Spelling suggestions: "subject:"collective 1earning"" "subject:"collective _learning""
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Apprentissage inter-organisationnel au sein des réseaux interindividuels : le cas de la conversion de viticulteurs à l'agriculture biologique / Inter-organizational learning through inter-individual networks : the case of organic conversion by wine producersMontes Lihn, Jaime Andres 03 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis une perspective théorique au croisement de la sociologie économique et de la sociologie de la connaissance, cette thèse a pour objectif d’examiner les mécanismes sociaux à l’œuvre au moment de la conversion vers l’agriculture biologique. Sur la base de l’étude empirique et de l’analyse d'un réseau complet qui révèle les interdépendances entre plus de 60 viticulteurs certifiés ou en cours de certification à l'agriculture biologique en Côte de Beaune, sont analysés les processus d’apprentissage collectifs sur lesquels s’appuie cette transition. Cette thèse montre l’existence de deux processus-Type d’apprentissage qui se définissent en fonction des frontières des groupes de référence (ou niches sociales) ; elle analyse le rôle des pionniers du milieu étudié comme pivot de l’action collective dans ces deux processus d’apprentissage, et explore enfin les régularités qui structurent les échanges au sein du milieu. Ces régularités permettent de constater que les viticulteurs intègrent dans leur raisonnement des aspects identitaires qui différencient les viticulteurs bio « de la première heure » des novices, au-Delà d'aspects économiques liés à une tendance à la « coopétition ». / This PhD dissertation combines the approaches of economic sociology and sociology of knowledge in order to analyze the social mechanisms underlying the conversion into organic farming. Based on an empirical study and analysis of a complete social network describing the interdependencies among over 60 wine producers certified in organic farming or in the process of getting the official certification in French Côte de Beaune, this research analyzes the collective learning process on which this transition relies. The thesis proves the existence of two types of learning process, which are defined by the social borders of reference groups (or social niches); it analyzes the key role of pioneers of the social milieu in both learning processes and studies the regularities structuring social exchanges. These regularities allow us to confirm that wine producers take into account in their reasoning both the identity aspect related to their conversion to organic farming and their economic position, in a trend towards “coopetition”.
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Ett teknologiskt situationsanpassat lärsystem / A technological situational learning systemHeed Södergren, Emma, Kottulinsky, Antonia January 2017 (has links)
In this paper we present our research on learning in event organizations since we haveconcluded that there is no research on this topic. We have chosen a qualitative researchstrategy with multiple case studies where we used semi-structured interviews to go into depthin the event organizations we have studied. The research overview highlights the problem oflearning in organizations today and that organizations must learn to survive and to create acompetitive edge in the industry in which they are operating. Learning in organizationsdepends on their employees and if they may not develop within the organization they will notbecome further motivated. Our research shows that event organizations learn subsequentlyand take the situation as it comes through learning by doing primarily.Research shows that individuals learn different, and our study therefore indicates that theremust be leadership that is adapted to different situations and different learning styles. As theevent industry is time-pressed, a fully customized system will not be sustainable to managemeeting the demands of the market. Today, systems and tools for learning are inadequate toadapt to this fast-changing environment in which the organizations live. We have combinedsystems and tools that together create a more adaptable system for the time-pressed eventorganization.The system deals with an understanding of which situation the employee is in and whichpreferred way it wants to learn and thus the manager can adapt to this to get the maximumoutcome of learning. This will help managers in event organizations to better understand theiremployees, motivate them to a greater extent, thereby creating competitive advantages for thecompany. As the manager is time-pressed, our study also shows that collective learning isimportant for the effectiveness of the organization's learning. In this way, the manager doesnot always have to be the driving force in learning. Our research shows that technologicalsolutions will help the time-pressed organization to create a more collective learning and amore sustainable solution, as this is a more time-efficient tool for sharing knowledge. Whatwe present here is a contribution with a theoretical solution that is also practically feasible,unlike several previous theories.This study is written in Swedish. / I denna uppsats framför vi vår forskning om lärande i evenemangsorganisationer då vi sett attdet saknas forskning kring detta ämne. Vi har valt en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi medmultipla fallstudier där vi använt semistrukturerade intervjuer för att gå på djupet i deevenemangsorganisationer som vi studerat. Forskningsöversikten lyfter fram problematikenkring lärande i organisationer idag och att organisationer måste lära sig för att överleva ochför att skapa sig en konkurrensfördel i den bransch den befinner sig i. Lärandet iorganisationer är beroende av dess medarbetare och får inte dessa utvecklas inomorganisationen så blir de inte heller motiverade. Vår forskning visar attevenemangsorganisationer idag lär sig