Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coherence"" "subject:"koherence""
1571 |
”JAG VET INTE OM DET JAG HAR UPPLEVT ÄR SEKUNDÄR TRAUMATISERING MEN…” : En kvalitativ studie om sekundär traumatisering hos socialsekreterare.Hällgren, Malin, Wässman, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Sekundär traumatisering beskriver ett tillstånd som kan uppstå till följd av att arbeta med traumatiserade människor. Konsekvensen av att drabbas av sekundär traumatisering kan ge livslånga psykiska och fysiska besvär hos den drabbade. Studien syftar till att undersöka uppkomsten och upplevelsen av sekundär traumatisering hos socialsekreterare, detta då tidigare forskning visat på att socialarbetare anses vara i riskzon för att utsättas för sekundär traumatisering. En kvalitativ metod har använts med semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att få ett fördjupat perspektiv på syndromet sekundär traumatisering samt socialsekreterarnas upplevelse har teorierna coping och KASAM använts, då de kan tänkas besvara hur människan hanterar utsatta situationer samt ger en bakgrund till hur dessa känslor kan komma uppstå och hanteras. Studien baserades på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer av socialsekreterare som arbetar i två olika kommuner inom våld i nära relation i Sverige. Resultatet av studien visade att socialsekreterarna upplevde negativa känslor till följd av andrahandsexponering av klienternas trauman, orsaken var bland annat bristen på reflektion, detta till följd av hög arbetsbelastning och personalomsättning. En skyddsfaktor som gick att finna var att socialsekreterarna kunde hantera uppkomsten av sekundär traumatisering med hjälp av copingstrategier samt känsla av meningsfullhet (KASAM), vilket bidrog till ökat förståelse för socialsekreterarnas upplevelser.
1572 |
”Hur kan man inte vilja leva när jag finns?” : En analys av bilderböcker om psykisk ohälsa och deras förmåga att stärka barns KASAM / "How can you not want to live when I exist?" : An analysis of children’s picturebooks about mental illness and their ability to strengthen children’s SOCRandau, Amanda, Johansson Sjöstrand, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Multiple studies show that growing up with a mentally ill parent affects children in many ways. In recent years many children ́s picturebooks about mental illness have been published, making it an accessible subject for the youngest readers. The aim of this study is to examine how children’s experiences of parental mental illness is described in picturebooks on the topic, and if these books can be helpful in increasing children's sense of coherence. The study is based on an analysis of eight Swedish picturebooks dealing with different types of mental illness directed to children in the age group 3-6 years. The books’ descriptions of children’s experiences of parental mental illness are mapped and the content is analyzed using Antonovsky’s theory Sense of Coherence, SOC. The study shows that children’s experiences of parental mental illness as described in the books, are relatively consistent with descriptions found in interview studies with children with experiences of parental mental illness. Furthermore, the study shows that the picturebooks can be helpful for children with experiences of parental mental illness, especially in combination with the presence of an adult whom the child trusts to talk to. Finally, the study shows that the picturebooks offer answers to children’s frequently asked questions about parental mental illness. / Flertalet studier visar att barn på olika sätt påverkas av att växa upp med en psykiskt sjuk förälder. De senaste åren har flera bilderböcker på ämnet psykisk ohälsa givits ut, vilket gör det till ett ämne som även de yngsta läsarna kommer i kontakt med. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur barns upplevelser av föräldrars psykiska ohälsa beskrivs i bilderböcker på ämnet, och om böcker av detta slag kan vara en hjälp i att öka barns känsla av sammanhang. Studien bygger på en analys av åtta svenska bilderböcker som berör olika typer av psykisk ohälsa riktade till barn i åldersgruppen 3–6 år. Böckernas beskrivningar av barns upplevelser av föräldrars psykiska ohälsa kartläggs och innehållet analyseras utifrån Antonovskys teori Känsla av Sammanhang, KASAM. Studien visar att bilderböckernas beskrivningar av barnens upplevelser av förälderns psykiska ohälsa stämmer relativt väl med de beskrivningar som återfinns i intervjustudier med barn med erfarenhet av att växa upp med en förälder med psykisk ohälsa. Vidare visar studien att bilderböckerna kan vara en hjälp till barn med egna erfarenheter av att leva med en psykiskt sjuk förälder, speciellt i kombination med att en vuxen finns tillgänglig för samtal med barnet om bokens innehåll. Till sist visar studien att bilderböckerna erbjuder svar på vanliga frågor barn har om föräldrars psykiska ohälsa.
