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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Embryonic Policies: Reproductive Technology and Federal Regulation

Mignin, Erin Nicole 07 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Defining the role of a genetic counselor within comprehensive care teams: perspectives of the provider team and patients

Hudson, Paul E. 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Managing Patient Test Data in Primary Care: Developing and Evaluating a System for Test Tracking to Enhance Processes, Safety, and Understanding of Performance

Cloud-Buckner, Jennifer M. 24 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Development and Implementation of a Music Therapy and Speech-Language Therapy Collaborative Model

Heffner, Melissa E. 15 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.


RONY NATALE PEREIRA 13 January 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar o aspecto transgressivo que caracteriza o pensamento da psicanalista francesa Nathalie Zaltzman ao revisitar a metapsicologia freudiana. Com a acepção de ultrapassar, violar, não cumprir, a transgressão revela-se uma ação psíquica vital para o sujeito, sobretudo quando esse se encontra em perigo de vida devido a circunstâncias opressoras e asfixiantes. Iniciamos nossa investigação por meio da articulação teórica do viés anarquista da pulsão de morte, manifestação em forma de luta e resistência contra forças que diminuem ou anulam a existência de um ser humano. A partir dessa perspectiva, percorremos proposições acerca da clínica. Destacamos a importância dada à ação de desligamento da pulsão de morte e a urgência da escuta, durante o tratamento, de suas manifestações. Expandindo a discussão com a abordagem do processo civilizatório, demonstramos como o trabalho de cultura poderia ser considerado o seu viés transgressor. Por meio desse, poder-se-ia lidar de maneira mais lúcida com a dimensão maléfica do humano, evitada a qualquer custo pela perspectiva civilizatória. Afirma-se a necessidade de fomentar vias que façam frente a posturas censoras e moralizantes. Essas impediriam o mal, dimensão inelutável e inerente à condição humana, de ocupar lugar nas representações psíquicas conscientes de cada indivíduo e no patrimônio simbólico da humanidade. Uma vez impedido, só lhe restaria abrir caminhos violentos de satisfação, reascendendo a barbárie. / [en] The present dissertation aims to investigate the transgressive aspect which characterizes the thoughts of the French psychoanalyst Nathalie Zaltzman in review of freudian metapsychology. With the sense of overtaking, violating, unaccomplishing, transgression is revealed as a vital psychic way out, specially when one s life is endangered due to oppressive and suffocating circumstances. We start our investigation with the theoretical articulation of the anarchist aspect of death drive, a manifestation characterized by the struggle and resistance against forces which dominate, diminish or nullify the human being existence. Based upon such perspective, we go along propositions about the clinic. We outline the importance given to the act of unattachment from death drive and the urgency of its listening, throughout the treatment, its manifestations. In order to take part in the discussion with the civilizing process, we demonstrate how culture work may be considered its transgressive way. By taking such approach for granted one could handle with a more lucid way in facing the maleficent dimension of the human, which is avoided by all costs in the civilizing perspective. It is argued the need to promote ways of confronting censorship and moralizing positions. Such act would prevent evil, ineluctable and insisting dimension of the human, from taking place in the conscious psychic representations of each single person and in the symbolic patrimony of humanity. Once there is an imposition, the only way left is to open violent paths of satisfaction, reigniting barbarism.


FERNANDA FURIERI PAES 28 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa aborda a questão da violência a partir da teoria psicanalítica, analisando sua relação com a constituição subjetiva e os processos de simbolização. Primeiramente procuramos investigar a noção de violência em psicanálise, partindo da relação que Freud estabelece entre violência, poder e domínio. A partir desse percurso na obra freudiana chegamos a duas teorias que tomam a violência como conceito central em suas obras: Jean Bergeret e Piera Aulagnier, e a partir da teoria de Aulagnier podemos entender a constituição da subjetividade como um processo que se desenvolve em uma relação intersubjetiva, estando subjacente a esse processo a imposição de um discurso que tem a marca de uma exterioridade violenta, porém estruturante. Essa violência, no entanto, pode apresentar-se pelo excesso, marcadamente desestruturante. Essa face excessiva da violência é tema central do segundo capítulo, onde procuramos pensar nos efeitos de uma relação primária alienante, onde a violência do objeto paralisa o sujeito numa passividade traumática. No terceiro capítulo nossa atenção se concentra na clínica, e defendemos nossa hipótese de que algumas manifestações de sofrimento que presenciamos na clínica com crianças como sintomas ligados ao vazio (apatia, dificuldades de aprendizagem), assim como pelo sofrimento corporal se relacionam com um excesso de violência no contexto das primeiras relações. / [en] The present research approaches the issue of violence based on psychoanalytic theory, analyzing its relation to the subjective constitution and the processes of symbolization. First, we seek to investigate the notion of violence in psychoanalysis, starting from Freud s relationship between violence, power and domination. From this path in the Freudian work we come to two authors that take violence as central concept in its works: Jean Bergeret and Piera Aulagnier. From Aulagnier s theory we understand the constitution of subjectivity as a process which develops in to an intersubjective relationship, underlining this process is the imposition of a speach that has the mark of a violent but structuring exteriority. This violence, however, may appear as a destructive excess that, instead of working in favor of the processes of symbolization, paralyzes the subject in a traumatic passivity. This excessive violence is the central theme of the second chapter, where we approach the effects of a primary alienating relationship. In the third chapter our attention is focused on the clinic, and we defend our hypothesis that some manifestations of suffering, which we witness in the clinic with children as symptoms related to emptiness (apathy, learning difficulties) as well as to the suffering of the body, are related to an excess of violence in the context of early relationships.