efterhand och tar situationen som den kommer genomlearning by doing främst.Forskning visar att individer lär sig olika och vår studie visar på att det måste finnas ettledarskap som är anpassat för olika situationer och olika lärstilar. Eftersomevenemangsbranschen är tidspressad blir därmed ett helt individanpassat system inte hållbartför att klara av att möta dess omvärld. Idag är de system och verktyg som finns för lärande iorganisationer bristande för att anpassas till denna snabbt föränderliga omvärld somorganisationer lever i. Därmed har vi kombinerat system och verktyg, situationsanpassatledarskap samt VARK och teknologi, som tillsammans skapar ett mer anpassningsbart systemför den tidspressade evenemangsorganisationen.Systemet handlar om en förståelse för vilken situation medarbetaren befinner sig i och vilketföredraget sätt den vill lära sig och därmed kan chefen anpassa sig till detta för att få ettmaximalt utfall av lärande. Detta kommer att hjälpa chefer i evenemangsorganisationer attförstå sina medarbetare bättre, motivera dem i större utsträckning och därigenom skapakonkurrensfördelar för företaget. Då chefen är tidspressad visar vår studie även att ettkollektivt lärande är av vikt för att effektivisera organisationens lärande. På så sätt behöverinte chefen alltid vara den drivande faktorn i lärandet. Vår forskning visar att teknologiskalösningar hjälper den tidspressade organisationen för att skapa ett mer kollektivt lärande ochen mer hållbar lösning då detta är ett mer tidseffektivt verktyg för att dela kunskap. Vi bidrarhär med en teoretisk lösning som även blir praktiskt genomförbar till skillnad från fleratidigare teorier.
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Towards Understanding Knowledge Interchange In Cross-Functional Teams : A case study on organizational learningAl-Barghouthi, Mohammad January 2022 (has links)
Today, many organizations are facing an increased necessity to employ cross-functional teams. Its growing popularity is rooted in its positive impacts on innovation. Additionally, these teams are an excellent way of managing complex organizational tasks without the need for a significant modification of the existing organizational structure. Despite the benefits of the cross-functional team, the diversity in the profession and the specialized knowledge possessed by the team members lead to different thought worlds and perceptions, causing communication barriers. This is problematic because communication is needed to share, transfer, and create knowledge, which are the prerequisites of both individual and organizational learning. There is various literature on knowledge management and learning; however, our understanding of how knowledge interchanges in cross-functional teams remain limited. Therefore, this thesis conducts semi-structured interviews at five successful companies to examine the policies and procedures established by management to facilitate the interchange of knowledge in the organization. Also, it investigates the activities used by coordinators to maximize learning and create a sense of belonging in the cross-functional team. The findings of this study revealed several activities that could increase both the knowledge interchange and the team’s learning. First, it is preferred to have decent knowledge accessibility, where the bar to contact anyone is low. Second, it seems that knowledge receptivity has to be increased, which can be done by giving knowledge a meaning, using pictures, analogies, metaphors, Etc. Third, a frame of reference could be needed, where people can get into each other’s shoes through, for example, job rotations and learn each other’s jobspecific terminologies. Fourth, competition is preferred to be eliminated, which can be achieved by establishing a common team goal, removing internal bonuses, and eliminating ranking systems. Finally, it seemed essential to have cohesion in the group, which can be accomplished by having, for instance, afterworks, group travel activities, and collective organizational culture
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Vi sitter i samma båt : En kvalitativ studie om kollektivt lärande och psykosocial arbetsmiljö för medarbetare med administrativa arbeten. / We're in this together : A qualitative study on collective learning and psychosocial work environment for employees with administrative work.Lundgren Kardell, Jannike, Glyré, Elisabeth, Petersson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Kunskap tolkas olika beroende på vilken kunskap individen besitter, mottaglighet för ny kunskap samt grad av motivation. Hur lär sig en grupp individer? Det handlar om att individer besitter samma förutsättningar och delar av lärsituationen. God psykosocial arbetsmiljö handlar om de krav som ställs på individens resurser. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa hur medarbetare med administrativa arbeten på olika arbetsplatser arbetar med hälsofrämjande insatser för att främja kollektivt lärande och en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Det insamlade datamaterialet gjordes genom intervjuer av åtta medarbetare på olika arbetsplatser med administrativa arbetsuppgifter. Vid bearbetningen av datamaterialet utgick vi från kvalitativ innehållsanalys, MBE (meningsbärande enheter). Dessa MBE utvecklade koder som omvandlades till kategorier. Kategorier för kollektivt lärande var kollektivt lärande genom kompetens och erfarenhetsutbyte, kollektivt lärande genom aktivitet och kollektivt lärande genom fortbildningar och kurser. För psykosocial arbetsmiljö fick vi kategorier god psykosocial arbetsmiljö genom diskussionstillfälle, god arbetsmiljö genom öppenhet, ytor och god arbetsmiljö genom olika aktiviteter. Tolkning av resultatet utgick ifrån kollektivt lärande, KASAM (känsla av sammanhang) och psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Resultatet visade en positiv inställning och konkreta psykosociala arbetsmiljöinsatser. En förutsättning till