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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da utilização das lâmpadas LED em laboratórios de análises: uma visão psicofísica nos laboratórios de Química e Biologia do Instituto Federal de São Paulo - Câmpus São Paulo / Evaluation of the use of LED lamps for analytical laboratories: A psychophysical sight in Chemistry and Biology laboratories of the Instituto Federal of São Paulo Câmpus São Paulo

Cintia Gonçalves Mendes da Silva 31 March 2016 (has links)
Nos últimos 15 anos a utilização do LED (Light-emitting diode) como fonte de iluminação alternativa se tornou bastante comum. Na década de 90 eles evoluíram de forma a ser possível a criação de LED com comprimentos de ondas menores, nas cores azul, verde e ciano e de onde veio a criação do LED branco de alta potência. Com este novo conceito de iluminação, devido às exigências de condições específicas para o desenvolvimento de atividades que exige um grau maior de cuidado no conforto visual e na confiabilidade de análise de cores na produção de produtos, o ser humano passou a ser um dos focos de pesquisa. Como a visão humana pode perceber o espectro de cores dos resultados de processos químicos com a presença do LED? Como o uso dessa tecnologia pode alterar de forma significativa o resultado de testes e exames onde a percepção de cores é determinante? O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a sensibilidade ao contraste espacial e fazer uma comparação com o uso das lâmpadas fluorescentes tradicionais para identificar as principais vantagens e desvantagens no uso desta tecnologia. As lâmpadas LED foram instaladas em um dos laboratórios de Química do Câmpus São Paulo e testes para identificação de cores foram aplicados a voluntários. Para efeito de comparação, os mesmos testes foram aplicados no laboratório de Biologia que tem o mesmo formato e dimensão, mas as lâmpadas foram as Fluorescentes tubulares e, para completar a análise, painéis LED foram instalados, também, no laboratório de Química e os testes foram repetidos. Os resultados quanto ao uso das lâmpadas tubulares LED foram bem consistentes e, comprovam que o LED pode ser utilizado em ambientes profissionais onde as cores são imprescindíveis para qualidade de produtos. / In the last 15 years, the use of LED (Light-emitting diode) as a source of alternative lighting has become quite common. In the 90 they evolved in such a way that it is possible to create LED with smaller wavelengths, in the colors Blue, green and cyan and the creation of the high power white LED. With this new lighting concept, due to the requirements of specific conditions for the development of activities that require a higher level of care in the visual comfort and reliability of color analysis in the production of products, the human being has become one of the focuses of research. As the human vision could perceive the color spectrum of the results of chemical processes with the presence of LED? As the use of this technology can change significantly the result of tests and exams where the perception is crucial? The aim of this study is to identify the spatial contrast sensitivity and make a comparison with the use of traditional fluorescent lamps to identify the main advantages and disadvantages in the use of this technology. LED lamps installed in a Campus chemistry Labs and tests for identification of colors applied to volunteers. For comparison, the same tests applied in the laboratory of Biology that has the same format and size, but the lamps were the tubular Fluorescent and, to complete the analysis, LED panels installed, too, in the laboratory of chemistry and the tests repeated. The results regarding the use of LED lamps were quite consistent and show that the LED used in professional environments where the colors are indispensable for quality products.

O tratamento lexicográfico de vocábulos de cores na perspectiva da semântica cognitiva

