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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A randomized controlled trial evaluating the quality of life and the sense of coherence in seniors wearing complete conventional dentures or mandibular two-implant overdentures

Jabbour, Zaher 12 1900 (has links)
La supériorité des prothèses mandibulaires retenues par deux implants (IODs) sur les prothèses conventionnelles (CDs) nécessitent d’être éclaircies notamment en rapport à leur influence sur la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire (OHRQoL) ainsi que sur la stabilité de cet effet de traitement. De plus, l’influence des facteurs psychologiques, tel que le sens de cohérence (SOC), sur l’effet de traitement reste encore inconnue. Le but de cette étude est de déterminer l’amplitude de l’influence du port des IODs et des CDs sur l’OHRQoL et d’évaluer la stabilité de l’effet de traitement dans le temps, tout en prenant en considération le niveau du SOC. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Des participants édentés (n=172, âge moyen 71, SD = 4.5) ayant reçu des CDs ou des IODs ont été suivis sur une période de deux ans. L’OHRQoL a été évaluée à l’aide du questionnaire « Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP -20) » et ce avant le traitement et à chacun des deux suivis. Le SOC a été évalué à l’aide du questionnaire « The Orientation to Life (SOC -13) » à chacun des deux suivis. Des analyses statistiques ont été effectuées pour évaluer les différences intra et entre groupes (analyses statistiques descriptives, bivariées et multivariées). RÉSULTATS: Une amélioration statistiquement significative de l’OHRQoL entre les statuts avant et après traitement a été notée dans les deux groupes (Wilks’s Lambda = 0.473, F (1,151) = 157.31, p < 0.0001). L’amplitude de l’effet du traitement IOD est 1.5 fois plus grande que celle du traitement CD. Ces résultats ont été stables pendant les deux années d’étude et ils n’ont pas été influencés par le SOC. CONCLUSION: Le traitement IOD amène une meilleure OHRQoL à long terme en comparaison avec le traitement CD et ce sans influence du niveau du SOC. Ces résultats sont cliniquement significatifs et confirment la supériorité des IODs sur les CDs. / ABSTRACT The superiority and stability of the effect of mandibular two-implant retained overdentures (IODs) over conventional dentures (CDs) in relation to the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) remain to be clarified. Furthermore, the influence of psychological factors, such as the sense of coherence (SOC), on the perception of treatment outcomes is still unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the magnitude of the effect of IODs and CDs on the OHRQoL and assess the stability of the treatment over time taking into account the level of SOC. METHODOLOGY: Edentulous participants (n = 172, mean age 71, SD = 4.5) wearing CDs or IODs were followed up for two years. The OHRQoL was assessed at baseline and both follow-ups using the « Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20) » questionnaire. The SOC was only assessed at both follow-ups using « The Orientation to Life (SOC-13) » questionnaire. Statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate between and within treatment differences (descriptive, bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses). RESULTS: A significant pre-/post-treatment improvement in the OHRQoL for both treatment groups was found (Wilks’s Lambda = 0.473, F (1,151) = 157.31, p < 0.0001). The magnitude of the effect in the IOD group was 1.5 times larger than that in the CD group. These outcomes were stable over the two-year study period and the SOC did not influence any of these results. CONCLUSION: IODs provide better long-term OHRQoL than CDs regardless of SOC level. The results are clinically meaningful and confirm the superiority of IODs over CDs.

