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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vårdande och icke-vårdande tröst / Caring and non-caring consolation

Roxberg, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med avhandlingen är att, ur ett vårdvetenskapligt, och ett i detta inkluderat vårdteologiskt perspektiv, belysa innebörden av fenomenet tröst och hur tröst förhåller sig till lidande och vård. Det görs i två empiriska intervjustudier med vårdare och äldre vårdtagare samt en tredje delstudie som analyserar tröst såsom den framstår i Jobs bok i Gamla testamentet. Dessa delstudier behandlar vårdares upplevelse av tröst och att trösta, äldre vårdtagares upplevelse av tröst samt Jobs upplevelse av tröst. Metodologiskt har forskningen sin utgångspunkt i fenomenologi och hermeneutik. En fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk metod, inspirerad av Paul Ricoeur, har använts för textanalyserna. I avhandlingen behandlas också det som är signifikant för poetisk och religiös text. De metaforer som förekommer i de empiriska delstudierna med vårdare och äldre analyseras för att ta tillvara det överskott av mening som metaforer, enligt Ricoeur, kan uttrycka. Resultatet visar fem övergripande innebörder: Den motsägelsefulla trösten, Den sammanbindande trösten, Den stumma trösten, Den okontrollerade trösten och Den vilsamma trösten. En vårdande tröst är motsägelsefull såtillvida att den innebär dels att den lidande överlämnar sitt lidande till någon annan, dels att lidandet kan ges tillbaka för att lidas. Tröst kan således vara att lida. En sammanbindande tröst är närvarande, d.v.s. är hos den lidande och utgår från dennes lidande. Denna tröst kännetecknas av djup gemenskap, en upplevelse av att vara förstådd på ett djupare sätt. Resultatet visar också en tröst som är stum. Denna tröst svarar inte an på den lidandes upplevelse av sitt lidande, är oformlig och saknar följsamhet för lidandet. Ett exempel på en stum och icke-vårdande tröst är vännernas tröst i Jobs bok. Denna tröst förmår inte trösta därför att den inte är där Job är, d.v.s. i hans upplevelse av sitt lidande. Vidare framstår en vårdande tröst som okontrollerad därför att den dels är spontan, dels bistår den lidande att släppa kontrollen över lidandet. Att släppa kontrollen innebär bl.a. att den lidande ger upp försöken att förstå lidandet för att istället låta det oförståeliga vara oförståeligt. Genom att ge upp det som på olika sätt binder lidandet infinner sig en tröstande och hälsobringande vila i eller från lidandekampen. Resultatet som helhet tolkas ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv som vårdgemenskap, tro, hälsa och offer. Tröst som hälsa förstås utifrån en teoretisk modell, inspirerad av Katie Erikssons ontologiska hälsomodell. Filosofiskt-etiskt belyses forskningen utifrån företrädesvis Emmanuel Levinas. Resultatet diskuteras i förhållande till tidigare forskning och i förhållande till vårdvetenskap, samhälle och vård. / The aim of the thesis is, from a caring science perspective including a caring theology perspective, to illustrate the meaning of the phenomenon consolation and how consolation relates to suffering and care. Two studies were completed where staff and elderly care receivers were interviewed and a third study focused on an analysis of consolation as it is presented in the Book of Job in the Old Testament. These studies deal with carers’ experiences of consolation and consoling, elderly care receivers’ experiences of consolation, and Job’s experience of consolation. Phenomenology and hermeneutics form the basis for the methodological approach. A phenomenological-hermeneutic method, inspired by Paul Ricoeur, has been used for the text analyses. The thesis also covers significant aspects of poetical and religious texts. The metaphors that occur in the interview studies with the carers and the elderly are analysed in order to take care of the excess of meaning that,according to Ricoeur, can be expressed in metaphors. The result show five overall meanings: The contradictory consolation, The bonding consolation, The mute and rigid consolation, The uncontrolled consolation and The restful consolation. A caring consolation is contradictory in the sense that it entails that the sufferer on the one hand passes on his or her suffering to someone else and on the other hand that the suffering can be returned to be suffered. Consolation can thus entail suffering. The bonding consolation is present, i.e. is with the sufferer and is based on that person’s suffering. This consolation is characterised by a close fellowship, a feeling of being understood at a deeper level. The results also reveal a consolation that is mute and rigid. This consolation does not respond to the sufferer’s experience of his or her suffering, is shapeless and therefore unable to follow the suffering. An example of a mute, rigid and non-caring consolation is the consolation of the friends in the Book of Job. This consolation is not capable of consoling because it does not correspond to where Job is, i.e. in his experience of his suffering. A caring consolation is also uncontrolled because it is on the one hand spontaneous and on the other hand helps the sufferer to lose control over the suffering. To lose control entails, amongst other things, the sufferer giving up trying to understand suffering and instead lets that which is incomprehensible be incomprehensible. A consoling and health-bringing rest in or from the struggle with suffering presents itself by giving up what in various ways is tied to the suffering. The result as a whole is interpreted from a caring science perspective with the following important concepts: caring relationship, faith, health and sacrifice. Consolation as health is considered on the basis of a theoretical model inspired by Katie Eriksson’s ontological health model. The research is also illustrated from a philosophical-ethical perspective, mainly based on the work of Emmanuel Levinas. The findings are discussed in relation to previous research and also to caring science, society and care. / <p>With English summary</p>