Brangel, Larissa Moreira January 2011 (has links)
As definições de cores encontradas nos dicionários semasiológicos do português estão passíveis a uma série de críticas. A análise dos verbetes de cores dos dicionários AuE (2004), HouE (2001), MiE (2001) e AnMS (1813) revelou que nenhuma destas obras apresentam verbetes de cores satisfatórios no que diz respeito à elucidação do significado de uma cor. Além disso, foi constatado que poucas foram as modificações sofridas nas definições de cores das obras do século XXI quando comparadas à obra do século XIX. O fato de os verbetes de cores dos dias atuais apresentarem falhas semelhantes às dos verbetes de cores de obras editadas há quase 200 anos parece indicar uma lacuna nos estudos lexicográficos que trate das cores nos dicionários. O presente trabalho se dispõe a discutir e tentar preencher esta lacuna. Para tanto, se procurou estabelecer uma relação entre os problemas encontrados nos verbetes de cores e a teoria lexicográfica, a fim de explicar o problema e, se possível, solucioná-lo. A partir dessa primeira análise, foi constatado que os verbetes de cores precisavam ser reestruturados. Para tanto, foi necessário estabelecer parâmetros que elencassem os segmentos informativos realmente necessários em um verbete de cor, para depois, se pensar em reelaborar estes segmentos. Os segmentos informativos reestruturados foram as paráfrases explanatórias e os exemplos, e esta reestruturação se deu com base nos postulados da Semântica Cognitiva. A visão prototípica de categorização, bem como a noção de corporeidade e de experiencialismo trazidas pela Semântica Cognitiva foram bastante proveitosas na discussão a respeito do fenômeno cromático no âmbito da Lexicografia. Através da relação entre teorias lexicográficas e a Semântica Cognitiva, chegou-se à conclusão de que as paráfrases de cores simples devem ser do tipo paráfrase explanatória analítica por metalinguagem do signo extensional e contarem com exemplares universais de cor no seu viés extensional para elucidar a cor. Em relação aos exemplos, eles devem estar alicerçados em padrões sintáticos curtos e frases de construções simples, além de contarem com exemplares prototípicos culturalmente situados das categorias de cor. Em complementação a isto, as cores simples devem contar com o mecanismo de substituição ostensiva, localizado nos textos externos do dicionário, que traga uma gravura da cor definida. A gravura oferecida pelo dicionário deve corresponder à elucidação de uma categoria inteira de cor, em conformidade com os postulados da Semântica Cognitiva sobre categorias prototípicas. Em relação às cores complexas, a Teoria da Mesclagem Conceitual aponta que este tipo de cor não necessita de uma definição, uma vez que seu significado é construído através da decodificação do próprio vocábulo. A proposta oferecida para as cores complexas é que o dicionário faça uma remissão para a cor simples da qual a cor complexa deriva e localize, dentro da categoria de cor simples, a zona correspondente à cor complexa. O desenvolvimento do presente estudo levou à conclusão de que o planejamento e reestruturação dos três segmentos informativos aqui elencados (paráfrase explanatória, exemplos e elementos iconográficos) permite a elaboração de definições mais satisfatórias para vocábulos de cores em dicionários semasiológicos. / Color definitions in Portuguese semasiological dictionaries are subject to much criticism. The analysis of color entries in AuE (2004), HouE (2001), MiE (2001), and AnMS (1813) revealed that none of these dictionaries have satisfactory entries when it comes to elucidating the meaning of colors. Moreover, it was observed that color definitions are quite similar when 21th century dictionaries and a 19th century dictionary are contrasted. Finding the same problems in color definitions of current and old dictionaries may indicate a gap in lexicographic studies concerning colors. This thesis aims to discuss and fill this gap. To do so, we tried to relate problems found in color entries to lexicographical theories, in order to explain these problems and, if possible, to solve them. This first analysis led us to conclude that color entries should be restructured. So it was necessary to set parameters, which could establish necessary informative segments to a color entry, and then restructure them. The restructured informative segments were explanatory paraphrases and examples. The restructuring was based on tenets of Cognitive Semantics. The Prototypical Theory and beliefs in Embodiment and Experientialism were very useful to the discussion about the chromatic phenomenon in lexicographical fields. From relating lexicographical theories to Cognitive Semantics, we concluded that simple color paraphrases should be explanatory, analytical paraphrases based on the metalanguage of the extensional sign, and they should rely on universal models of colors in their extensional part. Examples must be founded on short syntactic patterns and sentences with simple construction, relying on culturally situated, prototypical models of color categories. Besides this, simple colors must rely on ostensive replacement, situated in additional sections of the dictionary, which offer a picture of the related color. The picture has to represent/illustrate the entire category of that color, in accordance with the tenets of Cognitive Semantics about prototypical categories. Regarding complex colors, Conceptual Blending Theory shows that this kind of color does not require a definition, once its meaning is constructed by the decoding of the word itself. Our proposal concerning the lexicographical treatment of complex colors is to indicate them within the picture of simple colors. This study led us to conclude that, if one plans and restructures the three informative segments showed here (explanatory paraphrases, examples, and pictures), it is possible to provide more complete definitions of color words in semasiological dictionaries.

Os efeitos da musicoterapia através do software Cromotmusic em aspectos sensoriais, emocionais e musicais de crianças e jovens surdos : ensaio controlado randomizado