1573 |
Beam Discovery and Tracking for Mobile MIMOAbdelrazek, Mohamed Naguib Hussein January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
1574 |
On the role of correspondence noise in human visual motion perception. A systematic study on the role of correspondence noise affecting Dmax and Dmin, using random dot kinematograms: A psychophysical and modelling approach.Shafiullah, Syed N. January 2008 (has links)
One of the major goals of this thesis is to investigate the extent to which correspondence noise, (i.e., the false pairing of dots in adjacent frames) limits motion detection performance in random dot kinematograms (RDKs). The performance measures of interest are Dmax and Dmin i.e., the largest and smallest inter-frame dot displacement, respectively, for which motion can be reliably detected. Dmax and threshold coherence (i.e., the smallest proportion of dots that must be moved between frames for motion to be reliably detected) in RDKs are known to be affected by false pairing or correspondence noise. Here the roles of correspondence noise and receptive field geometry in limiting performance are investigated. The range of Dmax observed in the literature is consistent with the current information-limit based interpretation. Dmin is interpreted in the light of correspondence noise and under-sampling. Based on the psychophysical experiments performed in the early parts of the dissertation, a model for correspondence noise based on the principle of receptive field scaling is developed for Dmax. Model simulations provide a good account of psychophysically estimated Dmax over a range of stimulus parameters, showing that correspondence noise and receptive field geometry have a major influence on displacement thresholds.
1575 |
A Study of Open Orbits In Gallium, Cadmium, Zinc and Copper By An Induced Torque MethodCook, James Robert 10 1900 (has links)
<p> The theoretical treatment of the induced torque problem is discussed, and equations describing the functional form of the torque amplitude are derived on the basis of a model calculation valid in the high field limit. This functional form is applied to a detailed interpretation of the open orbit structure in gallium, cadmium, zinc and copper. </p>
<p> An investigation of the open orbit structure in gallium at l.4°K using this technique has yielded direct information on the connectivity of the sixth-band hole surface. This surface supports a k(c)-trajectory for all field directions in the ab plane, except within 0.1° of the a-axis. A k(a)-trajectory of lower conductivity is reported over a 10° range of field direction centred (32°±2°) from the b-axis in the be plane. These data, in addition to the highly anisotropic amplitude and field dependence of the k(c) -trajectory, require that this surface contact the Brillouin zone boundary at both the k(a) -and k(c) -faces. The present data are compared with available models of the sixth band hole surface, and are found to be in excellent agreement with the predictions of recent pseudopotential calculations . The possibility of magnetic breakdown in the k(c)-trajectory for B|| b-axis is discussed. Finally, a non-linear frequency dependence, and an anisotropic non-quadratic field dependence are understood to occur through the long mean free path and short skin depth parameters in gallium at l.4°K. </p>
<p> In cadmium, the induced torque amplitude due to the [0001]-open trajectory tends to saturation at high field intensities for all observation directions. This effect is attributed to magnetic breakdown between the first-and secondhand hole surfaces through the spin·-orbit interaction energy
'gap near the H-symmetry point in the AHL plane. This magnetic breakdown effect is analyzed on the basis of a linear chain model and the theoretical curves of Falicov and Sievert. Detailed analysis indicates the possibility of two separate breakdown probabilities across the HL and HA gaps; for <1010> directions , breakdown fields of 10.8 k0e and (as low as) 0.72 k0e are indicated . A similar range of breakdown fields is indicated for all field directions in the (0001) plane. </p>
<p> In zinc, the induced torque technique is used to investigate magnetic breakdown effects in the [0001]-trajectory for specific field directions in the basa l plane. These effects are attributed to the onset of partial breakdown between the monster and cap surfaces near the H-symrnetry points, for field intensities above 16 kOe. The linear chain model is shown to be an inappropriate description of breakdown effects in zinc. An onset field of 16 kOe for <1120> is determined; no breakdown is observed along <lOIO> below 20 kOe. In addition, magnetic breakdown effects occurring in the basal orbits of zinc were investigated. The general monotonic rise in torque amplitude with field intensities is fitted to the theoretical expressions of Falicov, Pippard, and Sievert. The giant quantum oscillations arising through coherence-effect modulation of the breakdown probability are shown consistent with earlier data. </p>
