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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociologie des sans-papiers : processus d’illégalisation des migrant.e.s et expériences clandestines (Paris, Buenos Aires, Montréal) / Sociology of the undocumented : illegalisation processes and the clandestine experience (Paris, Buenos Aires, Montréal)

Veron, Daniel 19 April 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les migrants illégalisés, étrangers dont la présence sur un territoire national est en contradiction avec la législation sur le séjour des extranationaux, dans trois pays : la France, l’Argentine et le Canada. L’illégalité migratoire doit dans un premier temps être comprise comme un processus historique d’illégalisation des mobilités migrantes par l’institution frontière. Un tel processus prend racines dans la constitution des Etats-nations, puis des politiques migratoires qu’ils mettent en œuvre. S’il est important de prendre en compte les spécificités historiques et géographiques propres à chaque pays, cette perspective donne à voir dans chaque cas la construction progressive d’un « espace de la clandestinité migratoire ». À partir d'une ethnographie fine, ce travail se propose dans un second temps faire la sociologie des pratiques, procédures, usages, opérations, autrement dit des tactiques des acteurs qui évoluent dans ces espaces. Se découvrent alors des lieux où peuvent se dire les expériences, où se construit une autonomie, où s’élabore une argumentation politique. Ceux que l’on nomme parfois les sans-papiers échappent ainsi – au moins en partie – à la négation sociale dont ils sont l'objet, et s'affirment comme étant dotés, au même titre que n'importe qui, d'une intelligence à la fois situationnelle et réflexive. C'est bien cette dialectique entre un ordre et les pratiques qui lui sont hétérogènes, voire subversives, que cette thèse met à jour. / This thesis examines the situation of illegalised migrants, that is of foreigners whose presence on a national territory is contrary to its legislation concerning the stay of non-nationals, in three countries: France, Argentina and Canada. Migratory illegality needs first to be understood as a historical process of illegalisation of migrant mobilities through the action of the border institution. This process has been rooted in the constitution of Nation-States, then in the migration policies they developed and implemented. Although it is important to take into account the historical and geographical specificities of each country, an analysis in terms of process reveals in each case the progressive construction of a “space of migratory clandestinity”. In a second stage, based on a detailed ethnography, I develop a sociology of practices, procedures, uses and operations – in other words of the tactics adopted by the actors evolving there. Places then appear where experiences can be told, where a certain degree of autonomy can be built and where a political argumentation can be elaborated. So-called “undocumented” people can thus escape - at least partially - from this statute socially imposed upon them to claim, just like anyone else, an intelligence that is both situational and reflexive. Understanding this dialectic between an order and practices that are heterogeneous to it, or indeed subversive of it, is the main objective of this thesis.

Clandestinité et libertinage dans les Liaisons dangereuses de Choderlos de Laclos et Histoire de Juliette D. A. F. de Sade / Clandestinity and libertinage in Les Liaisons dangereuses of Choderlos de Laclos and Histoire de Juliette of DAF de Sade

Touré, Kevin L.-H. 13 December 2010 (has links)
Clandestinité : secret et sédition, dissimulation et subversion de l’ordre ; donc : échelle de valeurs illicite. Écart vis-à-vis des normes intellectuelles et morales incarné par le libertin à l’âge classique. Or au XVIIIe siècle, il n’est plus, comme au XVIIe, un poète licencieux ou un penseur austère, mais un personnage de roman ; prospérant aussi bien dans les œuvres licites que les romans clandestins. Mais qu’est-ce qu’un roman libertin ? On peut déceler dans la variété d’esthétiques et de conceptions de ces œuvres la permanence d’un motif : la clandestinité. Deux romanciers de la fin du siècle ont fait du secret l’un des thèmes fondamentaux de leurs œuvres : Laclos dans Les Liaisons dangereuses et Sade, notamment dans l’Histoire de Juliette. Et léguèrent ainsi à la littérature des modèles exemplaires du libertinage romanesque. En quoi leurs réinterprétations radicales du « genre libertin » éclairent-elles la spécificité de ce dernier, révélant le sens qu’y recouvre le thème récurrent de la clandestinité ? Il s’agit d’étudier chez ces eux un intertexte libertin qui réactive comme donnée essentielle le thème de la clandestinité ; afin de saisir, dans le sens qu’ils confèrent à l’association clandestinité et libertinage, les significations et le projet romanesque qu’ils poursuivirent. Ainsi, le libertinage tardif de leurs œuvres dévoilera, on peut le penser, la spécificité d’un imaginaire romanesque propre au XVIIIe, et qui meurt avec lui. / Clandestinity: a word that associates secret and sedition; and threrefore implies the subversion of the common values established by a society legal frame. As this step aside from normal values, it had been embodied at the Classical Age by the libertines. However, at the XVIIIth century, the libertine isn’t anymore the philosopher or the satirical and licencious poet he had been in the XVIIth century : by this time, he becomes a novel character. But what is exactly a libertin novel, at the XVIIIth century ? Two writters of the time provided answers of a very different kind: Laclos in Les Liaisons dangereuses and Sade in a novel like Histoire de Juliette. Consisting in an interpretation of the “libertinage romanesque”, their novels essentialy dwel on one very matter: clandestinity. How such a theme could provide fundamental clues to the undestanding of the significations that both authors have given to the libertinage of the XVIIIth century ? A question that implies that the study of their books should focus on the libertine intertextual schemes that nourish their imaginaire. Which means questionning the sense they’ve given to this association: clandestinity and libertinage.