Rodrigues, Igor Ortega January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar, com o uso do software “CromoTMusic”, os efeitos da musicoterapia em aspectos sensoriais, emocionais e musicais de crianças e jovens surdos. Para isso, um ensaio controlado randomizado (ECR) com 38 participantes foi delineado a fim de comparar indivíduos em duas situações: tratamento musicoterapêutico com o uso do software “CromoTMusic” (n=19) e o uso de educação musical por vibração (n=19). A escala utilizada para as mensurações dos três desfechos (antes, durante e após as intervenções) foi a versão brasileira da Individualized Music Therapy Assessment Profile (IMTAP). As diferenças intergrupos (antes, durante e após as intervenções) foram comparadas pelo modelo de equações de estimativas generalizadas (Generalized Estimating Equations - GEE) e Análise de Covariância (ANCOVA) seguido pelo ajuste de Bonferroni para comparações múltiplas. Observou-se que a musicoterapia improvisacional aplicada através do software “CromoTMusic” foi superior ao tratamento controle (música através de vibração) em crianças e adolescentes surdos em todas as comparações intergrupos, exceto para a comparação dos desfechos Sensorial (Fundamentos) entre T2 e T1, para todos os desfechos do subdomínio Sensorial (Proprioceptivo), para o desfecho Musicalidade (Fundamentos) entre T2 e T1 e para todos os desfechos do subdomímio Musicalidade (Dinâmica). Os resultados do estudo são preliminares, pois esse foi o primeiro ECR dentro da musicoterapia com surdez. A investigação aponta para resultados positivos e confirma as evidencias encontradas na pratica com esse tipo de intervenção para crianças e jovens surdos. Espera-se que no futuro pesquisas iguais e/ou superiores possam encontrar resultados semelhantes. / The aim of this study was to investigate, with the use of the "CromoTMusic" software, the effects of music therapy in sensorial, emotional and musical skills of deaf children and adolescents. For this proposal, it was realized a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 38 participants in two situations: music therapy treatment, with the "CromoTMusic" software (n=19) and the use of music education by audio vibration (n=19). The assessment scale used for this investigation was the Brazilian version of the Individualized Music Therapy Assessment Profile (IMTAP). The inter-group differences (before, during and after the intervention) were compared using the model generalized estimating equations (Generalized Estimating Equations - GEE) followed by Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons. It was found that the improvisational music therapy applied through the software "CromoTMusic" was superior to the control treatment (music through vibration) in deaf children and adolescents in all comparisons between groups, except for the comparison of the outcomes Sensory (Fundamentals) between T2 and T1, for all outcomes of Sensory subdomain (Proprioceptive), for the Musicality outcome (Fundamentals) between T2 and T1 and for all outcomes of the subdomain Musicality (Dynamic). The results of this study are preliminary, because this study was the first RCT on music therapy and deafness. The investigation points to positive results and confirm the evidences founded in the practice with this type of intervention for deaf children and adolescents. It is hoped that in the future, similar and better investigations could find similar or better results.

A contribuição de um modelo de cores na usabilidade das interfaces computacionais para usuários de baixa visão / The contribution of a model of colors to the usability of computer interfaces by low vision users

Kulpa, Cínthia Costa January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender como as cores podem influenciar na usabilidade das interfaces computacionais do usuário na web, pelo deficiente de baixa visão. Para tanto, principia com uma apresentação sobre a interface computacional do usuário, relacionando-a a interação humano-computador. São levantados os fenômenos da usabilidade envolvidos nesta interação, além da conceituação das cores e suas diferentes abordagens; sempre considerando o usuário de baixa visão. Em seguida é apresentado o deficiente de baixa visão, sua contextualização, suas características e necessidades. Com base nestas informações, inicia-se o processo de discussão em torno da inclusão através da web, trazendo para este universo, os deficientes em questão, as tecnologias assistivas e a acessibilidade. Após a fundamentação teórica é descrito como estudo de caso, um teste de usabilidade de interfaces web realizado com usuários de baixa visão a fim de gerar conhecimentos que permitam desenvolver um protótipo de interface tendo as cores como elemento principal. O protótipo desenvolvido é apresentado juntamente com o teste de usabilidade realizado com este, comprovando a contribuição das cores na usabilidade das interfaces web pelos usuários deficientes de baixa visão e respondendo ao problema desta pesquisa. Como resultado do trabalho realizado, é proposto e apresentado um modelo de cores para ser utilizado como referencial teórico na construção e readequação de interfaces computacionais de usuários de baixa visão, visando à usabilidade das interfaces na web. / The aim of this research is to understand how colors may influence the usability of computer interfaces on the web by low vision users. First, a presentation of the user computer interface is made, by comparing it to the human-computer interaction. Phenomena of the usability involved in this Interaction are elicited, as well as the conceptualization of colors and their different approaches, always taking into account the low vision user. After that, we discuss the low vision individuals, their contextualization, characteristics and needs. Based on this information, we begin the discussion about the inclusion through the web, bringing into that universe the target subjects of the present study, the disabled individuals, assistive technologies and accessibility. After the theoretical section, we describe a study case consisted of a web interfaces usability test with low vision individuals, which aimed to provide us with information that contributed for the development of an interface prototype which has colors as the principal aspect. The prototype developed is presented with the usability test conducted with it, showing the contribution of colors for the usability of web interfaces by users with low vision and answering to the problem and quest of this research. As a result of the work we have carried out, we propose and present a model of colors to be used as theoretical framework for the construction and improvement of computer interfaces by low vision users, aiming the usability of interfaces on the web.

