Spelling suggestions: "subject:"changemanagement"" "subject:"changeanagement""
1001 |
L'influence des nouvelles technologies dans l'administration de la justice pénale / The influence of new technologies in administration of criminal justiceTouré, Aminata 08 December 2015 (has links)
Procédant dʼune volonté de modernisation et de rationalisation de lʼinstitution judiciaire, la présence des nouvelles technologies dans l’administration de la justice pénale est croissante. Ces outils esquissent un changement sans précédent, dans une institution pourtant marquée par un certain traditionalisme. Touchant aux aspects juridiques, symboliques, humains, et gestionnaires de lʼintervention judiciaire, cette émergence du numérique pose les jalons de la justice pénale du XXIe siècle. Inexorablement, le formalisme qui caractérise lʼinstant de justice, procédural ou ritualisé, subit de profondes modifications, parfois dans le sens dʼune altération ; le fond culturel fondamental de la justice pénal est alors mis à lʼépreuve. Entre influence néfaste et renouveau bénéfique, les apports de ces instruments du travail judiciaire sont marqués par lʼambivalence. La résistance obstinée semble inadaptée, et le modernisme irréfléchi au nom d’une optimisation des moyens de l’institution, à proscrire. Seule la régulation de lʼusage dʼoutils qui sʼimmiscent jusque dans le contenu de la décision de justice peut être gage dʼune évolution harmonieuse. Afin que cette transition technologique nʼinduise pas une dénaturation de lʼintervention judiciaire, mais constitue au contraire, une aide à la relégitimisation dʼune justice pénale encore traversée par une crise à la fois de confiance et fonctionnelle, un véritable processus dʼintégration des nouvelles technologies doit sʼinstaurer, mêlant considérations éthiques, juridiques et institutionnelles / As a result of a will to modernize and rationalize the legal institution, the use of new technologies in criminal courts administration is increasing. Nowadays, those tools of communication, information, and management represent essential ways of evolution of justice, at the heart of its performance. They imply an unprecedented change for an institution marked by a certain traditionalism. Related to judicial, symbolic, human and managerial aspects of the legal intervention, the emergence of digital is paving the way of (characterizing) the criminal justice in the XXI century. Inexorably, the formalism characterizing the justice moment, procedural or ritualized, is going through deep changes. Sometimes those changes are distorting the cultural founding of criminal justice. Between bad influence and beneficial renewal, the inputs of these judicial work tools are characterized by ambivalence. The obstinate opposition is inadequate. As the thoughtless modernism to optimize the institution tools, is to proscribe. The regulation of the tools’ practice, which is even involved in the content of the justice decision, is a necessity to ensure a smooth evolution. In order to avoid a denaturation of the legal intervention, a real integration processs of new technologies should be established, mixing ethical, legal and institutional considerations. In that way, this technological transition will be helping to legitimate the criminal justice, still affected by a functional and trust crisis
1002 |
Auswirkungen einer Einführung von Smart Metering auf die Unternehmensführung mittelgroßer Energieversorgungsunternehmen / Introduction of Smart Metering: Ramifications for Business Management in Medium-sized Energy ProvidersSelmke, Pierre January 2014 (has links)
In the European Union (EU), increasing final energy efficiency, so as to save energy, has become mandatory. This obligation will fundamentally alter the EU energy sector. The relevant EU directive, 2006/32/EG, requires that adjustments be made to energy billing and, where technically feasible, that new metering technologies (i.e. smart metering) be introduced. Individual EU countries are implementing these requirements in different ways: Smart metering is either being nearly fully implemented (e.g. in Italy), is being planned (e.g. in Germany), or completely disregarded (e.g. in the Czech Republic). Since the introduction of smart metering affects virtually all value-added steps, organisational structures and areas of operation in medium-sized energy providers, these providers must take the relevant requirements into account at as early a stage as possible. The present thesis analyses the effects of the introduction of smart metering on the business management of such companies. A deductive method was chosen and the effects of intro- ducing smart metering were assessed through a cross-sectional study of two separate data collections. Experts were interviewed and their statements were qualitatively evaluated. A written survey followed via online questionnaires, the results of which were quantitatively evaluated. Institutional, functional and activity-based perspectives were considered as well as normative, strategic and operative aspects of business management. The evaluation of the survey enabled a better assessment and analysis of the introduction of smart metering. An analysis of the scope of the upcoming alterations within energy providers illustrates just how fundamental a change this will bring to medium-sized energy providers. However, the outcome of the written survey shows that most executives do not recognise this need for change and therefore are unable to initiate it. These management deficiencies threaten the very existence of these companies and must be resolved through the timely initiation of consistent change management.