PRIORITERING FRÅN LARM TILL SJUKHUS : En retrospektiv registerstudie om bedömningar i den prehospitala vårdkedjan

Lundblad, Martin, Svensson, Helena January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: When in care, patients are assessed and prioritised throughout the whole process of care, but to perform these assessments is a complex task. The emergency dispatch center performs the assessment and prioritise the patient over the phone, and do not see them in person. Often it is not even the patients themselves that are on the other end of the line. The ambulance nurse meets their patient when the assessment is made and all senses can be utilized. The purpose of the ambulance nurse assessment is that the patient should receive the best care upon arrival in the pre-hospital care and further in the chain of care. It is desirable that there is a connection between the assessments between the assessments that are made in the pre-hospital chain of care, despite that they have different purposes. Today a tendency to contact the emergency dispatch center prevails, and a general increase of ambulance assistance compared to earlier years can be seen in Sweden. However, the number of ambulance resources are limited and can in the long run become a problem for patient safety. Seriously ill patients must not be overlooked, and therefore correct assessments must form the foundation for those assessments that are being made across the whole chain of care. A well functioning pre-hospital chain of care is of significant importance for patient's security and for the following process of care. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate what differences and associations that exists between the emergency dispatch centers' assessment of the level of care priority and those from the ambulance nurse. Method: A quantitative study with a retrospective design. In total, 638 alarms were analysed via data from an ambulance operation in the south of Sweden. The result was accounted for by statistical analysis. Result: The result showed a weak connection between the prioritisation performed by the emergency dispatch center compared to that performed by the ambulance nurse. In order to strengthen the  validity of the study, the ambulance nurse different assessments (CUPS and RETTS-triage) were also compared which showed a relatively strong association. Conclusion: The comparison between the emergency dispatch center's assessment and the ambulance nurse assessment of the patients can be seen as problematic since they have different preconditions an purposes. The assessments are and should be different and a certain degree over-priorities has to be accepted in order to ensure that acute ill patients not should be overlooked. A stronger connection between these two in order not to endanger patient safety is however desirable. / Introduktion: Inom vården bedöms och prioriteras patienter genom hela vårdprocessen men att utföra dessa bedömningar är en komplex uppgift. Larmcentralen utför bedömningen och prioriterar patienten via telefon och träffar inte fysiskt någon patient. Ofta är det inte ens patienten själv som ringer. Deras prioritering har till syfte att rätt patient ska få hjälp av ambulanssjukvård i rätt tid. Ambulanssjuksköterskan möter sin patient när bedömningen görs och alla sinnen kan användas. Syftet med ambulanssjuksköterskans bedömning är att patienten ska få rätt vård i rätt tid både prehospitalt och vidare genom vårdkedjan. Att det finns ett samband mellan de bedömningar som görs i den prehospitala vårdkedjan är önskvärt trots att de har olika syfte. Det råder idag större benägenhet att kontakta larmcentralen och begära ambulanssjukvård än tidigare år och en generell ökning kan ses i Sverige. Dock är antalet ambulansresurser begränsade och kan i slutänden bli ett problem för patientsäkerheten. Svårt sjuka patienter får inte förbises och därför måste korrekta bedömningar ligga till grund för de beslut som fattas genom hela kedjan. En väl fungerande prehospital vårdkedja är av stor betydelse för människors trygghet och hela den efterföljande vårdprocessen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att se vilka skillnader och samband som fanns mellan larmcentralens bedömning av prioriteringsnivån och ambulanssjuksköterskans bedömningar. Metod: En kvantitativ studie med retrospektiv design. Totalt 638 ambulansuppdrag granskades via data från en ambulansverksamhet i södra Sverige. Med hjälp av statistisk analys redovisades resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet visade ett svagt samband mellan den prioritering som utförs av larmcentralen jämfört med ambulanssjuksköterskans bedömning. För att stärka studiens validitet jämfördes också ambulanssjuksköterskans olika bedömningar (CUPS och RETTS-triage), vilket visade på ett relativt starkt samband. Slutsats: Jämförelsen mellan larmcentralens prioritering och ambulanssjuksköterskans bedömning av patienten kan ses som problematisk eftersom de har olika förutsättningar och syfte. Bedömningarna är och ska vara olika och viss överprioritering måste accepteras för att akut sjuka patienter inte ska förbises. Önskvärt är dock ett starkare samband mellan dem för att inte äventyra patientsäkerheten utan alla patienter får rätt vård i rätt tid.