Ocorrência de parasitoses intestinais com ênfase na infecção por Strongyloides stercoralis e coccídios (Cryptosporidium sp., Cystoisospora belli e Cyclospora cayetanensis) em pacientes portadores de HIV/AIDS atendidos no serviço de assistência especializada (SAE) do município de Jataí-Go / Occurrence of intestinal paasites with emphasis on infection by strongyloides stercoralis and coccidia (Cryptosporidium sp., Cystoisospora belli e Cyclospora cayetanensis) among patient HIV/AIDS attend at serviço de assistência especializada (SAE) in Jatai city - Goiás

Barcelos, Natane Barbosa 07 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-08-10T20:40:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Natane Barbosa Barcelos - 2016.pdf: 1790957 bytes, checksum: bb3fbe9e0077cacc8493c76bc9d73a34 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-12T15:53:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Natane Barbosa Barcelos - 2016.pdf: 1790957 bytes, checksum: bb3fbe9e0077cacc8493c76bc9d73a34 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T15:53:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Natane Barbosa Barcelos - 2016.pdf: 1790957 bytes, checksum: bb3fbe9e0077cacc8493c76bc9d73a34 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-07 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / Opportunistic infections are frequently observed in patients with HIV / AIDS. Among the most common parasites, have the nematode Strongyloides stercoralis and intestinal coccidia responsible for aggravating the situation of patients, often recurrent cases and chronic nature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites with emphasis on infections caused by S. stercoralis and intestinal coccidia in patients with HIV/AIDS attended at Serviço de Assistência Especializada (SAE) in the municipality of Jataí-GO, correlating with clinical, laboratory and socioepidemiological parameters. Was a harvested three stool sample on alternate days and processed by Lutz techniques, Rugai, agar plate culture, Ritchie and specific staining, Ziehl-Neelsen modified, Kinyoun and rapid method of Safranin. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism version 5.0 software and the values of p <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Fecal samples were analyzed three collected on alternate days in 90 patients, totaling 270 samples. The age ranged from 23 to 77 years, with mean and median of 42 years, the majority of female patients (54.44%). The prevalence was 28.88% for intestinal parasites, of these, 3.8% for S. stercoralis, Cryptosporidium sp. and C. belli, respectively. There was a significant correlation between positive for intestinal parasites stratified by clinical status (OR: 11.42; 95% CI: 2.18 to 59.6) and the use of antiretroviral therapy TARV (p = 0.0419) as a protective factor against opportunistic infections. The smoking (OR: 6.522- 95: 1.1 to 36.0) showed significance when correlated with the increase in viral load. Furthermore, there correlation between parasitic association with CD4 + lymphocyte counts (p = 0.0132) and type of sex (p = 0.0001). We conclude that the low prevalence of S. stercoralis and intestinal coccidia is due to the widespread use of TARV among patients in this county. In addition, the parameters analyzed are of great importance to understand the parasites acquisition risk in this population, and assist in establishing specific and early diagnosis of strategies that improve the quality of life of these patients. / As infecções oportunistas são frequentemente observadas em pacientes portadores do vírus HIV/aids. Dentre os parasitos mais comuns, tem-se o nematódeo Strongyloides stercoralis e os coccídios intestinais responsáveis por agravar o quadro clínico dos pacientes, muitas vezes por casos recorrentes e de caráter crônico. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a prevalência de enteroparasitos com ênfase em infecções causadas por S. stercoralis e coccídios intestinais em pacientes portadores do vírus HIV/aids atendidos no Serviço de Assistência Especializada (SAE) do município de Jataí-GO, correlacionando com os parâmetros clínicos, laboratoriais e socioepidemiológicos. Foi colhida três amostras de fezes em dias alternados e processadas pelas técnicas de Lutz, Rugai, cultura em placa de ágar, Ritchie e as colorações específicas, Ziehl-Neelsen Modificado, Kinyoun e o Método rápido da Safranina. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o software GraphPad Prism versão 5.0 e os valores de p <0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significantes. Foram analisadas três amostras fecais colhidas em dias alternados de 90 pacientes, totalizando 270 amostras. A idade variou de 23 a 77 anos, com média e mediana de 42 anos, sendo a maioria dos pacientes do sexo feminino (54,44%). A prevalência foi 28,88% para de enteroparasitos, destes, 3,8% para S. stercoralis, Cryptosporidium sp. e C. belli, respectivamente. Verificou-se correlação significativa da positividade para parasitos intestinais estratificados pelo status clínico (OR: 11,42; IC95%: 2,18-59,6) e pelo uso da Terapia Antiretroviral (TARV) (p=0,0419) como um fator protetor contra as infecções oportunistas. O tabagismo (OR: 6,522- IC95:1,1-36,0) demonstrou significância quando correlacionado com o aumento da carga viral. Além disto, verificou correlação entre associações parasitárias com contagem de linfócitos TCD4+ (p= 0,0132) e tipo de relação sexual (p=0,0001). Conclui-se que a baixa prevalência de S. stercoralis e coccídios intestinais seja devido ao amplo uso da TARV nos pacientes deste município. Além disto, os parâmetros analisados são de grande relevância para compreender a situação de risco de aquisição de parasitos nesta população, além de auxiliar no estabelecimento de estratégias de diagnóstico específico e precoce que melhoraram a qualidade de vida destes pacientes.