1003 |
Přechod malé organizace ve střední - management změn v oblasti řízení pracovního výkonu / Transition of small company into middle-sized company - change management in the management of work outputČervinková, Hana January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deals with problems of changes in the management of human resources connected to an expansion of a company. It focuses on small and middle-sized companies. The first part describes theoretical principles of company growth, change management and specifics of small and middle-sized companies, including differences in human resources management. The second part describes some practical examples in the field of company growth and related changes. Different attitudes and ways applied to implement changes while solving growth problems are shown on the sample of two selected companies Each of the two companies finally developed in an opposite way, depending on how they had implemented changes. The first company continues its development as a middle-sized company and the latter bankrupted. Analysis of reasons of the success or failure while managing the growth is a part of this master thesis.
1004 |
Digitala attityder och kommunikation i förändringsprocessen : Förändringsledning och utmaningar vid införandet av e-arkiv i små kommunerRytterfelt, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie om utmaningar i införandeprocessen av e-arkiv, visar att digitalisering är komplext och snarast saknar facit. Däremot har studien kunnat visa på viktiga moment och indikationer för hur förändringsprocesser i kommunala verksamheter, speciellt mindre kommuner och verksamheter, kan bedrivas. Studien har visat på hur viktigt det är med förändringledning, framförallt vid införande av ny teknologi, exempelvis e-arkiv. Studien undersöker de utmaningar som föreligger i införandeprocessen av ett e-arkiv och dess kommunikation, och hur dessa kan minimeras, hur de digitala attityderna ser ut bland kommunala medarbetare, samt hur arkivverksamhetens status kan påverka digitalisering och offentlig förvaltning. Studien visar att attityder till digitalisering och ny teknik är positiva och att de flesta anser sig ha allra minst tillräcklig kompetens inom IT, och dessutom visade enkätundersökningen på en avsaknad av påtagliga skillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper, vad gäller teknik och digitalisering. Det har också tydliggjorts att kunskap, information och kommunikation behövs mer av, i form av exempelvis introduktion och utbildning. E-arkiv bidrar med gedigen verksamhetsplan och grund-läggande behov för sammanhållen förvaltning, långsiktighet, effektivisering, öppenhet, bättre arkivvård, tydlig målbild och enhetliga arbetssätt. Förändringsledning är nyckeln till framgång, och inte bara för vinstdrivande företag utan minst lika viktigt för kommunala verksamheter och andra statliga institutioner, då det inte bara underlättar att göra ekonomiska vinster, utan att styra processen och alla dess steg som är viktiga. Utan tillgång till en modell av exempelvis Kotters åttastegstyp, är det allt för lätt att missa delar som egentligen är väldigt viktiga. Kanske speciellt i processer relaterade till ny teknologi, som införandet av e-arkiv är, är Kotters och andra processer för förändringsledning ytterst effektiva för att skapa ett bra och långsiktigt resultat. / This study on challenges in the implementation process of digital archives shows that digitalisation is complex, and lacks a definite answer on how to handle it best. However, the study specifies some important steps and indicators for change management processes in municipal organisations and especially in small municipalities and organisations. The study has also shown the importance of change management, especially when it comes to the implementation of new technology, such as digital archives. The study examines the challenges in the implementation process of digital archives and how they can be avoided, what the municipal employees’ attitudes are towards digitalisation as well as how the archive’s operational maturity can affect digitalisation and public administration. The study shows that the attitudes towards digitalisation and new technology are positive, and that most employees consider themselves to have proficient competence in IT. Moreover, the survey shows a lack of prominent differences between different ages when it comes to technology and digitalisation. The survey highlights a lack of knowledge, information and communication, which need to be improved, for example through introduction and education. Digital archives contribute to fund-amental needs such as coherent operations, sustainability, effectivisation, openness, improved archival operations, and a clear vision. Change management is essentially the key to success, not solely for for-profit companies, but it is just as important for municipal operations and state-run institutions, as it facilitates economic profits without steering the process in any direction. Without access to a model like for example Kotter’s eight step model, it is easy to miss the most important aspects.
