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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategies engaged by a South African beverage organisation entering African markets

Brink, Andries Petrus January 2005 (has links)
Africa is acknowledged as a vast, untapped market for consumer goods as trade barriers are coming down and economies are starting to develop. The need for consumer goods arises with economic activity. This poses the following question, which will be addressed by this research: How can potential African consumer markets be successfully unlocked by a South African beverage organisation, thereby reducing risk of failure and eliminating the cost of a hit-and-miss approach? The secondary study focused on evaluating the aspects involved with risks and the modes of entry into foreign markets. The macro-environmental factors affecting the expansion into foreign markets were investigated to determine what influence they had on the entry mode chosen for a specific country targeted for expansion. Finally the marketing factors influencing the entry mode were analysed. The significance of trade blocs together with the advantages thereof was included in the study. The primary study was based on the theory and principles of existing literature. The Coca-Cola Sabco organisation was taken as a case study. Four countries, namely Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique and Namibia, were investigated. Questionnaires containing a set of questions to satisfy the sub-problems were sent to the various country managers and their first layers of management. Likewise, interviews were conducted with Coca-Cola Sabco head office strategic management. The empirical results obtained, indicated a strong concurrence, with the theory of entry modes and the influences of macro-environmental factors. In certain aspects, however, some contradictions with the theory pertaining to the Coca-Cola Sabco organisation, were observed. The findings concurred with the theory in that risk were minimised by the acquisition of a going concern that already possessed the infrastructure and logistics such as raw material procurement, manufacturing staff skills, distribution networks and political contacts. The empirical results contradict theory with respect to location economies and scale economies, as the Coca-Cola Company’s franchise agreement excludes the exporting of beverage products. Furthermore, Coca-Cola Sabco becomes involved in expansion initiatives only in reaction to an invitation from the Coca-Cola Company and not of its own desire. Therefore, market surveys are conducted subsequent to an invitation from the Coca-Cola Company. South African organisations planning expansion initiatives into emerging African markets need to take the specific macro- environmental factors of the country in question into consideration in order to minimise risk. A franchise agreement restricting exporting as in the case of Coco-Cola Company or any other restrictive agreement, might cause a deviation from contemporary theory, for example, where markets will be assessed for purposes of location and scale economies. Deviations from contemporary theory could also occur where a franchise opportunity is offered in a specific country that may not be the preferred market choice, due to its lack of growth potential.

Marketingové strategie značek Coca-Cola, Pepsi a Kofola na českém trhu / Marketing strategies of the brands Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Kofola in the Czech market

Tvrdý, Aleš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis in the first chapter characterises the concepts of brand and marketing strategy including their main components. In the second chapter deals with the brands Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Kofola and their elements, image, positioning and marketing mix. In the final part, the results of two surveys are presented - a survey of the retail chains and a survey among consumers of those brands, which are dealing with analysis of the market positiong of those brands and their perception by the consumers.

Trade marketing / Trade marketing

Khodl, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to define the term "trade marketing" and evaluate its role within the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company. With the use of internal resources and relevant literature, I will describe the use of trade marketing from both theoretical and practical point of view. I will also introduce the Coca-Cola HBC and its position on the carbonated soft drinks market in the Czech republic.

Cherry Red Greenwashing: The Rhetoric Behind Corporate Recycling Narratives

Haws, Jessica Wallace 06 April 2022 (has links)
As the public becomes more aware of environmental issues, corporations are pressed to consider and address the sustainability of their practices. Unwilling to drastically change business models, many corporations turn to greenwashing in an attempt to construct an environmentally friendly image while doing little to nothing to address sustainability issues. Using Kenneth Burke's work on identification and terministic screens, I analyze The Coca-Cola Company's "2020 World Without Waste Report" to illuminate how consumers come to believe in and identify with corporate greenwashing tactics. In line with Burke's theories related to identification, I argue that Coca-Cola's greenwashing strategies can be categorized into three main tactics: establishing common ground, creating antithesis against a shared enemy, and subtly invoking a sense of transcendence. Through my analysis, I also expand Burke's notion of transcendence and propose that established ethos and intertextuality can foster identification. By understanding how these rhetorical strategies operate within corporate texts, consumers can be more aware of greenwashing and hold corporations more accountable.