Le secret et Polichinelle : ou cultures et pratiques de la clandestinité politique à Naples au début du XIX siècle (1799-1821) / The secret and Pulcinella : cultures and practices of political secret and clandestinity in Naples from 1799 to 1821

Di Mauro, Luca 15 June 2015 (has links)
La thèse analyse les différents usages du secret et de la clandestinité politique au Royaume de Naples de 1799 à 1721. A partir de la fin de l'expérience de la République napolitaine jusqu'au retour de l'absolutisme de Ferdinand 1 en 1821, la présence et l'action de différentes sociétés secrètes est l'un des traits typiques de la vie politique napolitaine. A travers l'analyse des deux formations les plus connues et répandues la franc-maçonnerie et la Carboneria ainsi que de plusieurs groupes mineurs, ce travail s'interroge sur l'efficacité de l'action politique cachée autant comme moyen de défense contre la répression que comme lieu d'élaboration politique et de sauvegarde de contenus non déclarables au grand jour. D'un autre point de vue, ce travail de recherche montre comment le choix de la clandestinité politique n'est pas exclusif du champ révolutionnaire et, étant considéré comme un instrument parmi d'autres pour s'emparer du pouvoir ou pour l'influencer, le secret est aussi adopté par les réactionnaires et les légitimistes, qui vont donner vie à leurs propres sociétés secrètes. En ce qui concerne l'efficacité de cet instrument, enfin, force est de constater que, bien qu'utile comme moyen d'élaboration à l'intérieur du groupe qui a choisi de s'en servir, la clandestinité s'avère insuffisante pour influencer le pouvoir et, encore plus, pour préparer dans l'ombre le bouleversement de ce dernier. / The thesis aims to analyse the different utilisations of secret and clandestinity in the political life of the Kingdom Of Naples from 1799 to 1821. From the fall of the Napolitan Republic to the end of the constitution al period in 1821, the action of secret societies is one of the characteristics of the political system of southem Italy. The cases of the two main societies - the free-masonry and the carbonari - and of some minor groups, face the problem of the effectiveness of hidden political actions on both bands of self-defence instrument against repression and "place" to elaborate new policies and to keep the memory of the Revolution. Moreover, the form of the secret society is not used only by republicans and liberals but, from the very beginning, absolutists as well create their own secret societies.

Trabalho informal nos espaços públicos no centro de São Paulo: pensando parâmetros para políticas públicas / Informal work in downtown public spaces of Sao Paulo city: thinking public policies references

Itikawa, Luciana Fukimoto 01 November 2006 (has links)
Cinco hipóteses explicam a permanência do trabalho informal nos espaços públicos do Centro de São Paulo como ocupação precária e vulnerável: 1- Incapacidade estrutural do mercado de trabalho formal de absorção de mão-de-obra: informalidade como processo mundial e exceção permanente no formato do capitalismo brasileiro; 2- Desconhecimento do comércio informal de rua como produção do espaço urbano: modificação de atributos espaciais: valorização, competição, posse, etc.); 3- Exploração oportunista da clandestinidade dos trabalhadores na forma de corrupção e clientelismo; 4- Marketing urbano e Segregação Espacial: articulação entre as elites locais, Poder Público e agências multilaterais no intuito de promover a revitalização do perímetro estudado, expulsam ou isolam sistematicamente os trabalhadores de rua; 5- Inoperância das políticas públicas: o conhecimento insuficiente ou parcial do comércio de rua resulta na formulação de políticas públicas descoladas da realidade e, portanto, inoperantes. A partir dessas hipóteses,foi possível pensar parâmetros para políticas públicas que superem a polarização entre intolerância e permissividade em relação à atividade. / Five hypotheses explain streetvending in downtown Sao Paulo as a precarious and a vulnerable occupation: 1- Structural impermeability of formal labor market: informal sector as a global process, and as a permanent exception in brazilian capitalism; 2- Lack of awareness of streetvending as a production of urban space: transformation of spatial attributes - profit, competitiveness, ownership, etc.; 3- Opportunist exploitation over clandestine street vendors: corruption and patronage; 4- Urban marketing strategies and Spatial segregation: partnership among government, ruling elite and multi-lateral financial agencies in order to improve urban renewal, frequently isolate and gentrify against street vendors; 5- Innefective public policies - lack of understanding of streetvending results in unlikely public policies. Assuming these hypotheses, this research built public policies directions in order to overcome contradiction between intolerance and permissiveness.

