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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaktiv identifiering av avvikelser i mätdata från testning av kretskort

Berglund, Ebba, Kazemi, Baset January 2024 (has links)
Visualisering är ett kraftfullt verktyg vid dataanalys, särskilt för att identifiera avvikelser. Att effektivt kunna identifiera felaktiga komponenter i elektronik kan förbättra och utveckla produktionsprocesserna avsevärd. Genom att tydligt visa korrelationen mellan felaktiga och fungerande komponenter kan analytiker identifiera nyckelkomponenter som orsakar defekta produkter.  Multivariata data och multivariata tidsseriedata ställer höga krav på visualiseringar på grund av deras komplexitet. Den höga dimensionaliteten kan leda till problem som överlappning och dolda mönster beroende på vilken visualiseringsteknik som används. För att uppnå effektiv visualisering av multivariata data och multivariata tidsseriedata krävs det att både trender över tid och korrelationer mellan olika variabler visas. Studien genomfördes i samarbete med konsultföretaget Syntronic AB för att identifiera lämpliga visualiseringstekniker för data som samlats in vid testning av kretskort. Metoden som användes är design science, vilket omfattar en litteraturstudie, utveckling av prototyp och utvärdering av prototypen. Prototypen består av tre visualiseringstekniker som är: Kategorisk heatmap, Parallella koordinater och Scatterplot. Dessa tekniker jämfördes systematiskt för att bedöma deras effektivitet. Utvärderingen består av kvantitativa metoder såsom mätningar och enkäter, samt den kvalitativa metoden intervju. Resultatet av studien presenterar den utvecklade prototypen och analysen av utvärderingen.  Resultatet av studien visar att kategoriska heatmaps är effektiv för att identifiera samband mellan avvikelser i multivariat data. Även om alla användare upplevde visualiseringen svårtolkad vid en första anblick uttryckte de att visualiseringen var effektiv på att visa korrelationer mellan avvikelser. Parallella koordinater upplevdes svårtolkad och ineffektiv på grund av den höga dimensionaliteten där alla dimensioner inte kan visas samtidigt. Förbättringsförslag för att öka användarvänlighet och användarupplevelse lyftes där tree view förslogs som ett alternativ för att välja de dimensioner som ska visas i stället för reglaget. Scatterplots visade sig vara användbar för att analysera enskilda testpunkter och visade generella trender på ett tydligt och begripligt sätt. Studien har även visat att interaktiviteten påverkar upplevelsen av visualisering, där begränsad interaktivitet medför att tekniken upplevds mindre användbar för att identifiera relationer mellan avvikelser. / Visualization is of great importance when analyzing data, especially when distinguishing anomalies. Identifying faulty components of electronics could evolve and improve the production processes tremendously. By effectively displaying the correlation between faulty and working components, analytics can identify key components causing faulty products.Multivariate data and multivariate time series data place high demands on visualizations due to their complexity. The high dimensionality can lead to issues such as overlapping and hidden patterns, depending on the visualization technique used. To achieve effective visualization of multivariate data and multivariate time series data, it is necessary to show both trends over time and correlations between different variables. This study was conducted in cooperation with Syntronic AB, a consulting company, to help identify suitable visualization techniques for data gathered by testing circuit boards. The methodology used is design research which includes research gathering, development of a prototype and evaluation of the prototype. The prototype consists of three visualization techniques: Categorical heatmap, Parallel Coordinates, and Scatterplot. These techniques were systematically compared to assess their effectiveness. The evaluation consists of quantitative methods such as time measurement and survey, and the qualitative method interview. The result of the study shows the developed prototype and the analysis of the evaluation.  As a result, the study found categorical heatmaps effective in distinguishing correlation between anomalies in multivariate data. Although all users found the visualization difficult to grasp at first glance, expressed their beliefs regarding the effectiveness of displaying correlation. Parallel Coordinates were perceived as difficult to interpret and ineffective for high-dimensional datasets where all dimensions can´t be displayed simultaneously. Interactive options such as tree view to select test pointsto visualize were suggested to further improve the usefulness of Parallel Coordinates. Scatterplot proved useful for analyzing individual test points and showed general trends in a user-friendly way. Furthermore, the study also showed that interactivity affect the perception of visualizations. Limited interactivity resulted in users finding the visualizations less effective in distinguishing anomalies and were perceived as less user-friendly.