Rational Goal-Setting in Environmental Policy : Foundations and Applications

Edvardsson Björnberg, Karin January 2008 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to present a model for rational goal-setting and to illustrate how it can be applied in evaluations of public policies, in particular policies concerning sustainable development and environmental quality. The contents of the thesis are divided into two sections: a theoretical section (Papers I-IV) and an empirical section (Papers V-VII). Paper I identifies a set of rationality criteria for single goals and discusses them in relation to the typical function of goals. It is argued that goals are typically set to enhance goal achievement. A goal that successfully furthers its achievement is “achievement-inducing”. It holds for each of the identified criteria that, ceteris paribus, improved satisfaction of a criterion makes a goal better in the achievement-inducing sense.Paper II contains an analysis of the notion of goal system coherence. It is argued that the coherence of a goal system is determined by the relations that hold among the goals in the system, in particular the relations of operationalization, means and ends, support, and conflict. Paper III investigates the rationality of utopian goals. The paper analyzes four arguments that support the normative criterion of attainability: that utopian goals are (1) too imprecise and (2) too far-reaching to guide action effectively, (3) counterproductive, and (4) morally objectionable. A tentative defence of utopian goal-setting is built on counter-arguments that can be put forward to weaken each of the four objections. Paper IV investigates the nature of self-defeating goals. The paper identifies three types of situations in which self-defeating mechanisms obstruct goal achievement: (1) situations in which the goal itself carries the seeds of its own non-fulfilment (self-defeating goals), (2) situations in which the activity of goal-setting contributes to goal failure (self-defeating goal-setting), and (3) situations in which disclosure of the goal interferes with progress (self-defeating goal disclosure). Paper V provides a brief description of the Swedish system of environmental objectives and a preliminary inventory of the management difficulties that attach to this goal system.Paper VI contains an investigation into the rationality of five Swedish environmental objectives through an application of the rationality criteria identified in Papers I-II. The paper identifies and discusses some difficulties that are associated with management by objectives and the use of goals in environmental policy. Paper VII analyses the rationality of the Swedish environmental quality objective A good built environment. Among the conclusions drawn in the paper are that some of the sub-goals to the objective are formulated in terms that are unnecessarily vague from an action-guiding standpoint and that others are problematic from the viewpoint of evaluability. / QC 20100715

Generation and interfacing of single-photon light with matter and control of ultrafast atomic dynamics for quantum information processing

Gogyan, Anahit 11 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
We develop a robust and realistic mechanism for the generation of indistinguishable single-photon (SP) pulses with identical frequency and polarization. They are produced on demand from a coupled double-Raman atom-cavity system driven by a sequence of laser pump pulses. This scheme features a high efficiency, the ability to produce a sequence of narrow-band SP pulses with a delay determined only by the pump repetition rate, and simplicity of the system free from complications such as repumping process and environmental dephasing. We propose and analyze a simple scheme of parametric frequency conversion for optical quantum information in cold atomic ensembles. Its remarkable properties are minimal losses and distortion of the pulse shape, and the persistence of quantum coherence and entanglement. Efficient conversion of frequency between different spectral regions is shown. A method for the generation of frequency-entangled single photon states is discussed. We suggest a robust and simple mechanism for the coherent excitation of molecules or atoms to a superposition of pre-selected states by a train of femtosecond laser pulses, combined with narrow-band coupling field. The theory of quantum beatings in the generation of ultra-violet radiation via a four wave mixing in pump-probe experiments is developed. The results are in good agreement with experimental data observed in Rb vapor when the laser phase fluctuations are significant.

Untersuchung der elektronischen Oberflächeneigenschaften des stöchiometrischen Supraleiters LiFeAs mittels Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie

