen både på internet och iden fysiska butiken har hamnat alltmer i fokus. En bra användarupplevelse och kundupplevelseär idag en av de viktigaste konkurrensfördelarna ett företag kan ha inom detaljhandeln. Forskning inom detaljhandeln har visat att kunder idag efterfrågar bättre personliga upplevelser vid rätt tidpunkt och plats, vilket smartmobilen potentiellt skulle kunna uppfylla i den fysiskabutiken. Studiens syfte är således att undersöka om upplevelsen i den fysiska butiken potentiellt skulle kunna förbättras av dagens smartmobiler, studien har avgränsats till kläd- och skobutiker. Genom att besvara problemformuleringen kan studien inte endast förhoppningsvis hjälpa dagens fysiska butiker att potentiellt förbättra upplevelsen för sin kunder utan även ge forskningen nya insikter om hur den digital och fysiska världen kan sammanföras i ett. Resultatet av examensarbetet indikerar att smartmobilen kan förbättra upplevelsen för kunden genom attsammanväva den personliga informationen från internet med den fysiska butikens sortiment och layout. / <p>57 s. totalt, inkl. bil.</p>

Caractérisation morphologique, biochimique et physiologique des protéines de jonction lacunaire, les connexines 46 et 50, dans les cellules folliculo-stellaires TtT/GF de l’hypophyse antérieure