Att hjälpa genom djur : Hur djurassisterad behandling används inom socialt arbete med barn och unga / Helping through animals : How animal-assisted therapy is used within social work with children and young people

Källman, Emma-Karin, Rosenqvist-Mitchell, Tyra January 2023 (has links)
Sweden is often seen as a welfare state where children can grow up in safe circumstances. However, social support for children who are at risk of social exclusion has been shown to be lacking. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is an alternative intervention within the field of social work, though it is still in its infancy. Existing research evidence suggests that AAT can generate positive results, especially for individuals who have low engagement in other types of treatment. This study examines how AAT is used within the field of social work with children and young people. Seven professionals who employ AAT in their work with children and young people were interviewed. The interviews were interpreted through Antonovsky’s theory Sense of Coherence (SOC). Results show that the animal is seen to increase motivation for the child to partake in the treatment. The therapeutic alliance that is created through the presence of the animal can be helpful in increasing the child’s SOC and the surrounding environment can also play a significant part.

Måluppfyllelse med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och KASAM

Abraha Tekle, Alex, Gharibzadeh, Vahid January 2024 (has links)
It is a crucial factor to be able to design a strategy aimed at increasing and strengthening the efficiency of manufacturing industries. By establishing a goal based on strategic factors, it helps identify plans that are appropriate to achieve goal fulfillment. It is important to involve employees at an early stage, for instance in the planning phase of goal setting to ensure that the goal is met. The reason for this is to make employees feel engaged and motivated in their work. A case study has been conducted at a company that manufactures windows. The company had problems achieving their set production target. Both qualitative and quantitative methods have been used in the form of interviews and observations to get an overall understanding of the company. The purpose of this study is to investigate the problem of goal fulfillment in manufacturingcompanies using value stream mapping and SOC (Sense of Coherence). The theoretical framework includes theories on how companies can approach goal setting,including the concept that goals should be SMART. Emphasis on lean work and continuousimprovement should not only be placed on managers and management, but employees also need to understand and be able to apply these principles in their daily work. The theory of SOC (Sense of Coherence) and respect for people is also an important factor to consider and plays a crucial role. It helps workers feel engaged and thus more involved and motivated in their work. With the help of a value stream mapping, a detailed analysis can be conducted to identify opportunities for improvement. Based on interviews and observations, the results of this study show that there areunmotivated employees and a bottleneck that prevents the company from achieving its set production goals. The bottleneck must be utilized to maximum capacity and run continuously. To get employees more motivated and engaged, work needs to be done based on SOC (Sense of Coherence), that is, employees should find meaningfulness, manageableness, and a better understanding of their workplace. Involving employees in change initiatives and various decision-making processes is beneficial for companies in terms of achieving goals. / Det är en avgörande faktor att kunna utforma en strategi med syfte till att öka och stärka effektiviteten för tillverkningsindustrier. Genom att fastslå ett mål utifrån strategiska faktorer underlättar det till att kunna identifiera planer som är lämpliga för att förverkliga måluppfyllelsen. Det är viktigt att involvera medarbetarna i ett tidigt skede som i planeringsfasen av måluppsättningen för att säkerställa att målet som sätts, uppfylls. Anledningen till detta är för att medarbetarna ska känna sig engagerade och motiverade ideras arbete. En fallstudie har genomförts på ett företag som tillverkar fönster där de har haft problem medatt uppnå det uppsatta produktionsmålet. Det har använts både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder i form av intervjuer samt observationer för att få en helhetsbild av företaget. Syftet med studien är att undersöka problematiken kring måluppfyllelse inom tillverkandeföretag med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och KASAM. I den teoretiska referensramen tas teori upp om hur företag kan tänka kring när mål ska sättas, bland annat att målen ska vara SMARTA. Betoning kring lean arbete och ständiga förbättringar ska inte enbart vara kring chefer och ledning, utan medarbetare behöver även förstå och kunna tillämpa dessa faktorer i deras arbete. Teori om KASAM (känsla av sammanhang) och respekt för människor är en även en viktig faktor att ta hänsyn till och är en avgörande roll som lyfts. Det bidrar till att arbetarna känner sig engagerade och på så sätt mer delaktiga och motiverade i deras arbete. Med hjälp av en värdeflödsanalys kan en kartläggning göras på det som skall undersökas för att hitta förbättringsmöjligheter. Studiens resultat visar utifrån intervjuer och observationer att det finns omotiverade medarbetare och en flaskhals som hindrar företaget från att uppnå deras uppsatta produktionsmål. Flaskhalsen finns där och den måste utnyttjas till maxkapacitet och köras hela tiden. För att få medarbetare mer motiverade och engagerade behöver det arbetas utifrån KASAM, det vill säga att medarbetarna ska känna meningsfullhet, hanterbarhet samt begriplighet med deras arbete. Involvering av medarbetarna i förändringsarbete och kring olika beslut som tas är fördelaktigt för företag beträffande måluppfyllelse.