Schlegel, Ronny 10 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Rastertunnelmikroskopiestudie an dem stöchiometrischen Supraleiter Lithium-Eisenarsenid (LiFeAs). Topographie- sowie Spektroskopieuntersuchungen an defektfreien Bereichen der Oberfläche zeigen eine Variation der Atompositionen in Abhängigkeit von der Tunnelspannung. Weiterhin wurde die Temperaturabhängigkeit der supraleitenden Energielücke untersucht. Dabei konnte die Signatur einer bosonischen Mode und damit eine Kopplung von Quasiteilchen beobachtet werden. Neben der Untersuchung defektfreier Oberflächen wurden auch Defekte und deren Einfluss auf die supraleitenden Eigenschaften analysiert. Es wurde dabei festgestellt, dass Defekte die supraleitende Energielücke ortsabhängig verändern. Die Defekte lassen sich aufgrund ihrer Symmetrie einer möglichen Gitterposition zuordnen. Eine detaillierte spektroskopische Untersuchung verschiedener Defekte zeigt deren Einfluss auf die Zustandsdichte der supraleitenden Quasiteilchen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass As-Defekte die supraleitende Energielücke erheblich beeinflussen. Fe-Defekte zeigen hingegen nur einen geringen Effekt. Für die Bestimmung der Ginzburg-Landau-Kohärenzlänge wurden Messungen im Magnetfeld durchgeführt. Hierfür wird in dieser Arbeit eine geeignete Näherungsfunktion hergeleitet. Die Näherung der differentiellen Leitfähigkeit bei U=0 V in einem Flussschlauch erlaubt die Bestimmung einer Kohärenzlänge von 3,9 nm. Dies entspricht einem oberen kritischen Feld von 21 Tesla. Neben der Bestimmung der Ginzburg-Landau-Kohärenzlänge wird auch eine Analyse des Flussschlauch-Gitters durchgeführt. Dabei zeigt sich, dass der Flussschlauch-Gitterabstand dem eines tetragonalen Gitters entspricht. Allerdings zeigt sich für Magnetfelder größer als 6 Tesla eine zunehmende Unordnung des Flussschlauch-Gitters, was auf eine stärker werdende Flussschlauch-Flussschlauch-Wechselwirkung hindeutet. / This work presents scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy investigations on the stoichiometric superconductor lithium iron arsenide (LiFeAs). To reveal the electronic properties, measurements on defect-free surfaces as well as near defects have been performed. The former shows a shift of atomic position with respect to the applied bias voltage. Furthermore, temperature dependent spectroscopic measurements indicate the coupling of quasiparticles in the vicinity of the superconducting coherence peaks. LiFeAs surfaces influenced by atomic defects show a spacial variation of the superconducting gap. The defects can be characterized by their symmetry and thus can be assigned to a position in the atomic lattice. Detailed spectroscopic investigations of defects reveal their influence on the quasiparticle density of states. In particular, Fe-defects show a small effect on the superconductivity while As-defects strongly disturb the superconducting gap. Measurements in magnetic field have been performed for the determination of the Ginzburg-Landau coherence length . For this purpose, a suitable fit-function has been developed in this work. This function allows to fit the differential conductance of a magnetic vortex at U=0 V. The fit results in a coherence length of 3,9 nm which corresponds to an upper critical field of 21 Tesla. Besides measurements on a single vortex, investigation on the vortex lattice have been performed. The vortex lattice constant follows thereby the predicted behavior of a trigonal vortex lattice. However, for magnetic fields larger than 6 Tesla an increasing lattice disorder sets in, presumably due to vortex-vortex-interactions.

Workplace bullying of South African employees : prevalence and the relationship with sense of coherence and diversity experiences / Leanri Cunniff

