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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A mediação judicial e as garantias fundamentais do processo civil brasileiro / The judicial mediation and fundamentals guarantees on Brasilian civil procedure

Carla da Silva Mariquito 25 June 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a contribuição dos conflitos para a evolução do Direito e das formas de solucioná-lo. Tem por finalidade estudar o desenvolvimento da jurisdição e do processo nos conhecidos Estado Liberal, Estado Social e Estado Constitucional. O estudo oferece ênfase à incidência do constitucionalismo sobre o direito, em especial ao Direito Processual. O processo justo e suas garantias, extraídas da Constituição Federal, transformaram o processo em instrumento de concretização das normas constitucionais. A crescente litigiosidade e dependência dos cidadãos relativamente a decisão adjudicada impõem uma necessária reformulação da cultura processual. Neste ponto, o empoderamento ganha destaque como meio de fomentar a utilização de meios consensuais para solução de conflitos. Tais meios são observados como complemento e instrumentos para o afastamento da crise de efetividade experimentado pela jurisdição. A introdução, no processo, de meios consensuais de solução de conflitos, como a mediação judicial, pretende fomentar o desenvolvimento do modelo cooperativo de processo. Consequentemente, a maior participação das partes no processo de construção da solução a ser aplicada ao conflito que as envolve, contribui para a maior efetividade da prestação jurisdicional. Examina-se, cautelosamente, a introdução dos meios consensuais de solução de conflitos no processo judicial de modo que as características essenciais de cada um não sejam perdidas ou transformadas, sob pena de desvirtuar-se a mediação judicial. É preciso assegurar a compatibilidade entre ambos, bem como a aplicação das garantias fundamentais do processo. / The present study aims to analyze the contribution to the evolution of conflicts of law and the ways to solve it. It aims to study the development of the jurisdiction and the process known in the Liberal State, Welfare State and the Constitutional State. The study gives emphasis to the impact of constitutionalism on the right, especially the Procedural Law. The fair trial and its guarantees, drawn from the Constitution, the process turned into an instrument of implementation of constitutional norms. Increased litigation and dependence of citizens to impose a decision adjudicated necessary needs reform of procedural culture. At this point, the empowerment gained prominence as a means of promoting the use of consensual means of conflict resolution. So, the ways are seen as a complement and instruments for the removal of the effectiveness of crisis experienced by jurisdiction. The introduction, in the process of consensual means of dispute resolution, such as mediation court, aims to promote the development of the cooperative process. Consequently, the largest participation in the process of construction of the solution to be applied to the conflict that surrounds them, contributes to greater effectiveness of adjudication. It examines cautiously the introduction of consensual means of resolving conflicts in the judicial process so that the essential characteristics of each are not lost or transformed, otherwise misrepresenting themselves to judicial mediation. It needs to ensure compatibility between them, and the application of the fundamental guarantees of the process.

O aumento dos poderes do relator e o julgamento monocrático dos recursos cíveis / Increase of the powers of the rapporteur and trial of civil appeals

Larissa Verea 12 May 2014 (has links)
O processo civil brasileiro tem sofrido contínuas alterações, sempre com vistas à busca de maior celeridade e efetividade jurisdicional. O aumento dos poderes do relator no julgamento dos recursos cíveis foi uma das formas encontradas para se acelerar a prestação jurisdicional e desobstruir a pauta dos Tribunais, hoje assolados por uma enorme quantidade de recursos. No entanto, as modificações da legislação que ampliaram os poderes do relator não escaparam às críticas da doutrina, seja por conta das deficiências da redação do dispositivo, seja do alcance prático do julgamento monocrático, chegando até mesmo a ter sua constitucionalidade questionada. O trabalho aborda essas questões trazendo um olhar contemporâneo e reflexivo sobre o tema. / The Brazilian civil procedure has undergone continuous changes, always seeking celerity and effectiveness. The increase of the powers of the rapporteur in the trial of civil appeals was one of the resources used to accelerate the judiciary relief and unclog the Courts agenda, currently plagued by a huge amount of appeals. However, changes in the law that expanded the powers of the rapporteur did not escape the doctrines criticism, whether on account of the wording deficiencies or on the practical effect of the judgment, having even its constitutionality questioned. This paper addresses these issues under a contemporary and reflexive right.

