Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coherence"" "subject:"koherence""
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Modal Particles, Discourse Structure and Common Ground Management. / Theoretical and Empirical Aspects.Döring, Sophia 27 September 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Phänomen der deutschen Modalpartikeln (MPn), das in der linguistischen Forschung viel Aufmerksamkeit erhalten hat, aber fast immer nur innerhalb der Satzgrenzen betrachtet wurde. Es wurde mehrfach vorgeschlagen, dass MPn eine Funktion im Hinblick auf Common Ground-Management haben, jedoch wird nie ausgeführt, wie diese zustande kommt. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie die Bedeutung und Funktion verschiedener MPn im Rahmen eines erweiterten Common Ground-Modells erfasst werden kann. In einem zweiten Schritt wird in zwei empirischen Studien die Interaktion von MPn mit Diskursstruktur analysiert, wobei Diskursstruktur hier im Rahmen von Diskursrelationen modelliert wird. Dafür wurden in einem Korpus von Parlamentsreden (126.000 Token) alle Sätze, die eine MP (ja, doch, eben, halt, wohl und schon wurden analysiert) enthalten im Hinblick auf ihre Relationen zu adjazenten Diskurseinheiten annotiert. Verwendet wurde dafür die in der Rhetorischen Strukturtheorie (Mann & Thompson 1989) vorgeschlagenen Relationen. Die statistische Analyse der Ergebnisse zeigen signifikante Präferenzen der einzelnen MPn für bestimmte Diskursrelationen. Diese wurden anschließend in einem Lexical Choice Experiment überprüft und bestätigt, bei dem SprecherInnen im Kontext verschiedener Diskursrelationen auswählen sollten, welche MP am natürlichsten in einen Diskurs passt. SprecherInnen verwenden MPn, um zu zeigen, in welchem Verhältnis eine Proposition zu anderen steht oder um die Proposition auf eine bestimmte Art und Weise im Diskurs zu verankern, z.B. in dem sie als Hintergrundinformation markiert wird. Die beiden empirischen Studien zeigen zum ersten Mal, wie SprecherInnen diese Funktionen nutzen – und teilweise ausnutzen – um Diskurs zu strukturieren, Diskursrelationen hervorzuheben und so Kohärenz zu fördern. Gleichzeitig zeigt diese Arbeit, dass ein erweitertes Common Ground-Modell notwendig ist, um den Beitrag von MPn adäquat zu erfassen. / This work focuses on the phenomenon of German modal particles (Mps) which has received much attention in linguistic research – however mainly restricted to an analysis inside the sentence boundaries. It has been proposed that the function of Mps can be described with respect to common ground management, but this has never been spelled out in detail. Here, the meaning and function of different Mps will be captured in a broadened common ground model. In a second step, two empirical studies analyse the interaction of MPs and discourse structure – here modelled in terms of discourse relations. In a corpus of parliament speeches (126.000 word tokens), all sentences containing a modal particle (ja, doch, eben, halt, wohl and schon have been analyzed) were annotated for their discourse relations towards adjacent discourse units. The statistical analysis of the results reveals clear preferences of the single particles for different discourse relations. These preference were tested again in a follow-up experiment, a lexical choice task in which speakers had to decide which particle fits most naturally in contexts of different discourse relations. The results verified the findings of the corpus study. Overall, MPs can be used to indicate to the addressee how a proposition that is asserted by the speaker is related to (an)other proposition(s) and anchor information in discourse structure in a certain way, e.g. by marking it as background information. The results of the empirical studies show for the first time how speakers can make use of these functions – sometimes by exploiting them – to structure discourse, enhance the function of discourse relations and thereby establish coherence. At the same time, it becomes clear that a broader model of common ground is needed to capture this function of MPs in discourse appropriately.