You Can't Beat That Feeling

Silfversparre, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
My project aims to inform and enlighten people in our society about what Coca-Cola is doing wrong. Welive in a society that is fueled by consumerism which is not sustainable for us and our planet. If we keepup with today’s consumer pace, we will soon have nothing left. It is time that we as a society take chargeof what is right and wrong. We can’t let giant corporations do as they please anymore. It is not the peopleof the society's fault that we are buying Coca-Colas products, instead, we need to shift the responsibilityto the larger corporations in order for us to change our path. With my series of images, I hope to deliver amessage that will make the spectator realize how bad Coca-Cola is for us people and its consequences toour planet and our generations if we don't change now.

Innovation och förvandling av den bästsäljande läskedrycken : En semiotisk analys av Coca-Colas aktuella reklam / The innovation and transformation of the best-selling soft drink : A semiotic analysis of Coca-Cola’s current advertising

Ruiz, Fernanda January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar på att analysera Coca-Colas reklamfilm Taste the Transformation för att förstå dess visuella språk, design och visuell strategi. Genom en semiotisk retorisk analys undersöks vilken typ av visuell kommunikation och visuell strategi Coca-Cola använder i reklamfilmen samt varför den attraherar publiken. Resultaten visade att Coca-Cola fångar publikens uppmärksamhet genom sin visuella kommunikation, inklusive animation, visuella effekter och cyborg-karaktärer som riktade sig till en ung publik. Reklamfilmen använder retoriska grepp som ethos och pathos, förstärkt genom inkluderingen av en känd person och skapandet av en musikvideoliknande atmosfär, vilket bidrar till att göra reklamen engagerande. Studien identifierade också en betydande sexualisering av artisten Rosalía, vilket belyser komplexiteten i representationens betydelse inom den visuella tolkningen av reklamfilmer. Coca-Cola strävar efter att fånga målgruppens uppmärksamhet genom att använda riktade bilder och visuella element.

Introducing Risk Management Process to a manufacturing industry : Master thesis in identification of risk avoidance strategies at Coca Cola Enterprises Sweden