Akut omhändertagande : i mötet mellan patienter, närstående och olika professioner på skadeplats och på akutmottagning

Elmqvist, Carina January 2011 (has links)
Aim:  To describe and develop understanding of  the patient’s first encounter with the involved persons at the scene of an accident and at the emergency department; with a special focus on describing the meaning of emergency care of patients in these caring contexts.  Method: The thesis uses a reflective lifeworld research (RLR) approach founded on phenomenological philosophy. The purpose with this approach is to describe the essential meaning and the variations of a phenomenon. Interviews with a lifeworld perspective were used for data collection and analyzed according to the RLR approach for searching for the essence of the phenomenon.  The four essences in the studies (I-IV) establish a general structure for the phenomenon. Findings:  Emergency care is characterized by an organisation, whose goal and resources are focused on life-saving, and that encounters a human being with needs of emergency care as well as existential support. The responsibility in emergency care means an intertwining of doing and being.  The one who is in charge takes responsibility for performing or “doing” medical actions, and by “being” close and present in the situation the patient can at the same time feel an existential support. The responsibility for the injured or ill body is handed over to a chain of persons with more and more specialized competence and resources. This hand-over entails a relief for all involved but fails in one link in the chain, namely to explicitly hand back  the responsibility to the patient.  When the patient’s condition allows the distance to be larger the responsibility pales and the existential support decreases. A gap between doing and being arises where the patient is left to regain control and independence. The intertwining of doing and being, which appears as soon as the one in charge is close and present to the patient, facilitates the hand-over to the patient who in a natural way is able to receive the responsibility with possibilities to be able to conclude the encounter. Conclusions: A new understanding of emergency care appears which entails more than just life support measures.  Emergency care includes different ways of communication in order to hand over the responsibility and complete the care chain back to the patient in a safe way. The results highlight the importance of empowering patients with a confirming, communicative contact throughout the whole caring process in order for them to retain their identity. There are also implications for educating students and personnel in inter-professional communication and work. In order to assist the intertwining between doing and being there are needs for the development of supportive structures for inter-professional reflection, which in turn would improve the interaction between patients and professionals in their encounter.