Garcia, Christopher 04 1900 (has links)
Les cellules folliculo-stéllaires (FS) de l'hypophyse antérieure possèdent une forme étoilée et étendent de longues projections cytoplasmiques qui forment des pseudo-follicules entourant les cellules endocrines. Les cellules FS sont connectées entre elles par des jonctions lacunaires (des fois aussi connu sous le nom de jonction communicante) formant ainsi un réseau tridimensionnel continu. Un des rôles principaux des cellules FS est le maintien du microenvironnement de l'hypophyse antérieure, une activité qui est en partie réalisée par la sécrétion de divers facteurs de croissance et de cytokines. Ces messagers chimiques, y compris le bFGF, le VEGF, l’IL-6 et l’IL-1 contrôlent de nombreux processus cellulaires tels que l’expression des gènes d’hormones. Notre intérêt est de déterminer si la communication entre les cellules FS contribue à leur activité régulatrice. Dans notre étude, nous avons utilisé la lignée cellulaire TtT/GF qui partage de nombreuses caractéristiques morphologiques, physiologiques et biochimiques avec les cellules FS. Les jonctions lacunaires/communicantes sont formées par l’association de deux connexons de cellules adjacentes qui unissent le cytoplasme des cellules connectées et permet la diffusion de petites molécules. Chaque connexon est formé par l’oligomérisation de six protéines connexine (Cx) de la famille α, β ou γ. Les connexons, intégrés dans la membrane d’une vésicule du cytoplasme, se migrent vers la membrane cellulaire où ils s’incorporent dans la couche bilipidique. L’expression de la Cx43 (α) par les cellules FS est régulée en réponse à des facteurs de croissance et des cytokines. Des changements dans le microenvironnement de l'hypophyse antérieure causés par des molécules de signalisation sont susceptibles de modifier la Cx43, en particulier l’état de phosphorylation de la protéine. Ces modifications de la Cx43 peuvent ensuite déclencher des changements du comportement de jonctions lacunaires/communicantes formées par la Cx43, comme leur perméabilité et le renouvellement de la protéine Cx43. Les tissus expriment généralement plus d’un type de connexine. Jusqu’aujourd’hui, la Cx43 est la seule connexine à avoir été identifiée dans les cellules FS. Le cristallin exprime les connexines α: Cx43, Cx46 et Cx50. Leur expression est modulée par des facteurs de croissance. Notre hypothèse de travail a été de vérifier si la Cx46 et la Cx50 étaient exprimées par les cellules FS et si celles-ci contribuaient au rôle modulateur des cellules FS hypophysaires. Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié et caractérisé la Cx46 et la Cx50 dans la lignée cellulaire TtT/GF. Nous avons identifié les produits de transcription de Cx46 et de Cx50 par la technique d’analyse northern blot (PCR). Par la suite, les protéines Cx46 et Cx50 ont été identifiées en utilisant des anticorps dans des analyses western blot. Par microscopie confocale, nous avons déterminé la co-localisation de la Cx46 avec certaines marqueurs d’organites : réseau trans-Golgien, endosomes précoces et lysosomes. La Cx50 co-localise avec des marqueurs du réticulum endoplasmique, du réseau cis-Golgien et des endosomes précoces. Un protocole d’isolation des membranes résistantes aux détergents non-ionique a révélé que la Cx46 et la Cx50 n’étaient pas associées à des radeaux lipidiques ni aux cavéoles. Cependant, la microscopie confocale a montré une co-localisation cytoplasmique de la Cx50 et de la flotilline-1. Nous avons poursuivi l’étude sur la localisation de la Cx46 dans le noyau en utilisant une technique d’isolation des fractions enrichies en noyau. Nous avons établi que plusieurs isoformes de la Cx46 sont exclusivement associées au noyau. De plus, avec la microscopie confocale nous avons démontrée une co-localisation de la Cx46 avec un marqueur du nucléole/corps de Cajal. Nous avons démontré un effet du bFGF sur l'expression temporelle de la Cx46 et de la Cx50. L’expression de la Cx46 diminue au cours de longues expositions au bFGF tandis que les niveaux de Cx50 augmentent de façon transitoire au cours du traitement. Dans une autre étude nous avons démontré des changements importants dans les niveaux de la Cx46 et de la Cx50 dans l’hypophyse antérieure des visons durant le cycle de reproduction annuel. Notre étude démontre que les cellules FS expriment la Cx46 et la Cx50. Nous avons aussi établi que la Cx46 et la Cx50 sont localisées dans différentes structures sous-cellulaires, ce qui suggère des rôles différents dans les cellules FS pour ces protéines de jonction lacunaire/communicante. Il est possible que la Cx46 et la Cx50 ne jouent pas un rôle majeur dans la communication intercellulaire dans les cellules FS quiescentes. Nos résultats suggèrent que la Cx46 et la Cx50 peuvent avoir d'autres fonctions : des isoformes de la Cx46 peuvent contribuer à la biogenèse des ribosomes tandis que la Cx50 pourrait avoir un rôle dans la communication dans les cellules stimulées au bFGF. Nos études établissent une base pour des recherches futures. / The folliculo-stellate (FS) cells of the anterior pituitary are star-shaped and extend long cytoplasmic processes forming pseudo-follicles encircling hormone-secreting cells. Dispersed throughout the anterior pituitary gland, FS cells are joined to form a continuous three dimensional network through communicating gap junctions. One of the primary roles of FS cells is the maintenance of the anterior pituitary microenvironment, accomplished through the expression and secretion of various growth factors and cytokines. These chemical messengers, including bFGF, VEGF, IL-6 and IL-1 mediate a range of cellular processes such as hormone gene expression. Our aim is to study whether intercellular communication among FS cells contributes to the modulatory activity of the FS cells within the anterior pituitary gland. To pursue this, we use the TtT/GF cell line that shares many morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics with FS cells. Gap junctions are formed by the joining of two connexons/hemichanels from adjacent cells that link their cytoplasms allowing for the passive diffusion of small molecules. Connexons/hemichannels are themselves formed by the oligomerization of six connexin (Cx) proteins from the family α, β or γ, which then migrate into the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. FS cells express Cx43 (α-connexin), which is regulated in response to growth factors and cytokines. Changes in the anterior pituitary microenvironment due to signaling molecules results in modifications to Cx43, particularly in the phosphorylation status of the protein. Such alterations yield alterations in the physiological behaviour of Cx43 gap junctions such as permeability and turnover. Tissues generally express more than one connexin type and to date, Cx43 has been the sole connexin to be identified in FS cells. The ocular lens expresses the α-connexins: Cx43, Cx46 and Cx50, which are modulated by growth factors that are also present in the anterior pituitary. Based on these facts, we hypothesize that Cx46 and Cx50 are also expressed by the FS cells and contribute to the FS modulatory role in the anterior pituitary gland. In the present study, we have identified and characterized Cx46 and Cx50 in the TtT/GF cell line. We identified Cx46 and Cx50 transcripts through northern blots and identified the corresponding protein products using antibodies and western blot analyses. Through confocal microscopy, we determined that Cx46 co-localized with the organelle markers: trans-Golgi, early endosomes and lysosomes. Cx50 co-localized with markers for the ER, cis-Golgi and early endosomes. An isolation procedure using a non-ionic detergent we showed that neither Cx46 nor Cx50 were associated to lipid rafts or caveolae. However, confocal microscopy showed a cytoplasmic co-localization between Cx50 and flotillin-1. We pursued a finding that localized Cx46 to the nucleus and using a nuclear isolation technique, demonstrated that several isoforms of Cx46 are exclusively located in the nuclear compartment. Furthermore, with confocal microscopy we found a co-localization of Cx46 with a nucleolus/coiled body marker. We demonstrated an effect of bFGF on the temporal expression patterns of Cx46 and Cx50 and showed that Cx46 levels decreased over longer exposures to the growth factor while Cx50 levels transiently increased. Lastly, drastic changes were noted in an in situ study of Cx46 and Cx50 in the male and female mink anterior pituitary during the annual reproductive cycle. Our study indicates that addition to Cx43, FS cells also express Cx46 and Cx50. We also demonstrated that Cx46 and Cx50 localize to different sub-cellular structures, suggesting different roles in the FS cells. While they may not play a major role in intercellular communication in quiescent FS cells, our results suggest that Cx46 and Cx50 may serve other functions: Cx46 isoforms may contribute to ribosome biogenesis and Cx50 may have communication-related responsibilities in stimulated cells. Importantly, our identification and characterization studies provide a foundation on which future studies can be built.

