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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The collapse of the German army in the East in the summer of 1944 (Volume 1)

Veal, Stephen Ariel 01 January 1991 (has links)
The collapse of the German Army in the East in the Summer of 1944 is analyzed and determined to be the result of the following specific factors: German intelligence failures; German defensive doctrine; loss of German air superiority; Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union; German mobile reserves committed in the West; Soviet numerical superiority; and Soviet offensive doctrine and tactics. The collapse of Army Group Center, the destruction of the XIII Army Corps, and the collapse of Army Group South Ukraine in Romania during the Summer of 1944 are examined in detail. The significance of the collapse of the German Army in the East is compared to events occurring on the Anglo-American fronts and the German losses on both theaters of military operations are compared. The Soviet contributions to the defeat of the German Army during the Summer of 1944 are examined and the views of Soviet historiography and American historiography compared.

The collapse of the German army in the East in the summer of 1944 (Volume 2)

Veal, Stephen Ariel 01 January 1991 (has links)
The collapse of the German Army in the East in the Summer of 1944 is analyzed and determined to be the result of the following specific factors: German intelligence failures; German defensive doctrine; loss of German air superiority; Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union; German mobile reserves committed in the West; Soviet numerical superiority; and Soviet offensive doctrine and tactics. The collapse of Army Group Center, the destruction of the XIII Army Corps, and the collapse of Army Group South Ukraine in Romania during the Summer of 1944 are examined in detail. The significance of the collapse of the German Army in the East is compared to events occurring on the Anglo-American fronts and the German losses on both theaters of military operations are compared. The Soviet contributions to the defeat of the German Army during the Summer of 1944 are examined and the views of Soviet historiography and American historiography compared.

Anzac Day meanings and memories : New Zealand, Australian and Turkish perspectives on a day of commemoration in the twentieth century

Davis, George Frederick, n/a January 2009 (has links)
This study examines the changing perceptions of Anzac Day in New Zealand, Australia and Turkey in the twentieth century. Changing interpretations of Anzac Day reflect social and political changes in the nations over that time. Anzac Day is an annual commemoration which has profound significance in the Australian and New Zealand social landscape. It has undergone significant changes of meaning since it began, and may be regarded as being an example of the changeable script of memory. The thesis argues that memory and landscape intersect to influence the way commemorative gestures are interpreted. Personal and community memories are fluid, influenced by the current historical landscape. This means that each successive Anzac Day can have different connotations. The public perception of these connotations is traced for each of New Zealand, Australia and Turkey. Anzac Day reflects the forces at work in the current historical landscape. Within that landscape it has different meanings and also functions as an arena for individual and community agency. On Anzac Day there are parades and services which constitute a public theatre where communities validate military service. Individual and communal feats are held high and an ethic or myth is placed as a model within the social fabric. Anzac Day is contested and reflects tides of opinion about war and society and the role of women. It is also the locale of quiet, personal contemplation, where central family attachments to the loved and lost and the debt owed by civilian communities to the military are expressed. Generational change has redefined its meanings and functions. Anzac Day was shaped in a contemporary historical landscape. It reflected multi-national perspectives within British Empire and Commonwealth countries and Turkey. For Turkey the day represented a developing friendship with former foes and was couched within Onsekiz Mart Zaferi, a celebration of the Çanakkale Savaşlari 1915 victory in the Dardanelles campaign. As Anzac Day evolved, Turkey, the host country for New Zealand and Australian pilgrims, became the focus of world attention on the day. Gallipoli is now universally recognised as the international shrine for Anzac Day.