”Här bland vänner” : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala samspelets betydelse för suicidprevention / ”Here among friends” : A qualitative study on the significance of social interaction for suicide prevention

Hauswald, Niklas, Hedin, Ulrika January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse för huruvida och i så fall hur Mind-Forum, en anonym stödplattform på internet, kan fungera förebyggande för suicidala individer. Genom att tillämpa en kvalitativ metod syftade vi till att undersöka den sociala interaktionens natur och funktion bland personer som själva beskriver sig som suicidala. Genom att använda teorier om den presuicidala processen, teorin om Känsla av Sammanhang (KASAM) och teorin om social responsivitet, avsåg vi att undersöka huruvida anonyma individer på Mind-Forum, genom social interaktion, kunde fungera som en förebyggande motvikt mot ett suicidförsök. Resultaten visade på att anonyma sociala interaktioner tycks fungera som förebyggande åtgärder mot suicid för individen. Social responsivitet visade sig vara en nyckelfaktor, eller åtminstone en bidragande faktor till något som indikerade ömsesidig vilja över att ta en digital konversation till ytterligare nivåer. / The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of whether and how Mind-Forum, an anonymous support internet platform, could function preventatively for suicidal individuals. Utilizing a qualitative approach, we aimed to examine the nature and function of social interactions among individuals who self-identify as suicidal. By employing theories of the presuicidal process, the Sense of Coherence (SOC) theory, and the theory of social responsivity, we intend to investigate whether anonymous individuals on Mind-Forum, through social interaction, can serve as a preventative counterweight against attempting suicide. The results showed that social interactions appear to act as suicide preventative for the individual since social responsiveness has been shown to be a key, or at least contributory factor, to something indicating mutual willingness to escalate a digital conversation into further levels.

Implementation of Compressed Sensing Theory on Acquisition of Optical Coherence Tomography 3-D Image Volume Data

Song Cho, Diego Miong Su January 2024 (has links)
In breast cancer assessment, tissue removed during biopsy or surgery is sent to a pathology lab for analysis. To achieve high sensitivity for detecting disease, the diagnostic gold standard requires submission of a substantial portion of the resected specimen, which results in a labor and time-intensive process to obtain a diagnosis. There is an unmet need to identify regions of diagnostic interest in breast tissue samples to increase the efficiency of the clinical pathology workflow. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), a noninvasive imaging modality capable of depth-resolved, high-resolution, and in vivo imaging of tissue at large fields of view, enables effective assessment of this tissue. However, there is a two-fold problem: the large size of resected tissue to be imaged within clinical time constraints, and the high density of multi-dimensional OCT image data. An approach that enables comprehensive imaging by reducing both imaging time and data density is compressed sensing (CS), a theory that enables undersampling far below the Nyquist sampling rate and guarantees high accuracy image recovery. Therefore, the objective of this work is to demonstrate that compressed sensing techniques can be applied to OCT imaging to revise current optical hardware and improve the efficiency of image acquisition. CS-OCT has high potential for significantly altering the presently established workflow for breast cancer assessment. In this work, we prove that current OCT systems require further reduction of data sampling rate, to enable effective integration of the systems into the clinical pathology workflow. In addition, we identify challenges associated with the matching of OCT and histologic data that may be important to consider in the context of in vivo imaging. Further, we demonstrate the application of a novel and improved compressed sensing algorithm capable of reconstructing OCT volumes from highly undersampled imaging data. We show that these reconstructions preserve high spatial resolution and key image features, and we illustrate its improved performance over traditional reconstruction methods. Lastly, we integrate our compressed sensing techniques to physical OCT hardware. We demonstrate a pilot OCT system that integrates efficient undersampling schemes with subsequently successful 3-D image reconstructions. We evaluate acquisition patterns that take advantage of the typical forward and backward scan cycle of OCT systems to accomplish native subsampling of target data to varying degrees of compression. Using our CS-OCT algorithm, we successfully reconstruct OCT image volumes and demonstrate qualitative and quantitative preservation of image quality down to compression levels of 5% of total data.