Automated Identification of Adverbial Clauses in Child Language Samples

Clark, Jessica Celeste 10 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, computer software has been used to assist in the analysis of clinical language samples. However, this software has been unable to accurately identify complex syntactic structures such as adverbial clauses. Complex structures, including the adverbial clause, are of interest in child language due to differences in the development of this structure between children with and without language impairment. The present study investigated the accuracy of new software, called Cx, in identifying adverbial clauses. Two separate collections of language samples were used. One collection included 10 children with language impairment, 10 age-matched peers, and 10 language-matched peers. A second collection contained language from 174 students in first grade, third grade, fifth grade, and junior college. There was high total agreement between computerized and manual analysis with an overall Kappa level of .895.

Teachers’ Situation-Specific Skills With a Particular Focus on Classroom Management / Evidence From a Systematic Review and Novice-Expert Studies

Stahnke, Rebekka 05 July 2021 (has links)
Situations-spezifische Fertigkeiten sind ein wichtiger Teil von Lehrerexpertise und insbesondere im Bereich des Klassenmanagements bedeutsam. Vor dem Hintergrund der Kompetenz- und Expertiseforschung synthetisiert die vorliegende Dissertation bisherige Befunde systematisch und untersucht, wie sich Novizen- und Expertenlehrpersonen in ihren Fertigkeiten hinsichtlich des Klassenmanagements unterscheiden. Studie 1 fasst den Forschungsstand in einem systematischen Review von 60 empirischen Studien zusammen und arbeitet Erkenntnisse zu Fertigkeiten und ihrer Förderung sowie zum konzeptuellen Rahmen der Studien heraus. Für Studie 2 und Studie 3 werden die Fertigkeiten von 20 Noviz*innen und 20 Expert*innen mit Hilfe von Videoausschnitten untersucht, die für das Klassenmanagement relevante Ereignisse zeigen. Studie 2 erforscht mit Hilfe von Eye-Tracking-Methoden insbesondere die Fertigkeit der Wahrnehmung sowie formatspezifische Expertiseeffekte. Es fand sich bei Expert*innen ein Fokus auf Schüler*innen, während Noviz*innen vor allem beim Partnerarbeitsformat weniger ausgeprägte Fertigkeiten zeigten. Studie 3 untersucht anhand von retrospektiven verbalen Analysen Expertiseeffekte hinsichtlich des Wahrnehmens, Interpretierens und Entscheidens. Expertise war erneut durch einen Fokus auf Schüler*innen gekennzeichnet. Zudem boten Expert*innen mehr Handlungsmöglichkeiten an als Noviz*innen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass Expert*innen vor allem hinsichtlich des Entscheidens überlegen sind. Weiterhin deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass offenere Unterrichtsformate für Noviz*innen besonders herausfordernd sind. Die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse wird hinsichtlich der allgemeinen Expertise- und Kompetenzforschung sowie der Klassenmanagementforschung diskutiert. Die Studien zeigen theoretische Inkohärenz hinsichtlich des Konstrukts situations-spezifischer Fertigkeiten auf, sowie eine starke Fokussierung bisheriger Forschung auf Störungen in Frontalunterrichtsszenen. / Situation-specific skills are an important part of teacher expertise and are particularly relevant in the area of classroom management. Against the background of general and classroom management-specific teacher competence and expertise research, this dissertation systematically synthesized previous findings and also investigated how novice and expert teachers differ in their skills with regard to classroom management. Study 1 summarized the state of research in a systematic review of 60 empirical studies, thereby identifying insights into teachers’ skills and their facilitation, as well as the conceptual frameworks of the studies. For Study 2 and Study 3, the skills of 20 novice and 20 expert teachers were examined using video clips that show events relevant to classroom management. Study 2 investigated format-specific expertise effects and, in particular, the skill of perception by using eye tracking methods. Experts were found to focus on students and their learning, while novices showed less pronounced skills, especially in the partner work format. Using teachers’ retrospective verbal analyses of classroom management events, Study 3 examined expertise effects with respect to teachers’ perception, interpretation and decision-making. Again, expertise was characterized by a focus on students. In addition, experts proposed more alternative courses of action than novices. In summary, it can be concluded that experts are superior to novices especially with regard to the skill of decision-making. Furthermore, the results indicate that more open formats of instruction are particularly challenging for novices. The relevance of the results is discussed with regard to general expertise and competence research as well as classroom management research. The studies point to theoretical ambiguities regarding the construct of situation-specific skills, as well as an overemphasis of previous research on behavioral management in whole-group instruction settings.