1005 |
Intercultural competence as a conductive factor of managers' readiness for organizational change / La compétence interculturelle comme facteur contribuant de la disposition des gestionnaires au changement organisationnelVallejo Garcia, Jose Luis 23 May 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’identifier les compétences interculturelles qui déterminent la disposition des gestionnaires au changement organisationnel. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé l’influence des compétences interculturelles, impliquant des aptitudes cognitives, des habiletés émotives et des compétences comportementales/sociales chez les gestionnaires, sur la disposition au changement. Afin de tester notre modèle de recherche, incluant douze hypothèses principales nous avons eu recours à une enquête avec un questionnaire électronique auto-administré. Notre échantillon total compte cinq cent cinquante- sept personnes en provenance de soixante-huit pays différents. Les personnes interrogées, des salariés d’entreprises, occupent des postes à différents niveaux hiérarchiques : au niveau stratégique, mais aussi au niveau opérationnel, c’est-à- dire, des gestionnaires qui sont responsables de la planification à long terme, du contrôle du progrès, ou de la supervision quotidienne des opérations. La compréhension du concept de la compétence interculturelle était un aspect essentiel dans cette thèse de doctorat. La partie théorique a donc été écrite discrétionnairement par le chercheur au sujet des références choisies sur lesquelles le cadre conceptuel a été établi. Une partie empirique a été soutenue avec une analyse méthodologique quantitative afin de prouver qu’il y a une corrélation positive significative entre la compétence interculturelle et la disposition des gestionnaires au changement organisationnel. / The object of this thesis is to discover the intercultural competencies that determine manager’s readiness for organizational change. Through the analysis of twelve main hypotheses; regarded as intercultural competence; involving cognitive capabilities, emotional abilities and behavioural/social skills in managers; and their influence on readiness for change, the procedure to validate the general hypothesis includes an electronic self-administered questionnaire and a total of five hundred and fifty seven respondents from sixty-eight different nationalities. The respondents are managers of corporations who hold strategic, tactical or operational management positions; that is, managers who are responsible for long-term planning, progress monitoring, or day-to-day operational supervision.The understanding of the concept of intercultural competence is a central aspect in this dissertation and therefore the theoretical part has been written discretionarily by the researcher concerning the selected references upon which the conceptual framework was built. An empirical part is supported with a quantitative methodological analysis in order to prove that there is a significant positive correlation between intercultural competence and managers’ readiness for organizational change.
1006 |
Restructuration des entreprises publiques au Vietnam / Restructuring State-Owned Enterprises in VietnamAndres-Hoang, Anh-Tho 28 January 2019 (has links)
La privatisation des entreprises publiques au Vietnam figure en tête des priorités de l’agenda politique du gouvernement vietnamien depuis l’annonce de la politique Doi-moi en 1987. Cette étude examine le processus de la restructuration des entreprises d’État pendant la période entre 1991 et 2012. La recherche se base sur les théories de la gestion de l’entreprise et du développement, en particulier sur la responsabilité sociale de l’État considéré comme un acteur économique. L’étude examine aussi le cadre macroéconomique vietnamien dans lequel la privatisation s’opère. L’objectif est de déterminer les facteurs conditionnels de réussite de ce processus, en prenant comme variable le degré d’intervention de l’État dans l’économie dans le contexte autant asiatique que mondial du changement. / Restructuring state-owned enterprises in view of their privatization lies at the top of the political agenda of the Vietnamese Government since the launch of the Doi-Moi policy in 1987. The purpose of this study is to examine the macro-environment in which the privatization process of Vietnamese state-owned enterprises takes place. The period of study is between 1991 and 2012. The theoretical framework is based on corporate governance and development theories and the corporate social responsibility of the State, as an economic actor and a majority shareholder, of the country’s public companies which are being privatised. The aim of the study is to determine success factors of the privatization process in Vietnam, with the role of the State in the economy, taken as variable, and examined in the context of change, both at the Asian as well as the global context.