Bayer, Emma, Öberg Bustad, Gabriel January 2013 (has links)
Risk can be viewed as a state where there is a possibility of a loss but also a hope of gain. To realise the existence of a risk, one must be aware of both the gains and losses incurred.Increased number of natural disasters and companies having global supply chains to a higher extent, are both factors which have increased the number of risks that can affect anorganisation’s supply chain negatively. This fact has made it even more important to focus on risk prevention. In the beverage industry market, characterized by fast-moving products,manufacturing companies like Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden (CCES) can be highly affected if disturbances occur in their supply chain. Risk management is, according to ISO 31000, “coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk “. A risk management processes therefore aims at mitigatingnegative impact of external and internal disturbances in order to avoid interruptions in production, product quality issues and financial losses. CCES’s control over internal processes and its disturbances is mostly based on reactive approaches rather than a proactive strategy and there exist no guidelines of how to identify and handle occurring disturbances. The main purpose of the project has therefore been to identify the most critical risks the company is facing within their “Source” and “Make” processes, and find both proactive and reactive mitigation actions. Another significant part of the project delivery is to present a model for how the company should organize and maintain a sustainable risk picture. The model aims to present a dynamic risk management process that can be used by CCES as well as other companies in the future. The project consists of three major phases; Risk Identification, Risk Avoidance Mapping and Implementation of a Risk Management Process. In the first phase, the brainstorming tool Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) has been used during workshop events for risk identification and assessment. Some of the most critical risks identified are; Sabotage during  transport from supplier to CCES, Lack of spare parts for maintenance, Lost production time due to long beverage change overs and Filling bottles with too much beverage. In order to find feasible preventive and reactive mitigation actions for the critical risks, both employee interviews and the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model has been applied. Some of the actions recommended to perform are concluded to be; Let suppliers own transports, Standardize the product change process and the shift hand overs and Implement routines of having locked transports from supplier to CCES. The structure of the project has acted as a basis for the recommended way of continuing the risk management work at CCES. The authors have identified the importance of keeping the risk management process dynamic, and therefore a Risk Register have been introduced for documentation and follow-up. Another way of following up the risk management work, is to perform Risk Audits after the event of a disturbance. This will help the organisation to realize the impact a certain disturbance brings, but it will also measure of the recovery work’s effectiveness. The authors highlight the importance of having a dedicated owner of the risk management process in order to keep it dynamic. A complete risk management process has finally been created, adaptable to different kind of organisations. By making this process a part of SCOR, the authors believes that the process can be used to identify individual risks within the management processes Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return for all SCOR member companies. Thereafter, a general risk mapping can be created from the individual risks that can be used to share information and experiences among the member companies. / En risk kan förklaras som ett tillstånd där det finns en chans att vinna, men också en sannolikhet för förlust. För att vara medveten om en risks existens måste man därför förstå både vad det finns att förlora och vinna. Under de senaste årtiondena har antalet naturkatastrofer och annan extern påverkan ökat. Detta i kombination med att företag idag har globala värdekedjor i allt större utsträckning, har gjort att organisationer utsätter sig för risker till en större grad idag. Därför har betydelsen av att fokusera på riskförmildrande åtgärder ökat. I dryckesindustrin, karaktäriserat av snabbrörliga produkter, kan företag såsom Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden (CCES) påverkas hårt om störningar sker i deras värdekedja. Risk Management är, enligt ISO 31000, ”koordinerade aktiviteter för att styra och kontrollera riskhantering i en organisation”. En riskhanteringsprocess ämnar därför förmildra negativ påverkan av interna och externa störningar för att undvika till exempel avvikelser i produktion, försämrad produktkvalitet och finansiella förluster. CCES’s kontroll över interna processer och dess störningar baseras främst på reaktiva åtgärder, och företaget har inga riktlinjer för hur de ska identifiera och hantera uppkommande störningar. Syftet med detta projekt har därför varit att identifiera kritiska risker inom företagets leverantörs- och produktionsprocesser och att hitta proaktiva och reaktiva lösningar för att förmildra och undvika störningar. Ytterligare en stor del av projektets syfte har varit att presentera en dynamisk process för hur CCES, samt andra företag, ska organisera en hållbar riskbild. Projektet består av tre huvudsakliga delar; riskidentifiering, riskförmildrande åtgärder och implementering av en riskhanteringsprocess. I den första fasen har verktyget Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) används under workshops för att identifiera och värdera risker. Några av de mest kritiska riskerna som identifierats är; Sabotage under transport från leverantör till CCES, Brist på reservdelar för underhållsarbete, Förlorad produktionstid på grund av för långa dryckesbytartider och Fyller flaskor med för mycket dryck. För att hitta passande reaktiva och proaktiva lösningar för de kritiska riskerna har både intervjuer med anställda genomförts och referensmodellen Supply Chain Reference Model (SCOR) använts. Några av de åtgärder rekommenderade att göra har identifierats till att vara; Låta leverantörerna själva sköta transporter, Standardisera produktbytesprocessen samt skiftöverlämningar och Implementera rutiner för att ha låsta transporter från leverantör till CCES. Strukturen av projektet har använts som en bas för den rekommenderade strukturen på CCE’s fortskridande arbete inom riskhantering. Författarna vill bestryka vikten av att hålla den framtida riskhanteringsprocessen dynamisk och i detta syfte har därför ett riskregister tagits fram för dokumentation och uppföljning. Ett annat sätt att följa upp riskprocessarbetet är att genomföra så kallade audits efter en störning har inträffat. Detta hjälper organisationen både att förstår en störnings påverkan på verksamheten, men fungerar också som ett verktyg för att mäta hur effektivt återhämtningsarbetet efter en störning har varit. Författarna menar också att en dedikerad ägare till riskprocessen är av stor betydelse för ett dynamiskt, framgångsrikt och effektivt riskarbete. En fullständig riskhanteringsprocess har slutligen sammanställts, användbar för många olika typer av organisationer. Genom att göra processen till en del av SCOR-modellen, kan processen i framtiden användas till att identifiera individuella risker inom de fem managementprocesserna Planering, Inköp, Tillverkning, Leverans och Retur för alla SCOR’s medlemsföretag. Därefter menar författarna att en generell kartläggning över de mest kritiska riskerna inom varje managementprocess kan skapas för att dela information och utbyta erfarenheter mellan medlemsföretagen.