Refractive indices used by the Haag-Streit Lenstar to calculate axial biometric dimensions

Suheimat, M., Verkicharla, P.K., Mallen, Edward A.H., Rozema, J.J., Atchison, D.A. 03 December 2014 (has links)
No / PURPOSE: To estimate refractive indices used by the Lenstar biometer to translate measured optical path lengths into geometrical path lengths within the eye. METHODS: Axial lengths of model eyes were determined using the IOLMaster and Lenstar biometers; comparing those lengths gave an overall eye refractive index estimate for the Lenstar. Using the Lenstar Graphical User Interface, we noticed that boundaries between media could be manipulated and opposite changes in optical path lengths on either side of the boundary could be introduced. Those ratios were combined with the overall eye refractive index to estimate separate refractive indices. Furthermore, Haag-Streit provided us with a template to obtain 'air thicknesses' to compare with geometrical distances. RESULTS: The axial length estimates obtained using the IOLMaster and the Lenstar agreed to within 0.01 mm. Estimates of group refractive indices used in the Lenstar were 1.340, 1.341, 1.415, and 1.354 for cornea, aqueous, lens, and overall eye, respectively. Those refractive indices did not match those of schematic eyes, but were close in the cases of aqueous and lens. Linear equations relating air thicknesses to geometrical thicknesses were consistent with our findings. CONCLUSION: The Lenstar uses different refractive indices for different ocular media. Some of the refractive indices, such as that for the cornea, are not physiological; therefore, it is likely that the calibrations in the instrument correspond to instrument-specific corrections and are not the real optical path lengths.

Koherensproblemet i August Strindbergs Ett drömspel : En studie i litteraturvetenskaplig argumentation / On the Issue of Coherence in August Strindberg's A Dream Play : A Study in Argumentative Practices of Literary Criticism

Bleckberg, Hampus January 2024 (has links)
This thesis is a ”meta-analysis” that investigates the apparent lack of coherence in August Strindberg’s A Dream Play and how this has been dealt with by scholars in literary and theatre studies. The primary material consists of a selection of research publications dated from the 1920’s up until the present day. The analysis concludes that there are four major groups of analyses that, in this regard, provide different solutions on how to counter this seeming deficiency. On the back of this, four general arguments are examined in detail: early attempts to classify this enigmatic drama with regard to genre, psychological analysis, analysis of philosophical ideas and contents, and analysis of the visual aspects of the play. By arguing along these lines of inquiry, scholars wish to substantiate the validity of various elements that harmonize the apparent disparity of the play and exhibit a coherent sequence of events and an interpretable meaning. Moreover, the ways in which these ”solutions” are substantiated and conveyed, that is, the argumentative practices, are examined and critically evaluated. Finally, based on the previous analysis, suggestions pertaining to further areas of research are offered and briefly discussed.