Expeditionära operationer, snabbinsatser och logistik

Friberg, Stefan January 2009 (has links)
Försvarsmakter genomgår en transformerning som en följd av omvärldsutvecklingen. Dessutomhar EU ambitioner att spela en större och aktivare roll. Transformeringen innebär en utvecklingmot att delta i snabba och kortsiktiga operationer. Detta innebär förmåga till expeditionäraoperationer och snabbinsatser vilket ställer många krav, ett av dem är inom logistikens område.En fungerande logistik är en förutsättning.Syftet är att undersöka vilka kriterier som krävs för att genomföra expeditionära operationer ochsnabbinsatser med fokus på logistik.Uppsatsen är en beskrivande studie bestående av en kvalitativ textanalys av begreppenexpeditionära operationer, snabbinsatser och logistik med framtagande av kriterier, samt enkvalitativ textanalys av två fallstudier, brittiska Operation Palliser i maj 2000 och det svenskadeltagandet i Tchad-insatsen 2008, följt av en analys där kriterierna operationaliseras påfallstudierna.Resultatet definierar ett antal kriterier samt anger ett antal slutsatser som måste uppfyllasavseende innehåll och åtgärder för att förmågan till expeditionära operationer, snabbinsatser ochlogistik ska vara möjlig. Slutsatserna är bland annat att kunna lämna sitt område, disponerandetav tiden samt att logistiken måste vara med från början med en gemensam logistik. / Armed Forces are going through a transformation as a consequence of the development in theworld. In Addition the European Union has ambitions. The transformation means to deploy unitsand resources, in addition this should happen quickly and in short-term operations. This meanhaving the capability in expeditionary operations, rapid reaction operations and putting highdemands in different areas, one is in the logistical area. A working logistic is a pre-requisite.The aim of this thesis is to examine which criteria are needed to accomplish expeditionaryoperations, rapid reaction operations with a focus on logistics.The thesis is a descriptive study consisting of a qualitative text-analysis of expeditionaryoperations, rapid reaction operations and logistics with development of criteria. It’s also aqualitative text-analysis of two case-studies, the British Operation Palliser in May 2000 and theSwedish participation in EUFOR/ Chad 2008. An analysis follows in where the criteria havebeen operational in the case-studies.The result of the study draw a number of criteria and conclusions that must be fulfilled in relationto substance and measures before the capability exists carry out expeditionary operations, rapidreaction operations and logistics. The conclusions are among others the capability to leavenational areas / Avdelning: ALB – Slutet Mag. 3 C-upps. Hylla: Upps. ChP 07-09

Blitzkrieg ett utvecklat koncept eller slumpens skördar? : en historisk studie om fälttågen mot Polen 1939, Frankrike och Ryssland 1941, genomfördes efter en utvecklad krigföringsmetod

Lord, Peter January 2001 (has links)
Tysklands Blitzkrieg under början av andra Världskriget har studerats ur många perspektiv både avseende de miltära operationerna och den förda politiken. Detta arbete granskar om konceptet var en genomarbetad krigföringsmetod eller tillkom efter hand mellan och under fälttågen. Den period som studeras är åren 1939-41 och de tre fälttåg som nämns ovan. Utgångspunkten är vad olika författare har skrivit i denna fråga och syftet är att studera vad de anser om Blitzkrieg som ett koncept eller inte. Kopplingen de till teorier om manöverkrigföring som lanserats under senare år granskas också. Dessa teorier hänvisar ofta till Blitzkrieg som ett praktiskt exempel på manöverkrigföring.Studien sker genom besvarandet av ett antal frågeställningar. Var Blitzkriegskonceptet utvecklat före kriget? Vem drev på utvecklingen Vad orsakade framgången i Frankrike? Vad fick Wehrmacht att köra fast vid Operation Barbarossa? De skall ge underlag för den diskussion som avslutar uppsatsen och som skall försöka utröna huruvida Blitzkrieg var ett genomtänkt koncept. / Germanys Blitzkrieg during the beginning of World War II has been studied from many perspectives, both according to the military operations and the government’s politics.This work examines if Blitzkrieg was a concept developed before the war.Or did it develop during and between the three campaigns against Poland, France and Russia, between the years 1939-41?The study is based on the study of literature on the subject and it will take a look upon what different writers’ opinions are about Blitzkrieg as a concept. It will also take a look at the connection with the theories about maneuver warfare, which often uses Blitzkrieg as an example of how to make war according to these theories.The study looks upon some questions as a help to investigate these conditions. Was Blitzkrieg a concept developed before WW II? If it was, who was behind it? What was behind the success of the Wehrmacht in France 1940? And finally which were the reasons behind the failure of the Barbarossa campaign?The study ends with a final analysis to find out if Blitzkrieg was a concept or not. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-01

The affective citizen communication model : how emotions engage citizens with politics through media and discussion