Discriminação cromática em crianças com paralisia cerebral do tipo espástica / Evaluation of chromatic discrimination in children with spastic cerebral palsy

Jaelsa da Cunha Pereira 20 April 2012 (has links)
Entre os nossos sentidos, a visão é um dos canais pelo qual recém-nascidos interagem com o meio ambiente, o qual exerce fundamental influência sobre o desenvolvimento de nossas funções cognitivas, habilidades motoras e comunicação social (Milner & Goodale, 2008). Assim, a visão é expressivamente requisitada na criança em fase escolar. Nas crianças com paralisia cerebral além do comprometimento motor apresentado, outras alterações sensoriais podem estar presentes, principalmente aquelas relacionadas à visão. Nosso trabalho teve como principal objetivo avaliar a discriminação cromática em crianças com paralisia cerebral espástica em idade escolar (média=10,13; DP=2,89), pois dentre tantas funções visuais importantes esta tem sido muito pouco estudada nesta população. Avaliamos a visão de cores de 43 sujeitos com paralisia cerebral espástica (5 tetraplégicos, 22 diplégicos e 16 hemiplégicos). Divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de (n=31) possui AV (média=1,13 decimal de snellen; DP=0,25) outro grupo (n=12) possui AV (média=0,39 decimal de snellen; DP=0,13) Um grupo de crianças (n=53) formou o grupo controle. As crianças dos três grupos estavam equiparadas por idade e foram submetidas aos mesmos testes. Além da comparação entre os limiares de discriminação cromática, buscamos associações e correlações entre acuidade visual, sexo, idade, prematuridade, nível de comprometimento motor dado pela escala do GMFCS e etiologia. Estendemos também a avaliação cromática para um grupo de sujeitos adultos (n=41), com idades variando de 18 a 69 anos (média=42,58; DP=14,21). A avaliação da discriminação de cores foi realizada usando o teste psicofísico computadorizado, versão adaptada por Goulart et al. (2008) do original (Cambridge Color Test). Este teste utiliza a versão curta trivector, que mede limiares de discriminação cromática em três eixos de confusão: protan, deutan e tritan. Além disso, o teste apresenta duas posições de localização do estímulo (direita ou esquerda) o que garante condições favoráveis para avaliar crianças com paralisia cerebral. Os resultados apresentaram diferenças significativas nos eixos protan e deutan (p<0,05) no grupo de sujeitos com paralisia cerebral e acuidade visual próxima em relação ao grupo controle. Porém, o mesmo não aconteceu para o eixo tritan, contrariando os achados dos poucos estudos encontrados na literatura. O grupo de sujeitos PCs com acuidade visual reduzida apresentou piores limiares cromáticos para todos os eixos e foram estatisticamente significantes (p<0,05), tanto quando comparados com os PCs com acuidade visual normal ou quando comparados com o grupo de sujeitos controle. Entretanto, subgrupos de PCs (diplégicos e hemiplégicos) apresentaram valores semelhantes de limiares cromáticos entre si, atestados pela não diferença estatística, porém os sujeitos tetraplégicos mostraram-se significativamente diferentes dos diplégicos e hemiplégicos (p<0,05). Considerando-se os níveis de GMFCS observamos uma correlação positiva e significativa para o eixo protan e deutan, mas não para o eixo tritan, bem como também para as demais variáveis testadas / Among our senses, vision is one of the channels by which infants interact with the environment, which exerts a fundamental influence on the development of our cognitive functions, motor skills and social communication (Milner & Goodale, 2008). Thus, vision is significantly required in school age child. In addition, children with cerebral palsy who present motor impairment, can also present other sensory changes, especially those related to vision. Our study aimed to evaluate chromatic discrimination in children at school age who have spastic cerebral palsy (mean= 10,13; SD=2,89), for among many important visual functions, few studies have extensively been done in this population. We evaluated the color vision of 43 subjects with spastic cerebral palsy (5 quadriplegic, 22 diplegic and 16 hemiplegic). Divided into two groups: one group (n=31) had visual acuity (mean=1,13 decimal snellen; SD=0,25) another group (n=12) had visual acuity (mean=0,39 decimal snellen; SD=0,13) A group of children (n=53) formed the control group. Children from the three groups were matched by age and underwent the same tests. Besides comparing the chromatic discrimination thresholds, we seek associations and correlations between visual acuity, sex, age, prematurity, level of motor impairment given by scale in the GMFCS and etiology. We also extended the chromatic evaluation to a group of adult subjects (n=41), with ages ranging from 18 to 69 years (mean=42,58; SD=14,21). Evaluation of color discrimination was performed using computerized psychophysical test, version adapted by Goulart et al.(2008) original (Cambridge Color Test). This test uses the short version trivector that measures chromatic discrimination thresholds in three areas of confusion: protan, deutan and tritan. In addition, the test has two positions of the stimulus location (left or right) which ensures favorable conditions for assessing children with cerebral palsy. The results showed significant differences in protan and deutan axes (p<0,05) in the group of subjects with cerebral palsy, and short visual acuity in the control group. However, it did not happen for the tritan axis, contradicting the findings of the few studies in the literature. The group of cerebral palsy subjects that had reduced visual acuity presented worse chromatic thresholds for all axes and were statistically significant (p<0,05), this is when compared to spastic cerebral palsy with normal visual acuity or when compared to the group of controls. However, subgroups of spastic cerebral palsy (diplegic and hemiplegic) had similar values of chromatic thresholds among them, certified by non-statistical difference. On the other hand, tetraplegic subjects were significantly different from the diplegic and hemiplegic (p<0,05). Considering the levels of GMFCS, we observed a positive and significant correlation for the protan and deutan axis, but not for the tritan axis and neither for the other tested variables