Cunniff, Leanri January 2011 (has links)
Workplace bullying is creating negative physical and psychological effects on employees and has a serious impact on the organisations’ bottom line. Workplace bullying has been related to excessive absenteeism, high employee turnover and hostile work environments. However, no recent studies on the prevalence of workplace bullying in the South African context are available. This is important because of the multicultural, multiracial composition of the South African workforce, and socio–demographic factors such as race, gender, age, education level and type of industry should be investigated to determine if differences exist with regard to the experience of workplace bullying. The personality resource, sense of coherence, should add an important element to this study, as the results could offer an important indicator for managers to change the employee’s environment in order to render the stimuli to which they are exposed more understandable, significant and manageable. In South Africa, diversity, multiculturalism, affirmative action and equal employment opportunity are words in common currency in a newly democratic country. Literature suggests that if diversity within African organisations is positively experienced, it could enhance harmony and effectiveness within that organisation. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the relationship between workplace bullying, socio–demographic characteristics, sense of coherence and diversity experiences according to the literature; 2) to determine how frequently employees in South Africa experience acts of workplace bullying; 3) to determine if there are significant differences between socio–demographic groups (including race, gender, age, education and industry) with regards to workplace bullying; 4) to determine if there are significant differences between the different types of bullying (direct, indirect, supervisor and colleague bullying) with regards to sense of coherence; and 5) to determine if there are significant differences between the different types of bullying (direct, indirect, supervisor and colleague bullying) with regard to diversity experiences. An availability sample (N = 13 911) was utilised to determine the prevalence of workplace bullying in a sample of South African employees. Frequencies were used to determine the prevalence of workplace bullying for the total sample and MANOVA was used to determine differences between the groups. The results indicated that workplace bullying is a prevalent problem in South Africa, as people experience frequent overall bullying (4% reported being often bullied; 31,1% reported being always bullied). On the socio–demographic characteristics, Blacks experienced a higher level of workplace bullying in comparison with the other race groups, and men and women experience statistically significant differences with regards to workplace bullying. It was evident that older employees experience statistically significantly lower levels of bullying, and a statistically significant difference between those employees with a secondary and tertiary education was found. It seems that the highest levels of direct bullying by supervisors occurred in the government industry, followed by the mining industry. Individuals with a higher SOC experienced lower levels of bullying compared to individuals with a lower SOC. Statistically significant differences were found on all bullying dimensions with regards to diversity experiences. Recommendations were made for future research and organisations. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

”Vi har olika förutsättningar och jag måste prioritera utefter hela min situation” : en intervjustudie om distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av arbetet / "We have different conditions and I have to prioritize along the whole of my situation" : An interview about the district nurse perceptions of the work

Barieva, Philippa January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Allt fler svårt sjuka patienter får vård i hemmet. Områdesansvarig distriktssköterska i kommunal hemsjukvård ansvarar ensam för både omvårdnad och medicinska insatser kring patienten. En hög arbetsbelastning ökar risken för att göra fel när distriktssköterskan har ansvar för många patienter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av arbete inom kommunal hemsjukvård med omvårdnadsansvar för patienter i ordinärt boende. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats användes i studien. Genom ett strategiskt urval har 14 distriktssköterskor från fyra kommuner intervjuats. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre kategorier: ”Arbetsglädje”, ”Stödjande resurser” och ” Upplevelser av svåra situationer”. Distriktssköterskornas upplevelse av arbetsglädje kunde relateras till patientkontakten, användandet av sin kompetens, allmänhetens förtroende, variation i arbetet, trivseln på arbetsplatsen och samarbetet med andra i vården.  Distriktssköterskornas kompetens, relation med patienten och anhöriga, teamarbete och arbete i grupp, samarbete med andra vårdenheter, stöd från ledningen, arbetsmiljö och hjälpmedel och administrativt arbete är stödjande resurs i distriktssköterskans arbete. Distriktssköterskor i studien hade individuellt olika belastning i arbetet och förutsättningar till stödjande resurser i sitt arbete, därför upplevde de olika mycket arbetsglädje och upplevelser av svåra situationer såsom etiska dilemman, oförutsägbarhet, otillräcklighet, frustration och irritation. Slutsats: Fungerande stödjande resurs i distriktssköterskans arbete kan öka distriktssköterskornas upplevelse av arbetsglädje. Tillsammans med resurser och kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling finns förutsättningar för att uppleva arbetsglädje, vilket behövs för att uppfylla distriktssköterskornas skyldighet att ge bra vård till patienterna. Ytterligare forskning behövs inom området eftersom kommunal hemsjukvård är i ständig utveckling i alla kommuner och det är oklart vilket sätt som är bäst att bedriva den. / Background: An increasing number of severe ill patients receive care at home. Area manager district nurse in municipal home care alone is responsible for both nursing and medical interventions regarding the patient. A high workload increases the risk of making mistakes when district nurse have the responsibility for many patients. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe district nurses' experiences of working in municipal home care with nursing responsibilities for patients in regular housing. Methods: Qualitative methods with inductive approach used in the study. Through the strategic selection 14 district nurses from four municipalities had been interviewed. Results: The results revealed three categories: "Job satisfaction", "Supporting Resources" and” Experiences of difficult situations". District nurses experience of job satisfaction could be related to patient contact, use of their skills, public trust, variation of work, being at work and cooperation with others in care. District nurses skills, relationship with the patient and family, team work and group work, collaboration with other health care units, management support, work environment and facilities and administrative work is supportive resource in the district nurse work. District nurses in the study had individually different workloads and prerequisites for supporting resource in their work because they experienced different amounts of job satisfaction and perceptions of difficult situations such as ethical dilemmas, unpredictability, inadequacy, frustration and irritation. Conclusion: Functional supportive resource in the district nurse work can increase district nurses experience of job satisfaction. Along with resources and continuous professional development are prerequisites for experiencing job satisfaction, which is needed to fulfill the district nurses obligation to provide good care to patients. Further research is needed in the area since the municipal home care is in constant development in all communities and it is unclear how best to pursue it.