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Support for women with breast cancer, and for the district and hospital nurses involved : an intervention studyPålsson, Maj-Britt January 1995 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate breast cancer patients’ experiences of their illness and of traditional nursing care (TNC) or supportive nursing care (SNC) respectively, as well as nurses' experiences of support and of caring for cancer patients. An intervention including extended co-operation between the surgical ward and primary health care, shorter waiting times, and changed routines concerning the information about the diagnosis, as well as training and systematic clinical supervision for the nurses, was implemented. Newly diagnosed breast cancer patients (n=47) from two county councils in the south-east of Sweden were interviewed (IV, V). Thirty-four of them completed scales about well-being, burnout, hopelessness, anxiety and depression (VII). The women who had TNC reported lack of professional support during the initial phase of the disease and suggested changes in the care similar to those implemented in the SNC. In the SNC group the women expressed feelings of safety and security after the professional support and the organizational changes in the care. There were significantly more single women and women who had had breast conserving surgery in the SNC group than in the TNC (VII). The hopelessness scores in the SNC group were significantly higher than in the TNC group. Thirty-nine district nurses (DNs) were interviewed at baseline (I), and thirty-three of them completed scales about burnout, empathy, and sense of coherence (SOC) before and after systematic clinical supervision (VI). Twenty-three of the 39 DNs, as well as 9 hospital nurses (HNs) who participated in the clinical supervision, were interviewed about their experiences of this intervention (III). Twenty-nine tape-recorded supervision sessions in three groups of DNs (n=23) were analysed (II). Baseline interviews and analyses of the content of the supervisory sessions strongly emphasized that DNs experienced problems in the home care of seriously ill cancer patients. Deep human contacts were a source of both strain and enrichment. The clinical supervision was said to provide relief from undesirable thoughts and feelings, confirmation of themselves both as individuals and in their professional role, a broader and deeper knowledge and increased self-confidence. There were no significant differences in the burnout, empathy, and SOC scores between the supervisory group (n=21) and a comparison group (n=12) at the first and second measures, nor over time within the groups. There were some correlations between these phenomena and the Karolinska scales of personality, as well as correlations between burnout, empathy and SOC. The groups of women were not entirely similar as regards demographic and medical characteristics, and the sample size of patients and nurses was small. It is obvious that patients in the TNC missed those factors that were implemented in the SNC, at the same time the latter women expressed hopelessness more often than those who had received TNC. This result may be due to the fact that support from nurses had made the women more prepared to express their feelings, that support had not been provided to an adequate extent or in the right way, or that the applied scales were not appropriate. The finding that the nurses experienced the clinical supervision as very positive but that, despite this, there were no significant differences in attitudes measured by scales within or between the groups, can be interpreted in a similar way. Consequently, further research is needed to judge the effects of intervention. The study has, above all, produced qualitative descriptions of patients' experiences of the nursing care after discharge from hospital, and of DNs’ experiences of the care of cancer patients in their homes, and of systematic clinical supervision. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1995, härtill 7 uppsatser.</p> / digitalisering@umu
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The relationship between career thinking and salutogenic functioningAustin, Robert Kirk 30 November 2005 (has links)
Career decision-making is complex and dynamic. Cognitive factors that influence career choice are of interest to researchers. In particular, negative career thoughts and career self-efficacy have been found to influence career decidedness. Similarly, cognitive expectancy has been linked to career decidedness through the locus of control construct. Where locus of control has demonstrated salutogenic stress reducing properties in health literature it has also been widely used in career research. Other cognitive expectancies could contribute to the literature pertaining to career choice. In particular, sense of coherence has begun to make inroads to career psychology.
Where career decision-making research has been universally conducted with student populations, little has been conducted with adults. Because of developmental factors, student based research may not readily generalize to non-student adult based populations. Researching the career indecision of non-student adults could broaden the literature. Establishing the relationship between career thinking (negative career thoughts & career decision-making self-efficacy) and salutogenic functioning (locus of control & sense of coherence) would provide initial research into the nature of career indecision in non-student adults.