Hur kan telekomkunders användning av själv-serviceteknologi öka? : En kvalitativ studie / How can telecom customers use of selfservice technology increase? : A qualitative study

Lidén, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur telekomkunder användning av själv-serviceteknologi (SST) kan öka. Relevant litteratur som SST, teknologisk acceptans, user experience (UX), customer experience (CX) och servicedesign (SD) har identifierats och förankrat studien vetenskapligt. Baserat på syftet och den teoretiska grunden har en designstrategi skapats för att undersöka detta på ett relevant sätt på ett telekomföretag i Sverige. Studien har utgått från en formativ utvärdering där expertanvändares upplevelser av telekomkunder, kundservice och själv-serviceteknologi har studerats, för att kunna identifiera möjliga problem och förbättringsområden. Semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer har använts som datainsamlingsmetoden på grund av de förutsättningar som fanns för studien. Detta har i kombination med analysstrategierna har medverkat till identifieringen av kontextuella fynd som kan öka användning av SST för telekomföretagets kunder. Några av dessa fynd är att SST behöver vara standardiserad inom telekombranschen och att telekomföretaget kan öka användandet genom att informera sina kunder mer om möjligheterna med SST. I Studien har också faktorer som tyder på ett samband mellan områdena service, SST och telekomkunder identifierats, detta kan öka förståelsen för hur SST i denna kontext bör utvecklas och designas framöver.

The use of Gibson Assembly for DNA cloning / Användning av Gibson Assembly för att klona DNA

Johansson, Samuel January 2022 (has links)
This thesis report revolved around the cloning process of plasmids. Attempts of cloning the red fluorescent protein mCherry, and the green fluorescent protein EGFP from various plasmids, into other plasmids containing different cell-junction/cytoskeleton plasmids were made. These plasmids were first amplified using PCR, and then cloned using Gibson-Assembly, and then transfected into live HEK293T or MDCK-II cells. After the transfection, the cells were examined in a microscope. The results showed no signal or localization for the cloned plasmids in their respective corresponding channel, 561 nm for the red fluorescent protein mCherry or 488 nm for the green fluorescent protein EGFP. The step that went wrong was the PCR step in the cloning process, since the backbone vector was not successfully amplified. The reasons for this was either that the backbone vector was too long, the primers regions were to rich with Guanine and Cytoseine, or the primers being too long. / Den här tesen kretsade kring kloningsprocessen för plasmider. Det gjordes försök att från plasmider klona in det röda fluorescerande proteinet mCherry, samt det gröna fluorescerande proteinet EGFP in i andra plasmider som innehöll olika cell-junction proteiner. Både det fluorescerande fragmenten och plasmid-vektorerna innehållande cell-junction proteinerna amplifierades med PCR. Sedan gjordes Gibson-Assembly som var själva kloningsmetoden. Efter det transfekterades HEK293T, samt MDCK-II celler med lösningen från Gibson-Assembly kloningen. Dessa celler undersöktes sedan i mikroskop. Resultatet visade inga tydliga signaler varken i 561 nm kanalen (mCherry), eller i 488 nm kanalen (EGFP), vilket betyder att kloningen inte fungerade. Steget som gick fel var PCR-steget i själva kloningsprocessen, då plasmid-vektorerna inte amplifierades. Anledningen till detta var antingen att själva plasmid-vektorerna var för långa, primer regionerna hade för mycket Guanin och Cytosin, eller att alla primers själva var för långa.

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