1007 |
Psykologisk trygghet som möjliggörare för att vara i ständig förnyelse : Hur byggs kapacitet i en organisation för att möta kraven i en komplex, oförutsägbar och snabbföränderlig omvärld?Eidolf, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
VUCA är ett begrepp, som används för att beskriva den komplexa, oförutsägbara och snabbrörliga omvärld vi lever i idag. Det talas ofta om ett paradigmskifte och att det kommer krävas nya managementmodeller för att framgångsrikt leda organisationer. Det ställs ökade krav på organisationer att snabbt kunna ställa om, ständigt arbeta med förbättring och utveckling för att öka sin innovationskraft. Psykologisk trygghet är ett fenomen som fått ökat utrymme i näringslivet och i forskning under senare år, då det starkt korrelerar med individers och teams förmåga att möta förändring och vara högpresterande. Psykologisk trygghet är en gemensam övertygelse hos medlemmarna i ett team om att teamet är tryggt för interpersonellt risktagande. Syftet med denna uppsats var att bidra med kunskap kring hur företag arbetar för att vara i ständig förnyelse och bygga kapacitet i organisationen för att möta kraven i VUCA, samt förstå hur psykologisk trygghet kan vara en motor i det arbetet. En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med sex intervjuer på två större organisationer. Studiens resultat pekar på sex viktiga fokusområden för att vara och leda i ständig förnyelse och framgångsrikt kunna möta de nya kraven. Dessa sex fokusområden beskrivs på följande sätt: Storytelling -”varför” som möjliggörare för motivation och mening, Förmåga att lära - nyfikenhet som möjliggörare för nytänkande och innovation, Ledarbeteenden - vara förebild som möjliggörare för beteendeförändring, Individen i centrum - självkännedom som möjliggörare för självledarskap, Ägandeskap - autonomi som möjliggörare för ansvarskänsla och empowerment och Arbetssätt - lita på processen som möjliggörare för struktur och uthållighet. Studien visar vidare att det finns stark koppling mellan psykologisk trygghet och de sex fokusområdena för att vara i ständig förnyelse och kunna möta kraven i omvärlden. Psykologisk trygghet är en möjliggörare för att bygga kapacitet genom dessa fokusområden. Fokusområdena bidrar i sin tur till ökad psykologisk trygghet, samtidigt som de möjliggör att vara i ständig förnyelse. / VUCA is the term used to describe the complex, uncertain and rapid changing world we live in today. Often it is described as a new paradigm with needs for new management models to continue to be successful. In order to be able to meet the new requirements, organizations need to develop ability to smoothly adapt to change, constantly work with improvement and development to increase their power to innovate. Psychological safety is a phenomenon that got more attention in business and research in recent years, due to its high correlation to the ability of individuals and teams to face change and to be high performance units. Psychological safety is a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking. The purpose of this thesis was to contribute with knowledge about how companies work to build capacity in organizations to meet the requirements of VUCA, as well as understanding how psychological safety can be an enabler in this work. A qualitative interview study was conducted with six interviews at two larger organizations. The result of the study highlights six important focus areas for being in continuous renewal and successfully meeting the new requirements. These six focus areas are described as follows: Storytelling - “why” as an enabler for motivation and meaning, Ability to learn - curiosity as an enabler for innovation, Leadership behaviours - to be a role model as an enabler for behaviour change, People centric approach - self-awareness as an enabler for self-leadership, Ownership - autonomy as an enabler for responsibility and empowerment and “Way of working” - trust the process as an enabler for structure and endurance. The study further shows that there is a strong link between psychological safety and the six focus areas. Psychological safety is an enabler to build capacity in these areas. The focus areas contribute in return to increase psychological safety and at the same time support the ability to meet the complex, uncertain and rapidly changing world. / <p>2020-11-26</p>
1008 |
Fusing organisational change and leadership into a practical roadmap for South African organisationsBlom, Tonja 05 1900 (has links)
The intention of this study was theory creation in the field of organisational change,
directed towards the creation of a conceptual change framework. A qualitative
research approach was followed and a grounded theory methodology adopted.
This study involved a theoretical investigation of organisational change and leadership
within South African organisations, although insights gained could be transferred
across contexts or settings. The primary aim was to create a practical change
framework to ensure sustainable organisational change. Secondly, to determine the
impact of leadership on successful organisational change. Thirdly, to establish
whether any fundamental elements can be identified as essential for inclusion in such
a change framework. Fourthly, to identify non-negotiable success factors that can
ensure successful change. Fifthly, to determine the human elements that should be
included in order to minimise negative outcomes such as resistance and noncompliance.
