Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ceiling"" "subject:"meiling""
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Breaking the Bank : A study of career barriers among women in the commercial banking sector.Jonsson, Matilda, Jangren, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Background - Women are underrepresented in top management positions all over the globe. This also applies to Sweden, despite the country's long progressive and high material prosperity. This situation is particularly evident in the banking sector, where women represent approximately half of the workforce. However, in the four largest banks in Sweden, women only occupy 33,25 percent in the highest management teams and 34,5 percent on the boards. This phenomenon is often referred to as “the glass ceiling,” a set of barriers that hinder women’s accessibility to top management positions. This underrepresentation is, in turn, likely to result in a loss of potential human resources due to organizations not searching for competent candidates in approximately half of the population. Further, banks are associated with a lot of power in the society, where they have a significant impact, with a critical role in the economy, contributing to financial growth. Initiatives by for instance the EU Commission to increase gender diversity are on the high agenda. Consequently, the subject of understanding and overcoming these barriers stands high on the agenda of both politicians and researchers. Purpose - The purpose of this study is to identify barriers among women toward reaching top management positions in the commercial banking sector, as well as how women in top management positions have overcome them. By investigating the barriers and how women overcome them, we will contribute with a deeper understanding and meaningful insights to political and managerial practitioners on how they can identify and help women overcome the barriers. The foundation of the theoretical framework in this study will be based on Becker’s (1957) theory of discrimination, Social role theory, and System justification theory will lay the foundation of the theoretical framework in this study. Method - This study is based on qualitative research with a multiple case study in the banking sector in Sweden. Conclusion - We conclude that the most common barriers are based on stereotypical beliefs, the balance between private life and work, biases and discrimination, and organizational culture and structure. How to overcome these barriers is built on supporting organizations, an equal private life situation, and specifically identified personality traits.
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Krossade glastak och stigande glashissar : En inventering av kvinnliga och manliga chefers upplevelser avavancemang i branscher där motsatt kön är överrepresenteratSjöholm, Nathali, Kuhalampi, Sara, Sundberg, Angelica January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att inventera upplevelser från kvinnliga och manliga cheferangående deras karriärer i en bransch där deras biologiska kön är underrepresenterat. Metod: För att besvara uppsatsens frågeställning och ge utrymme för subjektiva upplevelser från respondenterna har en deduktiv forskningsansats implementerats inom ramen för kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har upprättats med tio respondenter. Slutsats: Samtliga respondenter har krossat glastaket och åkt glashissen, dock upplever majoriteten av de kvinnliga cheferna fler utmaningar och hinder kopplat till deras biologiska kön. De manliga respondenterna har erhållit förtroende fort i sina respektive anställningar, medan kvinnorna upplever att de behövt hävda sig och påvisa sin kompetens innan de erhåller respekt från intressenter. / Purpose: The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to do an inventory of male and female experiences in regards to making a career in an industry where their biological sex is underrepresented. Method: To be able to achieve the Bachelor Thesis purpose and simultaneously give room for the respondents subjective experiences we conducted a deductive research approach within a qualitative research strategy framework. Our ten respondents have contributed their knowledge through semi structured interviews. Conclusion: All respondents have broken the glass ceiling and ridden the glass escalator, however, the majority of the female managers experience more challenges and obstacles linked to their biological sex. The male respondents have gained confidence quickly in their respective employments, while the women feel that they need to assert themselves and demonstrate their skills before they gain respect.