Efetividade das estipulações voltadas à instituição dos meios multiportas de solução de litígios / Enforceability of agreements developed to establish multidoor dispute resolution

Luis Fernando Guerrero 23 May 2012 (has links)
Este estudo examina as estipulações voltadas à instituição de meios multiportas de solução de controvérsias, mecanismo responsável por materializar a vontade da partes em solucionar os seus conflitos via métodos alternativos ou adequados de solução de controvérsias, tendo relevante papel na materialização do escopo social do processo. Há uma clara dicotomia entre os denominados métodos de solução de controvérsias consensuais, nos quais a própria participação das partes levará à solução e à conformação do litígio e, de outro lado, os métodos adjudicatórios de solução de controvérsias, no qual haverá um terceiro imparcial escolhido pelas partes ou de acordo com mecanismos por elas estabelecido e que será responsável pela solução da controvérsia. Existem ainda métodos combinados ou mistos, em que são aglutinados elementos dos métodos denominados primários, quais sejam negociação, conciliação, mediação e arbitragem. Clara a diferença entre essas categorias de métodos de solução de controvérsias, deve-se analisar, ainda, se há alguma diferença no tocante à vinculação das partes a cada uma das mencionadas categorias de solução de controvérsias e, com grande importância, de que modo métodos consensuais podem interferir no surgimento e desenvolvimento de métodos adjudicatórios. Em relação à vinculação dos métodos de solução de controvérsias adjudicatórios, a grande referência no direito brasileiro é a arbitragem, que conta com legislação própria e deve muito de seu sucesso no atual estado dos métodos de solução de controvérsias no direito brasileiro a alterações relativas à sua vinculação e efetivação. Nitidamente, há uma inserção das cláusulas de solução de controvérsias, seja qual for o método utilizado no âmbito da ciência processual. A base de tais cláusulas é de direito privado, fundamentando-se em institutos bastante conhecidos: transação e compromisso que ganharam a categorização jurídica de contrato após o Código Civil de 2002. Do ponto de vista da adoção desses instrumentos jurídicos como veículos da utilização dos métodos de solução de controvérsias, são previstas técnicas diversas de uso. A primeira é extrajudicial, baseada na planificação de solução de conflitos, que pode ser feita pelas partes e seus advogados, e uma segunda, que é extrajudicial baseada no caseflow e no case management, nos quais o Judiciário assume o papel de coordenador e aplicador de tais métodos. A relação entre os métodos de solução de controvérsias ganha caráter dinâmico na medida em que determinados sistemas de solução de controvérsias são combinados para uma dada questão. Trata-se das chamadas cláusulas escalonadas que têm por escopo acompanhar a escalada de litigiosidade que possa surgir em determinada discussão jurídica, combinando métodos consensuais e adjudicatórios de solução de litígios. Em qualquer situação, de acordo com os termos dos arts. 158 e 466-B do Código de Processo Civil que podem analogamente ser comparados com os arts. 4.º e 7.º da Lei de Arbitragem, há a total vinculação das partes ao método de solução de controvérsias escolhido. Questão bastante tormentosa é a inserção e a inter-relação dos métodos de solução de controvérsias, especialmente com o processo civil e os efeitos que daí podem decorrer. Nesse aspecto, sendo um método consensual, as partes que a ele aderiram terá que realizá-lo antes da busca de um método adjudicatório de adesão voluntária, como é a arbitragem, ou um método adjudicatório inevitável, como é o Judiciário. Trata-se do efeito negativo das cláusulas ADR. Contudo, há que verificar que efeitos seriam gerados aos métodos adjudicatórios pela não realização de um método consensual precedente. Os métodos de solução de controvérsias poderiam ser encarados como pressupostos processuais, condições da ação ou questões prévias, promovendo diferentes resultados em um processo judicial ou arbitral. Há que se buscar a solução que melhor se adequar a um contexto de solução de controvérsias. Desta feita, os MASCs devem ser colocados como hipóteses suspensão dos processos arbitral ou judicial, suspensão essa que deve durar até a realização do referido método acordado anteriormente, garantindo-se a sua eficácia. No tocante a este ponto, o Estado tem um relevante papel político e legislativo de modo a incentivar a utilização de tais métodos e garantir-lhes a eficácia. Além disso, a parte que se furtar está sujeita a consequências contratuais que podem ser previstas, tais como a imposição de multas e cláusulas penais. Vislumbram-se também hipóteses de perda de uma chance, com o agravamento do litígio e prejuízos que podem advir do tolhimento da chance de um método de solução de controvérsias produzir um resultado. De qualquer modo, aquele que pretendia utilizar o método, para se valer dessas possíveis indenizações, tem o dever de mitigar o próprio dano como resultado da mesma cláusula geral de boa-fé que, ao reverso, obrigou o ex-adverso a utilizar o método e foi violada. Pode-se pensar nesse contexto, ainda, a possibilidade de métodos alternativos de solução de controvérsias serem estabelecidos por meio de cláusulas que prevejam a venda de excussão entre as partes ou mesmo medidas corporativas, tais como ocorrem na BM&F Bovespa, apenas de acordo com a manifestação de vontade das partes de adesão ao referido sistema, sendo uma prova da força e extensão do vínculo surgido de uma estipulação de solução de controvérsias, ainda que consensual. Há, de qualquer