Per-face parameterization for Texture Mapping of Geometry in Real-Time / Parameterisering per-primitv för texturmappning av geometri i realtid

Noren, Johan January 2014 (has links)
We investigate the mesh colors method for per-face parameterization for texture-mapping of geometry, implemented in the game engine Frostbite 3, for the purpose of evaluating the method compared to traditional texture-mapping in a real-time application. Traditional UV-mapping often causes discontinuities which commonly results in visible seams in the end results. If any change is done to the vertex positions or the topology a remapping of the UV-map has to be done. Mesh colors aims to avoid these problems by skipping the transformation to 2D space as in UV-mapping, and associating color samples directly with the geometry of a mesh. The implementation was done in Frostbite 3 in C++ and HLSL shader code, and rendered with the DirectX graphics API. The results show that mesh colors is a viable alternative in a real-time renderer. Though not as fast as regular UV-mapped textures due to lack of hardware accelerated filtering operations, mesh colors is a realistic alternative for special cases where regular texture-mapping would be cumbersome to work with or produce sub-par results. Possible areas of future research are efficient data structures suitable to handle data insertion dynamically, compression of mesh colors data, and mesh colors in the context of mesh LOD generation.

Étude des mots indiquant la couleur dans les proverbes et les locutions proverbiales français et irakiens : étude linguistique comparée / Study of the words refering to color in french and iraqi proverbial proverbs and the expressions : compared linguistic study