Workplace bullying of South African employees : prevalence and the relationship with sense of coherence and diversity experiences / Leanri Cunniff

Cunniff, Leanri January 2011 (has links)
Workplace bullying is creating negative physical and psychological effects on employees and has a serious impact on the organisations’ bottom line. Workplace bullying has been related to excessive absenteeism, high employee turnover and hostile work environments. However, no recent studies on the prevalence of workplace bullying in the South African context are available. This is important because of the multicultural, multiracial composition of the South African workforce, and socio–demographic factors such as race, gender, age, education level and type of industry should be investigated to determine if differences exist with regard to the experience of workplace bullying. The personality resource, sense of coherence, should add an important element to this study, as the results could offer an important indicator for managers to change the employee’s environment in order to render the stimuli to which they are exposed more understandable, significant and manageable. In South Africa, diversity, multiculturalism, affirmative action and equal employment opportunity are words in common currency in a newly democratic country. Literature suggests that if diversity within African organisations is positively experienced, it could enhance harmony and effectiveness within that organisation. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the relationship between workplace bullying, socio–demographic characteristics, sense of coherence and diversity experiences according to the literature; 2) to determine how frequently employees in South Africa experience acts of workplace bullying; 3) to determine if there are significant differences between socio–demographic groups (including race, gender, age, education and industry) with regards to workplace bullying; 4) to determine if there are significant differences between the different types of bullying (direct, indirect, supervisor and colleague bullying) with regards to sense of coherence; and 5) to determine if there are significant differences between the different types of bullying (direct, indirect, supervisor and colleague bullying) with regard to diversity experiences. An availability sample (N = 13 911) was utilised to determine the prevalence of workplace bullying in a sample of South African employees. Frequencies were used to determine the prevalence of workplace bullying for the total sample and MANOVA was used to determine differences between the groups. The results indicated that workplace bullying is a prevalent problem in South Africa, as people experience frequent overall bullying (4% reported being often bullied; 31,1% reported being always bullied). On the socio–demographic characteristics, Blacks experienced a higher level of workplace bullying in comparison with the other race groups, and men and women experience statistically significant differences with regards to workplace bullying. It was evident that older employees experience statistically significantly lower levels of bullying, and a statistically significant difference between those employees with a secondary and tertiary education was found. It seems that the highest levels of direct bullying by supervisors occurred in the government industry, followed by the mining industry. Individuals with a higher SOC experienced lower levels of bullying compared to individuals with a lower SOC. Statistically significant differences were found on all bullying dimensions with regards to diversity experiences. Recommendations were made for future research and organisations. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Constructing a Canadian narrative: conditions for critique in the multicultural nation