O v?nculo como estrat?gia de comunica??o marc?ria : um olhar sobre a rela??o entre marcas e consumidores na contemporaneidade

Coelho, D?bora Ferreira 27 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:41:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 457552.pdf: 3874286 bytes, checksum: bddad85a790310bcbc07a23d8a6daf2a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-27 / In a communication context that changes constantly, it becomes ever timelier the searching for a theoretical study which offers subsidies on the relationship between brands and consumers in postmodernity. Thus, the primary objective of this research is to understand in which aspects the involvement of consumers with brands can be boosted by developing a relationship tie as a brand communication strategy. On this dynamic scenario we seek to understand - through the analysis of the Coca-Cola campaign for Coca-Cola Zero product, titled Descubra a sua Coca-Cola Zero with the theme Quanto mais voc?, melhor - the manifestations of contemporary practices for building brand communication strategies which emphasizes the relationship among people by a brand. For such investigative adventure we chose to adopt the assumptions of Comprehensive Sociology offered by Michel Maffesoli and Complexity by Edgar Morin. / Em um contexto comunicacional em constante transforma??o, torna-se cada vez mais oportuna a busca de um aprofundamento te?rico que ofere?a subs?dios sobre a rela??o entre marcas e consumidores na p?s-modernidade. Sendo assim, o objetivo primeiro desta pesquisa consiste em compreender em quais aspectos o envolvimento dos consumidores com as marcas pode ser impulsionado pela cria??o de uma rela??o vincular como estrat?gia de comunica??o marc?ria. Em meio a este cen?rio din?mico, buscar-se-? perceber - atrav?s da an?lise da campanha da marca Coca-Cola para o produto Coca-Cola Zero, intitulada Descubra a sua Coca-Cola Zero com o tema Quanto mais voc?, melhor - as manifesta??es das pr?ticas contempor?neas para a constru??o das estrat?gias de comunica??o marc?ria que privilegiam a rela??o vincular entre pessoas atrav?s da marca. Para a condu??o de tamanha aventura investigativa optou-se pela ado??o dos pressupostos da Sociologia Compreensiva oferecida por Michel Maffesoli e da Complexidade apresentada por Edgar Morin.

Analýza postavení společnosti Coca-Cola na trhu nealkoholických nápojů v České republice / Analysis of the Coca-Cola Company´s position on non-alcoholic beverages market in the Czech Republic

Hankeová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze the position of the Coca-Cola Company on the Czech market of non-alcoholic beverages using retail audit data. First of all, the information about non-alcoholic beverages market in the Czech Republic is provided as setting the context for the analysis itself. This includes the facts such as size, market structure and trends both in terms of covered categories and producers operating within the market. Subsequently, the Coca Cola Company as the globally largest producer of non-alcoholic beverages is presented into the given context and in relation to the main producers on the Czech market with emphasis on the segment of cola flavored drinks is assessed its position. The analysis primarily using hard retail audit data is in the final part of the thesis enriched with the results of the consumer survey delivering the important insights of consumers themselves.


MARIA ALICE DE FARIA NOGUEIRA 28 July 2010 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a importância da localidade da cultura na apropriação da comunicação publicitária global e a maneira com que se dá a recepção da mensagem à luz de novas referências culturais mundializadas. A abordagem ao tema é feita a partir de uma visão histórica do consumo e da análise da publicidade como ferramenta de afirmação dos valores culturais por meio da divulgação para aquisição, posse e uso dos bens. Para traçar este caminho, foram utilizados teóricos das ciências sociais e da comunicação que estudaram as mudanças nos padrões de consumo como um importante campo de reflexão sobre o indivíduo e suas práticas sociais na cultura contemporânea. Como estudo de caso, foi utilizada a campanha global Viva o Lado Coca-Cola da Vida. / [en] This work analyzes the importance of local culture in the appropriation of global advertising campaigns and the way message is received within new world cultural references. The topic is discussed within the framework of a historical view of consumption and the analysis of advertising as a tool to affirm cultural values by means of campaigns for acquisition, ownership and use of goods. In order to carry out the work, we focused on authors, in the field of social sciences and communication, who saw the changes on patterns of consumption as important to the understanding of people and his/her social practices in contemporary culture. The global campaign Live the Coca-Cola side of life was used as a case study.

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