Riskfyllda möten : en studie om unga människors upplevelser av sexuellt överförbara infektioner och sexuellt risktagande

Hammarlund, Kina January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of the present thesis is to contribute to the knowledge in young people´s experiences, thoughts and norms regarding sexually transmitted infections (STI) and sexual risk-taking. The specific aims are two-fold. The first aim is to explain and understand young Swedish men and women´s lived experience of an STI, in this case genital warts (I, II). The second is to explain and understand the values and attitudes of young men and women to sexual risk-taking (III) in relation to perceptions of gender (IV).   The theoretical perspectives are a reflective lifeworld approach, hermeneutic and gender perspectives. The thesis is based on individual interviews (I, II) and focus groups (III, IV).  The results show that a young person infected by an STI, will experience encounters at different levels. A person with an STI is forced to meet him/herself and their own prejudices. Loss of innocence is highly significant and symbolic for women, while other person´s attitudes are more important for men (I, II). Also, being a disease carrier is of great significance, which has an impact on their views of future meaningful relationships (II).      Sexual risk-taking, such as it was expressed in the focus groups with young people, revealed a pattern that is described as a ‘game’. In that game, a dialogue might feel more intimate than intercourse. These teenagers often view their one night stand partners as objects, as opposed to love relationships where they are viewed as subjects, i.e. persons to be cared for. Engaging in sexual risk-taking often starts at a club where these teenagers pretend that they are spontaneous (III). This game is further illuminated in a secondary analysis with a gender perspective. There are frequent misunderstandings between young men and women that are based on gender constructions, which derive from lack of communication. Hence, they have to take part in a balancing act while shaping their sexual identity and trying to maintain their self-esteem. For these young women, this also concerns not getting a bad reputation. In this act of balance, it is difficult to discuss sexuality and how to protect one’s sexual health (IV). The discussion emphasizes that a professional caring dialogue with young people about STI: s and sexual-risk taking must have reference in the young person´s own reality. Thus, professional health care workers who meet a young person infected with an STI appear to face a challenging task. This involves helping reduce anxiety by defusing the situation, and at the same time to make the person understand the importance of using a condom in order to prevent STI: s.

Att vårda med bakbundna händer : en litteraturstudie om vårdares erfarenheter av att vårda i en rättspsykiatrisk vårdkontext / Caring with tied hands : a literature review on the experiences of caring in a forensic psychiatric care context

Castañeda, Elin, Hassani Espili, Narges January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Vårdande och icke-vårdande tröst / Caring and non-caring consolation