modo, uma execução por transformação em que a manifestação de vontade apresentada pelas partes pode ser efetivada pelo magistrado permitindo a utilização dos métodos de solução de controvérsias a partir do momento em que ocorreu a adesão das partes. Por fim, a confidencialidade que pode ser aplicada aos métodos de solução de controvérsias tem natureza contratual, não interferindo na eficácia das cláusulas ADR. / This study examines the stipulations aimed to establishing alternative settled mechanism responsible for materializing the will of the parties to resolve their disputes through alternative or appropriate dispute settlement with a relevant role in the materialization of the social scope of the process. There is a clear dichotomy between the called consensual methods of dispute resolution in which the participation of the parties will lead to the solution and the conformation of the dispute and, on the other hand, the called adjudicatory methods in which an impartial third party will be chosen by parties or in accordance with mechanisms established by them and will be responsible for resolving the dispute. There are also mixed or combined methods, which contains elements of the primary methods, namely, negotiation, conciliation, mediation and arbitration. Differences between these categories of methods of dispute settlement shall be analyzed, even if there is any difference with respect the binding feature of those methods and, with great importance, so that consensual methods can interfere in the emergence and development of adjudicatory methods. In relation to binding adjudicatory methods of dispute settlement, the most important reference in Brazil is Arbitration. Its Law is responsible for it succed as a method of dispute resolution in the Brazil, specially for ten. changes to their binding feature and enforcement of its result, now recognized as a sentence. The legal basis of such clauses is private law and are based on well-known institutions: transaction and commitment that are a contractual legal categorie after the Civil Code. From the standpoint of using, these legal instruments are vehicles and are expected to use different techniques. The first rendition is based on planning for conflict resolution that can be made by the parties and their lawyers and a second which is based on caseflow and case management, in which the judiciary takes over the role to coordinate and implement these methods. The relationship between the methods of dispute settlement became dynamic when individual methods of dispute settlement are combined to a given question. These are the called staggered terms which seeks to track the escalation of litigation that may arise in a particular legal issue, combining both consensual and adjudicatory dispute resolution methods. In any event, in accordance with the terms of the arts. 158 and 466-B of the Civil Procedure Code that can similarly be compared with the arts. 4o and 7o of the Arbitration Act, there is the share of binding feature of the method of dispute resolution chosen. Question very stormy is the interrelationship of the insertion of dispute resolution methods, especially consensual and adjudicatory methodse. In this aspect, a method is agreed, the parties have to do it before the search for an adjudicatory method. This is the negative effect of ADR clauses. However, there it is found that the effects would be generated by methods Adjudicative not performing a method consesual precedent. The methods of dispute settlement may be seen as procedural requisites, conditions of action or issues prior action by promoting different results in a lawsuit or arbitration. We must seek the solution that best fits the context of a multi door dispute settlement. The conclusion is that the ADR methods should be placed as hypotheses of suspension for arbitration or judicial processes. That suspension should last until the completion of this method previously agreed, assuring its effectiveness. Concerning this point, the State has an important political and legislative role in order to encourage the use of such methods and guarantee their effectiveness. In addition, the part that is subject to evade contractual consequences that can be provided such as the imposition of fines and penalty clauses. In case of ADR clauses breach the lost of a chance theory shall applyo, with increased litigation and damages that may arise from the chance of stunting a method of dispute resolution to produce a result. Anyway, who intended to use the breach of the other party to take advantage of possible damages, has the duty to mitigate the loss itself as a result of the same general clause on good faith that, in reverse, enforces the former adverse to using the method and was violated. One might think in this context also the possibility of alternative methods of dispute settlement be established by means of clauses providing for the sale of excussion between the parties or even intracorporis issues such as occur in the BM&F Bovespa, only in accordance with the manifestation the will of the parties to accede to such a system, a testament to the strength and extent of the relationship arising from a stipulation of settlement of disputes, even if consensual. The intetion to use an alternative dispute resolution shall be given by the partíreis but in case of breach of this obligation the interested party can obtain an mandatory decision by the Judge indicating that the other party must attend the dispute resolution method. Finally, the confidentiality that can be applied to methods of dispute settlement is contractual in nature, not interfering with the enforcement of ADR clauses.