Bashovski, Marta 30 August 2010 (has links)
In Canada, ‘official multiculturalism’ is often viewed as working against historical exclusions by actively promoting a national culture of openness and diversity, and fostering a community of communities, united by mutual recognition and the celebration of differences. Through this characterization, the Canadian nation narrative has shifted to accommodate formerly excluded stories so that it is now the space of all stories. I argue that it is in these unity-seeking discourses that so inflect discussions of diversity and multiculturalism in Canada that critique is co-opted and, in the guise of inclusion, it exists in a weakened and static iteration. I outline a theoretical framework by working through texts that broadly link the study of nation-building with the construction of nation narratives or national histories and contextualize this through an examination of critical theories about nation-building in Canada. I apply this theoretical framework to two sites: statistics and literature. More specifically, I look at how census ‘identity’ (‘ethnic origins’ and ‘visible minority’) categories are constructed as more or less neutral statistical measurement tools used to further and legitimate multicultural narratives of the nation. For example, I examine Michael Adams’ Unlikely Utopia in order to show how the findings of censuses and public opinion polls are integrated into a multicultural nation narrative. The fiction I discuss – Joy Kogawa’s Obasan, Hiromi Goto’s Chorus of Mushrooms and David Chariandy’s Soucouyant – illuminates how narrative practices can work to reinforce nation-building practices or critique them, and, at times, serve to illustrate how critique itself can work to reinforce the relationships it analyses. I suggest that reading Canadian immigrant narratives as political texts can work to reinforce and/or disrupt the imagined coherence of the multicultural nation narrative by resisting closures and domains of acceptable speech, as well as disrupting the imposed linearity of nation narratives. By reading performances of nationhood as processes of narrativization, it is possible to critically examine the exclusions, implicit and explicit, of the construction of an intelligible nation.

Att främja förändrad livsstil bland personer med psykiskt funktionshinder : studier av metabola och psykologiska effekter, upplevd mening och hälsa / To promote life style changes among persons with psychiatric disabilities : studies of metabolic and psychological effects, experienced meaning and health

Forsberg, Karl Anton January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate if the somatic comorbidity and increased mortality among persons with psychiatric disability (residents in supported housing facilities) can be influenced. The thesis comprises four papers. Paper I describes the lived experience of health and body. Papers II and III examine the effects of a lifestyle programme on physiological markers (II) and on psychological and quality of life parameters (III). Paper (IV) illustrates the meaning of participating in a life style programme. The data in Papers I and IV comprises narrative interviews with residents (n=11). The studies in Papers II and III are focused on residents and were carried out with a randomized design. The randomization was performed on a group level (supported housing facility). The 12 month intervention consisted of study circles with a theoretical and practical application of dietary information and physical activity for two hours, on a twice weekly basis under the supervision of a study circle leader. The controls were offered an aesthetic study circle and met once a week. The data in Paper II comprises physiological quantitative data from both residents (n=41) and staff (n=41) and in Paper III questionnaires on symptoms and quality of life completed only by residents (n=41). The data was analysed with Qualitative description (I), Phenomenological-hermeneutics (IV), and for papers II and III relevant statistical calculations were used. Health is described in paper I as “having a life as others have” and discloses the losses of important life domains (family, work, security) and the experiences of being deviant and stigmatized. Health is described as “absence of psychological and physical problems” and its hampering effects on quality of life and self-esteem. Health is understood as a phenomenon that could “be influenced by one self”, and there is an insight that health is manageable. Participating in a life style intervention (paper II) meant a significant improvement in risk factors for metabolic syndrome among the residents in comparison with controls. No differences were seen on weight, BMI and improved physical capacity. In paper III a significant positive increase in the Sense of Coherence compared to controls was seen. However no effect was seen on quality of life, psychosocial function or on reduction of symptoms in comparison with controls. Participating in a lifestyle intervention can be understood as the gaining of insights that health can be improved and that the daily life is partly given a changed content (paper II). The participation is also described as meaning an increased sense of closeness and equality in relation to the staff and sometimes a painful insight of their life situation. Participating is also described as entailing a hope that one’s life situation can be affected. In summary this thesis shows that there is some possibility of influencing the physical health (reduced risk of metabolic syndrome) among persons with psychiatric disability by participating in a 12 month intervention programme. The intervention does not show any effects on measures such as quality of life, psychosocial function and presence of symptoms. However, the participants describe that the participation had a meaning in a number of respects. This is a finding that is confirmed by the positive change in sense of coherence. The need to develop preventive care for persons with psychiatric disability and the importance of monitoring the treatment with neuroleptics and its side effects on physical health is an important clinical implication. Furthermore the importance of the responsibility of the care staff is emphasized as well as the importance of supporting a change in lifestyle.