att uppfylla en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö är sammanhållningen mellan medarbetare. Med ett gemensamt lärande och inflytande i varandras arbetsuppgifter skapas förutsättningar till framgång inom arbetsmiljö på arbetsplatsen. / Knowledge is interpreted differently depending on what knowledge the individual possesses, receptivity to new knowledge and degree of motivation. How does a group of individuals learn? It is about individuals possessing the same conditions and parts of the learning situation. A good psychosocial work environment is about the demands placed on the individual's resources. The purpose of this study was to shed light on how employees with administrative work in different workplaces work with health-promoting initiatives to promote collective learning and a good psychosocial work environment. The collected data material was made through interviews of eight employees at different workplaces with administrative tasks. When processing the data material, we started from a qualitative content analysis, MBE (meaningful units). These MBEs developed codes that were converted into categories. Categories for collective learning were collective learning through competence and exchange of experience, collective learning through activity and collective learning through continuing education and courses. For psychosocial work environment, we received categories good psychosocial work environment through discussion, good work environment through openness, surfaces and good work environment through various activities. Interpretation of the results was based on collective learning, Sense Of Coherence (SOC) and psychosocial work environment. The results showed a positive attitude and concrete psychosocial work environment initiatives. A prerequisite for fulfilling a good psychosocial work environment is the cohesion between employees. With joint learning and influence in each other's work tasks, conditions are created for success within the work environment in the workplace.
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An enforced cooperation : understanding scientific assessments in adversarial polities through Quebec shale gas policymaking, 2010-2014Harvey, Alexandre 07 1900 (has links)
Les biotechnologies, le réchauffement climatique, les ressources naturelles et la gestion des écosystèmes sont tous représentatifs de la “nouvelle politique de la nature” (Hajer 2003), un terme englobant les enjeux marqués par une grande incertitude scientifique et un encadrement réglementaire inadapté aux nouvelles réalités, suscitant de fait un conflit politique hors du commun. Dans l'espoir de diminuer ces tensions et de générer un savoir consensuel, de nombreux gouvernements se tournent vers des institutions scientifiques ad hoc pour documenter l'élaboration des politiques et répondre aux préoccupations des partie-prenantes. Mais ces évaluations scientifiques permettent-elles réellement de créer une compréhension commune partagée par ces acteurs politiques polarisés? Alors que l'on pourrait croire que celles-ci génèrent un climat d'apprentissage collectif rassembleur, un environnement politique conflictuel rend l'apprentissage entre opposant extrêmement improbable. Ainsi, cette recherche documente le potentiel conciliateur des évaluation scientifique en utilisant le cas des gaz de schiste québécois (2010-2014). Ce faisant, elle mobilise la littérature sur les dimensions politiques du savoir et de la science afin de conceptualiser le rôle des évaluations scientifiques au sein d'une théorie de la médiation scientifique (scientific brokerage). Une analyse de réseau (SNA) des 5751 références contenues dans les documents déposés par 268 organisations participant aux consultations publiques de 2010 et 2014 constitue le corps de la démonstration empirique. Précisément, il y est démontré comment un médiateur scientifique peut rediriger le flux d'information afin de contrer l'incompatibilité entre apprentissage collectif et conflit politique. L'argument mobilise les mécanismes cognitifs traditionnellement présents dans la théorie des médiateurs de politique (policy broker), mais introduit aussi les jeux de pouvoir fondamentaux à la circulation de la connaissance entre acteurs politiques. / Biotechnology, climate change, natural resources, and ecosystem management are all representative of the “new politics of nature” (Hajer 2003), a term encompassing policy issues with high scientific uncertainties, unadapted regulatory regimes, and acute political conflict. In the hope of diminishing these tensions and generating a consensual understanding, several governments mandated ad hoc scientific institutions to document policymaking and answer stakeholder’s concerns. But do those scientific assessments really help to generate a shared understanding between otherwise polarized policy actors? While it would be possible that these create inclusive collective learning dynamics, policy learning has been shown as being extremely unlikely among competing policy actors. Accordingly, this research documents the conciliatory power of scientific assessments using the Quebec shale gas policymaking case (2010–2014). In doing so, it mobilizes the literature stressing the political nature of science to conceptualize scientific assessment in light of a scientific brokerage theory. Empirically, the research uses Social Network Analysis to unravel the collective learning dynamics found in two information networks built from the 5751 references found in the advocacy and technical documents published by 268 organizations during two public consultations. Precisely, findings demonstrate that scientific brokerage can redirect information flows to counteract the divide between collective learning and political conflict. The argument mobilizes cognitive mechanisms traditionally found in policy brokerage theory, but also introduces often forgotten power interplays prominent in policy-related knowledge diffusion.