Análise crítica da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova / Critical analysis on the dynamic burden of proof.

Mariana Aravechia Palmitesta 26 February 2015 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, a partir do surgimento da ideia de Estado Democrático de Direito, a moderna doutrina processualista passou a entender o processo não só como meio destinado à pacificação social, passando a encará-lo como mecanismo destinado a fazer valer garantias e direitos constitucionais e a alcançar a pacificação justa dos litígios. A partir deste novo contexto, verificou-se a limitação de alguns institutos processuais vigentes, que embora pudessem auxiliar na obtenção do escopo de pacificação, deixavam de resguardar ou de implementar, em alguns momentos, determinadas garantias constitucionais, o que prejudicava o fim último de acesso à ordem jurídica justa. Uma das limitações verificadas a partir da perspectiva publicista de processo corresponde à regra estática de distribuição dos encargos probatórios conforme a natureza dos fatos alegados, uma vez que esta deixava de observar eventual impossibilidade da parte em cumprir com seu encargo. Ante tal limitação, foi desenvolvida uma teoria destinada a reequilibrar a relação processual, assegurando a implementação das garantias constitucionais, quando a regra estática de distribuição dos encargos probatórios não se mostrava suficiente a assegurar o acesso à ordem jurídica justa. Denominada de distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova (ou teoria das cargas probatórias dinâmicas) a teoria foi pensada a fim de, em tais situações e conforme as peculiaridades do caso concreto, determinar a redistribuição do encargo probatório a fim de que este recaia sobre as partes em melhores condições. Contudo, há grande divergência doutrinária sobre a viabilidade prática da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova, sendo apontados diversos problemas que podem decorrer de sua aplicação. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir com a análise do tema, a partir de um estudo sobre as razões que impuseram a criação do instituto, bem como as contribuições que sua implementação traz ao processo civil, encarado sobre a ótica de processo constitucional, e os riscos que podem decorrer de sua aplicação, de forma a verificar se existe viabilidade em sua aplicação e eventuais formas de se afastar os problemas apontados pelos críticos à teoria. / Over the past few years, with the raising of the idea of Democratic State of Law, the modern procedural doctrine has started to understand civil lawsuit not only as a mean to achieve social peace, starting to face it as a mechanism with an aim to reinforce constitutional rights and warranties and to achieve the pacification with Justice for disputes. From this new context, it was observed the limitation of certain current procedural institutes, that even though could help to achieve the pacification, wouldnt protect or carry into effect, at some circumstances, certain constitutional warranties, which would interfere with the definitive goal of providing access to a just legal order. One of the limitation verified after the public conception of civil procedure concerned the static rule for the distribution of the burden of proof, therefore the rule wouldnt take into account eventual impossibility of the party to fulfill the assignment. Regarding this limitation, it was developed a theory aiming to rebalance the procedural relation, carrying the constitutional warranties into effect, when the static rule for the distribution of the burden of proof wouldnt reveal to be sufficient to ensure the access to the just legal order. Therefore called the dynamic distribution of the burden of proof (or theory of the dynamic burden of proof) this theory has been developed to, at those said circumstances and according to the peculiarities of each case, determinate the replacement of the burden of proof attributing it to the party whith better means to fulfill the assignment. However, there is no theoretical agreement over the practical viability of the dynamic burden of proof, being pointed several problems that could result from its employment. The present research aims to contribute with this analysis, after the study over the reasons that impose the creation of this institute, as well as the contribution its implementation brings to civil procedure, looked from the constitutional procedure point of view, and the risks that could raise from its employment, as a way to verify if there is practical viability on its utilization and eventual forms to prevent the problems pointed by those who criticize the theory