Roxberg, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med avhandlingen är att, ur ett vårdvetenskapligt, och ett i detta inkluderat vårdteologiskt per- spektiv, belysa innebörden av fenomenet tröst och hur tröst förhåller sig till lidande och vård. Det görs i två empiriska intervjustudier med vårdare och äldre vårdtagare samt en tredje delstudie som analyse- rar tröst såsom den framstår i Jobs bok i Gamla testamentet. Dessa delstudier behandlar vårdares upp- levelse av tröst och att trösta, äldre vårdtagares upplevelse av tröst samt Jobs upplevelse av tröst. Metodologiskt har forskningen sin utgångspunkt i fenomenologi och hermeneutik. En fenomenolo- gisk-hermeneutisk metod, inspirerad av Paul Ricoeur, har använts för textanalyserna. I avhandlingen behandlas också det som är signifikant för poetisk och religiös text. De metaforer som förekommer i de empiriska delstudierna med vårdare och äldre analyseras för att ta tillvara det överskott av mening som metaforer, enligt Ricoeur, kan uttrycka. Resultatet visar fem övergripande innebörder: Den motsägelsefulla trösten, Den sammanbindande trösten, Den stumma trösten, Den okontrollerade trösten och Den vilsamma trösten. En vårdande tröst är motsägelsefull såtillvida att den innebär dels att den lidande överlämnar sitt lidande till någon an- nan, dels att lidandet kan ges tillbaka för att lidas. Tröst kan således vara att lida. En sammanbindande tröst är närvarande, d.v.s. är hos den lidande och utgår från dennes lidande. Denna tröst kännetecknas av djup gemenskap, en upplevelse av att vara förstådd på ett djupare sätt. Resultatet visar också en tröst som är stum. Denna tröst svarar inte an på den lidandes upplevelse av sitt lidande, är oformlig och saknar följsamhet för lidandet. Ett exempel på en stum och icke-vårdande tröst är vännernas tröst i Jobs bok. Denna tröst förmår inte trösta därför att den inte är där Job är, d.v.s. i hans upplevelse av sitt lidande. Vidare framstår en vårdande tröst som okontrollerad därför att den dels är spontan, dels bistår den lidande att släppa kontrollen över lidandet. Att släppa kontrollen innebär bl.a. att den lidande ger upp försöken att förstå lidandet för att istället låta det oförståeliga vara oförståeligt. Genom att ge upp det som på olika sätt binder lidandet infinner sig en tröstande och hälsobringande vila i eller från li- dandekampen. Resultatet som helhet tolkas ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv som vårdgemenskap, tro, hälsa och offer. Tröst som hälsa förstås utifrån en teoretisk modell, inspirerad av Katie Erikssons ontologiska hälsomodell. Filosofiskt-etiskt belyses forskningen utifrån företrädesvis Emmanuel Levinas. Resultatet diskuteras i förhållande till tidigare forskning och i förhållande till vårdvetenskap, samhälle och vård. / The aim of the thesis is, from a caring science perspective including a caring theology perspective, to illustrate the meaning of the phenomenon consolation and how consolation relates to suffering and care. Two studies were completed where staff and elderly care receivers were interviewed and a third study focused on an analysis of consolation as it is presented in the Book of Job in the Old Testament. These studies deal with carers’ experiences of consolation and consoling, elderly care receivers’ ex- periences of consolation, and Job’s experience of consolation. Phenomenology and hermeneutics form the basis for the methodological approach. A phenomenologi- cal-hermeneutic method, inspired by Paul Ricoeur, has been used for the text analyses. The thesis also covers significant aspects of poetical and religious texts. The metaphors that occur in the interview studies with the carers and the elderly are analysed in order to take care of the excess of meaning that, according to Ricoeur, can be expressed in metaphors. The result show five overall meanings: The contradictory consolation, The bonding consolation, The mute and rigid consolation, The uncontrolled consolation and The restful consolation. A caring conso- lation is contradictory in the sense that it entails that the sufferer on the one hand passes on his or her suffering to someone else and on the other hand that the suffering can be returned to be suffered. Con- solation can thus entail suffering. The bonding consolation is present, i.e. is with the sufferer and is based on that person’s suffering. This consolation is characterised by a close fellowship, a feeling of being understood at a deeper level. The results also reveal a consolation that is mute and rigid. This consolation does not respond to the sufferer’s experience of his or her suffering, is shapeless and therefore unable to follow the suffering. An example of a mute, rigid and non-caring consolation is the consolation of the friends in the Book of Job. This consolation is not capable of consoling because it does not correspond to where Job is, i.e. in his experience of his suffering. A caring consolation is also uncontrolled because it is on the one hand spontaneous and on the other hand helps the sufferer to lose control over the suffering. To lose control entails, amongst other things, the sufferer giving up trying to understand suffering and instead lets that which is incomprehensible be incomprehensible. A con- soling and health-bringing rest in or from the struggle with suffering presents itself by giving up what in various ways is tied to the suffering. The result as a whole is interpreted from a caring science perspective with the following important concepts: caring relationship, faith, health and sacrifice. Consolation as health is considered on the basis of a theoretical model inspired by Katie Eriksson’s ontological health model. The research is also illustrated from a philosophical-ethical perspective, mainly based on the work of Emmanuel Levinas. The findings are discussed in relation to previous research and also to caring science, society and care. / <p>The theis also includes 10 pages summary in Enligh, p. 153-163.</p>

Det lärande utrymmet : lärande och vårdande möten mellan patienter, studentpar och handledare vid Utvecklande och Lärande Vårdenheter