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Aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de compet?ncias do gestor p?blico em uma Institui??o Federal de Ensino Superior - IFESLima , Sandra Maria Peron de Lima 25 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-08-23T13:00:55Z
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2011 - Sandra Maria Peron de Lima.pdf: 1616956 bytes, checksum: 3d15a3ef8a04eebc8a6081af3182fd84 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-23T13:00:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2011 - Sandra Maria Peron de Lima.pdf: 1616956 bytes, checksum: 3d15a3ef8a04eebc8a6081af3182fd84 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-02-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This qualitative study conducted in a federal institution of higher education, located in the city of Serop?dica ? RJ aimed at describing public managers learning processes for developing their managerial skills. These managers work at personnel management, financial/accounting management and academic management areas of a federal higher education institution and research focused managers? daily practice. To achieve its final goal, five intermediate objectives where accomplished: to assess how the learning process occurs in the context of public organization, to depict how managers learned to manage in daily practice basis, to identify the function the collective learning for development of managerial skills, to asses manager's point of view on the skills they needed for managing, and to propose recommendations for enabling managerial competencies development through collective learning at this Institution. Field data was collected through semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Collected data was analyzed through an interpretive hermeneutic process. Research results suggest that: managerial competencies development occurs by way of: a) individual learning, through formal studies, personal search, reading; b) collective learning through interaction with people in everyday practices of the work, in forums, meetings; c) experiential learning by way of life and professional experience; d) community of practice learning through informal discussion forums; and f) vicarious learning. Managerial skills developed through these learning processes are related to: managers' personal and interpersonal competence, professional competence and their competence for action. The latter were developed through problem solving and day-to-day challenges where managers have learned to negotiate using creativity. Thus, in order of activate the development of managerial competencies it is recommended: to improve organizational structure in order to propitiate collective learning; to improve administrative processes; manpower dimensioning; formulating new standards and procedures setting to optimizing workload distribution and to improve managerial decision-making. It is also recommended a quality of life program implementation, managerial training program implementation, workshops, meetings and formulating daily practices to minimize stress effects on managers who become handlers of organizational toxins. It is suggested to further research on administration and accounting sciences undergraduate courses contribution for public management; to replicate this research with a different group focusing on its political base; to examine how managers? past experience in private enterprises contributes to their public management practice and vocation; to enhance study on managers' community of practice formation; and as the frustrations and difficulties contribute to learning / Este estudo qualitativo foi realizado em uma institui??o federal de ensino superior, localizada no munic?pio de Serop?dica ? RJ. O objetivo foi descrever processos de aprendizagem das compet?ncias gerenciais do gestor p?blico que atua nas ?reas de gest?o de pessoas, gest?o financeira/cont?bil e gest?o acad?mica de uma institui??o federal de ensino, em sua pr?tica cotidiana. A fim de se alcan?ar o objetivo da pesquisa estabeleceram-se cinco objetivos secund?rios que foram: a)descrever como ocorre o processo de aprendizagem no contexto da organiza??o p?blica; b)levantar como os gestores aprenderam a gerenciar na pr?tica; c)identificar o papel da aprendizagem coletiva no desenvolvimento das compet?ncias gerenciais; d)levantar do ponto de vista dos gestores quais as compet?ncias necess?rias para agir; e e)propor medidas para ativar e sistematizar o desenvolvimento de compet?ncias gerenciais desenvolvidas por meio da aprendizagem coletiva. Utilizou-se para levantamento dos dados junto a vinte e dois gestores, o m?todo de entrevista semiaberta com observa??o de campo. A an?lise dos dados foi realizada por meio de interpreta??o hermen?utica. Os resultados emp?ricos permitem concluir que o processo de constru??o das compet?ncias gerenciais dos gestores p?blicos ocorre por meio de: a) aprendizagem individual via estudo formal, busca pessoal e leitura; b) aprendizagem coletiva via intera??o com as pessoas na pr?tica cotidiana do trabalho e tamb?m em f?runs, encontros e reuni?es; c) aprendizagem experiencial via experi?ncia profissional e de vida; d) aprendizagem em comunidade de pr?tica via f?rum informal de discuss?o; e ainda e) aprendizagem vic?ria. As compet?ncias gerenciais desenvolvidas