Vulnerabilidade como critério legítimo de desequiparação no processo civil / Vulnerability as a legitimate unequalization criteria in the civil procedure

Fernanda Tartuce Silva 29 March 2011 (has links)
A isonomia é tratada a partir de sua evolução no pensamento humano e do contexto social de desigualdades nas realidades latino-americana e brasileira desde os tempos coloniais. Após análise do discurso sobre tratar igualmente os iguais e desigualmente os desiguais, aborda-se o compromisso constitucional do Estado de promover a igualdade em sua conexão com outras garantias constitucionais. Promove-se a releitura do objeto e da função do processo civil à luz da isonomia; sendo dever do magistrado assegurá-la entre os litigantes, propugna-se a condução do processo em uma perspectiva dinâmica e colaborativa para proporcionar efetivo acesso à justiça e real paridade entre as partes sem comprometer a imparcialidade do juiz. Identificada a necessidade de tratamento diferenciado, a vulnerabilidade é apresentada como critério legítimo para distinções a partir de elementos consistentes de aferição. A igualdade é abordada sob a ótica da humanização do processo civil e a tese apresenta o inovador conceito de vulnerabilidade processual, suscetibilidade que compromete a prática de atos em juízo por uma limitação involuntária do litigante decorrente de fatores de saúde e/ou de ordem econômica, informacional, técnica ou organizacional de caráter permanente ou provisório. As diferenciações presentes no ordenamento processual são analisadas para aferir eventual nexo com fatores relacionados à vulnerabilidade. São também propostas soluções para superar efeitos nocivos da vulnerabilidade processual em diversos momentos da tramitação dos feitos cíveis e fomentar participação igualitária. Por fim, demonstra-se a viabilidade da aplicação da tese por meio da alegação de justa causa indicando-se aspectos procedimentais para seu reconhecimento em juízo. / Isonomy has been dealt with from its evolution in human thoughts and in the inequality of social context in Latin American and Brazilian realities since their colonial times. After the discourse analysis regarding handling equal ones equally and unequal ones unequally, the State constitutional commitment in promoting equality in its connection to other constitutional guarantees is addressed. The rereading of the object and the function of the civil process is promoted through the light of isonomy; being the magistrates duty to guarantee it among litigants, the lead of the process is advocated in a dynamic and collaborative perspective in order to provide the effective access to justice and the re alparity between the parties without compromising the judge impartiality. Once the need of a differentiated treatment is identified, the vulnerability is presented as a legitimate criterion for distinctions from consistent assessment elements. Equality is addressed under the civil process humanization and the thesis presents the innovative concept of procedural vulnerability, susceptibility, which compromises the practice of act in court by an involuntary litigant limitation due to health and/or economical, informational, technical or organizational order of permanent or provisional character. Differences presented on the procedural system are analyzed in order to assess a possible link with factors related to the vulnerability. There are also proposed solutions in order to overcome harmful effects from procedural vulnerability in several moments of the processing of civil works and to foster an equal participation. Finally, the application viability of the thesis is demonstrated through the claim of cause, indicating the procedural aspects for its recognition in court.