Altaie, Liqaa 04 September 2015 (has links)
Notre thèse porte sur l’étude linguistique contrastive de la référence aux couleurs dans les proverbes à partir d'un corpus de 208 proverbes recueillis en France et en Irak. Nous étudierons la manière dont les couleurs sont exprimées dans les deux langues (catégories grammaticales, structure grammaticale et prosodique des énoncés, outils rhétoriques appliqués aux couleurs pour renforcer leur valeur expressive), ainsi que le rapport des locuteurs à l'usage des couleurs dans les proverbes qu'ils utilisent. Nous essayerons également d'explorer dans les deux langues les différences liées à l'époque où le proverbe a été le plus utilisé, ainsi que le degré de connaissance des proverbes selon l'âge, le sexe, la profession et la région du locuteur. La langue française, ainsi que le dialecte irakien contiennent une grande proportion de mots indiquant la couleur dans les proverbes. Et c’est la connotation de ces mots qui est à l’origine de la difficulté de compréhension. De plus, selon les pays, les cultures et les époques, les couleurs revêtent des significations différentes, parfois aux antipodes de celles des cultures voisines, comme le blanc, associé en occident et dans les pays arabes (comme en Irak) à la pureté, alors qu’il est lié au deuil dans la plupart des pays asiatiques. Grâce à la langue, comme nous le savons, l’homme peut communiquer, échanger les informations, les idées et les sentiments. En d’autres termes, les parleurs peuvent exprimer ce qu’ils veulent exprimer, ce qu’ils veulent dire et les auditeurs peuvent recevoir les informations. Cependant, dans la communication, il n’est pas toujours facile de comprendre complètement et exactement ce qui est dit et écrit, parce que le sens du mot est compliqué et sophistiqué. Le même mot, utilisé dans ces différentes situations, aura différentes significations. Les mots indiquant la couleur se heurtent aux mêmes problèmes. Fonctionnant comme une unité isolée, le proverbe est une combinaison de mots tirés du vocabulaire général de chaque langue. Nous considérons les mots indiquant la couleur dans les proverbes et les locutions proverbiales comme l’objet de notre étude parce que la couleur est partout dans notre vie : la couleur des plantes et des animaux, la couleur du ciel et de la terre, la couleur des aliments, mais aussi parce que les proverbes constituent une source de vocabulaire riche pour ceux qui apprennent la langue. Les proverbes portent divers champs sémantiques et ils reflètent bien les difficultés culturelles liées à l’apprentissage du français en Irak. En outre, nous essayerons de prouver, à travers des transformations et des manipulations, que ces proverbes peuvent être figés. Une étude approfondie de ces traits sémantiques et syntaxiques nous a paru de première nécessité pour rendre compte de l'existence du figement dans les proverbes, phénomène linguistique à la fois très important et très complexe. Par ailleurs, la comparaison critique entre ces deux langues, le français et l’arabe en l’occurrence, affirme que ce phénomène du figement n’est qu’un fait linguistique universel, et révèle que chaque langue a ses propres mécanismes de figement. Nous pouvons noter que du point de vue sémantique, le sens des proverbes n’est pas calculé selon les règles de la compositionalité ; autrement dit, le sens global des proverbes n’est pas l’addition du sens des éléments qui les composent. / Our thesis concerns the contrastive linguistic study of The reference to colors in the proverbs from a corpus of 208 proverbs collected in France and in Iraq. We shall study how the colors are expressed in both languages (word classes, grammatical and prosodic structure of the statements, the rhetoric tools applied to colors to strengthen their meaning value) as well as the link of the speakers for colors in the proverbs they use. We shall also try to explore in both languages the differences related to the period when the proverb was the most used as well as in the degree of knowledge of the proverbs according to age, sex, profession and the region of the speaker. The French language as well as the Iraqi dialect contain a big proportion of words indicating the color in the proverbs. And it is the connotation of these words that is the origin of the difficulty of understanding. Furthermore, according to countries, cultures and times, the colors take on different meanings sometimes to the antipodes of those of the nearby cultures like the colour white, associated in the West and in Arab countries to purity, while it is refers to mourning in most of the Asian countries. Thanks to the language, as we know it, the man can communicate, exchange information, ideas and eelings. In other words, the speakers can express what they want to express, what they want to sayand the listenerscan receive the information. However, in communication, it is not always easy to understand completely and exactly what is said and written, because the meaning of the word is complicated and sophisticated. The same word, used in these various situations, will have various meanings. The words indicating the color come up against with the same problems. Working as an isolated unity, the proverb is a combinatio of words taken from the general vocabulary of every language. We consider the words indicating the color in the proverbs and the proverbial expressions as the object of our study because the color is everywhere in our life : the color of the plants and animals, the color of the sky and the earth, the color of food, but also because the proverbs constitute a source of rich vocabulary for those who learn the language. The proverbs refers to diverse semantic fields and they reflect nicely the cultural difficulties related to learning of the French language in Iraq. Besides this, we would try to prove through transformations and manipulations that these proverbs can be frozen. An elaborate study of these semantic and syntactical features seemed to us absolutely essential to report the existence of the congealing in the proverbs, a very important and very complex linguistic phenomenon at the same time. Besides that, the critical comparison between these two languages : French and Arabic in this particular case, asserts that the phenomenon of the congealing is just a universal linguistic fact, and reveals that each language has its own mechanisms of congealing. We can note that, from the semantic point of view, the meaning of the proverbs is not calculated according to the rules of the compositionality ; in other words, the global meaning of the proverbs is not the addition of the meaning of the elements which compose them.