A survey design assessed the relationship between career thinking and salutogenic functioning in an adult, career decision-making milieu. Two hundred and twenty five unemployed career undecided adults were sampled from community based career exploration programs. Correlative and regression analysis were conducted on career thinking and salutogenic functioning measures.
Data analysis indicated statistically significant findings between career thinking and salutogenic functioning. In particular, negative career thoughts, career decision making self-efficacy, locus of control and sense of coherence were all found to have significant correlations between each other. Career thinking and sense of coherence strongly correlated with level of education, while locus of control negatively correlated with age. Regression analysis indicated that sense of coherence demonstrated stronger relationships to career thoughts than locus of control. Further, sense of coherence significantly predicted negative career thoughts and career decision-making self-efficacy. Locus of control maintained a weak and non-significant predictive relationship with negative career thoughts or career self-efficacy. Results suggest that sense of coherence may contribute to further understanding of career decidedness in adults. Implications for Industrial/Organisational psychology are discussed. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil.(Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Conjunctive cohesion and relational coherence in students' compositionsRamasawmy, Narainsamy 30 November 2004 (has links)
This research study examines the relationship between conjunctive cohesion and relational coherence in students' narrative and expository compositions and writing quality (here defined in terms of teachers' ratings). Altogether 64 compositions were analysed using Halliday and Hasan's (1976) cohesion theory and Crombie's (1985) set of interpropositional relations. The results of the study show that both conjunctive cohesion density and relational coherence, as defined by the density of contiguous functional relations, affect perceptions of writing quality. Writers of low-rated narrative and low-rated expository compositions not only used a more limited range of conjunctives but their compositions manifested less cohesion density and contiguous relation density than writers of high-rated narrative and expository compositions did. / Linguistics / M. A. (Applied Linguistics)
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Psychological strengths and disability : a study on hearing-impaired adultsDe Wet, Tessa 31 March 2008 (has links)
South Africa's equity legislation demands the incorporation of persons with disabilities in the workforce. Owing to the unique challenges that these people face, they need well-developed salutogenic characteristics such as sense of coherence, self-efficacy and locus of control in order to integrate effectively into mainstream environments. The objective of the research was to explore these salutogenic constructs in the hearing-impaired adult population and to note differences between the different sub-groups within the sample (N = 63). A biographical form and combination of salutogenic questionnaires were employed to measure these constructs. Descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests were utilised to analyse the data. The results showed statistically significant inter-group differences in all three salutogenic constructs. These differences were found for age groups, onset of deafness, deafness category, primary school attended, hearing status of spouse and parents, and level of qualification. / Industrial and Organizational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Burnout, work engagement and sense of coherence in female academics at two tertiary education institutions in South AfricaBezuidenhout, Adéle 11 1900 (has links)
Female academics in higher education institutions face numerous challenges
in the continuously ch~nging landscape of South African Higher Education.
Numerous mergers between different institutions, increasing job demands,
ever increasing class sizes and the unique demands of role conflict, inherent
to the female role, contribute to the manifestation of stress and burnout (80)
in this population group.
The research is conducted from a salutogenic paradigm, seeking to find ways
of avoiding the negative consequences of 80 and contributing towards the
positive experience of Work Engagement (WE) for the female academic. The
research also explores the effect of the individual academics' Sense of
Cohrence (SOC) on the experience of BO and WE.
The research is quantitative in nature. A psychometric instrument was sent to
all the permanently employed female academics employed by Unisa and TUT,
measuring their levels of 80, WE and SOC. The completed questionnaires
were statisticaily analysed.
The findings included average levels of 80, with definite signs that the
experience of 80 is on the increase. The Cy sub-dimension of BO showed
increased levels. The WE scores of the female academics were just above
average. The SOC scores of the female academics were low.
The main recommendations were that University management need to take
cognisance of the symptoms of BO that are present in this population.