Ação coletiva passiva e a proteção ambiental

John, Natacha Souza 27 March 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar que a ação coletiva passiva pode ser um importante instrumento na preservação do meio ambiente. Para tanto é realizada uma análise sobre a evolução histórica das ações coletivas até chegar à apreciação da ação coletiva passiva. Embora, nossa doutrina não tenha se ocupado significativamente do estudo, os conflitos de interesses em que a coletividade encontra-se no pólo passivo da demanda existem e, mais do que nunca, estão presentes na sociedade. Assim, será feita uma abordagem dos princípios que garantem este tipo de ação, bem como analisadas questões referentes a legitimação processual, representação adequada e interesse de agir. Além de abordar o instituto da coisa julgada, ressaltando a importância dos seus efeitos no que tange a natureza do bem ambiental. E ainda, uma apreciação crítica da questão no futuro código de processos coletivos. Deste modo, para entender e manejar com a necessária eficiência os chamados processos coletivos torna-se imperativo a ruptura com a visão de institutos processuais clássicos, marcados por uma visão individualista e que se mostram obsoletos e impróprios para regrar o processo,principalmente ambiental, sendo imprescindível buscar novos paradigmas para nortear esse novo ramo do direito processual. Assim, é imperativo trilhar novos caminhos processuais a fim de conseguir a adequada tutela do meio ambiente, onde o formalismo e as regras clássicas e arcaicas do direito sejam deixados de lado, pois em nada condizem com a natureza do direito ambiental, devido a sua característica tão peculiar. / The present work aims to demonstrate that the way which the civil procedure is designed today by law enforcement officers, is not able of meeting constitutional rights, particularly with regard to environmental issues. Therefore, it is made an analysis of the historical evolution of collective actions to reach the appreciation of passive collective action. Still, that our doctrine has not engaged significantly in the study, the conflicts of interest in which the collectivity must meet at the passive pole of the demand exist and, more than ever, are present in society. In this way, the contribution of procedural institutes from other systems has been shown to be very effective in helping in the formation of an environmental process to achieve effective protection of the environment. In this feeling, to understand and managed with the necessary efficiency so-called collective processes becomes imperative to break with the vision of classic procedural institutes, marked by an individualistic vision and that show obsolete and unfit to regulate processes, being essential to seek new paradigms to lead this new branch of procedural law. Thus, it is essential to pursue new procedure paths in order to achieve adequate protection of the environment, in which the formalism and the classical and archaic rules of law are left aside, because of it does not match the nature of environmental law, due to its so peculiar characteristic.

Incidenční spory v řízení o výkon rozhodnutí (exekuci) / Incidental disputes in proceedings for the enforcement of decision

Nešporová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is the Incidental disputes arising from the proceedings for the enforcement of judgments (execution). This topic is very actual because of the increasing number of execution proceedings. The aim of this thesis was to present the category of incidental disputes in general and further present the incidental disputes that may arise in execution proceedings complexly, outline their position in legal code, and describe their purpose, nature and features that are typical for them. Apart the introduction and conclusion the thesis contains eight chapters in total. The first chapter deals with the category of incidental disputes in general and their classification, wherefore is further divided into three subchapters, where is generally dealt with the concept of incidental dispute, further subchapter is focus on the proceedings for the enforcement of judgments and execution proceedings including the brief outline of their historical progress. The end of the first chapter is related to the general and specific principles, on which the execution proceedings is built. The second chapter is dedicated to the incidental disputes in execution proceedings, or rather executional disputes and their classification from various points of view, especially the classification into disputes...