Y los clandestinos, ¿dónde están? Rastros da Ditadura Chilena, de 1973 a 1990 / And the clandestines, where are they? Trails of the Chilean Dictatorship, from 1973 to 1990

Coradini, Rafaella de Aguiar 06 March 2017 (has links)
The text of the dissertation includes the effort to dialogue with the historiography about the History of the Chilean Dictatorship, also with historical theorists who deal with the paths of memory, relating it with reports made by survivors and characters of the dictatorships in the Southern Cone and in the case Of this dissertation, the Chilean Civil-Military Dictatorship (set./1973 to march/1990). And it ends with the audio-visual and biographical production already existing of the testimonies of several organizations, to explain how the clandestine happened in the country. The analysis was based on the questioning of the writing of the report, asking what and for whom it is addressed, as well as on the role of memory and its collaboration in clarifying the facts that occurred in a period of strong repression. Some survivors of human rights violations narrated their experiences from their understandings and emotions. Within this approach, the role of the State is also analyzed as a fundamental part in this process of reflection on dictatorial processes. For it is through the use and abuse of power that repression and violence are unleashed, knowing that such acts have become publicly known, when democracy is restored, and even before it, by the collaboration of those who have survived and prepared to recall the moments of clandestinity. This dissertation ends the activities carried out in the Post-Graduate Program in History of the Federal University of Santa Maria. This research focused on the area "History, Power and Culture". The research line "Culture, Migrations and Labor" collaborated in the discussion about the transformations of a society, with radical changes in its daily life, due to the Armed Forces' takeover of power, when a group of people came to live, from the coup, into the clandestinity. The objective was to interpret the works of memory in a sense of recognition and construction of the multiple Chilean identities, from the moment they arise, at the beginning of the 21st century, analyzing its documentary character for historiography. Thus, an analysis of the performance of human rights was made, starting in the 1990s, and how they became fundamental to achieve the objectives of these memories, a theme that circulates in the justification of the work, guaranteeing the prevalence of human rights in Societies that experienced great ruptures. / O texto da dissertação compreende o esforço de dialogar com a historiografia acerca da História da Ditadura Chilena, também com teóricos da História que tratam sobre os caminhos da memória, relacionando-a com relatos feitos por sobreviventes e personagens das ditaduras no Cone Sul e no caso desta dissertação, a Ditadura Civil-Militar Chilena (set./1973 a março/1990). E se encerra com a produção áudio-visual e biográfica já existente dos testemunhos de diversas organizações, para explicar como se deu a clandestinidade no país. A análise foi feita a partir do questionamento da escrita do relato, indagando para que e para quem ele se dirige, assim como sobre o papel da memória e sua colaboração no esclarecimento dos fatos ocorridos em um período de forte repressão. Alguns sobreviventes das violações dos direitos humanos narraram suas experiências, a partir dos seus entendimentos e emoções. Dentro deste enfoque, também é analisado o papel do Estado como parte fundamental neste processo de reflexão sobre processos ditatoriais. Pois é através do uso e abuso de poder que se desencadeia a repressão e a violência, sabendo que tais atos tornaram-se conhecidos publicamente, quando se restaura a democracia, e até antes dela, pela colaboração daqueles que sobreviveram e se dispuseram a relembrar os momentos de clandestinidade. Esta dissertação encerra as atividades desempenhadas no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Esta pesquisa ficou centrada na área “História, Poder e Cultura”. A linha de pesquisa “Cultura, Migrações e Trabalho” colaborou para a discussão sobre as transformações de uma sociedade, com mudanças radicais em seu cotidiano, em virtude da tomada de Poder por parte das Forças Armadas, quando um grupo de pessoas passou a viver, a partir do Golpe, na clandestinidade. O objetivo foi o de interpretar as obras de memória em um sentido de reconhecimento e construção das múltiplas identidades chilenas, a partir do momento em que elas surgem, no início do século XXI, analisando seu caráter documental para a historiografia. Assim, foi feita uma análise da atuação dos direitos humanos, a partir dos anos de 1990, e como eles tornaram-se fundamentais para se alcançar os objetivos destas memórias, tema este que circula na justificativa do trabalho, garantindo a prevalência dos direitos humanos em sociedades que vivenciaram grandes rupturas.