<p> The technique is applied to a general survey of the various types of open orbits existing in copper, and the general applicability of the sample torque equations to both compensated and uncompensated metals is demonstrated. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
1576 |
Sensorimotor Neuroplasticity after ACL Reconstruction: Insights into Neuromodulationin Orthopedic Clinical RehabilitationSherman, David Alexander 28 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
1577 |
Analysis of Weighted Fraction of Length for Interfacial Gap in Cervical Composite Restorations as a Function of the Number of B-Scans of OCT Volume ScansSchneider, Hartmut, Meißner, Tobias, Rüger, Claudia, Haak, Rainer 26 April 2023 (has links)
In dental research, the morphometric assessment of restorations is a challenge. This also applies to the assessment of the length of interfacial adhesive defects in composite restorations as a measure of tooth-restoration bond failure. The determined mean fractions of interfacial gap length on enamel and dentin interfaces deviate from the true means (N → ∞), depending on the number (Ni) of object layers assessed. Cervical composite restorations were imaged with spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). The mean fractions of interfacial gap length on enamel and dentin were determined for an increasing number of OCT cross-sectional images (B-scans) per restoration and were graphically displayed as a function of the number of B-scans. As the number of B-scans increased, the calculated object means approached a range of ±2.5%. This analysis is appropriate for displaying the relationship between the determined mean fraction of interfacial gap length at the enamel/dentin-restoration interface and the number of B-scans.
1578 |
Att bära en osynlig börda : MRSA-bärarskap ur ett salutogent perspektiv / To carry an invisible burden : MRSA colonisation from a salutogenic perspectiveHellberg, Erika January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Antibiotikaresistens är ett globalt problem och inkluderar MRSA, meticillinresistenta stafylokocker. Det saknas översiktsstudier som sammanfattar viktiga resultat gällande upplevelser av att bära på antibiotikaresistenta bakterier, främst gällande MRSA-bärare. För att bedriva ett effektivt folkhälso- och smittskyddsarbete är det viktigt att undersöka upplevelser, resurser och strategier kring bärarskapet hos dessa individer. Syfte: Att undersöka hur individer som bär på MRSA upplevde MRSA-bärarskapet ur ett salutogent perspektiv utifrån känsla av sammanhang (KASAM), med avseende på begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturstudie gjordes där 10 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades genom tematisk analys utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv. Resultat: Elva subteman identifierades och relaterades till tre teman som utgjordes av de främsta komponenterna av KASAM: begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Begriplighet beskriver hur individen uppfattar sin situation som MRSA-bärare och utgörs av subtemana ”Pestsmittad, smutsig och invaderad”, ”Chock, rädsla och skam”, ”Utanförskap, ensamhet och stigmatisering”, ”Okunskap, osäkerhet och ett gåtfullt hot” och ”Nuet störs, framtiden påverkas”. Hanterbarhet beskriver hur individen försöker hantera MRSA-bärarskapet och utgörs av subtemana ”Skydda andra från smitta”, ”Söka information” och ”Informera och utbilda vårdpersonal”. Meningsfullhet utgörs av MRSA-bärarnas beskrivningar av vad som ger dem engagemang och motivation och utgörs av subtemana ”Ta kontroll över situationen”, ”Tid, aktivt lärande och reflektion” och ”Goda möten och relationer”. Slutsats: Upplevelsen av MRSA-bärarskapet innebär ofta ett stort lidande för individen med flertalet begränsningar av livet. Att leva med MRSA är att befinna sig på ett kontinuum av salutogenes/patogenes, där möten och relationer med vårdpersonal spelar en avgörande roll för var individens hälsa positioneras. Det finns en outnyttjad salutogen potential i vårdpersonalens möten och interaktioner med MRSA-bärare. / Introduction: Antibiotic resistance is a global problem and includes MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Reviews summarising important results concerning