Holst, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim is to create knowledge about how nursing students’ learning in pairs can be supported in order to create prerequisites for encounters that provide caring and learning support during clinical practice. Approach and method: A reflective lifeworld research (RLR) approach founded on the epistemology of phenomenology and hermeneutics was used. Based on interviews, diary entries and observations with patients, students and supervisors, descriptive and interpretive analysis in accordance with the RLR approach was performed. Main findings: Students’ learning in pairs is based on encountering and caring for the patients together. The responsibility of caring for the patients, which is given to the students by their supervisors, is based on supportive relationships that are characterized by movements between independence and cooperation. Supporting students learning in pairs is characterized by a reflective approach focusing on learning in togetherness, where the individual student is also reached and seen, providing opportunities for developing important abilities for learning and caring. Depending on the ability to show respect and to take responsibility a more or less supportive relationship between the patients, the students and the supervisors is created within the learning space. Conclusions: Supporting students’ learning in pairs is complex due to it taking place in a caring context, where respect must be given towards the patients, the students, the supervisors and other participants who are closely connected to the learning space. Since learning in pairs affects and interweaves learning and caring environments, a reduction to either one of them, learning or caring, is not possible but instead the learning space must be understood as a whole. Optimal conditions for learning in pairs are based on dynamic movements, which require a reflective supervising approach. If these conditions are missing, there is a risk of creating both fragmented caring and learning, where the patients ́ vulnerability and safety needs to be taken into account. Keywords: caring science; clinical practice; learning space; learning support; pairs of nursing students; reflective lifeworld approach

Att ta rodret i sitt liv : Lärande utmaningar vid långvarig sjukdom

Berglund, Mia January 2011 (has links)
A starting point for this thesis is that patients’ learning has not received sufficient attention and thus has not featured in the study programmes in the field of caring. Focus has instead been placed on patients being given information and advice about their illness and treatment, advice that they are then expected to comply with. Too little attention has been paid to the individual who lives with his/her illness and who should be considered to have significant experiences. The overall aim has been to analyze and describe the phenomenon of learning to live with long-term illness as well as to develop a didactic model that can help carers to support patients’ learning processes. The theoretical perspective in the thesis is lifeworld theory, which permeates ontological, epistemological and methodological standpoints and also the view on learning. The design and carrying out of the research is based on a reflective lifeworld approach. The empirical study consists of interviews with people who live with different types of long-term illnesses. The learning that follows life with a long-term illness is generated in such a way as to respond to the will to live the well-known everyday life. A greater understanding of the empirical results has been achieved by a lifeworld philosophical elucidation, with a particular focus on learning turning points and the importance of reflection. Based on the empirical results, the lifeworld philosophical elucidation and the caring science lifeworld didactics a didactic model has been formulated. This model is entitled: The challenge – to take charge of one’s life with long-term illness. The model contains four theses: 1) Confronting one’s life situation and challenging to make a change, 2) Positioning oneself at a distance when creating a new whole, 3) Developing self-consciousness and taking responsibility, 4) Making learning visible with the aim of providing development and balance in life. The results in the thesis show that a genuine learning is something that differs from the learning of information and that the learning must be supported at an existential level based on the sufferer’s situation and for a long period of time.

"Vi försöker" : Hur sjuksköterskor upplever att patienters delaktighet möjliggörs inom rättspsykiatrisk vård. / ”We are trying” : How nurses experiences that patients’ participation is made possible in forensic psychiatric care.