Trabalho informal nos espaços públicos no centro de São Paulo: pensando parâmetros para políticas públicas / Informal work in downtown public spaces of Sao Paulo city: thinking public policies references

Luciana Fukimoto Itikawa 01 November 2006 (has links)
Cinco hipóteses explicam a permanência do trabalho informal nos espaços públicos do Centro de São Paulo como ocupação precária e vulnerável: 1- Incapacidade estrutural do mercado de trabalho formal de absorção de mão-de-obra: informalidade como processo mundial e exceção permanente no formato do capitalismo brasileiro; 2- Desconhecimento do comércio informal de rua como produção do espaço urbano: modificação de atributos espaciais: valorização, competição, posse, etc.); 3- Exploração oportunista da clandestinidade dos trabalhadores na forma de corrupção e clientelismo; 4- Marketing urbano e Segregação Espacial: articulação entre as elites locais, Poder Público e agências multilaterais no intuito de promover a revitalização do perímetro estudado, expulsam ou isolam sistematicamente os trabalhadores de rua; 5- Inoperância das políticas públicas: o conhecimento insuficiente ou parcial do comércio de rua resulta na formulação de políticas públicas descoladas da realidade e, portanto, inoperantes. A partir dessas hipóteses,foi possível pensar parâmetros para políticas públicas que superem a polarização entre intolerância e permissividade em relação à atividade. / Five hypotheses explain streetvending in downtown Sao Paulo as a precarious and a vulnerable occupation: 1- Structural impermeability of formal labor market: informal sector as a global process, and as a permanent exception in brazilian capitalism; 2- Lack of awareness of streetvending as a production of urban space: transformation of spatial attributes - profit, competitiveness, ownership, etc.; 3- Opportunist exploitation over clandestine street vendors: corruption and patronage; 4- Urban marketing strategies and Spatial segregation: partnership among government, ruling elite and multi-lateral financial agencies in order to improve urban renewal, frequently isolate and gentrify against street vendors; 5- Innefective public policies - lack of understanding of streetvending results in unlikely public policies. Assuming these hypotheses, this research built public policies directions in order to overcome contradiction between intolerance and permissiveness.

Performing spaces; Structures of Control and Claims of Rights in sites of ‘Irregularity’

Kullving, Linus January 2011 (has links)
In dialogue with Critical perspectives in the field of Forced migration, this thesis aims to explore the spaces of „irregularity‟ regarding unaccompanied minors living non-status in the city of Malmö. With a theoretical departure in the ontological ideas of Hanna Arendt and Giorgio Agamben, the perspective of the Autonomy of Migration, and the concepts of „Acts of Citizenship‟, the thesis argues that these spaces are structured by multiple mechanisms of control, such as deportability, racism, poverty and precarity. In addition, the thesis investigates how these structures of control are contested by the minors. As the „irregular‟ subject in its presence challenges the Nation-state „order‟, the study argues that all her or his acts must be interpreted as confrontations. Hence the study aims to highlight the claims of rights and freedoms performed, not only by the minors themselves but also by the social networks surrounding them. The research is built upon fieldwork with non-status minors, asylum rights activists and semi-grass root actors in the spring of 2011 in the city of Malmö. Influenced by Methodological and Epistemological perspectives of Critical Ethnography and Action Research, the thesis also contains a normative requisite to deconstruct and question hegemonies and marginalizing structures.