experiences of being colonised with MRSA are lacking. For efficient public health and infection prevention work, it is important to examine the experiences, resources, and strategies these individuals have regarding colonisation. Aim: To explore how individuals colonised with MRSA experienced this from a salutogenic perspective, based on Sense of Coherence (SOC), with respect to comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness. Methods: A structured literary review was conducted where 10 scientific articles were analysed through thematic analysis from a salutogenic perspective. Results: Eleven subthemes were identified and related to three themes composed from the main components of SOC. “Comprehension” describes how the individual perceives their situation as colonised with MRSA and consists of the subthemes "Plague infected, dirty and invaded", "Shock, fear and shame", "Exclusion, loneliness and stigmatisation", "Ignorance, uncertainty and a mysterious threat" and "The present is disrupted, the future is affected". “Manageability” describes how the individual tries to manage the MRSA colonisation and consists of the subthemes "Protect others from infection", "Seek information" and "Inform and educate healthcare workers". “Meaningfulness” consists of the descriptions of what gives the commitment and motivation and consists of the subthemes "Take control over the situation", "Time, active learning and reflection" and "Good encounters and relationships". Conclusion: The experience of being colonised with MRSA often involves immense suffering for the affected individual. Living with MRSA is to exist on a continuum of salutogenesis/pathogenesis, where encounters and relationships with healthcare professionals play a key role in where the individual's health is positioned. There is an untapped salutogenic potential in healthcare professionals' encounters and interactions with MRSA carriers.
1579 |
Assessing the groundwater resources management in the Bac Lieu Province, Mekong delta, VietnamPhan, Ky Trung, Tran, Thi Le Hang, Nguyen, Thi My Linh, Van, Pham Dang Tri 07 January 2019 (has links)
The research aims to assess the current groundwater resources management in Bac Lieu province. The combination of descriptive statistic and interview approach (including individual interview and key informant panel) were applied based on the principles of water governance framework developed by the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to assess the policy coherence and the transparency and stakeholder engagement of the groundwater management. The study showed that the current groundwater resources management improved overtime; however, the policies were not completely sufficient and the responsibility of the units related to the groundwater resources management was not indicated clearly yet. Thus, overlaps in function of different management units are found and the access of the local people to the groundwater management was limited. In addition, the stakeholder involvement in managing the groundwater resources was in short of both amount and qualification. The separation of powers seems to be higher and higher, the local government has the main responsibility to manage the groundwater and the communities, especially the local people still have low rate of participation in the groundwater resources management process. / Nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm đánh giá hiện trạng quản lý nguồn tài nguyên nước dưới đất (NDĐ) tại tỉnh Bạc Liêu. Sự kết hợp giữa phương pháp thống kê mo tả va phương pháp phỏng vấn (bao gồm phỏng vấn cá nhân và phỏng vấn chuyên gia)dựa trên những quy định về quản trị tài nguyên nước của Tổ chức Hợp tác và Phát triển Kinh tế (OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) được áp dụng để đánh sự chặt chẽ của các chính sách quản lý, sự minh bạch của công tác quản lý và sự tham gia của các bên có liên quan. Kết quả cho thấy, cơ chế quản lý nguồn tài nguyên NDĐ đã và đang dần hoàn thiện, song các chính sách quản lý vẫn còn chưa đầy đủ và trách nhiệm của các đơn vị quản lý vẫn chưa được quy định rõ ràng. Vì vậy, đến nay công tác quản lý còn phát sinh sự chồng chéo và thiếu sự phối hợp giữa các cơ quan chức năng có liên quan cũng như sự liên kết giữa cơ quan quản lý địa phương và người sử dụng tài nguyên NDĐ. Thêm vào đó, các bên có liên quan tham gia vào quản lý nguồn tài nguyên NDĐ còn hạn chế về cả số lượng và năng lực, trong đó chính quyền địa phương là đơn vị quản lý chính; do vậy, sự tập trung quyền hạn vào một chủ thể (chính quyền địa phương) là rất cao và sự tham gia của cộng đồng, đặc biệt là người sử dụng NDĐ, còn hạn chế.