Magnusson, Emilie January 2017 (has links)
Delaktighet är viktig för patientens livskvalité, självkänsla, egenmakt samt känsla av kontroll och inflytande. Patienter inom rättspsykiatrisk vård har en minskad autonomi till följd av de begränsningar som tvångslagarna innebär. Forskning samt litteratur kring patienters delaktighet i den rättspsykiatriska vården är bristfällig och behöver utforskas vidare. Syftet med studien var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor upplever att patienters delaktighet möjliggörs inom den rättspsykiatriska vården. Studien har en omvårdnadsvetenskaplig utgångspunkt och kvalitativa intervjuer med nio sjuksköterskor från rättspsykiatriska avdelningar i södra Sverige har genomförts. I resultatet framkom att sjuksköterskorna upplever att delaktighet är en viktig del i omvårdnaden men att personal och patienter ibland ser olika på begreppet. Delaktigheten finns hela tiden med i arbetet med patienterna men den kan skifta beroende på vilket brott patienten vårdas för dock finns det en framtidstro om att den rättspsykiatriska vården ska fortsätta att utvecklas och att vården i framtiden kommer att bli ännu mer individanpassad. ”Vi försöker” blev det övergripande temat som visar att sjuksköterskorna försöker att få patienterna delaktiga i den rättspsykiatriska vården. / Participation is important for the patient's quality of life, self-esteem and sense of control and influence. Patients in forensic psychiatric care have reduced autonomy as a result of the constraints imposed by the compulsion laws. Research and literature on patient participation in forensic psychiatric care are inadequate and need further research. The purpose of the study was to highlight how nurses experience patient participation in forensic psychiatric care. The study has a nursing science starting point and qualitative interviews with nine nurses from forensic psychiatric departments in southern Sweden have been carried out. The results show that nurses feel that participation is an important part of the nursing, but that staff and patients sometimes view the concept differently. Participation is always included in the work with patients, but it may change depending on the custody of the patient, however, there is a belief that the forensic psychiatric care will continue to develop and that future care will be even more individualized.” We are trying” became the overall theme and shows that nurses try to get patients involved in forensic psychiatric care.

Personers upplevelse av att leva med diabetes typ 2 : en litteraturstudie / Persons experiences of living with diabetes type 2 : a literature study

Sackemark, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att leva med en långvarig sjukdom som diabetes typ 2 innebär stora förändringar i en persons liv. Hanteringen, utmaningarna samt upplevelsen av diabetes typ 2 kan skilja sig åt från person till person vilket innebär att vårdmöten mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor behöver vara mer personcentrerade. Genom att utveckla en dialog med patienterna som får dela med sig av sina upplevelser så kommer förståelsen för patienterna öka samt därmed även behandlingen och utvecklingen av hälsan.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ 2  Metod: Metoden för detta arbete är litteraturöversikt vilket innebär att arbetet har presenterats med en sammanfattning av 10 stycken valda artiklar. Artiklarna är inhämtade från databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed. Artiklarna har därefter analyserats med hjälp av Fribergs modell för att granska kvalitativa studier.  Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i fem stycken huvudteman: Att känna frustration, identifikation, utmaningar, anpassning i sociala sammanhang &amp; stöd och motivation för att hantera vardagen.   Slutsats: Personer med diabetes typ 2 upplever att deras sjukdom påverkar deras psykiska och fysiska mående. Vanliga upplevelser var frustration, skuld- och skamkänslor, ensamhet, känslan av att vara onormal samt en psykisk kamp mellan det man vill samt borde göra. Det fanns även en koppling mellan ekonomiskt innehav och hanteringen av sin egenvård relaterat till diagnosen. / Background: Living with a long-term illness such as type 2 diabetes means major changes in a person's life. The management, challenges and experiences of type 2 diabetes can differ from person to person which means that care meetings between patients and nurses need to be more personalized. By developing a dialogue with patients who get to share their experiences the understanding of the patients will increase and therefore also the treatment and development of the health. Aim: The purpose of this literature study was to describe persons experiences of living with diabetes type 2  Method: The method for this study is a literature review which means that the writing have been presented and found in a summary based on 10 chosen articles. The articles have been collected from the databases Cinhal and Pubmed. The articles have then been analyzed with the help of Fribergs model to review qualitative studies.  Results: The result is presented in five main subjects: To feel frustration, identification, challenges, adaptation in social contexts &amp; support and motivation to handle everyday. Conclusion: Persons with diabetes type 2 experience that their disease affects their mental and physical condition. Normal experiences were frustration, guilt and shame, loneliness, the feeling of being abnormal and a mental struggle between what you want and should do. There was also a connection between financial possessiveness and the management of their own self-care related to the diagnosis.

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