Minimising track degradation through managing vehicle/track interaction

Hawari, Haitham M. January 2007 (has links)
The rate at which a railway track deteriorates depends on the response of the track under different static and repeated dynamic forces. These wheel/rail forces lead to imperfections in the rail surface and deviation in track geometry alignment. The wheel/rail forces are dependent upon the quality of maintenance of the characteristics of both train and track. If train components such as wheelsets and suspensions are maintained to a high standard, less dynamic forces are generated at the wheel/rail interface and less damage is caused over time. Therefore, the amount and cost of maintenance of track are reduced. However, there is little known about how the characteristics of train components affect time-dependent track degradation. Track degradation through deviation of track from its ideal position has the most effect on maintenance costs. Therefore, the present research aims to investigate this track degradation and improve understanding of the effects of train characteristics (such as train mass and speed, suspension stiffness and damping) on railway tracks. The research is conducted by looking into the relationship between wheel/rail forces and track degradation on one hand and between wheel/rail forces and train characteristics on the other hand, with the objective of assisting in managing vehicle/track interaction in order to minimise track degradation. This aim is achieved by investigating the above two relationships to attain the desired relationship between track degradation and train characteristics. The research focuses on wheel/rail vertical forces (both amplitudes and frequencies), vertical track alignment (longitudinal vertical profile), and rail head defects. The study started by collecting wheel/rail vertical forces data in addition to data on vertical track degradation under sustained traffic loads on a heavy haul railway section of track in Central Queensland. Also, five years of degradation and maintenance history data were collected on three other test sections of railway track under variety of traffic conditions and loads in Central Queensland. There were four main analyses of this data employed to probe the study. The first analysis was performed by examining the track degradation history data. The standard deviation method was used in this first analysis to acquire the rate of deterioration in terms of its relationship to track profile (roughness). The second analysis was accomplished by correlating the vertical wheel/rail forces to both vertical track profile and rail roughness using signal processing principles and a function know as coherence. The third analysis was carried out by using the computer simulation software NUCARS to obtain the link between wheel/rail forces and the deterioration of the vertical track profile. The fourth analysis was achieved by combining the results obtained from the above three analyses to acquire the rate of track deterioration in terms of its relationship to varying train characteristics. The first analysis mentioned above quantified the relationship between the level of roughness of the track and rate at which that roughness deteriorated. An important outcome of this relationship is that there is a threshold of roughness below which track deterioration is minimal. The track maintenance planners can now use that threshold for cost effective targeting of tamping activities. The correlation study between track roughness and wheel/rail forces using the coherence function found, surprisingly, that the overall deterioration of the track roughness, in the absence of frequencies of forces above 30 Hz, is due to the so-called quasi-static lower frequency oscillations of dynamic forces. This conclusion together with the relationship between vehicle characteristics and track forces, established in the analyses above, has significant implications for the design of wagon bogies and for charges track owners might levy on trains using their tracks. This research is part of a larger Rail CRC project 11/4 called 'Enhancing the Optimisation of Maintenance/Renewal' being carried out in the School of Urban Development in Queensland University of Technology.

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