The Relationship Between Music Therapists' Spiritual Beliefs and Clinical Practice

Kagin, Roberta Stewart January 2010 (has links)
This study examined the relationship between music therapists' spiritual beliefs and their clinical practices. A survey was sent to 4243 members of the Certification Board for Music Therapy, using an electronic program, SurveyMonkey. There was a return rate of 32%. The survey contained two parts; Part I was the Music Therapy Questionnaire, and Part II was the Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale (SIBS). Data were analyzed using a combination of Kruskal-Wallis Anova, Mann-Whitney U, and Spearman Rho correlation tests to analyze both the relationships as well as significant variations in responses between the survey questions and the SIBS scores. Research questions focused on the relationships between the music therapists' spirituality scores (SIBS) and their demographics, their reported spiritual beliefs and practices, and their clinical practices. Statistical analyses revealed significant differences in the relationship between SIBS scores and gender, age, and years of professional experience; however, there were no significant differences between SIBS scores and education level, regions of AMTA, or client populations served. Significant correlations were found between SIBS scores and music therapists' personal appraisal of their own spirituality, their use of music as a spiritual experience, the use of music in their own personal practice, and their belief in the importance of some type of contemplative experience in their own personal lives. Further statistical analyses also revealed significant correlations between music therapists' SIBS scores and the following clinical practices: 1) the role of spirituality as a sustaining force in their music therapy career, 2) their spiritual ideals as exemplified in their work, 3) attention to their own spirituality in their role as a music therapist, 4) their spiritual growth as a music therapist, 5) the classifying of their work as a spiritual endeavor, 6) their choice of music therapy as a profession. Additional positive correlations were found between music therapists' SIBS scores and the reported influence of spirituality on their choice of population, their comfort in addressing clients' spiritual needs when they are similar to their own, and their comfort in addressing clients' spiritual needs when they are different from their own. / Music Therapy

De la préparation au pilotage de la classe ; pour une intelligibilité des pratiques / From preparation to the leading (piloting) of the class, an intelligibility of the practices