Voorbereiding vir verhoor ter verwesenliking van die waarborg van 'n billike siviele verhoor

Van Heerden, Cornelia Maritha 08 January 2009 (has links)
LL.D. / The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996 provides in Section 34 that everyone has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair public hearing before court, or where appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or forum. A fair civil trial that includes a fair judgment can only be achieved if the parties to the action receive fair treatment throughout all the stages of the proceedings. Obviously the concept "trial" cannot be given a narrow interpretation. There can hardly be mention of a "fair trial" if the processes that precede the trial since commencement of the litigation cannot also be construed as fair. In providing the procedures whereby a fair civil trial is facilitated, apart from providing effective mechanisms for the enforcement of substantive rights and obligations, the interrelated concepts of time, effectiveness and costs are pivotal. In an attempt to secure a fair civil trial, the preparation for trial stage plays a very important role. It is, however, a reality of the South African litigation milieu that hundreds of cases are postponed on a daily basis as a result of problems that are related to specific pretrial procedures. The indications that the pre-trial procedures per se need to be revised and where necessary, be reformed, are consequently rife. There is also no comprehensive procedural structure in place in South African law in terms of which the parties can co-operate in order to effectively facilitate pre-trial preparation. An aspect of the pre-trial procedure that often leads to delay and unnecessary escalation of costs is the excessive amount of party control (or lack thereof) during the preparation for trial stage. Pivotal to reform of the pre-trial procedures is thus the question whether it serves any purpose to leave this stage to the "mercy of the parties". It can hardly be argued that retaining the element of surprise as part of a strict adversary litigation character yields any real advantage. Legal reform is not a process that can be undertaken in vacuo and any attempts at reform in the preparation for trial stage must consequently bear the following considerations in mind: costs, delay, the degree of complexity of procedures, formulation, time limits and sanctions, the impact of the principle of fairness, the impact of party control and circumstances peculiar to a particular legal system. It is furthermore important that such reform should be undertaken in accordance with an expressly declared ethos. Where there is no clear congruence between the reform ethos and the needs of a specific legal system it will inevitably lead to reform which, although it may be new, might not necessarily address and improve existing problems. Legal reform, even if it is of limited scope, should always be a logical, purposive process. In this respect comparative study of Anglo- American systems are invaluable. It is of great importance that individual pre-rial procedures should be reformed in order to facilitate cost and time effective preparation for trial. Various problems exist in respect of discovery and attention should urgently be given to the lack of uniformity between the High Courts and the Magistrates Court, the non-compulsory nature of the procedure, the effectiveness of time limits and sanctions, the wording of the rule and the question whether the concept "document" should be elaborated upon. Provision should also be made in the South African Law of Civil Procedure for exchange of witness statements prior to trial. Exchange of expert evidence ought also to be reformed in order to address the problematic time aspect, the obligation to give notice, the contents of the summary, the discussion between experts and the lack of sanctions prior to the trial date. Reform of the pretrial conference should also be undertaken in order to emphasize its legitimate place as a stocktaking procedure prior to trial. It is furthermore necessary to address the problems regarding the pre-trial conference that relate to the lack of uniformity in the High Court and Magistrate's Court, the attitude of the legal profession, the stage at which the conference must be held, the question regarding who should preside at the conference and the lack of effective sanctions. Reform of the individual pre-trial procedures, whether piecemeal or as a comprehensive once-off reform, is, however, per se not sufficient to ensure a level of trial preparation that will eventually lead to a fair civil trial. The individual pre-trial procedures are separate though interrelated links that can only fulfill their purpose if the greater more holistic approach to civil procedure gives structured recognition to orderly, time and cost effective litigation. It is, therefore, essential that the individual pre-trial procedures should function within the framework of a case management system that can play a significant role in achieving the ideal of a constitutionally fair civil trial in that it establishes a coordinated and procedurally fair preparation for trial stage. The eventual success of such reform will, apart form the provision of effective individual pre-trial procedures and an effective case management model, also depend on the materialization of a sufficient budget to create an infrastructure of computers and trained personnel as well as a mentality shift on the part of lawyers in order to discard their old adversary cloak in exchange for more effective transparant litigation and eventually, a fair civil trial.