Valenzuela, Sebastián 15 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to improve our understanding of the process by which emotions enable citizens to learn about public affairs and engage in political activities during electoral campaigns. It advances a theoretical model that incorporates the dynamics of emotions, various forms of media use, interpersonal communication and political involvement. This affective citizen communication model integrates into a single framework the insights of affective intelligence theory (Marcus, Neuman, & MacKuen, 2000) and the work on communication mediation (McLeod et al., 1999, 2001) and its two iterations, cognitive mediation (Eveland, 2001) and citizen communication mediation (Cho et al., 2009; Shah et al., 2005, 2007). More specifically, it suggests that the effects of emotions triggered by political candidates (e.g., enthusiasm, anxiety, anger) on knowledge of the candidates’ stands on issues and on political participation are largely mediated by communication variables, including news media use, political discussion and debate viewing. By positing emotions as an antecedent of both mediated and interpersonal communication, the study extends current research based on affective intelligence theory. At the same time, the study adds emotions to communication mediation processes, which to date have been studied from a mostly cognitive perspective. To test the relationships between the variables identified in the affective citizen communication model, I rely on panel survey data collected for the 2008 and 2004 U.S. presidential elections by the American National Election Studies (ANES) and the National Annenberg Election Surveys (NAES), respectively. Two types of structural equation models are tested, cross sectional (to relate individual differences) and auto-regressive (to relate aggregate change across waves). Results suggest that positive emotions spark media use, whereas negative emotions spark political discussions, and both types of communication behavior influence issue knowledge and participation in campaign activities. Furthermore, the theorized structure is found to perform better than an alternative structure where communication variables cause positive and negative emotions. Thus, results provide strong support for the proposed affective citizen communication model. Refinements to the proposed model, connections with existing theories of political communication, such as agenda setting and partisan selective exposure, and directions for future research are also discussed. / text

The Commissar Order and the Seventeenth German Army : from genesis to implementation, 30 March 1941-31 January 1942

Bernheim, Robert B. January 2004 (has links)
An essential and critical component of the orders German front-line formations received in the ideological war against the Soviet Union was the Commissar Order of 6 June 1941. This order, issued by the High Command of the Armed Forces prior to the German invasion of the Soviet Union, required that front-line military formations, as well as SS and police units attached to the Army, immediately execute Soviet political commissars among prisoners of war. Soviet political commissars were attached to the Red Army at virtually every operational level, and were viewed by both Hitler and the High Command as the foremost leaders of the resistance against the Nazis because of their commitment to Bolshevik ideology. According to the Commissar Order, "Commissars will not be treated as soldiers. The protection afforded by international law to prisoners of war will not apply in their case. After they have been segregated they will be liquidated." / While there is no paucity of information on the existence and intent of the Commissar Order, this directive has only been investigated by scholars as a portion of a much greater ideological portrait, or subsumed in the larger context of overall Nazi criminal activities during "Operation Barbarossa." / Examining the extent to which front-line divisions carried out the charge to shoot all grades of political commissars is necessary if we are to understand the role and depth of involvement by front-line troops of the Wehrmacht in a murderous program of extermination during the German attack and occupation of the Soviet Union. Such an examination has simply not taken place to-date. My dissertation seeks to address this issue. The result is both a narrative on the genesis of the Commissar Order and its attendant decrees and agreements between the Army leadership and the SS ( SD) and Security Police, and a quantitative analysis of how many commissars were reported captured and shot by the front-line forces of the 17th Army over a seven month period.

The place of the Dardanelles campaign in British strategy.

Unsinger, Peter Charles. January 1964 (has links)
The First World War is remembered by many as a series of gigantic battles along a system of tranches in France. However, a number of other engagements, equally important, took place. One of the most prominent and fascinating of these engagements was the Dardanelles Campaign. Beginning in February 1915, the campaign lasted until the evacuation of the Cape Halles positions in January 1916. It originated as an attempt by the political leadership in London to seek a victory which would ease the Imperial situation, strengthen allied diplomacy with the neutrals, boost morale and achieve a victory without the expansive methods being advocated by the 'Westerners' in northern France. [...]

Experimentation and political science : six applications

Loewen, Peter John January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Joseph II and the campaign of 1788 against the Ottoman Turks

Mayer, Matthew Z. January 1997 (has links)
Although many historians consider Joseph II's campaign of 1788 against the Ottoman Turks a failure, no one has yet provided a thorough account of it. This study attempts to put something into the void. / Based mostly on original sources found in the Kriegsarchiv (War Archives) in Vienna, it examines the campaign from the perspective of Joseph II. The first chapter tries to explain how Joseph became involved in a conflict with the Porte. The second chapter covers the period of February-July 1788, when Joseph postponed his offensive on Belgrade until the fall and waited in Zemun on the defensive. The third chapter begins with the Ottoman advance into the Banat of Timisoara in early August 1788 and ends with the Habsburg army's retreat to winter quarters in November. / Despite failing to take Belgrade, the Habsburg army captured strategically important positions for the campaign of 1789. The difficulties encountered cannot be blamed solely on Joseph's poor generalship. Other factors, such as insufficient Russian assistance, a difficult climate and terrain and a surprisingly strong Ottoman effort, must also be considered.

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