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Ungas bostadssituation och amorteringskravet – Är studenterna i Samhällsbyggnadsprogrammet på KTH bättre skyddade genom sin utbildning och kunskap i fastighetsekonomi? / Young people’s housing situation and the amortization requirement – Are the students at the Civil Engineering program at KTH better protected thanks to their education and knowledge within real estate economics?Granström, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Aktuelle Themen in der UnternehmensbewertungArnold, Sven 16 November 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit finanzwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen im Bereich der Unternehmensbewertung. Dabei wurden aktuelle Themen diskutiert, die in Theorie oder Praxis ungelöste Probleme darstellen. Hervorzuheben ist an dieser Stelle, dass sich die ersten drei Artikel mit dem Werteinfluss der Zinsschanke auf den Wert von fremdfinanzierungsbedingten Steuerersparnissen (Tax Shield) beschäftigen. Die drei darauf folgenden Artikel beschäftigen sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der konsistenten Modellierung von Finanzierungspolitiken und dem Werteinfluss der Insolvenzmöglichkeit von Unternehmen. Der siebte und achte Artikel haben die Kapitalstruktur und weitere wichtige Parameter für die Unternehmensbewertung zum Thema.:1. Thematische Einordnung und Forschungsbeitrag 1
2. Die Bewertung der Zinsschranke 14
3. Zinsschranke, Unternehmensbewertung und APV-Ansatz -
eine Anmerkung zum Beitrag von Förster/Stöckl/Brenken
(ZfB 2009, S. 985 ff.) 59
4. Der Einfluss der Zinsschranke auf den Unternehmenswert 84
5. Tax Shield, Insolvenz und Zinsschranke 109
6. Tax Shield, Insolvenzwahrscheinlichkeit und Zinsschranke
- eine empirische Analyse 169
7. The Impact of Credit Rating and Frequent Refinancing on Firm Value 211
8. Zur Überprüfung von Kapitalstrukturtheorien in einer
von Krisen geprägten Zeit 258
9. Die Kapitalmarktdaten von www.finexpert.info und der Fachverlag Gruppe 300
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Evaluation of an automated formant estimation procedure with optimized formant ceiling / Utvärdering av en automatisk formantmätningsprocedur med optimerat formanttakEricsson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
This study evaluates an automated formant estimation procedure designed to adapt to speakers and variations in speech. The adaption is achieved by using the formant ceiling with the least variation (in combined estimates of F1 and F2) as the optimal ceiling. This optimization renders the best possible estimations given the data, therefore it could presumably also adapt to variations such as high fo. The procedure has not been evaluated by using material with known formant frequencies. Therefore, this is done here. The performance of the procedure is tested through comparison with a common procedure with fixed ceilings, based on speaker sex. The estimations are carried out on synthetic vowel tokens, systematically varied in formant frequencies and in fo, to match the natural variation within vowels and between speakers. The formant estimations are compared to target values, compared between procedures and to earlier studies. The results reveal that the formant estimation procedure with optimized ceilings does not perform better than the common procedure. Both procedures perform better than earlier methods, but neither deals satisfactorily with high fo. / Denna studie utvärderar en automatisk formantmätningsprocedur utvecklad för anpassning efter talare och variationer i tal. Anpassningen åstadkoms genom att använda det formanttak som uppvisar minst variation (i mätningar av F1 och F2 i kombination) som det optimerade taket. Denna optimering ger bästa möjliga estimeringar utifrån data, därför skulle troligtvis anpassningen även kunna ske till variation såsom hög fo. Proceduren har inte utvärderats genom att använda material med kända formantfrekvenser, varför det görs här. Formantmätningsprocedurens prestation testas genom jämförelse med gängse procedur med fasta formanttak, baserade på skillnader mellan kön. Formantmätningarna utförs på syntetiska vokalexemplar, systematiskt varierade i formantfrekvenser och i fo för att motsvara naturlig variation inom vokaler och mellan talare. Formantmätningarna jämförs mot ursprungsvärdena, procedurerna sinsemellan och med tidigare studier. Resultatet visar att formantmätningsproceduren med optimerat formanttak inte presterar bättre än den gängse proceduren. Båda procedurer presterar bättre än tidigare metoder, men ingen hanterar hög fo på ett tillfredställande sätt.