1580 |
Varför fortsätter jag? : En kvalitativ studie med salutogen ansats om varför lärare stannar i professionen. / Why do I crack on? : A qualitative research with a salutogenic approach regarding why teachers stay in the professionSvensson, Gustav, Ramos Lundin, Edvin January 2024 (has links)
Studien ämnar undersöka hur lärare beskriver sin arbetssituation och vad som motiverar dem att stanna i professionen. Studien syftar också till att undersöka hur lärarna själva beskriver eventuella problem i sitt arbete och hur de hanterar dessa problem. Detta görs med stöd av en salutogen ansats och följande frågeställningar: - Vad skapar meningsfullhet för lärare? - Vad skapar hanterbarhet för lärare? - Hur beskriver lärare begriplighet kopplat till läraryrket? Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer, dessa genomfördes med sex stycken lärare. Datan analyserades därefter med en tematisk textanalys. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien var den salutogena teorin av Aaron Antonovsky. De viktigaste resultaten i studien är att respondenterna uttrycker att elevmötet är centralt för den inre motivationen, denna motivation leder till att respondenterna vill utveckla en förståelse för elevernas och den egna situationen. Förståelsen för eleverna och den egna situationen leder till att respondenterna skapar strategier för att hantera olika scenarion och stress inom skolmiljön. Våra slutsatser är att det är lärarnas motivation, både inre- och yttre motivation, denna motivation styr hur mycket energi de orkar lägga ner på att förstå sig på sin arbetssituation och sina elever. Förståelsen för den egna arbetssituationen och sina elever leder till att lärarna med tiden utvecklar verktyg för att hantera sin vardag som lärare och väljer därför att fortsätta som lärare. / This study is aiming to inquire how teachers describe their work situation and what motivates them to stay in the profession. The study also aims to inquire how the teachers themselves describe possible issues in their everyday work and how they handle those problems This was to be done by answering the following research questions: - What creates meaningfulness for teachers? - What creates manageability for teachers? - How does teachers describe comprehensibility regarding the teacher profession? The study has a qualitative methodological approach, and the data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with six different teachers. The data was then analysed by using a thematic text analysis. The theoretical framework for this study was the Salutogenic theory by Aaron Antonovsky. Our most important findings in the study were that our respondents express that the student meeting is central for their internal-motivation. This motivation leads them to want to develop an understanding for their students and their own work situation. This understanding in turn leads the respondents to develop functional strategies for dealing with different scenarios and stress in the school environment. The conclusions of this study were that it seems as if it is the teacher’s motivation, both internal and external motivation, that dictates how much energy the teacher find it worth putting into understanding their own work situation and their students. This understanding leads to the teachers with time develop tools to handle their everyday life as a teacher and they therefore choose to stay in the profession.
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