por meio desses processos de aprendizagem individual constituem-se de compet?ncias pessoais, interpessoais e compet?ncias para a??o. Esta ?ltima foi desenvolvida por meio da solu??o de problemas e desafios do dia-a-dia, onde gestores aprenderam a negociar e usar criatividade. A fim de ativar o desenvolvimento das compet?ncias gerenciais por meio de aprendizagem, recomendam-se melhorias na estrutura organizacional para incentivar a aprendizagem individual e coletiva no trabalho cotidiano, gest?o de processos administrativos, dimensionamento da m?o-de-obra, estabelecimento de normas e procedimentos de distribui??o de atividades para minimizar a sobrecarga de trabalho apontada pelos gestores e aprimorar o processo de decis?o gerencial. Al?m disso, recomenda-se tamb?m elaborar programa de qualidade de vida, programa de forma??o gerencial, oficinas de estudo coletivo, encontros e reuni?es para partilhar/trocar experi?ncias e ainda tomar medidas para minimizar o efeito do estresse sobre os gestores que por for?a da responsabilidade assumida tornam-se reposit?rios do estresse de suas equipes. Sugere-se para futura pesquisa identificar a contribui??o da forma??o em administra??o e em ci?ncias cont?beis para preparar gestores p?blicos; replicar a pesquisa com outro grupo de gestores com aten??o a sua base pol?tica; identificar como a experi?ncia de gest?o no setor privado contribui para a pr?tica de gest?o p?blica; estudar a forma??o de comunidade de pr?tica de gestores p?blicos, e como as frustra??es e dificuldades contribuem para com a sua aprendizagem.
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Coopérer pour résister : interactions marchandes et réseaux multiniveaux dans un salon d'échanges de programmes de télévision en Europe Centrale et Orientale / Cooperating to resist : commercial interactions and multilevel networks on trade fairs for television program in Central and Oriental EuropeBrailly, Julien 13 December 2014 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, dans de nombreux pays, les programmes de télévision de quelques entreprises américaines, les Majors, sont les plus populaires auprès des téléspectateurs. Cette thèse propose d'étudier le processus d'uniformisation culturelle qui a rendu ce phénomène possible en se concentrant sur les interactions commerciales sur le marché de la distribution de programmes de télévision. Nous avons choisi d'observer à la fois les acteurs qui portent cette uniformisation, les Majors, et les autres, qui essaient de résister. Pour ce faire, nous avons privilégié une entrée par les salons. En effet, ce secteur est structuré par un ensemble de salons et festivals, rythmant l'année. La stratégie de captation des Majors consiste à pratiquer des contrats exclusifs et à adopter un comportement de passager clandestin sur les salons. Durant ces derniers, ils sortent de la place de marché officielle, tout en restant à proximité, afin d'attirer les plus gros acheteurs. Ces comportements sont tolérés, car, pour un salon, la participation des Majors est une condition nécessaire à son succès du fait de leur popularité auprès des acheteurs. Au moyen d'une enquête ethnographique, d'une analyse des réseaux d'échanges d'informations et de rendez-vous entre individus, et d'une analyse des réseaux de contrats entre organisations reconstruits sur le principal salon en Europe Centrale et Orientale, nous montrons que les plus faibles peuvent résister en coopérant. Cette coopération correspond souvent à des mécanismes triadiques locaux, à la fois multiniveaux, multimilieux et multiplexes, que nous identifions avec leurs sous-structures et leurs conditions d'apparition, et dont nous testons la probabilité d'occurrence. / Today television programs produced by a few American companies, the Majors, are among the most popular with viewers. This dissertation examines the process of cultural uniformisation that has driven this phenomenon by focusing on commercial interactions in the global distribution market for television programs. We observe both the actors who promote this uniformisation, the Majors, and the others, who try to resist it. To do this we look at how trade fairs in this sector work. Indeed, this industry is structured by a set of recurrent and annual trade fairs and festivals. The captation strategy of the Majors consists in offering only exclusive contracts and free-riding on the trade fairs themselves. During these events, they leave the official marketplace while remaining in the close vicinity in order to organize private screenings and attract the buyers with the deepest pockets. This behavior is tolerated because the participation, at least formal, ofthe Majors is vital for the organizers of the trade fairs due to the popularity of their production with buyers and the public. Based on ethnographic observations, organizational analyses and a multilevel network study (i.e. inter-individual networks of information exchange and of scheduled meetings, and inter-organizational networks of contracts between companies) in the main tradefair of Eastern Europe, we show that the weakest parties in the system can cooperate to resist the domination of the Majors. This cooperation is often based on local, triadic mechanisms that are multilevel, multimilieux and multiplex that we identify with their substructures, determinants and probability of occurrence.