The final aim was to ascertain what meta-insights can be gained from
organisational change and leadership.
The research findings concluded that the first perception when speaking about change
is fear, anxiety and increased stress, resulting in impaired functioning. Organisations
struggle to handle increased stress levels during periods of change and require
improved methods of dealing with stress to ensure optimal individual functioning. Only
through reduced stress levels will individuals be able to engage with organisational
change initiatives.
Alternative intervention technologies were suggested which could assist the individual
change journey through reduced stress and/or increased consciousness. These
alternative intervention technologies were suggested because of the paucity of current
literature. It practically aids organisations on how to deal with the stress dilemma.
This research introduced the concepts of anti-leader and anti-manager. These
concepts depict the negative characteristics of leadership and management which
invariably increases individual stress levels. Emotions elicited by the anti-leader and/or
anti-manager could potentially split, divide and fragment a workforce.
The ideal organisational approach should be designed by the people, be inclusive of
all, involve, empower and allow individuals to make the required decisions. As
organisational change can only be effected through individual change, this thesis
places the individual in the centre. Without individual change, vicissitude and
sustainable organisational change become highly unlikely. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / DBL
1009 |
The influence of corporate culture on organisational change of First National Bank of NamibiaSimon, Justina 06 1900 (has links)
Change is invariable and continuous, and has become inevitable in almost every sphere of business. The FNB Namibia operates in a highly vibrant competitive environment that is influenced by external and internal change drivers, and has not been resistant to any forces of change. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between corporate culture and organisational change of FNB Namibia. In this study corporate culture is the independent variable while organisational change is the dependent variable under the investigation. The data were collected through the questionnaires distributed to the staff members of the bank. A total of 50 questionnaires were administered, 33 of the questionnaires were correctly completed and returned. The findings showed that there is a relationship between corporate culture and organisational change. The findings also showed that the dominant existing organisational culture at the bank is hierarchy culture. Even though hierarchy culture is found to be the dominant organisational culture of the bank, the findings however, further revealed that the bank has adopted all four types of organisational culture. The study also found that different types of organisational culture have different levels of perceptions towards organisational change. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)
1010 |
Modelo de mejora basado en herramientas del Lean Manufacturing para reducir productos defectuosos en una empresa peruana de alimentos / Improvement model based on Lean Manufacturing tools to reduce defective items in a Peruvian food companyCastañeda Iquira, Mirella Guadalupe, Sangama Suazo, Diana 09 December 2020 (has links)
Actualmente, las empresas de alimentos en el Perú presentan una serie de deficiencias internas que contribuyen a la aparición de problemas críticos, como es el caso de los productos defectuosos. Por ello, la presente investigación propone un modelo de mejora para reducir el índice de defectos en la fabricación de productos alimenticios, mediante la estandarización del trabajo y la aplicación de herramientas del TPM. Asimismo, este modelo es desarrollado bajo un enfoque de Gestión del Cambio, con el fin de eliminar la resistencia de los trabajadores frente al cambio en su cultura laboral. La efectividad del modelo fue validada mediante una simulación con el Software Arena, obteniendo como principal resultado la reducción del porcentaje de defectos de 23.5% a 12.5%, en la empresa del caso de estudio. Esto permite concluir que el desarrollo de la propuesta mejora la calidad de la producción, lo que a su vez representa una oportunidad para obtener mayores ingresos para la empresa. / Currently, food companies in Peru have a series of internal deficiencies that contribute to the appearance of critical problems, such is the case of the defective products. Therefore, this research proposes an improvement model to reduce the rate of defects in the manufacture of food products, through the standardization of work and application of TPM tools. Likewise, this model is developed under a Change Management approach, in order to eliminate the resistance of the workers against the change in their work culture. The effectiveness of the model was validated through a simulation with the Software Arena, obtaining as the main result the reduction of the percentage of defects from 23.5% to 12.5%, in the company of the case study. This allows to conclude that the development of the proposal improve the quality of production, which in turn represents an opportunity to obtain higher income for the company. / Trabajo de investigación
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