Examination of Subungual Hematomas and Subungual Melanocytic Lesions by Using Optical Coherence Tomography and Dermoscopy

Hobelsberger, Sarah, Laske, Jörg, Aschoff, Roland, Beissert, Stefan 16 May 2024 (has links)
Introduction: Examination of subungual pigmented lesions is sometimes a diagnostic challenge for clinicians. Objectives: The study was aimed to investigate characteristic patterns in optical coherence tomography (OCT) of subungual hematomas and determine distinctive features that can differentiate them from subungual melanocytic lesions. Methods: VivoSight® (Michelson Diagnostics, Maidstone, UK) was used to examine 71 subungual hematomas and 11 subungual melanocytic lesions in 69 patients (18 female and 51 male patients). Results: On OCT, bleeding was related to sharply defined black sickle-shaped (p < 0.001) or globular regions (not significant [ns]) with a hyperreflective margin (0.002), a grey center (0.013), hyperreflective lines in the area (ns) or periphery (p = 0.031), peripheral fading (p = 0.029), and red dots in the area (p = 0.001). In the 1 case of melanoma in situ examined, we found curved vessels with irregular sizes and distribution on the dermis of the nailbed, while subungual hematomas and subungual benign nevi presented as clustered red dots and/or regularly distributed curved vessels. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the use of OCT in addition to dermoscopy provides high-resolution optical imaging information for the diagnosis of subungual hematoma and facilitates the differential diagnosis of subungual hematomas and subungual melanocytic lesions.

Att förstå: Barn och unga vuxnas skärmanvändning : En litteraturöversikt kring skärmanvändningens påverkan på barn och unga vuxna / Understanding: Screen Use Among Children and Young Adults : A Literature Review on the Impact of Screen Use on Children and Young Adults

Zerat, Valdemar, Hasselberg, Malin January 2024 (has links)
Supervisor: Nina Lindén Åkerlund Examiner: Staffan Bengtsson This study aims to investigate the impact of screen use on children and young adults. Previous research regarding screen use among children and young adults is compiled in a literature review in the form of a scoping review. The results have been thematically analyzed with the help of the SOC-theory (sense of coherence) and ecological systems theory. The results show that screen use has both positive and negative aspects that can be understood through factors of risk and protection which are prevalent on individual, group and societal levels. The study contributes to the understanding of the impact that screen use has on children and young adults and is particularly relevant in relation to social work.

I skuggan av ungdomskärlek : En kvalitativ studie om våld i unga parrelationer, ur skolkuratorns perspektiv. / In the shadow of young love : A qualitative study on domestic violence in adolescents´ relationships, from the perspective of school counselors.

Lönnborg, Matilda, Nyström, Annie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka skolkuratorers erfarenheter av våld i unga parrelationer, deras uppfattning av hur våldet ter sig samt hur de identifierar och arbetar stödjande i frågan. Data samlades in genom intervjuer med fem skolkuratorer i Mellansverige och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv och KASAM. Resultatet visade att ungdomar har bristande kunskap gällande våld i parrelationer, något som leder till att det sällan rapporteras. Till följd av okunskap hos ungdomarna är våldet svåridentifierat, ungdomar tenderar att förstora småsaker som kan leda till kontroll i relationen, medan de har svårt att identifiera och en tendens att nonchalera det våld som faktiskt förekommer. Kuratorerna arbetar preventivt och stödjande på olika sätt och deras egna intressen i frågan styr arbetet då de inte har något metodstöd för att arbeta preventivt, identifiera förekomst av våld eller stötta utsatta ungdomar. / The purpose of this study was to investigate high school counselors' experiences of domestic violence in adolescents' relationships and how they implement their knowledge of this subject in their daily work. The empirical data was collected through interviews with five school counselors in Sweden. The analysis was done by using the method thematic analysis and the theoretical perspectives consisted of the general systems theory and sense of coherence. Results revealed that domestic violence in adolescents' relationships rarely being reported. As a result of adolescents' ignorance regarding violence it's difficult to identify. Adolescents also tend to magnify behaviors amongst each other and neglect the violence that occurs due to their lack of knowledge. Results revealed that the school counselors' work methods seemed to depend on their own interest in the subject because they don´t have any evidence-based methodological support to identifying domestic violence and supporting students exposed to it.

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