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Ambiente de trabalho de aprendizagem contínua em organizações de desenvolvimento de software: um estudo em empresas que implantaram o modelo Melhoria de Processos do Software Brasileiro (MPSBR)Fonseca, Letícia Rodrigues da 19 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / Faculdade Cenecista de Varginha / The Brazilian market for software and services has grown considerably in recent years.
According to the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES, 2011), Brazil occupies
the eleventh position on the world stage, moving 19.04 billion dollars, equivalent to 1.0% of
gross domestic product (GDP), this total, 6.74 billion refer to software production,
representing 2.2% of the world market. However, fierce competition manifests itself in the
same proportion opportunities. The national software compete with themselves and with those
from other countries, because there are not yet many barriers or legal restrictions against
marketing of international products (TONINI et al, 2008). This sector is still characterized by
evolving at a rapid pace, which causes frequent changes related to products, services,
processes and technology itself (MAURER et al, 2002; NIASI, 2009). Therefore, it is believed
to be fundamental for Software Development Organizations (ODSs) create a work
environment that supports continuous learning to cope with the challenges of the new
economy and remain competitive in the market. In this context, this study aims to understand
how learning occurs continuously of ODSs that have deployed MPSBR and identify which of
its aspects favor the individual and collective learning. By this, we carried out a qualitative
study of type multicase in four ODSs three classified at Level C and a level F. It was used as
a method of data collection to semi-structured interview. We interviewed individuals involved
in software development and representatives of the group responsible for the implementation
of MPSBR. The analyzes were performed using software for qualitative analyzes that allowed
Weft_QDA from the transcript of the interviews, the establishment of analytical categories for
the constructs and verifying relationships between their categories. By the results was
possible to understand how MPSBR can contribute to the establishment of a software process
quality and affordable, understand how MPSBR can encourage continuous learning through
their assumptions and developers understand how these companies learn at level individual
and collective. / O mercado brasileiro de software e serviços tem crescido consideravelmente nos últimos
anos. Segundo a Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Software (ABES, 2011), o Brasil
ocupa a décima primeira posição no cenário mundial, movimentando 19,04 bilhões de
dólares, o equivalente a 1,0% do produto interno bruto (PIB) brasileiro; desse total, 6,74
bilhões referem-se à produção de software, o que representa 2,2% do mercado mundial.
Contudo, a concorrência acirrada manifesta-se na mesma proporção das oportunidades. Os
softwares nacionais competem entre si e com aqueles provenientes de outros países, pelo fato
de ainda não existirem muitas barreiras ou restrições legais contra a comercialização de
produtos internacionais (TONINI et al, 2008). Esse setor é ainda caracterizado pela evolução
em ritmo acelerado, o que ocasiona mudanças frequentes relacionadas aos produtos, serviços,
processos e à própria tecnologia (MAURER et al, 2002; NIASI, 2009). Portanto, acredita-se
que seja fundamental para as Organizações de Desenvolvimento de Software (ODSs) instituir
um ambiente de trabalho que apóie o aprendizado contínuo, para lidar com os desafios da
nova economia e manterem-se competitivas no mercado. Diante desse contexto o presente
estudo propõe-se a compreender como ocorre a aprendizagem contínua no ambiente de
trabalho de ODSs que implantaram o MPSBR e identificar quais de seus aspectos favorecem
a aprendizagem individual e coletiva. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa de abordagem
qualitativa do tipo multicaso em quatro ODSs, sendo três classificadas no Nível C e uma no
nível F. Utilizou-se como método de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada.