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Nosná konstrukce polyfunkčního domu / Supporting structure of a polyfunctional houseReinoha, David Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this master’s thesis is the design and calculation of a five-floor multifunctional building. The building consists of flats located in floors -1 to 3, the remaining underground floors serving as a car park and the second part of the building contains spaces designated for business purposes. Each of the two flats located on each floor features a balcony. The multifunctional building contains two underground floors which are designed entirely as reinforced concrete structures and three aboveground floors designed as ceramic brickwork structure. The roof of the building is flat, not designed for walking and featuring an air conditioning unit for the entire building. A review of selected loadbearing structures of component floors was performed as a part of this thesis. The main load-bearing horizontal is composed of stiff ceilings, including the bordering ceiling of the third floor and the roof. Above-ground floors are to be constructed of pre-stretched ceiling girders Spiroll which are set onto reinforcing wreaths. Underground floors are to be constructed as a monolithic structure made of ferroconcrete. The vertical structure is constructed of perforated brick blocks for above-ground floors comprising floors 1-3, remaining underground walls are constructed of monolithic ferroconcrete. Foundation constructions are made of monolithic concrete white tub including confluence and review of the tub.
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Shattering the second glass ceiling:Interpreting the lived experiences of Female Entrepreneurs in Lagos, Nigeria, using Schlossberg’s Transition Theory.Amusan, Abosede January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Introduction: This study examined the lived experiences of Female Entrepreneurs in Lagos State, Nigeria, who transitioned from traditional corporate employment settings to venture into uncharted entrepreneurial territory. In their transition from employee to entrepreneur, this study identified the existence of glass ceiling in both phases. Considering the perception of a woman’s identity in the Nigerian patriarchal system, practical attention and analysis have not been given to their experiences as employees and entrepreneurs. Seven (7) Nigerian Female Entrepreneurs with established businesses in Lagos, Nigeria, participated in this study. Method: A qualitative research method that builds upon the philosophy of social constructivism was used to decipher the transition. Storytelling theory assisted the interviewees in expressing themselves freely and facilitated this research. Also, Schlossberg's Transition Theory was the foundational theoretical framework for this study. Result: The result of the study identified the inherent glass ceiling in their transition. Some peculiarities of the glass ceiling within Nigerian context include financing barriers, gender discrimination, a good support system, and limited female mentors. This was framed as the “second glass ceiling”. They discussed their coping mechanisms to overcome challenges and build successful businesses during transition. Conclusion: The conclusion demonstrates helpful modifications that can aid groups, organizations, academic institutions, and policymakers understand Nigerian women’s situation in corporate and business domains. Such understanding could promote equality of opportunity within society and organizations, eliminate entrepreneurship barriers, and aid their long-term retention of corporate or entrepreneurial engagement. In the long run, this will benefit the Nigerian economy, corporate organizations, female entrepreneurs in Nigeria, and their communities.
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Kvinnors karriärmöjligheter inom medelstora revisionsbyråer / Women's career opportunities in medium-sized auditing firmsPackalén, Veronica, Waldau, Tilda January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förklara vilka faktorer som spelar in i kvinnliga revisorers karriärval samt hur glastak och jämställdhet upplevs av kvinnliga revisorer inom medelstora revisionsbyråer. Syftet kommer att besvaras med hjälp av två frågeställningar; Vilka faktorer spelar in i kvinnliga revisorers karriärval inom medelstora revisionsbyråer? Upplever kvinnliga revisorer inom medelstora revisionsbyråer att de har samma möjligheter att utveckla ett bra samspel mellan hem och arbete som manliga revisorer? Teoretiskt ramverk: Studiens teoretiska ramverk presenterar inledningsvis kvinnors förutsättningar i tidigare mansdominerade branscher och hur könsmärkning av yrkesroller leder till att traditionella könsordningar upprätthålls. Teorikapitlet mynnar sedan ut i en teoridel om ojämn könsfördelning på ledande positioner samt hur kvinnor fastnar på underordnade positioner. Avslutningsvis en teoridel om hur mannen setts som normen för lönearbete och värderas högre av organisationer än kvinnor som kopplats till oavlönat hemarbete, samt vilka faktorer som påverkar ett bra samspel mellan karriär och familjeliv. Metod: Studiens metod bygger på en kvalitativ ansats med empiriska data i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med selektivt urval av kvinnliga revisorer från medelstora