Coordinating legal aid services in civil matters for indigent people in eThekwini: a model for improved access to justice

Holness, David Roy January 2014 (has links)
The South African law and legal system can and should be a mechanism through which the lives of all resident there are enhanced through the safeguarding and advancement of the fundamental rights guaranteed in its Bill of Rights. This thesis focuses on ‘legal aid’ service delivery (broadly speaking) for the indigent in a particular locality by and through registered law clinics, other legal services providers and via other means in civil rather than criminal matters. In this regard there continue to be very substantial differences between the proper access to civil justice requirements of constitutional South Africa and the actual situation which has existed since the dawn of South Africa’s democratic era which continues unabated. Justice and equality are promised to all in South Africa, yet due to gaps in the ‘net’ of free legal services provided to the indigent, the ability to pay for legal services in civil cases often remains the deciding factor. This study examines the constitutional obligations which, it is argued, apply to the provision of free civil legal services to impoverished people in South Africa. This research considers the law as a vector for necessary positive transformation in the daily lives of those resident in South Africa, which is considered within the country’s woefully unequal socio-economic situation. It builds upon existing research and court authority which show the function of access to justice as an important promoter of the type of society envisaged by the South African Constitution - one where the enjoyment of justice and equality are within the reach of all. However, at present, if one can afford the expensive services of lawyers in civil matters, then access to justice is far more readily attainable. But the opposite is true where someone is denied meaningful access to justice through a lack of legal representation because they cannot afford prohibitively high lawyers’ costs (and disbursements) and no adequate alternatives are provided for by the state or through other means. In these circumstances a vulnerable, unrepresented litigant in a civil case faces a greatly increased likelihood of being denied proper access to a daunting and intricate legal system. There are two main reasons for concentrating on free legal services to the ‘needy’ in civil rather than criminal matters. In the first place, all available statistics show that a huge proportion of legal aid services in South Africa has been and continues to be dispensed in criminal rather than civil cases. Secondly, there has been minimal research or case authority in South Africa on legal aid and other free legal services for impoverished people in civil matters. This thesis examines the state of free civil legal service provision and the need for such assistance within the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, one of South Africa’s largest metropoles. This analysis includes an empirical study of the requests for free civil legal services in a particular year by qualifying potential clients in eThekwini and the degree to which free legal service providers are meeting or failing to meet those needs. The study considers the legal service provision in such matters by legal non-governmental organisations, state-supported legal service providers and the work of legal professionals in private practice acting pro bono. The thesis then proposes a model for eThekwini for coordinating (and concurrently improving) civil legal aid services, pro bono legal work and other forms of free legal assistance - like community service by senior law students and law graduates - in response to the particular needs and circumstances facing the indigent there. When referring to the concept of ‘legal aid services’, this research concentrates on legal advice, assistance and representation to indigent clients. However, the promotion of legal rights awareness to such clients is often necessary to open their eyes to the possibility of legal avenues, where appropriate, to improve their situations. Therefore this study also considers - albeit to a lesser degree - this more indirect form of legal assistance through the dissemination of legal knowledge in an accessible form to clients who would qualify for legal aid assistance. The work concludes by briefly postulating the likely appropriateness (and/or limitations) of the aforementioned ‘free civil legal service model for the indigent’ beyond eThekwini.

Civil litigation, probate and bankruptcy procedures: a diplomatic examination of British Columbia Supreme Court records

Mitchell, Elizabeth Joan 11 1900 (has links)
For centuries, the theory and principles of diplomatics have played a role in the work of European archivists. In North America, however, its relevance is still under scrutiny. This thesis employs diplomatic analysis to test its validity when applied to modern documents and procedures. To investigate the significance of diplomatic methodology and analysis, this thesis first discusses the recent history and structure of the British Columbia court system. It then examines a selection of case files from the civil, probate and bankruptcy registries, and it assigns the documents within to one of the six phases of a procedure: initiative, inquiry, consultation, deliberation, deliberation control, and execution. The study concludes by discussing the diplomatic character of the procedures and its importance in the understanding of modern records. More specifically, it outlines how diplomatics and procedural analysis can assist records professionals in the development of classification systems and retention and disposition schedules; the design of automated records management systems; and archival appraisal, arrangement and description. / Arts, Faculty of / Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS), School of / Graduate

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