Le compromis clandestin : la condition des migrants thaïlandais sans autorisation de séjour dans la métropole parisienne / Clandestine compromise : the condition of undocumented migrants from Thailand in Paris Metropolis

Praphong, Vijit 20 November 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche étudie la clandestinité de migrants sans autorisation de séjour dans la métropole. Son objectif est de rendre compte de la condition clandestine dans la métropole au début du XXIe siècle, mais aussi de montrer ses incidences et d'expliquer son émergence et sa perpétuation. Pour atteindre l'objectif, une enquête de terrain - soit des entretiens et des observations réalisés auprès des migrants clandestins thaïlandais résidant dans Paris et sa banlieue et des personnes au contact d'eux - a été menée. L'enquête permet, en premier lieu, de caractériser la condition clandestine par les situations d'invisibilité, d'insécurité et carcérales. Elle montre, en second lieu, que la condition clandestine dessine des caractéristiques propres aux personnalités clandestines : la mélancolie, la peur, la réserve et la discrétion, mais aussi la fierté. De plus, l'une des spécificités des clandestins, construite par la condition clandestine, est qu'ils souhaitent finir par retourner dans la société d'origine car ils ne s'intègrent pas dans la société d'accueil. L'enquête sert, en troisième lieu, à cerner les contextes, processus ou conditions qui génèrent, maintiennent et perpétuent la condition clandestine. Ce qui amène à formuler cette thèse : la condition clandestine existe dans le cadre du compromis clandestin, soit l'ensemble des accords explicites et implicites entre les employeurs, les bailleurs et les clandestins autour de l'assistance sociale et de l'impossibilité des pouvoirs publics de contrôler ou de régulariser tous les clandestins. Le compromis clandestin est le processus qui produit, maintient et perpétue la clandestinité. La métropole est propice à la clandestinité car elle constitue un lieu d'échappatoire au contrôle et un grand marché de travail et de logement clandestin. / This research studies the clandestinity of migrants without authorization of residence in metropolis. Its objective is to report the clandestine condition in the metropolis of the beginning of the 21st century, but also to show its impact and explain its emergence and perpetuation. To achieve the objective, a fieldwork - interviews and observations made with Thai illegal migrants residing in Paris and its suburbs and people in contact with them - was carried out. The survey makes it possible, in the first place, to characterize the clandestine condition by situations of invisibility, insecurity and incarcerated. It shows, secondly, that the clandestine condition draws these characteristics of clandestine personalities : melancholy, fear, reserve and discretion, but also pride. Moreover, another specificity of illegal migrants, built up by the clandestine condition, is they wish to end up returning to society of origin because they do not integrate into host society. Thirdly, the survey serves to identify the contexts, processes or conditions that generate, maintain and perpetuate clandestine condition. This leads to the formulation of this thesis: clandestine condition exists within the framework of the clandestine compromise, that is to say of the explicit and implicit agreements between employers, landlord and illegal migrants around social assistance and the impossibility of powers control or regularization of all illegal migrants. The clandestine compromise is the process that produces, maintains and perpetuates the clandestinity. The metropolis is conducive to clandestinity because it constitutes a place of escape from control and a large market for work and clandestine housing.

Faire et défaire la virilité. Les stérilisations masculines volontaires en Europe dans l'entre-deux guerres. / Doing and undoing Manliness. Voluntary male Sterilizations in Europe in the Interwar Period

Serna, Elodie 25 May 2018 (has links)
Depuis l’exploration naissante de l’économie endocrine du masculin jusqu’aux opérations de revitalisation pratiquées dans les années 1920 et 1930, cette thèse montre de quelle manière diverses opérations génitales, dont la vasectomie, participent des stratégies médicales de construction du masculin. En parallèle, la stérilisation masculine volontaire est explorée dans le cadre de projets eugénistes à partir d’une campagne pour la légalisation de la stérilisation en Grande-Bretagne, de débats au sein de la Ligue mondiale pour la réforme sexuelle et du mouvement néo-malthusien français. L’évolution des normes de masculinité et de paternité est enfin questionnée par le recours à la vasectomie comme moyen contraceptif de convenance. L’organisation de vasectomies clandestines, la répression et la réprobation sociale qu’elles suscitent interrogent la disposition de soi du côté des hommes et le rôle normatif de! la procréation. Le caractère polysémique des stérilisations permet ainsi d’explorer globalement les reconfigurations de la masculinité à une échelle transnationale. / From the nascent exploration of the endocrine system of the male to the revitalization operations performed in the 1920s and 1930s, this thesis shows how various genital operations, including vasectomy, contribute to medical strategies for the construction of masculinity. In parallel, voluntary male sterilization is explored in the context of eugenicist projects on the basis of a campaign for legalizing sterilization in Great Britain, the debates within the World League for Sexual Reform and the french neo-malthusian movement. The evolution of the norms of masculinity and paternity is finally questioned by the use of vasectomy as a convenient contraceptive method. The organization of clandestine vasectomies, the repression and social disapproval they generate question men's self-determination and the normative role of procreation. The polysemous nature of sterilizations thus makes possible the overall exploration of the reconfigurations of masculinit! y on a transnational scale.

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