Strategies need to be put in place to address these issues and the experience
of WE need to be treasured and grown through definite actions from
Management. Female academics also need to take personal responsibility for
their own wellness and act on the initial signs of 80, rather than dismissing it
as mere tiredness or lack of energy. There are also a number of
recommendations on actions to be taken to experience WE in the academic
work that the population undertake on a daily basis / Industrial & Organizational Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Industrial & Organizational psychology)
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Stressimptomatologie by nooddienspersoneel / Stress symptomatology among emergency service staffOosthuizen, Marinda 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die studie fokus op die effek van krisiswerk op die helper in terme van stres, die uitbrandingsindroom en posttraumatiese stresversteuring (PTSV). Salutogeniese konstrukte as moderatorveranderlikes in die stres-siekte-verhouding word ook ondersoek. 'n Beskikbaarheidsteekproef van 52 ambulansmanne en 52 kontrolegroepwerkers is verkry. Biografiese, koherensie-, uitbrandings-, PTSV- en stresvraelyste is ingevul en statisties verwerk. Resultate dui daarop dat ambulansmanne hul werk as buitengewoon stresvol beleef en dat
meer ambulansmanne diagnoseerbare PTSV vertoon. Daar blyk geen verskil tussen die twee groepe te wees nie met betrekking tot die voorkoms van uitbranding en streservaring. 'n Negatiewe verband tussen koherensiebelewing en die voorkoms van stressimptome en uitbranding is verkry. Ambulansmanne het 'n buitengewoon stresvolle werk en vertoon meer simptome van stresversteurings as mense in ander beroepe. Aanbevelings word gedoen oor hoe om die negatiewe konsekwensies van stres te verminder. / The study focuses on the effect of crisis work on the assistant in terms of stress, the burnout syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Salutogenic constructs as moderator variables in the stress-illness relationship are also investigated. An availability sample of 52 ambulancemen and 52 control group workers was obtained. Biographic, coherence, burnout, PTSD and stress questionnaires were completed and statistically processed. Results indicate that ambulancemen experience their work as exceptionally stressful and that
more Ambulancemen display diagnosable PTSD. There appears to be no difference between the two groups in respect of the incidence of burnout and experience of stress. A negative connection between the experience of coherence and the incidence of stress symptoms and burnout was obtained. Ambulancemen have an exceptionally stressful job and display more symptoms of stress disorders. Recommendations are made on how to reduce the negative consequences of stress. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)
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Psychological optimality as a concept in industrial psychologyPheiffer, Jeanette 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of this exploratory study was to conceptualise the constructs of psychological optimality in order to derive a definition of the concept and to compile a personality profile of the psychologically optimal individual. A sample of 200 employees in a large electricity utility were randomly selected. A psychometric battery comprising
seven questionnaires was compiled and administered. The empirical investigation revealed four factors as indicative of psychological optimality. The factors comprise lntrapersonal dimensions, namely
successful coping in stressful situations, an internal locus of control, and Interpersonal dimensions, namely interpersonal sensitivity and a commitment to society. It seems that work behaviour would be largely
determined by the intra- and interpersonal behaviours. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial Psychology)
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Ouderdom en geslag as veranderlikes in die salutogenese paradigma / Age and gender as variables in the salutogenesis paradigmWilmans, Luna Jean 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing handel oor ouderdom en geslag as veranderlikes in die salutogenese paradigma. Die salutogenese paradigma het sy ontstaan en ontwikkeling aan verskeie navorsingsperspektiewe te danke. Daar is reeds op internasionale gebied breedvoerig navorsing oor hierdie paradigma gedoen. In die Suid-Afrika is die navorsing van Strumpfer en Wissing goed bekend. In hierdie navorsing is daar deur middel van faktorontleding gepoog om die onderliggende dimensies van die konstrukte gevoel van koherensie en geharde persoonlikheid bloot te le. Daar is onderskeidelik twee duidelike faktore vir beide konstrukte bepaal. Die faktore op die Lewensorientasievraelys (OLQ) het noue ooreenstemming getoon met die komponente betekenisvolheid en