Entrevistaram-se os indivíduos envolvidos no processo de desenvolvimento dos softwares e
os representantes do grupo responsável pela implantação do MPSBR. As análises foram
realizadas por meio do software para análises qualitativas Weft_QDA que permitiu, a partir da
transcrição das entrevistas, o estabelecimento de categorias analíticas para os construtos e a
verificação de relações entre as suas categorias. Ao final, foi possível compreender como o
MPSBR pode contribuir para o estabelecimento de um processo de software de qualidade e a
um custo acessível, compreender como o MPSBR pode incentivar a aprendizagem contínua
por meio de suas premissas e entender como os desenvolvedores dessas empresas aprendem
no nível individual e coletivo.
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Unravelling the Making of Real Utopias / Debates on ‘Great Transformation’ and Buen Vivir as Collective Learning Experiments towards SustainabilityBeling, Adrian Eugenio 13 August 2019 (has links)
Die immer offensichtlicher werdende Verflechtung der vielfältigen sozialen und ökologischen Krisen stellt Risikogesellschaften weltweit vor der Herausforderung, grundlegende Transformationen der vorherrschenden gesellschaftlichen Modelle und Lebensweisen vorzunehmen, welche sich an den kulturellen Vorstellungen des wohlhabenden globalen Nordens orientieren. Bisher haben sich jedoch sowohl internationale als auch lokale Versuche, globale Entwicklungspfade in Richtung „faire und nachhaltige“ Zukunft zu lenken, als weitgehend erfolglos erwiesen. Der weltweite Ressourcenverbrauch und die Degradierung der Biosphäre haben sich weiter verschärft und beschleunigt. In Anlehnung an die deutsche hermeneutische Tradition sowie an den französischen Poststrukturalismus und den amerikanischen symbolischen Interaktionismus versucht diese theoretische und empirische Dissertation, die strukturellen Zwänge zu modellieren, mit denen individuelle change agents konfrontiert sind, und sie daran hindern, sozial-ökologische "reale Utopien" (Bloch) voranzutreiben. Darüber hinaus nimmt diese Dissertation eine Typisierung möglicher Wege zur Überwindung solcher Einschränkungen vor, nämlich durch Eingriffe einer bestimmten Art von auf der meso-gesellschaftlichen Ebene operierender Agency, die wir als Para-Governance bezeichnen. Die Dissertation schließt mit einer Reflexion über die sich verändernden Formen und Funktionen von Governance im Anthropozän, die über herkömmliche, eng definierte rationalistische und institutionalistische Ansätze hinausgehen. / The increasingly apparent imbrication of the multiple social and ecological crises creates an imperative for “risk societies” worldwide to undertake fundamental transformations to the currently prevalent model of social organization shaped after the cultural imaginaries of the affluent Global North. So far, however, both international and local attempts at bending global developmental trajectories towards “fair and sustainable” futures have proven largely futile, with global resource-consumption and biosphere degradation further reinforcing and accelerating. Drawing on the German hermeneutic tradition, as well as on French post-structuralism and American symbolic interactionism, this theoretical cum empirical dissertation seeks to model the structural constraints weighting over ‘change agents’, thus preventing them from advancing social-ecological “real utopias” (Bloch), and typify possible ways of overcoming such constraints through interventions of a specific kind of agency identified as operating at the meso-societal level, which we refer to as para-governance. The dissertation concludes by reflecting on the changing forms and functions of governance in the Anthropocene beyond conventional narrowly defined rationalist and institutionalist approaches.