Hennard, Francois 27 September 2010 (has links)
Construit en multiréférentialité, sur les postulats de la psychologie socioculturelle de Vygotski, de l’analyse clinique de l’activité (Y. Clot), de l’ergonomie de l’activité, cette étude a pour finalité de construire une intelligibilité des pratiques, habitus et singularité entremêlés, dans une approche compréhensive et développementale des actions de préparation, comme « une présence au futur » .Quel(s) liens font les enseignants entre le sens, la forme et les modalités de leur action anticipatrice de préparation et le cours d’action de leur conduite effective de la classe, leur pilotage des tâches, dans la complexité d’une situation d’enseignement-apprentissage, à l’école élémentaire au cours d’une expérimentation de terrain en autoconfrontation croisée ?Cette PROBLEMATIQUE s’organise dans une démarche descriptive et compréhensive autour de trois HYPOTHESES : L’hypothèse 1, sur la nature de la pratique - chaque professionnel interprète différemment la préparation. L’hypothèse 2, entre ce sur quoi porte l’anticipation de la séance (facilitant ou non la gestion de l’imprévu) et son pilotage effectif. L’hypothèse 3, sur les prolongements possibles en formation.La METHODE, une « quasi-expérimentation », permet l’accès à la réalité quotidienne des pratiques, dans un espace de co-construction praticiens / chercheur, en appui de l’autoconfrontation qui permet de «faire vivre la conscience pour l’étudier» (Vygotski), lorsque celle-ci est mise à disposition d’un collectif professionnel, constituant le corpus, arrêté, in fine, sur cinq acteurs singuliers, pour une recherche de typicalité de cas d’enseignants.Les INDICATEURS d’analyse, organisés autour des traces et des conceptions de la préparation, permettent d’éclairer le paradigme d’anticipation et la préparation :- Il existe plusieurs configurations déterminées par le rapport au support-outil et la gestion des interactions langagières.- Le déroulement effectif de la classe est le résultat d’un système d’interactions entre le pilotage à partir de la préparation et les interprétations, incertitudes majeures, que les élèves font des tâches. - En anticipant avec le cadre linéaire de la préparation « canonique » l’enseignant pilote du linéaire, a contrario de l’apprentissage et n’intègre pas de possibilité d’improvisation . Ce n’est pas un outil suffisant du métier, il permet d’établir des relations de détermination, mais peu de relations de signification : l’interprétation reste donc en tension. Pour résoudre cette tension, on peut envisager une voie complémentaire, au croisement d’une clinique de la relation éducative et d’une clinique de l’activité : une post-paration individuelle et collective. Cette POST-PARATION – qui permet de problématiser, d’introduire quelque chose qui n’est pas dans le constat de situation et de se positionner dans cette présence au futur pour permettre l’ajustement de l’action - corrélée avec le style professionnel, en lien avec le genre est constitutive d’un capital de mise en mots et d’un répertoire de mise en actes, qui sont des ressources pour préfigurer l’action. / Built in multireferentiality, on the postulates of the sociocultural psychology of Vygotski, of the clinical analysis of activity (Y. Clot), of the ergonomics of the activity, the finality of this study is to build an intelligibility of the practices, habitus and singularity intermingled, in an understanding and développementale approach of the actions of preparation, like “a presence with the future” .Which bonds make the teachers between the direction, the form and the methods of their anticipatrice action of preparation and the action in progress of their effective control of the class, their leading (piloting) of the tasks, with the complexity of a situation of teaching-training, at the elementary school during an experimentation of ground in cross autoconfrontation?This PROBLEMATIC is organized in a descriptive and understanding step around three ASSUMPTIONS: Assumption 1, about the nature of the practice - each professional interprets the preparation differently. Assumption 2, between it to what the anticipation of the meeting relates (facilitating or not the management of unforeseen) and its effective piloting. Assumption 3, on the possible prolongations in formation.The METHOD, a “quasi-experimentation”, the access to the daily reality of the practices allows, in an enquiring space of co-construction experts / researcher, in support of the autoconfrontation which makes it possible “to make live the conscience to study it” (Vygotski), when this one is placed at the group of professional’s disposal, constituting the corpus, decree, in fine, on five singular actors, for a search for typicality of case of teachers.The INDICATORS of analysis, organized around the traces and of the designs of the preparation, make it possible to clarify the paradigm of anticipation and the preparation:- There are several configurations determined by the report with the support-tool and the management of the linguistic interactions.- The progress of the real enfolding class is the result of a system of interactions between piloting starting from the preparation and interpretations, major uncertainties, that the pupils make with the tasks. - While anticipating with the linear framework of the “canonical” preparation the teacher controls the linear one, on the opposite of the training and does not integrate a possibility of improvisation . It is not a sufficient tool of the trade, it makes it possible to establish relations of determination, but few relations of significance: interpretation thus remains in tension.To solve this tension, one can plan a complementary way, with the crossing of a private clinic of the educational relation and a private clinic of the activity: an individual and collective post-paration. This POST-PARATION - which allows problématiser, to introduce something which is not in the report of situation and to be in this presence with the future to allow the adjustment of the action - correlated with the professional style, in bond with the kind is constitutive of a capital of setting in words and of a repertory of acting out, which is resources to precede the action.

在墨西哥成立健康中心-針對患肥胖及飲食失調的年輕女性 / Comprehensive clinic for young girl with obesity and eating disorders in Mexico

盧依仁, Eréndira Serrano Luna Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan aims to develop a premium holistic service for girls who suffer from obesity, overweight and/or eating disorders, using new approaches to these existing problems. Our mission is to provide an innovative approach that can make a difference for young women with obesity, overweight and/or eating disorders.

Caregivers and Healthcare Providers on Resources, Gaps in Care, and the Value of Down Syndrome Centers.

White, A. Nicole 01 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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