hanteerbaarheid (OLQ1 ), en verstaanbaarheid (OLQ2) soos deur Antonovsky (1987) bespreek. Die faktore op die "Personal Views Survey" (PVS) het ooreenstemming getoon met die komponente verbintenis en beheer (PVS1) en uitdaging (PVS2), soos deur Kobasa (1979) daargestel. Hierdie navorsingsresultate toon verder dat ouderdom wel die mate van gevoel van koherensie wat 'n individu mag ervaar, kan be"invloed. Alhoewel geslag in 'n mindere mate 'n invloed op die mate van gevoel van koherensie getoon het, behoort geslag (in perspektief van die totale steekproef beskou) nie 'n bepalende invloed uit te oefen nie. In terme van die mate van geharde
persoonlikheid wat 'n individu mag ervaar, het ouderdom en geslag geen invloed getoon nie. Daar is ook geen interaksie-effek tussen ouderdom en geslag en die onderskeie konstrukte vasgestel nie. / This research project deals with age and gender as variables in the salutogenesis paradigm. The salutogenesis paradigm owes its origin and development to various research projects. Research in the international field
has already been done on this paradigm on a wide sphere. The research of Strumpfer and Wissing is well known in South Africa. In this area of research an attempt is made through the analysis of factors to expose the underlying dimensions of the construct sense of coherence and the construct hardy personality. Two certain factors for both constructs have been indicated. The factors influencing the Orientation to Life Questionnaire indicated a close resemblance with the components of meaningfulness and manageability (OLQ1), and comprehensibility (OLQ2), discussed by Antonovsky (1987). The factors of the Personal Views Survey (PVS) demonstrated a similarity with the components commitment and control (PVS 1) and challenge (PVS2), as stated
by Kobasa (1979). The results of this research demonstrates that age may well influence the measure of the sense of coherence which an individual may experience. Although gender indicated a minor measure of influence on the degree of sense of coherence, gender should not (in perspective of this research findings) have
a deciding influence. Age and gender indicated no deciding influence in the measure of hardy personality experienced by an individual. Age and gender did not manifest any interaction in the various constructs. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)
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A salutogenic perspective of burnout in the nursing professionDe Wet, Charl Francois 11 1900 (has links)
The research has worked towards the general aim of generating a synthesis of burnout in the nursing profession, and also towards coming to a synthesis of burnout in nursing from the perspective of the salutogenic paradigm. Existing knowledge from the literature has been consolidated and integrated, and 'new knowledge' of the phenomenological experience of the causes and symptoms of burnout and how nurses stay healthy, were presented. Firstly was discovered that burnout, over time is caused by various factors that are individual and personal and therefore not easily discovered by other than the phenomenological method, where the life world of each individual is described. Secondly, the study ofthe strengths that nurses exhibit in order to manage the tension and stress in their lives and not to succumb to illness, proved to be a sound and descriptive paradigm
with great utilisation possibilities. Three answers to the salutogenic question, namely sense of coherence, hardiness and learned resourcefulness were presented in great detail. Thirdly, it was stated that the individual nurses and the nursing practice in general be made aware of: (1) the existence of burnout, (2) the contributing factors to burnout, (3) the various manifestations ofburnout at work and in the organisation, and (4) the coping strategies available to counter this problem in a positive and salutogenic manner. The phenomenological results of
this research revealed a number of issues that have implications for both the prevention and treatment of burnout in nurses. The results especially established how nurses can operationalise their inherent salutogenic qualities. Specific salutogenic coping strategies emerged via the respondents. The research took a broad view of personality in health research. It studied the psychological processes underlying the observed connections between psychological variables and health outcomes. In order to study the operationalisation of these processes, a phenomenological, person-based approach was followed. They study focussed on health phenomena and the individual nurse was retained as the unit of analysis. This approach represented a movement away from a fragmented science, infatuated with technology and linked to a singular epistemology, towards a focus on the process and dynamics of personal experience. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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