Réification des propriétés visuelles pour les tâches de composition / Reification of visual properties for composition tasks

Jalal, Ghita 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les graphistes utilisent des propriétés visuelles comme la couleur, la police de caractères typographiques, la taille ou la position pour construire et communiquer leurs concepts visuels. La plupart des outils numériques de composition considèrent les propriétés visuelles comme simples attributs. Ces propriétés sont accessibles, quand l’objet est sélectionné,via des boîtes de dialogue, sans êtres considérées comme objets indépendants dans l’interface. Cette thèse porte sur la réification des propriétés visuelles des objets graphiques pour les tâches de composition.Je soutiens l’importance de créer des outils de composition qui permettent de manipuler les propriétés visuelles directement, sans passer par des menus ou des boîtes de dialogue.La manipulation des propriétés visuelles dépend de la perception des propriétés, de l’expertise de l’utilisateur et de leur représentations sur l’interface.Elle dépend également des outils existants pour manipuler les propriétés visuelles dans le contexte de travail. Les outils numériques de composition utilisent principalement des boîtes de dialogue. Certains travaux de recherche soutiennent l’importance de faire évoluer les boîtes de dialogues, et proposent des boîtes de dialogues plus interactives. D’autres travaux proposent de nouvelles manières de représenter et de manipuler les propriétés visuelles.Les graphistes préfèrent les outils qui agissent directement sur les propriétés visuelles. Ils adaptent ces propriétés, pour les utiliser comme outils leur permettant de compléter des tâches comme l’alignement et l’espacement.Les artistes et les designers travaillent en développant leurs propres représentations des espaces de couleur. Ils manipulent chaque couleur, dans le contexte des autres couleurs utilisées dans le même document.Leurs choix de couleur dépendent également d’autres propriétés visuelles comme la texture, la matière, ou la luminosité. En créant leurs mise en page, les graphistes établissent des liens entre les propriétés spatiales comme la position, la taille, et la superposition des éléments graphiques. Ils créent des règles pour définir comment ces liens évoluent dans un même document, ou entre différents documents.Deux groupes d’outils proposent des exemples de la réification des propriétés visuelles pour des tâches de composition. Deux études avec des designers présentent différentes utilisations envisagées pour ces outils.Chaque utilisateur présente des exemples de projets spécifiques dans lesquels ces outils faciliteront leurs tâches de composition, et comment ils leur permettront d’obtenir les rendus recherchés. / In this dissertation, I argue that visual composition tools should reify visual properties— that is, create them into first-class, interactive objects that designers can manipulate, directly in the document. Artists and designers use visual properties such as color, typography,size, and position to create novel composition concepts. Most visual composition tools treat graphical elements as objects— but not their visual properties. The latter are simply attributes of graphical elements, usually accessible on demand, through property sheets or dialog boxes, rather than as independen tinteractive objects.I begin with an introduction, where I outline the dissertation and summarise the main contributions.Then, I present a conceptual overview, where I argue that perception, expertise, theories and existing representations of visual properties affect how designers manipulate them in their work. In the related worksection, I identify the main approaches visual composition tools propose to manipulate visual properties.I explain the advantages and limitations of these approaches.I present a comparative structured observation study (Chapter 4) where graphic designers perform visual composition tasks in Adobe Illustrator. Designers preferred tools that provide direct access to visual properties.They use these visual properties to complete visual composition tasks such as alignment and distribution.I then present two interview studies (Chapter5, Chapter 6) that examined artists’ and designers’practices as they manipulate color and create layouts in their projects. Artists and designers create personal color representations. They manipulate each color in the context of its surrounding graphical elements,and combine it with other visual properties such as texture. As they create their layouts, designers establish links among visual properties such as size,position, and layering of graphical elements. They define rules for how these properties change in space,across instances of the same composition, or in time,across related compositions.Based on these observations, two groups of prototypes (Chapter 7) demonstrate how we can reify visual properties into first-class graphical objects. ColorPartner supports creating personal representations of the color manipulation process. Color Revealer permits creating informative color representations of how a process evolves. Palette Explorer supports manipulatingvisual properties of color swatches, such as size, position and layering, in the context of surrounding colors. Color Compositor supports manipulating the combination of colors and textures. Linkify supports linking visual properties directly in the documentand defining rules for how these links evolve as the content changes. Contextify supports creating rules that define how visual properties change across instances of a composition. In two follow up studies,designers explain how they intend to use these tools in their current projects..I conclude with a summary of the contributions(Chapter 8) and a discussions of the limitations and future work.

La dénomination des couleurs chez les Beri du Tchad

Khidir, Zakaria Fadoul 25 March 2019 (has links)
Les Вεrι ne semblent pas connaître un terme générique pour designer les couleurs : ils font usage d’un emprunt à l´arabe [lo:n]. Mais ils utilisent par contre six séries de couleurs dont chacune constitue un domaine de conception, spécifique par rapport aux autres, bien que souvent on manque des termes pour désigner chaque couleur par un seul et même nom. Chacune des séries apparaît assez diversifiée par la variété des notions qu´elle exprime. Les couleurs, dans le système de Вεrι.

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