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As contribuiÃÃes do Grupo Doce Melodia atravÃs do ensino coletivo de instrumento musical: o caso dos estudantes do ensino fundamental da EEIF ConstÃncia de Sousa Muniz.Maria do Livramento Carvalho 00 August 2018 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Esta pesquisa realizada na instituiÃÃo pÃblica de ensino ConstÃncia de Sousa
Muniz, localizada no municÃpio de Cruz/CE, apresenta as contribuiÃÃes da prÃtica
musical vivenciada no grupo Doce Melodia a partir da metodologia do Ensino
Coletivo de Instrumento Musical (ECIM) no desenvolvimento escolar dos alunos. O
objetivo geral dessa pesquisa à investigar as influÃncias da prÃtica do grupo Doce
Melodia a partir da metodologia do ECIM, observando suas contribuiÃÃes no
desenvolvimento dos participantes em relaÃÃo ao interesse e rendimento dentro do
contexto da escola. Buscando-se confirmar a hipÃtese de que o grupo Doce Melodia
atravÃs da metodologia do ECIM pode influenciar positivamente no desenvolvimento
escolar dos alunos participantes, referÃncias tratando dessa metodologia de ensino
serÃo utilizadas nesta pesquisa para ter maiores conhecimentos sobre sua utilizaÃÃo
e suas contribuiÃÃes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa cujo mÃtodo utilizado à o
Estudo de Caso, no qual os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionÃrio
aplicado com as professoras do ensino regular das turmas do 4Â e 5Â ano dos alunos
participantes do grupo, assim como um questionÃrio e uma entrevista
semiestruturada com esses mesmos alunos. Em termos de anÃlise e interpretaÃÃo
dos dados coletados nesta pesquisa, possibilitou-se a compreensÃo das influÃncias
que a prÃtica musical vivenciada no grupo Doce Melodia pelo viÃs da metodologia
do Ensino Coletivo proporciona ao desenvolvimento escolar dos alunos
participantes. / Esta pesquisa realizada na instituiÃÃo pÃblica de ensino ConstÃncia de Sousa
Muniz, localizada no municÃpio de Cruz/CE, apresenta as contribuiÃÃes da prÃtica
musical vivenciada no grupo Doce Melodia a partir da metodologia do Ensino
Coletivo de Instrumento Musical (ECIM) no desenvolvimento escolar dos alunos. O
objetivo geral dessa pesquisa à investigar as influÃncias da prÃtica do grupo Doce
Melodia a partir da metodologia do ECIM, observando suas contribuiÃÃes no
desenvolvimento dos participantes em relaÃÃo ao interesse e rendimento dentro do
contexto da escola. Buscando-se confirmar a hipÃtese de que o grupo Doce Melodia
atravÃs da metodologia do ECIM pode influenciar positivamente no desenvolvimento
escolar dos alunos participantes, referÃncias tratando dessa metodologia de ensino
serÃo utilizadas nesta pesquisa para ter maiores conhecimentos sobre sua utilizaÃÃo
e suas contribuiÃÃes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa cujo mÃtodo utilizado à o
Estudo de Caso, no qual os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionÃrio
aplicado com as professoras do ensino regular das turmas do 4Â e 5Â ano dos alunos
participantes do grupo, assim como um questionÃrio e uma entrevista
semiestruturada com esses mesmos alunos. Em termos de anÃlise e interpretaÃÃo
dos dados coletados nesta pesquisa, possibilitou-se a compreensÃo das influÃncias
que a prÃtica musical vivenciada no grupo Doce Melodia pelo viÃs da metodologia
do Ensino Coletivo proporciona ao desenvolvimento escolar dos alunos
participantes. / This research, accomplished in the public school Constancia de Sousa Muniz,
located in Cruz (CearÃ), presents the contributions of the methodology of Collective
Teaching of Musical Instrument (CTMI) in school development of the students, based
on the musical practice experienced in the Doce Melodia group. The main objective
of this research is to investigate the influences of the CTMI practice within the group
Doce Melodia, observing its contributions on the participants‟ development,
observing contributions concerning to their interest and school performance in the
school context. Seeking to confirm the hypothesis that the CTMI influences school
development on participants of Doce Melodia group, we will use references about
this teaching methodology, in order to get knowledge about its use and its benefits. It
is a qualitative research, whose method is the case study, in which the data were
collected through a questionnaire applied with teachers of regular education in the
classes of 4th and 5thgrades whose studentswere involved on the group, as well as a
questionnaire and an interview with thosestudents. In terms of analysis and
interpretation of the data collected in this research, it was possible to understand the
influences that the musical practice using the methodology of the Collective
Teachinghad in the group DoceMelodia and offered to the school development of the
participant students. / This research, accomplished in the public school Constancia de Sousa Muniz,
located in Cruz (CearÃ), presents the contributions of the methodology of Collective
Teaching of Musical Instrument (CTMI) in school development of the students, based
on the musical practice experienced in the Doce Melodia group. The main objective
of this research is to investigate the influences of the CTMI practice within the group
Doce Melodia, observing its contributions on the participants‟ development,
observing contributions concerning to their interest and school performance in the
school context. Seeking to confirm the hypothesis that the CTMI influences school
development on participants of Doce Melodia group, we will use references about
this teaching methodology, in order to get knowledge about its use and its benefits. It
is a qualitative research, whose method is the case study, in which the data were
collected through a questionnaire applied with teachers of regular education in the
classes of 4th and 5thgrades whose studentswere involved on the group, as well as a
questionnaire and an interview with thosestudents. In terms of analysis and
interpretation of the data collected in this research, it was possible to understand the
influences that the musical practice using the methodology of the Collective
Teachinghad in the group DoceMelodia and offered to the school development of the
participant students.
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