revisionsbyråer. Empiri: Studiens empiriska data från tio respondenter från olika medelstora revisionsbyråer i Sverige presenteras i detta kapitel. Resultaten från intervjuerna sammanvävs i teman om karriär, samspel mellan hem och arbete, normer och könsfördelning, rollen som delägare samt jämställdhet inom revisionsbranschen. Slutsats: De främsta faktorerna som ligger till grund för kvinnliga revisorers karriärval inom medelstora revisionsbyråer är osäkerhet, utanförskap, manliga normer, prioriteringar och föräldraledighet. En av slutsatserna som presenteras är att faktorerna är glastak som återfinns i organisationskulturen och organisationsstrukturen inom tidigare mansdominerade organisationer. Kvinnliga revisorer indikeras följa andra möjlighetsstrukturer än män på grund av detta, vilket innebär att det inte alltid finns utrymme för kvinnor att utvecklas och klättra karriärmässigt. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain the factors that play a role in female auditors career choices and how glass ceilings and gender equality are experienced by female auditors in medium-sized auditing firms. The purpose will be answered with the help of two research questions; What factors play into the career choices of female accountants in medium-sized auditing firms? Do female accountants in medium-sized auditing firms feel that they have the same opportunities to develop a good interaction between home and work as male accountants? Theory: The theory chapter initially presents theory on women's working conditions in previously male-dominated industries and how gender labeling of professions leads to the maintenance of traditional gender orders. This results in theory about uneven gender distribution in superior positions and how women get stuck in subordinate positions. Finally, theory is presented about how men are seen as the norm for paid work and are valued higher by organizations than women who are linked to unpaid homework, as well as the factors that affect a good interplay between career and family life. Method: The study method is based on a qualitative approach with empirical data in the form of semi-structured interviews with a selective selection of female auditors from medium-sized auditing firms. Empirical foundation: The empirical data of the study from ten respondents from different medium-sized auditing firms in Sweden are presented in this chapter. The results from the interviews are interwoven in themes about careers, the interaction between home and work, norms and gender distribution, the role as a partner and gender equality in the auditing industry. Conclusion: The main factors underlying the career choices of female auditors in medium-sized audit firms are uncertainty, exclusion, male norms, priorities and parental leave. One of the conclusions presented is that the factors are glass ceilings that are found in the organizational culture and structure within previously male-dominated organizations. Female auditors are indicated to follow different opportunity structures than men because of this, which means that there is not always room for women to develop and climb career-wise.
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Factors Influencing the Advancement Of African American Women In Banking: “Yet None Have Advanced Into The C-Suite Of The Top Four U.S. Banks”Bishop, Jennifer R. 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Sustainability reporting standardization: an incentive or a ceiling effect? : A qualitative case study of an oil and gas EPC based on GRI Sector Standards and their prospective implication for Sustainability reporting and Sustainability PerformanceAlvi, Wajiha January 2022 (has links)
The field of sustainability accounting and reporting has developed immensely during the past couple of decades. Various reporting guidelines, recommendations, and standards had hit the market recently. However, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has remained the most widely used framework for reporting sustainability and is considered a standard for reporting sustainability. Thus, using GRI 11: oil and gas standard as a proxy, the research was aimed to investigate, if standardization of sustainability reporting is perceived as an incentive, or poses a ceiling effect to potential sustainability reporting and performance. Thereby answering the following questions; (1) Is the organization willing to (or can) do more or less than that is required to be reported as per GRI Framework, in terms of reporting? (2) How does the company perceive the shift from GRI general standards to Sector-Specific Standards with respect to sustainability performanceA case study is conducted on an oil and gas EPC using qualitative research methodology. The data is collected through semi-structured interviews and three sustainability reports of the same organization. It was found that despite the apparent willingness of doing more than what is required to be reported by the standard, KPIs w.r.t. industry relevance are under-reported. Furthermore, it was found that GRI has proved to be an incentive for guiding the organization’s sustainability reporting. Even if the sector-specific standard/ guideline is considered a ceiling for sustainability reporting, the ceiling tends to be very high for the current performance of the organization.
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